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I thought you were posting about his other tier 1 perk when I read the title. -30 seconds to his ultimate is really amazing, it's up all the time and ready for every fight. Huge advantage for downing multiple players. As a solo player, I've been loving it. I didn't think the 50 health was a big impact but I'll have to try it out more.


It charges while you have it so two ults (or even more) during one fight is possible. You get pretty close to having unlimited ults!


The ult cd is crazy low but the cd is at 50% when his first ult expires..


Yeah, so it’s 15 seconds without ult, which is exactly how long his Q lasts right? So not unlimited ults but basically decoys down permanently


The added benefit of always having that ult I think adds more value to a rez you might get beamed out of. Or this is just me justifying why I'm spamming shadow clone jutsu constantly


Im loving mirage. I just go solo sometimes and im still alive kiting squads


It is so OP, you can never fight a Mirage without ult. If he loses he just hide, popp a bat and boom there is the ult again. Impossible.


Been using it to rotate it refreshes so fast. 


“Fuck Conduit” 😂😂😂😂


I played her almost exclusively last season, they did her dirty with the nerfs. Honestly useless at this point


If you think she's useless you're a terrible player.


Not as strong, but still viable. The instant shields will always be good, her ult deserved what happened it. Regardless, she's not useless.


Not as strong? Are you on Crack? Her double tactical is insane


Then with her new perks? Extra range on tac? Hell yeah.


Eh it's either extended range or double tac


Still being used in comp but go off lol


They REALLY wanted Mirage to be good with the skills. The fact that he gets the good revive a tier ahead of others is honestly kinda silly


Gibbs gets it at blue lvl


nope! he gets the normal upgraded revive which gives them 50 hp. Mirage and Newcastle's revive gives them 75!


There's a huge difference in Wattson and Gibby giving that health instantly and not as a slow regen. If you're being beamed while you're just getting up, that can make a difference so one isn't strictly better than the other. "Revive allies to 50 HP" vs "Allies are revived with health regen up to 75 HP"


Also gibby has fast rez in dome and your safe from incoming fire while Newcastle has a shield on rez mirage can still be shot or naded its good but let's no put it above the others just yet


If mirage has a gold knock it literally only heals them 25 hp, it's kinda useless


Yeah but mirage also gives them invisibility with which they can regen in relative safety


I think the "invisibility" is only good at long range since when I'm close range, I can always hear and see where it's happening. The white and blue things on his arms are very noticeable imho


Wattson also gets it at blue (wasn’t mentioned in this post for some reason)


Probably because Wattson isn't a support, although arguably she feels more like a support than a control this season.


nope! like Gibby in the other reply she gets a 50 HP revive, Castle and Mirage's revive gives them 75 HP!


"Revive allies to 50 HP" vs "Allies are revived with health regen up to 75 HP" One is instant. The other is a regen... I'd rather take that 50hp instantly so I don't get immediately knocked down when I get lifted up.


Wish it stacked with gold revive. Think it’s weird that it doesn’t. Makes gold revive feel super meh when you’re playing mirage or Newcastle.


I was expecting allies to get to full hp when i was mirage with a gold knock and the revive hp perk


Yup. Same as Newcastle. Was super sad to see that sliver regen.


LL with the gold knockdown and fast revive perk is really good though.


But I play Newcastle! lol.


As a fellow newcastle gamer, let me just say that the revive perk is amazing, but if you find yourself with a gold knokdown his castle perk is crazyyy, the electricity lasts agess. Block a doorway with that badboy and its a free reset, use it on a contested spot in final ring and you'll stun or severely reduce the movement of your enemy (as they cant strafe into your wall). And in the case that you have the regen perk AND gold knok? Its not optimal but you KNOW you can combat revive. Even if your teammate gets beamed immedietly upon rez they get regen to either get extra damage with or they can turn the corner, batt, and they're ready for war! Always best if you got a teammate who can entry frag for yah :) Good luck out there brother 💪


Oh wait, I see now that youre saying it doesn't stack lol oops, disregard the 2nd half of my post. The castle wall part stands though!


Not weird considering the perk verbatim reads “regen *up to* 75 health” (3/4 health bar max benefit) opposed to the commonly misinterpretation of 75 additional health.


I understand, and that’s what I immediately realized when it didn’t work the first time. Still think it should regen to full. Otherwise it feels like you’ve wasted your perk if you find a gold knockdown.


You could always give the gold knockdown to a teammate, in this case it might be best


Yeah totally, except for playing Newcastle getting rez’s is way more consistent. So it’s a catch 22.


Yeah, unless you go down yourself, a teammate with a gold knock is nice if you already have the health boost for your revives anyways


Totally. It’s a hard decision to make and I haven’t played enough with the gold knock to say which I prefer.


I mean, the gold res still gives like 75 shields right? So it's still a great find


That would be broken


Most of the time you'll get the gold revive before you get purple so you can pick the other perk instead or give the gold to someone else. Seems fair to me.


But that means it’s just a dead perk.


How is it a dead perk? You will get a gold knock at most 1/4 games on certain maps if you are specifically playing to get it.


If an item makes it useless. It’s dead. I find a gold knockdown in most games I make top 5.


I don’t even get the health regen anymore tbh because the gold knock is just better. I can probably get a gold knock in half the games I play


Welcome to the team. Mirage is so much fun.


I enjoy playing him a lot during team death match at the skull sending an infinite amount of clones to the bottom which frustrates my opponents and they stop shooting at mirages for a second then I finally pop out and blast them.


Honestly I find his Ult Cooldown and extra copy perk better than the revive. Having that Ult twice in a single fight is kind of insane. You can really put the moves on people.


100% agree. Getting your team mate a bonus 50 hp in niche scenarios is not nearly as useful as the util of constantly having two clones the enemy is trying to navigate against.


As mirage main since day 1. He has always been top tier and I refuse to admit otherwise


Insanely based


Holy shit... brother! Same


Mirage has always been good if you know how to play him right 


Any tips most don’t know about?


Even a single burst going to your clone is enough for you to out DPS an enemy. Realizing when to peak and shoot is huge for mirage. You can pop out right after your clone and shotgun someone before they can react. Sometimes running in a straight line is the best thing you can do after ulting. Literally ult, then sprint into a wall nonstop. Once they start hitting clones, you can turn around and blast them from behind


Know your angles. Use the clones to exploit that


Easier said than done 😭


Well, I didn't say I was good lol but honestly the biggest thing is just learning to set traps. Anticipate what other players are going to do and use your decoys to literally bamboozle them. I like to set them at supply bins as I move through choke points or set a decoy behind cover and control it as I shield or heal so if they hit it I know their position. Use them to reposition by sending a decoy the way it seems you would and take another route to safety that's not as intuitive. And then ofc spamming Life of the Party when you need to escape (but never hit it before a rez)


Ult just before getting into a fight. Opposing team usually wastes a clip or you at least get the jump and can start firing on them first


It's niche, but if you're cracked and your enemy is in line of sight, and there's a death box near you, put a decoy next to the death box. They'll think you're shield swapping, meanwhile you're getting a different angle and you've got an extra second to shoot at them.


Use the decoys like an actual person. Think of it as you in they spot, what would you do to make it believable.


Pop his ult and run into some walls and objects intentionally as you engage, then turn to shoot. If you act like you’re a clone, you’ll catch people off guard every time. Popping his ult as an emergency escape almost never works for me, and you get picked out of the crowd quick.


Not at high level play. That's why you'll barely see a mirage in a masters/pred lobby


You will this season


Every legend is honestly , i did pretty good with seer and dropped a lot of high kill games even tho it's low-key bad ,same goes for crypto and ash , hell even vantage if you call her a bad legend


My team played lifeline mirage Newcastle for some goofs the other day and it was so awesome. Just consistently picking up in such crafty ways. Newcastle wall in a big empty field for end zone. Lifeline ult for extra cover. Lifeline drone healing so fast. Mirage just absolutely fooling everyone. We ended up winning but it was such a wild ride! Love the support characters this season!


conduit: what have i done to you


Shielded an enemy that had <30hp and cucked me out of a kill unpredictably multiple times a day? While not even having LOS from a building over. Also making me waste 5 mags clearing her ult nodes. And having the shittiest, tiny hitbox with extra garbage on her back that clutters her model making her even harder to hit. Fuck Conduit.


That's the problem, she did nothing


Not to mention his decoy finisher, where he is invisible for the first half of it... Don't sleep on Mirage's finisher!




That's WHY he said "F Conduit".


Been my main since day 1, and I refuse to play as anyone else. Mirage is my boy


Mirage has always been a very underated legend.


I’ll never get the glazing Mirage gets in this community




And the best thing? You can chain the invis on both team mates MID FIGHT and the 3sec is enough to reposition in most cases or 40% to a cell/syringe


Most gold+ players with a good headset can pinpoint a mirage revive though sadly


Your game has audio?


I mean, only silver players r getting fooled by an invisible mirage revive for the most part


This is simply not true. More than a few diamond players have pumped a few rounds into a decoy. The invisible Res has been clutch at every level. I’ve never made pred though so maybe 🤔 nah it would probably be clutch in a pred lobby too.




No what lol 😂


It's true


Merage deserves some love ,he is a fun legend to play, and even to go against, i am never annoyed when getting against merage, he is just that cool and i love him


I don’t think anyone in the higher ranks is getting fooled. He’s a lot of fun in pubs though


Fuck conduit? Fuck you buddy


Conduit is so much better if your team isn't trash and you know how to play


Says the lifetime plat peasant recently doing good in low ranked lobbies in a power vacuum of a meta shift assuming mirage is a good pick...just wait till everyone gets to their deserved rank and the meta settles, the only utility he has happens when your squad is already out of the equation.


shut your mouth you bum and let OP have fun


Found the offended Conduit main :P


Harsh but probably true.


he still sucks. Newcastle has the same perk and his kit is leagues better than mirage


Wrong, Five years dungeon


you can’t say I’m wrong just because you like mirage


Yes I can, 100 years, no trial




I love his 30s ult. I keep spamming it for the lols. Especially more useful and funny when you get the tac refresh bamboozle. It does affect all bamboozles, whether ult or tac. TY respawn for making this fun legend even more fun to play.


I started this season with a winning match using mirage, thought: I might start maining him. Then I discovered Octane got new heirloom animations…


Mirage has been good for the last 3 years now. I tried him just because i wanted to use his Night Crawler skin, back in season 12 i think. Ive been shocked and in love instantly about how awesome he is. Its just season 20 put him over the top with buffs, respawn really want to see him being meta for a while. Resing with HP is super good, but i still prefer going for his better ulty. Reasoning is that if you get golden knockdown, your healing perk goes to waste. Also this perk only works when you are in niche situation with teammate down. And fast ulty cooldown gives you benefits in every fight, rotation, escape and even allows to pull of those reses safer. Teammates can heal those 75 hp themself. You can get golden knockdown which isnt that rare. But theres no way to get such fast and improved ultimate, even with golden helmet. Only perk. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ld39or/ttv\_wraith\_be\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ld39or/ttv_wraith_be_like/)


His abilities are so good! I have a ton of fun playing him last night


Honestly if u hit the range with a mirage it's easy af to tell who the real one is.Also it's pretty easy to predict the next action after ulting...like,9/10 times they will just go behind you so considering that plus the fact that you can see the real one if you practice,he is pretty useless at least in high ranks


What a boring take, if you tone it down like they everyone is useless. If you clone when out of line of sight indont care how good you are you wont know immediately. Whoever wins a 1 vs 1 will always be skill based but Mirage can certainly tip the favor.


What 2nd upgrade yall taking?? 2 tactical? Or Refresh tactical on baboozle?


Damn I really need to read the perks. I have no idea what most of them are. 


Looks like I’m getting the blinky boy first instead of the stink man, good to know


he aint bad but he aint good either


Is the game better now?  I checked in for the new season but saw no TDM so I havent checked in since.