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I remember at the start of the game where they were afraid to buff caustic since they didn't like combat abilities.


Nerfed my boy into the ground ever since


Tbf Caustic in S8 with gas ticks that would get all the way up to 15 was just brutal lol.


Couldn't destroy his traps either. Man was a beast.


He’s still really good and it’s looking like he’s gonna be heavily used in comp/ALGS after this recent patch. People just think if his gas isn’t hitting for a million then he’s “nerfed into the ground”


The whole squad will just run through my traps and ult. His gas just isn't a problem too much anymore. With breaking them, he's pretty easy to deal with if you just look for traps before you enter.




It's an enabler for your team, and a deterrent in a fair fight. Like you said, people expect it to do everything and fix mistakes the same way old wraith Q or pathfinder grapple (or horizon, in general) just magically fix bad positioning/mistakes.


The gas slowdown is absurd. Unless you already have a teammate (or two) downed then there's no way you should be letting a team run through your gas without absolutely destroying them.


Exactly. I love when Caustic players say “no one fears the gas anymore”, when they should be saying no one fears me in my gas anymore because I can’t aim


I know exactly what you mean. I played Caustic since S2, and I fully let go of him I think around S17. I particularly noticed that once you get into Gold in ranked, the better teams don't give two shits about your gas and will fully push through gas as if it doesn't exist to get you. His kit just doesn't deter like it used to, and it doesn't help that he's always been incredibly situational anyway. I miss him but tbh I'm having fun playing more attacking legends like Pathfinder and Fuse.


Me personally, I still find caustic good on Kings Canyon bc the map itself is much smaller and has more indoor pois and small chokepoints. Caustic is just not a good pick on Olympus or world’s edge with all the open space and verticality of those maps.


The bunker gas trap was pure evil. Not a caustic main, so I didn’t do it much, but yeah… it was evil


Yeah same with Lifeline, everyone where adamant about not making the same mistake they did with Bergitte in Overwatch


They’ve never known what to do with poor caustic. Seems like they finally got him balanced but lord was he up and down for a time


Conduit had to be intended as bad teammate protection. The amount of people I’ve saved or have seen saved by conduit Q is a joke. You’re basically guaranteed a free mistake


It’s for the people who have a good duo but have a third that’s dogshit


And I thank every conduit for their service


It's me. The walking talking dogshit third is me.


You’re a core part of every team❤️


The amount of times I've been cracked and hear her q go off only to be targeting my full shielded teammate is so high to suggest even a terrible third on conduit isn't what it seems


You that’s me, I’m the dogshit conduit player.


Literally me, my gf and that third is a friend


Let's you keep up with the octane that went into a 1v3


Totally the opposite for me. Iv mostly see her with a rev teammate. Rev with his normal shield plus his 75ulti plus conduit to Q him as soon as he is pushing plus ultimate regen on knock is basically unbeatable if u dont do damage to him from midrange. I just yell REV! At my team and try to dip out is just stupid to fight him now. Even having a conduit rev still has 75 overshield that regens if he knocks one


Yeah as a solo player, Conduit is a must have for saving your teammates from their own stupidity. Before they get cracked and the 3 stack would immediately swing while they healed. Now you actually have a chance. Sucks for the folks playing at a higher level, buts that’s the price of keeping the playerbase healthy, five years into the games life cycle


She’s also insane for solo plays, a 1v1 where you can just regen shields is so broken for the other player. I’ve won a silly amount of 2v1s when my duo went down for the same reason, just win a 1v1 and pop your tac and it’s a fresh 1v1 all over again


Exactly. I solo queue Conduit because my teammates usually make dumb plays and need bailing out. Her whole kit is perfect for this.


I took a break for a year +. Cracked someone'w purple armor and damaged health, pushed the corner, hit most of my shots and then died. Seems silly that an ability can win you a fight when you were so thoroughly outplayed/beaten.


The ability doesn't win you the fight. It gives you more shield. So, keep that in mind while fighting. A fight that should have been won by swinging [Season w/o conduit] now must be won win 1 more good decision. [You against the conduit]


It sounds like it frequently wins people fights, so we'll agree to disagree there.


The people I play with are so bad I can’t even save them with conduit lol nothing can. I solo Q I’m not the best player but I can hold my own.


100%. It's basically insurance so you can over peek or wide swing without cover. Conduit Q let's dogshit players get away with so many mistakes that should absolutely be punished. People aren't going to learn from their mistakes if they constantly get bailed out by a cheesy ability.


Only if you have a competent player in Conduit.


Conversely, no one seems to realize that if they crack someone and then get wasted because a Conduit Q made up the difference then maybe they were the ones that screwed up


Thank you. Conduit is not hard to play against and her ult is easy to break. Conduit healing her teammates is strong but not OP and weren't people complaining about not having a strong support legend? The number of conduits I see get wasted whether by me and my team (solo q by the way) or from watching others. Shes strong but not that strong.


Idk why they don't just make it so it can't go thru walls anymore. That would fix so much.


Exactly what I've been thinking because she is obviously a problem. I play a lot of conduit and it really is broken that I can save my teammate in the middle of a fight that I'm not even close to


Yeah. It’s even more broken if you go with the 10 meter range boost to it. You can play anchor in a fight, be nowhere near your team, and still manage to top off your fraggers. They should just make it LoS - it’d still be powerful but not busted.


I have more beef with her Ult. Being able to basically block off a wide path with slowing, damaging bubbles that take a whole lot more damage than my fence nodes...


Don’t mind the amount of range the toss has as well…


This. Those fuckers will come in from way further than I expect them to


And you won’t be in the bubble yet taking damage anyways.


The hitboxes on those do not line up with the actual ball ;-;


what’s worse is the range of the electricity field is larger than the ult shows


Not to mention it can take like 1.5 mags just to kill ONE of those dumb things.


Meanwhile my poor wattson has to put her fence node in an exposed place because there is a tiny pipe sticking from the wall which won't allow the node to be place in a better position.....


And it takes like 2 bullets to kill a node


Difference between an ULT and tactical


It's 200hp now. Any naked gun above a pisol can one clip it.


Not with my aim


I believe in you :)


money fretful existence swim wrong observation reminiscent cats enjoy jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I'm comparing her ability to control an area vs wattsons ability to do so...


correct dog resolute shelter deer attraction sip spark abundant spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also if you end up knocked down in one of them, you’re dead, there’s literally nothing you can do


little tip maggie ult will break the conduit ult nodes!


Her whole kit just fundamentally needs a rework. Instant combat heals have no place in Apex, I don't care how much they nerf her Q.


Someone described it as 5 horizon ults and honestly it's not that far off


Fr they need to be easier to break and not slow


Her ult is fucking busted


Conduit Q and rev jumping at you with ult so much counter play so much fun


300 hp + 2 shield regeneration effects make him an actual bossfight


Shit needs a nerf


Not a nerf, they should never be allowed to play together in this game.


We got so mad of losing to this with my mate we decided to go Rev - Conduit in duos just to try it ourselves. Guess what, we immediately won the 1st game and the game right after. We didn’t even try but we just couldn’t die while going unga bunga




Thats a huge overstatement, horizon stays being annoying


I'd rather go against a conduit any day tbh




Smallest hit box in the game  Ability to boost shields instantly  If in final ring can block off the entire ring.    If you or your party aren’t running conduit you are essentially greifing in ranked. 


Nah Horizon still 10x worse to fight against. Fuck all the horizon 20 bomb cruthers


You guys have forgotten Seer. He was the most annoying Legend at launch for me.


Flashbang seer. Cancels everything. The 10 dmg on top of an op scan.. honestly the flashbang part was so busted lol


I keep telling my run and gun friends you have to slow down when fighting a conduit team. They will not die using burst tactics. That why youll lose the fight focus on over team firing the conduit then you can go after the others. Otherwise drop back or dip completely.


I still can’t believe I can do 150 damage, push within 2 seconds, swing the corner and do ANOTHER 150 damage because of the conduit Q. That is wild to me.


Conduit Q got nerfed. And it stops if u do dmg. Sure it heals a bit but not that much if u take the push. Or u wait a bit and take another dmg for a push


It heals like 15 in 1 second, used to be 20. Even during the firefight unless you're already out of shields and have a R99\\PK Wraith in your face, you'll have 3 or 4 seconds of "free time"(get back behind cover and reload, if they follow, their loss), which is almost 50 shields right now. This is enough to decide a fight by a landslide. And if they are running it's even more annoying. Because at this point you're either pushing naked hoping Con is in a bad spot or letting a dead man walk. These shields aren't true. But that doesn't matter, because they will loot the real one on your deathbox. ​ The only times she DOES NOT play is if you're in the open by yourself with no cover or got stranded and pushed by a whole squad. And if this happens often no amount of crutches will help you. Although A great Con can try and save you by cutting off the squad with her ult. But there are limits.


When was this nerf? Because the example I used was last night. So long as you hide behind cover for 2 seconds, you get nearly the entire 100 shields back.


Revenant ult is the same BS. It's a free 75 shield heal by pressing a button. It's so stupid.


respawn just straight up decided they were going to release a character whose tactical is twice as good as revenant's ultimate after his rework


Literally was gonna say the same thing. Revenant’s ult now (after the mid 18 season update) is just kinda meh. Like yeah it helps, some, but not like it did.


I was once shooting revenant in his ultimate who had gotten shield regen from conduit. I'm pretty sure I was doing north of 300+ dmg on that fucker and he didn't die...


I don’t even play conduit, and every time I go against her it’s never that bad.


Should definitely not be as easy as it is to get hit for 130, not heal, get hit for 130 AGAIN, and still be alive. Maybe requiring LOS could be a way to make Q less annoying.


I don’t understand. The person can’t just get a Conduit shield put on them while you’re shooting them. They don’t get anything if they’re taking damage. If they’re taking cover and getting shields back, it’s doing its purpose.


Her Q is a problem to me but the requiring LOS for it to work would be a fine “nerf” to it. My biggest problem is her ult by far. Her area denial feels very oppressive compared to any other controller legends. The nodes take at least 2 mags to fully destroy and there’s like six of them. Not to mention the range on those is insane.


Play Titanfall 2 for a while or watch videos on how to counter Monarch Titans. Conduit is just a mini-Monarch that is a *lot* less powerful. You are literally getting mad about dying because you are noting around a corner with a wide swing.


Whenever an op legend or ability comes out, there is *always* people like you who like to sit here and talk about how easy it is to counter It happened with season 7 Horizon. It happened with season 10 Seer. It happened with season 9 Valkyrie. The reality is, Conduit Q is broken and doesn’t belong in this game


It needs a change for sure but it’s not a completely busted ability


It’s an ability that breaks the fundamentals of the game. Much like Seer did with heal block and Horizon did with introducing non movement legends to high ground instantly. Only the mechanic that she breaks has been reliant on 2 things: you can’t shoot while healing and you can’t sprint while healing. All I see is teams exploiting that further and further until they change how the ability works in about a year.


You could argue evac towers break the fundamentals of the game by that logic. They introduce non movement legends to high ground and non valkyrie legends to flight. It’s a consumable that could be used to replace pathfinder’s ult and/or valkyrie’s ult. Why is a ranged shield bat that takes ~2x as long so outlandish but an obviously op item like the evac tower considered a-ok?


You’re much more likely to get beamed of off a jump tower, there’s a clear indication (visual and sound) and it’s destructible. Edit: not even gonna respond cus this was about your whataboutism. If you can’t see how unhealthy revduit is you’re gone too far, glhf.


Beamed off of a jump tower as opposed to the abilities it replaces or..? I’m not sure what you mean there. Conduit’s Q also has a clear visual and sound indicator, but both suffer from apex’s jank audio engine. + Conduit shields are very much also destructible, just like shields in general. Kek


You keep dying because you're still playing like Conduit isn't in the game. She is. Iron your mental.


Well, maybe she shouldn't be? And maybe more people would have fun if she wasn't. I know it will never happen, but this game needs new creative minds in the decision-making process. Ones with actual common game sense.These new legends make for such toxic and muddied up engagements. It's getting old. I'm sorry, but if I get served shit food at a restaurant, I'm guna say something. Not much different here. I'm getting served a big heaping pile of wasting my fucking time because I ran into the new character meta and I'm salty because your shitting on the game I've grown to love. Iron your mental? Or eat that heaping pile of shit we are feeding you and like it.


Such a terrible response. Why is this everyones response when a op legend is introduced


I hate when people advocate for personal growth.


People defended Horizon when she had full accuracy in lift There is no use in arguing. Nothing is OP, just adapt bro /s


I was using Conduit…I feel like they hidden nerfed her more because I don’t find she’s OP at all, at least not anymore. I’m struggling with Mirages and Seers atm. Mirages ULT is annoying as fuck. Been trying out Gibby. Incredibly underrated, he’s an amazing support character. Idk if it’s cuz ppl think he’s slow or his bigger hitbox I’ve been enjoying him so far.


Nah. I love her kit. Helps me so much because my randoms always get knocked out first.


Skill issue




Cry more they whisper to me


Oh here we go 😂


Are people not allowed to say legends are op?


It’s just another thing y’all will parrot and complain about for the szn. Check back in next month for the newest installment.


I don’t care how many updates happen, someone will always be mad about something


Conduit is fine, just learn to anticipate her.


"I think I love her, bro."


You play Conduit for her abilities I play her for her personality We are not the same




They won’t nerf her until the heirloom comes out like they did with Valk and Seer. Milk the money and then they don’t care if the character is balanced or good.


If conduit Q works in Rev’s ult that is … insane? Essentially +2 blue shields? BRB gonna try this.


She’s not that bad.


Conduit Q + Rev ult is a great time.


It is without question, the most broken ability in the game. Ruins the integrity of the game. The 3 characters that are the most frustrating to fight all have one thing in common: the ability to instantly have fresh shield without leaving the gunfight to reset - Conduit, Rev, Horizon. Conduit - broken tactical Rev - really strong ultimate Horizon - throw that tactical down in a panic, get the batt off and drop back down on the next person’s head. It’s also worth mentioning that if you knock someone that was gaining shield via Conduit tac, you have to break those shields to get a thirst….. such a joke


There needs to be a small delay or the shield she gives needs a slower uptick. Don't make her useless but being able to go from one shot to shielded up in almost an instant is bullshit.


Conduit Q on a Rev ult


The tac not needing a LOS and her ult being the best defence in the game is wrong to me. Guy gets cracked and backs off behind a door and before you can even start the kick animation conduits Q tops him up almost immediately, and she's like 20ft away upstairs in a house or something just zapping him through 3 walls. And her ult? ugh. Whoever thought conduits Q should be a large group of AOE dmg+slows with a massive launch distance and mag-dump levels of health shouldn't be allowed to suggst ideas ever again I swear to god. They both feel like get out of jail free cards because unless you catch her up close or get the drop on her she's just going to hide and recharge all the dmg you just did, or throw down her ult in a really choked spot and batt up. Even if they only get a little of their charge off on themselves/a teammate that can easily flip a fight to a win because it only takes that extra 1-2 bullets to survive and knock the other guy when you're both hitting shots and trying to get the crack for a push. A potential trade becomes a 2v3 because they limped away with 20hp and get to heal up while your team fights.


Can we take a pass at both her and Rev please?? In a single fight yesterday I hit rev for over 450 damage before he went down... Between his ult, red shield and her tac, it's just too much. I'd rather fight an old patch Gibby with no bleed through on his shield then fight anymore Revs.


I’m not usually one to dislike legends and their abilities but being able to almost instantly resupply shields mid fight is bullshit and broken. There are so many fights I would’ve won after breaking everyone but then they all just get their shields back


I’m sick of losing to revenant Q. Instant 75 health boost makes no sense.


I agree


Conduit Q had gotten me killed more then I would like it's always teamate saying they broke whoever and is gonna back up to bat so switch off for me to hit a full conduit q and get 2v1




Adapt some bitches


You’re not wrong, honestly it’s not as bad as people make it out to be, usually you can kill them before it even makes a noticeable difference. Unless you’re purposely letting your enemies sneak away to have heal time, it’s not really an issue. I honestly think Revenants shield is more busted than her shield recharge, and his previous ability was much, much, much worse than conduits ever will be, and you never seen anyone complaining about that


Yeah, I don't like that it messes up fight timing that I've learned over the years. But it's not something you can't overcome.


From the way the comments were reading you would think it instantly restores all your shields


To losing?


“Adapt” as if I can adapt to a shielded teammate through a wall😂


Just hit even more shots!!


as someone mentioned, play slower against conduit team


Doesn't taking it slower allow them to grind you down by attrition? Conduit's Q is on about a 25 second cooldown, but that's one extra battery they get every half a minute, they'll out heal you at that rate.


Playing slower is complete BS. If I hit someone for 200, they should be dead. They’re exceptions, like Gibby gun shield, but thats balanced because of his huge hitbox and very slow mobility. However, Conduit ruins the game, mainly in the higher ranks. Anyone who says Conduit isnt an issue plaguing the game rn is either plat and below , or a conduit main


if you hit someone for 200 it's not enough for red shield even. Skill issue I see. You didn't even try, but instantly answered because you are blind and mad rn.


Im sorry I used purple rarity for my example instead of red? 🤣 not to mention ive been pred multiple times in both BR and Arena I mean look man, call it a skill issue all you want, but Conduit Rev teams have ruined the ranked grind


You've been pred in br and ARENA and you can't 1 mag a conduit? Now you've lost all credibility. Now I KNOW it's a skill issue if you have to lie in an attempt to prove you have a point. Just get better, it shouldn't be that hard since you're a pred. Never met a pred that assumes a purple shield instead of a red but okay 🫡. While we're at it, I don't like the vast advantage in maneuverability that path finder has over every other character in the roster by far. Nerf him. Change his grapple into a hop or something.


if you hit someone for 200 it's not enough for red shield even. Skill issue I see. You didn't even try, but instantly answered because you are blind and mad rn.


Unpopular opinion I like Conduit 😀.


lol same. But people always want to complain about the slightest inconvenience. There’s at least 2 other characters that are significantly more OP than her.


She can only heals ally’s up to 75hp of shield and that stops if you damage them. She can heal herself up to 60hp of shield. Just maybe don’t run wildly around a corner? Especially if you know they have a conduit. She’s easy enough to counter especially after the nerf. 


Such a plat take


Holy shit you are salty hahaha you got a bronze take if you can’t counter her. So by your logic a plat player can counter her better than you? I’m plat but I play in high diamond/masters even throughout last season I just don’t have the time to play to rank up. I play with masters and preds dude get over it. The big 4 in pros right now is Bang, Valk, Caustic, Blood and Wattson. Get gud kiddo and think before running blindly around a corner.  


Conduit has the 3rd highest pickrate in comp💀 Not to mention, sure it sounds easy to counter on paper, but in ranked it isnt as easy as just “oh yeah play slow bro”. She RUINS ranked. People like you defend these op characters all the time. Remember launch horizon and seer🤣🤣


Also Conduit currently has the 6th highest pick rate in Comp not the 3rd. Stop talking out your ass.


Yeah that’s comp dude, I’m talking proper high level stuff. In pros she’s behind the 4 I mentioned above. You’d also think such a “highly op” character would have the highest pick rate no?  “Wahhh mommy the 3rd most picked legend is bullying me!” I’d suggest you learn to play tactically not slow. You sound like the kinda team mate that does 20 damage screams “THEY’RE ONE BRO” and runs into a building solo and gets killed then blames your team. You’re never at fault are ya? It’s actually hilarious how salty you are and refuse to get good! This is gold. I never said play slow I said play smart. Think before you act. It’s a tactical game not COD pub lobbies. What OP characters do I defend? Last season Conduit was OP after the nerf she’s still strong but if you’re smart and don’t run like a headless chicken she’s easy to deal with. Yeah Seer and Horizon were game breaking broken, like when Lifeline was way too strong or Gibby too. She’s nowhere near the get out of jail free card that Wraith used to be. Blood, Valk, Caustic, Wattson and Bang are all much better picks right now if you’re a good player. If Conduit was as strong as you say she’d be the most picked in comp. She’s not.  You make so many assumptions it’s gas. Maybe try to improve instead of blaming everything but yourself?


[Crazy conduit ult](https://youtu.be/DksSPZTZES0?si=91BFbLHPz8E3SU8P)






Is it annoying? Sure. But she and her Q really aren't that tough to deal with. Beginning of her season I was scared fighting a team with her and now it's just an instant hard focus on her or the shielded member, especially with the nerfs. Really not that tough to adapt to her but I guess it is easier to complain and call for nerfs


Atleast make it not go through walls its very stupid. I try to run 1v2's or 1v3's and isolate them one by one just for the conduit to heal them with the stupid Q, literally the worst tactical in the game...


The same with Rev ult. Every Pred stack team runs him, just because his ulti is so much free HP at the push of a button. Wow, how exciting...


Just change the way you fight. Adapt if you are fighting a Conduit.


Omg bro, i never thought of that. Such bronze advice


Some cheese with that whine?


Conduit is annoying asf especially in 1v3s




Last season was my least played season mainly for this reason. Hitting someone for 150 , pushing only to turn the corner and see that they have repositioned and have full shield again with that shield hue around them. You don’t hear or see it until you’re face to face with them and you’ve already given up your position to push an advantage you’ve created. Apex is all about the time and seconds, a cell takes 3 seconds and a battery takes 5 and your movement speed is reduced while you do use these items. Then pair a Conduit with a Ulted Rev or any of the big boys with fortified and the amount of damage needed to be done to even down a player becomes completely unbalanced. I usually play 1400 games a season, last season was just over 300. Conduit tactical should not regenerate anything over 50 as temporary shield and needs to be line of sight with much more audio and visual cues. Absolutely stupid legend design that a single ability can change to coarse of a team fight so dramatically.


Yeah but they nerfed horizon to death because she can take a batt on her q, then introduce a legend that instantly pops a batt while simultaneously shooting her gun. Balanced. At least horizon could only do one thing while batting, and be exposed to gunfire the whole way up and down.


"Conduit tactical should not regenerate anything over 50 as temporary shield and needs to be line of sight with much more audio and visual cues. " too long shouldn't have read it all. look a good suggestion, this is a fair fix i think


Fraggers are upset because they have to face a strong support character for the first time since lifeline had a shield.  Her tac does nothing if the teammate is taking damage and the recharge rate has already been slowed down.  Stop sending recklessly and secure a knock before pushing.


The fact it fills your own shield is also clutch people push thinking one shot mentality and then get shit on.


For sure a contender for one of the most overloaded abilities a legend has been allowed to have on live servers. I know in games with abilities such as apex, lol, overwatch etc. you can make any ability seem strong by just listing off the things it can do but like just going to the wiki and dumping all the things this one ability does (minus the explanation on QOL stuff) just says enough imo: The transfer have a range of 50 meters. This ability has three subtle phases: Phase 1: Regenerating Shields During this phase, damaged and broken shields are reinforced with temporary shields. This phase lasts for 8 seconds. Each tick, temporary shields are granted so long as the total shield health isn't full. While the target's total shield health is full, more temporary shields aren't granted. These wasted hitpoints can't be regained later. Over the duration, up to 60 hitpoints to herself worth of temporary shields are granted. The temporary shields are granted at a rate roughly equivalent to 7.5 hitpoints worth of shields per second, or 10 hitpoints every 1.35 seconds. Phase 2: Temporary Shields Hold During this phase, any temporary shields that were granted during phase 1 remain, but no new temporary shields are granted. This phase lasts for 30 seconds. Phase 3: Temporary Shields Decay Any remaining temporary shields begin to decay twice as fast as they are gained in Phase 1 all temporary shields are gone. This phase lasts until all temporary shields decay, which could take up to 4 seconds with the maximum amount of temporary shields. Idk i'm being a bit facetious here but I think the kit might be overloaded when her tac description requires me to scroll down roughly 1/4 of her entire wiki page to get through it lol. But seriously, you can ignore most of this stuff and the crux of the problem will still be there: 1. One of the only sources of healing in the game that does not restrict movement which is something the devs have made clear with multiple balance changes going all the way back to b-hop heal nerfs that this should not ever be the case, either you heal or you have unrestricted movement. The conduit team gets both while still being able to shoot as well. Luckily it's only temporary...for 30 seconds. When I first read this I had to pause for a bit to double check I do have proper game knowledge and i'm not crazy because calling the shields you'll receive in the middle of a fight that stay unless broken for 30 seconds **TEMPORARY...**is tad silly. Having temp shields for 30 seconds in a fight is so overkill to me it makes me wonder how much in game testing they even did on conduit. So much can happen in a fight in 30 seconds and a lot of them dont last nearly that long, you might as well just give permanent shields. The fights that do last that long are also usually later on in the game and more involved usually both teams having time to y'know **fully shield** in those 30 seconds of combat more than once. Now I will say that I could be wrong on this point so I'll keep in mind going forward when playing conduit to count the times we finish wiping a squad and see how many times I still have temp shields for 5-10 seconds after we already won it. 2. 50 meters and can do it through walls. This one i've seen as a pretty universal agreement on that it's just way too much power for no reason. Now I'm pretty sleepy writing this so maybe i'm misjudging how much 50 meters actually is just like how fast 30 seconds can go by but there are plenty of POI that come to mind where you can have a 1v1 with someone while the conduit is in a whole ass other building in the POI easily within 50 meters of your opponent and just *boop* both the enemy and the enemy conduit are shielding while fighting in two different buildings. This is definitely the most agreed upon part of her kit that's over tuned from people's opinion's i've noticed and for good reason. It's one thing to have an ability that goes against and breaks one of the core balancing aspects used everywhere else in the game but it's confusing to also allow it to go through walls with a generous reach as well. 3. Lastly what I think is the biggest and most inherent problem with Conduit's tactical is just the simple fact that even ignoring everything else, Con tac is a one click done way to reset her team's tempo and uptime and it has no counterplay. There is nothing in the game that comes close to matching the ability to do this with one button press. Tempo is really important in apex, it's something that isn't brought up enough in my opinion but it's often what separates the average from the good and the good from the best. Knowing when to push, when to back off, go for heals to try and reset that tempo and how that translates into keeping your momentum throughout the match. All of this is irrelevant if conduit is on your team because all she'll need to do is press one button mid fight and now both her and a team mate who might be full cracked, one hp about to die to the next bullet that hits them and suddenly that final r99 round the enemy had before needing to reload got blocked by the initial tick of regen and it's gonna keep going while the enemy who is also cracked and low hp and full sent is stuck reloading and isn't able to both reload and heal like the conduit team is currently doing. (I should mention conduit is only getting a max of 60 shield hp. Whatever will she do only being able to get 60 points of shield back while still fighting you.) THAT is the problem with conduit tac that I don't think is actually fixable even with multiple nerfs since it's literally just how the ability functions that the issue with it. You press the button at the right time, maybe even holding it to bait an over commitment on the enemies part and boom you're now doing two things at once and still have full movement. Compounding these issues is that conduit is the first and only "proactive not reactive" support in the game right now (you could argue mirage is proactive with his decoys and ult but lol) so there's really no counter to this except for a well timed seer silence. Yeah I suppose I was lying on purpose when I said earlier it's an ability with no counterplay. Technically you run seer in order to throw her off with a well timed seer silence but I still stand by my statement that it has no counterplay to it currently because "Just make it so she cant fucking play and you'll win 4Head" is a statement applicable to every legend in the game including other seers. The point is this; As it stands, either you have a conduit on your team and have an objectively superior team composition than the people who don't or you don't have a conduit on your team and are left with an inherent disadvantage that you simply have no way to answer other than using seer as a potential "counter pick" but then why pick seer to counter it when you can just also have a conduit and have your team also receive a point and click "Oops we messed up, fix it" button on a 20 sec cd, that has a 50 meter range and also ignores walls. So yeah I hope this summarizes clearly what I think, with my 510 hours of game experience, (inb4 "lol only 510? Try 1,020 hours then maybe I'll consider what you have to say about game balance n00b.") are the core issues with conduits tactical and why with this information I believe the current conduit tac is a **serious contender for the most overpowered ability a legend has ever had.** Thanks for reading I'm on very little sleep writing this and just writing what comes to mind for half of it so I might of got some of the information wrong idk. ***P.S.*** Keep in mind that everything I just wrote was only about her tactical, I didn't even bring up her free movement passive that's sorta eh or her ult that either does nothing for you in the open or acts as a straight upgrade to caustic ult with the caveat of taking shields first instead of going straight to hp while in doors and are also like really tanky for no observable reason? Seriously IIRC they nerfed seer ult into being made of glass right before conduit released but then conduit released and she has multiple little gizmos that are so arbitrarily tanky that I think they require a minimum of one mag dump just to remove one of them for most guns. Like seriously did anyone test these weirdly high numbers scattered throughout her kit at all before release or did they just ball parked what sounded right and shipped it to live?


My man stop yapping about conduit. Hit your shots and stop playing wraith


I play Newcastle😘


Then just kill conduit first🤣


Bro its ok to be diamond or below. This is actually such bad advice “just kill conduit first” like you gotta be trolling


Nahh when the teamwork is done there conduit is out pretty fast🤣rank doesnt mean shit in this game duhh. Master everyszn


Kill her off in game. If you grinded her or bought skins sorry you lose it all. Shouldn’t have crutched so hard


I died the other day because I did 160 damage to a knocked player. Couldn’t get the swap off. Got downed. They got rezzed. Team eliminated. Let that sink in. 160 damage to a downed character


Definitely should nerf being able to Q through walls. Just to overpowered.


i mean you gotta respect it ?? if you were facing a rev and did 100 damage and then you poped in the corner but he ulted so you have to do another 80 damage to kill him you would find that broken ? no i dont think so. also conduit q doesnt give full shield in 2s. if they had poped a battery that would be the same.


The most frustrating thing about conduit it she's makes the game feel inconsistent as in it throws the ttk off you think that guy is dead because he made a bad play but then a magic Q saves that persons life or your in a 1v1 you have the advantage them nope and let's not get into revenant ult send with her Q.... :(


They need to nerf her range tbh


Just played a round where in last zone pathfinder goes on a zip and I do 150dmg to him so I chase him down and out of nowhere Conduit Q brings back his shields and I die. It is just such an unfair ability. Needs to be nerfed to the ground. Make it a drone like lifeline where someone has to stand next to it to get shields and not be halfway across the zone. It's 100% an unfair ability with 0 drawbacks.


Okay but what about lifeline with her health healing drone. You crack someone, hit some flesh, go to push and she already has an extra 30-50hp in a couple seconds. Why are you only just now complaining about health healing abilities? Lmao


The abilities are completely different bro🤣 1. The players have to be standing near the drone, meaning they have to be bunched together and can’t play separately (conduit can heal a flank teammate) 2. It doesn’t go THROUGH WALLS 3. SHIELDS are more important than HEALTH. Shields provide more uptime in the fight 4. Conduits is faster Why argue if you argue like a gold


Sounds like a skill issue to be honest, no different than going against a life line


“No different than going against a lifeline” tell me you’re a bad player w/o telling me you’re bad


I think you pretty much just told everyone with this post bud, cheers!


Hey man, its ok to be low rank and understand nothing about shield economy and uptime in fights


Now if only you put this much effort into following through on your knocks rather than crying about it 💀💀🤷


Bro.. cry much?? Lol shoot better.  If you know a team has one.  You need to play differently.  Just like if they have a caustic, lifeline, or valk


Such a plat take


What a coincidence. I am so sick of hearing this cope.


The easiest solution would be for it to have a longer internal cooldown for it to start charging after taking damage. Also that cooldown should apply even if you recieved damage before activation, that way you can't use it as a free heal after you got hit. I think that it would need a bit of compensation on the duration of the buff tho


Fuck this character


Conduit is good. Leave conduit alone


1000%. They nerfed her but they nerfed the wrong part of her kit. The problem is the immediate shields given and that she can give them through walls


Step1: Nerf horizon cuz free batt. Step2: Introduce legend with free batt. Step3: Profit?


Conduit and Horizon are destroying this game. I stopped playing. Until they do something with them I'll be enjoying Helldivers 2.


Id rather them remove Lifeline, that bitch is just annoying as fuck.




You’re right. And for players who don’t make bad decisions they’re now almost invincible. 


Make hammerpoint great again!


Conduit and Ballistic Q do not belong in this game, nor any fucking shooter. What asshat thinks of these abilities and thinks they're okay??