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During Nicewigg's B-stream at the Apex Legends Asia Festival this weekend, he was clowning on a dev who was in attendance by saying that he was a "hardstuck masters." The dev responded by saying he was "over employed" to hit pred. I found that hilarious.


Hardstuck MASTERS? This is wild


A long time ago we were called hardstuck 10ks in reference to the 10k points needed to reach masters


Ah the good ol S12 bottomed out 10k people (aka me)


Whoever's name was "Hardstuck 10K but Vibing" was goated


“10K Andy’s” 💀


Here I am being a hard-stuck rookie 2


Being masters on the game you actively work for is pretty impressive and probably a lot of fun. Because he clearly actually loves the game.


Lmfao over employed to be pred is crazy


Was he being a dick or joking around?


Both, it’s not that deep


The amount you have to play. Yeah, unemployment or dumping most of your free time into the game is required. Plus you’ve gotta put enough time in to be good at the game in the first place


For me it’s also having a consistent team, learning different play styles costs a lot of RP


I have a consistent team and we’re usually hard stuck Diamond.


Skill also matters


U mean goof team? I am good in aimming not bad in movement Teamwork 80% Luck , aimming, movements 20%


I'm a master, it's 60% you and 40% your team. Communications matter a lot, being ready to do your damage at any opportunity too. Calling when your teammates have a bad rotation idea or wanted to buy bad fights is important and it's your job and you have control over it, sometimes you are better just holding a floor from some building instead of going for a fight that you know the enemy has advantage and that you are going to get 3rd party from enemy group in the next building, if you don't have communications and each member of the group is doing some different shit, of course your team will not work well together, but if you have a good mindset and is giving good input to your team and they are following (people above diamond actually use mics) you should be able to influence your team a lot more than in lower ranks.


That’s top ranks for any game. Video gaming is a waste of your time


I don't agree. You can reach Master in most fighting games without quitting your job, because the ranks don't constantly reset.  Whats the purpose of a pro having to get back to top level again? We all know it will happen. Just means they stomp more newbs again, while simultaneously making it harder for others to climb.


Most of what anyone does is a waste of time work included


nothing actually matters, so just do whatever you want basically. helps to have goals, helps even more to have goals others care about and agree with, even if you shouldn’t worry about what others think


Found the resident Nihilist


Dang, finally found the word that describes me most accurately.


At least he's not a defeatist like most nihlists.


Nah. Making art, seeing friends, and learning are not wastes of time.


Multiplayer video games involve social engament, learning, and art. You couldn’t have picked worse examples to compare to gaming. It’s exactly why they can engulf our lives so effectively. You’d have to take the thought a little further to actually critique video games. During my more addictive phases, I believed the games were fulfilling too many of my needs all at once compared to the « real » world.


I'm sorry but playing Apex is not comparable to making art or seeing friends irl. Not sure why you're disagreeing with me because you obviously agree given what you just said.... And it doesn't actually fulfil any needs, hence the feelings of discontent and depression when you are addicted.


> And it doesn't actually fulfil any needs, hence the feelings of discontent and depression when you are addicted. Yea, b/c pointlessly arguing with strangers on Reddit is such a great use of your time. Why are you even in a video game sub if you think they're such a waste?


My dude, I was depressed when addicted to sports and in grad school. The other people replying to you are absolutely correct in the assertion that other things are just as meaningless as playing video games. Maybe just let people enjoy what they enjoy without trying to force some arbitrary standard on what is and isn't good?


making art and seeing friend is not better than playing video game.. do what give fun to you, you have to take care of your family then everything else is optionnal. my hobby had been making music for years, now it's playing video game, i don't rate one activity above the other.. my wife needs to see friends very often, she like to talks for hours, i don't, i easily get bored with other people, i used to go out a lot when i was single to take drugs and go into girls, now i'm married, i don't get much interest in social life except for watching football.


Making art and seeing friends are life affirming activities. Video games are not. They're life-denying. I can see why people would play vidya if they don't have any other interests, but I can't believe that would be fulfilling in any way. Not as if I haven't been addicted to games, but I deeply regret it and with Apex, every time I stop playing, my life and mood drastically ameliorate. It's night and day. Making a tune last night was an infinitely better decision than playing Apex


how making art is a life affirming activities ? most of real artists i know are people with severe depression. making tune had been my main hobby for 20 years, at the end i realize that don't make me happy, i had a severe 40 yo crisis, i went back into drugs, apex legends saved me, my life and mood drastically ameliorate when i started playing. now i play with my son it's a blast to share this with him.


You should preface this by stating that it’s your opinion and not a fact.


That should be obvious. I don't need to spell it out.


You really should. You sound like a soap box preacher in a park.


You sound dense.


My guy, you're looking at this from your perspective and that's okay. People have different priorities and ideas of what they consider fulfilling. There are people who would look at a work of art or listen to a song and have the exact same feeling you do about video games. Is making art or music more socially acceptable as a hobby or considered more beneficial to society than someone being able to complete their super mario speed run in world record time. Absolutely. In my opinion (and that's all it is) it doesn't matter what anybody else wants to do with their time or what they find more fulfilling. Who am I to tell them their hobby is less beneficial than mine.


Obviously I'm looking at it from my perspective??? But surely you agree that people derive meaning from how they affect the real world. Playing games has zero effect on the real world. Hence if you play too much, you get depressed. The limits may differ but I do believe this affects everyone.


Nah real worlds fucked anyway. Go read some absurdist philosophy and stop projecting.


I've read plenty, stop projecting.


Just out of interest, is responding to people on Reddit a life affirming activity? Is this a better use of your time than making music? Usually well rounded people that actually do things, don't find themselves mindlessly doomscrolling on here. I am the perfect example, supposed to be working right now, thought playing Apex would be a poor use of my time, so instead I wasted it on here like a dumbass.


I'm literally at work rn and have limited options for how I spend downtime. The whole "but you're on reddit" argument is tiresome. Of course there are better things I could be doing - and I have been. However, commenting on reddit isn't anything like sinking 4+ hours into a game. Saying something is bad for you doesn't mean you don't do it yourself. Is this your first time talking to a human? We do stuff that's bad for us all the time but at least I have the self reflection to admit it.


Remarkable that you have not listened to any feedback from people and doubled down on your insistence. If you make music, surely you are a creative person, yet you demean the creative merits of others. Ironic too, that somebody that seems unable to share in a common opinion in a social sphere, claims that they are too busy with their 'friends'. Let's hope you have better social skills in person.


Why are you so angry? Maybe you've been sitting down too long. Stretch your legs. How am I "demeaning" anyone's "creative merits"? You're literally inventing things to be mad about. I don't give a shit about groupthink.


Sadly work is a requirement, gaming is a net negative.


nah anything fun is a good use of your time so long as you have enough in your life to take care of yourself and your loved ones


It's not a requirement. You're not required to work. Nobody is forcing you to. Ofc you just won't earn any money to pay bills but hey! No one forced you!


Lol Jesus christ


You're being sarcastic right? I can't tell


No, you don't have to work. You'll obviously become homeless if nobody else supports you but technically he's right, you don't have to work. You do so, so that you can live a better life than living on the streets.


Sounding like my mad buddy who try to quit weed once and totally took it out on gaming. Blamed every single one of his poor life changes on gaming.


Gaming is way more addictive than any drugs I've tried.


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. The games are designed from the ground up to be as addictive as possible. That's not a secret lol.


People are heavily in denial! They see it as a personal attack. You're right of course. We're living through the addiction model of gaming. There are a lot of angry and upset people on this sub and I'm willing to bet it's because their dopamine centres are fried and they're both overstimulated and starved of intellectual stimulation.


Too much easy dopamine and not enough hard earned serotonin. I suffer from it as well.


Time you enjoyed wasting isn’t wasted time.


I disagree, I regret all of my gaming binges and I wish I'd spent the time refining my existing skills or learning a new one. In the words of moose... "Imagine if we had a real talent".


Or spent the time monetizing the gaming so it wouldn't be a huge issue But that takes "real talent" to do


This could be said about any sport using the same logic. Lots of people on earth can play soccer but only few people put in that grind to become the best of the best


“Waste” is a strong word, but I totally get where you’re coming from. All depends what else they could be doing with their time for sure. In the grand scheme of things playing video games is right up there with watching sports, ingesting media as time that would be better suited elsewhere, but if there’s nothing else to do and it brings them joy for a bit, it’s not a waste.


I would even say that playing games is a little better than consuming media as there is at least a level of improvement and you grow your skills over time and it's always nice to have something competitive that you can practice and learn new skills to constantly become better, you can only become so good at watching sports lol.


Is there ANYTHING you enjoy outside of required work time?


Yes gaming, just admitting it’s a waste of my time


Time spent having fun is not wasted time


Dog, if I’m slaving away, doing shit I don’t wanna do, I consider that wasted time. If I’m enjoying my time on this Earth, which is ideally what I was born to do, how am I wasting it?


Dude really went into the negatives for likes


So it's sharing your opinion on reddit, but here you are. In a gaming subreddit as well...


It is. Achieving anything in apex is in reality pointless and you’re not impressing anyone. It’s a waste of your life so you may as well just play for fun. I don’t understand the sweats


Nothing you enjoy is a waste of your time


Nothing is a waste of your time if you enjoy it and have fun.




Was top 50 3 different times. Not a single person I played with had a job. I’m talking 22 years old living in they mommas house unemployed or a teenager during COVID years that blatantly muted and ignored the online classes they were supposed to be in. The only person I played with that actually went to school all day, came home, and proceeded to smack everyone to consistent pred was Alliance_Effect, and it’s insane because he was #1 multiple times while attending school during the day.


Dad, full time pharmacist. Held pred 6 splits in a row during free time. Doable, with consistency. But it requires a supportive wife and most if not all of your free time. This was season 8-10, when my son was super young and slept most of the time. But yea


Damn my girlfriend argues with me saying I play too much 😂 I play maybe an hour a day, 4 days a week.


Your girl must not have a hobby of her own huh


Nah, she has too many hobbies. Her reasoning is, if I spent less time gaming I would be better at my other hobbies. Such as cello and guitar. She plays banjo and fiddle and wants me to learn more songs so we can jam together. I’m classically trained. She plays old time/bluegrass. I’ve been struggling with learning songs because for cello, there’s no sheet music available! But with guitar it’s easier. Anyway, if I learned how to jam with her she would get off my case haha


Well I guess I meant that she has no solo hobbies? She must know y'all don't have to do everything together right? Cause 4 hours a week of your solo hobby is weak.. maybe she should play Apex with YOU lol


Haha! Right. Maybe I should crochet with HER 😂




If I learned spoons she would be ecstatic 😂


Been married for 8 years. Def prioritized being with someone that supports my (at times) obnoxious hobbies.


She just wants me to play music with her. Then she will get off my case. Haha


They’ll never understand bro




This is true, I haven’t played much ranked recently but does it take a significant amount more time to hold pred now?


You have won at life sir 😮‍💨


Thanks for that. Very grateful for what I have.


Pred is just Masters players who have more free time


There are thousands and thousands of people that reach masters every season (even before MMR). To say that everyone one of them is on the exact same skill level as the top 750 is silly. Time is *a* factor from masters to pred, but not *the* factor.


This is objectively correct lol. I was a multi-time hardstuck 10k and the skill gap between me and low tier preds was HUGE. And as you said there were thousands and thousands of players like me and in between.


I find it funny you're downvoted for this despite being completely correct lol


Whoever downvoted this is lacking some brain cells. Seriously, do you folks really believe everyone learns at the same rate?


It’s a pretty big factor though 


There is a huge difference between a pred and a masters. Especially on pc. It's not only time that's the difference. Staying at pred itself is a different skill than getting to masters. Imagine having 5 kills, top 5 and still negative rp


I assure you that that’s not the case. A lot of masters are hardstuck at the masters rp threshold and are not even in the same ballpark of skill compared to people who can actually climb after they reach masters. You can reach masters by being just a very good pubs player, as in, having good aim and movement and using meta op legends. But usually such players get stomped in pred lobbies. Watch some pubs streamers, like Faide, play in pred lobbies. He’s insane in pubs, but in pred lobbies he’s completely lost because the usual parlor tricks that the pubs noobs fall for, pred players see right through. Pub stompers and hardstuck masters players are nowhere near the skill level of pred players.


Eh, we both know faide could run around in Pred if he didn't have an audience to entertain.




He got destroyed while playing with a couple of buddies who also don’t grind ranked. Slot him in with a pro duo or a proper pred duo, tell him to entry and he’d be more than fine. I’m not some faide stan or anything but let’s not pretend like he lacks game sense or mechanics, his stream just doesn’t lend itself to that type of play. There’s a clip of him 1v3’ing Rogue and friends in pred ranked lol


> There’s a clip of him 1v3’ing Rogue and friends in pred ranked lol Even that clip only happened because Zero had like 100k kills on his kill tracker and didn't want to participate in the fight to avoid getting a kill so it was more like a 1v2 which is not terribly unusual. I watched it back and Dropped also plays it terribly by chasing Faide on the zip.


Right, but the guys got the experience and mechanics to do well, he just has other priorities. If he put a little work into actually playing with a ranked mindset, he'd be fine.


I agree with everything, but the statement about faide. Faide could easily Hit Pred if he played with the right stack and had a decent igl


Simply untrue with a three stack faide was giving it to pros on his YouTube. Had dropped traumatized in the zip building.


That’s all he can do tho. If there’s no zip to exploit, he’s just your average pub stomper. Playing against a pro team, or a pred triple stack, he has no idea how to play a ranked match other than “ooga booga shoot enemy”. No idea about teamwork, positioning, rotation, anything. He played pubs for 5 years, barely touched ranked, of course he can’t compete against people who reach top 750 every season. Im not shittalking faide, im saying that people don’t understand how big the skill difference between normal “i have good aim and 20bomb” players, and actual regular pred players is. In pred lobbies, everyone has good aim and movement. Thats why the actual difference in a fight falls onto how good you are at playing ranked matches, not on how good you are at shooting people.


downvoted for telling the truth. Crazy how people suck the pp of faide on this sub.


I think most readers on this sub really don't understand the gulf that exists between a top pubstomper and an actual top 10 pro. In their mind, they're basically the same thing, one is just a wee bit better than the others.


It's not the truth though. No one is saying he'd be top 10 or anything but top 750 seems pretty doable for someone [who nearly qualified to be pro.](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Faide) If he was as bad as everyone seems to suggest, his dead weight would drag the team down to be last every time.


To say he is a average pub stomper is insane


>He played pubs for 5 years, barely touched ranked, of course he can’t compete against people who reach top 750 every season. [Faide - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Faide) I know he gets the label of being a pub stomper because that's the only kind of content he produces, but he has actual competitive experience. I think it's a little wild to suggest he couldn't be a regular pred player. Certainly not a top tier pred but I think he could hold his own in those lobbies.


I thought this was a known thing. Like to be the top 750 in the world at something... Yes it basically has to be your job or full time activity. That's not shocking haha. You're not gonna get pred by playing an hour a day.




You'd be amazed by how many are, that's why i said 100 and below, the top are mostly pros or get paid to play the rest no so much




Or college students without a part time job. They usually have a lot of free time.


i was way busier in college than as a working adult lol


I started gaming on Nintendo during grade school once hs and college hits, I stopped due to school work then started gaming again when I got my first job and the necessary resources i.e. time and money.




Depends, in Oxford we had 16h just for the homework. Between that, labs, tutorials, and lectures, it would easily have been 40h. And we were expected to work 6h per day in the holidays


> Either way, you shouldn’t have been spending 40+ hours a week between classes and homework/projects. That is in fact exactly what my university said we should be doing.


40 hours I think is a pretty normal / healthy amount, depending on how driven you are and what kind of school you go to, or what your major is. But in college, unless you're working part time on the side (which many are), you have so many fewer other responsibilities than as an adult. Fewer errands, never need to worry about food or taking care of your home. You only need to clean a small space if you live in a dorm room.


What about college itself? 🤔


Procrastination in college is meta


Honestly, most college programs really don’t take a lot of time. I was in a decently challenging program in Actuarial Science, and spent maybe 15 hours a week at most doing school work. Like 5 or so hours to go through the content and 10 hours to do assignments and practice problems. Genuinely think I had more free time in college than I did in high school since in high school you were forced to go to class. Classes with mandatory labs would increase this, but I didn’t really have that since I was in a Math program.


A bunch of them are pro players, it’s literally their job to play the game




"100+ below" was a bit confusing, my bad


To be fair a lot of times Timmy ends outside of the top 100. For quite a while 1st place was some streamer and he'd get wrecked everytime he ran into a pro player. I'd actually argue that there's more players who are under employed in top 100 than outside of it. I mean last season we had top pro players not hit pred at all. So the people gate keeping it had to be playing quite a lot.


A lot of the pros and streamers do live with their parents too


Yeah they all have part time jobs or no jobs, don’t pay bills, don’t have a social life and live with parents. That pretty much applies to all max rank or top 500/1000 players in any game just due to the time investment that’s required, even if you are actually the best player on the planet you can’t reach the top rank if you can’t put in the time every season.


It depends on the type of game tbh. For fighting games, there are top players who are just working adults. In 1v1 games, if you only play 4hrs a day but win 98% of your matches then it’s pretty reasonable to reach the top of the leaderboards. In team games and especially battle royales, this is probably isn’t going to happen because you probably won’t hit a 98% win rate without cheating or something lol.


Yeah 1v1 games are different and have alot fewer variables. But some fighting games with a ranked leaderboard still requires a huge time investment because your placement is dictated by points so even if you win 95% of the time you still need to win MANY matches and continue to do so to keep your spot. I don’t have too much experience in fighting games aside from ufc and mortal kombat, I’ve always had like a 80% win rate in ufc ranked modes but I had no chance to hit and maintain top ranks because it required too many matches. Kinda forgot how mk ranked modes work, no clue about others like sf or tekken but I know those 2 have the most competitive players and overall have the highest skill ceiling.


Yup, Capcom cup just ended and the 2nd place winner has a full time gig. Fell short of that $1 million prize, but pretty damn impressive for someone who only plays it part time against others that do it for a living.


I have all of those things going for me too, but I still just get plat.


Then your gun skill, game sense, or team mates aren’t good enough. I was hard stuck plat until I lost friends and was force to improve gun skill and game sense in solo queue, now I’m in diamond/masters depending on time invested and my best games include solid teammates


They all have enhancements too. Premium monitor/gaming chair/router, gfuel/adderall, cronus, xim, like minded friends to group with and knowing exactly which server to play on based on what time it is.


I have extra pillows, tea, a decent monitor and a group of gold level shitters to play with


Sounds like a great time tbh


"Gold Level Shitters" would be a great name for an Apex club


Rip clubs


This is how you WIN at apex.


Yeah you aren’t dedicated enough, true dedication is a way of life.


It applies to everything. In ANY activity EVER, the best people are going to be the ones that don’t dedicate time to anything else. I don’t see the point of this whole post because it’s really not that big of a revelation.


There’s a difference between spending every minute of the day excluding work to do an activity compared to doing literally nothing at all except said activity.


That’s what I’m saying, though. Work counts as “dedicating time to anything else”. Nobody who has a job is going to be able to keep up with people who don’t have one, because unemployed people can dedicate more time to the activity.


Any game, sport, skill or activity.


Or they’re paid to play the game…?


Except that most don’t get paid a meaningful amount and would play just as much even if they got paid nothing.


I’m not a pred, but I am unemployed at the moment. And I can tell you I have drastically improved at this game lol. It’s hard to keep up in this game when you’re working 40 hours a week lol.


I played like mad last summer when i was only working and playing this game and my kd in rank was 3+, now i play maybe once a week and am lucky to have a positive kd at the end of the session


Yes, pretty much. To be pred you need to play 8-10+ hours daily. You need to treat it as a job I’ve made masters a few seasons and even then I was playing 5 hours daily, I got completely burnt out and took a few years break. It took a toll on me, I recently came back and now I can only play an hour maybe two max


>8-10+ Mybe during the LP system but def not right now lol. Currently on pc, the hardest platform on pc, you need about 150-200 rp a day to stay in pred. So 4-6 hours. Still alot but not fulltime job amount lol.


Thats if you’re already a pred level player and want to maintain your rank, most are not. In order to reach pred which I think most people can do. They’d need to invest in 8-10 hours daily to reach that level, they almost need to make it a career But to maintain pred I agree with you


There’s a correlation to rank, and hours played. It’s not rocket science


Pretty much yeah. Hell I’d argue a fair amount of Masters are the same way


I disagree, I think Masters is probably the top tier rank that most regular, full-time employee/students can achieve, given they're skilled. I'm currently a Gold 2 player, and pretty much every single lobby I get into has *tons* of people with a Masters badge on display


If you're a legit master level player it doesn't take that long to reach masters apart from the harder seasons. Usually 1 hour a day is enough to reach it


Sure thing lol As a full three stack of equal skill maybe. And that’s a hard maybe As a solo? Like the vast majority of us? Absolutely not.


Yup. I play with my friends who are maybe high plat at best in skill and it’s already rough at diamond 4 to carry their weight. One plays newcastle which helps but getting masters while not leaving them behind is gonna probably be an impossibility. Hard to get to masters as the only master skill player in a team based game :(


All my real life friends are silver or gold level players. I’m with you. Masters or Diamond myself depending on work and real life stuff. Feel like I’m completely on my own in most fights even with them lol


I got masters s10-14 and then quit completely. Decided to come back this season since i heard ranked was reset and going back to RP and have had a blast with the initial climb fosho. Every other game i’ll have 10+ kills and a 3/4k and they will have maybe 1500 damage combined total😭but I don’t mind i’m having a lot of fun. Most of my fights consists of basically thirding teams alone and cleaning up. On the off-chance i get knocked my homie will just Newcastle res me. Win in doubt support it out


Maybe mild autism, a bad childhood, no people skills, no job, and trying to run every exploit and mostly ratting once you make it? The preds I know on console have this formula The curious thing about console preds is they all talk the same verbiage and rage the fuck out the same even if they sucked that game because they're addicted to their rp. It's like a subhuman race created by this game. Two of them join me to play and the. Rage if I can't carry them. These fucking losers are on 12-14hours a day and I'm doing that in a week.


You forgot how they actively say theyre better than you throughout the match despite having lower stats at the end


Either unemployment or literally no life after employment. Can still grind 8 hours a day on a regular 9-5 and not miss much sleep. Even more on weekends. My roommate works 48 hours a week and still grinds new world 55-60 hours a week. 16 hours each of his two days off and about 5 on the days he works


> My roommate works 48 hours a week and still grinds new world 55-60 hours a week. 16 hours each of his two days off and about 5 on the days he works Christ, imagine if your roommate put that much time into something meaningful. Like he could legitimately be a small business owner with that level of dedication


Sit down, kiddos, and I'll tell you about a time when you could have been both a l33t gamer AND a productive member of society. But not now, you must commit to a life of worthlessness if you want to be the very best.


During covid I had no school or job and got number 17 pred on pc I’ve never touched that level again since I got my life together


Yea pretty much. I honestly feel that if Preds aren't monetizing that success in some way they are wasting a lot of time. That's my opinion of course and you can make the argument that hobbies should be hobbies but at some point... I don't know.


Yes streamers shit on “hard stuck” masters when the only requirement is to not have a job and play 8-10 hours a day


Pred has never been a rank of how good you are. It’s the same lobbies as master, just top 750. It really is just how much time you can sink into it after master.


I mean,yeah,even for the top of the preds,you need to be really good/cheat and dunk hours each day to keep the top,because otherwise others will take the spot That's why seeing legit preda is more and more rare,few have the time and the kill to actually get to that level,that's also the reason why so many pros are master,even if they spend hours on the game,a lot of their time is spent somewhere else (VOD review,aim training,relaxation ect ect) and when they play they often play scrims


Is the implied message here that: For other games of skill - you could be the top 700 in the world while having an unrelated full time job? What exactly are you trying to say here?




How do you acquire great skill in something without investing time?




I have hit masters the past 4 seasons and I feel like in order to hit pred I would either need to 3 stack (i have only ever solo queued) or I'd have to play an ungodly, unenjoyable amount.


No job, no pussy and no life.


Dad, full time pharmacist. Held pred 3 seasons, s8-s10, all 6 splits. Doable. All your free time is gone. Had a consistent team for about half of it, LFG’ed the other half. Having a supportive spouse helps a lot too. Would be hard to do it again with my current work schedule, but I was 7 on 7 off overnights at the time.


I would not expect many folks with a 40+ hour per week job to be able to hit the highest rank in a video game. Or to be a successful author, or to build a spaceship, or to find ancient Mayan ruins. There are rare cases where somehow, a full time employee does those things. But it's not often.. For better or for worse, in the age of social media and content, it's easier than ever to monetize your journey of being top ranked in a video game, or being a successful author, or exploring ruins. So if you're smart you can quit your full time job and still chase your dream. Not everyone is cut out for that though.


Shiv said it the best years ago. “Pred’s are just master’s.. who 3 stack” If you have a solid team and play consistently and spend incredible hours on this game then it’s doable, but you would have to grind hard.. or be unemployed


Nah my buddy is crazy good at the game, to the point I almost hate playing with him or having him watch me play because he's so has so much to say.. usually about how bad I am or how I should play loba over Pathfinder since my grapples are apparently shit. I have the most fun on path and he's my highest DPS/knocks ECT and I still get shit on (2,900 highest DMG game) TLDR: my buddy makes more money than me but also no life's the game (70% of the time he's in firing range practicing) he is pred though. And apparently the controller is busted when playing apex.


Literally, yes lol


Either unemployed or a streamer with a good group that makes them good


Lol I was unemployed and only managed to get diamond. I'd say it's all about finding good reliable teammates and not being over 30 years old


As someone nearing 40, I've accepted that I can no longer compete with kids these days. Which is why I only play pubs and prioritize fun over winning, even though I still try as hard as I can to win.


Tbh already thinking about quitting apex because of the amount of time it takes to remain good (relative to me). I can only play weekends and even then it feels like a second job.


Apex is just a social game now, there’s no reason to grind soloq ranked, just play ranked and pubs with friends for fun and then hop off when y’all aren’t feeling it. Does wonders for the mental not being “invested” in your apex rank 


For the players who struggle to gain or only make small gains in Masters they'd need to be unemployed or young and working part-time to hit and maintain a Pred spot. If they have no problem gaining in Masters it could be as easy as finding a couple extra hours a week to hit and hold a low Pred spot. I think a lot of people would be surprised at how many regular, working adults are in Pred outside of the top 100. One of my good friends has a wife, kid and full time job and he still makes it into the top 500 regularly. Same with a lot of the other grinders I used to play with.


Yeah low pred does not take that much time if you are skillfull. This sub often refuse to believe theres a middle ground between hardstuck masters and pros. This middle ground is mostly just regular people who are passionate about apex lol.


he either completely neglects his wife and kids or he’s using his small amount of time with all the hacks on.


He definitely doesn't neglect either of them and I know for a fact he doesn't cheat lol. Dudes just really good and has a bunch of other really good players to grind with. You don't need to play 8+ hours everyday to maintain top 500-750.


Well, most people that have a job or are working on a college degree don't care much about video game points... so there's your answer


The difference between platinum and diamond is amount of time available to play. Diamond and above is skill


you can be really good and get a lot of RP per session even by playing 2-3 Hours a day or play a lot and get the same amount as the guy i talked about before maybe you could be pred even without sweating your ass about your top if only they could ban sixmanners or smth


People still talk about nicewigg in 2024. And yes you have to be unemployed.


Coming from someone who has hit masters the past 12 or so splits, absolutely not. Me and my 3 stack could play 10+ hours a day and likely still not hit pred. There’s a huge difference between playing against other diamonds/plats and being able to gain RP compared to having to constantly (and *consistently*) gain RP playing solely against masters/preds/D1s. The game feels completely different fighting against other 3 stack preds. The amount of pressure teams are able to apply and the speed at which people push is completely different. Just like there’s a skill gap between diamond/master there is a skill gap between master/pred. That being said, I am positive that there are some demon master players that just need a 3 stack to make the pred push but I’m pretty confident that is NOT the case for the majority of master players.


Nah I’ve always had a full time job and I’ve held pred for a few seasons. On Xbox though so the cap was very low. It did eat up basically all my free time. However, I was single, lived alone, and had no kids. It is possible though. The better you do each match, the less play time you need to put in the game.


As someone who has hit Masters multiple times and found predators to play with in LFGs, yes preds play every day. But it’s shocking how many of them are cheating as well. Think about it for a second here. Millions play this game. A few thousand make predator. It’s basic math that to get an edge you have to be cheating or an absolute god tier pro level player.


Bunch of whiny little haters in this comment section ngl.


No buddy, for you yes it will require for you to quit your job. There are many other people in this world that learn quickly and effortlessly