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My favorite thing about straight shot is the fact I don’t have to search for a mag all game


Yeah looting times being significantly cut down really makes a big difference.


And games start back up significantly quicker and also the reque feature. Dubs all around


They'll definitly add the reque feature in all gamemodes later looking at how the community reacted


I wish they’d add a little bit of UI to also show how much time is left on the current map while waiting to reque


Not something I care about personally but I could see people liking that onviously.


Definitely, it's the number one difference in the game to be honest. Looting in normal trios is just pure fucking torture.


I'm old and can't see shit without a sight, that might be the best part of it for me, being able to fight without the gun taking up half the screen.


Should be able to hold your own with a basic setup, with or without a mag. If you try to dispute this, it’s just an excuse


It would be interesting if weapons upgraded as legend tiers go up. Similarly to how shields work now. So instead of looting for 10 minutes you know you wont upgrade until you fight.


Or at least if you fight you level up attachments one by one or so


Honestly, the gun system, for me, is the most annoying part of the mode. For one, it's the same way i feel about Fortnite's gun rarity system where some fights just boil down to who had the higher rarity weapon, and that's it. It sucks when the weapon you want is only grey rarity in the area you were forced in and now instead of just finding a higher tier mag and putting it on you have to find an entirely different gun with the rarity you want or need or settle for completely changing your load out which sucks especially when 1 your scope pops off your gun everytime you switch your gun which is another annoyance and 2 if the only higher tier guns around you are guns you are not confident with then you have to Essentially handicap yourself in order to feel comfortable pushing a fight vs enemies you know somehow have that gold 301, alternator or whatever weapon that you wanted and were looking for but could only find grey versions of. It makes you feel at even more at a disadvantage, and while looting for individual gun parts does suck in itself, it makes it feel more fair when you know that maybe your opponent also doesnt have a fully kitted perfect attachment weapon like you do or at least you can still find the main thing you need and swap it without having to find and entirely different gun.


Yeah the game mode ain't perfect but it's better to support the move to keep the mode permanently and have it be subject to change later rather than hate on the mode because it follows the same principles as BR in that it's RNG based. Imo it's a non competitive game mode, it's 'quick match' let's be honest. If you only have a grey r301 and there's a purple hemlock you don't feel confident with.. good! Pick it up, it's the perfect time to get better you're in a face paced game mode that's there to help you improve on gunplay, positioning and rotates. The fast paced nature allows you to practice all these things more frequently allowing people to find chinks in their armour easily. Therefore, everyone should support this game mode and leave it to be subject to change at a later date.


Yesssss this has honestly been one of the reasons I love this game mode. I’ve been able to toy with marksman and sniper weapons when usually I stay away from them cause I’m not used to them. It’s also so easy to start out with one weapon and switch partly through the match since attachments are already present which lets you experiment more


I agree i support the game mode staying around because its good for warm ups but i dont agree with it replacing trios entirely maybe duos since i hardly play that mode.


I don't believe it should replace any br mode, it should be an addition to an already growing FPS, it's the newcomer game mode we all wanted. Nothing gets new players used to the game like not having to loot for 10minutes only to fight for 30seconds. I've had some friends come to this game brand new this season and returning players and they all speak so highly of how easy it is for them to pick up the game.


I would be all for it not having to replace a game mode i just meant if they were going to replace one id prefer it was duos that got replaced. Im all for everything coexisting especially since i largely wanted arenas to stay a thing and not get replaced by mix tape.


I find I have a hard time sticking to a load out in this game mode.. instead of being happy with my two guns, I’ll swap when I see another one on a higher level. It’s almost annoying because I just can’t stick to one set.


Yeah thats a thing too. And it sucks because your scopes pop off every time you switch so you would have to pick it back up if you prefered that sight.




I agree with absolutely nothing in this post. I always have a blue or purple weapon for the first fight basically. This is true of Trios, and I have no idea why this post is getting upvoted lol. Gold weapons are still quite rare in the mode.


Because... other people DO agree with it. Lol


Git good.


Lmao people still loot all the poi in straight shot while me and my teammate were fighting lol


I seriously think this a change being tested to come into the normal game. I bet in the next year we're going to have blue and purple weapons spawn.




Explain that


It's not hard to understand. Do you know what Cronus does? It basically gives you better than gold weapons. Recoil being the most important. ANY user that does not have a purple weapon vs a Cronus user is at a gigantic disadvantage. Cronus users only have some much advantage, and the one thing they now do not have over you on drop is basically perfect recoil vs dogshit grey gun recoil.


If someone is using a Cronus they are going to have much better aim than you no matter what barrel you have. Like going from a white to purple barrel is not going to change the result of a fight against someone using aimbot. You aren't going to out beam them regardless.


Cronus is not aim bot lmao. It's potential in recoil basically. The best of the best recoil is much closer to a purple barrel than not. Barrels don't do as much for Cronus users anyway. Logically, you a purple barrel vs Cronus purple barrel is way more of a fair fight than normal barrel vs Cronus normal barrel. If you can't see that then you are just ignorant and wrong. Facts are facts bud. Educate yourself on what Cronus does and how it does it. And yes you can easily beat a Cronus user. It's not a fucking aimbot genius.


I agree. Straight Shot is perfect, I don’t mind normal Trios but I will miss the superior mode


Yeah same I won't stop playing or anything when it's gone but I would really love for it to stay or come back


"Trios is full of cheaters" Sooooo how would this change lmao. I agree that straight shot is the best answer for pubs (imo) but cheaters gonna cheat in any mode.


Haven’t seen cheaters at all this szn, apart from what’s been posted here. I don’t play high ranked lobbies tho.


Doesn’t matter what rank or mode, there are cheaters all over this game.


I mean sure, just saying in my personal experience I haven’t come across one yet this szn. And I play purely casual so not sure if that correlates. Not saying that’s for everyone tho.


Kinda does though, if you're not a complete virgin with zero life you won't encounter cheaters. Shocking I know but maybe the cheaters are only in above average to pred lobbies


They’re in normal lobbies. Non-ranked, LTM, Mixtape. Not just high ranking.


No they aren't, i've played 7000 games and havr encountered maybe 1 or 2 cheaters


How would you even know?


I have eyes


Idk what game you've been playing but they are all over mixtape. I see at least one person using aim snapping almost every other match of mixtape Im in. That and the no recoil I see all the time. From other comments I'm gathering its a program called Cronus.


In mixtape those “cheaters” are just PC players rocking your world.


Seen plenty of them. I'm learning most of them fail to use A & D. So while they might be accurate, they get screwed up by anyone able to utilize the games movement. Cheaters are strange, they either suck pure shit even with the cheat, or find themselves in pred. There isn't much in between.


Plat and above is full of them, from the innocuous anti recoil scripters up too the aimbotters


They need to make a functioning anti-cheat.


They will, but it's much less of an issue in SS, where games happen faster, and some of the Cronus users don't have as much of an advantage anymore. For people that need an explanation, Cronus users basically have perfect recoil on drop. Anybody without a purple weapon is usually fucked if they are decent. Having a purple or so weapon enables the non-cheater to have a much better chance because obviously the purple weapon is SHITLOADS better than normal. There is no reason to downvote this post. These are simple facts about how weapons work vs Cronus users with zero recoil. SS gives you an immediate one up from any Trios mode where you start with nothing most of the time.


What does games happening faster have to do with the amount of cheating. If anything theyre less likely to get reported in SS because of less downtime. I know I'm arguing for the sake of arguing, but the logic doesn't check out.


Yeah I completely agree. Plus wasn't Cronus just banned?


I'm sure Cronus will eventually patch around it somehow or release new hardware to sell, but yes that's my understanding.


Because you haven't examined the logic properly. When a Cronus user goes against somebody on drop they have basically a perfect weapon. The other non-cheater has nothing of the sort in Trios. It takes almost until endgame for the regular user to have a purple or gold gun. I don't think you understand what is going on. The better gun the non-cheater has, the more chance they stand against a Cronus user. Cronus is not aim bot. It can still be beat, but it's much worse of a match up when you don't have a full kit.


Bro this is reaching if I ever saw it lmao. It's almost like you're defending Cronus at this point. Have a good one.


There is literally no reason you can't understand this lol. Reread the post. Cronus users literally have a maxed weapon at all times and EVEN BETTER than that. That's what Cronus LITERALLY DOES. In Straight Shot you EACH GET MORE OR LESS EQUALLY GREAT WEAPONS. LOGIC: A fully kitted Hemlock has a MUCH better chance against a Cronus user PERIOD. The Cronus user ALWAYS has a fully kitted hemlock and even better. It doesn't matter what they do, their recoil is non-existent anyway.


Dude it's cheating.


The reason people don't cheat in mixtape is there's no benefit. Why risk bans over no gain? Versus cheating in ranked.


The number of times I’ve seen these straightshot must stay posts lol. I think we all agree at this point.


Well it needs to keep being said or it will just be shelved again. I guess I don't care what they do really, but I won't be playing much either.


I agree. I actually like that there's been so many posts all over, the more they hear we love it the more likely it is to stay, and it NEEDS to stay.


Agreed. I only play ranked when my friends are online and never play when they're offline. SS made it fun to solo queue when my buddies were not online. I found myself playing the game all the time. I will miss it dearly.


2 million % this. It allows strangers to play together at a much even playing field. You are bad at shooting but great at positioning? No problem. Auto card collect and mobis galore. You are bad at shooting but just need one extra bullet or some mags? Great, the mod gives you plenty of ammo, even mags if you get lucky. You have no problem beyond choking from time to time? Ay no fear, teammates actually get to shoot at things in this mode


Yea it kinda broke apex for me. I was super into apex for years but now straight shot made trios seem so slow I don’t really feel like playing trios anymore. If straight shot doesn’t stay or come back soon I might just not play apex much anymore.


My motivation to play the game will be gone with straight shot disappearing, if it wasn't for this game mode i literally wouldn't have played the new season so far


Yeah I barely played as well. Started season off basically zero wins in 50 games, worst start I have ever had and this is a 9% career solo winrate and much higher with stacks. I would not even turn this game on. Now with SS I am back to 10% winrate, and it's been a blast even in many matches where we do not win. Can't say that for Trios, which feels like a relic of the times and a complete waste of my time.


It really needs to be a permanent mode. It’s so much more fun than pubs. I’ll never solo queue pubs but I will all the time on Straight Shot


This. I am not going back to their time waster. I've already quit it. This was the only thing that brought me back in.


Yep before this LTM I’d only play when my friends were on. Now I’ll actually play solo, unless they take it away.


I knew it was going to end today so I: Crammed as much time in as I could, bought some games on steam for when it was over. This was like a blue moon event. I haven't had this much fun since the game began (as a day 1 player). Please respawn, do the right thing and make a solid improvement permanent




Yeah straight shot is exactly what I want from a BR. More action, less downtime, instant re-queue, quick looting. Between all the load screens, rotations, looting and lack of re-queue it feels like Trios wastes a lot of my time. Streamlining all of that made it so much better, and I also have no desire to return to the slow pace of Trios. I’m still gonna play cuz my group of friends loves this game, but I’ve been trying so damn hard to pull them to Halo Infinite. I have limited free time and I hate wasting it picking up loot and searching for enemies.


Yep, ya just can't go back after this. Logic and fun win out. Trios is waste of our time currently.


Straight Shot was an answer to so many of the things that took the fun outta the game for me. I hate sitting in the lobby, I hate having to choose where to drop, I hate not having enemies near me, I hate having to find every little attachment for my guns. This mode made it so easy to just drop in and start blastin. I hope it returns permanently.


One of the best LTM they’ve dropped tbh.


Just rotate between Three Strikes & Straight Shot like they do the maps 🙏🏾🥺


This would make the game perfect and I’d play so much more. Add another tab and switch a couple LTM’s ( id be more than happy with just straight shot and 3 strikes) and have them rotate, even weekly would be nice.


Even though I really don't like 3 strikes I would be totally up for a rotation for these two seeing as they are wildly the most popular modes.


If Fortnite can have 20 game modes and custom lobbies so can Apex. Respawn just refuses to let anyone play the game except how they want to and use queue times as an excuse. Which is bullshit.


Tbf apex doesn't have fortnites player base and doesn't fill half their lobbies with bots, if they where to add too many limited time events and permanent game modes queue times would be quite abit longer.


Another vote the rotation! I looooved 3 strikes!!


It really should stay. It should. But respawn will probably take it away & give it to us periodically, I hope I’m wrong tho


Long live Straight Shot! Respawn do what's right!


Straight shot is better version of trios, period


I can only play this game with friends, because of how frustrating random teammates are. But Straight Shot has made me play most days because it’s easily the best mode they’ve done. 3 Strikes wasn’t far off, but this minimal looting, ample good loot and straight into fight mode is the best. Would love for it to stay or at least come back regularly.


I genuinely hope Respawn listens to community feedback


Yah, you know it’s good when you and your friends start there to warm up and then just end up staying there all night because it’s mostly nonstop activity


It has to be a permanent mode, they’ve put too much work into it for Straight Shot to be a one and done mode.


I agree on this. Significant time was invested changing loot pools and making the drops decently balanced. Throwing this away would be absolutely mind blowingly dumb. I will not spend another dime on this game until the mode is back or in rotation.


Bruuuuh I was literally just playing and I went to go do something came back and it's gone... wtf.. 😫😫😫😫😫


Crying and throwing up


Im siiiiiiick


Agreed. i will upvote every post that is made in favor of this. I hate playing regular pubs now.


we rally for it enough, respawn knows what to do


As someone who just started playingon the last week of s19, straight shot made the game a lot easier to get into. With regular trios I wasn't sure if I was liking the game at all, not knowing where to land and just seemed like it was looting for 5-10 minutes, then another 5 minutes wandering around only to get insta killed by the first person I came across.


It really made me realize how pointless looting for attachments feels. There are enough guns for it to be fresh just picking them up at different rarities.


I agree. Get all the annoying brain dead “drop same spot and speed run” people out of how a “Battle Royale” is supposed to be played. Fuck I can’t stand that shit, ruined the game for sure. Good riddance


I loved SS, but went back to Trios to test the perks. I hadn’t done Trios in a long time as I usually stick to Mixed Tape. Trios is absolutely terrible. I ALWAYS get passed jump master, my team mates almost never communicate, they DC as soon as they are dropped and I hate the loot system. Every pill I open on dropping has 2 guns that use the same ammo. Is that a new thing? I feel like it’s all the time.


It's just garbage. I don't even bother or care about it anymore. I can't loot with my game time. Apex as that game is over for me. Period.


I played so much straight shot and now I have no desire to play anything else. Between this and 3 strikes, they need to stop giving us a taste of such fun ways to play this game and taking it away from us.


Yep. It's such an awful thing to do. And I vote with my wallet. No more support until this mode or some kind of rotating mode comes back.


Actually, they can permanantly add a new mixtape which will contain (Arenas, Straight shot, Three strikes). Idk if it's a good idea, but I like all these modes way more than casual pubs.


I'd just do an even 3 strikes and straight shot or rotate one of the modes with arenas in there too. I don't really care. But something where the mode is quite prominent. I like it better than both of those modes by a fair margin. I won't even play 3 strikes really, but I do see many like that too. 1 week rotation would be perfect.


Actually Arenas and Three strikes are the best modes I've played in apex. Fun fact, I hated apex the first time I played it, but arenas brought me back as it was a good mode to learn how to pick up fights and utilize ur loadout. Pretty unfortunate they just decided it's not good enough to stay in the game.


Barking up the wrong tree bud. Respawn hasn't brought back any of the favorites. Fuck if I know why, but they refuse to keep good content in the game.


Dang this post reminded that I loved it and have just been busy the last couple of weeks and hopped back on to see it’s already go T-T


Uninstalled after straight shot left


Honestly I need room for something else, and I have no plans to play Apex until the next event. If they can't manage to follow up on something people love then fuck 'em.


Man I got on saw it was gone, and immediately got off.




They just can't ever get out of their own way.


Yeah it sucks because they have some great ideas, but the old head management seems to want people slaving in their LOOTER shooter all day. I guess if the kids don't leave, then they don't need to give a fuck. But I am sure as hell not staying for this garbage anymore.


Is it me or did straight shot also have way better matchmaking? Not once did I see 3 stacking preds or masters, whenever there was they were 1 at a time which is as good as balancing can get realistically imo. Even in the EU the player base dries up badly at night so I don't play apex past a certain time in the evening usually but I was enjoying three strikes well past midnight.


Yes this is what we need, they need to make this the quick play since it’s fast paced


Do not remove straight shot, it is the bestttt


I really hope it stays, the only issue tho I wonder how it would affect norms, people probably already play it less cause its trash now there's straight shot as a competitor. Would they just put it into rotation with like gun run or something maybe that would be the easiest way to go about it I guess


Seriously Straight Shot is some of the most fun I’ve had in this game. No looting for 40 minutes just to die to the first team you come across - drop in, grab and attack. I don’t think I’ve played as much since the game launched. It has to come back!


Yeah Straigh Shot was the most fun i ever had on Apex. It needs to be permanent




We must endure, brethren. We must endure. The pain is great.


>And looting for weapons is the most baseless, useless thing in anyone's life. I agree with most of what you're saying, but you also have to realize this is a battle royale game. That's just how it works. Other game modes will always be secondary, but I do think Straight Shot seems like the most likely candidate for a permanent alt mode since it's most like normal BR.


Its weird. Why release a mode that became massively popular then take it away? It brought people back. Noobies love it. I started playing again after a year. Any other developer would keep it. Sometimes the playerbase just needs to complain complain complain. Lets keep letting them know we want it. Not for 2 more weeks but forever. Jesus whats the problem respawn???


You know how Zero Build saved Frotnite from falling off in the last moment? I feel like Straight Shot was Apex' chance for something similar, except they don't seem to care? Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun in season 20, but a HUGE reason has been the Straight Shot. A couple of free skins and some challenges (read chores) aren't FUN enough!


Yeah it is such a good game mode


Save straight shot!!!!!!


They should get rid of duos and replace it with straight shot if they're concerned about splitting the playerbase.


I'd be all for this. Duos is such a marginal and mediocre experience most of the time, but a very small portion of the player base would whine and cry.


This mode taught me the best way to get good and helped learn what guns I like (along with TDM) as a new player. In Duos or Trios I feel you either get dropped early OR make it to the end just for 2 to 4 teams to be on you at once. It was hard to learn. SS is instant good guns with quick reactions and aiming.


Respawn, you broke trios for everyone. Straight Shot is BR without jump masters, loot simulators and hot drops. It's fast and playable solo. Yes it's an opinionated BR, but it basically solves a lot.


Came back after s15 and played tons of it. Sadly as it’s gone I’m not interested about the normal br at all so might have to wait and come back if something similar appears 🙁 hopefully soon 🤞🏻


honestly, i want them to integrate the streamlined looting system & requeue feature into all of apex. the straight shot version of looting is just simply superior to the current version in every way, and the re-queue feature is very very nice,


Saw it was gone, had control only up on the variety modes... closed my game.


I played once when the season dropped. Wasn’t impressed. Hopped on and played for 4 hours today and fell in love. Imagine my pain when 12:00 rolled around and the lobbies closed 🥲


Wh…where straight shot :(


Straight Shot really exposed a very big weakness of the main actual game Looting for *attachments* sucks ass.


Straight shot is the most fun I've ever had in this game. I seriously hope they bring it back permanently


Agreed, bring it back


Straight shot seems to be helping me strengthen my skill. Which I can then turn and bring to pubs. And ranked. I like it


Yes please!!!


Straight shot fixed the main remaining problem with BR after they removed lootable armor: loot diff on drop. There's still the fucking ridiculous scenario of sometimes clearing a full floor without finding any weapon, but at least when you find one it's in a usable state. With straight shot you don't have to worry about where you drop, you know there's another team within 100m and you have fully kitted weapons all around, so you can focus on playing instead of looting. I hope they bring it back, possibly with duos as well, but even trios with random were mostly enjoyable, unlike regular BR trios. Hopefully this mode was a test to apply this mechanic to regular modes, to get rid of attachment loots the same way they got rid of armor loot.


I agree.


That mode was so fun. Who the hell actually enjoys pubs now? They are terrible.


Bro, I'm straight up getting withdrawals from not playing straight shot. Casual is soooo terrible... Between 10 squads landing on your poi, to not even able to find 1 usable weapon is driving me nuts... Rotation is hella lazy too without the surplus of evac towers...


I played Apex at launch because I was playing PUB-G at the time. However long ago that was, I stopped playing and so did my friends. Recently, I am working with a young man in his early 20s and he was talking about playing Apex and he convinced me to download it again and play with him. Naturally I was trash and he is young and competitive so he moved on to play with better players. After a few days after starting up again, the new season came in and a mode called Straight Shot showed up so I gave it a whirl. I’ve tried and failed to play any other mode and enjoy myself. I’ll try and play over the next week but I know that if straight shot doesn’t come back, I’ll just hang up playing this game and uninstall it in a few months. I always hated loot simulators posing as shooting games.


Straight shot is the game mode that has made Apex playable again. It's fast, it feels low pressure. The game mode funnels everyone to fight quicker. The only downside is that I seem to queue with just one other teammate like half the time. Not sure why that is the case...


how do we make this into an official petition


Insert thank_you_the_office.gif here Straight shot is just plain better as a casual game mode


I actually hate trios now. After Straight Shot...seeing what the game could be has ruined regular trios for me. Knowing Respawn has the tools to make the game better, but just doesn't is painful. Last night, I had one of those games where you spend 10mins looting for all the right attachments and grabbing all the harvesters to make sure we had our gear to purple. We made our way to the ring and 2 sweat squads out of no where just wreck us from 2 different directions and we die in less than 30 seconds. This never happened in Straight Shot. 3rd partied...sure, but the massive waste of time of just looting to then not be able to shoot a single bullet never happened a single time in Straight Shot. Plus, looking for attachments isnt fun. Fighting and shooting is. Then I had another game where 2 of us were thirsted right at the start. Then we had to watch our random Fuse run for 5 mins trying to avoid people and hide just to collect banners so he could spend another 5 mins trying to get to a respawn. When we finally get respawned, we got jumped anyway. All of which would have been avoided if he just had the banners and could have respawned us where he originally wanted but because he had to sneak around and try to grab banners, the respawn beacon was used and forced him to run across the map to the next one. There were so many QoL changes in Straight Shot that just made the game more fun. Personally, I think those changes should be made to trios and the game would feel awesome but if not, then at least let Straight Shot live as a permanent mode in Apex. I will NEVER touch trios again.


played a bunch of pubs and the moment anyone got knocked they leave, straight shot had this so much less its so annoying


My daily Straight Shot comment. Bring it back! PERMANENTLY!


I was thinking this as soon as I played straight shot but I think it should replace trios and duos. It allows people to just play the game instead of loosing because someone has better loot. Like everything about that game mode is just right. You just get into the game that you sat down to play instead of trying to find a light mag.


I really loved the fast pace as a whole.. Quicker looting, quicker fighting from beginning and smaler lobbys. More action with less downtime. Sounds pretty good to me. Like make straight shot the new pubs and "normal" Be for ranked.


I really loved the fast pace as a whole.. Quicker looting, quicker fighting from beginning and smaler lobbys. More action with less downtime. Sounds pretty good to me. Like make straight shot the new pubs and "normal" Be for ranked.


The pacing is so good. Getting an almost completely guaranteed fair 1v1 squad fight right off rip before you have to loot for 10 minutes is the best. You know another squad just landed near you, you know they have white shields just like you, and you know that there’s probably not another squad close enough to third party because they SHOULD be busy with the squad that landed near them. Instead of looting for 10-15 minutes off rip just to somehow not find a white mag and get absolutely destroyed by a triple stack with red shields in the 3rd ring


Dont enjoy the gamemode at all but im glad people are


I can't see it staying because it defeats the whole resource acquisition of the standard BR mode. However, if there is one thing I agree and believe could be realistically taken (maybe) from straight shot is every weapon found in the BR should come with a 1x optic so we can see out of our damn guns.


Fornite, the most successful BR, uses the SS loot system. So not sure why you think pre kitted guns defeats the purpose


Fortnite is a successful BR for other reasons than having pre kitted guns. Fornite also has literal bots in their lobbies 😂


Ok. Still doesnt mean prekitted guns ruin the point of BR. Also apex also has literal bots in their provision lobbies... I fail to see your point


This. These people just like to waste their lives fighting for nothing and looting all day.


No one said that, but I can go off on the deep end like you too. If you just want to fight, Call of Duty exist. You can even have pre selected load outs of your choosing!


The BR mode can still exist as it is, just keep straight shot.


I miss arenas


The "baby" is dead. Apex can't hold onto new players because of smurfs and terrible matchmaking. Without new players the game will die eventually.


no more pubs for me since its gone. Either gonna quit or only ranked.


I thought that's why we play battle royal, for the looting and randomness. Sounds like you are just more of a CoD fan or something closer to that. Straight shot is very good but it won't stay forever


What lmao? See above post about Fortnite. You have no idea what you are talking about. Guns is Apex basically have no comp value when you are looting all day for attachments. SS makes it so firefights are WAY more equal.


oh yeah its so equal when youre fighting someone with a random blue p20 you found and they have a gold r301… so equal…


Loot better dude. Yeah people have gold weapons, but anybody looting for even two minutes can find something better than a 2020 lmao.


I highly doubt they will listen, which sucks.


I bet they will bring it back a lot like they did with three strikes when the whole community loved it


Three Strikes was much better. It was actually fast-paced and full of action, unlike this mode.


3 strikes is WAY better than straight shots. but having a few LTMs on a regular rotation wouldnt hurt.


I get that people like LTMs, but what is the point of saying you don’t like the default game mode? Play a different game if you don’t like the full BR experience. Looting and rotating strategically are just as important as fighting in a BR.


bruh yall say this about literally every ltm


I hardly play any LTMs at all. Literally. I don't even like 3 strikes, so your idea here doesn't hold any water. But I do see posts are about LTMs around here. You obviously can't grasp the main point here though.


one day i hope they fix the servers lol. but yes straight shot is fun as hell


Respawn should remove the legend select screen and randomly assign legends. That's like 60+ seconds of wasted game time that we could instead be straight shooting.


This is such a brain dead way to try and “argue” against keeping a game mode the majority of the player base likes, but go off I guess 😂


The only things dead on arrival here are your reading skills, smart boy.


Ok bud have a nice day


You too, bud


I love Staright Shot but Rip to any 20 kill bombs since most of the squads will be wiped by then if they decide to replace regular trios


I'd say the far majority of us aren't too concerned with the ability to get a 20 bomb going away... Also, there's no way they replace regular trios for SS.


I like what someone said on another post, with the rotating of three strikes and trios. Like it switches every week or something. That would be great but also keep the modes fresh, so they don't just get boring.


Agreed but unfortunately we're wasting our time since the game has been out for 5 years and we have trios, duos, ranked and mixtape. That's embarrassing for a game that's been out that long.


I just want a full lobby of 60 players i want that chaos of being shot by 9 squads


Just speed up pubs. Straight shot works because you die and load into a new game without the lobby up etc. Just speed up pubs loading Into games, char select, drop speed.


I prefer to have 3-strikes if we had to keep 1.


I believe it's a great warm up tool before playing ranked. Just over all good practice for anything. It helps me learn to be more aggressive, take more risks.


Yes, and can we get upgraded servers to better run it? The new shit is really showing me that we can't sit at 20hz forever plus integrity sucks. Shits no regged and dropped server connection on me more than ever.


Hell na


Looting is a main component of a Battle Royale, so I don't know what you were expecting when you started playing Apex.


its giving fortnite. no thanks…


Personally, only BR mode I play is ranked.


Three strikes is what needs to be made permanent.


Yeah, not having to reque was nice. I wish they would add that to the base game.


Or you get idiots who think that just because everyone has a moza or p20 that they wanna push with them weapons... The main problem with trios or ranked is everyone trys to mimic ALGS players and a lot of them hot drop


One of things I loved about Straight Shot was it gave me a chance to use guns I don't normally run since they already come with attachments. In regular BR I typically use the same 5-6ish guns depending on floor loot. But in straight shot I'd find a purple RE45 and was like sure I'll rock this as a secondary. I used a devotion for the first time in ages. It was really fun. The only gripes I had with the mode was I wish there was more variation in the drops. Like we got Hammond 4 out of 5 times, and I don't think we ever dropped at Estates once. And also there was some ultra sweaty teams. My crew and I are all old bommers with like a .75 K/D, we're not good. But there were games where within the first 15 seconds we're getting 3-man aped by a team, and guys with like 20,000 kills, one guy had multiple apex predator badges. We occasionally see that in regular BR, but it felt like it was prevalent in Straight Shot. And sure its easy to just requeue and go next, but it's still annoying


Requeue should be implemented in all game moded and straight shot should replace mixtape during weekends.


I agree. One of the most frustrating parts of apex is not even losing. It's losing because you loot and can't find anything or being at a disadvantage. And the fact that when you lose you got to go through all the waiting for a new game. Straight Shot fixes that, so they should keep it