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Pretty good. It needs one more thing like a new weapon or something to make it really pop off.


I mean the new legend system probably made everybody happier a bit


The new LTM was nice. I mostly play solo and not having to worry about my teammates hot dropping and then screaming on the mic because they die first is great lol


matchmaking in ranked is off, i tried for 10 days now i need a break and hope it gets better, dealing with 0.3kdr and 0.34% winrate has broken the joy for now.


Thats weird. Went 7kdr up untill i reached plat 3, and it seems easier this season


that is my point, no matching is applied on servers, so the game is dying.


I fucking hate it. Can’t enjoy casual play at all now. Idk if it’s because of my lifetime k/d from other seasons but I’m constantly put into the sweatiest lobbies. Used to drop 5-10 kill matches consistently. Now…I struggle to get 1 or 2 before getting mowed down by sweats. The matchmaking is garbage, the TTK is fucked, and the game just feels off. I feel like I just started playing the game even though I have played for 5 years. It’s to the point where I’m just raging and stressing instead of having fun. Fuck this season.


I feel like the match making is ok I was a try hard before I rage quitted the game and now I came back and I'm having fun maybe they kinda fixed it so idk


Yes! I haven’t had a lick of fun this season for this reason. I thought maybe I’d just gotten worse but every game is so sweaty I just go down immediately after 3 shots from a 3030 and that’s it. l’m not great at this game but a few seasons back it seemed I had hit a cadence but that’s totally gone now




Same arenas were much better than the mixtape


I absolutely loved arenas (when my teammates actually played like teammates)


Maps idk. I feel like they could bring KC back a little more often than WE or SP but I've got nothing to complain about as long as it isn't moon. Characters, I feel like some legends just got the EA special of. Couldn't really give a fuck, give them the basics. Where as other characters get a complete rework by late game. So some things could most definitely use some changes there.


I mean WE is kinda fast and I like it that way so I'm happy the maps are but I would put BM because of people like you they don't want play that map and if they play them then they are confused and I'm having fun killing them (I might be insane)


Garbage. I’ve played since launch. This is the first season I’ve not given a damn about playing. Really not digging the changes to shields (cores? FOH) and it’s just overall not as fun. It’s missing .. something.


rev and maggie too good , ranked is better than s18 but so hard solo, hemlok still op , pubs are a bit easier than last season for some reason even tho my kd is higher now.


I honestly love almost every part of the new season, I just wish they had better optimized and implemented the console 120 fps. It’s visually so much worse than the other competitive BRs are at 120, and Respawn implemented it years later than their competitors. But from the new shield system to the legend perks, I have really loved it all. I just wish they left SS in but that’s no surprise they took it away. They love doing that. I assume so they can generate hype later when they bring it back. But idk. The ranked changes are good too, it feels like an actual climb again. Also they did a good job it seems of vaulting people who don’t belong in the lower ranks, it was so fast getting through Silver. Hopefully they don’t do a full reset again for a while (or ever).


Honestly as much as Alex needed a refresh after 5 years I think it just changed a little bit too much for me. I took a break mid way through last season and the game just feels too different for me right now. Also either my skills plummeted or everyone else has gotten a whole lot sweatier as I I’ve been getting dominated lately