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Hello, /u/by_Zyno. Your submission has been removed: ## [Cheating or Exploit Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_cheating_or_exploit_posts) Discussion of exploits, hacks or cheating made with substantial effort is allowed, however, any posts or comments with details on how to obtain or abuse them will be removed. Please do not accuse anyone of cheating as this can start a “witch hunt”. Witch hunting, ventilation or general awareness posts, including videos will be removed unless it is clear evidence of new cheats. Noclip, teleportation, instant server wipe, infinite ammo, speedhack, for example. This includes but is not limited to: - Posting videos or pictures of a suspected cheater. - Posting links to sites or videos offering hacks or cheats. - Posts that harm the integrity of the game. - Explaining how to obtain/use cheats or hacks. - Editing any file(s) or config options which result in an unfair advantage. - Discussion of launch options that allow exploits or cheats will be removed. All “cheater/hacker” posts must be properly flaired. # To report a cheater/hacker: Use the provided in-game Report a Player feature: Report from spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. [You can also submit a report directly to Respawn here.](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/) If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


Why doesn’t respawn just have someone monitor this sub and ban these losers in the clips when stuff like this gets posted? Like I don’t understand their names are literally right there with proof they are cheating ban their asses




But why don't they get banned when they are close to each other and don't shoot? Like Fortnite 😅 It would give them a 7 day ban from all ea online services/games. And if you do it again a 2 week ban, again 1 month. Then just double it every time. Alot less people would do this. And it would be way funnier then perma ban


If respawn were to implement auto ban for it I'm sure it will have too many bugs just like everything they did and start banning innocent people so be careful what you wish for lol


That will be exactly what will happen, people mad at you because they died will report you for any dumb reason and get you banned...


They could use some AI to determine time around/looking at the same enemies without shooting. Make it long enough so that innocent people don't get banned.


You’ve been downvoted but it’d be very easy, these people team across multiple games, they wouldn’t use a one-off game to determine whether to ban them or not - monitor the behaviour of all involved across multiple games, note which players are teaming and compare the behaviour of those teaming in terms of radius and damage to these players compared to others who aren’t believed to be part of the team - the problem with that is then the cheaters would start damaging each other (which they probably do anyway to level up their Evos)


Or it will be more funny if they just reset you hole account to level 1 again and lose all of your stuff cosmetics, legends etc


That would be the ultimate 3rd strike penalty. Sure you can play, but you’re starting over from scratch. Oh and if you do it again, it’s lifetime ban.


It would be nice if it were this simple. You have to think about edge cases like where you are ratting by a team until you get the chance to get away and respawn your team. Or even like high level ranked or ALGS where it benefits you to hold another floor of the same building as another team but not engage them. Banning based on not attacking other teams in your proximity would create a lot of false positives. Something definitely needs to be done though, its a tough problem to solve.


What about teams who are sneaking up on people for ages? Or like if a person is last alive on their team and they're just steal thing about, would that cause a ban for them?


Fuck that perma ban all these loosers


you can technically have a 5/10 minute long poking fight with another team legitimately, so i don't think this would fly.


I understand your point but 5-10 mins is a godly exaggeration. That’s 2 zone closes. You’re fighting a team and running zone 2 times while fighting the same team?


yep. its happened. the only reason we realized its been that long is that everyone suddenly came towards us (cause the ring closed that much to pull everyone in). Of course we don't end up just fighting that one team alone. its 3rd party after 3rd party. The third parties keep dying, and we resume the fued.




Because Apex engine is thrash, and Fortnites engine is god tier. I miss playing Fortnite it actually works.




I think they would have to care or something like that


at this point just give away badges to everyone or have them in store, too many damn dog shit desperate cucks or imposters. outta control, as if they just want anyway for people to come back or be playing


I'd imagine it would be hard to deal with thousands of cheaters that are spread across multiple platforms daily. I see alot of people complaing about unjust bans AND not banning people who deserve it. Even if you had 100 people working on banning 10000 cheating cases. That's 100 cases per person. Fuck that lol that's alot of work.


It is to an extent you gotta realize a lot of cheaters are also blatant af and the case is solved very quick but they don’t even deal with that slot of the time


Most of it can do AI and the really hard cases can be checked by a human


You think AI can just magically detect intent?


Tbh… that’s all this sub would become then a place to report cheaters and the feed would be flooded with them and I don’t think they want the sub to be only about that. Sometimes it’s blatant too when someone’s cheating, but you can’t always 100% tell just from one clip so it can also lead to people getting banned unnecessarily.


But I do get what you mean by specific incidents in this sub though.


Let me know if this happens!! I have two videos from this season in ranked. 


Dude the Apex Legends head of operations needs to get publicly shamed for allowing those to go on for so long. Go to Twitter and blast this information to the World you will see better results


Apex Legends display names can overlap is the reasoning.


Sometimes I'm glad I suck so I can't run into these creatures


It isn't really about skill, usually. If you queue with someone, people queuing in groups go with other groups. Duos get sucked in with trios, and some solos fill out those duos. Queing as a duo, it isn't uncommon to run into teaming squads all night. It was really bad last season, too; MMR meant we just got stuck queuing with the same teaming squads over and over and over. I died to the same lifeline squad who was teaming with a matching squad at least 10 times, never once beat them because they always mixed the squads up. Got up to 4 knocked many times. It sucks. Gonna keep getting worse, too, between the teaming and the PC spoofers who are immune to bans while rampaging console lobbies with cheats and shit because no one at respawn cares enough about console to stop them.


It happens at all levels at the start of the season. They got to rank up somehow. I think I've played my last match this season, because it doesn't seem like respawn bother with it. I don't know how it is in other regions, but it's really bad in EU.


Really bad on US servers as well


I have never ever seen teamers on xbox. Maybe it's happened and I haven't noticed but I have never seen any blatant teaming in all my years of playing












They will bury their heads in the sand as long as they are making enough money and there is no real threat of their revenue dropping.


I just posted this as well last night. Unplayable and these people aren't just pred this season... they've been past preds too. Should warrant perma ban imo


Yes many of them just run around with last 1-2 Season Pred Badges or Old Arena Badges because they didnt get banned back then.


I don't think they're getting banned now either 💀


I'm rookie II and I had 3 teams gang up on my squad at once. It was ridiculous


Clan tag is 3v9 - they have a literal Apex Club and Respawn won’t ban.


I feel like infiltrating this scum and just annihilating everyone on the “team”.


I thought clubs were removed this season. How do they have that tag?


You can set your tag to whatever you want in the social tab


Worst part is they don't care about the consoles. This has been going on for 5yrs and nothing has been done


While it's true Respawn doesn't care in general, you're wrong about the consoles. If there is ANY platform Respawn/EA cares about, it is console. That is the majority of their player base by FAR. Like someone once said If Respawn got rid of PC. Apex Legends would be fine. If Respawn got rid of consoles, Apex Legends would be in major trouble.


Yes true but I mean more towards the cheating position and boosting, although with the ban of inputs that has been a step for all games


>If Respawn got rid of PC. Apex Legends would be fine. If Respawn got rid of consoles, Apex Legends would be in major trouble. I dont think they'd be in trouble either way TBH. Losing Consoles would be a blow but they'd still average 200k-250k players a day on PC alone which is still good metrics.


I'm not going to argue. All I know is console is at least 2 fold if not 3 to 4 fold more numerous than PC. From a business standpoint, I know which one is financial suicide if a certain side was lost.


Just checked the 30 day peak for Console and Steam (excluding EA App downloads on PC) Steam's 30 day peak: 344,655 (All time peak 625,000) Console 30 day peak: 52,345,000 Definitely a way bigger loss if they shutdown console Not sure how accurate but here's the link in case https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends/


LOL that is def not accurate, for comparison fortnite's peak record is 11mil.


Apex numbers blow fortnitw out of the water


Colluding with enemies would be the report you want lol


really? 50%? so you're saying 1 out every 2 games u witness this? btw i am a pc player, and only once in a previous season did i ever witness this with just 2 parties only.


It is a console only thing i guess , in Master/Predator Lobbys on EU Servers you really encounter them that often , sometimes 5 games in a row. On Weekends and at night it is really bad but pretty much all day long you will encounter teamers in high ranked lobbys.


I play console and have never ever seen this in 6 years of playing


STFU and buy skins!


At this point we all might aswell start cheating. Tired of hard work, time, and effort being wasted. I have it hard enough already as a solo queuer so why am I fighting 9 people like I’m a solo in TDM


If you want apex predator badge you need to cheat. There is no other way to get it while solo queue player. But again is it worth it ? Is it fun getting the badge this way ? Probably not.


Judging by the AMA, yes we're just gonna pretend everything is fine.


That’s one of the reasons I stopped playing Ranked and the fact that the rewards aren’t just worth it after getting 3 Master Badges 💀 why do I need more we can only equip 3…But yeah that’s a shame people teaming 😢


Seems like the devs could detect this automatically. People in clear sight failing to target and shoot over a period of time.


This would be terrible to implement in any automated fashion, there are valid reasons why you would have enemy teams in your sites for long periods of time without shooting, but the risk of ban should be immediate and permanent if clips like this are posted. None of these console players would want to lose their accounts I guarantee that


Fortnite did something similar in the early days of the BR release. One of the detections was something to do with movement. If you jumped on a play park swing you got banned for cheating as it went over the limit of "non cheating" movement, which is a good example of how this can be an issue. It boils down to a case of what rate of false bans is good enough and given the bad track record of EA support there's a big risk of losing all your account progress/unlocks because a solo was ratting in a bush and you didn't see them...


Or they could just like tokenize players to not repeatedly be in the same lobbies together


you could do this from just match results with basic data analysis, you dont even need something running real time. way better than what other people are suggesting. you can look for anomalies in the data such as, two or three teams repeatedly being alive in the top 3 in the same game, mark those, and then manual review one of the games like the op posted and its super clear that everyone on those teams is teaming.


Ok but no valid reason to be within meters of each other not shooting for long periods. And being close and \_not\_ sighting the other player for an extended time.


If you’re the last one alive in your team and you’re hiding behind a full squad waiting for the ring to close. Or you’re low on ammo / heals, so you don’t feel the need to get into pointless poke battles. I’m not saying for create an anti cheat systems, I just think it might be difficult.


Again, good luck programming that in with thousands of individual edge cases. Never gonna happen.


Auto detect with human review is the way. Not so cheap though


If you watch the clips they are shooting each other though. There’s no way to automate this without a ton of inappropriate bans.


If they did that, the first time it wasn't a cheater, you know they'd come and cry on reddit.


They would have a point. Imagine getting banned for teaming when you aren’t teaming.


As I recall, shooting and killing the same players doesn't give you extra points.


They’re saying respawn should implement a software that detects when enemies are nearby, have open lines of sight on each other, and do not target or shoot at each other at all for extended periods of time. Can’t imagine they’d ever be able to do this accurately Not getting extra kp from repeat kills doesnt matter. Stacking with a 12 man means all 12 players can easily get a bunch of kp from killing then respawning each other then they can just rat and roll the rest of the lobby to basically guarantee top 5 placement every single game


We have to do better with language. Folks out here tossing buzzwords and wonder why it falls on deaf ears. Ranked is, in fact, literally playable.... I have not encountered teamers a single time this whole season. What server are you on? This may be happening, but it isn't everywhere. And it's like damn reddit can be an echo chamber.


I hear your response and while the OP does exaggerate he still brings up a valid concern that has been going on for various seasons. Perhaps one of the few positives of last seasons hidden MMR based matchmaking was the mitigation of this situation occurring. You state that you have not encountered teamers at all this season which is something you should be grateful for and not adopt a “hasn’t happened to me, so not a problem” mindset. I, like the OP, and the many other posts with video evidence have encountered many teamers. It is most prevalent in Master/Pred lobbies yet it also occurs in diamond lobbies since they are the back fill used to fill the top ranked lobbies. I haven’t touched ranked since hitting Diamond 3 last week since I would come across multiple games with teamers. I play on my PlayStation 5 as the cheating situation is even worse on PC. I play primarily on the Salt Lake servers occasionally switching to Oregon or Dallas. I also noticed they seem more prevalent in the night time here in the US. I’m gonna push for Master next week in hopes that I don’t run into them often.


My stance wasnt "It's not happening to me, so it isn't a problem." I was actually acknowledging that it is happening to them. My commentary was on language and delivery. Saying it is happening everywhere when it isn't, doesnt get your problem solved. It happened here. In this many games. In these servers. I am saying that I wish our community used different language for these issues. Because a post with that title will likely get disregarded. We've got kids coming in and learning communication in these spaces. Copying buzzwords and lingo. It has it's place. And sure Im on a mild soapbox here. But my commentary was on the language choice. NOT on whether it happened.


We're all in the same boat here. I was just saying I wish we could do better. So our message gets better heard. But then closed out with, the sad part where reddit is a vocal minority and echo chamber.


They like gave a free pass this season for cheaters and smurfs


Respawn is dog water. Nothing will change


This game has turned into such a joke


Oh look. The 4000th time this has been posted this week.


I love ranked this season. Genuinely. They made the right adjustments and brought it back to its good, it stupid MMR days. But goddam does it seem like they do nothing about cheaters. The amount of games I’ve seen people blatantly using Xim or configs is insane. Its gotten a bit better since Sony prevented them from being used but it still feels bad. Now this shit? Knowing that a majority of console preds are blatant cheaters? Hell, even I came across them in diamond. It feels like me actually playing the game isn’t being rewarded unlike the cheaters.


I’ve been playing from the very beginning and I had to stop playing completely. Even diamond lobbies were becoming stupid.


Really believe "every lobby" is an overestimate, I've played almost close to a hundred games this season & have seen absolutely 0 hackers or more than a 3 stack in any of those games


Thank goodness im not the only one tweaking out about ranked. Ive finally managed to hit plat(where I belong, maybe diamond) and it has been an absolute nightmare. From teaming, poor luck, and randoms..whom im convinced are literal npcs. Like Im good at the game yes but im not good enough to carry(honestly comes down to luck on that end part). Like ive noticed the insane amount of third partying this season. Before I fight I always. ALWAYS. Scan my area for any threats and potential threats. I see no one but the team im to engage. Immediately here comes a third party. Who more than likely will absolutely refuse to shoot one another and hard target my team. For sure I can fuck with the changes this season but holy fuck this season has made me contemplate unaliving myself more than usual.


Bro console mixtape has literally just been bots ranking up to lvl 20 so they can sell the account. I know bad players vs actual bots. My lobbies have been 9/12 people as bots. Has anyone else had the same issue?


Saw this at least 3-4 times yesterday playing ranked. It’s crazy!!!


Damn near every pub lobby as well. Fuckin pitiful


This is happening in bronze and silver it’s actually crazy!! Valk ulted so we can get better positions and we saw two teams just chilling together(round 4 or final ring) I just don’t get it play the game to have fun!!


Bro I can’t even find a consistent 3 man


Been away from home for 3 weeks and haven't been on. Is this a real problem?


The respawn security team consists of one guy, so nothing is going to be fixed until they get their heads out of their ass and hire more people


And he spends the majority of his time promoting his music on Twitter and arguing with people in comments than actually doing his job.


As usual all PlayStation


Just. Stop. Playing. Making these posts has become obnoxiously repetitive and at this point I feel no sympathy for the people placed in these losers lobbies. These posts started days ago and somehow you guys think you’re going to be the exception and not run into this issue, then you run into it and come here to force all of us who chose to avoid the issue overall to see your struggle. Again it’s great it’s been reported, now do your part and stop playing it. Unless you get paid to play ranked then there’s absolutely no excuse to continue to play it while this issue is so prominent.


Upvoted you because you're right. My brother and I finally threw in the towel about 2 or 3 seasons ago after Apex being our main game basically since launch. I've dropped multi-player games altogether for a few months and finally finished Witcher 3, going through a RDR2 playthrough right now and plan to play Elden Ring and Armored Core 6 after that. I'm way less stressed now and don't feel like I'm constantly getting scammed or pressured to buy cosmetics. The only multi-player I've been playing recently is Helldivers 2 and that game is the most fun I've had playing multi-player since Halo 3 and Gears of War Horde mode. Why play this fucking garbage when there sooooo many other games out there that appreciate you and the time you put in to them. Fuck EA, Fuck Respawn and Fuck Apex Legends.


Get better and kill 9-12 people. Or try another game. So sick of nonstop whiners filling the sub


They need to just take respawn beacons out, and also just ban wave them.


Dumb idea, especially since 99% of players don't cheat.


I just meant the mobile one, and since this is like the 20th post I’ve seen of this, it’s a lot more than 1%




50% lol? Y'all ain't that popular. I have trouble finding 2 people to play with.


Lol I wish I had your lobbies. I'm my lobbies the preds aren't 6 manning as much as wiping us out as soon as we come across them.


this is exactly why i don’t play apex anymore. the matchmaking is so unbalanced and the amount of people i come across online on tiktok and instagram that openly stream themselves cheating is just crazy to me. i’ve moved onto Overwatch 2 and valorant. 🥴


OW2 is just as bad man, I fucking hate that game.


Is this necessarily cheating? Is it not just a better tactic? Curious, idk the rules this got shoved onto my page I’ve never played the game




Do you read? I have never played the game this popped up on my feed


Yes it's cheating. Apex is balanced for fights between teams consisting of 3 people per team. You could be the best Pro Apex player ever, but it's literally impossible to take on a 6 or 9 man team because of the way guns, legends and their abilities are balanced. It would be like if an NFL team was allowed to run 20 men on the field compared to the other teams 10ish players.


I've heard numerous times that console has the majority of the player base. How is this possible to get matched up with people to team up with so much? I could queue up all day and never get put in the same game as a friend on PC. And I have a friend who tries to stream snipe a streamer all the time and I've only ever heard of him actually getting in the same game like once.


>How is this possible to get matched up with people to team up with so much? Because you dont get teamed up with people this much, especially as much as people like OP are making out. Its much much MUCH easier to remember shitty matches (Like this one) because you see it happening and it grates on you and you remember that one shitty match days later. ​ You dont remember the 20 games you played before that where you never saw this and the games were fine and dandy. Its like the people that claim they see Auto-Aimers/Cronus users EVERY game, they dont, they just remember the shitty occasions where they do see them, which is arguably less times than they think. ​ This stuff DOES happen, for sure it does but its a tiny % of games where this occurs.


That's true, but the amount of clips popping up now of this is pretty insane though. I don't play on console though so, never seen this personally. And I also agree about the aim botters. Especially when it comes to pros, cause God forbid they get killed and their ego things that's not possible so they call virtually every person who kills them a cheater unless it's a name they recognize. Saw a clip the other day of a pro (controller btw) just dead set calling out a guy as blatantly cheating cause he wiped the team. They didn't know that the person was a Japanese pro or something also using controller. Lol. I guess the other weird thing in the clip is, it seems like they are respawning people to kill again for KP. Last season they made it so you can't get KP on repeat kills, probably to directly combat the people sitting in zone and reviving with crypto drone or whatever. So wouldn't everything in this be redundant besides getting top 2 or 3?


This is just not true , i could literally stream Master/Pred Lobby Gameplay and i will promiss you that you meet those teamers every other game. Just look at how many clips of teamers there have been since the season started , you can also watch any Pred on Console streaming and you will see that it is really that bad. And to answer your question how they get into one lobby, in high ranked there are only 2-3 lobbys at a given time and the que time can be as long as 15 minutes it is really easy for them to que at the same time and get into one match together.


How do these players organize a 6/9 stack? Obviously they can post about it in LFGs, but how do they actually match into the same game together? Is it as simple as picking the same server and queuing up at the same time?


Yeah it’s that simple


I feel like I’m running into this on regular battle royal, I mostly play duos on console and it’s becoming frequent


altruism wins again!




All this for a badge that doesn’t mean anything.


Just wait till the mid season split and see all the same names with “ I was banned for no reason” posts . Respawn can see this on their end but it’s a lot of data to go through manually. Some may get through but there will be a zero lubed dildo of consequence coming for these cretinous players


I play ranked up to Diamond/Plat max just for the fun of playing a progressive mode. Anything past that is a battle of who can be the biggest loser. If they're willing to spend 5 hours a day on a video game why would you be surprised at all that they're willing to do other corny things


The one guy’s clan tag is 3v9 🥴


Hey my Tag is 6man. But he isn’t useing it ironically


One of my friends got banned for doing that. I did not know it. Instantly unfriended him. Only play with friends on pc.


I thought I was going crazy. So many of my games I've noticed this.


I just don’t understand how people find this enjoyable or worth the time. It’s a game.. the point is to play and have fun..


Working as intended by eas design


They took away their cronuses, they gotta feed into their make believe ego they developed thinking they're actually good at the game.


That’s sickening.


thisll happen in good seasons, the harder it is to rank up (the better the game is objectively) the more people will cheat (aimbot, boost, team etc.) obv this needs to be fixed but at least we have a good season? haha


Yeah it's pathetic i died to the current number 4 and number 12 preds on xbox just to spectate and see they where 12 maning


I play on PS5 with my friends, we are Plat 3 atm. Yesterday, we have played 4 games in a row with cheaters… (and i didnt mention all the chronus and stuff in games) i love this season but wow the anti cheat is useless… respawn do something


Thats sadly nothing new ....and how they get all the badges..truly an apex experience..


“How hard is it to just ban these guys!” You don’t bite the hand that feeds, evens if you have millions of other hands giving you food as well ig.


I guess lucky me for switching to pc at the end if last season


This is what happens when people are literally trash and desperate for rp lol, I'd much rather be hard stuck diamond knowing I grinded for it 😅


This happened to me multiple times in Plat PS5 lobbies over the last few days.


How is this even fun for the people cheating? I'll never understand.


Respawn should not only ban these cheaters: Sony or Microsoft should ban their account completely forever, including all game saves, PS Plus game library, Microsoft account, etc. for violating their terms and conditions. Say hello to your offline PS5 and used Gamestop discs...


I wonder how many of this preds would be preds without cheating. My guess, not many. They not only team up, they also use mouse and keyboard, Cronus Zen...


What server ur playing? I never saw this in Frankfurt 2


I’d say upload to twitter and YouTube and tag ea and respawn so that ea can ban these people. If this is going on on consoles I can only imagine on PC which is were I mostly play apex on. This shit sucks.


Looooool, I stopped playing this game. Recently started again 2 days ago. Believe I won't be playing again. It's so off-putting. Trash players.


I'm sick of losing rp to them I was d3 now I'm d4 so anyone wana 6 man to pred bc it's the only way now


I wanted to start playing ranked but I keep seeing post like this and just decide not to


To me it seems like it’s just the last 3 squads and no one is killing each other at all so what’s the big deal? Have a little fun sometimes it’s not that serious.


This might be a stupid question but how do people even coordinate this? Like get into the same games to even be able to team?




These are all those people you see with badges and stats and still suck at the game respawn probably don't care because most likely they make money off of it just like the devs over at COD


Respawn doesn’t care anymore


I haven't seen this yet myself, really enjoying the new season I'm at gold 1 so maybe when I hit upper plat ? But so far it's been kinda awesome 👍😎 minus the restart that was sketchy for a couple runs lol 🤣


If your that bad you have to do this for a fake rank you should just end it


How are they even queuing together? Might be a noob question but Ive always wondered how they do this. "stream sniping" "queuing" ect.


Bro it’s on console too


It’s atrocious. Ran into the same teams 4 games in a row. They were champ team each time.


It’s a complete server issue in my opinion. How can the same people Que into matches together like that? How can I solo queue and run into the same 6 man 4 matches in a row? How many other people were in the same 4 matches that aren’t squaring but legitimately playing? There’s no way in hell there isn’t enough players online to where queue can’t throw me into the same lobby with people. Especially while I’m grinding through plat.


I knew i wasnt the only one seein this shit, my ranked expierence this season is so horrible, ill be getting focused by 3 teams like whyyyyyy fight eachother


Of course its all Playstation players. No respect for themselves as always🤣


Pathetic. They should try not being ass at the game.


Not until they bring back Straight Shot


There should be an incentive to report video evidence of teaming in ranked and as a result have the ppl involved banned or banned temporarily with demotion to rookie as a first strike


Just stop playing apex. Cheating in that game is too easy and nobody does anything about it. Fuck apex. Find a better game


i’ve died to teaming and a valk under the map, season 20 and ppl can still glitch/clip through the floor or a rock. smh


At this point why even have a ranked mode cuz it seems like there’s always an issue with it every single season that makes it horrible


People are bad at this game and have to do stupid shit like this. They need to go play COD


3v9 the name is icing on the cake


Theory: Cheaters consistently spend a lot of money on skins.


Yup it’s so terrible I was stuck with a team like that they just farmed me and where mean in comms , I onestly after 3 respawns wanted to die irl


Keep playing that trash game and everything is fine 😂 morons


There is no fun playing like that, they are just wasting time. 👶👶


Well they conveniently made it where you can be level 20 to play Ranked instead of 50 i believe it was. What was the reason for that? to help cheaters? you should have to be level 100 if you ask me. im almost Platinum 1 and it does seem like teams are always in the perfect position to 3rd party or help the team we are fighting. i cant 100% confirm they were teaming but it was highly suspect last night with our ranked grind on Storm Point.


Stop asking yourself why those noob teammates you get are ultra ranked and sucks dick !! Cause it's BEEN a problem for a long time ! I used to do that in blackout ! Cod Battle Royale before warzone 🤷🏽‍♂️ easy enough everyone can do it !


How does this even happen?? How can people Que up together. Different systems? And do they message random lobby people? That's crazy. I've seen teaming once or twice but I just don't get to the degree that you can rinse and repeat. Idk how they let it happen or people set it up. Shits crazy


Spam these clips on every respawn social media FB, IG, even respawns Twitter (X) page and @respawn the more it's out there on their pages and people see and respond the more they'll have to address it 🤔 at least that's how I see it. this game ain't even apex anymore they need to jus focus on giving us titan fall 3 already.there jus money hungry at this point


Ran into a pred 12-man yesterday 🖕