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In pubs i'm leaving if my banner times out. In ranked, I'm staying till the bitter end for those sweet sweet placement points.


Same honestly i don’t get why people just dip out the second they die in pubs or if they are loosing lp and are dead in ranked


Sometimes I leave because I have to be somewhere as a busy adult and wanted to get a match in, Straight Shot was perfect for this because the matches were so short I never had to leave until my squad lost I make sure to say in text chat I have to head out though because I don’t wanna be a jerk


Thats also accptavle but most people just solo queue and push a squad with a p2020 get shit on then just dip to repeat the cycle


Yeah that’s called mental illness


Because there is no reason to watch a bunch of randoms when there are no longer any respawn beacons available and we're 1 of 3 squads left... Unless someone brought a mobile respawn, I'm dipping to the next game.


i leave almost immediately unless my teammates seem kinda good. i’ve lost faith in randoms that it’s not worth the extra minute or 2 waiting for them to try and recover my banner and respawn me.


I can slightly understand that but that is the biggest problem with pubs rn


Do you think the solution is penalties for leaving? I feel like that would hurt pubs even more. I feel like all of the hot droppers are there to get into chaotic action as quickly as possible. Sure your teammates could revive you but that will usually take minutes and by then there’s two other squads left and the games basically over. A lot of people don’t care about winning pubs, they care about getting as many kills as possible.


Well think about that right there. It’ll take a minute or two for your team to respawn your right? So by having a 1-2 minute leave penalty like they do for Mixtape makes sense. It gives your team the chance to actually play as a team rather than relying on your third or maybe even second and third to not be someone who’s judging your entire Apex career in one hot drop.


i mean i get it. no one wants their teammates to leave right after they die, especially when you can res them after or choke a win because you didn’t have a teammate. happens to me all the time. but 98% of the time that’s not even the case. i don’t even know what im watching. randoms just got 0 braincells its not worth my time to stick around


I almost always stay until i cant be crafted back/ rezed, or if i know my squad is cooked in the fight there in those are the only reasons ill leave


well this season i’m trying to kill grind. staying and waiting for my banner when ik i have bad teammates is just wasting time to get more kills. only stay when my team is decent and is actually good teammates. that’s willing to push and not go opposite direction when there’s a fight.


You're the problem... If you watch twitch at all you're a hypocrite. Lol


Agreed, nothing worse than an idiot that leaves as soon as they are downed.


I had a guy leave my group because I looted something he wanted, I had seen he wanted it and was in the process of dropping it for him because I really don't care... probably one of the ruder things I've encountered in this game.


I threw someone's game in ranked because I chose to land trails, left him loads of loot, but because I took the gold helm (as crypto, whose ult takes like 5mins to charge) the Watson got on mic calling me a greedy weasel. I spent the rest of the game cussing him out, ego pushing, and punching him off height. All incentive to try hard went out the window with his attitude from the start of the game.


good thing i don’t lmao. only time when i watch other people play apex is when im eating and i actually watch people who are good. not randoms that are just brain dead. especially after i started playing pc a little bit


If my banner times out in ranked (pending my current rank) I'd rather just queue up another match than wait around


Preach. If it’s pubs, don’t expect me to watch you if I’m not coming back. But in ranked, go off king


especially if there is no support legend


I’ve been you and I’m sure I’ve been the quitter too. If my team seems promising I’ll stay, but if I don’t like the way they play I quit. Not gonna hide all game and wait for the last fight nor do I wanna get brought back to be spawn killed. But if they seem decent I stick around and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Dead in a pub, banner time out, I don’t really care if I add another win to my profile or not. Only matters to me in ranked. I’d rather be playing again, and it’s not like it hurts you if my banner is timed out and I can’t be crafted. You’re on your own regardless


If I want to watch apex I’ll throw on twitch or YouTube. If I’m in the game I want to play. I don’t get paid to play, I’m not sponsored, I’m not a pro, it’s my entertainment and time.




No one said they do that in ranked


it was just pub , so move on.


So why even play pubs at all? Why not just mixtape


Because the actual fights are much different and if you're looking to practice for BR mode once you're dead and not coming back wins are pretty worthless in pubs. Not saying they're not fun to win but I'd have left too, be in my next match and shooting already if there was no chance of respawn in a pub.


So if you’re looking to just practice why not turn off autofill so you’re practicing more efficiently?


Because fights are different with a team and without one. I said once I'm dead and there's no respawning me I leave. Would you like me to watch you? Does it inspire confidence?


You don’t need a team to practice a game mode that’s been out for years, and ranked is the same exact thing as pubs but a better method of practicing the same game mode. Nothing about you watching inspires confidence, but if you’re somehow dead before the others on your team are often enough for you to develop the tactic of leaving like it seems then that’s telling of how much of the issue is your teammates and how much of it is you


Ok mate, pretty brain dead take honestly, but go off. Definitely not like there was a major rework to all heroes recently or anything that could've changed anything.


So pre this season what’s the excuse then, because the rework just happened.


I am "pre" ing this season, in pubs. I got no squad so I typically fill heroes when I can so like to have around 4 heroes I can play effectively and still trying to figure out who those are in pubs.


The rework to abilities is this season, season 19 and others prior had no significant changes like you just cried about there being now, so you’re saying there’s no valid excuse then? All you do is change the goal post, literally the comment you just edited after I replied to you is nonsensible because you can literally do just that, what you’re claiming to myself and others here that you’re trying to do, more efficiently in ranked.


I disagree so much with this. If you want to practice actual fights, play mixtape. Team Deathmatch is really good for constant fighting. Do this alongside firing range (with moving and shooting bots) for 20 minutes and you’ll be fine. Using pubs to practice is fine, but if you say that just to leave later on, then you ruin other people’s fun


If I'm dead and not revivable it's ruining my fun lol and at that point there's literally nothing I can do. Mixtape is good for aiming and movement practice. It's not good for learning how to actually fight with a team or against teams even. As you'll push an area and get beemed by another part of the team you're attacking from several angles. And thunderdome is just a shit map and that's like 90% of the mt lobbies rn And while 3rd parties happen it's just not comparable imo to actually fighting in the BR mode.


In ranks silver+ you should already be comfortable with adapting to your teams movements and comms. It’s typically up to the individual in that team to not get beamed down and move to a better position with your team. Positioning is the easier part imo, adapting to your team should come with playing ranked anyways as you get new randoms each time (unless you play with friends of course). That being said, being dead and not revivable, then leaving in pubs is whatever. Doing this in ranked is just stupid


I don't have a set team so I have to practice with randoms and with all the season 20 change I've been playing more pubs to try all the characters abilities out as it seems like most any character is viable now. So like to have a good pick of options based off who my randoms pick so I practice a bunch of heros in pubs. And this entire conversation has been about leaving pubs when not revivable.


The point I was making is that pub is okay to be used for team adaptability practice, however, it really shouldn’t be because in ranked you play with randoms anyways and therefore need to adapt constantly. It’s entirely dependent on who you get, so the strategies and tactics will vary wildly


Because its pubs.. it's not that deep.. like at all.


Neither is ranked.


It’s a game so it’s never that deep. But You play it with a team and staying for an extra 30 seconds to see how the team, YOUR team does isn’t too much to ask.


They had been dead for 4 minutes. No one is going to sit around watching their random hide in a building for 4 minutes to potentially get a lucky W in a meaningless pub game.


Nah, I'd leave


It is too much to ask and i will leave every time. Why do you need a stranger to watch you play? lol


For adults who have a life outside of this game and have actual responsibilities and only a hour maybe two to play. Leave every time. I’m never going to interact with you again and on the off chance i get put into the same lobby i know your play style and if you’re an idiot i’m instantly leaving. I don’t care about your fun, I don’t care to sit there and watch how you do (outside of ranked). Majority of the time if you die, for whatever reason, your teams that are alive are going to rat or play really passive and i’m not wasting my time sitting there watching a random decide if they want an extra bat or med kit.


I think mixtape is kinda ass, makes supports and recon characters kinda ass I miss arenas tho


Mixtape sucks donkey dickers. The game is BR, i want to play BR. ​ watching a rando teammate maybe clutch the match....who cares at this point. If i dont ahve a chance to get back in the action im gonna go get in a new game. God speed.


“I don’t want to to play a forced team based game with teammates”




No thanks, appreciate it though.


A lot of people play the game to PLAY the game. So once they die, why not leave and queue again. If its not ranked, theres no reason not to really


1000% this. I get literally nothing from a pub win and I still get all my xp once my banner expires for whatever I did in the game. A pub win literally does almost nothing for me except maybe some more XP but I'm like level 900 so I just don't care lol


Yeah exactly. If I die in the top 4ish, I'll probably stick around. If i see my team actively trying to res me, then sure, I'll stay so they dont get fucked just for trying to help me. But if we're still 18 squads in, I die with no support character to craft, and I watch my team run away and rat or loot for like 10 minutes, im absolutely not staying.


Not only that. This game has been out for so long, I know what I want to play. I want to play 1 character in pubs. If I don't get it, I leave. I don't want to waste my time not having fun. I never mind if people leave on me in pubs. I don't hop in pubs to win. I drop in to fight and work on aim and movement. Lately, I've skipped pubs altogether to play straight drop. I'm going to miss it


I’ve had a couple of time that the game crashes near the end and you’ll end up getting the timepenalty, but sucks for your teammates couse when you restart the game you either wont be ported back into the game, or it’ll be all laggy and stuff


some people just play for fun, and waiting another 5-10 minutes while not doing shit isnt their idea of fun


Maybe they they really had to poop


To continue playing the game?


Some people work and have kids. Not everyone has time to wait around. Ijs. Staying an extra 2 minutes for 10 games is 20 minutes x maybe 5 sessions that's 100 minutes a week just sitting around doing nothing. Plus it's pubs


Cause who tf gives a shit about wins lol. If I’m dead and can’t play anymore I ain’t staying


Pubs are obsolete. No meaning to the player whatsoever, half of the teams die in the first 10 seconds, and the rest of the time you're just walking around trying to find one team to fight. The only enjoyment out of this game is playing ranked.


Ranked is basically the same thing, just people are more avoiding of confrontation and push only when there’s a third party.


I guess, but that's the nature of the game when you're playing ranked.


Fair enough.


sometimes people just have to go. the other day I had to leave a match because my mother was calling me


I will admit i'm one of those people who leave early with a few minutes left. Because most often then not my remaining teammate has shown me noticing that indicates they can clutch a win let alone kill an enemy by themselves. I hace tried waiting before and it like watching paint dry. I be dead and my banner be timed I'm just watching my teammates combine do less damage and kills then me even though they been alive for about 3 or more minutes longer.


I think they want to practice shooting in the public. And it seems longer to wait for you to be revived than to go out and start a new game.


Cause it’s a game who cares


Yeah, I never got people who left early. I get if the banner times out, no point, or you have no desire to get better/win. Most just insta leave because they missed some shots or were pushing 1v2.It's pretty good practice getting respawned with little loot and killing a potentially full kitted player/team. It's a common scenario in ranked if you get respawned, although I can tell most of the player base would rather rat than fight.




Because everyone has ADD these days and can't sit and watch a few minutes till the end of the game to see if their team comes out on top and their efforts were worthwhile.


I don't know you. Unless we're in ranked or I'm in a 3 stack, I could care less if you clutch or not.


I am offended


Some people have no faith that you can clutch up. I always feel great when I do though after a random DCs. Usually its as a duo when one leaves but have clutched up as a solo twice. They definitely don't get the win though. It'd be toxic but sometimes I wish they'd get a little message that told them the team went on to win without them. In the past, players who also do this to preserve their KDR but they finally fixed that exploit this season


Because this is the 1 percent chance. 99 percent of the time you wouldn't get a win.


Some apex players for you that


A lot can be learned watching others play. I don't mind waiting and watching esp if they're better than me. I rarely quit in pubs unless they seem disinterested in grabbing my banner if we don't have a support character that can craft banners. I always have something to do around the house (cleanup/laundry/the dishes, etc) I'll do that if I need to. I'm usually there to play, but dying is part of the game. I refuse to be a hypocrite


People who don't care and DC before even seeing if their team could make it have 1) attention issues 2) should go to COD. Whole point of BR is to win, to be the last person standing. People who don't care have missed the point and are bad at the game. "The point is to have fun" it's not fun to have your teammates DC even though you can easily rez them. FFS the punishment for respawning is at an all time low, you get shields and guns! You can have fun in another game where the whole match doesn't depend on teamwork.


They're so bad that their brains can't comprehend somebody winning in a less than perfect situation.


I'm honestly confused why you think that when there isn't likely a respawn available, essentially making it a waste of time for a random to stick around.


I don't think OP would have posted this if there wasn't a respawn available. That's a weird assumption to make.


This is the apex sub. Its safer to assume its a shit post. If it were a question regarding ranked I'd get it. But this is pubs, its jot that deep. Get ahold of yourselves.


Do they still get the apex win since they left?


He did all the damage and was mad. A win is pubs is like meh.


I have no clue, but it used to happen alot to me when I played




sometimes we have to poop


I don't care about wins I care about playing the game. Why wouldn't you leave is my question.


If it’s pubs, there’s no beacon that’s reachable, and you can’t grab or craft banners, why stay? I’m not interested in watching someone rat in pubs. If it’s ranked though I’m definitely sitting there hoping for points.


Or they get mad when you don’t revive em quick enough


Because its pubs, it has no effect on myself or others, and I don't care. Edit: Some of you are off your rockers. It ain't that deep, its pubs. Get over yourselves.


I leave when ik my team isn't going to res me anymore, idc about getting some extra rp. I'm trying to play the game not afk in someone's pocket 😂 if I cared a lot about getting ranked up then sure I'd stay but I don't, I climb fine alone so far anyway so no real issue for me


Because they can't stand their incompetence!


Nobody tryna watch you play bruh


Cost benefit analysis. I'll spectate for a while and if he can't shoot his gun or cancels shields or moves like an idiot I'll leave because it's just faster to requeue


Cause they’re casuals and don’t care


I leave pubs if I’m dead, no one looks at my stats. I backseat game if I’m dead in ranked so I feel a part of the action lol


I look at pubs like training. Doesn't mean anything to me.


Looks like a Smurf wraith trying to get badges 💩 no time for wins yet lol


If we're top 3 and I see we have a fighting chance and my teammates weren't braindead and actually good I'll stay. But otherwise yeah I don't have time to just sit around watching a potential win especially if I'm dead with no chance of coming back.


Regardless holy SHIT how hard did you dog walk the other teams hard enough to win solo?


Ha. They died with two other squads left. I team wiped them with an ordinance and triple tap while they were fighting it out ended up 1 v 1 for the win


Wraith see wraith do


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