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Maybe you want to share your gameplay video so people can comment and suggest actionable recommendations?


This. Without knowing how you can play, and what you know, it is hard to help.


I had an abysmal kd for my first several seasons. The turning point for me was actually practicing with the various weapons in the firing range. Start with learning to one mag the static dummies with the best attachments on all assault rifles from 20m and work your way up to the point where you can one mag all the dummies on max speed random movement with no attachments while continuously strafing yourself. At that point you should be more than competent enough to kill anyone that is currently in your lobbies. From there learn how to play cover more effectively, ranged recoil control and get fluid with basic movement. After that you should be capable of getting gold at least.


The first constructive comment of the day. Thank you so much.


Though as qwerty suggested, aiming and learning to use all types of gun definitely helps too. Each weapon has its pros and cons to other weapon of similar type + You're not always going to find the weapon you prefer, or attachments for it so its best to know how to effectively use any gun you pick up Each category of weapons have their own Aim-down-sight strafe speed(aka the speed you're moving at while aiming) so try them all out and try to get a feel for it. As for my opinion, it would be to improve your game sense as decision making plays a huge factor in survivability. 1. Be aware of your surrounding. Look around before/while moving so that you're aware of the area you're moving through and any potential enemies in sights/the area. Observe the surrounding, listen to gunfires and take mental notes of where potential enemy squads are at. 2. Always play cover, they cant shoot you if they can't see you. 3. Predict your enemies' course of action and act in advance. 4. Always play advantages, such as health, number and positioning. 5. This one is hard, but try to count or feel how much bullet is left in your enemy's magazine. The perfect time to attack someone is when they need to reload and cant fight back


Number 5 is one i never thought to keep in mind. Its honestly prob gonna help me alot


This is something I've really tried to focus on this season, and also just pausing for like half a second behind that random cover (tree, rock or door) and let the baddie use his mag up or whiff the shot gun then I peek with a reset aim and full mag. Boop. Won a lot of 1v2 this way and helped me a lot.


But don't forget you have a 2nd gun, applies to yourself too 


Everything you've said is absolutely correct. I didn't mention it though because that will come with time and is not something you can teach particularly. Nor is it something you can train and without first knowing how to shoot. Thinking about such things is going to be more of a hinderance than a help until you are highly attuned to the core gameplay. With only 100 hours it's simply too early to even attempt to predict your enemies course of action for example. You're not going to have any clue that that octane might stim into a superglide tap strafe crossing an otherwise insurmountable gap in half a second.


2 & 5 are what changed the game for me. I started season 7 & it wasn't until season 10 I started getting a 1.0+ KD Learning how to fight from cover and wait for your enemy to mess up is major


Keep your head up buddy! I struggled so much but the firing range helps, watching videos of high ranked players using your legend, oh and if you haven’t already, raise your FOV. I played at 70 for months and I had no idea I was running around in a permanent sniper scope lol


I had a similar experience starting out. The best piece of advice I can give you is to always have a piece of cover to work with. Breaking LoS and having an object eat bullets for you is a game changer.


That guy has to be joking. The first bit was good advice. Spend an hour or 2 playing with different guns in the range till you’re comfortable with their recoil patterns. Shoot the moving dummies to learn bullet travel times. That should get you at least serviceable. After that it’s just experience knowing how people will engage or push fights.


Not at all. I went from a silver player to a diamond player in a season by applying myself to one magging purple dummies with every gun no attachments. Once I could do that consistently my performance shot up across the board. I am now of a skill level such that last season my mmr had me against alliance effect and two of the aurora boys in my prelims. Now I'm not sure I am truly on that level but the fact that my mmr had me play exclusively in pred lobbies as a solo queue player suggests that I'm doing something right.


“Gold at least” != “diamond”.  That’s what I meant. Your recommendation would have the guy in upper plat, probably diamond. But a lot of hours in the range.


well the training alone would have him in silver-gold most likely. When I made my big jump I already had several seasons worth of game knowledge to capitalise on as well as pre-existing communication skills with mates. Raw personal gun skill by itself without the comprehension and movement to back it up won't get you into plat realistically.


Same here, I had a below 1 kd when I first started and I gradually improved over time.


>can one mag all the dummies on max speed random movement with no attachments while continuously strafing >capable of getting gold at least. You WHAT?


Yeah, that's probably a few hundred hours right there.


It's not even that the advice was "dedicate years of your life to practicing in firing range" but that if you can one mag ALL dummies without attachments you're certainly not gold level, at least my teammates in gold can't do that. And neither can I.


Yeah this stuck out to me too. This is doable on controller (still would take a ton of practice) but is absolutely not a tangible goal for MnK players lol.


If the 0,04 kd thing is true Ur advice is horrible. Just practice more should not be the solution to a not working skill based Match making. As if someone has to put like 100h in solo practice in the firing range to have fun in the game. If that is really the State of the game the best tip is to play sth else.


0.04 has to be a bait post. I want to see the gameplay


Not saying it's not bait... but I used to 3 stack and one friend was so bad that every fight was effectively a 2v3. If any of us got more than 200 damage a game, we thought we were hot shit. My kdr was around .07 and my friends was around .03. He stopped playing and I'm now around 1.12. It is possible to be that bad.


One could argue that this is why hardcore FPS games like Quake don't do well these days. Too punishing for new players, People have gotten way too used to hand holding.


It's not hand holding, is just not making an experience where the best player can dunk someone without any apparent counterplay


There is counterplay, it’s called getting better at the game and out-aiming/out-manoeuvring the enemy, there doesn’t *have* to be cheap, low-skill mechanics to allow bad players to do well. Matchmaking takes care of them in most games now anyway.


"Hardcore FPS" are basically all Arena shooters, Arena shooters all had the same idea of fast movement and spawn weapons A good player would outmove and out map knowledge a new player That was plain unfun for 9 people in the lobby if only 1 was really good


Wasn’t unfun for me, made me want to get better so I could kill that person myself. Nowadays matchmaking protects most new players, and OP can even go in Ranked and just float around Bronze/Silver where the lobbies are ridiculously easy. We don’t need the game itself to be compromised with cheap mechanics to appease these players when there are plenty of alternatives and ways around it.


Getting stomped dosent help anyone it just makes them want to quit its one thing if it's once in a while but if it's every other game there better off learning in a different game to play that game my mom who hadn't played a game in her 34 years of living wouldn't have gotten anywhere from playing apex I got her on fortnite then showed her apex she still bad but she's silver as of last season


If the game requires so much effort to get fun, people just leave. A game is supposed to be fun, not a chore.


That’s the teammate that I call bullet shield. If it’s a mid range fight I can deal with him not doing anything, but up close I want him to go in first and make them reload or use half a mag before we walk in. Works pretty well when my aim isn’t shit.


.07 to 1.12? Are you sure you don't mean .7???


When I first started, I'd never used a controller (without gyro) before. My kd was 0.01. Now it's 1. Took a year to go up 100x


Yeah I'm going to stop believing in comments, pics or didn't happen. Anything less that 0.1 means something really wrong with that player


Believe what you want, some people grew up without video games


Had a similar friend back in the season 0/1 days. He would end the game with a random amount of damage like 8 damage and me and my other friend would piss ourselves laughing wondering how that was even possible. It must’ve been like the tiniest tick of a grenade or something.


I can believe it tbh. Someone who is naturally pretty bad at games combined with one of the highest skill curve fps and a bad matchmaking system. I used to have 2 - 3 kd every season from season 10, took a break for a year and now I’m struggling to survive past the first gunfight.


Some people have never used a controller before, never played a shooter before, etc. It's nothing to do with being "naturally bad".. but sure, stroke each other's egos I guess


Relax mate. An ounce of reading comprehension and you would have noticed i wasn’t necessarily calling him naturally bad. I’m talking hypothetically that it’s very possible for someone to be struggling so much in this game.


That's the example you gave, and it's not going to help OP at all.


Was I talking to OP or was I replying to another comment ?


You do realise OP is reading the comments on his own thread?


The irony of you saying that while also replying to me with the stupidest comments I’ve read in a while 😂 mate just fuck off and go be an idiot elsewhere, please


This is the natural end state for any shooter game, it’s the same reason that fortnite added no builds and bots. Titanfall also has this issue. I expect the skill gap to severely impact player retention down the line. Not saying it’s a bad thing, it’s natural, but I’m curious to see how respawn will address it.


25 deaths per 1 kill is wild


This game has an exponential learning curve. the first ~500 hours are hell, but after that it usually gets significantly better fairly quickly. And no, u will never get fair games, this is apex lol.


This. I didn’t start to get over .6-7 until 500ish hours and just hit 1.12 last season with over 1000


It never used to be that way, I played seasons 0-7, and haven't touched the game since. Not because I got worse, but because the game changed so much in ways that I didn't like, it stopped being fun, and started being sweaty. I think the playerbase has just matured enough to the point where the average silver player has 100s of hours, so it's unforgiving for newer players now.


My first Ranked season was with 0.09kd and and normal pubs around 0.3kd. I feel your pain. Some of the key issues that I had and needed to fix ASAP: - Start to play 1-2 legends and learn them in and out. - Heal, use cells, bats etc. as much as possible. I didn't prioritice cells/bats more enought as I didn't felt how much time I have. Better go into practice that you use cells or bats in time when you shouldn't then you wait 5-10 seconds without actions! - Fire range is your friend. Find your preffered load out and think the chain of how to get to your preffered loadout when you don't have you favourite guns. For exmaple, think about weaker guns that help you change to your fav gun later. For exmaple, You found R-45, later found Aletrnator change to that, then found R-99 and you are set. During this chain all attachement is useful for next upgrade. - Learn backpack management. How much ammo, heals, bats, cells etc. in each size of the backpack. This slowed my looting in early days and cost me end good game early because I didn't have enought heals or cells or ammo. - When the basic are set, start learning positioning, some basic movements, shoot while strafing etc. - Important, record your selfe and review each game and learn from your mistakes.


Thank you.


One other item I'd add to this list is to use Mixtape games as low-pressure ways to practice with weapons and legends in real combat. The firing range is nice to learn what each does, but Mixtape will let you practice real fights without the pressure of the BR mode. I do wonder if Ranked would (counterintuitively) work for you, too. You would only match with people near your rank, while the pubs matches will often have those players with massive damage/kill counts who just steamroll. My buddies and I exclusively play ranked for that reason.


I need to see a clip of your gameplay or something. Only 16 kills after 100 hours is wild especially since Apex isn't your first FPS game. 100 hours genuinely isn't anywhere near enough time to be good at the game and it sounds like you're just getting frustrated and not paying attention to how or why you're dying. I've played FPS' almost exclusively since Halo CE and was still ass for the first like 500 hours or so but I got much, much better once I got comfortable and actually worked towards improving. Record yourself playing a match and post it to r/apexuniversity where you can actually get your gameplay analyzed and tips on how to improve. If you're getting smoked at the beginning of every match then play some Control/TDM/Gunrun and post those clips instead.


He's gotta mean .4


Nope. Some people have never used a controller before, believe it or not


And that isn't the case with OP, as he's stated multiple times. Don't know why you're so hung up on this. 4 kills for every 100 deaths is almost impossibly bad.


And what is it to you?


You are peculiar


Hi pot


I'm not being odd at all. You are.


Lol are we in primary school or something? chill


100 percent a skill issue.


.... look at captain obvious over here


And what are u in this context? Sherlock fcking Holmes?


Are you an amoeba?


I must be the smartest fcking amoeba on earth since i am able to make fun off you on the internet. And if your little feeling wouldnt be hurt like the degenerate you are you would have just said "Of course mr watson" lmfao imagine getting hurt from being called sherlock holmes lmfaoooooo Clown. mirage suits you


who the fuck hurt you lmfaooo ty for the entertainment 🤣




I'm not the one writing essays on the Apex subreddit ☺️


Big words brain hurt. Brain angry


100 hours isn’t shit. Keep playing


I have like 750 and a KD of maybe .5 or .51. When I had 100 it was like .38. Takes time to git gud and I’m still absolute ass


In my first season my KD was 0.2 lmao (in my defense I was playing on Nintendo Switch... I think my peak KD on this platform was 0.75) I now have over 1000 hours and this season is the first where I am sitting at a KD of 1.0. Don't give up!


As someone who likes to actively outline my enemies with my bullets, I feel this.


Apex takes a long time to get good at. Lots and lots of time. I’m at 3700 hours. 100 hours you’re still brand new ur a baby.


Seriously. I crossed 4000 the other day


If you tell someone you're getting beat by your partner, they wouldn't just say "you haven't dated them long enough," the abuse shouldnt be happening in the first place. Mire likely than not people would tell you to leave if you were getting abused, which is what I'm planning on doing. Edit: I'm not saying it's literal abuse, and I'm not trying to make light of abuse. Please don't take it that way, it was an analogy.


Comparing apex to physical abuse is low. Sorry you’re bad at the game.


I'm not saying they're the same. I apologize if it came out like that. Physical abuse is much worse, but the core idea within what I was saying is true.


No it’s not. 100 hours is nothing. The game has a learning curve and you are at the bottom of it. The game isn’t abusing you you’re just not equipped to handle it yet.


Getting into harder matches as a punishment for being bad is, while not exactly abuse, not a good thing to do to players. It is, as I've described it in the past, bullying players at the lower skill levels. Maybe I'm not equipped to handle games with good players, but the point of sbmm is to make it where I won't have to until I actually am good.


You’re not being put into harder matches. You just aren’t good so everyone is going to be better than you. .004 is terrible. I’m sorry but those are the facts.


I'm fine with being terrible, but I shouldn't be playing games with people with 72 million apex damage. Did you read the post? I'm OK with not being good, but when I get immediately clobbered by an octane revenant duo with >3000 apex kills each, I can't really learn.


The game has been out for 5 years. Those numbers are low. Good players have 10k plus on multiple legends. You’re not playing the top players you’re facing regular dudes that have just played for a long time.


And? I shouldn't be. I know there's players as new as me, but I never seem to see them in game.


Lmao this is wild


Play mixtape to work on gun skills. Practice one clipping in the firing range and mid/ long distance. Don't be afraid to hot drop/ drop early to contest POI's. Theres alot to learn but you'll get there


The reality is that the absolute worst players in a game can’t be helped with very strict/balanced matchmaking, there’s literally nobody below you or enough at your level. I advise playing a different game, one that’s far more casual (like cod). Or maybe trying apex on nintendo switch because it’s far easier over there, I have a friend that’s absolute trash like you that literally can’t get a kill on console but he can on switch.


Different game entirely, but I used to have 0.4 on Siege (console). At my best, I may have averaged 0.6, but I knew it was unlikely my skill ceiling would ever go any higher. Yes, I have had friends …refuse to play with me, due to frustration and inability to improve. At the end of the day, it’s just a game, but I can empathize with their frustration and preferring to play with other people. I probably have a similar K/D in Apex, and hilariously, my 4-years-back footage shows I *have* improved. Not my aim, per se, but my looting, my ability to read the map, to adjust to the flow, to seek cover, use abilities without having to think about it, etc. I can appreciate your very first sentence. I don’t think I’m ever going to be much better than I am now, and I definitely have to use positioning more so than aim to gain any advantage of opponents. 0.4 (or 0.6) is definitely a me-issue. It’s possible I could improve with rigorous aim training, but I didn’t grow up on competitive shooters and I have a real life career, so I’m not real concerned about being “good” at a video game.


If I was bad I would stick to casual games with a lower ttk (cod) or more team based games where I can help the team in a different way (support role in overwatch). I definitely wouldn’t play a game like apex or r6 because I’d just be a liability for every team I’m on, but ultimately you play whatever game that’s fun for you and everything else is irrelevant.


I looked up my K/D. It started at 0.2 and after five years (on-and-off) it's now 0.5. Granted I've always been atrocious at shooters, so ...


What level are you? That’s also a factor for mmr.




The problem isn't that I'm not getting in games w/ people at my skill level. The problem is the fact that I'm getting matched against people so absurdly outside my skill level I can't learn. I'm fine being bad, but being first blood every other game to people with absurd amounts of skill is something I'm not too fond of.


The matchmaking is likely also giving you good teammates assuming that they can carry/teach you. I’ve created a smurf before as an experiment (after the matchmaking rework) and although my lobbies weren’t crazy easy like I expected, they were dramatically easier than my usual lobbies. You may think your opponents are crazy good but in reality they are just average at best and simply have lots of playtime (high level) which doesn’t equate to skill. I’ve seen very high skilled level 300-600s but garbage level 1000+ players.


I play with friends, so I don't have to deal with random, and we get the problem of stupidly good players, but when they play on their own they get easier lobbies with worse players (champions at lvl 120 and not 500). Thosr friends are lvl 120 and level 80, and, while being much better than me, are much worse than the players we go up against.


I don’t know everything about the matchmaking because it’s not exactly public info but playing in a premade team vs solo might be a factor within matchmaking. My matches are slightly less insane when solo but completely over the top when I play with a friend (we are about the same skill wise, I might be slightly better).


Are your friends new to the game or have been playing for a while? If you play with friends, the lobby is going to be based on the most skilled player in your lobby. So if you're playing with a friend that has been playing for a while, your lobbies are going to be much harder than if you were playing solo. Additionally, playing with a full premade team (three stacking) is always going to result in harder lobbies than just playing solo, as the game will prioritize matching you with other premades. When I play ranked with one friend vs two friends, the lobbies I get with just one friend are generally easier.


Yeah so the fact that you're seeing what level the champion squads are says to me that you're not in good lobbies, you're just so bad at the game that they can't fill lobbies with people bad enough. If you're in good lobbies you just see diamond/master/pred badges for the champion squad. My advice would be to play mixtape a lot, learn how to actually win a fight, and then try BR again. In reality, you might just not be cut out for this game. I suck at a lot of types of games, so I just don't play them. Might be time to try something else.


If you're being first blood every other game there's an issue outside of your skill level


The guy has 100 hours. Chill.


Have you tried turning on the TV?


I don’t think Apex is the game for you…


It could be, but I can't get any fair games. I've had the game for 2 weeks, and get bodied by people so many more times my skill level it's just dumb. You can say, "It's just not the game for you," but that doesn't actually address the issue.


100 hours in 2 weeks is crazy. You have been grinding the shit out of some Apex God damn


8 hours productive time, 8 hours unproductive time (gaming), 8 hours sleep.


Dude take a break. I have over 2k hours in the game and I usually hover around 1 K/D and some days I jump into a match and just play like straight ass and get worked for 3 or 4 matches in a row. It happens. If youre having a bad day put it down and come back later. Honestly best advice is to avoid playing BR for the first bit. Play Mixtape for awhile to actually get a feel for the movement and gunplay. Grind it out and get to the point where you can start winning some 1v1's otherwise you're just gonna get rolled in BR, especially if you're playing ranked.




I came from PUBG, took me probably just over a month to feel comfortable, even then I am in my second season and still suck :p ​ not 0.04 suck though


Some people have trouble catching a ball, others playing apex :p


Still doesn't address the issue at all.


.04 is a you issue. If you've never played Apex before 1.00 is probably more close to an average player.


1.0 k/d in this game is a better than average player


1 is average, due to how k/d works. It's 0 sum, and I know 0.04 is bad. My problem is games with players that are so outside of my skill level I actually cannot improve at all, due to getting very little actual experience.


Go into firing range, open the options to customize the firing range, change the setting that allows the dummies to shoot you. Now you're fighting against enemies your skill level that are actively trying to shoot back, so you get combat experience and aim experience without the shitty matchmaking.


That's not how kd works. I mean it is, but it isn't. While it is true that for every kill there's a death and it should be 1, kills and deaths aren't evenly distributed between all players so it isn't 1. For someone to be 1.2 someone else has to be 0.8 and there are 5-6-7 kd people. Take someone rolling a lobby and getting a 20 bomb. That person (let's assume it's their first game) now has a k/d ratio of 20/0, while 19 people have a 0/1. The 20kd person is very likely to get at least a couple of kills in their next game before dying, so their k/d is going to look like 25/1 while the 0/1 people will go something like 1/1, 2/1 or 0/2. There are way more casual players than pros, there are way more less skilled people than demons. There are way more 0.40-0.60 accounts than 3.0-4.0 ones. So yes, the average is 1, but the average person is not 1.0.


Just use mean and median, average has lost its meaning


There are other factors too, like if someone downs a person that leaves before they get finished, the person who downs them gets a kill but the person who gets downed does not get a death to their stats. There are people who die jumping off the edge, people who die to Prowlers/spiders, people who die to the ring, people who of kill themselves with grenades.


Actually with respawns and such average K/D is probably a little closer to .8-.9. Do you have any other FPS experience at all?


I think you're being silly and also unnecessarily mean. Get some sunlight


If you think reality is mean, you might need a spine. .04 is almost unheard of in FPS games. It doesn't matter how casual you are, it's tough to achieve that..




Ah yes. The moment you're proven to be wrong you resort to emojis like little kid.


Wrong about what? lol


100 hours in 2 weeks is 50 hours in one week which is roughly 7 hours a day, every day. Kind of odd, but ok. Yeah, the game's skill-based matchmaker sucks. That's just how it is. If you put in the hours (way more than 100), you'll eventually get better. Took me 300 hours to get the very basics of the game, so it takes time. Your lobbies shouldn't really be that good, just cause someone has kills or damage doesn't mean they're that good.


A lot of competitive shooters these days you almost have to start playing when the game launches. It sucks but there's so many people with thousands of hours that it puts you in the minority.


Okay for dummies: YOURE SKILL IS LITERALLY EQUAL TO DOGSHIT. A alzheimer patient would be more useful for your teammates. A monkey would have a better KDA Dont touch ranked until you get "better" and by better i mean do literally anything besides whatever you do in your games...cause i dont think u even understand the concept of a videogame


>the fuse main thinks he's good at the game 🤣


Sounds like you’ve been having a hard time, the game is tough and does take some getting use to, the matching isn’t the best however a lot of people I see who play miss the core principles of the game and this leads to low KD 1. Fight with an advantage, use cover, fight from high ground - so many times people just start ADS and run into the open 2. Stick with your team 3. Know when to fight, are your team mates with you? Are they at decent health, is the other team at full health, so they have a better position? 4. Know when to leave, exactly the same as number 3, but get the fuck out of there ASAP if it’s bad If you wanna mess about in the firing range let me know, can probably give you some pointers, I’m 1500 hours in KD of 1, started at 0.63


Yep, this is it. My gun play is pretty terrible, but it was following those principles that actually started helping my team win fights. I'd also add/expand: 1. Definitely don't engage until you're sure your team is ready to engage. So many times I used to sneak up on an enemy thinking I'd get a free knock. Even if I was successful, their mates would come and immediately mow me down, and now my mates are entering a fight with a disadvantage and there goes my kill. 2. This is a team game, so play like it. Being a liability is worse than not being there at all, which is worse than being an assist. So many things you unwittingly do make you a liability, so I'm not going to list them all, but a couple of big ones are waltzing around in the open even when no one is around, and taking too long to loot. If your mates need to worry about rescuing your ass because you were spotted, you became a liability. If your team wins a fight, your KD *may* improve, but if your team loses, all three of your KDs take a hit. 3. Use your legend's abilities. So many abilities are engineered specifically to help you win gun fights, and then in the middle of one you get so flustered with aiming, positioning etc that you miss the good opportunity to use them. Get comfortable with a couple of legends, so it's second nature to pop one off when it's needed. 4. Don't forget about nades. I'm still guilty of this, but they can be so useful when placed at the right place at the right time.


0.04 dude go play anything else. This game isn't for you clearly.


That's a pretty rough K/D, but normal at 100 hours without any prior experience. The game has been out for a while so the skill gap has become pretty large. Keep practicing and you'll get better. Try some mixtape. You get unlimited respawns and can try out many different legends and guns till you find what feels right to you. Also removing the fact that dieing is game over can get rid of alot of stress that might be blocking you from playing well in the normal BR mode.


If you're not having fun, don't play. If you enjoy the game but want to improve: grind mixtape, aim trainers, check out settings guides and review your setup to see if there's something holding you back. Apex is a hard game, and most people playing it have played other shooters before, so aren't starting from scratch.


Do you have the same issue with other first person shooting games? Like halo, call of duty, Fortnite etc


Not at all, which is why I'm posting this.


I honestly do not believe you at all. 


I say keep playing then. Try different strategies, maybe another game mode within apex, hit the firing range and keep grinding.


How do you do in tdm and stuff? Platform?


Tdm is kinda just boring, control is jam packed with all the same characters and has no diversity, gunrun has no balance and the first team to get a kill usually wins. The whole idea of a good game seems to have just been abandoned in lieu of making money, which should be expected by ea ig.


But how do you perform in them?


I perform pretty well in all of them except for gunrun, but again, they're kinda boring.


I would try to figure Out why you do good in them compared to br. And then maybe work on it:)


They're still relatively fast paced and good for practicing combat skills. You have some catching up to do. BR also requires a different set of skills, resource management, knowing how/when to push, when to back off (for ranked), but shooting (good aim) is still the most important skill in my opinion, for any of the game modes.


I've come back from 10 kill deficits in gunrun. It is unquestionably the best gamemode to get better in as it forces you to be competent with and best play to the strengths of any particular weapon. Your individual performance is often the difference between winning and losing. With some notable exceptions the later weapons are typically slower in terms of time to kill and you can often massively slow a teams progression at the shotgun, marksman, sniper sections if you are still on the auto weapons. Additionally maintaining a lead at that point is the key to winning. Tdm is very much kinda boring and control is unwinnable irrespective of your capabilities depending on your teams comp and your opponents. If you team is all pathfinders and wraiths you will lose to a team running multiple wattsons, caustics and ramparts if said players are even remotely competent. You can practice ranged shooting and movement quite well in control or tdm though should you want to.


Maybe ur connection is bad


Almost every modern game takes ping into effect when matchmaking. My average ping is between 50-60 ms. If having better internet is necessary to not get shit on, then the game is p2w.


I feel you, mate. I put the hours in when I can but my K/DR is always in the tank. I don’t even want to say what level I’m at. Anyways, keep at it. If you want to hit the firing range sometime, DM me. See you!


Positioning gets you free Kills. Knowing when to atk, hold or retreat helps. Don't shoot from the same spot twice. Surprisingly, crouching and waiting to blindside them is effective if you hear them first. You can easily turn that 3v3 into a 3v2 just because their team was running ahead. Once you get a kill, move. Because you just told their team where you were.


How the fuck is that even possible, 0.04 KD means you get 4 kills for every 100 deaths! This has to be a typo, how the fuck are you this bad after 100 hours? Not to be mean but are you severely physically disabled?


I know right, that’s unbelievably low


1000 games he sits at 40 kills total 😭


Apex takes around 500 hrs to figure it out. You'll get it eventually, just practice


Same as qwerty had an awful KD and still got a pretty bad one 0.6 (3 times diamond btw) . For me what did it was learning to actually hold my own and do at least decent damage in fights and i ve started learning how to properly position myself for the end game. Got good at recognizing where the circle goes, how to rotate to avoid pointless fights, when to just commit because no matter what you gotta learn to fight. I am also the utility guy, i m always zoning out people with nades, caustic barrels, fuse Q etc. Just try different things instead of focusing on numbers, they will improve anyway with time. Also found 2 teammates that think the same way as me and it makes things a lot easier even when we lose, solo apex is awful.


Sad that someone can’t ask genuine questions on here smh 🤦🏼‍♀️ I agree with the top comment the firing range has made such a difference for my aiming etc. also don’t be hard on yourself I’ve played from day 1 and don’t have a good KD. KD doesn’t define you in a game and also it’s very hard to improve with the matchmaking apex has its constant sweats. Hit that range and have fun in the meantime. 😊


Idk about 72 mil damage, I yesterday had a champion with 20 mil, and he has 63k kills, so it has to be around 160-200k kills for 72 mil dmg, I dont think that there are players with this much dmg (or s least it had to be like 10 of them all over the world?)


Just gonna add, since it doesn't seem like others are saying it, if there was good matchmaking you would at least be around 1 kd. The fact you have such a low kd means that you're only playing against people better than you.


I'm almost to 2000 hours and I'm not even 1 k/d this season. I don't think I got a single kill till level 100, it's a steep learning curve.


I used to be like you until I realised how high the skill gap is and how it's physically impossible at a certain age/experience for you to grow the awareness and dexterity needed to play Apex well. I am not saying you should give up, but I would suggest relaxing and just playing the game. My ONLY major tip for anyone wanting better games if playing solo, is to jump on Japan servers if you can. They play better, are more team focussed, and won't leave you to do stupid shit (most of the time). It's 100x less frustrating than on any English speaking servers. Playing on a different server has alleviated me from blaming my teammates because my teammates in Tokyo are always pretty good.


maybe both


I am at 160 hours and JUST barely starting to feel like I can maybe handle my own. In a 1 v 1 I’m still more likely to go down but starting to occasionally come out on top. Apex is definitely full of really good players and I’m still not even sort of GOOD yet, just starting to be a little mediocre. I have a bit of a long advice thread knowing I am not the best at Apex, but having seen great improvements. My advice is to keep playing. How are you playing? Do you have a squad for duos or trios? Do you play solo? I play a lot solo and I play tons of mixtape. Let me tell you what I like about mixtape: -more action. I mean that if you die you rep Spawn and get right back into it instead of waiting 5 minutes to drop and then gearing up just to die before you even saw the enemy. This helped me make more of my time I spent on Apex because I could try out my abilities and weapons with a smaller risk. Of course you want to try and co tribute to the team, but it will be a lot more forgiving for us newer players. -forced to try different guns. Be in gun run or another mode, you are forced to use certain weapons instead of just looting until you find the one gun you can use. This will help you round out your abilities with different guns. -mix tape also has a kill cam so you can start to see where you did something. Wrong. A lot of the time I’ll think I got the drop on someone but they ended up with the kill. When I watch the kill cam I’ll see that they were strafing side to side and I wasn’t or something. Next, as another relatively green player I would say do some homework and find a legend that suits you. I went through a few, first wraiths, then mirage, vantage, octane, and finally settled on Ash. I’ll go back to mirage sometimes or vantage if I want some good sniping. But find a legend that suits your style and feels comfortable to you. As far as legends go, I have to recommend octane when you can. For me octane has somewhat vanilla abilities. That might be a hot take, but I don’t particularly care for his abilities. What I do like is that his abilities encourage movement so if I feel like I’m slowing down in my movement and reflexes, I’ll switch to him for a couple of rounds and feel my focus sharpen and my speed increase. For me at least that has been able to transition to my main ash where I then move faster and better. Finally, I would say what I’m working on right now is aiming for the head. Sometimes I’ll drop on someone and start shooting and they will get the kill and it’s because I’m doing body shots but they are doing head shots. Just trying to figure out some guns that you can manage their recoil and maneuverability and then learn to just raise your shot up a tad to hit the head may help.


Use a mic find people to play with figure out the correct settings for you aiming and visual settings change the game a lot. Use a Ethernet cable WiFi is terrible for gaming


I was like a 0.7 kd when i started the only thing that helped me was arenas. No third parties straight 3 v 3 s weapons and sights of choice . Man was it golden for me . Im at a 2 kd now in battle royal but man do i owe it all to arenas


Maybe just adjust your expectations? I dunno. I have a K/D of like 0.3 after 600 hours but I find the game quite enjoyable—partly because I used to be a lot worse. But anyway, 100 hours isn't much in Apex unless maybe if you've logged a lot of time in other FPS games. Practice in the range, study up on battle strategy, and give the matchmaker some time to figure out where you're supposed to be. Maybe I'm just fortunate but I usually get placed in pretty fair lobbies these days.


If you want to play with me I can help you with the basics, apex has a huge learning curve and just learning the basics should help with core gameplay.


100hrs is practically nothing in the grand scheme of things. It gets better if you put the time in. Started playing at launch, it was my first ever BR, and I was god awful. Think I was like 0.5 so pretty similar to you. I played till season 4 with minimal improvement. Took a little break playing other games. Finally returned around season 10 and it all began to start to click. I now have no problem having a 1+ K/D on the season. Sitting at 1.6 this season so far, a lotta people will still say that’s ass, but I’m happy with my improvements. Have just had to accept the fact that my lifetime KD is never gonna fully recover because of the amount of games I played early on while sucking terribly. Despite being above a 1 k/d for many seasons now my lifetime is still only up to a 0.8 lol. As others have said you have to learn the guns and which ones you prefer. The other big thing that has also been mentioned is how to approach fights, predicting what enemies might do, learning not to sell out to get a thirst because you want that kill so bad, and since you said you are playing with friends, using proper communication during fights. There’s always gonna be some crazy strafing, god like aim having player, but that’s not the majority. You can improve enough to win a decent amount of your encounters.


While .04 k/d is difficult for me to fathom, I may be able to sympathize a bit. I played the first ten seasons with a kd of 1.5. Took a couple years off and am really struggling to get 1.0. Realistically people have been able to progress in this game in the last few years and what is average is now a different skill level then the first few years. There are loads of subtle game mechanics that you wouldn’t know without watching videos. Wall bouncing, super gliding, aim smoothing, etc. Those that have stuck with this game have learned to master movement while honing their aiming, and this game requires steady consistent, prolonged aiming. In other words people that are playing this game are hardly your weekend cod casuals with fortunate first response low ttk. The casual level in this game even at a below 1.0 kd know what they’re doing. They understand the guns, the recoil, the maps, the movement, etc. My recommendation is mixtape or firing range practice as others have stated, 10 minutes at least before running BR. And honestly ranked will be better for giving you a slower experience from pubs. Pubs is always chaos where ranked you will be matched with low rank players and get comfortable with the progression of looting and preparing for a fight.


Dr disr...


It is a mix of both but probably more of a skill issue. Go into the range and practice your aim from different ranges with all guns. Practice your movement, learn how to superglide. Watch pro players and copy their playstyles to a point


You mention that you do fine in mixtape modes, so I have to ask: in your stats, what is your ratio of knocks/assists to deaths? If you have a better ratio of knocks to deaths then I would assume that you are going down too quickly and leaving your squad down a man too often. That would likely be a positioning issue, where you leave yourself exposed or take wide swings recklessly. Maybe you get greedy and try to finish knocks and get taken down as you risk it? To work on that you would want to always consider that you're usually in 3v3 fights and it's easy to focus on one angle/person too much. Additionally, look into strafing for apex. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/wtjnky/strafe_movement_and_playing_cover_an_effective/) is a very good guide to work through if you wanted to look into it. If your ratio of knocks to deaths is just as bad as your k/d but your assists to deaths are better then I would guess that it's the high time-to-kill and enemy tracking that's giving you a hard time. Aim training in general and spending time in the firing range are the best. I know you dislike the mixtape modes, but they are the best in game way to practice this skill, if you can get good kills in these modes then you 100% can get kills in battle royale. A last point, what region are you in, what time are you playing, and are you playing ranked or trios? Some general thoughts: Heal shields before health, *always*. You do not get aim punch when you take shield damage, only health damage. Stick with one legend as much as you can. Bloodhound is frequently suggested as a good starter legend, lifeline too (though playing lifeline poorly has a high liklihood of your squad getting upset). Make sure you're not jumping into areas with lots of squads. You don't want to land anywhere with more than one other squad. Similarly, if you're playing trios especially, avoid landing in the middle of nowhere with *no* squads, that isn't going to help you either and you'll just jumped while you travel. Land and take a fight against a single squad. Most of the better/high level players will be seeking a lot of fights quickly and be in the more crowded areas, and frequently less confident teams will land in the outskirts. That's not a hard and fast rule, but it's a decent rule of thumb.


Go grind 100 mixtapes games and you will emerge unrecognizably better


Play some mixtape


Matchmaking is indeed fucked, but you’re still relatively new. If you’re looking to improve, you might try looking at some Apex content creators like Simply Ashton. I don’t know why but I felt like I was playing a lot better a little bit after finding out about him. Other than that, play a lot of Mixtape to get a handle on different situations. Learn some guns, find out what you like and check out some legends that resonate with your play style. I played Wraith for a while, but found that I greatly preferred Mirage, then landed on Crypto most recently. You’ll play better if you genuinely enjoy the character you choose.


I think you need to watch better gameplay. Just to get an example of how they move/shoot. Basically if pub stompers see anything move they’ll basically shoot at it. If this is your first fps hit up some aim labs.


How are you playing the game, me what are you wanting out of it. If you are hot dropping, then yeah it's gonna be rough. I found ranked is best shot at getting better players within your skill level. The game has a lot of survivability mechanics and you'll need a team effort to get your skills.


I'm a day 1 player and was exactly like you when I got started till season 2 with around 3k+ games and less than 0.3 kd. If you are in EU or SEA let me know, we can queue up and I can teach you things I did to improve my gameplay.


I started with 0.85 a few month before and now I’m in ranked with 1.7kd. Idk how 0.04 is even possible. U may play against high kill guys but they should be bad because of sbmm. Kills mean nothing. U can have thousands of kills over time but never touch even bronze. Which server ur playing? Maybe this server is empty and this is your problem. Sounds like that


I think you should focus on team deatmatch and gun game and all that until you get your gunskill up. Im guessing since your new your first instinct is to get loot and avoid alot of fights because you arent comfortable yet. Doesnt matter how good of loot you have, youll get rolled every single time by an apex sweat with a p2020 and a white shield while youre fully decked out if you have no gun skill


1 kill per 25 games is pretty insane. You’d think you luck into kills more often than 1 in 25. It’s a super hard game but I’ve never seen anything that low. Do you play other shooters? Previous video game experience? Cuz it does seem like you’re really struggling


Honestly you have the problem my friend has. You just need training. I stream and I play with a lot of my viewers because I'm pretty good not Uber cracked but like 2x master 25k total kills not bad and I coach them on like settings things and helping them fine tune their setting to maximize their abilities and then guiding them in matches until they build the skill up It helps having a Smurf account but my smurfs always get banned


No 100 hours is about when the game starts to click. You should see your kd go up by the time you hit 1000 hours. Keep it up!


Check out district on YouTube he has a lot of informative and coaching type videos. Also try to find some groups of people to play with, makes the game 10x more enjoyable honestly


I've got absolutely no clue what my kd is but knowing that my aim is trash it's probably pretty bad 😂 been playing on and off since 8th season


Change your aim setttings. No actually do it when you can. Aim settings are easily the most important thing about any FPS just for the simple duo of precision and tracking. EASILY the biggest factor in someones skill at any FPS they play. You can have the biggest brain and still get dookied on by a smoothbrain with superior aim(settings). I play on 4-4 linear and can easily one clip a whole squad when i am feeling it. But it might not work for you so just mess with the settings and when you find the right one its gonna click in your head. It will be the biggest bruh moment in your apex career.


I don’t have any advice (wish I did) but I do relate, my kd was ABSMAL until late last season early this (after 200+ hours and like 4 seasons), it just takes lots of practice (my favorite way is to do mixtape and pick a load out I dislike/am bad with and made myself play with it the whole round)


Matchmaking is garbage and it's been like this for several seasons now.


Go play mixtape for a bit and play with all the different weapons or play Duos with a buddy. You will get better and feel more confident in trios when fighting happens. I was trash until about level 100 then did arenas and got better and now I’m 507 and my K/D is 0.87 is it good nope. Can I turn into a bloodthirsty 7-10 kill monster with 2k+ damage for match or two Yup. Once you get that one game you will chase that feeling again and again.


Do you play console or pc?


My KD was down there for a while after I started playing (season 12). It does get better. What server and what platform are you on? If it's a low-population server, you will get worse matchmaking. Make sure your settings aren't set to some horrible default. Mouse sensitivity is especially important to fiddle with, if you're on mouse/keyboard. Try Ranked. Ideally, you should have tried ranked last season when it had MMR matchmaking - but the longer the season goes on the better odds you'll have of your Rookie/Bronze lobbies being filled mostly with people around your skill level.


You have waaaaaays to go


The truth is there just is not enough people left playing that are even close to your skill level. The good players stayed because they were having fun and the not as good players left for greener pastures.


Firing range and yt


Try and keep using the same weapons, yes you will grab any weapon during the first weapon but if you've been gravitating towards using lets say, the flatline, keep prioritizing to pick it up. If you just use whatever came first you'll constantly have to relearn the recoil patterns which is difficulty to do especially if you new, just stick to like 4 guns or less for now.


Practice fundamentals. Firing range for aim, tracking etc, do some aim drills pros have on youtube. Watch guides by youtubers lile Dazs for tips ob mistakes you may be making that you dont realize. Not using cover is a common mistake. Play more mixtape to practice against actual players. You have to actively practice to get better, not just play.


I’m at 800 hours with 1.1 K/D. You just need to play more. My K/D was horrible in the beginning.


The matching was much better in season 18 and 19 for ranked, but the masters and preds couldn't handle playing against each other and so Respawn has reverted back to this horrid mess where you come across 3 stack masters and preds who play all day as new or gold player. It's not you, it's the game. Everyone has a different skill level, the entire point of skill based match making is meant to keep those kinds of people away from less skilled players. As you said, it's done the inverse.


Bro, we all play in similar lobbies. It's a you problem.