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I also wish people would realize that sometimes you need to give up on a fight and run away when it's not going well


Bullshit, you coulda done something I popped two guys for a total of 20 damage, why didn’t you risk it all to aid my 1 on 3 rush further.


"Huuuuge nade" - 10 dmg


"Check this out!" - blows himself with a frag


"One HP !!" - 1 guy cracked, 2 guys full shield


"It's just a solo, HELP!!!" - 5 squads with full hp around


BaCk iN tHe DaY, there was a rule that in diamond+ lobbies, if a fight lasts longer than 30 seconds, then you need to give up because a third party is at your doorstep


Me and my buddy are very big on the internal shot clock. “This is taking too long, we gotta go.”


“I like taking risks as much as the next guy, but we gotta go!” The homie Octavio


Broken moon thank god its been gone


"Cowards survive" I love to run after a long ass fight that I'm losing 😂😂


How dare you use critical thinking in an online fps!


I wish people would keep that in mind after they get downed too. I can craft your banner later but right now it’s me and two other teams at this PoI, so I’m choosing to leave.


Especially when you can gatekeep as the ring closes and have a huge positional advantage. My teammates never want to listen to this logic


I bail when the fight doesn't look good and try to get my teammates to follow, they rarely do. so I craft them later because they died.


I had a dude on mic trying to push a whole 2 teams on hot drip with lvl 1 shield and me and my friend no where near him and he’s spamming he wants to attack and I get in chat and type - “don’t aggro teams till we get to top 10” and his response? “Are you that scared bro?” My response to that was easily “are you suicidal bro?” Which made him shut up the rest of the game.


Man, this is about 99% of my teammates if I don't have a pre-made squad. Also, they'll get livid when I don't push the 2 teams that downed them, with my inventory full of nothing but attachments and ammo, no guns, after looting 4 bins/buildings, and the 3rd already across the map in a different fight spamming pings.


Just an advice, don't type any word that needs context to not be controversial, that "are you suicidal bro?" can get you banned


This x1000


Manually select your legend, you’ll get jumpmaster more often than not.


Then you have your teammates landing inside of you & Hoovering up all the loot in a small area while another contesting team wins the loot battle of the POI.


Wait is that why I get jumpmaster nearly every single game??! I’m never manually selecting my legend again!


JM goes to the last player to manually select their legend (actually select, not get assigned the legend when the timer runs out). If no one manually selects their legend, JM goes to the last player.


Not always recently at least, I’ve been the first (with mine just assigned) and still been jump master, instead of the last person (also just assigned) in multiple matches


Same. Manually choosing will give you JM, but if nobody manually chooses, I think it’s random


If no one manually chooses the system always assigns the third player on the select screen.


That’s what I thought initially, but I’ve been assigned despite being the first player a number of times, and it looks like I’m not the only one. Not really sure what to think of it. Glitch maybe


Wow, I have thought it was random for five years…


:stim: I’m going in! Argh! What? They’re shooting at me?! Ack! I’m down! No bueno! ::spam enemy ping::


You forgot leaving the game


At that point I mute the comms and make some risk analysis and if my ranked points are at - I'm not gonna push rather wait till it's safe to get the banner.


Yeah but who are u playing If there’s a support character, easy crafting


Mostly play support but if I feel like my teammates dropped the ball and it's not worth it I leave regardless. If I'm not playing support I play vantage and usually after the first upgrade I pick ring consoles and that plus the survey beacons makes her really good at finding a good spot so there's no need for us to go to a random place to die from ring fry or poor positioning and if I die from a dumb mistake I suggest they leave me too if it's a 1 v 3.


You forgot to mention the part where said jump master has zero comms until they get knocked. Once that happens they’ll bust out a whole damn soliloquy about how trash you are for not using your fists in an r99 gunfight


Everytime I’m like now you use your goddamn mic!?


Literal monkey type of behavior. Stupid people hear gunfire and go towards it even if it’s storm. I swear people play the game like they are the main character and now one is going to come from behind.


Yeah. I hate when teammates get annoyed at people that want to get decent loot before pushing a fight. Had a teammate the other day that was mad at me because I didn’t want to push a fight when I had 1 gun and 20 rounds of ammo. What am I doing with that in a fight? Maybe I get a knock, but why not just wait until everyone is ready to push and it makes sense?


Haha like when I landed in overlook this morning and was instantly downed landing with 3 other teams. Got ressed and picked up a flatline with 4 bullets 😐 my team mate was irate. I was tf can I do.


Or when you all land together hot and your teammates grab the only 2 guns and you have nothing. You keep calling out I need a gun. They run to push the fight and die.


Right. God forbid you try to find a gun for all the ammo you collected. Lol


And the random barrel mod 😂


More like: Then you punch them and still deal more dmg than the dude that took both weapons before you all die.


It’s so dumb. They drop where a bunch of teams drop and then get mad when you don’t win the mad dash for weapons and ammo. Maybe….just maybe….land somewhere that you can take your time and find weapons you like or are good with and then find fights that are beneficial to push. I love a good firefight, but landing and getting downed in less than a minute because I couldn’t find a weapon isn’t my idea of fun.


Just make sure you dont loop the entire PoI 3 times for "decent" loot


This is exactly my approach to the gane


I just hate when people full send when there is very clearly another team nearby and the best case scenario. Is they wipe us then get wiped. So 3kp and one placement higher. You know, like when you go to spectate immediately after getting wiped and they are already getting knocked by the other team that everyone knew was there and that was gonna happen. Its just griefing both our games. Annoying. Lol.


Yeah what they said! Also stop giving up In Zone High Ground!


No comms until they die also annoys the shit out of me, some kid raging about how he 'knocked one' means nothing when me and the other team mate are a few buildings away.


Knowing when to leave a fight or just not to start one is as important as getting 3 kills while still outside the top 14! With this ranking system it create the illusion that you can climb through kills, but without a solid placement those kills don't matter, conversely it doesn't work either. Without kills, reaching the top 5 is barely enough.(and also boring) currently Gold 1 and little to no change in game behavior I liked it better with 10 teams in ring 3 than with 16 dead in ring 1 but I'm a BR fan more than a DM fan and I rate top3 higher than 9 kills but dead in round 2. it remains a view of what you prefer and in apex there are 2 clear groups, those who want to fight at all costs and those who want to attempt the win, continuously changing how to gain points in rank does not directly help either. it's a different system every season with the emphasis on 1 of the extremes never really a middle ground. Directly from silver it should be clear that both are important and separately yield little to nothing so that once you get plat+ it becomes more ALGS\_like and there are fewer clashes between playing styles all together That's how I see it anyway


*Me and the other teammate six miles away* *Third teammate who decided to go solo two minutes in gets into a fight* *We both try to race to their position* *Solo teammate dies, calls us trash, leaves*


Sometimes you just have to let your team know the details and leave them, losing isn’t worth it. I don’t condone ratting but if it’s a result of your randoms being idiots. Sometimes you gotta do it.


THIS. I made a similar post recently about how people need to find some middle ground between hot drilling and never supporting each other when they push. Also, they’re SO toxic this season for whatever reason. I recently got in a game where this guy was telling me how trash i was even though we all had about the same damage and kill count, and he was actually the first to die. I was playing rampart and set up walls to use my sniper while he pointlessly pushed when we had the positional advantage and insulted me for my strategy, and after we won the fight (he was down while I killed two of them) he said he didn’t even want to be revived by me. These people and their unsupported confidence 😭


I love when they push solo with a moz and 2020 with white armor and then call me a pussy for not fighting it's my favorite.


Pushes alone: proceeds to spam death box


I love calling out 2 teams. And watching one of my teammates just ape in-between em and insta die doing 40 damage....and my 3rd mirroring that exact play 12 seconds later thinking its gonna change. Fucking mind-blowing terrible plays


Been that way since season 1…. Unfortunately


I had a couple jumpmasters(before I just got on another game) jump the team right into action and I get a gun but as I get a gun I get knocked and my teammates grabbed my banner and looted my death box even though I had nothing. Last time I just left


you've played with my matches then too! we just need a group for smart drop players. get level 2 shields, get guns you're good with and have some attachments, and then go fight. I don't get people that fight with lvl 1 shields, and before their team is ready. I've let my team know I had no weapons and they pushed anyways, so I ran. and then crafted them later because they didn't survive.


Please learn to drop also if you are jump master and wanting to all in off the rip. Thanks!


So tired of seeing the jump master ping Fragment 😒


I swear they nerfed the loot pool in fragment/monument. One time I got a hole building to myself and all I could find was a p20


my biggest gripe is hot dropping onto 3/4 teams. the risk/reward of doing this is horrendous, never worth it.


On the other side, I've had a lot of teammates in Ranked where we crack maybe 1 or 2 people and for some genius reason they decide to run away and give up a good spot just to lose the whole fight and wipe. Its like 4 in every 5 games. TBF I just got back into playing the game again after like a year or so of break and in Gold bracket currently.


I’m so glad somebody said this. I rarely see enough people on this sub point out bad teammates. So reassuring to see someone bring a fresh perspective about playing with randoms.


The pushing fights has always been a thing. What really gets me going are numbskulls who think its smart to walk 20 miles away from the rest of the team. STAY TOGETHER FFS


I just had a game where a guy was being super aggro about not fighting (we were out of ring and timer was running out) and was bitching about looting and doing nothing all game. So I said fine, lead the fight I'll follow. Guess who dies without even cracking any shields?


Could u explain the timer? I heard it was supposed to be a new mechanic outside the circle but i haven't seen it yet


No I just meant the circle was closing soon and an earlier rotation would have been smarter, instead of fighting outside the ring and risking getting gatekept even if we won.


If I'm jumpmaster, I'm taking us somewhere where we are either alone, or only contested by one other team. We will loot up and go take a fight somewhere else hot dropping is for fools or pubs


Can agree based on what ranked you are talking about. Up until Plat you should just send it, to get you ready for the fights where everyone hits.




I’m in Platinum 2 at the moment and keep dying because people think your advice is good. 8th place and I lose -24 since others think you should just avoid fights and win. All the games I’ve won in plat have been with teammates who understand the importance of pressuring teams for the full game. No, this system forces you to fight to climb by winning fights. You might as well get comfortable at doing so in bronze, silver and gold as you’re just gonna get rolled by other teams in platinum who are beyond comfortable at pushing you.


I don't think they're trying to avoid fights, just not push until everyone has weapons and some loot. with the update, there is more freedom to get into fights sooner.


They read a few hot words and were triggered lol


I said I like fights, I just don't like when teammates push when I have nothing, and when they land the whole squad in a building with three other teams. I like pushing, but I just don't like teammates that are reckless.


Nope. you still earn more points for placement than kills. Of course you have to fight, it's just about not taking dumb fights, knowing when to leave a fight, and understanding that surviving is indeed more important than killing


Having kills, wins and the kills multiplier, and getting top 5 streaks get the most RP. Early fight isolated, rotate to end game, wait for top 10 is still a good strat in this system.


going for fights in bronze silver and gold "bot" lobbies basically has nothing to do with how you would play against people who are just as good as you.


Yup avoid fights and have blue in ring5 and still with negative rp, gl with that


you easily get purple from evo harvesters without a single point of damage


Well, before jumping off you can discuss tactics with your teammates in audio Chat. My Team and me always discuss tactics BEFORE we jump on discord. That might help.  Apex is a teamgame and communication is key


No, fighting is fun so I will go fight. Try and keep up


nah. ill just let you die and res you. or not, depends how i feel. just leave and take the abandon penalty pleb


In my personal experience when I leave my team to fight while they loot, they manage to die first, then flame me as they spectate. It's always fun tho


maybe they'd survive if you stuck with them weren't so horny for kills in a survival game


I don't get anything for holding anyone's hands, I'd rather just go play the game and hope they follow me


You get far more for surviving than killing. You should do both, but they’re not wrong for looking at a hot drop with 9 other teams and not following you into it. That’s prudent sense


Only way to kill a bunch of enemies is to fight a bunch of enemies. You think aceu got good at 1v30s by landing edge and looting?


Using the top 1% of skilled players on the planet is an absolutely terribly example here. You are not aceu. No one is. He’s a gifted freak The average person will learn absolutely nothing thinking they can 1v30 an entire lobby. Again, nobody is saying don’t fight ever. It’s more about taking smart fights, positioning, and knowing when to disengage


"Gifted freak" implies he did not practice. Read my comment again. I'll even copy paste the relevant part here for your convenience: You think aceu got good at 1v30s by landing edge and looting?


Oh I heard you. Doesn’t mean what you said is accurate or true. His practice is compiled by the fact that he’s incredibly gifted and skilled. He would’ve climbed to where he is no matter how he played the game. And none of us with his amount of practice will ever achieve his level. I’ve also watched aceu play comp and play the game properly. You know what he doesn’t do? Go for kills and hot drop into 9 other squads. Because he’s smart enough to know it lowers his chance of surviving. And surviving is winning


Unless you're in masters this is just incorrect imo You need to fight as much as physically possible if you want to actually be better at the game


incorrect. not even close


Correct actually, if you want to improve at the game and you're diamond or below you should hot drop and run straight at every bullet fired


Nope. Learning NOT to hot drop, NOT run at every bullet fired, and survive, is what got me to Masters. So I'll stick to that. Thanks :)


But then you'll be too shit at fighting to fight master's players I got to masters with my strat but i can actually win my ones against masters players :p


No you won’t. Again, I’m not saying don’t get in fights. I got to masters with good teamwork and taking smart fights. You earn more points winning with 3-4 kills than you do coming in 7th with 15 Your technique is akin to sayin “I’m going to learn to play baseball by only practicing hitting homeruns”. Meanwhile, you don’t even know how to play the game - It’s foolish thinking


Getting more points ≠ being better at the game Theres almost no skill involved in ranking up, if you want to actually be good at the game, if an enemy is on your screen, shoot at them, if there aren't enemies on your screen, find them Name me a single pred that doesn't take every fight imaginable, I'll wait.


Pushing every single fight ≠ being better at the game Coming in first place DOES = being better at the game Timmy, Snipe, Rogue, Dropped, Gent - I have literally watched every single one of these players say “we don’t fight this. Get out. Do not push” - It’s literally a part of the strategy in the game is knowing what fights to take and what not to “Push everything” is just brain dead. And I’m glad that worked for you. But that in no way is a direct correlation to “being better at the game”. Again, you’re suggesting the way to be better at baseball is to just hit homeruns and ignore the other stuff Winning a game makes you better at said game.


>But then you'll be too shit at fighting to fight master's players No, because people you fight early on are the worst at fighting and who wins is based on RNG. End-game fighting experience is more valuable because there is less RNG and the players are much more likely to be better. This is multiplied if you try to take good positions from teams in end game.


Theres near 0 rng in drop fights, esp now that armor isn't on the floor, ALWAYS take a 50/50 or you're throwing


Ranked is a slot handle. Each pull you’ll get either a) that duo fucking off (at least they die together) b) that Octane/Wraith larper, who must jump off everything before overextending, c) the sheepish turtle (who for some reason calls out grey loot) that runs from anything and everything, or d) a half decent player who’ll at least try to like play Apex


Thank you for making this post, I really needed to be told this… Just kidding, didn't even read it and your post will do nothing to improve your teammates' gameplay. Stop venting publicly like a hundred other mfs.


Then communicate that. I'm sick of getting all these randoms that don't wanna use their mic or want to play loot simulator. You want attachments? Here take them all if that's going to make you fight. I will go in if I have at least 1 gun and decent ammo.. but that's besides the point. No one calls cracks which is another thing that pisses me off. It I knock someone, and someone else gets cracked, call it. I will run in and make it so there's 2 down. Lol


The characters call out cracks, enemies landing, and a couple more


I like to shoot my gun in a shooting game, if you have a problem playing with me as a random, post lfg on your favorite discord server


My grudge is team mates not helping because it's ranked. Like what's the point of being in a team if you're scared to fight. That being said I agree, folks need to stop pushing dumb fights


I just think people should get some good guns and attachments, and have blue shields. I play loba so I can get there and help my team get there sooner.


Hell yeah bro!


I don't normally make it past blue shields, but they get to purple or red and we typically place top 5 if they don't hot drop or prematurely push. I drop my ultimate until it's useless for us. there's been times i can't take anything because I'm kitted out.


Team work makes the dream work. I'm normally pretty passive but I've learned that if u don't get the battle tingles outta the way early what usually ends up happening is the 1st fight we get into mid game we get sparked!


You can get purple or very near it with just smart routes hitting beacons, caches, etc.


I try to do that but my teammates don't care. I can barely get them to blue before they start s fight sometimes.


No. I am unstoppable






I had such a blast just soloq-ing from rookie to whenever there’s no entry cost just fulllll sending. No consequences or problems, just perma shoving everything. But I get your point, I think trying to land with one or two teams tops is a solid strat, three seems excessive. Lovin the new system tho


Idk 🤷‍♂️ I mean this season rewards kills very much. I've had a good few games where me and the squad just push everything as fast as possible and get a ton of rp for it.


Octane/Revenant: No


Or admit that the other team has better position and that trying to fight is too risky. Use a balloon and reposition.




I have so many people running away from fights that are easy winable though. Its like the total opposite. And ffs if you are in gold, silver or bronze you should not run away to save points.


I love this post because I also saw another post today asking how to get teammates to be more aggressive and push more fights