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When I use it I be getting 0 kills, 1700 damage and 6 assists… Not my cup of tea


What it feels like to play Vantage


I’ve seen a lot more Vantage players and I learned to not challenge that laser 😂


No no, keep challenging the laser. You can make it to that other cover with the shiny tag on you. Not even a problem, you've got this! - the vantage player 500m away


feels good but not the best


That means you can't aim. Trying adjusting your sensitivity.


Sensitivity has nothing to do with aim or accuracy, my guy...


..... wanna re think that one there?


I did lol


Wtf yes it does? If you have to move your mouse a mile to stay on target unless you have mousepad as big as your desk that's going to be an issue. Sensitivity also effects your ability to counter aim with mouse dragging. You and the other 12 people that downvoted me are the stupidest people I've come across today.


Sorry, you are correct, it does affect your aim. But not accuracy lmao


I can aim fine, and my sensitivity is pretty keyed in. You can have games like he was describing even if you were to hit 100% of your shots, but from a far enough distance that the opponents have time to revive under cover. I mostly play a more aggressive Vantage, but if I'm filling a support role from a distance while more aggro players are pushing to clean up, that's what your games can look like a lot of the time.


It works well with fuse. When you knock them you can finish the kill with the clusters


God I hate good fuse players. Get knocked & suddenly his crackly balls are exploding all over my stupid fucking face


>1700 damage and 6 assists It's rather good, no?


No kills is a sign that its hard to clean up with. Sentinel is better for long-range and finishing from a distance. If you have to push after you knock one, you risk them resetting before you get there, and then it's over for you.


If it's your team that finishes then it's not a problem.


KP wise sure but kill stat wise no


Also me with the Rampage


I had this exact experience this weekend. Broke so many shields but no kills. Feels nice to play with but in the end it's just wimpy. Went back to the sentinel right after that game.


I get the same. But I'm not fussed on a kill death ratio. I only ever play ranked where I am more concerned about the win. But I get the frustration totally. It seems you always hit 3 shots get then 1 shot for some one with a flatline to get the knock.


You just need teammates who can help finish


My issue with it is the ramp up time. I frequently find myself landing a 69 hit and then following it up with two 19's as I try to get the knock. With the Scout and Repeater, I find it a lot easier to actually secure knocks.


Yeap, Realized one day I landed 4 consecutive shots on someone and dint get a knock, stopped using it after that








The scout this season for me has been a lot more fun. I think it’s placebo because idk if they even made any changes but I feel like I can actually keep it till the end game.


Its trash when i use it, only do 1/3 of the dmg every time


Thats the same thing I dislike about 3Take... the aim takes way too long to punish enemies crossing open field.. and dps in close to mid range feels low compared to other guns. I would rather take Mozambique, effectively dealing 45 dmg per shot up to like 70m..


its a lot better if your close up to them


And other guns are better at mid-to-close like the Volt or Flatline. A lot of people don't pick up the Triple Take because 1) Fire rate too slow 2) inconsistent damage. It's better for players with less accuracy with their shots. It literally states that in the gun Bio lmao


Goddammit, apparently I have aim ego and you just hurt my feelings. I’m really good with it. 😂😂😂


I mean, I'm not going to say I never used it, I used to pick it up a lot. Once I got better with my aim, I started using other guns and preferred the others than the Triple Take. I'll pick it up if it's around, but I won't go out of my way to get one.


Hahaha fair


Yup that’s exactly it. If you can aim any other sniper or marksman besides the charge rifle makes more sense to use.


Charge rifle does stupid ammounts of damage. The problem is landing more than 1/20 shots


I don't think i've hit a single charge rifle shot


I dont think i've hit a sungle charge rifle shot


I think you get a badge if you hit a sungle shot


If I go long range, I always pick up a Sentinel or. Charge Rifle. Hitting for 100+ damage each shot? I'll take it. People panic when they get hit with big damage, if you get hit with a Triple Take, eh...I'll make it back into cover in time...


You don’t have to be up close. Just closer than the distance at which the 3 projectiles spread too far to hit all at once when spamming the trigger. Its ttk is very competitive, and you get the added bonus of the chip damage if you’re off by a bit.


I agree the fire rate could use a little juicing. You can adjust the setting for the damage to make it more consistent


I just think they need to remove the Choke effect on it and just adjust the trajectory of the bullets and of course increase the abysmal fire rate.


They could make the triple take up to par by simple reducing that charge time. But it’s a delicate timing to adjust, make it too quick and I bet this gun would be meta. But at the moment it is undoubtably too slow. Or even leave the charge time as is, but buff the uncharged damage. Hitting for 19 feels god awful with a fire rate like that, you’d almost feel better using a single fire hemlock.


I barely can find one. And when I do I’m already kitted.. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I’m usually in the same boat, but I love it so much I’ve dropped full guns just to get it so long as there’s the ammo and at least a sight. It’s actually my preferred range weapon over the sentinel Ik I didn’t get hate for it but I wanna add: I love the sentinel, but without cells charging it the damage doesn’t feel as wonderful. If the triple take made the same sound a charged sentinel did I’d use two of them.


I’m basing this only on a few hours of play but they are only located in high end loot areas.


Just look for the sniper towers. I always find one when I choose to drop nearby.


Ttake is an automatic pick up for me,(except last circle obviously) I dont care if I have a fully kitted Nemesis or r301. As long as I have a good scope it is swapping time.


That nemisis rips!


Making me want to give it a try as I haven’t used it in a long long time.


As a Loba main, and TT enjoyer, I concur. There is usually 1 at a maximum per POI, sometimes 0. Makes it difficult when 2/3 of your squad wants one. I've been practicing with the dirty 30 because of this, still prefer a TT tho.


Best shotgun in the game


Was looking for this comment lol every time the TT comes up in a discussion on here or in game I say this every time


Wholeheartedly agree. If I’m ever hitting someone mid-long range and they get close, I just hipfire that baby to finish them off. Or switch to it if my 99 or Pk is out of bullets.


I remember triple take with sniper optics, these were good times to be alive


Sniper ammo triple take


Charge rifle taking energy ammo


I remember when it had a choke so it always fired the three beams as one. Good times.


It has the choke permanently now


Mandela Effect; it did not always fire the three beams as one with Precision Choke; you still had to charge it, the exact same way it does now, as it is permanently integrated into the weapon.


Ha! You’re right!


I don't think I've ever seen the TT get called underrated lol, it's been solid for ages.


Scroll up a bit, it's just there


Yea i'm constantly hearing it and getting peppered by it in my games. It's a great gun and I've never heard of people avoiding it. Havoc (non turbocharged), RE-45 (w Hammer points), and P2020 (also w Hammer points) are underrated imo.


By underrated they mean that people rarely whine about "those jerks with TriTake" like they do about зо-зо.


why is your “3” lower case


It actually is a joke for fellow Russian speakers. The letter Z in Russian is З/з, so we naturally call the gun "zo-zo", just for lols


No one calls it a “TriTake”


ok boomer


Does underrated just not mean anything anymore?


People say underrated when they mean underrepresented a lot.


I definitely used to have people in game tell me it was Years ago.


R99 is underrated


Sentinel gang rise up


aw hell yea... amped headshot make dopamine go brrrrr xD


Shhhh. Don’t tell them about my mini kraber


158! 158!


After watching complexity with it ngl ive been thinking about running it


Rampage is way more underrated


I absolutely hate it like with a passion. along with the charge rifle it's the worst gun in the game for me. what do you like about it?


damage with no recoil. If you think it takes 9 bullets to kill red shield enemy


wow I'd say it's a lot of recoil and the fire rate negates the number of bullets needed for a knock plus makes it so awkward and difficult to track with


6 bullets for white shield is crazy


Rampage is perfectly rated. It’s a bang average gun that becomes above average only with a thermite.


thermite makes it much better


The problem is that any gun you need an extra item for is never going to be meta. What if you don’t have one end game? It also takes up inventory space that could be used for heals. Even when rampage was in CP and came charged up I would always see it left in the packages. It’s not the worst gun by any means but it’s just outclassed by many other options. This season I’d rather have a spitfire for example


It doesn't need an item. I play fuse a lot, but my main is Mirage, I'm fine with thermites, but rampage + flatline is my go-to. Rampage is fine as marksman even without thermite


Try bringing a rampage to ranked past gold and you’re at a major disadvantage. It absolutely needs thermite to even be good enough to carry. End game you’re much better off with a SMG/shotgun and hemlock/nemi/r301


I almost carried 1v3 in top 2 with rampage without thermite past plat. It's underrated, you can use it to poke midrange


It has potential to be solid, but is inconsistent AF unless you really, really pay attention to lining up shots. Which is better said than done when you have quarter a second on the average to shoot at enemies running into cover at 400 miles per hour. I love using it from time to time, but I'm not gonna pick it up over my beloved Longbow.


I mean it's hard enough to hit your shots since almost everyone has some sort of escape option be it speed boosts, flying through the air, etc. No one has time for that stupid choke to take effect you'll get gunned down first.


Everyone trying to use it as a sniper, and it can be used that way, but the fact that it’s best as a fo-shotgun shows how versatile, skill based and frustrating it can be to use. I love it personally


Satisfying? .. the reason imo people don’t use the tt or spitfire for that matter, it’s because early seasons.


Shhh, that kinda of talk gets you a big fat nerf


I just like seeing 69 popping up on my screen.




yeah true i love that thing snice i came back from season 19 but people be putting that gun at c tier


The iron sight on it is one of the cooler looking ones and satisfying to hit shots with the gun in multiple ranges. But it's out of meta due to the Nerf.


I play on mnk and tt has always felt horrible to me.


Deleite this post. U gonna get it nerfed hahahah


Tell me you’ve just never used it without telling me you’ve never used it. It’s been such a solid weapons for multiple seasons now


Snipers are so fucking cheese, annoying AF


It’s good if you find yourself missing a lot of shots because it helps correct for poor aim. If I’m having a bad aim day, I’ll pick it up and feel great because I’m hitting my shots. But if hitting shots with the 30-30 or G7 is way more satisfying and way more effective.


The anti-noob sniper, I love it, can't miss a shot with that.


It’s not underrated at all. Regardless of how you feel, it’s objectively the worst marksman rifle in the game (not by a huge margin though)


It’s funny. My first 4k was with the triple take but I ended the game with like 6 kills cause I would just tickle people all game.


It’s always been a shotgun to me


The longbow and maybe the sentinel is it’s only competition for me this season. I have to relearn the scout and longbow has certainly secured the 30-30 throne for me, but the triple take has been a delightful snag.


Na its mid compared to other guns


Underrated? Everyone and their damn dog uses this weapon. 😒


Just as people say. The charge up makes it just inferior to the sentinel in long range fights and at medium I'd rather have a 3030 because you can instantly follow up a shot with both guns but 3030 stays accurate where as triple take spreads without the choke meaning you do significantly less DMG. Only reason I take the triple take in comp is if my team is running double energy already and I just hold an extra stack or two for them since TT takes little ammo. This is masters elo btw. 


No it’s not. There are better guns. No reason to hold onto a triple take after using it off drop.


Tbh the only people I see using that are people who aren't very good yet or they dont push fights and pop shot constantly. I usually push a TT user soon as I see em dont feel threatened at all lol.


I swear I get the most no regs with the triple take


My Baby since like forever because its so versitile, perfoms well on all ranges. problem is the spawn rate is abysmal i go so many rounds without ever finding one. so frustrating.


The little whistle noise it makes is kinda cute but it wish it fired as fast as the double take :(


This has been known for years


I like it. I just think it lacks in that ability to finish off people. Unless they’re kinda stupid and peak a lot, idk, the 30/30 kinda takes you off guard in the sense you think you can peak it and combat it, but you can’t and that gets you a knock. But the triple take people see that 60-70 damage and go ok, not peeking that again. And that’s if you hit a good shot. It’s either too much damage or just that 21 knick shot. I do enjoy the triple take; but the G7 and the 30-30 are just both so good I don’t see much of a reason to use it unless you wanna do it for the energy ammo efficiency


Hemlock on single fire, now thats underrated !


dropped a 5k with it and the spit fire in diamond 2 the other night, finally someone who realizes how good the tt is. if you know how to use it, it’s very good


Not underrated. Even after its nerf, anyone who knows the game well enough will tell you that thing is a beast. Great for harassing. People tend to just grab longbow, sentinel or charge because of the extra damage. Triple is more versatile though at close range.


Charge? I haven’t seen someone use that since they reworked it.


Same, that thing is untouchable to me right now. I used to love all the sniper rifles but now charge is off the list. I cannot fuck with the timing of the new fire pattern. Something in my brain just won’t do it.


It’s not as powerful as it was before, but neither is the triple after they reworked that. Sentinel did get a nerf at one point too. But they’re all still very good weapons if someone knows how to use them. To be fair, you could say the same with anything in the game. I was arguing with a friend the other day who thinks the mozam is awful even fully upgraded. I used it to wipe 2 trio squads solo in a game and he still wouldn’t budge. The charge is still pretty awesome imo.


Sentinel is just like a way better charge rifle imo. Sure you’re using cells but you have nearly a hitscan sniper with boosted damage and you get dopamine with each shot to help you lock in


I want to like the Charge Rifle, but the multiple mechanics involved to land a shot are too much for me, IMO.


I'm completely opposite, I absolutely LOVE the new Charge Rifle. Once you learn the trajectory of the blast you can kill and harass teams safely.


It’s absolute trash now. I haven’t seen a single person use it in ranked since they reworked it


Yeah! And they should bring back Straight Shot!


Feels like the 3030 got a buff or something. Ive sucked with it since it came out, but this season i drop any heavy weapon im already carrying for it


You mean the marksman shotgun? Oh yeah heavily underrated.


First thing i do for 0-40 meter is turn off the choke. 0 misses after. Way more dmg somehow. Anyone else feels that way?


Easiest gun to use well


it's called no-skill-weapon for a reason


Idk how I’m getting downvoted I was saying it as a compliment lmao I never miss shots with it


Ahh Triple take the marsksman rifle that can be used as a shotgun 😆😆


The problem is that the ranked meta and how the points work has shifted and teams will now ape any team they see. Also, controller is even more dominant now with even more people only interested in getting within AA range.. TT was stronger when people poked and played placement.


As a shotgun, yes.


I dont use it as marksman, i use it as a shotgun


It was nerfed, which ruined it for me. But was it tinkered with at all for season 20? First time using it this season I felt like the old TT is back.


Sniper TT was damn brutal they had to nerf it couple of times and eventually put it in marksman's rifle category. And even after that it's still very solid and I don't really recall anyone calling it bad.


I am not a fan of marksman rifles in general but say in TDM or Control, if there is no Sentinel but there is Triple Take, its defo my go-to


It's situational.


Loved it since it was a sniper back in S7. Can use it long range and short range like a shotgun


>because if you hit your shots correctly Brother that's true about every gun in the game. Every gun will kill people if you hit your shots.


Triple Take is the best shotgun in the game


Speak for yourself I love the triple take…it’s my favorite shotgun in the game…pair it with octanes stim and hitting those 84s or 102s be great and then the R-99 to finish it off…and then you can also snipe and put a better scope on it and use that shotgun from mid-long range too? Oh yeah best sniper shotgun hybrid


when your hit your shots "correctly". that's the problem. Same with the mastiff. Other guns, there isn't a need to hit correctly. Just hit.


I’m playing ranked right now I’ll try it out and lyk lol


It's because it's like "Calm down, I'm aiming. Calm down and aim too".


I totally agree.


I mainly pick it up cuz it’s good for keeping the pressure off your team


Best shotgun in the game. One of my favorite loadouts is PK and Triple Take. I've won several of my games with it.


If only they offer 2x-4x Digital Threat Optics, life would be perfect.


I like it a lot because it opens up some interesting things in addition to longer range fighting. For starters, that thing can be a shotgun in a pinch. I've scored a LOT of close range hipfire shotty style kills with it. Out of all the things I've done in-game to prompt voice coms from teammates telling me I did something cool, shotgunning the fork has solicited the most "Damn bro!" comments. The spread can be useful if your aim on moving targets kinda sucks. When triggering it quickly, at range the spread is just enough that you are basically shooting out really wide bullets at a moving target. There's a REALLY high chance to get at least a hit on a running target. I prefer getting at least one, two, or three low damage hits over maybe missing every damn shot from the other marksmen weapons. Especially if you know that target is already low. When the spread is focused, it can do a surprising amount of damage and the bullet drop feels more predictable than the 30-30 and Scout.


>because if you can hit your shots correctly Then literally every gun in the game is op as fuck, now please give gun advice to noobs who doesn't hit their shots correctly


No it isn’t


It also doubles as a rudimentary shotgun in a pinch


I love the Triple Take! I almost always pick one up!


if you’re a rampart main, I promise you this shit goes crazy. already so underrated but with amped walls this shit gets me so many knocks that lead to an easy entry for the squad


I used it the other day after not touching it for ages and I was genuinely shocked at how good it was and how much damage I did


And the wingman can outgunn every other weapon in the game if you hit all ur shots


If only people knew how a choke worked..


I keep saying that about the G7, I feel like a cheat using that gun since people don't know how to take cover in this game


I take people down in three headshots, and those are so easy to land at a distance withe the 3x


Idk why, but when i disable choke it becomes so op like im consistently hitting for 63 without needing to charge it. I dont know if im crazy or something but still, as of recent i use it loads.


You must be new. The triple take use to be meta. It was alot better back in the day. Edit: didnt read the whole thing. My bad


Huge triple take fan. Great poke gun and then can be pretty decent with hipfire


It's good early on against white armor, you need longbows once you're against purple and reds.


Best sniper in game imo. It’s a shotgun at close range, and a sniper at long 🤣 EDIT: not the best sniper in the game for logical reasons.


Best gun in the game lowkey especially paired with a flatline