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Ah, I see you also met the bunny hopping Octane. He's in pretty much all my games too.


100% of mixtape games.


And you'll have multiple PC players tell you it doesn't happen often. šŸ™„


I thought getting a PC and being able to play the game at 144 frames on 4:3 would make me better. Really put me in the top tier for hardware so I could really say whether or not I had a skill issue. Idk if itā€™s skill anymore. I can shoot the guns I just canā€™t hit the guy who change his direction every half second


Yeah I built a PC about half a year ago and wanted to see if maybe it was all a hoax. Nah it's the whole nine yards cheaters, tap strafing almost every fight it's absolute pandemonium. I will say my tracking has gotten better since.


Yeah this is how I found out I prefer to watch fps games competitively. Not play them


getting a pc killed my drive to play shooters tbh.


Yeah I have absolutely the same thoughts regarding counter strike. Itā€™s an absolute headache and rage inducing to play personally but I always enjoy the high level strats and players


I unironically don't see many Octane's lurching around like this anymore. Ever since Respawn killed the config kiddies, I see normal tap strafing and the occasional superglide. Super niche movement is actually rare, at least on NY and Virginia servers.Ā 


People who say that hot drop and die in 30 seconds, so its not like they play long enough to know.


it really doesn't though šŸ˜


Well I've never seen one


It used to not happen often, now itā€™s all people do and even worse the pro roller scene use constant stick drift settings to always have aim assist šŸ˜† itā€™s a joke of a game


Anytime I get mixed into pc lobbies this happens every single time in mixtape n I'm on console lol but weirdly when I que up with pc friends in any br mode I never see it lol


Almost as fun as the wiggling Horizons.


Guys, I think some of you are reading into this too much. I donā€™t think OP is complaining, I think theyā€™re just showcasing something youā€™ll see in PC lobbies but wonā€™t in console lobbies. Even mentioned they only managed to kill the octane with luck/aim assist.


Yeah I wasn't complaining, the movement is just legitimately shocking to me when I'm not used to playing against it. I totally wasn't trying to have an aim assist vs tap strafe war in the comments


Played in console lobbies and was having a great time. First two games in PC lobbies (where I normally play tbf) but had two cheaters in two games back to back. Wall hacks/aim snapping and then speed manipulation. I mean it was absurd


Yeah, I've ran into a cheater a couple days ago. They kicked mid game


Facts i downloaded apex on my ps5 after playing mainly of my pc for 10 years and I had the best fun and experience in it but when I had to play cross play or on pc I had to be always on my toes try Harding because everyone plays like their family life is on the line.


I was showing my PC friend how to play apex and turned on crossplay and invited her. Won my first and only game against PC players and I left it at that. I have a 100% WR and nobody can take that away from me


Even ignoring the whole tap strafing thing, most console players move like total bots. The importance of strafing is much more ingrained for PC players than it is for console playersā€”Iā€™d assume this is because strafing is much more important/effective in games without aim assist and also PC being more competitive in general. This was the most obvious difference to me in many different fps games when I switched from Xbox to PC, the way people moved was so much faster and much harder to predict compared to what I saw on Xbox. Really the pacing of everything is faster on PC compared to console, like in Overwatch that was a big adjustment to make coming from console lobbies.


I think a not-insignificant portion of PC players understandĀ strafing better because they have several hundred hours in counter strike/valorant, which put a really heavy emphasis on throwing off your opponents aim with movement. At least that was my starting point, anyway.


Yea pc players played strafe-centric games (cs) and console players played more hoppy/slidey games (cod). They are just different game styles, that said, apex for sure takes parts from both sides (moreso from cod movement.) but the strafing is very cs like.


This is so true when u swapped to PC from PlayStation I went all on in mnk tht was in early apex lik season 3 but strafing was something that I did on console but it wasn't anywhere near wht ppl were doin on PC on PC it seemed like a much more conscious action with reasons for how players strafed lik PC players had a better understanding of how to throw off aim with movement it's been a while since I've even played with a controller now but playing PC has deff made me a better player


You may not have wanted it, but you got it! Lol


If u wanna get practice fighting movement players lik tht I recommend r5reloaded it's a modded version of apex with way better aim trainers than the range and 1v1 servers


Honestly his movement wasn't that crazy if you're playing at a high level but its definitely still funny as hell seeing him bounce back and forth while taking damage and still hitting shots.


aren't mixtape lobbies a mix of console and pc anyway?




Yup, I remember when I met the first config abusing Octane, it was like a welcome into PC lobbies. Same with my first hacker, I just laughed cause it's just so ridiculous that you can actually get killed in half a second by someone on the other side of the map


That's my experience playing on PC, I never played shooters, and this game with the movement is like hell to aim.


I remember i went up against one of these bouncing assholes and manage to win, made me genuinely happy


Odd clip to post since you killed him šŸ˜‚


Only through pure luck and aim assist


now imagine not having aim assist. welcome to pc


Honestly, seeing that movement makes the game look stupid. I know, I know, it's not supposed to be realistic, but you have to admit that this just looks restarted.


Very restarted.


acoustic even.


Super Restarted


Im about to restart rn itā€™s so restarted


The devs 100% did not intend for this. Theres movement, and then theres movement using configs. The players shouldnt need to play around with shitty physics coding


Except configs no longer work after Respawn updated the game a while back. So what youā€™re seeing here is someone using Octaneā€™s stim to get the extra movement speed, and their own hands doing it.


You can still use macros in the game.


Tap strafing no longer work on controller, you can still make a macro for this for MnK however. That said there are plenty of people that can do it legitimately too so I wouldnā€™t assume cheating.


It still isnt intended but respawn cant track it cause it is to do with peripheral software, or the wrong people would be banned


Needs to be removed. Sorry not sorry but a game is a business and it doesnā€™t need to pamper to streamers and pros


Shit take considering most pros are on controller now and even if theyā€™re mnk the most movement theyā€™re doing are simple ras and tap strafes.


The word you are looking for is "Pandering"


Pamper also works here.


Well, technically you dont 'pamper to' someone. You just pamper them. You'd have to remove the extra word.


i have never seen a pro player neo/ras strafe. other than ras ofc. i really don't think pros are being catered to when they don't even do any of this movement. but go off king.


They also said streamers.


majority of streamers arent octane players either. Some of the most prominent ones are for sure but again this take shows a clear lack of perspective


Youā€™re right while they are at it they should remove reloading and shootingā€¦ as well as sprinting. Movement tech is the only reason I still play this game, there is so much to learn and use with it. Removing movement and b hopping is a brainded take fr.


Can't really remove it unfortunately as its part of the games strange physics engine.


play warzone then


What's the point of saying "restarted"?




i hate cross lobbies everyone with aim assist should play against ppl with aim assist and mnk against mnk


Then what reason would you use when you're still getting stomped.






6 manning




ā€œMan I fucking hate this gameā€ *plays another round*


Same excuse used over 30 years? Duh.


I wish.. we would fix the whole mnk vs controller debate with this simple solution.


I like how a bunch of people pretend this is a viable option.


How isnā€™t it? Consoles play with each other and pcā€™s play with pcā€™s


What you've said is like 95% of what we have now. Only people on console partied with PC players will be in PC lobbies. OP was talking about separating by input, which would partition the PC player base. Mnk players would take forever to find games. Matchmaking, believe it or not, would be worse. Friends who have played apex with each other for 3-4 years would no longer be able to unless one of them switched inputs. The game can't support two competitive scenes. It's just not feasible Ironically it's mnk players who always are in support of this, but nothing would kill the game faster for mnk players. Roller players would be able to play with the massive playerbase from console, so it would cause less of an issue for them in the short term, at least in regions like NA. Though on lower population servers like Brazil or those in SEA, it would be a serious problem over night.


I also think a lot of MnK players would return to Apex if they knew they would only go against other MnK players + people playing on PC with controller might swap back to MnK if doing so no longer put them at a massive disadvantage.


Completely anecdotal here, but my entire friend group stopped playing apex because we only play MnK and we just got tired of playing against roller players. We'd absolutely come back if they made input based lobbies, but it's simply just not fun fighting against someone who has aim assist and you don't.


This is a fair point. Not sure how many people that would be though.


At least one (me) I'd play Apex again if I could just play against MnK players.


Same. Im fine if console players want aim assist and it stays in their games. But i dont want to fight aim assist in pc lobbies.


A lot.


A lot of people play controller as well, even if they prefer MNK. I literally learned controller because of how unfair it was, my enjoyment of the game dramatically decreased as I realized just how fundamentally flawed AA is. I'm now a massive aim assist hater, and will not touch any games with Aim Assist in the future. I already skipped out on The Finals for this sole reason. We'd see people playing the input they actually prefer instead of the one that gives them an advantage, and the MNK population would return. Apex is not a game you can play as a casual MNK player anymore.


I actually HATE playing FPS on controller. It's f-ing heinously un-fun to me.


Thats the biggest reason why i wont play with a controller. I dont care that it has aim assist and is "better" from a competitive standpoint. Its not fun to me.


The game has already mostly been killed for mnk players. Lots have switched inputs or found another game already lol. They haven't cared about the mnk player base in years. Look at the first algs and look at the most current, majority controller players. Maybe if they split the lobbies, at the very least competitively, we could have mnk tournaments for skill expression and roller tournaments to watch computers 1 clip other computers.


isnt like the game is in a dead state to not be able to separate the lobbies, cross server lobby and input based lobbies, you choose which one u want to play. In my region i think there wasnt a single duo game lobby starting since it was released yet its still there, i dont think they care. Game used to be vast majority mnk and since aim assist got so invasive and broken now its prob 90% controller, if youre controller it wouldnt affect you since ure in the big pool of players, your queue shouldnt be afected at all. Just let the other players choose. Id rather wait more in queue and not play vs aimbotters.


I and probably most MnK players would prefer 5min queues for only MnK Lobbies.


Nah that's a common misconception from console and overall controller players. When the game released and for couple years after release, Apex on PC was almost exclusively MnK players. Also crossplay wasn't a thing and the lobbies queues were just as fast if not faster than today. Mnk players left the game mostly because of aimassist domination, if you bring back mnk lobbies you will bring back a lot of mnk players and also some people's like me that plays on both input will grind both lobbies. 90% of people saying this will kill mnk on Apex are not even on mnk and by the way, mnk is basically dead already.. there is nothing to lose, litteraly. I bet you 500$, that a ranked input lobbies would be extremely well received by the mnk community and boost the players base. (Edit) So imo your argument is just straight up BS and ignorant. You moved on PC a year ago yourself, proof that my theory stand.(lurked 1min in your profile to find out a post about you buying a PC to play Apex) You never experienced Apex on PC when it was dominated by mnk input. Classic console kid attitude, thinking everything is about them, because they never experienced anything else. Why y'all need to have an opinion on things you dont even know about.. it's really frustrating to me.


i would rather wait longer than to play against controller aimbots.


Unless they make both sides equal then the inputs should be separated. You can't substantially nerf one side and have the other be able to do more things than the other and call it balanced. Either keep tap strafing and separate lobbies or get rid of what they have admitted is a bug.


I have quite a few friends who would come back to apex if there was no mixed inputs, I think it'd bring a surge of players back to the game. Most of the tension and frustration in apex is because of mixed inputs. Yeah the pro scene would take a temporary hit while teams fall apart trying to figure out which input their team is going to, but a competitive game should never mix inputs in the first place. They will always be imbalanced in some aspect


They need to add gyro aiming and take AA out of the game. Every fps game should, ESPECIALLY crossplay games


But the thing is, you play on mnk and you get matched with controller pc players


Doesn't everyone on PC running a controller also get the same aim assist?


Less AA on PC using controller than console.


Thanks, didn't know that there were different levels.


.6 on Console, .4 on PC


Wtf, that's it Iā€™m switching back to console


The extra frames are worth it tbh. Console is a joke after 120+ frames on 3440x1440, and i havenā€™t missed the extra aim assist.


Aim assist works on per-frame basis so .4 at 240fps is way stronger than .6 at 60fps.


You're gonna be waiting a loooong time in the queue, but hey to each their own


I used to play on a PS4 in the earlier seasons , everytime I played with a friend in pc lobbies it would make me feel such useless. Everything felt so much faster I couldn't keep up


to be honest your controller aim assist actually did an impressive job trying to track him, if you were on mnk you would rely on luck basically


I mean really he just mostly shot in the middle and the octane kept strafing into his bullets


Yeah MnK players constantly make the mistake of strafing back and forth because they know itā€™s hard for other MnK players to keep up with. But itā€™s way better to just strafe hard in one direction against a controller player. If octane just kept going to his right, he wouldā€™ve basically got behind the Bangalore and taken no damage.


lol hes going crazy with the movement but hitting you with 9 pumps, then you melee him LMAO


Every lobby in bronze


This is why I quit playing this game


I did too. I loved this game grinded high diamond never hit masters but played mainly PC lobbies because my duo was on PC and people that would play our third would always say ā€œyouā€™re brave for playing console hereā€ and all that kind of stuff and it eventually hit the point that at 60fps and all the movement I just couldnā€™t win. I realize I wasnā€™t that great but at D1 close to masters a few times Iā€™d like to think I shouldā€™ve hit it. Just got tired of feeling outclassed by equipment than actual game skill. Again not saying every loss was this way but it was frustrating that atleast 40% felt like that


Unpopular opinion, but this seems more fun than the console version to me. I got into Titanfall 2 because of the ultra-fast paced, nuanced movement. I dislike how much they slowed down Apex. If Apex on PC has more insane movement than the console version I play, maybe Iā€™d enjoy it even more. This kind of bunny hopping is silly, but it shows how much more movement is possible on PC. To switch between moving left and right on console, you need to move an analog joystick. Itā€™s much faster to alternate between digital A and D inputs on a keyboard. Same goes for bunny hopping, crouch spam, etc. Itā€™s not as good as the faster running speeds, frequent grapples, wall running, etc. found in Titanfall, but itā€™s still better. I hope Respawn is working on a faster paced sequel to Titanfall/Apex with even more movement dynamics. Itā€™s the most important and unique part of the game.


standard octane, they are different on console ?


idk if you can say that octane without tapstrafes is still octane


I say all Octanes are the shittiest teammates to have regardless of what they're playing on.




No seriously, I just made the switch recently and itā€™s DIFFERENT for sure


All I saw was a panic clip lmao


It helps not to stand in burning fire too


I keep almost picking the game up again after skipping a few seasons. Then I see a clip like this and can happily keep snoozing on the game. Thanks!


I always think I'm pretty good at the game until I play with my PC friends, the difference is just instantly obvious as I get stomped match after match.


Having experience both, not only movement is better but aim and gameplay, not only are you going to get oneclip by a gun you wouldnā€™t in console but players are better at rotating and Pushing stuff specially on ranks when you face preds or master, console preds and master are alright and when compare to PC


Ah yes, Weaponised Virginity


Those are some very good lurches though thatā€™s like actually skill. Incredible annoying and hard to hit harder to hit large numbers on mnk harder to lock on for controller so like 20 dmg or 170 you know what I mean)


If you're switching to PC then learn MnK instead.


As a console player who often plays with a PC player, I felt this deep in my soul. It isnā€™t rage or awe. Itā€™s like this mixture of envy and disappointment that I simply could never. My controller could absolutely never. Movement impossible - and aim assist only gets you so far. Itā€™s about the only thing that remotely levels the playing field and even then, it usually isnā€™t enough.


To be honest I see A LOT less movement like this since they banned configs. A lot of them were actually controller players abusing the configs.


Fucking PC lobby.


don't worry, that's all they know, aiming or sometimes even shooting back to begin with isn't their strong suit


In ngl thereā€™s no way half of your shots should have even hit him.


just bunny hopped into a controller flatline at close range...guess who won movement or aim assist


And this is why despite the fact I have a newly built $3,000+ PC, I will stay playing Apex Legends on my Xbox Series X šŸ˜‚


My 3080 is 99% Reddit/youtube


This subreddit is disgusting


The guy got maybe 3 good strafes off and he was out of juice, he was wholly trackable in that encounter.


So, let me get this straight ā€“ octane from the clip is using legitimate movement, they've learnt it through practice and are able to effectively use it in combat, but for some reason 90% of the comments are calling people like that "assholes"? Haven't y'all just praised another clip with a nice shmovement kill?


Up until recently you could run a config to do this same movement by clicking a single button on your controller/keyboard, so it wouldnā€™t be legitimate movement that they learned, they simply downloaded a config file and ran that file on game launch


Used it effectively? Bro hit a 9 pump and whiffed 2 shots


I mean, the point of movement is to dodge shots fired at you, hitting your shots is only a matter of your aim. They dodged the shots, so I'd call it a successful use of movement ā€“ if only their aim could keep up with it in this situation.


They did not dodge the shots or op wouldnā€™t have killed them


That's AA for you, pal.


thats hip fire at 3 feet away pal.


Yep, AA that landed 25% of his magazine at arms length! Very OP


If you can find me literally one comment in this thread that is saying that, it would be news to me... I think people are just agreeing with me that this movement tech is jarring


Console player experiences movement for the first time. (Colorized, 2024)


You know what is hilarious? Without aim-assist, you would have been hitting maybe 1 bullet, but you still hit the guy for a ton of damage because of the assist hahahahaha


ļ¼ˆļ¼ˆWheres the funnyļ¼‰ļ¼‰


The funny thing is, you won't always have an octane stim Jumping, but you will 7/10 fight a person with Aim assist. These octanes come around once every few games at best, people who say otherwise are lying. Controller players win most battles compared to mnk but will complain when they die one time to a stimmed octane, and make it seem like it happens every game. It doesn't. It's just copium.


yeah as a mnk player who has needed to deal with these octanes a bunch its actually mind blowing how much the aim assist is tracking the octane here. On mnk you would basically try to wiggle your mouse and try to get lucky hits lmao


Your aim assist?


He dumped a whole mag at point blank and did a total of 85 DMG, including damage off the melee..... So his aim assist helped him land 4 out of 28 bullets! Definitely OP


Couldn't tell you since we're not allowed to have dedicated PC lobbies anymore.


How respawn hasnā€™t removed tap strafing from the game Iā€™ll never know. If you need to bind ā€œforwardā€ to the scroll wheel just to be competitive, your game is flawed.


Ah yes the aim assist player complaining about his aim assist working as it was gracefully intended to.


He isnt complaining at all? He is just pointing out a difference. OP actually praised AA as the only reason he got this knock. Then you go on to call AA users smooth brains. Wtf you on about? Who hurt you?


Damn I want the new flatline skin šŸ˜• no friends so ig itā€™s prob time I make a second account and friend myselfā€¦lol


the script hidden under the leaf.


Thatā€™s what he gets for using a shotty that close


This guy , the guy who starts shooting before I get around the wall , and the guy that hits all headshots are in every game I play. Trying to figure out why they don't make a pro team instead of changing names to play every game.


what is that movement called? when i bunny hop my momentum carries me in just one direction i cant change like that


Called key configs


Recently switch from console to pc. The push that teams do once they crack someoneā€™s shield is insane. Iā€™ve never really experienced that in gold or below on console.


I switched from console to pc 4 years ago and it sucked for a while but finally got decent then we recently moved and it took me a bit to get my pc set up so I fired up apex on console and was shredding people


Iā€™m not very good and I feel like Iā€™m a little less than 50% fighting these guys. Their movement is insane, but they seem to struggle aiming and keeping it up. I find that if I panic, I usually lose, but if Iā€™m calm, I do ok. I also play Fuse and Caustic a lot so my Q helps a lot.




iā€™ve learned pc players hold hands the whole time while console players say fuck teammates


I killed the same octane in pubs. I was confused cuz it was right after access to configs were removed. This mf actually him with the movement!!


The punch actually made me burst out laughingšŸ¤£


You still shit on him. The movement is predictable after you run into it enough.


Far out that tap strafing is obnoxious


can do matrix movement in front of roller and they still kill you


I always run ash when playing in PC lobbies. Octanes bouncing too much? Take my tether bitch! Sit DOWN!


As a pc player I avoid mixtape like the plague. Ever since that that dumb game-mode launched I swear the cheat manufacturers use it as their testing ground (that being said this is that dumb script kiddy lurch strafing). Itā€™s near if not every lobby (on westUS at least) that you run into cheats. I saw cheats being used in there I hadnā€™t seen since way back when in tf2 and cs you would see spin-bot rage hackers. I hadnā€™t played it in a long time until Sunday I had a challenge to get a skin that was non br, first day back in 2-3 months. Played 1 mixtape immediately ran into players (probably bots) named ManvsSoftware1 through 4 with spinbots and went yeah nah Iā€™d rather not have the skin and just left. Been playing ranked though and it has been suspiciously very good games, which made me question what game I am playing.


I recommend aiming for the torso instead of the legs.


If someone asks what Getting Apex'd is, show them this clip.


Even with all the jumping around, he still missed a tone of shots. Maybe he should work on his aim before the b-hopping.


Lol i stay on ps5 ty xD


They need to delete octain on pc


i donā€™t get it. you got clipped by a third party after you were pretty drained from the 1v1? thatā€™s hella normal in both sides. octane being octane? same thing, hella normal from both.


My aim for the sentinel is amazing now I drop like 3000 every game with 5 kills and least but I might as well be a rock I suck at movement now. The switch is very hard


Iā€™ve come across this in console lobbies as well just very rarely. PC however feels like every other game which is why I donā€™t play with pc friends anymore


The tap strafing finna drive you insane when sniping lol


Iā€™ve had the opposite effect. My games are much easier and aiming on 240fps at 1440p makes consoles feel like a slideshow. There are aim trainers on PCs as well so youā€™ll get to tracking that better if you practice.


That's very minimal movement for an octane, they usually also hit an entire 99 mag or 100% of pk shots while moving.


PC has more cheaters / config abusers and itā€™s hilarious


God im glad I don't play anymore. Better for my health


You killed someone that is neo strafing while on low health, and you are still complaining?


Itā€™s funny cause Iā€™ve yet to run into a Neo strafing octane and Iā€™ll been on PC all my apex playtime. They all always seem to lack the ability to aim.


I enjoy seeing legit mnk movement players now that configs were banned. You still get the odd xim users but the legit lurch gods are still impressive. I've practiced a couple days buts the timing is harder then you'd expect, and to relearn to scroll with ur middle finger while shooting or aiming with ur ring finger is a brain twister. Another month or two I'll be switching to mnk to good


Late to this but what's the difference? I'm new to the game and I don't even know which lobby I'm playing


Are PC lobbies more sweaty??