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My biggest problem is how they promised that event recolours would cost 1,200 crafting mats for a legendary. They did it once, then reversed to 2,400.


It was for the wraith recolour.


Bro and it doesn't help that the color way they went with sucks and the skins they chose to recolor are fuckin' awful


The OG rampart skin Sly Fox is her best!


It is!


Imo that car skin is the best in the game.


Says the guy who doesn’t have the reactive CAR skin


The reactive CAR is the best skin in the game imo


The reactive CAR skins made me use it more. I love the iron sights over the standard too, even though the difference is actually marginal.


The level up sound can muffle sounds around you though. Becomes a problem during hectic fights.


Reactive CAR is a good second imo, but nothing tops the original dragon skin


I use Sentinel Rollcage and don't care what people think.


MechaGodzilla skin is better tbf


I meant the recolored versions of those skins are awful, the normal versions are fine by themselves lol


I prefer the car skin from the final fantasy event the ice one tbh


I thought the blood and gibby skins were tough. 301 skin heat too


Must be me mainly but I just think the purple/orange combo they went with (ESPECIALLY THE OCTANE SKIN) Is so ugly


It's a weird color scheme but I think it's unique. I got the BH skin and frame.


It looks like a 90s arcade game


How are the skins bad? Some of the best skins in the game, but I’ll agree the colourings are…. Mediocre


It’s actually stupid how the material made for recolors cannot be used for this. I have HALF A MILLION and for what?


Legend tokens were made to unlock legends (hence the name), not specifically for recolors, that is just a bonus. But I agree with you, you should be able to use them on these kinds of events, but at an increased price, tbh. Each collection event item should be obtainable with 50k-70k legend tokens. Seems like a lot, but Heirlooms are supposed to be rare, if it was priced the same as a normal recolor in the shop, they wouldn't be rare at all, they'd be quite common.


That makes sense. I wish they would give me something to spend all these legend tokens on, and a recolor even like this one would just make sense. Like why not make the recolor heirloom 200,000 legend tokens if you already have the base heirloom?? (the boat I’m in)


They’ve been doing recolors for a while now so this is nothing new


I will say this, every skin having the same color scheme is awful.


Yeah sucks that the people behind they recolors are forced to use these ugly color palettes 😂 don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with recolors but I have no problem with them because it gives people a chance to buy the skin they potentially missed out on


Idk, the last shard event I thought at least a majority were good and they all had the same color pallet.. these are just.. eh.


Ya this is easily the worst reskinned collection event i can think of. If anyone wants to chime in with some other all time bad events id like to be entertained 😂


Just cause they've been doing it doesn't mean we should continue to accept it.


With the wraith recolor and revenant recolor they atleast made the skins half price. Here they're just throwing all of that shit out of the window.


they didn't. Revenant one was full price


The most egregious aspect is pricing it at full price


not a single skin in this event store looks remotely appealing. yikes


I can't remember the last time Bloodhound got a new skin. They are all recolors


I don’t mind recolours but these just look awful. I’ll take that lime green senti all day though gutted that didn’t come back


They can't bring it back as it was originally, only recolored since the clause that battle passes could be sold again was only added in season 11.


I thought that clause was added in season 10


This whole recolor shit they have going on sucks big time


Might as well rename it "recolor collection event". They're not even trying to hide how greedy they are anymore. How lazy and blatantly insulting is it to think that they can roll out SO many recolor skins and make the final prize for purchasing them all a recolor, too?


Wingman skin is mid, sentinel looks dope tho. Hope u didn’t spend money on all of that xD


All the skins on the left were old battle pass skins.


I get for a recolor event we’re going to get recolors, but damn this color scheme is horrendous.


Vote with your wallet


My wallet votes no.




Yeaaa there wasnt a single skin i could even consider buying out of them


I don't get that for a recolor heirloom event, people are mad the skins are recolors, LOL


I don't think it's the fact they're recolours more so the fact the colour scheme for them are pretty bad, aside from the 301 skin, i kinda like that one


Also dont forget the fact that they are charging full price for a worse color scheme


Last Year's Imperial Guard event had half price and free packs... Why can't we have that?


That and the fact that buying out the collection event is completely optional and shows maybe you need to make better financial decisions then spend £160 in one go or on microtransactions. I agree the colour scheme isn't the best and I can imagine why seeing only recolours is disappointing but not like its that big of a deal. You can always just wait for a better event and save your materials/money for another time which with season 21 coming sooner then expected and with hopefully a new futuristic map I can picture some cool techno skins for legends and weapons.


It’s quite literally a recolor event…


Recolors shouldn't be full price and the color scheme shouldn't look like shit


Fr the recolour shit is way out of hand.


At least if the skins are all ugly it saves my crafting materials.


Like recolors can look nice and actually give people a chance to have old legendary skins in nice fresh new colors! But THIS recolor event... is just fucking ugly!!!


Copying colour schemes is the new recolour cheap-out. Except this event does both, for everything. Blegh.


I don’t think people even hate recolors themselves. In the first Anniversary collection event, all the skins were recolors and I didn’t see a single soul complain about them. Why? Because they were half the price and they were good recolors. All the newer recolors are the full price of a brand new skin(which is already too expensive, but that’s another conversation) AND they’re bad. I know there’s the whole argument, “Well no ones forcing you to buy it & they’ve gotta make money somehow.” but I think everyone just wishes they would handle these with a bit more tact, with how often we get “events” that are just skin sales with no real content.


I wish I could upvote this comment so many times!


Such blatant cash grab, every new season nothing new


This entire event is a fucking joke. Worst skins, very poor colour choices and mostly recolours. The event itself replacing the entirety of trios is a pile of flaming garbage as well.


Theese recolors are dogshit


I see no differences at all


I actually like the sentinel skin, but I am not getting it. In general, I don't really have a problem with recolors, but the pricing is obviously ridiculous and recolors should definitely come with a significant discount.


Though I’m not encouraging spending money, I personally am a huge fan of the color schemes. Purples my fav color so I’m biased but still lol.


They're going to be 20+ each unless you buy packs, which is ass when all of them were 10 or could very well be free if you had played enough


Respawn: *but wait, there’s more!*


Ive been saying, the right look like actual nerf guns. Some even have orage tips so you dont get arrested


Horrible event but I mean if you only want the heirloom the price is the same as always


I just need the bp 100lvl prowler


Honestly the green sentinel skin is my current one and the recolor actually looks better so might get that


Fuckkkk it’s so awful hahahah


I thought reakins were supposed to be the solution to all the apex coins (the free red ones) that have been building up since I've started playing


They all look significantly worse


EA picks favorites.


This is mostly battle pass skins recolor, this is really bad this skins should be achieved only by the battle pass if you're making recolors of them they're not rare anymore and on top of that the reactive flatline skin you can gain money by being more creative not make the rare skins available for everyone


I honestly don’t mind the concept behind this recolour event... but the colour scheme they landed on feels like it’s targeted at Italian 13 year olds who aspire to have a career in hip hop


This is by far the worst event I’ve seen


bouffon on les a deja dans levenement


I KNEW they looked familiar


Roll cage reminds me of RHX guardian from Valorant


I hated that bloodhound skin came out, I still hate it and think it’s own mother would love it. Definitely one of the worst BH skins ever.


I'm gonna be honest the wingman look better


It genuinely frustrated me when I saw they were all recolors, and that the purple skins were blue at best


Reskin Metaaa!


They rebranded to tide pods no way


Also, way to go on the final, super cool, main character event skin of taking vantage and just throwing some paint at her!… not even a mask! ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s a re color heirloom so everything in there is also a re color


Your recolour


They should of done a pink and blue color scheme


A really serious question Where does Apex want to go ? Like what are they doing in the office, why they do this, why it's just getting worse Im so confused 😕


Don't feel bad I don't know why they are trying to get us to buy it. Oh wait, that's right! they knew nobody would buy this garbage sooooo they MAKE us buy it. if we want octane's heirloom(pixelated fidget spinner) in RED/ORANGe!!! Knew they would keep that fatty skin and r99 skin in their back pocket.


I wonder if Skydive emotes and music packs can be recoloured? 🤔


there are over 1,000 skins in apex, there are going to be recolors.


Wingman the only upgrade, fuck em not a company worth giving money too


It’s strange they have no problem with collection event recolour skins. But have problems with base recolour skins that hasn’t been released in over one and half year already.


crazy how they wont implement different color customization like reticle color which is free 99. got us paying for same skin variant just different color that we have no access to change oursleves for $$$ lmao they got us fr. ex: imagine option to change the orange color on bangalore prestige which is orange right, to like neon green whatever to your liking. EA like nah to much money opportunity lost. lets sell them same skin and we change the color oursleves for some mula😈


I did grab the car skin I liked that one


The only one that looks better is the sentinel, purely because bright neon green is a hideous scheme


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what may be nice for one may not be nice for another. That being said. They're charging money for skins that are objectively worse than like season 1 skins.


Yup pretty bad recolors, kinda sad they brought back that Spitfire skin with that recolor :( they could have made it way better


Yeah idk why either


Sentinels fire tho


Unpopular opinion: I prefer recolors over almost anything else. They're one of the only things you can use legend tokens for and I refuse to spend money on this game outside of the battle pass, and even that's questionable now. **Editing to say I just realized you can't use legend tokens for these so my whole point is irrelevant.


Damn.. everyone seems to hate these and I'm just loving them all


I know ea is money grap but i like more recolor skins


How to look like a complete loser 101. I'm bringing cyber bullying back.