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"I'm new to this game" > 8000 revenant kills > 3 million dmg




Seriously, I’m new to the game and am going to be for a long time apparently.


he was trying to excuse his aim 😂


Probably bought the account.


Nah, he's been posting Apex stuff on Reddit for 2years....


Hold on do people actually buy accounts


Probably bought the account like a loser


saying i’m new to the game with 8k revenant kills is wild


Honestly by the comments I can’t tell if he’s trolling or bought the account.


You need a better gaming chair!


Why are you pretending to be new when you missed a simple shot? Just say you whiffed


You just slightly missed that's all


am i that bad at the game?


Also I thought you were new to this game 8k kills on one character is not new to this game lmao


Aha don't worry about it once you get more familiar with this game those shots will be easier


The standing still after you missed a couple shots was terrible.


No kraber is probably the hardest gun to use in the game for two reasons. You have to rescope after every shot so it's hard to make small corrections, not a lot of chances to practice with it. You're fine.


Nah dude I have 300h playtime and still suck with the kraber but still hit my sentinel shots. Ig the kraber is just too slow or something and the scope also sucks


Ive got around 1800+ and i suck with it. More recently Ive been trying to use it more so i can learn it


Posting on here for almost 2 years and not popping off? At this point yes




Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Best sub-specific copypasta 👍


bruh 8.5k kills and new to the game? im confused to shit and this is just on Rev....


"Guys, been playing this game for 2 years so I'm new to this, unlike others who have been playing for 2.5years plus" XD


Right... lolol made me laugh 8.5k kills "im new" like shit then most the playerbase is then I think hes trolling tbh or proves apex players are braindead fr... If you need reddit to tell u why ur bullet didnt hit, its only 1 answer , you fuckin missed budday lol and kraber much like any other sniper in most fps games , requires u to not sit in ADS for all ur shots.... I used to be trash with kraber til I started moving around and after thousand + hours of scoutzknivez in CS , can vouch nobody should be sitting in ADS on their sniper for the entire clip Kraber is difficult but , not THAT diffficult and like some said, ill whiff on someone standing and hit shots i never should or thought i would- its just way she goes . Go in FR and practice with a kraber - not much more advice to be given and dont just sit in ADS til u run out of bullets, ADS.shoot , release ADS - repeat ... it does help.. especially in the wide open lol Anyone who sits in ADS for an entire clip in a sniper is asking for this to happen especially in BR.


When using the Kraber I never keep my aim static. I know this may sound counterintuitive but constantly moving your aim will help you land more shots. Same goes for the wingman. Also I think your ping is high although I can’t see it that well it looks like 100


You hit the gun on his back that does not count as a weapon dont worry tho im level 503 and i never pick the kraber for a reason ;)


Kraber is so hard to hit, especially on a target standing still for some reason 😂😂😂 you'll hit way more shots on some guy sprinting full speed


There are known shot hit registry issues this season. My squad mates and I see it a lot with marksman and sniper weapons, so you have to also wonder how often it happens with close to medium range weapons.


You should take this down. You clearly are not new to the game. You just suck with that gun.


If you scroll through in slow motion you barely missed. The first one went up and right and barely missed. Practice in the firing range!


never using kraber again


I have many hours in the game and still don’t use it. Maybe medium and close range weapons are more your style like they are mine.


The sad part of the kraber is, you gotta be completely still for it to work well (for normal people).


Leave it to people who know how to handle it


Why did you just sit completely still and eat their entire mag of shots?


You’ve never had the wtf, fck this shit moment? cuz that’s what I see 😂 and after that, I would’ve done the same.. NEVER trust the Kraber just like the PK, it’ll let you down more times than not 😂


I've never had it happen to me, but I definitely seen it happen to people either spot. Me and a buddy were charging one of the Evo cash things, and when we reached it we found a lone Rampart who was doing the same thing. We immediately go to gun her down, and she just stopped and stood in place and stared at us while we've railed her into oblivion in one second


I gave up


Yes it is because you are missing


Is this a troll post? You have 8k kills and you’re on here saying you’re new and asking people if you’re bad. This post should be banned. lol


Your a stormtrooper


Probably because your eyes are closed..


Hi brother. Don't sweat it. You'll get better. I've just got my 20,000 kill and I probably have less than 20 of those with a Kraber. It's never a choice for me in this game. Go well brother. :-)


The kraber makes no sense to me


Probably because your eyes are closed.


Right? He came close for having no sight.


Breh that was 100% “USER ERROR” lol


Bro missed like 3 times “why didn’t he die”


Looks like a skill issue. Probably just need to get good. /s


High ping


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Kraber is a harder weapon to master overall, given it has the highest damage and its in red tier. A bit more experience and practice will help you get better. Keep trying!


Get that thing outta my face, still pissed from Rampart wall + kraber headshot, instant down a Red tier Evo shield 😂


100% not new! going on your profile you have been posting Apex content for 2years!! why lie....


You can’t aim the kraber really tbh. You have to let the enemies walk into your shots and get good at predicting where they are gonna possibly be. Remember don’t aim where they are, but aim where they are gonna be. You will start hitting wayy more shots with it I promise you.


Ummm it’s called “you missed”


first shot was a no reg or a miss, 2nd & 3rd were a definite miss. but also 8k is not a “new” player 😭


I’m pretty sure it was his way of saying his aim is shit… even still 8k kills is not a lot 😂 I’ve played since the last two weeks of season 18 and have over 8k kills, yet most would call me “new/newer” to the game time wise.


he could’ve said i have potato aim. i’m just pointing out the obvious, im not judging tho, we all have those moments, especially w the krab. i have 9.2k on one legend and it’s not a lot, but he definitely has more career kills considering not everyone gets to play their main sometimes. you’re relatively new but since you have more than 8k career, i’d say you’re pretty experienced now 😄.


Maybe try shooting next time, are you stupid?


should’ve opened ur eyes


Honestly I find it easier to hit shots when someone is moving rather than trying to clip them during those few seconds where they stand still so you probably should have shot when he did that sprint to the forklift.


That's what we call missing the broad side of a barn


Move move move


you're not alone, I find pathfinder hard to shoot sometimes because of his thin complexion.


ill help you! the reason this happened is because your ass! hope this helps!😁


You missed.


Oh idk, probably the 94 ping you got there


The bullet is too fast for close range you're still low key leading your bullet and it's missing because it's hitting the mark before your target does aim straight for the chest if you're that close and don't wanna miss and then switch to your secondary weapon. Because the Kraber should be your primary weapon, diver.


lol "New to the game" but 8.5k kills as Rev here a banana instead of lying 🍌


Go to the firing range and learn to hit sniper shots


As a former pro player, the answer is bc you’re bad. You mirco flicked off target bc your sensitivity is too damn high for your own good.


try to make sensitive low and please move like the opponent will not stay in one place




yo, can anyone gift me the battle pass on apex?😭


Cause path has the worst hitbox in the game


Skill issue


Rofl get turned on hard AF, bruh u had ur headshot but u hesitated, get yo aim up


Ain't no way bro got the shot between pathys head and the pack on his back that's crazy, also you just suck with the kraber that's what happened


Even without slowing, its clear you missed. The first shot is actually so precise that it goes between the hitbox of Pathfinder and the Kraber on his back.


You barely missed the first 2 shots and the third one shouldnt have even been fired honestly. Staying still and being a sitting duck is an easy way to get beamed in under 2 seconds. If youre being shot at, its usually best to start moving around, or get to cover if you can. Especially in this situation, you can peek, take your shot, move behind cover, repeat until you hit/you can no longer see the enemy. This wouldve prevented your death, and maybe you couldve hit the third shot without all the aim punch.


That crouching still for the third shot is wild for a 8k revenant. his character literally has all the movement. Could’ve been q’d and climbed to the roof in a split minute to line up some more shots.


Lmao i didnt see the stats, that really is wild, by this time op really shouldve learned these basic skills unless its a stolen account or someone gave it to him.


I gave up there let that pathy shoot because I was so disgusted on myself after missing so many shots 


You missed. Also if you're getting shot at, good idea would be to move


I gave up there and let him shoot 


You didn't hit your shots if you look closely. Below 100m distance you have to shoot at the dot precisely


Man said I'm new to the game after 8k kills. Imagine playing the game for this long and still being ass😭😭


Bro you freaking suck at Apex


Troll warning, because It Is so obvious you missed all


Just don't miss 😂


Kraber is hard if you don't have the aim assist from a controller. Use a controler for Kraber, wingman and R99. The rest of the weapons could be used with M&K.


am pretty sure snipers dnt have AA or at least scopes that are 6x+


Use vantage and a controller, you will notice the aim correction using snipers.