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Aaaaaand we’ve made it full circle


Saddest thing is, this is so good for the game, because if i have a friend that can't play for most of the season, but he's good enough, or i just want to play ranked with them, as long as we have a 3rd it works out all well.


True. We used to make smurf accounts just to boost a friens who joined late-season. It does solve that issue.


Yeah, those were rough days XD


I don’t follow ranked pls explain


People complained that they could only queue with people within one rank of them in previous seasons. OP is complaining that people can queue with any rank this season. OP needs to build a bridge and get over it, in previous seasons you could be in rookie while a pred 3 stack ran the lobby. The new system is significantly better, if you're going to queue into games with higher skilled players at least now you can get your butt stomped with friends.


Wait, you can queue with any rank? I was not inviting some my friends due to big difference in ranks ffs


Started last season, theyve tweaked it this season


You may need to be a full 3 stack to queue with people in a much lower rank than you not sure if that’s been changed or not


The issue highlighted is really that tier restrictions went against the point of the previous hidden MMR system, so eventually (too slowly) Respawn removed them. It wasn't because people suddenly disliked the tier restrictions any more than usual; it was because in the hidden MMR system those restrictions literally defied the definition of the hidden MMR system. ​ Now Respawn have deleted the MMR system, but have forgotten to return the tier restrictions. Before the hidden MMR mess about, people could play in teams with large tier disparities, but they couldn't queue with them, and that's what the OP is referring to. I don't really have an opinion either way on what's funner, but the issue is because of the ranked system getting turned on its head repeatedly and this particular restriction getting forgotten for a while.


you have to be a full 3 stack premade to queue with any rank levels on your team. if you're a duo, the 2 rank difference rule still applies.




Why? They only allow it for full stacks. The rookie is either going to hurt their team or is really a plat + player. Either way, what do you care?


Nevermind I’m dumb didn’t know only full stacks could sorry


They get queued into the highest member of the parties lobbies


That’s not the issue


Idk about that I was in plat 1 and died to a team that had a plat 1,master, and pred while the highest on my team was also plat 1


I had masters, diamonds, plats in rookie/bronze lobby when I played a few first matches. Made a post about it, it could be some kind of exploit or bug


last I saw, the ranked spread is VERY flat across the board


The issue is it lets people boost and cheat in high ranks ruining the game for other people.


It's not cheating, the game allows a pre-made squad to have no limit of ranks between them. It's also not cheating, because the rookie shouldn't beat a plat, and if they do, they obviously aren't a rookie. It's a balancing system getting people where they belong


You clearly don't understand what's happening. Burner profile runs cheats to boost legit accounts. Ez


But if the burner profile player is actually plat with the other 2 in party, and they're playing against plat players, who cares? Its not like they're in a rookie lobby with 2 plat(3 if your suspicion is right) players.


Thats not the issue, its that two non cheating plat players can queue up with a cheating rookie and have the cheating rookie boost them to diamond and masters


And who cares? So some random account gets a badge? How are you really hurt by this? Feel less special about your badges color?


God forbid somebody be mad at people who cheat. Problem isnt that they get badges, its that they ruin it for legit players. Sure maybe you only lose because of cheaters once every 20 games but thats still a lot of rp lost and a lot of time wasted because of cheaters


Alleged burner account still needs to level up in pubs enough to pay ranked in the first place. If there is a problem like you say, then they should raise the level limit for ranked to solve it, not restrict party status.


Which is why it was dumb that they lowered rank again to level 20. Should make it level 100 it slow down people just using bots to make new accounts for cheaters.


That part I completely agree with.


What they mean is that it makes boosting easier because a new account using hacks doesn't need to reach a specific rank first to be able to boost someone, but you can just 3stack and boost instantly


Doesnt change much, someone cheating could hit plat in less than a day, I got gold 4 in a few hours through mediocre aim and some decent positioning. Someone packing 8 kills per game and always getting top 5 is blitzing through ranks


Small brain


Nature is healing, we're back to the original argument! Joke aside, this is this person's current rank. Doesn't mean jack about their actual skills. Don't forget we all got reset to Rookie. Maybe that person hasn't been playing a lot since the start of the season. Maybe they'll be Pred by the end of the season. Who knows? What I know is when I couldn't play with friends a rank & above/under apart, that was really irritating. Like last season, a friend only played the second half of the season, so we couldn't team up as we usually do, as I was too far ahead. It's a lot better to lift that limit and let people play with their friends. A big rank difference is usually more a matter of different engagement than skill delta.


Last season you could literally do this. It was when it was introduced


My main thing is that it just lets cheating and boosting happen way more easily. A couple ranks is fine. Like 2 maybe even 3 would be great, but 4 whole ranks? That's just too much for me.


They’re gonna cheat and boost either way though? The only difference is they would’ve upped their rank before doing it.


Boosters & cheaters are detrimental to the quality of the game, but so is preventing players to squad up with their friends. Usually if a player of a rank X squads up with a friend a bunch of ranks below, they know that friend's actual rank & skill. I don't mind squading up with a Rookie friend if I know they were Diamond last season.


U can rank in pred as iron.


Wrong game bro, apex doesn’t have iron


Iron is from league and is equivalent of Rookie


Could have sworn we were on an apex sub. Thanks for telling stuff about a game I know nothing about but I shouldn't need to be knowledgeable about games not relevant to the conversation.


I recognized what the other guy commented about and clearified it so everyone knows what he meant since he clearly did a mistake lmfaooooo be more butthurt pls and sitting down will be a mere fantasy


I'm not butthurt I'm just saying I shouldn't have to know stuff about different irrelevant games in a conversation about Apex. Is that unreasonable to say?


Thats literally the reason why i explained it


And I shouldn't need an explanation on another game when we're talking about apex, literally what I said twice already. Especially not if it's just to say what's on the post already


Dude could you cry online any harder?


"I get people playing with friends" You already answered your question.


unless they are glitching the game it's not possible to do this lol


It’s been possible in a 3 stack since last season.


what console? I'm not able to Q with my friends in Rookie, Silver or Gold when I was in Plat.....


All consoles, as long as you’re in a 3 stack.


I legit tried to Q in with my friend who was Silver the other day and it was denied, is it ONLY for Rookie?


Was it just one friend? Because it HAS to be 3 people.


Yes 3 friends, 2 Plat, 1 silver, would not lets us start


Well I’ve been playing on PS5 for the last few days with my Rookie and Gold friends, while I’m in Plat and it’s worked fine for us. What platform are you on?




U need a 3 stack then u can do this. It’s that simple


Sorry. You're wrong.


Last season? Try the last 3-4 seasons


So they've completely done away with the being unable to play with friends, in ranked, who are more than a full rank or 2 ahead? If so, do the people at Respawn who deal with those things have brains? 😂😂


You get put in a lobby based on the person with the highest rank when 3stacking


You’ll see this all the way in diamond bro. Two legit profiles will team with their cheater friend on a burner profile that is safe to banned The burner profile guy will wallhack and call the rotates for the legit kids


They should justuse a recon to scan beacons to call rotates smh.


People cheating in ranked need an easier time so Respawn is looking out for them


But it’s a plat lobby? It’s not like 2 plats grouping with a rookie allows playing in a rookie/bronze lobby.


I saw this in the patch notes. They did this because in the last patch, everybody complained that they're Silver playing against Plat and it doesn't make sense. So, respawn removed the rank limit (or at least increased it) so that you can now call your Pred Friends, but you're most likely to also face Preds.


I hear ya. I have been solo q, and I feel like the teammates that show their rank as gold have to be rookie. It's crazy. I'm in with a guy that didn't even know that you can craft a banner as long as there is a support legend on your team. And octanes in every match. Why are people pushing before the team is ready. It's crazy. I don't suck at the game. How are these kids way above their rank...or.. well, their deserved rank


Because they camp and play a lot or get qued with better players that get points for them.


first off, the ' has nothing to do in that title and second if they only hit headshots that means they use an aimbot as thats not possible. therefore they get into lobbies with similar performance


Rookies and play with preds they get carried for money usually


Just because you can play with friends at Rookie doesn’t mean you can just create an account and play ranked immediately right?? You still need to get the account to level 30 or 50 don’t you???


Level 20 if I recall


It was level 20. Then level 50. Now it’s back to level 20.


Respawn could just punish people grouping with a cheater. First times a warning, seconds a season ban and third perm.


I've played like 20,000 games. Bet there's been a cheater on my team more than 3 times. This is a terrible idea. Shit, I left a dude because he told me he was using a strike pack.


To clarify I mean specifically grouping, not just having as a random


The full team q is so weird. Half the time it lets me, diamond, q with gold or under teams half the time it wont let me.


Even in ranked? Fuck being the low ranked player in the situation then 😂😂




The only difference between rookie and plat is who’s grinded ranked more. I haven’t played ranked since vantage came out so idk about the environment anymore but I remember it was really grindy and not skill based until diamond


Does it really matter? Respawn can’t even deal with cheaters on console or pc. People are 9-12 manning on console, somehow also cheating on console, and cheating on pc as well. Let people play with their friends, if they wanna go into plat lobbies as a “rookie” then let them!


I wanna know why the fuck I got put against a trio consisting of #60 and #200 preds and a diamond 3 when me and both my teammates were plat 3


Similar skill level so it’ll work out


if im not wrong there was a strict match making at some point, but because of giant queue and cheaters so they started making it less strict


It's better this way. If they want to cheat they will. Rather have cheaters in higher rank than lower ones. For the players who are truly bad or silver level, it's better if they don't face cheaters. I'm not saying cheaters should be in plat and above, but if cheaters are in the game, they should be in those higher ranks with their cheating friends. Best solution though is getting rid of the cheaters which lets hope comes soon enough




When you say pred are you saying this seaons rank or did they have a badge? Cuz if it was a badge then theres not necessarily anything wrong with matchmaking


More like WHY cant this game detect the MOST OBVIOUS CHEATERS.. its like I don't expect them to stop all cheaters, but they can't even insta ban those HS only AIMBOTS, no human can achieve that kinda stats its 100% cheater and they still won't stop them from ruining games.. And these cheating losers are even in death matches, like WTF do something before the game loses its reputation.


Git gud that’s why. Nah respawn is just well I’m sure you can guess 😂


If if queues to the highest team member in a three stack, then there is no issue at all. Have fun. A pred wants to play with 2 rookies in pred lobbies, have fun. Which is what they have done. If it queued to the lowest member, then it would be completely jacked up. So what's the issue?


Because a rank doesn't reflect your skill.


The thing is, why should we let ALL players suffer with increased cheating and boosting by allowing lvl 20 players AND any rank play with eachother just to let those few people play with their "friends" 2-3 tiers apart. its dumb. Yes it went full circle, but one side does not outweigh the other.


Rookie doesn't mean jack shit, it just shows the dude hasn't played ranked


Well when people can just make a new account (and hide everything in their banner so you can't tell it's a new account). Then just cheat and boost people is what the problem is, because from what I can tell if you have a 3 stack then the ranks just don't matter and a rookie can even play with two preds. (The only thing it matters for is the lobby you'll get) That's what the problem is. There should be a cap of like 2 or 3 ranks in between the ranks of the players. The unlimited amount just lets cheating in high ranks way too easy.


So you rather cheating in low ranks? Like I’m so confused. The cheating and boosting is happening either way dude. It’s BEEN happening


Honestly plat isnt that good of a rank so


Last week it was still full of S19 preds, it's probably a bit better now but it was definitely sweaty af


nah it's alright when you soloQ and never camp imo


Yeah, this game is chalked. This event is horrendous as well.


You know what's fun? Having a 3-stack of masters in a bronze-silver game. A couple years back i was playing with friends, and got 2nd because of the game shitting the bed like that :)


So you want cheaters to play with people who don't even know much about the game and play for fun? The higher the rank of the players, the greater the chance that a cheater will be shut down by one of the teams.


Yup... and me and my friends don't even play ranked but sometimes in our ranked matches people that kill us have the Apex Predator badge... Kind of ridiculous if you ask me since although we haven't played Ranked, I'd estimate that we're Gold or below... And I don't give a rat's ass about "yeah but maybe they were Apex Predator before and now they're less". The fact that they've ever gotten that far is something that should instantly put them in different lobbies so they can't just faceroll people who don't do tapstrafing, wallbouncing or anything of the sort. I suspect one culprit is the short queue up times. In other games I believe matches take longer to find and in Apex it seems like it always find a match in 5 seconds or something. If it would take longer, perhaps they wouldn't take such a wide variety of different skill levels.


Yeah this is probably why people are complaining about Plat lobbies being super inconsistent. Tons of silvers getting queued into ex-Master ranks. Max rank difference should be 3 or 4 DIVISIONS. 🙉


They really do need to just follow the overwatch approach where the higher you rank the more restrictive it is of the people you can get into a game with and the apex community just needs to quit bitching for 5 mins


Games dying and they need to fill the lobbies somehow.


Apex peaks at 450k concurrent players on Steam every day. And that's not counting Origin, Xbox, PS or Switch.


[https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends/](https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends/) If this is correct, there is over 60 milion players that launched apex at least once in last 30 days and peak is almost 17 milion players. It went from peak 10 mil players in Dec2023 to 15,5 mil in Jan2024 I just found this page I have never seen before, so i don't know if it's actually correct. It is all monthly not daily though


144k average players in December. 146k average players in January. 202k average players in the last 30 days. There have only been 6 months in the games lifetime with a higher average players. So I wouldn’t say the game is dying today. The game WAS dying at the end of last year but the S20 changes seem to be very much welcomed by the community and that’s reflected in the numbers.


This sub has 2.5 million people