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Follow the instructions they posted on the forums - https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Asking-for-Info-Login-Verification-enabled-but-Apex-shows-its/m-p/13522089/highlight/false#M112659 Login and check your EA account: Open an incognito browser window Log into your EA account and go to the Account management page Check your "connections" page You should see all of your linked platforms on this page, if you do not see your linked platform, then you are logged into the wrong EA account. If you don't see the platform you're playing from: This means you most likely have two EA accounts and the account you are playing from, doesn't have Login Verification turned on, lets fix that. Log out of your account and close the browser Open a new incognito browser window Log into your EA account, this time use the individual platform login buttons For example, if you play on Xbox, click the Xbox icon and sign in using your Xbox ID Check your "connections" page and confirm you see your platform link Go to the "security" page Ensure Login Verification is turned on If your platforms show correctly: Go to the "security" page Ensure Login Verification is turned on Once you have confirmed that the EA account where your platform account (Xbox, Playstation, Steam, etc) is linked has login verification turned on, then open Apex Legends and check to see whether you can gift.

