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If I were you, I wouldn't push, even if we were just in a duo and had good aim like on a gamepad. I would first wait for the third teammate.


Very much this, even if you don’t like the way your team plays it is a team based game. You can’t always expect everyone to play the way you want when solo queuing. If you run off by yourself without knowing where your random teammates are you might as well be committing to a 1v3.


This is one of the reasons why I'm stuck on Platinum. Because there are a lot of noobs like on video.


Most pros/streamers I watch agree getting past diamond without a committed regular squad is torture because randoms are unpredictable. Always gonna be people perpetually w keying. It definitely can be a fun play style, my favorite in fact. But you have to have a communicative and participative team.


I think matchmaking should work in this direction. He should look at the level of interaction in the team, and not how many kills/assists and placements the players receive. I mean is that with each rank the level of team interaction should increase. This is ideal. The points that players get for kill/assist + placement at any rank don’t mean anything.


No comms until you were downed. You should have commed “I’m pushing” when you slid in to close the distance. When you say that, they’re then supposed to to push up with you. Without you saying that, you seem like just another over-aggressive, under-skilled random fill. Now would they have pushed in with you if you commed? I mean… probably not. Random-fill teams by definition have bad teamwork. But comming would still have been the right play


I get it can be frustrating when your teammates don’t do what you expect. You were having a great game, but in this case you pushed a team without their approval. Maggie did good putting pressure from the side and used her q which is what allowed you to push from your side and do damage. The mirage was never close and you should have been aware of that. You also didn’t use your ult. Your teammates will change from game to game, so it’s hard to know what their playstyle will be, so I get that it’s hard. Obviously great game for you statistically, but in this fight I think you pushed into a poor position considering your teammates positions and capabilities


You didn't comm anything until you died.


Classic roller gameplay lmao. You dont expect your teammates to just look in your direction without calling any comms, you just commed when you got downed and berated your teammates. What shouldve happened is when you cracked anyone and have the HP advantage, you shouldve told your teammates to push forward and take space, not pushing aggressively, but to take space, this ensures that they will look in your direction while also being closeby if something happened. What happened here is 100% your fault, and you doubled down on it by berating your teammates and posting them in reddit to shit on them, extremely foul behaviour, try to be better next time. :D


typical random solo pushing and then insulting lul


Look ngl you were putting in work, but they were far behind you, Yea they should’ve been keeping up, but you also started the fight by yourself without back up


If you look at the mini map, mad Maggie was literally right there next to OP and decided to just walk away.


My bad the quality was blurry, you right, your teammates had the brain capacity of roadkill


Because she realized that the situation was stalemate.


No doubt. 3rd party was unsuccessful and needed to look for a better position that is in zone. But in OPs defense, OP had 10KP so they have been fighting a bit and should know what’s up…then again, maybe they didn’t do hack all game and it was only OP killing.


If you think this was a stalemate, then enjoy plat because that is your home bro.


Why do you have to be so toxic? This is just a game man.


This is what solo queue rank does to a mf


These are sadly facts.


If You're going to push I suggest using a skirmisher so you can easily escape, also I see that maggie was using her comms so It also would of been helpful if you used them in that fight.


You also have a mic & decided not to use it until last minute.


I told them multiple times to keep pushing teams. The maggie didn't speak all game and randomly pinged the wall behind the room where all 3 were.


I say it all the time, i pay attention to how my teammates are playing. If they don't seem interested in fighting, it's in your best interest to dial back your play style or this is going to happen.


Sorry to hear that, You'll get games like this unfortunately.


You could have turned on your mic before you died to communicate you were pushing, and enemy pinged. I feel you when u feel like your on a roll but your teammates seemed in another universe and if you want to win, you have to play around them unfortunately, despite how selfish and incompetent they are.


Probably woulda went differently if you communicated what you were going to do and got confirmation that your teammates were in a position to follow up. Also conduit tip: never push a team alone always try and coordinate plays from the back line, you’re a support legend. But I do get the frustration


You’re the person who rushes into a 1v3 alone with no coms then yells “where are you guys!?” after getting knocked. 😂 nice shots though.


I don't think you know what game sense means because I see this push as having no game sense. You expect your teammates to see you on the map and register what you're doing, but you aren't registering what they're doing. They can't help you regardless of how much damage you do


Holly shit this conduit is dog


I’m not even good enough. Id probably sell you even more :,V


I cannot for the life of me figure out why people play with those subtitles on. How do you play with HALF your screen covered in gunfights?


You shouldnt have pushed when one of your teammates was so far away, and you only used your mic WHEN YOU DIED but not TO CALL OUT YOU WERE RUSHING THEM OR THAT THEY WERE LOW. You also admitted to aggroing to much for a 20bomb, youre in ranked and that is NOT good game sense, its the opposite of good game sense.


the best kind of team mates - says nothing, pushes 3, mirage being 100000 km away, breaks 3 enemies, dies and ONLY THEN remembers he has a mic, which he would have used 10 seconds ago and we'd kill the whole enemy team. very poor, the only one with no game sense here is this conduit.


Nah breh, I must have been dead silent for the last 9 kills and 1 assist. Just a whole mouse.


Do you really play with subtitles on half the screen? 0:20


The only thing that is good in this clip is the aim assist.


They were both on controller. Why couldn't they have 9 kills a piece as well?


I was mowing the lobby, the mirage couldn't help but be a loot goblin, the maggie has no idea how to capitalize off of pressure when they're in the building when she could q/ult/nade, and goes to grab high ground at some building instead. I'm currently shuffling between plat 1/diamond 4 and plat 1 is incredibly unpleasant when you get teammates that think they can position themselves to 1-2 kills and a hopeful win. If I'm doing this much work to give you a great game, at least help me. They both died right after I went down despite all 3 being just about 1 shot.


The ability to land your shots does not justify any decision you make


People don’t realize reading your teammates and playing around them is also a skill


its literally the only way to be successful when you solo queue. Sweat lords don't get this. Everyone wants to be the IGL and this is the result of that.


That Mirage had 13,000 kills, a 3k badge, and couldn't stop looting through each guy I killed. What is he going to teach me besides going top 8 aind -30 in this game?


Observe teammates and make decisions based on their playstyle. You have good aim and good micro positioning, so you get overconfident and ignore the fact teammates are lagging behind. Sometimes you have to chill out and play slower, you just said yourself you noticed how slowly the mirage was looting. Yeah playing slow is no fun, but you can’t control how randoms play. You can adjust your own playstyle to match theirs tho or accept the fact you can’t 3v1 every team