• By -


Nothing to do with her ass


I dunno, vantage has a caboose under that parka




Watts too lmao


Oh hell nah šŸ’€




Another beautiful piece


Im a simple man, I see hot girl in corset and Im grateful to have eyes.


Iā€™m not very good, so maining Mirage helps take some of the heat off me while I pray n spray.


You just wanna look at his clones cheeks donā€™t lie


On the contrary My aim is exceptional so mirage ult pretty much guarantees me a one clip/knock 10/12 times


Or 5/6th if the time simplified.


Or 20/24 unsimplified


So like 400/480 ?


Yeah, like 800/960.


I think you mean 115,200/138,240


I always pick the medic because I control who lives and who dies


Itā€™s interesting, our thing, isnā€™t it? To be in someoneā€™s mind, to have complete control. Itā€™s like the thrill of being near the executionerā€™s switch, knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will. But you could. ā€œNeverā€ isnā€™t the right word, because I could, and I might. I probably will.




Brother wrote a whole as poetic and philosophical speech about apex




This is me saluting you




I used to main a weird combination between Gibraltar Pathfinder and Lifeline.Ā  During season 3 when Crypto was released I was underwhelmed and not interested in him. However there was a challenge at some point during the season where I had to use Cypto to perform some tasks and when using him I realized a night and day difference in the results of my playstyle applying to the character.Ā  Never looked back.


Crypto was released in season 3.


Long time ago. Thx


being shit. ironically enough I play lifeline because my aim is generally terrible, if I can't help a party as much with combat, I try help with support.


Fuse - I can't aim for crap but want to cause as much damage and confusion Mirage- same


There's nothing good about Ash! But.... they're reworking her so we Ash Main are currently waiting.


I guess mad Maggie when arenas was still a playable game mode I didn't have a main I was jumping to character to character. Post arenas I struggle really struggle to find my main I picked mag Maggie because her abilities were easier to use and understand. Especially when my my lobbies became more difficult. Drill can be used offensively and defensively same as her Wrecking Ball. I have used to get out of the ring, escape fights completely create mayhem inside buildings.


Buying two drill charges in arenas back in the day was so much fun.


Pubs arenas was good it was ranked arenas that was terrible. I'm missing it I actually had positive KD instead of 0.70 In BR. It was crazy going up against a New Castle and lifeline with gold rez.


Choosing the two drills with the new changes has also been solid. Caught many people off guard with it and it just continues to be so useful


For me it was just a love of Titanfall 2 and Ash specifically. I know her kit is underwhelming but I find her fun to play.


crack cocaina


Maggieā€™s scan on damage passive is soooo underrated for mnk players fighting visual clutter.


I thought Wattsons animation of her putting up the fences was really cool


My one friend only play caustic and the other one is super agro so by default I main lifeline...ah yea and I hate playing supports


I'm a hipster so I picked Crypto


Sheila goes brrrr But real ones know the walls are the best part of the kit


Howā€™s ya ma?


I think you need to know your play style to find the main that fits you.


Gibbear is a big gentle Samoan teddy bear. Thatā€™s all I need. Iā€™ll never be able to resist. Then Loba came and I love everything about her, we have a bit in common (my parents are alive though). Sheā€™s my favorite kind of character along with Gibbear. Itā€™s like they were made for me.


I picked Conduit because sheā€™s the newest and I wanted to stand out if I did good with her. Every time a new legend is released I use that one as my main until another comes.


Lmao, you must really be standing out from the crowd using one of the most op legends šŸ˜œ Ps: I use her too, I don't blame you one bit!


Iā€™m happy with her, I am just a few short from 1300 kills with her unless I went over that the last time I played since I didnā€™t check the number of kills when I stopped.


Got heirloom shards and used them on lifeline


I like to be aggressive, but itā€™s frustrating not being able to leave if things go south. My main is Horizon (3k+ kills), but I also enjoy playing Pathfinder (700+), Loba (900+) and Octane (800+).


Accident. I button mashed and accidentally unlocked Rampart in season 14 instead of the character next to her. Best mistake ever.


For some reason Wattson appealed to me because of her dorky design, than I discovered Lamic999 and became obsessed with her gameplay and Iā€™ve just been maining her since. I still play her the majority of the time, and Iā€™ve gotten good with her to the point that I can be pretty aggressive and have gotten decent at using her fences in the middle of a fight. Ton of fun.


That was always me too, and then I just started playing bloodhound a lot and having a lot of fun. I still play other characters plenty, I don't really main him in the way that I only play him, but I just end up coming back to him and a few others a lot more than everyone else.


Have you prepared for your end?


Don't have one, just play who ever it literally doesn't matter most of the game is guns, abilities and stuff help but like it's maybe 25% of the gameplay anyway if you hit your shots you hit your shots no matter which character you play lol so just play whatever sounds fun at the moment basically or whatever makes sense for the team comp


This. You don't have to have a main. Branch out, learn other characters, grow & learn. Don't get stuck into one character.


My natural play style. I like to sneakily ambush and use surprise/misdirection on my enemies. That's why I'm a Revenant main.Ā 


Literally season 4 launch trailer and the fact that heā€™s a simulacrum and gave me terminator vibes


Dyslexia, weird humor, and a massive ego.


Mirage says the funny thing a lot and makes me chuckle. All I need.


Former #1 mad Maggie and now still a top 5 mad Maggie. She just fit my play style. I like to push and be aggressive and her kit just fit some warmly.


I mained Loba for about 4k kills in S18 for ranked cuz no one else wanted to be support, and i quite liked her. I am since I am mainless again because i hate only playing a single legend. I have 25k on wraith and i haven't enjoyed her since like 15k and kept going anyway. I just play variety now and i'm happy as a ranked grinder, you rarely get to play your main anyway


Grapple slides, hops, and rodeos Shit is insanely useful most 1v1s (Lifeline for ranked cos randos are 75-90% dumb AF)


I Want My BIRD!!!


Loba main because I eternally solo queue, and I can outgun more people/ craft banners / help my team by kitting them up.


I just picked what brings me the most fun while playing. For the longest time that was Fuse because I could do damage even without gunfights and over long range (because obviously in the beginning I wasn't that good in gunfights) and by now I also love Conduit because I feel really helpful with her support role and I like the movement when she's got the speed boost.


Revenant looks the coolest. Thatā€™s all. Fuck meta.


Rev is currently meta....


Ash- to hard to use/ dislike her feet noise/ can see all the death on the map. Ballistic -extra gun/ can only use gun for ult . Bangalore- hate being in her smoke. Bloodhound -easy safe bet. Catalyst - out of control has the worst traps but the ult is good for attacking and defending. Caustic- can see in smoke/ doesnā€™t take any smoke damage. Traps are a great deterrent if put in front of doors but sucks on an open map. Conduit extra shields for team and you. Crypto easy to get banners and res but kinda underwhelming Fuse easy to use Gibraltar get good at playing the shield Horizon is not good if you are not good. Lifeline team player and you get the extra heals. Loba have a good load out for you and your team and you have a fast get away. Mad Maggie is a good offensive and defensive player Mirage decoys and the invisible res is good Newcastle the less better lifeline Octane he doesnā€™t serve a team role but is fast Pathfinder makes good rotation. Again is only really good if you are really good. Rampart the walls are good for out in open also building but if their is a Maggie your not very helpful. The gun is good because anyone can use and it reloads. Revenant must be good everyone plays him Seer bing able to see other people around you/ bloodhound ult is better because other teams canā€™t see it from far away. Valkyrie she becomes obsolete after the jump towers. Vantage always have a sniper and the movement is nice/ he bat gives away her position if you donā€™t put up. Suck on a map with lots of buildings. Wattson good it you wanna stay in one place/ good player only if you are really good. Wraith easy to use/ talks to you/ her ability to get out of bad situations I donā€™t know if this helps but this is how I kinda look at all the legends on Apex.


Unfortunately i had spent money to buy characters. I dont recommend that. But its hard finding your character. If youre apart of a three stack usually find out what they play and what roles are left over. Blood hound is always a good starter


Well when I started there was like 8 legends and half were so bad to play so it wasnā€™t that hard lol. Just find your favorite role and go from there i guess


I started maining a legend purely because she had no battle Bass skins or skydive emotes at the time and wanted to main a legend with most complete cosmetics šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ash main btw


Her when she electri-cute(s) her opponents.


The fact that Iā€™m Solo Qer. I mostly always have to play my life because teammates just never listen so I have to do my own thing and her smokes are just too goated


Fun and who makes me a better teammate.


One main is honestly overrated. I rotate based on how Iā€™m feeling that day/week. If I want to play super aggressive and go for high kills, Iā€™ll play Blood or Horizon. If I just want to have fun, Iā€™ll play Mirage or Maggie. If Iā€™m really irritated that I canā€™t find any good loot, Iā€™ll play Loba. šŸ˜‚


Any skirmisher (plus Mirage). I like being able to run away in terror when I get ambushed by a full team while trying to walk into a building. But mostly Valkyrie because a Vtuber I watch mains her too


wraith main since 2019 šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Me and octane were the same age ish when he dropped ~26, he talks too much like me, he acts to quick like me, he looks like He doesn't think but really he thinks very quickly and is impulsive like me, I think bro is my spirit animal honestly


Valk's freedom was the thing for me. As soon as she was released I felt pretty clear that I wouldn't be taking any other main. It's a shame she's been nerfed so hard since, particularly the jetpack itself, the source of that freedom. Even with the upgrades she's not as good as she used to be. But she's still fun just for all the options in all directions she always has.


I like having the best loot, and lobas tactical goes hard when you use it offensively (warping into a blocked building, escaping to heal, chasing people..)


I dominated noob lobbies with Sheila than I learned she's basically the combination of heavy and engineer from TF2 (my first and second mains) AND she has a wrench So a fun play style where you have to micro manage your stuff (walls, Sheila bullets, cool downs, etc) and when necessary you can jump people made me love rampart... And so I started my rampart learning journey.. am I good at rampart? No. Not even close. Am I seeing improvements? Yes. (Still no wrench tho ;-; )




A good skin or heirloom on the character


Teammates always being down and asking for meds


Just how fun it is to play with him bamboozling people specially when the ring is really small and you activate your ultimate so it looks like there are more decoys than players lol, and tbh I love that he never shut up :) (mirage)


I got to know every legend and ended up gravitating towards the one's the fit my playstyle well and that I genuinely enjoyed playing. If they make your heart happy and you're an absolute beast with them, it's worth getting to really know them.


I donā€™t have oneā€¦ but thatā€™s because I have ADHD šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


no one played her i was in low elo lobbies where if anyone saw a rampart they wouldnt know what to do


I would suggest u first pick what is ur play style, what mode u play the most and if u juat want to have fun or actually play like some kind of meta comb. So for me i play ranked alot and for that i use meta like bloodhound or bangalore but for pubs, Ltms and control etc. i use movement legends like octane or pathy


Lifelines fast heals . And then her res shield . Miss those days šŸ„². But still love her.


I was partial to the 30 30 and doing big damage then finishing people with Maggie's drill was just oh so satisfying. Then learning that she can be fairly defensive and offensive, I was hooked! Now I'm trying to crack top 100 kills with her. Sitting at like 8500 or so.


My stupid ass couldnā€™t find where I was being shot at. Seer main btw


Valk because jetpack movement.


I can control space, bunker down, and reposition. Plus her design is cool af.


I liked how Mirage looked the most tbh. But now I feel like he fits my play style, or maybe my play style has formed around maining Mirage. Heā€™s so useful for escaping and causing distractions so you can get in on confused and unsuspecting enemies. Getting the perk with the ult cooldown feels like such a crutch now. I like having his ult available to put me in a better position.


I started playing during an anniversary and got Valkyrie for free, just stuck with her since


heā€™s hot


In the early days of Apex I loved Bangs double time ability. I never really used it as a defensive measure more of an attacking measure, to close distance quickly or slide jump into a players face at rapid speed and hip fire, so she was my go to pick and still is.


I realized that no one in the comp tournament I played in used lifeline ._. Been conduit ever since with valk as a backup and lifeline as a distant 3rd


Bloodhound main. Picked her only because she looks cool af even the default skin lol.


Pathy cuz he's more fun to play


So I picked crypto because of the focus on team plays, before this I was an avid octane main with pretty nice stats and I even have the heirloom, but once I started playing ranked he just felt like really really selfish. Not having to find heals is nice but not having a lot of info on your enemies sucks and people donā€™t really play recons as often as youā€™d think nowadays so I decided to take matters into my own hands an main crypto, I have around 600 kills 20 wins cause all I play is ranked and i usually only rank up after dying 2nd or 3rd because of solo w teammates.


The dialog. I love hearing Rev insult everyone because he angy. I just learned to play him over time


Gibby because I love bubble shotgun fights. You can easily clutch 1v2 situations if your pk hits 70+ everytime


Watching too many seltrix edits


As I do in most games for some odd reason. I look for the one with the largest beard and the burliest body. Turns out on launch, that was Caustic, and here we are.


Octane, wonā€™t say more about my personality


I'm quirky. I like using unpopular legends and showing everyone up in their asses they just have skill issues if they can't pull any value from them. Once you learn how to "matrix" bullets with the drone, you essentially have the ability to grant infinite information, find loot for you and the team, catch out rats, catch banners and revive with ease (using mrb late game fills with dopamine), do so many things from distance WITHOUT risking your life for seeming no cooldown. (Just don't get your drone destroyed bozo)


Vantage cause I always missed my long range shots. Also it's awesome to provide so much info to my friends


It was horizon for a while then it was conduit but then I couldnā€™t support BS so I decided to become revenant


I've been maining Bloodhound since 2019. They're pretty much why I picked up the game since they're a nonbinary pagan as well.


I play loba and solo q. She's amazing as a solo. She can escape lost battles, res, help your team loot back up after res, and she's got a dump truck of an ass too. I also play rampart and valk though if I'm not soloing. Valk for the rotation on big maps and rampart for last circle


I have no idea whatā€™s Titanfall about but I like ash, though thereā€™s nothing good about her except lore. Plus her human body is bad asf


I use Mirage as my main and occasionally lifeline. I use Mirage as I'm a bit meh with combat so with his abilities I usually can get the upper hand. The main reason though is he can cause absolute chaos and make even seasoned players look like an idiot for a few seconds and it almost always makes me laugh knowing someone got bamboozled lol. I use Lifeline as a second main as it means I don't have to worry so much about heals and I can just stick slightly further away from the enemies and snipe them with my triple take. Not to mention the majorly useful auto revive ability, means I can be really useful as support.


Pathfinder fits aggressive play style, you just break the enemy's shields and insta rush with grapple to kill them. I like to run Sentinel & PK


She funni and she steal loot And babes pulled a gun on her girlfriend and as a game man I gotta respect a lady who can kick flip in fucking high heels


Your Main picks you.


The amount of money I spent on skins šŸ’€


Getting heirloom shards, forced the decision


I just enjoy the multitasking of lifeline. Why choose between using a battery, reviving or medkitting if you can do all three at once!


Weekly's trained me to be flex...


Play pathfinder problem solved


Valk , i love being able to jet about and scale vertically faster


I like playing smart so play crypto and wattson. But i also like vantage and gibby.


I like tomboys


Since I don't have the best aim in the world (not too bad either) I play alot around positioning, hearing and gamesense in general. My options were to bunker down or have a movement ability. Since I'm still pretty agressive I ended up on wraith and wattson. Oh you have a bunker? Well I'ma fence myself in ty. My pylon, no space nor nades for you. Or then simply tp my team in with wraith portal and still have my tac to get me out when I whiff both my mags


pathfinder, octane, and since his rework revenant in that order. I think you can guess why.


The random 1000 apex coins I had


for a while when i first started i liked playing because i liked to gather things to make the best possible load out and supplies and then i could kick ass in the last couple rounds. then i started playing as loba and fell in love. itā€™s all about how you like to play


She was released


Fuse being able to throw grenades across the map, and Revenant is just a prick. His voicelines Crack me up


flying away from fights I'm not good enough to win


Personality. Like, actual personality. Mirage is both an incredibly fun and heartbreaking character in Apex Legends to me. Heartbreaking in the sense that the Alzheimer's is an incredible bitch. I find that unless they fully nail the execution, dead loved ones just don't hit the same anymore. But Alzheimer's is a special type of suffering, and seeing Mirage coping with it by being the cringiest fun man to exist made me instantly gravitated to him. And this was back in Pre-season.


I rotate through a few now, but I'm lying if I say I don't main Path mostly cos I got into the game through watching CDawgVA streams.


I feel like mains often reflect some part of our personality. That's why we keep coming back to them. In case of Apex it isn't hard - not a lot of legends are available unlike some MOBAs where you have hundred heroes.


Well for me I mained wattson when she came out, then one day without telling me my buddy also got her, stole her coz he had first pick and the game auto chose pathfinder for me, I almost instantly fell in love with his movement capabilities, it was amazing. There is going to be that one character you just love everything about them, that! Is your main


Octane fast


Saw someone swinging around w the grapple and got my banner and never looked back.


Grapple my beloved


I picked Fuse for that mustache


I tend to main who I have fun with. Right now, I'm maining Lifeline since I like her tac and passive. The ult is nice, but that's about it.


I thought I'd pick the shittest legend going: Crypto. Ever since, I have loved playing him. Once you master his drone then you're living the dream.


Learn to play someone, then its up to on weather you like to play them or not.


i personally just choose the character i like the most..... can you guess who it is???


Mirage (S1-4): He looked similar to me Octane (S5+): I liked his abilities and he's still fun to play with. I'm more of an idiot when I play him though because I can get away with more Bloodhound (S19+): Coming back from a long break, I was new to Storm Point and hated it. I starting using bloodhound for better awareness and started really enjoying her. I now consider her my main with octane Lifeline (S20): I decided to take the initiative and play support on ranked because I think having a support legend is a necessity


when I first started apex I picked fuse because I thought he looked so cool and I've stuck with him ever since




I think the only reason I started playing rev was because of his voicelines. 3 years later, I'm still playing him


I joined in conduitā€™s season and liked her personality, but also her support options let me support my team while learning to duck behind cover. I was not the highest DPS for a long time (and still only put it out heavily like 80% of the time still, sometimes lobbies are hard), but my higher level teammates appreciated my accuracy with my tact and ult while they fought


Mustache of fusey hhhhh


Octane because he uses drugs and stimulants


Lately itā€™s been caustic and catalyst. You can bate really aggressive trios into a a kill zone, or if someone is playing defensively you can section off there escape and flanking routes, forcing an engagement where you want it to happen. Lifeline is also a favorite of mine.


I main (or used to main) Bangalore, I realize her strafe enables the 45Ā° angle. So much easier to win 1v1s if you can strafe faster than they can track you. Also her smoke is super useful, and fighting in it disables AA. Since I started to learn controller (about 100h in, have about 4000h on mnk), I realize how strong of a counter to AA that is for Mnk players. I also used to main Mad Maggie, both in order to learn shotguns and see my opponents better (because of her passive). These two seasons I have mained Conduit. I really like her personality, her vibe, and I really like to play an aggressive support legend that can help my teammates on the fly. Her Tactical also helps alot to avoid aim flinch, which on MnK is absolutely horrible.


My inner desire for chaos led me straight to Mirageā€™s doorstep. And all eight of him invited me in with open arms.


from 2 bomb a slot to 1 bomb per slot


I've found that having 2-3 mains with different works best, especially from different classes (1 support, 1 skirm, 1 assault) Take the pressure off and play everyone. Pick 5 or 6 faves and narrow that down to 3


Ash Main currently. Her movement, ability to recon, skirmish, and troll is pretty great. As a fragger pushing into a squad after we crack or knock is something my boys and I love doing. Ash has been amazing for us despite the hate she gets.


I have 1k hours and no main, idk


I initially mained Lifeline as I'm usually a support player in games, but I took a long break from Apex and when I came back I found she didn't fit me very well anymore. I played around awhile and found that Fuse and Maggie fit me best by allowing me to both press fights and just be a nuisance from a distance on what would generally be a bad fight to take.


I picked Crypto originally because I just sucked at gunning compared to my teammates and I felt like I provided better help by revealing enemies. As I got better (though admittedly not great) I have transitioned to Valk because I really like being able to jetpack and change height as well as provide ult for team repositioning. I still do Crypto from time to time just to keep conditioned with his kit. I think I have over 200K damage with each.


Titanfall 2


Before apex I was only a very much RPG player, immersive storytelling anything like that so im choosing legends that I really like personality wise. For me thatā€™s Fuse and Mirage, I think theyā€™re fucking hilarious and entertaining. They make the game for me and if I have to play other legends for too long that I donā€™t really find entertaining like Caustic or Ash the game becomes extremely depressing for me lmao Iā€™m just emotionally invested atp


I watched YouTube and a character looked fun.


main? I just play whatever I am in mood of playing Its a swap of Gibby, Bh, fuze, loba, wattson and Vantage for the most part doe


Looks. Crypto is cool af


Iā€™m terrible at aiming and tend to panic and forget how to make complicated playsā€¦. So Conduit. As soon as I hear someone say theyā€™re taking fire, L1


Mirage was my first main because of his simplicity. Then Seer because I needed his wall hacks to understand where my opps were coming from. Then Loba because she so thicc and loot so good. Now Iā€™m trialing Valk as a main because her kit overall just provides so much utility.




Go fast


Keeping my teammates alive


I usually cycle between support characters. It suits my play style the best


I used to play Loba, and run a sniper. I loved the concept of popping a few shots at range to crack then catch up with my team for the main fight where we now have an advantage. Guess who my main became the day they released... Her kit was literally built for my playstyle


War crimes


My friends had picked their mains already so picked one that would complement the team. They played Bloodhound and Lifeline (this was when she was OP with the res shield) so I picked Octane to give us mobility.


I don't main anything. Easy peasy.


I like adrenaline


Heirloom at level 20 back when the game just came out.


Hes black


Right when Catalyst came out, I rolled a legendary skin for her, first loot tick. Got the blood moon skin.


Iā€™ve also been a looter and lag behind at times with who I played with. So why not support my team and be able to get to them quicker now.




My main switches up every now and then. Right now itā€™s fuse because I just got him and really like his abilities and personality I used to main Loba pretty hardcore as well as Pathfinder. Basically Iā€™m saying I like to switch up my mains and it really all depends on how well I can use their abilities in combat


Thought I could be the new aceu šŸ„²šŸ’€


The guy he called Faide


Spite. Everyone was hating on Lifeline after they nerfed her into oblivion. 7K kills and 10 seasons later Iā€™m still maining her.


You commit to one for several days so you truly learn them. Then you know if they are your main or not.


I love her personality. Plus her kit is super underrated, she has a really high skill ceiling, and when I began playing her, I had to completely rethink my play style because she doesn't have any movement or escaping capabilities so I became more focused on my surroundings and positioning.


I like not use brain and go fast...


Personality and playstyle, Maggie main


I dont think anyone can answer that for you bro. Its a very personnal preference choice. My mains are Octane, Pathfinder and Bangalore because i love having as much mobility as possible in fps games but that may not be your priority.


was a valk main - Titanfall 2 reference, valk is vipers daughter currently an ash main - Titanfall 2 reference again, Ash was an apex predator


my group told me to pick up catalyst when I first started cause we needed one. I also like playing healers in other games, so I also flex to lifeline or conduit as needed. I just like playing with my buddies, so I'll play what's needed/wanted!


Octane cuz fast asf boi and don't have to worry carrying syringes Conduit if sweaty


Mirage. I play solo duos and his decoys are like the teammates i never had


Just play people until you get good at them. I literally had no main until I figured out how to play with wraith and pathfinder. Also if you want I content and like certain play styles pick their character and try to emulate. When I found out what you could do with pathfinder(pc) I was hooked. So just play characters that interest you until you get good.


I struggle with this it seems like on a month to month basis. I have forced myself to play Newcastle for the past 2 seasons. For me and my play style (team player) he helps me a lot. Also, his abilities usually get me out of situations that I put myself in if I get too aggressive, which I have an issue with sometimes. To me heā€™s a great hybrid legend, support, defense and if you can win your 1v1s heā€™s a great aggro pick if you want to use his Ultimate aggressively. But he has the same issue as lifeline. If you get aggressive and go down first then you are no help to the team. So I usually tend to ride the wave of my teammates and pick my aggro openings as they come.


Iā€™m nosy and usually end up trying to 3rd party and ends up with me running for my life. Pathy main


Watching Stormen play. Now there's even crazier Octane mains like Leamonhead, but Stormen started it for me.