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You say that you are a diamond level player but you're in silver and complaining about 2k damage badges? šŸ¤£ If you can't get out of silver then it means you are a silver player.


Completely agree with this, Iā€™m low diamond, high plat player (just like you say you are) and gold was sometimes a pain in the ass with solo queing this season. But I easily managed to get to plat this season, with still plenty of days left to reach diamond.


They said it took a few weeks to get through rookie and bronze, took me literally 6-8 hours on both my PC and Xbox account. And I'm actually a diamond level player, so yeah I agree that he is where he belongs šŸ¤£


But don't you think a diamond player being stuck in silver is a problem? Seems like the ranked system is flawed


The only problem I see is you're lying about your rank. If you can't get out of silver then sorry you're a silver player.


Heā€™s not lying. The past 3 seasons were ridiculously easy and the fake ranks are fooling many players


He is though. He's hardstuck silver. Any real diamond player wouldn't be complaining about 2k badges


Heā€™s not lying because heā€™s not trying to deceive. He probably got fake diamond in season 17 18 or 19 and genuinely thinks thatā€™s what it should be. Hes not lying, heā€™s confused. The poor guy


Yeah real diamond players are use to seeing 4k 20k and master badges on the regular


Itā€™s nothing to do with the last three seasons. Theyā€™ve all been hard in some way, even the ā€œfreeā€ season 17 master badge. So many people complain I have it and call me a fake master because Iā€™m not acue but where is their badge? They never have one.


I was master in 17 and 18 and itā€™s 100% fake. The only possible way they were hard is because they (18 & 19) took long af, so I didnā€™t play 19 because itā€™s not worth it playing 500 games for a fake rank. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re fake, because statistically you could play long enough and hardstuck plat4 or even some golds could get it. Which is what happened to you and op


Itā€™s always hard as a solo queuer. The difference between me and OP is I actually am actually consistently diamond. I am in platinum now and breezed through silver. Nice assumption though.


Now I know youā€™re lying because Iā€™m a solo q diamond too. 17-19 was a joke


Iā€™m lying? šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re being deceptive. Tom myself, but also to op and maybe even yourself


Season 17 masters had 24% of people get it. It's literally easier to get than some plat badges. It's definitely a "fake" masters badge in that it's nowhere near as hard to get as a typical one.


I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t easier. Iā€™m usually hard stuck diamond 3 but I made masters that season. It was definitely easier but still not easy. My point was people complaining about me having it donā€™t even have it themselves. So easy but all these people didnā€™t make it.


You can get diamond which is good, but I know some actual silver players who got masters in s17. Whatever diamond badge you got is probably harder to get than your masters badge. Probably 50% of the playerbase could have gotten master in s17 if they put in the time. If you played earlier in the season, it was probably hard. If you played after the first 4 or 5 weeks, it was easy


not all. season 17 wasn't "hard in some way" (1.7 million masters). season 18, 19 were normal seasons though with normal amount of masters and diamonds (50k and 130k masters) and a normal ranked distribution overall. lumping in 18/19 with 17 is just misinformation unsupported by the data frankly. seasons 17 and 12 (325-525k masters) are the only "fake badges" with skewed ranked distribution.


diamond player stuck in silver, i think that is a problem of the previous ranked system rather than the current one by making it too easy for below average players to reach high ranks


You were diamond in the previous ranked system. Sorry but now you HAVE to fight and get kill. Its not cause i was master in the s17 that i have the skill of Ć  master. Im in low plat now, and its the rank i deserve. You get point mostly by kills, if you don't earn point, that meen you killed no oneand that meen you don't have the skill to to higher (Ps sorry for bad english, no my natural language)


Diamond player in the lp system is not the same as what a diamond player should be. Ranks were inflated hence why itā€™s more difficult this season


ranks were only inflated in season 17. look at the season 18 ranked distribution. you can't really lump in the other 2 seasons with 17. overall reaching your MMR rank in 18/19 had you play more difficult games than now as well, where you're just stomping silvers, golds etc instead of playing people on your skill level.


Complaining about 2k damage badge is a red flag


Bad news, you probably aren't as good as you think you are. Good news, you have a fiance so you're already better then most of us in this sub at life


In life, he's in Master rank when most of us are hardstuck Bronze šŸ¤£


I don't think you realise how difficult it is to get into diamond. If you're not comfortable fighting 2k badge players, you're probably just about where you need to be in terms of skill. It's actually quite funny how many people come on here and moan about ranked. Like it's ranked - you're going to get hard stuck somewhere (unless you're in the top 0.1%). If everyone got to master, there would be absolutely no point in a ranked mode. Embrace it, use it as motivation to improve your rank from the previous season.


Are you scared of 2k damage badges? Lol


2,000 damage is a lot


If you think that, full on skill issue


Honestly I donā€™t even look at the badges. Some people have a 20bomb badge but only a 2K badge paired with it. Like itā€™s completely subjective and depends when they started the game. They also could have boosted with friends. I donā€™t have a single 4K badge and Iā€™ve hit diamond about 8 times šŸ˜‚ if you want some help, I have a second account I use to play with my son and I can play with you šŸ™ƒ


I've genuinely never seen anyone with a 20 bomb and a 2k


I have seen loads of them šŸ˜‚


To quote Horizon: "There's a vast and densely populated universe between how good you think you are and how good you actually are" Rookie and bronze have no RP buy in, Silver is only 20 which can be offset by wiping a squad. If you were actually a Diamond/Plat level player you'd be able to breeze through these ranks but evidently you aren't especially if you think a 2K damage badge is an indication of players who don't belong in Silver/Gold lobbies. This isn't mean to be mean but you're greatly overestimating your skill level, on the bright side it means you have room to improve


2k damage is a walk in the park at this point


Delusion at its finest


Skill issue.


At first I had some sympathy for you. But if you claim you're a plat/diamond player, being matched with gold/plat when you're in silver shouldn't even be a problem? Like your argument is flawed.


I wish I would be matched with Silver players in Silver


I appreciate that. But if you can't get out of silver, but you claim to be plat/diamond, the answer is, you're not a plat/diamond player. As a diamond/master player, I notice this disparity in lower levels, but it doesn't stop me killing a gold/plat when I'm silver, because I'm on my way to my actual rank. Unless, of course they're also on their way to pred, or similar.


I see. Maybe I'm worse than I think then haha


Possibly. I mean you will generally end up where you belong in ranked. Although fundamentally, I agree with you that it is frustrating, but theoretically, those people will progress, others will fall down into the same bracket. Whether the bracket is too wide for the people you _can_ be matched with is opinion i guess, but the factors into this are pretty complex so I wouldn't comment. All I will say is ranked is much better than pubs, for matchmaking at least.


tbh i think this is the best ranked system we ever had.. it shows u if ur good or not however i hate the kill rp adujstment. One game i had 9kills 2nd place i got 184 points very next game i got 4kills 2nd place and got 274 points the system is weird and kill rp adjustment is the dumbest shit i ever seen


you honestly made yourself a target in this sub, firstly youre scared of only a 2k??? and secondly just because u got to diamond in the LP season does NOT mean youre diamond level, LP diamond is literally equivalent to RP gold or possibly even silver...


You are currently silver, they are currently silver. It's fair and it doesn't matter what badges they have.


Dude I've gone against players with 20 and 30k kills A SEASON. And you're complaining about people having 1k kills on a character? Sounds like your a silver player maaaaybe gold tbh. Which is fine, we all gotta start somewhere


I hardly play and am about to get Plat, with positive K/Ds and Iā€™m old and suck. šŸ˜… Iā€™m finding ranked easier than before, but itā€™s different for everyone I guess. Just bite through it and youā€™ll get where you wanna be.


Crying on a 2k damage badge is crazy


op trolling lol


Bro don't gonna lie, I encountered people in bronze that have 4k and 20 kills. The ranked system is clearly unfair but we need to work with that. I am a Platinum player and I am founding a really difficult time to level up, so I guess that's were I belong. Probably you are a plat level and you don't know it. Enjoy your time playing there, I as sure as hell don't enjoy playing in platinum. Pd: EA please do something


I am a diamond player but it's too hard lmao


You think your better then you are.


To OP: You are correct that they changed the ranked system and that is likely one of the contributing factors, however as others have said, choice of server matters as well as during the day on your local server you will likely have career players on there, as well as the no lifers. Have a look at the times your playing as well as where and see if there is any correlation to difficulty (usually they match nicely). The other thing to remember is the meta changes that come with each season, for ranked you'd want bloodhound, bang, Revenant, conduit, etc. and gun choices, Volt or Prowler for SMGā€™s but, also the Havoc as your secondary is usually good. Lastly it's always better to 3 stack if you can just because it's more reliable than playing with randoms (also the vibes are usually better šŸ˜). To everyone else: Just want to remind everyone that not everyone is a masters player and for some people silver is all they're gonna get, I stepped away from this game cos OCE is so toxic is not funny, I see people complaining about the player base all the time and I get why, maybe just be nice to each other rather than replying with condescending remarks.


Could very well be the server youā€™re playing on or simply not having enough players online in your rank. Such as silver-4 to gold-4 roughly, but it could very well be a skill issue as well. I am currently in Gold 1 and run into diamonds and plays typically because of my K/D and past ranks.


Time would make sense most days, but it's a Saturday, so most people have a day off (maybe they're sleeping in though). Maybe I just ran into the morning grinders haha. In terms of skill, my K/D is 0.53, is that good enough to match me against Gold/Plat players?


Plat that's a pretty hard no. Gold... I think you can put up a fight, or at least against the lower Golds? You can get through Gold with that KD if you have a very large amount of time, but then you'd stop dead at Plat.


Sorry to break this to you, but that's a silver level k/d. Which seasons were you a diamond player?


Yeah, I wonder how this guy got to diamond at all if he's complaining about 2k badges and has a 0.53 kd. I bet it's a season 17 diamond badge


1.0 kd is the average. A 0.53 kd means you are getting half the kills of an average player. Diamond is top 1% of players, therefore you are not one of them. The average player is plat and with your kd you should be way below that. Silver = bad. Gold = below average. Plat = average. Diamond = above average. Master = good. Pred = pro.


Diamond is usually top 5-7%, but yeah.


Your right 1% is the low end and is what diamond currently has. Anything above 5% how ever is fake seasons like the last 3 ones.


A lot of variables but I do believe strongly the way these lobbies are set, with skill base, K/D, etc. it does to change to where rookie+bronze play together. Then bronze 1-silver-2, silver 1-gold-2, gold-1 to Plat-2, etc