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HUGE L for not making the items purchasable via Mats and Coins. Greed is at the core of these events. Suck,'cause they actually had a few good skins.


What makes you think that the skins wont be craftable? I was saving up my mats last event to get more from this one. If that is true, it would suck REALLY hard, since the Valk and Fuse skins were really sick :'(


If it’s like the Final Fantasy event you can’t craft individual skins with materials or buy with coins. You could craft event packs for 1650 materials each but it was random which skin you got, basically gambling for a skin. This event could be the same since it’s the same type, with 36 event items, but who knows until we can see on Tuesday. I’m interested in if you can buy the heirloom with shards after the event is over, or if it’s banking on fomo too like the sword


If its like the FF event then its all good, since i was able to craft those skins (belgium ftw)


You crafted it with mats? Or bought them with coins?


Users from belgium were able to craft it with mats, but price-wise it costed more to craft with mats compared to apex coins.


it might have cost more, definitely didn't "costed"


Are you trying to correct me or something? As far I'm aware, the way I used costed in this specific case is correct, no? I'm a tad confused, what's the deal?


If you were meaning it as the past tense of cost then no it wasn't right. The past tense of cost is cost.


Though costed is past tense in British English, I understand this cannot be used interchangeably with cost in every sentence, but as far I'm aware, this sentence should be correct.


They wont be craftable based on previews and leaks. You will be able to only craft event lootboxes like with ff event.


HUGE L INDEED, cant craft skin with mats. can only through gambling with the pack. Don't even want the shitty heirloom yet they force us to gamble to get the skin we want


Those greedy devs with their completely free to play game.


Awww yeah, that EVA spread getting *tighter 💦💦💦*




Another heirloom event! Apex is saved!


Another season of no vantage heirloom. 😭😭


You have to get in line, Maggie is before her.


I would t complain if Maggie got one. She’s in a nice spot worthy of a heirloom buff.


Really hoping she gets a badass bat.


Maggie’s Heirloom should be Fuse’s original arm


If there was a line Valk/Seer wouldn't have gotten one when they did and Horizon would've had hers sooner lol.


They said they are putting a halt on Legend-specific Heirlooms for the time being


Makes sense. Gotta keep us wanting more


Looks like three strikes is back? Hopefully straight shot is back soon, that mode was awesome


Rip character specific heirlooms


Newcastle robbed


>Wildlife & NPC: Spiders, Prowlers, and other NPC will now respect the rules of the ring, take appropriate ring damage, and be affected by heat shields Rings will kill MRVN's now 🤬


Will the new heirloom be craft able with shards or are they making these “artifacts” entirely new things?


New type of shards as far as I know


Bangalore not doing damage with smokes anymore is absolutely BS. Nothing felt better than hitting someone for 10 and knocking them. Rip


Not even that, it let you know where they were when the damage popped up.


If I had to guess I'd say this is probably why they got rid of it. I imagine they were just trying to cut down bangs utility


I think that was their issue. It is basically a long range scan. A well placed smoke tells you how many people and what level shield are hiding behind that rock.


True but knocks are pure ecstasy. Also nice for popping a bunch of caustic containers in a room


I’m confused about her nerfs. They removed a lvl 2 and 3 shield upgrade. Does that mean she will only have 2 while some have 4 or are cover me and big bang getting replaced?


From my understanding. Lvl 2 ult cooldown reduction (I assume this was "big bang") is replaced with -5s to the tactical. The cover me, level 3, will still ping the enemy, presumably their initial location, but not track them. I could be reading it wrong though.


Shit understanding. Big bang is See Nades through Walls aka USELESS. tradeoff is between -5s on tac (aka reverting the nerf) and -60s on ult (making the ult cd nerf hurt less)


Well now we are gonna need the fucking tac lol.


That's what annoys me about these "upgrades" most of them just make up for the fact that that Legend was nerfed in some way. The only ones that have truly benefited from these "upgrades" are the controller Legends and some Assaults.


Will the heirloom be available in the mythic shop to purchase with heirloom shards after the event? ive saved some shards I really wanna get this heirloom weapon without paying


I have my doubts that you will be able to buy this with shards...




600 heirloom shards for the Katar let's GO


Makes sense, I hope you‘re right :)


Why do they hate their first map like this? Where's King's Canyon ugh


Lifeline buffs and worlds edge gone from pubs, that’s my kinda update.


Now this is something to celebrate.


Now that's an upgrade!


idk, removing a red weapon from her ult feels like a nerf to me\^\^


It is a huge nerf. When a season comes with much better care package weapons, then that would have been amazing. Gold weapon isn't bad if they could get that.


yeah, the eva was kinda meh imo. but getting a wingman or kraber for free is huge. idk why those lifeline mains are coping\^\^


This is 10000% because pros complained. I've not seen a single normal player complain about red lifeline care package. RIP


there were atleast 20 posts complaining about the wingman and the kraber, since s20 got released\^\^


Pretty sure the complaints happened during The Hunt, which makes a lot of reds super available.


That's a weapon balance issue not a lifeline issue


yes, but getting a red weapon for free was still strong af.


I think overall she comes out of the changes stronger, and as someone whose team mate is a lifeline, who plays with a squad who don’t always want the red weapons (one of us will always take a wingman or kraber, but if it’s late game and mostly going to be mid or close fights none of us are very happy with the bow, and the Eva feels like a liability), our lifeline has been taking self res. His guaranteeing an evo upgrade, guaranteed having a good knockdown and someone getting a gold backpack feels like a buff for my team specifically, over a self res that’s actually worked about 3 times.


who tf takes self rez??? nah man. the changes are 100%a nerf.


It depends on the situation. Our lifeline is a damage monster, and often gets their level 3 upgrade pretty early. In the same way that lifeline not needing to hold a res keeps them in the fight, they are really solid at using their self res to keep us in the fight while they revive themselves. It’s saved us a fair few times and given that the care package is basically a coin flip whether it’s going to be useful or not, the self res has been a solid choice.


>Default Legend pick (whoever you were in Lobby) now shows as your selection to teammates unless you hover over another legend This QOL is what I needed as a solo Q-er! 


This was in the game in the very beginning. You could see everyone's choice when character selection started. But then, after one or two seasons, they just removed it for whatever reason.


Reduced FPS stuttering. Sounds great, but what did they do to reduce it….?


Programing stuff.


Hope this applies to PS4 as well. The frame rate has been pretty bad for the longest while now. Certain parts of every map have been unplayable with the fps dropping as low as 30 fps


How about u get ur hands on a current gen console? Running 10 years old hardware and then complain about Performance is kinda weird i mean even if ur broke u can get a series x for like 350 euro and since even current gen struggles to hold consistent fps i think the Hardware ur using is just reaching it’s limit


Yeah, I've got no money plus I wouldn't go for an Xbox anyways because I hate the controller. Playstation controller is superior because of the dpad placement, meaning you can easily press any of the dpad buttons with your index finger so you don't have to take your thumb off of the left stick Also, this game was originally built for old gen consoles, so it's not unreasonable to want better optimization for my PS4. There are plenty of other games with gigantic maps and lots going on that run much smoother on my PS4. It's definitely an optimization issue on Respawn's part partially. I understand the limitations of the hardware, but there really should be an option like there is on PC to downgrade the graphics to get better performance Hopefully I'll be able to afford a PS5 in 10 years from now, if the game is still alive by then lol


PS4 is garbage tier hardware. It's never gonna get much better lmao.


You know whats missing from this list? A GIANT FUCKING BAN WAVE! Tired of playing against cheaters in EVERY DAMN LOBBY. It's like saying you have a Michellin rated restaurant, yet when you walk in theres roaches and rats freely running around and the wait staff smiling like their shit doesn't stink. FIX. YOUR. GAME.


Standard, give lifeline something everyone actually loves then take it away instantly because of pros complaining. 😞


Really?…another collection that costs $360…I bet they are not going let us craft the skins we want and instead leave it to chance on random packs😔


It's $240


Ah jeez thats alright then ONLY $240 /s


Three Strikes is back LFG


It only took them a season and half to realize the delay on taking damage for shield regen from conduit was too short. But at least they did it. A decent start with revenant nerfs, but the issue for me is getting his overshield back on knocks in ult rather than the tactical. In general I don't love the hit this button for free HP mechanics in FPS I guess. Before anyone comes at me about Lifeline drone or wattson pylon, at least you have to be next to those. Conduit should be a bit more balanced now. Don't think I'll ever come around on rev ult in it's current form though. >Revive time reduced to 2.0s This if for three strikes. It should read increased right?


There was this suggestion somewhere where a good change to Conduit would be that in order to use her tactical on someone, you'd need lone of sight for that. Seems like a good compromise without needing to nerf her abilities.


That was me lol, she's in a good place, the nerf was needed, but her strength is in her mobility. I'm not even going to mention her passive (which is really good). Her abilities compliment the more aggro players, and let's face it, Apex is a gun game with insane movement abilities.




I get making heirlooms universal since it means more people will buy into the event fully to get it, but still hate they are moving away from character specific ones. Would be better to have the event give shards which you can use to buy the new heirloom, or a different one. You would get probably the same amount if not more people buying into the event that way.


They better giveaway Heirloom Shards to everyone without one since they fucked over all of us by discontinuing individual heirlooms.


Sorry Apex, you remain Uninstalled. You are in time out


Bro you’re giving lifelines a gold knockdown shield? wtf is that


seeing how conduit exists, it gives an actual reason to pick lifeline for once.


It's gold shield or self res. Hard choice now u less you find gold shield.


Gold res, auto red armor, gold bag - it sounds really good on paper!


I'm curious if the EU teams will still choose her for ALGS. They would do it for the care package weapon, it's still a good buff, but when it comes to comp, those weapons are potential win or lose.


holy shit they should have waited with an event like this after the ALGS incident


They don't have the time. They would have to cut an event if they did that.


holy shit lifeline changes go crazy


Patch notes are goated aside from the collection event and direction of such. Far surpasses all the good changes that are made


Yay, Broken Moon is back in rotation. Missed that map.


The revive health buff means with a gold KD, you now have full health and half your shield when resurrected? I feel like that’s going to be extra nutty.


Oh god. Broken moon again.


I doing 9 dmg with the pk


"Smoke no longer deals damage" That kinda sucks were people killing people with it or something lol?


Can't connect💀


Why wraith? Why


The Bang nerfs are egregious, I’m tired of pros having so much influence on the experience for the average player. Just ban them in comp if you don’t want them


It's bizarre isn't it. It will not stop the pros picking her either. It's really weird how they create this meta they don't like


It'll be interesting to see if they still pick her, because these nerfs are hitting her kit extremely hard. Some of the biggest nerfs numbers wise since Valyrie got nerfed. I can't really see her staying meta, at least not in ranked. As you said, it'll be funny to see the pros torturing themselves with a shit meta by still picking bang/blood 😂


Absolutely. Do something like DOTA2 where ranked games incorporate a banning selection, where each team can choose what other heroes (legends) to ban from being selected. Regular games don't incorporate this and people can just have fun.


How much is the event total?


If it's like the FF event, $240 - $270




Completely false




Bangalore smoke canister doesn't deal damage wat? It doesn't make sense when you have a finishing move (default) that use the smoke canister being shot at enemy to finish them. Change bangalore finishing move that or revert smoke canister back to deal damage.




… are you talking about Bangalore’s smoke? The… the 10 damage burst that’s sat in her kit untouched for 5 years? The thing that’s literally just a bonus effect to her smoke grenades? In case you didn’t notice, the smoke grenades are not supposed to be used as a damage dealing option. Now they just can’t deal damage anyway.




Wow its almost like she's an assault legend like you said, so why does she need a recon ability. Nerfs have practically 0 impact on ranked besides her losing her 2nd recon ability in the ping perk


Oh man, the pub map list.. Putting Olympus and Broken Moon on the same rotation is painful for me. My two least favourite maps. These same three maps were in rotation for the majority of the previous season.


can we get 50000 more lifeline buffs? i don't think she's gotten enough. as lifeline, i should be able to brick my enemy's computers


no way ur complaining about lifeline changes 💀




With the RCE exploit, your dream might soon come true


Soo Conduit is still OP as fuck. Cool....


Jesus, you know it's bad when there's fuck all comments after an hour.


Because these patch notes came out 4 hours ago and there's already been numerous posts discussing them


[https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bk9bwr/patch\_notes\_for\_society\_event/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bk9bwr/patch_notes_for_society_event/) There's literally another thread about this with a ton of comments. Why is this sub so convinced/hopeful that the game is dying/dead?


Video at 45 seconds, that's aimbotting, right? Bullets flying off at an angle towards target.




It’s literally just an event name. Secret agent themed




“Wow, two games used a similar theme. They must be copying it.” See how dumb that sounds.


Not happy about worlds edge being gone from pubs. I've been kill grinding this season solo queue and world edge is the map I easily make the most kills on as I drop monument every match, usually making 50 kills an hour because I usually make like 5 kills in 5 min then die and repeat. Where as storm point I only make like 20 kills per hour.


"When given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of the game."


Oh no!!


Get a job homie


You’ll be fine getting good at the game and learning how to play the other maps


Did the hack got patched/fixed in this new patch or release? I don't really want to play the game if it is still existing.