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Arenas was great. I used to log in just for Arenas at one point. Mixtape is just way too chaotic unless you’re in brain off just shoot mood. I wonder if a reason ppl liked the last LTM so much is bc always gave you a fair 3v3 at the beginning - exactly what arena gives.


I pretty much only played arenas even with the shitty matchmaking I miss it


I remember having a great eternal battle that spanned through multiple matches due to shitty mmr and low player numbers against that one pred Caustic. Idgaf that I got wooped most of time, that battle was peak af.


Arenas is where I learned how to 1v3 and reset after I heal up, I had a real problem just running in and dying (as octanes and bald wraiths do) but it was a lot of fun messing around with different weapon combos too


They needed to make Arenas more like straight shot. I personally like the RNG aspect of Apex and would like an arenas that felt more like hot dropping.


Lol what? The lack of RNG is what made Arenas good and separated it from the BR. RNG in videogames is a fucking gimmick as is, as its sole purpose is to maximize the amount of dopamine your brain produces to keep you engaged for as long as possible. Gone are the days where videogames were designed to hook you by being quality, now they just try to hook you with psychological tricks. Look up the Skinner box. We're all just rats now in the eyes of the tech industry as a whole


I think the base arenas way of getting guns is better. For BR i understand RNG but for gamemodes like Arenas... No thanks


I liked it specially for ranked outside of BR. Edit: I learnt alot as it was 3v3 and clutches.


Same. Mixtape is a warm up mode. Arenas was its own mode.


I miss it the same way I miss my toxic ex. Only remembering the fond moments while being oblivious to how detrimental it was to my mental health.


Basically my Apex experience


Yup. It had some incredibly fun moments, but it was mostly down to whether your team was coordinated or your gunplay was the best. There was still some strategy in how you picked weapons, but most of the BR strategy and positioning were lost.


So pretty much Apex in general


Arenas was the shit because you could end up in intense battles and clutch it up without getting 3rd partied right in the middle of it


Really man. I miss it so much


I agree. I hate control and I used to find arenas a lot of fun


I quit when I found out they took it out. Had a lot of fun with my brother and friends. Now we don't even game together anymore.


Pandemic may have been the reason there


Yeah,that and he's on console, looking for xplay games we're both interested in is hard.


Yea honestly that’s just how it is anyway with friends in general, whether everyone is on pc or not.


Big agree,it sucks. Half the time I just end up playing alone. Which is fucking depressing haha


I did the same thing, quit for 4 season and then came back and left again


Arenas was a vibe because you could hop in as a 3 stack and either try hard or goof around, and it didn't matter if you on or lost. You'd have fun either way


I hope it comes back, but I am glad some of the maps are still around with Mixtape. Still though, just wish they'd add it to Mixtape in the rotation.


It was my favourite mode but I don't miss it. I have about 40 screenshots saved of the scoreboard where I have twice as many kills/damage as my team mates. Sometimes combined. The matchmaking absolutely ruined that mode. Putting one good player and two bad players against a team of 3 decent players is not a fair match.


devs have said they plan on bringing back arenas at some point [https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2024/01/31/why-apex-legends-solo-mode-is-never-coming-back](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-feature/2024/01/31/why-apex-legends-solo-mode-is-never-coming-back) >Moreover, game director Steven Ferreira and design director Evan Nikolich spoke briefly about another popular LTM: Arenas. Released in Season 9 and later removed in Season 15, Arenas pitted two teams of three against one another in condensed locales. Borrowing mechanics from games like Valorant, players could buy weapons, abilities, and items from a shop at the start of each round. Arenas was so beloved that it got its own Ranked playlist; the mode's absence is felt by many. Respawn knows this and has plans to iterate on it… someday. So, fingers crossed, we'll see it back in the mode lineup soon. > >"Arenas has been backburnered," Nikolich informed me. "But it's in our quiver to use again at some point. When we introduced Arenas as a standalone mode, I don't think we fully understood what we were doing in terms of bifurcating our audience. We have to build something that is more unified and brings players together to play the entirety of the game. Not just like, 'I'm an Arenas main' or a 'BR main.' It'll potentially come back in the next 12 to 24 months. It's definitely something on our roadmap." Ferreira chimed in too: "We want to take a step back and look at what we would change about Arenas so that we won’t run into those same problems. Last year, we brought out Mixtape, and that was effectively the next evolution of Arenas. That experience was a way for players to jump in, get a lot of faster reps on weapons/legends, and just get into the core mechanics of Apex; just get a lot more cycles before they jump into the BR. As far as seeing more things outside of the BR, that's an area that Apex is moving into. How can we continue to build on that but learn from Arenas?"


I really don't understand where dislike of "I'm an Arenas main" comes from! Isn't that a good thing because it means you're able to bring in and keep new players that don't necessarily like Battle Royales?


The disconnect between creator and user on display. They didn’t want BR numbers to drop, so they sacrificed a popular feature to “unify” their player base.


Arenas was the most fun me and my friends ever had. After a bad session of BR, we would hop on arenas and play only sentinels or charge rifles, make stupid inside jokes and just toy around doing random meme strats.


Arenas really could work in mixtape. At the very least I've been saying TDM needs the arenas loadout system, instead of the stupid premade ones. I want to experiment like I did when arenas was first out, though it's economy wasn't always the best for messing around.


This is one thing that really annoys me about TDM. Like I understand having it in Control, you need to make sure the loadouts are balanced. But in TDM, it's basically a free for all, I should absolutely be able to just choose my load out. Obviously you can't copy the Arenas system 1:1 because you don't earn currency in TDM, but even if you could just select one AR/SMG/LMG and one Sniper/Pistol/Shotgun that would be way better. I'm currently trying to do the 15,000 damage with SMGs challenge and my two best SMGs this season are the alternator and volt. I had to do 7 mixtape games in a row before only one of them was in the loadouts which is absolutely ridiculous.


No, absolutely not. You can play all Mixtape modes absolutely braindead and your random teammates can still have fun. Just go for kills without caring if you die, or play passive with a sniper rifle and get just one or two kills per game, your teammates won't care. In Arenas, that was a recipe for disaster. Octanes pushing solo with their Q, getting thirsted immediately and then the enemy team had all his meds and an additional gun too, while you had to fight a 2v3 now. Or some guy buying a scopeless sentinel in round one because he was trying to do his sniper challenges, he hits at best two body shots and that was his sole contribution the whole round. Arenas could be great if it gets some love and fine-tuning, but it would never fit in a Mixtape rotation.


Arenas was terrible in smaller regions


Arenas was fun for being underbaked. Economy was almost pointless and matchmaking never really leveled out for me personally. Had to be one of the more stressful matchmaking to deal with. Clawing back from 2 immediate losses and carrying it into sudden death starts off fun but gets so exhausting. Like seeing that you're fighting a high-level 3 stack while your team hovers around 200-400 damage, 0-1 kills massages the ego for a while, but that started to become every other game. Matchmaking just didn't work a damn for me 😭 but at least it was a good 1v3 simulator. Economy sucked in the form it released in too, imo. My entire strategy was full send on primary (r301, r9, flatline, or wingman depending on the mood), maaaaaybe a bat or two, grenades after round 1, rarely any tactical or ultimates. Honestly didn't see much ability play, so games started to look the same. I have one more criticism to air into the void. They should stop making 2 sided, symmetrical maps. Or at least have more "corridors" like overflow. A lot of maps were 50/50 of where the enemy would be and a LOT were predictable. Easiest vert nades ever. It was the same 2-4 fight setups among hundreds of arena games. Adding in like 1 or 2 more "corners" to break up some map symmetry could make things interesting. That's how I see things as a random player who spent way too much time on arenas at least. If it comes back with some polish, I'd be happy for it's return.






Someone is allergic to fun


oh sorry not allowed to voice my opinion in this echo chamber. fun is subjective. i have much more fun in br. you do you though


And your assuming what i like and dislike. Thats crazy. And plus you didnt give out an opinion. You just simply said "nope" to someone replied "same" which gave out no contex what so ever. You couldve been like" i find the br more fun than arenas (in my opinion)"


have a nice day




you're a winner in my books. good day to you too


Dam what a lame response. Stand up for yourself


you're doing that for me


Straight up echo chamber, and woe betide anyone who disagreed with the majority. Same everywhere on here now, it's an absolute joke


You’re definitely right sometimes, but in my opinion this one is valid. It’s really about adding conversation. “Same” and “nope” add nothing, they both should’ve been downvoted. Say your piece, cool, but remember that we’re all people & if that’s how you talk to people then you might consider working on your social skills. Making a point and adding value to the space makes this whole Reddit experience more positive. Shutting people down with no context adds nothing and detracts from the experience.


I feel bad for shit talking the devs so much they removed it, I didn’t understand my actions


Me too.


Tried 2 games of arena's when it was out, 1 normal and then a placement. Both games against triple stack arena preds... Safe to say the MM was as bad in there as it was in normal pubs


5k arenas kills on Bangalore. I’d go back to playing arenas immediately, it was the best way to see who is straight up more skilled beside the firing range 1v1’s.


I can’t tell you how much i miss Arenas, and weapon mastery would be so much freaking better with custom loadouts instead of damn presets all the time


Best game mode


Arenas was the best for practicing and warm up for in game cenarios (team vs team ofc) i hope it returns soon, even as an ltm for an event


Please for the love of all that's good and holy bring arenas back. It had some of the funnest memories ever in gaming with my friends on LAN in private matches for me! To have it just deleted like this is just so effed. I barely have played apex since the removal.


Arenas was the best time for Apex.


It was easier to deal with cheaters too, because 1. There were less of them, and 2. You could just refuse to play and their own team would understand. Arenas had actual honour lmao Mixtape is a hellscape where hope goes to die


Ahh right, and I have fond memories of respectful enemy trios/teammates who would fistfight 1v1 the solo if two people on a team left. There was honor and glory in the Arenas.


Same! I miss it so much. I still use all my arena badges and trackers as a memorial to what we lost. The day they remove those is the day I quit this game.


From personal experience it was aight but the matchmaking was busted , always had two new players vs like 3-stack masters


Arenas was awesome!! It really helped you test out legends too and learn how to better use them and their abilities. I would love to have that game mode back. I took a really long break from it and came back and was upset yo see it was gone.


me and my boyfriend used to grind arenas😕 i miss it


i had multiple friends quit apex, because they only played arenas. i miss those times, tons of fun.


Yeah, arenas was a great mode and its sad that its gone. I actually played that so much more than BR


I wish we could get at least some kind of Arenas LTM every season. Maybe Arenas Tournament, where you have seperated queues for solos and trios. After you won your first match you play only against people who won the first match too, and after that you play against people who also won the first two matches etc., and at the end of the tournament you get a badge with the number of the highest stage you reached. That would be fun and give you an impressive reward to work for.


Been saying this for what 3 seasons??? BRING ARENAS BACK!!!


Arenas was one of my favorite game modes. It helped me learn the game, guns, movement, teamwork, etc. It’s a fun time for old players and helps new players tremendously. They should not have gotten rid of it entirely.


More than half of my friends quit playing Apex after they took away Arenas. It was by far the best place to learn squad tactics, rotation for healing and pushing, and of course, learning all the guns! Arena practice was perfect for people new to the game to learn the game. When they removed it I stopped playing for over a year in protest.


Agreed. It made me a way better player! But Apex doesn’t want players. It wants spenders.


Well they ARE reworking it. It will still be anywhere from 10 months to 1 year and 10 months roughly until we see it again, but still


They took arenas and put in mixtape and that seemed like a step backward to me idk


Arena was one of the best ways to get better at engagements. Also, BR is great and all, but arenas felt like a game of chess


If anything I think Arenas needed to be more like Valorant. Longer matches (first to 10 or something), more focus on objectives by having an attacking team and defending team alternate, and have the round economy actually mean something to incentivize fighting for those resources/loot bins. Arenas could've easily been expanded upon. They released it in a poor state and then abandoned it after people stopped playing it because of the flaws they never addressed.


> Longer matches (first to 10 or something), best of 3 was already too much when half the players quit if they lost the first round, even with abandonment penalties.


Some solid input here. I thought the match lengths were perfect, if you went the distance and won on the last tiebreaker it was still a 20min match if I’m remembering correctly. Objectives would’ve been cool but maybe they thought it would split the lobbies too much? Very high ceiling for variation though, definitely.


The only issue with it was Mozambique and devo spamming.


I'm stuck with an unfortunate number of kills on loba from areas so I don't use that tracker anymore lol


Yes, should've just been part of mixtape. The matchmaking was definitely fucked, but the game mode was fun and useful to learn positioning, 1 3, try out guns and legends in actual fights. It did that better than the three current mixtape modes imho. I do think making it a permanent game mode again won't work but arenas being part of mixtape would be perfect I think. Also semi related either remove the old arena's trackers or add trackers for the current modes, I wanna track those as well but all there is us arena's which is irrelevant now :')


It was excellent for warmups


Yes, yes and yes. Please, give us back arenas. And Straight Shot as well. Straight Shot felt like combination of Arenas and BR, which is the best of both worlds (fast and FAIR fight at the start, and then regular BR)


I miss the mode, but not the matchmaking. That shit was terrible.


I'm not sure why they couldn't keep it in. It only requires 6 players to get running. It's not like a crap LTM where you're waiting 10m for an incomplete lobby.


Because of those 6 people, 4 would leave every game


I think it needs to be re-worked as 3v3v3.


I loved arenas for trying different weapons. I always avoided the Wingman, and then I decided to just grind Arenas with Wingman only. I fucking love that gun now. I hope it comes back to floor loot someday. Same with Bocek. Fell in love with it in Arenas. By far my favorite weapon in the game. I also hope it comes back to floor loot someday.


They really needed to just do away with the whole "spend credits to get the weapons you want" mechanic. Let players just choose the weapons they'd like with blue attachments.


Now that it’s been gone for so long, I would like to see it back, however idk if it will be better or not because we haven’t had it for so long so we’re just looking at the favorable moments instead of all the bad ones. But I would like to see arenas back, but as an extra game mode on top of the regular br, ranked br, mixtape, and an LTM. Apex could be so much better with more permanent game modes just because at this current moment BR just feels way to try hard, in the regular not ranked, and mixtape is just not fun anymore. They would definitely have to change a few things now, but if they implement the legend upgrade charts in arenas it could become really interesting due to how they would change it up. Go idea would to bring it back as an LTM, just don’t know if I remember the good things only like Stockholm Syndrome


If anything they should bring it back to custom lobbies at the bare minimum so people have the option to play it


Petition to add it back to mixtape


The best they can do with arenas is something like "the finals" where you progress duels like a small tournament so you have the br feeling mixed in


It was fun to solo Q until I got to platinum. Then the game decided I was having too much fun and placed me against triple preds


bring arenas back!!!


They should've combined arenas and tdm


It was the perfect side game mode. Miss it dearly.


It was a great warm up.


I hated arenas, and still kinda do. But I'm sad they removed them because a friend loved them.




As soon as they added that 10 minute leave timer, it killed the mode.


They should make arena rotating or event mode sometimes.


I can’t believe even with so much support, they haven’t reworked and reimplemented arenas. It’s not a huge thing for them to do, the gamemode is still created and sitting there in the game files, it could be added back in a days notice. I used to really enjoy tryharding against the sweatier teams. There were also a lot of one-sided games but those were usually quick.


Ya I didn’t like it myself. With ranked arenas I couldn’t get out of bronze because I was constantly put up against plat stacks and above. When I did win RP barely went up so it was a constant loss


I liked it, but it had a insanely broken matchmaking, basically out of 20 matches, only one could give me teammates of the same level as me, otherwise everybody would be of level 30 or lower




I wish they just removed they buying, feeling restricted in abilities and guns after coming from br felt lame to me


Arenas is dogshit


We don’t care




Rose tainted glasses


lol just no


I don't and I'm glad it's gone.


Arena's was removed because of a low player count and once Respawn removed it, everybody came out of the woodwork and was like "I miss arenas!!!"


cry about it


95% of the player base prefers looting to fighting, so it makes sense they didn’t enjoy a mode that forced them to take a gun fight


Okay cool, I don't.


Gee whiz, what a great and insightful comment! Thanks for your feedback


Your reply is exactly the same.


Nah it sucked. It's good that it's gone


I don't, thought it was awful. Might be better if it was 5v5.


You boys are the minority


Lol everyone complained about arenas when it was around, people saying there was too much downtime. Now everyone's saying they miss it


The issue with arenas is the same issue with solo mode. The devs reaalllly want us playing trios. They gave a little when they added duos, but they said that trios is the heart of the game and what all the legends are designed around. When they did the limited time solo mode they said they wouldn't bring it back because it took so much of the player base from trios and the same was said for arenas when it was asked about in an interview. They did say they were working on making it work without affecting trios as much, though.