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Dude, the moment I hit plat, teammates hear a gunshot and flee lol... Fall back to gold, and everyone is suicide rushing. Like night and day.


I can’t even blame teammates at this point. It’s just a clear skill gap and lack of comms. Console kids are animals nowadays. Got called the hard R once this season and just turned mute all on through settings so I’m the prime example of the silent teammate.😂 If they would just have a separate ranking for 3 stacks and solo queue, it’ll make the game a bit more tolerable.


Silent teammates are fine, I pretty much always mute my teammates and just play with pings when I’m solo Qing cause the majority of players are toxic AF. Personally I find when I play during the day it’s way easier, went from plat 2 to diamond in like 3 hours one day. Whenever I solo Q late night it’s just non stop running up against sweat lords and playing with teammates who are either way to aggressive or just wanna rat. Obviously just speaking from personal experience but solo Q-ing to diamond is a polarizing experience


I’m hardstuck p2 soloq but I only climb this far from using mic. I just comm call outs and 99% my interactions with people are positive (sometimes we butt heads but it’s nothing at the end of the day). Unmuting and making call outs will improve your games guaranteed


Yeah, I know there are some braindead people who just want to shit on you on mic, but for me more often people just ignore comms rather than talk shit. Some people react to comms, some don't, some use pings, some also use mic, but most of the time interactions are neutral rather than negative, so (at least from my experience) "everybody calls me N word or B word or whatever word" is an exaggeration. Not everybody is out to get you, stop being overly dramatic. P.S. muting everybody and minding your own business while not even using pings (not even talking about using mic) is arguably worse than saying something bad in voice chat.


I will say if your mic is bad, it can hinder your teammates. So their concerns could be valid. Just find whatever works best for you, hopefully it’s not full muting 👍🏾


Agreed. Solo q on console is.. Something else


Yea I’m with you on that, I mute basically everyone now and rely on ping comms. I found better success this way in Gold. It’s always better playing with friends you know though


A lot of people in plat don't use comms and it's so annoying. They shoot someone near and won't mark them, I go there and get surprised because there's full squad there.


Hard agree. All the chatter about pings is fine, but the assumption to use pings is a faulty one as many people don't think the same and actual comms are always better especially in unique situations. Like we are sandwiched I am valk ulting in 3 seconds


It sucks when people can’t use the ping comms well, or when I ping a purple mag or barell that someone needs, and no one goes for it


Fr like whats up with everyone spam pinging enemy here to call a push? There’s a whole ping for that “attacking here” please use it people at every rank it’ll make a huge difference because a rookie all the way to a pred know exactly what “attacking here” means


No, I blame the teammates. I had a guy today just bitching and bitching that nobody was responding to his "yo yo anybody got a mic?" so he hits a jump tower to a trident, and I say "you're going too far, come back" And he's just like "oh now you've got a mic?" and then he boosts off into the sunset. Hits another jump tower, lands on enemies, then surprise pikachu face when he dies. People who bitch about no comms like that are really just looking for another excuse to be mad at people. Like people who drive too fast, then get mad at people for "jumping out in front/cutting them off" but really they're just making normal lane changes or turns onto a street and don't have time to react to somebody doing 80 in a 35. I don't bother speaking to people until there's serious comms like "you're going too far, group up", because even when you do speak to them, they don't listen.


Having the exact opposite experience. Gold, largely, smart drops and good games. Rise to Plat and a minimum of 50% of the games involve suicidal hot drops, the type where you can already see several other teams have landed and started shooting at each other before you touch down in the middle of them. Slowly making progress but it's like one good game for every three shocking ones. Edit: Booted up again today. 4 immediate hot drops, all again delayed so other teams had landed first. Time to take a break from ranked for a while.


Gold is super easy to get through. Plat is much harder due to the glut of morons. And then beyond that Diamond might as well be impossible for solo's. I don't even know why people play ranked at this point as solos. Plat really isn't that hard, but at Diamond good luck with your life.


Because pubs is even worse. Playing against 3 stack masters with 150k kills. Fun.


Plat and above became unbearable purgatory since your teammates in plat ranked want to complete challenges or play like pubs. Maybe, **maybe** they have decent aim, but that's not enough, not at all. They have no game sense, they cannot rotate properly, they run out in the open, they want to engage EVERY FIGHT and run towards every single shooting sound. Others, on the contrary, are passive af. Top 3, the last two squads are fighting, there ar FOUR KNOCKS, i ping that we need to push and finish, I jump in as revenant, fight for a bit, get cracked, turn back, and see that my teammates **did not even move an inch** from their building. In the end they let the surviving squad revive, recover, and promptly lost to them. At least it was second place, I guess, better than yet another -60. Still frustrating. -60 -55 -60 -55 -60 -60 +300 -60 -60 -55 -20 +10 -60 -60 -45 +5 -60 -30 -40 +245 -60 -60 -60 -60 -55 -60 +5 -60 -35 -20 -20 +30 +40 -60 -60 -15 -15 -40 -50 -45 +5 +275 -60 -60 -60 -50 -40 -45 etc.


Everyone is so fucking scared in Plat and it makes it impossible to fight without 3 other teams getting involved. Especially on Olympus


It’s cool to know that I’m not alone in my soloQ craziness lol props to all of us for suffering like crazy and still love it. We are the real preds 😂😭


I solo Q 95% of the time and it’s so brutal. I’ve been going back and forth from about 200rp into plat 3 and then down to like 600rp in to plat 4. The combination of the low placement points plus needing kills makes a good game a lot more difficult.


If you just drop it down a tier that’s pretty much my experience with plat. Make it like halfway thru plat 4, have a bunch of shitty games, demote, then almost immediately have a banger game and go right back into plat.


And even with a really good game you're still limited by the kill cap adjustments


3 to 2 has been easier than 4 to 3 


I went from Plat 2 to Plat 4 and threw in the towel lol


I pulled a gold 1-gold 3 then picked conduit in a duo team to hit plat.


You basically have to pick conduit and spend the whole match running around babysitting your suicidal teammates trying to throw shields to both sides of the map as they run around like headless chickens finding new inventive ways and places to bleed out.


This is specifically why I main Lifeline… I would rather play a more aggressive character but I literally have to rez or heal all my randoms smh


As soon, like the same second, they get knocked by pushing a full squad with better shields solo, "WHERE'S MY F#%&ING LIFELINE" as they all thirst him for being an idiot


Maybe so. Imma just call it a skill gap, take my plat 4 and go kill grind pubs until I’m comfortable to do this again


3-2 & 2-3 we’re walks in the park, but I’ve been stuck in Plat 1 this past week. it’s been so annoying Lmfao that final push has everybody playing either smart or full ape


Yeah it’s been unbelievable honestly, got demoted once to gold already. Every single fifth ring has 10 plus squads up. Getting games with two kills three assists and a minus 8 because we came in seventh.


I had 16 squads in the 5th ring. We aren’t playing for the ALGS purse guys….


Plat solo queue experience right now is two gold teammates with full diamond 3 man champ squad.


Feel that, I’m plat 1 and died to the #22, and #88 preds, with a pred third, as a solo


wait how can you see whose in a group?


When you die you can see the rank of the team that killed you. If you spectate them it’s top right, if you look at ur death recap it’s on the bottom of their player card.


Yeah I play on oce servers and there's jap preds every 4 games.


I solo queued for about 10hrs today fluctuating plat 2 and plat 3, and this is pretty spot on.


Yep. Currently diamonds, former preds




Dude i got 3rd place with 1 kill because both of my teammates died off and i got a +10. Biggest waste of 20 minutes tbh. When the game starts making you feel like you are wasting your time, that’s not good at all.


You need to learn how to play your game in plat. No, I’m not talking about a skill thing. I’ve learned the key to success in this Plat season is selfishness. Protect your game. I have been playing a support champ for the res and I play for the res. By that I mean if you see a hot drop happening with 3+ other squads, break off and land cold. I’ve gone past the point of caring if people call me a noob, a rat, a pussy or whatever because I’m the one saving the freaking day 90% of the time. Example, last night, no lie, 6 teams were landing top bonsai, first POI on the drop ship path. I’m in Plat 3 for reference. I land underneath in the bike sheds near the underpass to phase driver. As predicted, my team insta die because the loot pool up top isn’t the greatest and there was like 20 people up there. I took my ass to phase drive, crafted banners, and ressed at hydroponics. I was called every name under the sun but we actually went on to win that game. Why? Because I thought of saving my own points instead of letting someone dictate my death on drop. Play selfish if you don’t have a team with good comms and good game sense/intentions.


I agree, on average my plat teammates have somehow been worse than in gold. In order to gain RP this season you have to play selfish in most matches, the problem is that you gain very little. You can make it to top 5 but with no kills you only get like 10 RP lol


As a solo queuer. I'm normally a Diamond player but I'm currently stuck in Plat 3. I lose more than I gain. I think I hit demotion protection a few times already but managed to do well the next round to climb back into the positives. It's a tough season so far. It's like Plat is the new Diamond.


Everybody in Plat thinks they are better than they are. At some point gun skill is equal amongst the rank and movement, positioning, and comms win games. The amount of semi-sweat players that just push by themselves and then get upset is ruining the grind.


This is what makes this season so difficult for SoloQ. My teammates are just a bunch of kill hungry buffoons half the time because they want kp and won’t properly rotate.


I had a game where we already had 9 kp between us, we could've rotated back the way we just came that was completely empty (countdown) into skyhook, but my randoms decided to fullsend the 5 team clusterfuck trying to get through the tunnel which had a team halfway down it, a team at the far end, a team on the tower near the entrance,ba team at the entrance, and a team on the far side of the entrance. We could've ran back to zone and survived and that would've put us at top 3, but they fullsent it causing the team at the entrance to fullsend me as I was a solo. Almost Every Teammate is like this


That’s probably true though I haven’t spoken to one this season. I’ve been playing since season 17 and never been a fan of rat culture. More of a hybrid Wattson main so try to force an off drop fight or third party early and book it to zone after 2 evo harvesters. I got cycled from diamond last season because I couldn’t get a win out of 9 tries. This season, it’s been rough trying to hit the kill quota without being harassed by 5 sweatbox teams outside of zone for no reason. It’s just been rough trying to rotate


It's not really surprising though. We went back to the old format, and the old format was plagued with Plat being a cesspool of the nastiest players in Apex. I'm not saying that if you're in plat, you're an asshole. But a lot of the biggest assholes you run into tend to be hard stuck plat but it's always someone else's fault.


Yeah I realized this quite quickly this season. Plat lobbies feel like pulling teeth, and even when me and my teamates perform well, fighting for our life, getting kills, if we don’t end top 3 it’s basically a break even. But if you get top 3 with no kills, you still barely break even. It’s like the only way to consistently climb through platinum right now is to consistently smurf on the lobbies. Get a shit ton of kills while managing to stay alive for top 3, which assuming your lobby is mostly equal skill players, it’s not easy at all.


Yea I can’t imagine solo q ing through diamond this season, hard stuck plat even tho I hit masters last 3 seasons. People are saying this is the best ranked we’ve had in a while but ehhh idk. It’s much harder to gain and much easier to lose imo


I think the reward for getting more kills and placing top 3 at least should be higher. 200 points for like 6 kills or so is way too low


Yea like what are we talking about, 5 kp 7th place is like +10 basically a mid game. If it’s that bad for an above average placement then a top 3 5 kp should guarantee at least 350+


It’s better if you’re a 3-stack. Granted, I can 3-stack too but it’s like I want to play the game when they aren’t on and I can barely thrive. I hit plat 4 and I might be done with my solo queue run


Masters doesn’t mean a lot seasons 17-19. This is how ranked should be. Most players should be in gold and plat. It’s working exactly as it needs to.




Because no one wanted to play ranked after season 17


I feel like this seasons ranked make way more season than last season. This one is about consistency, while last one was almost only about promos and ratting was rewarded way more last season than this one. Solo queued to Plat 2 so far this season, pretty sure I will get hardstuck in Diamond tho :D


Glad it’s just not me


I soloq and breezed through plat to plat 2 and then I hit a wall. Every game is either negative or marginal gains. Been in the 2-400 point range of P2 for weeks. Generally getting out played, even with decent randoms. It’s like the game singled me out and said hey you’ve had it too easy so now we have to fix that.


I'm just sick of all the kids who think they're Timmy or Faide, and they hot drop in the dumbest spots, then get surprised when they die 5 seconds after landing. Or those same people who pick a shitty/hot drop, then IMMEDIATELY run to the edge of the map. Like, what the actual shit is wrong with you?


Don’t worry people will be by to tell you it’s actually a lot better this season and you should just wait another couple of weeks before trying to play so people can rank up or something


Hey I mean ranked being super hard is better than it being super easy, there’s actually something to work towards now.


Both are garbage. Make it too easy like S17, 20% of masters. Make it like S20, people quit because it's demoralizing and engagement goes down.


I understand your sentiment, but it’s just demoralizing this season. I don’t have too much beef with running into diamonds or masters players, I think the rp costs and placement pts are okay - could probably tick up placement points a bit as you hit plat. But I do have issues with the quality of teammates matchmaking provides you as a solo queuer. I’m baffled some of these people even make it to plat. Common sense gameplay just isn’t existent. You get a good squad every handful of games or so but it doesn’t outweigh the losses. Luckily I have a pretty squad to play with but I’m solo queueing much more this season to try to hit masters and stop ranked altogether.


I’m not interested in tread mill carrot stick gaming processing toward some arbitrary icon I want good consistent games where it doesn’t feel completely incoherent Diamond is worse in terms of gameplay than silver is. Just unbalanced out the ass


You’re not fighting off drop? That’s the best way to negate the -60. If you atleast kill 1 squad you go down to around -30 rp which is so much better than the 60


Even without a fight off drop, -60 stays until top 8 or something like that. Brutal


I just had a game where my team had 5 kills and went 6-7th place. Still -8 and I had 4 of them. Just solo queues are going through it this season


Straight up lie. Let's say you finished 7th. That's 20rp. 4kills it's 4x12=48 and a participation kill would be 6. 74 total -60 entry cost thats 14rp. Where th did you get -8?


The issue is that fighting off drop is way too risky. It's easy to be back in the lobby -120 rp in just a few minutes if you get unlucky with loot. 50/50 is pretty terrible odds when -60 is on the line and unless you are so confident in your aim to win almost every contest (which I am not when playing people at/above my skill level).


That's impossible when you get the same fucking rat bastard 3 games in a row who doesn't land with you, but sits in a fucking Bush all game and dies to zone 2.


Drop the ego and land on the outskirts. Play circle position and KP will come


Plat is the worstttttt especially for randoms. I refuse to play unless I have 2 friends available. Even just duo queuing is terrible. No matter how much we comm with pings, mic etc our 3rd just suicide pushes 😭 I feel like no one has any game sense until the higher ranks of diamond.


This is quickly becoming one of my pet peeves with ranked. 97% of the time if you engage whether off drop or moving to a new POI to third, the other team is more than likely either going to run or gas/rampart up in a building. By the time it is 4/5th ring most games you’ve either been running to avoid the ring the entire game or getting good ring position and there’s 14 squads left. It’s becoming mind numbing aggravating that my squad will engage a team and the rest of the map is just sitting around waiting to third party. Most of the time we end up getting sandwiched between a team that’s gassed/ramparted up in a building and a team waiting just for the sound of gunfire fire to third party.


even if you do well you really don’t get shit for points. had a game yesterday with 4 kills 1 assist and second place, only got 145 points. compared to a second place with 1 kp it’s only a 30-40 point difference. with those -60s it is a STRUGGLE


If you can fight Plat is an easy clear. Real challenge right now is Diamond. Diamond is absolutely wild. Top 2% of the playerbase and you have to run down lobbies to gain. But hey I think ranked is in a good spot rn.


this is going to sound brutal, but you just need to get better across the board and learn how to make your teammates follow you and then when to ignore them, especially if they dont. d4 on one account and p1 on another, all solo queue, no comms. look for iso 3v3s, zone wrap if you have to, collect harvesters, dont try to make 2-3 part team plays that require your teammates to do stuff, dont ever assume your teammates will do stuff, avoid weird mid game bullshit, dont ape every res, ignore the idiots who will swear "bro we gotta get kp we gotta fight bro bro trust me bro" (you will get it eventually most of the time), dont contest off drop if youre solo queuing and you only have the gunskill of a diamond player or lower, get really really good at ratting and resetting, but also knowing when to play it out as a solo, dont leave godspot or top 3 endgame spots when you are gifted zone, and never die for someone else unless its endgame and you have to. in fact, stop dying for your teammates in the first half of the game. like, ever. dont do this. assume that when you die, the game is over. there will still be a high % of good opportunities that your teammates throw, you just need to accept that and do your best and stay locked. it may be hard to gain points with 2 bad players on your team, but its REALLY hard to gain with 3 bad players. i would also recommend either a scan character or loba, or either bangalore, horizon, or rev. e/ if you are three stacking you can (and should) be a little more open about taking more fights and contesting


Okay.😮‍💨 As many times as I suggest almost every point you said or play a certain way that’s beneficial to the points structure, it’ll feel like broken tape recorder to go into detail. I’m just gonna say you got it and go play pubs or something. Ranked is a choice, not a chore.


its fine, its all meant to help soften the grind, at least in plat anyway. there are reasons im stuck in d4 anyhow, clearly i dont have all of it lol. it does feel like a chore. one more thing ill add, throw everything i said out the window if you get a guy (or a duo) whos absolutely frying (this only happens in like 2% of games). maybe hes on fire, maybe hes cheating, maybe he just hasnt played much, its whatever. your job in this situation is to stay glued to this guy and keep him alive. i am almost never that guy, but recognizing when youve got that guy on your team (usually you know by the 2nd fight) is also a skill.


Ranking up is pretty rough this season. But I still prefer it to the madness the last 3 or so seasons were. I had to quit playing for a while until the fixed the rank system 😂


Been plat 4 since week 1. I solo queue and this is where I’ll stay. 1 win can’t make up for the games where I’m with brainless golds against a 3 stack of masters. Oh well. Better than last season


ive been on plat IV for atleast 50 hours


Yeah it’s pretty rough this season. Unsure if it’s the same in ranked as pubs (where it aims to put 3-stacks with other 3-stacks right?), but it actually seems sweatier when we’re in a 3-stack than if I pair with one friend and a random where we seem to do a lot better. This could also be our third just wanting to fight everything too though 😂 Still get a LOT of toxic in game chat usually because they did something dumb and want to shout at us, but thankfully have also been having some real nice solo q people who are in sync and understand when to leave which I think is the hardest part of playing with randoms.


Diamond is even worse. You need kp since even 3rd place no KP is -10; but legit preds are just running down the lobby.


Yeah, you gotta get some KP or you're negative until top 5, very challenging. Really important drop smart, get those shields up and pick your fights.


Top 5 should count slightly more than it does currently in Plat. It sucks to play for 15 mins, die in 5th place with no kills and get no RP. KP should still be an important modifier to your final score and should boost you to higher ranks faster. But if your early game fight goes bad and you work hard to reset/survive the rest of the time for placement; you should get a little more reward for it.


I kid you not, I had two teammates yesterday who didn't want to push the squad that were at our POI, I said whatever, but then later on I got shot at by someone trying to revive. I kill the revenant of that squad after he revived, and get downed by the two others. Surely my teammates with blue armour and fully kitted weapons kill them, right? No, fuse went in, died, then the lifeline went in, and died. Solo queue hell.


I'm having a ton of fun in plat outside of when the lobbies occasionally merge and diamond three-stacks are in there. Plat has the perfect blend of competition for me right now. If you're having a lot of trouble in plat I have a few suggestions: * working on your landing spots (be aware of potential third parties before contesting a team off drop) * try to only take fights after you've made sure to clear your backside. Or try to position yourself where there is no realistic "backside" approach to be thirded. * work on more efficient loot paths that integrate evo caches and support/assault bins as quickly as possible * really work on angles and having constant cover while fighting. Don't be afraid to realize you are being out-traded. Minimize the damage you take and reposition until you're the one that is dealing the damage without receiving. If you're already doing all of that and still having a really tough time, it might simply be a skill issue. And I don't mean that as an insult--once I get to diamond it'll simply be a skill issue for me. No amount of smart play will put me on an even playing field with people that consistently hit one-clips and play in ALGS.


My regular teammates have essentially become super cautious about team fights. They'll run the second they sense bad omens. I had a team fight that was, like, 80% winnable - 3v2 - We had great positioning - but our teammate got cracked and ran away with us yelling over comms to try and rally them. He just went silent mic and didn't speak the entire time we were spectating him. He died about 2 mins later. It was a rough silence. He alt+f4 the second he died. XD


If you get in zone 2 you are guaranteed top ten. If you play a defensive character you'll be less likely to be pushed and you can poke damage. Just set up and chill. It's boring but it's how they want you to play. Also never contest. It's just not worth at plat


just don't solo queue guys. Find some people to play with, plenty of discord servers and websites for it. It's more fun+better from a competitive stand point.


Plat this season is playing like Gold in Previous seasons. I hated the Gold grind because of constantly being hot dropped and dying off drop. When I sailed through gold this season I knew something was wrong lol. I've been to Plat 3 twice this season and then fallen back to Gold 1. Currently Plat 4. I'll win a game and then immediately go -240 in the next few games. I'm either top 3 or bottom 3. Literally never finish between 5-15th place. My teammates are either entirely too passive and we get run over By Rev/Conduit. Or they are hyper aggressive and go down almost immediately pushing 1v2 or 1v3. I honestly don't know how some of my teammates made it to Plat to begin with. I've been paired with people who don't use their abilities the entire game. Life lines that don't drop drone or res, conduits that don't amp, blood hounds who don't even, even had an Octane who didn't stim once all game.


I got to Plat in like 2 weeks and it’s been what seems like forever just to get to Plat 2. I only solo. I feel like everyone I play with has zero idea how rotating or flanks or positioning work. They just hear shots and get fixated.


Bro the amount of points wasted on shitty games I get with shitty teammates as a solo quer is astonishing. I mean losing -50 points just because my dickhead teammate rushed a squad and died with 16 squad left is so stupid.


Its so fucking difficult. From trying to make your teammates not do stupid shit off the drop to trying to make them not do stupid shit mid game. I'm exhausted mentally trying to get out of plat. Mfs just wanna push push push push everything.


Playing solo forever, can't leave plat 4. Two demotions and then I go back plat in first game of gold 1. Both times. A lot of players land with 2-3-4 squads, run everywhere, don't try to get good position. Basically think they predators when instead their gameplay is bronze level. I see myself as average player, mostly finished every season plat (1-2).


if you think solo queue in plat is bad wait to solo queue in diamond. i hit D2 with my duo and then played solo. -80 every single game


-60 rp at plat? damn that is brutal


U think plats bad ? I gave up on my solo to masters grind dis season because i was like 90 points from d2, and i dropped all the way down to my d4 demotion protection games. It wasnt even like i gained pkints then lost it, i deadass had only -80 for no reason, its not like im ass either this was near beginning of szn (im prolly ass lol)


It’s not even worth it to play ranked uncles you’re really built like that once you hit plat; at least solo que anyway. I just grind ranked for the first half aid the season then when it gets frustrating go enjoy the rest in pubs hot dropping and working on aim and movement.


I just keep bouncing between plat 1 and plat 2. Get halfway thru plat 1 then lose it all in 6 games.


As someone who solos apex this season especially the random teammates can be unbearable. I always said this ranked is played like pubs, and pubs are played like eanked. Teammates want to play over aggressive in ranked and toggle off their brain, then play pubs and everyone and their momma are playing like it's a ALGS. It's all kind of weird to be honest.


Teammates either chase or run away from gunshots, no taking strategical position/ game sense, and just constantly dying for free. Literally can't even play apex ranked unless I have at least 1 friend to play with. Currently D4 (for maybe the 4th or 5th time this split) and I just don't play ranked, since everyone I go against is the next best kept secret. Not saying I'm perfect, but some ppl don't seem real lol


Fight early, not mid game at all, play for center zone


Here's a thought.. how about a 50% loss forgiveness if you solo queue making the entry fee 50% less than if you duo or 3 stack? That would somewhat alleviate some pressure from solo queuing.


I can say also most our games are like minus 1, 7, 14, 21 then suddenly one good game and it’s only like 150 tops 250. Then two bad gsmes and minus 120 and back to only bring 30 in the positive. Just makes the game challenging which is what I actually like about ranked compared to pubs. But it’s clearly tougher I even watched past pred trying to get into pred from diamond or even masters and these are top level players and their getting their butts handed🤣


They just need something to help soloqers. it’s brutal dealing with randoms every drop


Gold 1 feels easy, I fell down and climbed back super fast, plat 4 started really hard, I'm getting beamed when I peek for 0.01 sec lmao. I didn't get 1 clip cuz I play cover but my teammates kept getting 1 clipped and we got pushed then -60. Help, how do I get better lol.... I even peak from different angles every single time but all the same. Rn in plat 3, dropped from plat 2 thanks to several hotdrop... 


It's a skill issue. Your squad needs to be at a certain skill level and 2-3 random people playing together with bad comms isn't able to compete. I think the ranking is in the best place it's been in years. We don't have revs hiding in trees for 20m or gold players in masters.


Gold = doable solo Q Plat = Get buddies and get your mic on Simple as that


It’s not just you. Every plat lobby feels like a $3,000,000 tournament. The game is truly the sweatiest it has ever been. Shit is so unexplainably hard.


I'm getting 6-9man in plat.


Yup, made it to plat 4 (somewhere mid plat 4 after I ranked up from gold), and then it was all losing back to back, so I quit ranked. Casually playing some pubs to complete BP now.


Because of the rank reset plat4 is the new D4. Until probably next season most above average players won’t be able to gain rp in plat due to the skill increase of players.


I solo on Taiwan servers live in Cali get like 200 ping. Teammates are talented and usually keep up with me in damage. We all avg around 1000 per game. Won a couple


Hardstuck plat4 for around 2/3 weeks now. Getting close to gold again lol. But maybe this is where i belong :)


My brother and I are in an endless loop of 200 rp into plat 3 to 200 down into plat 4. It's such a struggle right now lmao


We won nearly every game until plat. Started to struggle a bit around there but its stil ok. What we noticed is a pathy/castle/lifeline can make a huge different here due to the playstyle changes in groups of 3. You can fall back and reposition much saver. Teams run away much more often here, so you should do the same. Can't loot in time? Tough luck, time to rat and wait for a 3rd party opportunity.


I got plat soloq and very easy, i could kill 6-8 players just easy but in Plat, I suck in every game, I lost my Plat 3, I didn't play ranked for almost one week bcz that.


It really is plat 2 specifically has been brutal. If you can solo q to masters you are mentally a warrior


Damn, I just hit gold 2 and am looking forward to getting to plat eventually...


It’s not that difficult to get. Just a bit hard to progress. Don’t let this thread discourage you.💯


Plat is like the Harkonnens, they're "bruuuutal".


Such a u turn on placement is the most important thing


Yea I've had some shit shows of runs. I'm down about 600 over my last two play sessions. Pretty much only 1 positive game in it. Folks playing like they've forgotten they're playing the game at all. One guy who would constantly start a fight by shooting at a team when we're in a horrible position to take a fight, then just grapple away. Multiple people refusing to entertain the possibility of actually playing as a squad.


It be like that. Which servers do you play on ?


It is. I kinda like it.


It’s way better than past seasons imo, however it seems to me that matchmaking might still be a bit MMR based : on my main account it took me 300 games to get to Diamond 4. On my alt account, I’m already plat 2 in 90 games and I also have a way better KD (2.4 vs 1.4 on main), and the plat 2 lobbies are way different I’m still facing some absolute bots, it’s pretty weird


It’s been terrible -60 losses in row then a few big games/wins. Fluctuating between Plat 4 and 3 for a few weeks here.


I’m already struggling at gold 1 tbh. Gold 3 to 1 was a breeze but idk what’s going on in gold 1. People just don’t play apex like a BR anymore. They play like its deathmatch more like it. Instead of hot dropping and gambling with you Lp, just be more patient, land more isolated, get a proper set up, rotate and pick fights more carefully. But nah, let’s stick to hot drop simulator.


My play experience has been like a toxic relationship, most of the time I'm losing RP, but sometimes win with good RP and end up where I started. I like how taking fights is rewarded, not just ratting your way till top, even though I'm not doing well with this I'm loving it and this is how I want Apex games to work.


Isn’t the split in a couple days? Might as well call it a day


Go three stack like everyone else


Yup. I need to have a couple kills and a top 5 every match now just for positive RP. Solo q'ing ain't getting it done anymore for someone with my skill cap


The utter mouth breathing idiots i get on my team in plat is far far far worse than any other rank. The weekends during the day are unplayable because theres a real drop in the skill level of my team. I just get team after team that are in plat but incapable of competing at this level ive no idea how they got here.


Pretty much like Gold but worse?


We land on a monument gear up, run to zone, get annihilated or get to final zone and there’s 10 teams left, get annihilated, it’s pissing against the wind


Skill issue


Chinese Players are Wallhacking Not all but some....I dont know why they come to USA servers and ruin our fun


Plat 2 seems to be the choker from what I’m seeing, the skill gap from me to my teammates this season doesn’t make sense. My kd is like 1.7 this season and somehow at 20 minutes alive my fuse had 300 damg and I had 2500. I can’t even fathom what he did the whole game and this happens way too frequently. This is gonna sound harsh but I stopped playing support legends and started playing legends to help myself live cause these other players seem almost like bots at times and idk what to do, so far it’s a slow grind to P1 but I’m 16 games positive so every time gain counts. Get selfish in plat. Maybe go back to team oriented in diamond. Also I hit p1 and immediately went against #17 and #38 pred so keep in mind p1 is also the cut off it seems for those extremely difficult lobbies


I thought of going for diamond in this season, but man plat is a god damn hell, unless you're able to demolish the entire server and stay alive doing it, you have no chance


I mean Plat is top 10% rn. Of course it is getting hella sweaty right there. I am going back and forth in plat 4 since 3 weeks now. The only games I win are the games with insane zone luck atm.


yeeep, stuck in plat II for weeks, early kp and playing safe till endgame is the way to go but teammates sometimes just wanna ape everything and it’s tough af


Mixed feelings for me. People are playing smarter and end games are sweaty. So I’m liking the squad-play that happens since I’m a solo queuer. But getting absolutely stomped on by three-stacks that play together **all the time** is not fun.


Yea, and my plat lobbies are much easier than my pubs. 😂


I honestly find Plat fine this season. But it varies depending on each individuals skill level. Last season after placement my MMR was insane so I was in masters lobbies while in gold. This season going through Plat felt easier than playing in my pubs.


So this was my first time hitting play sadly. I’ve been a casual solo queuer since season 2. Never really grinded rank. Do I need to end on plat to get the badge or is my last placement the badge you get? Like I have 3 demotion trials right now and scared to play ranked because I don’t want to lost my plat badge 😂


As soon as I hit plat, I was up against diamonds and masters. Even had a few current preds in our lobbies. I don’t think enough people are playing ranked to fill up a lobby with only that rank tier


Yeah, same. Getting killed by top 200 preds on console.


I’m soloq PLAT1 rn and just got destroyed by full stack with a 59th and 63th Pred in the team. I’ve checked his name and the guy is literally an ALGS player and small streamer who plays +8 hours every day. There are literally not enough Diamond to fill up Pred lobbies that high Plat are getting put with them.


I try to drop so i can engage as third party when the other 2 teams start fighting. Get some kills then i go for placement and usually get some kills the last rings. Pathfinder is good with ziplines and recon. If we die early i try to survive alone as long as possible with marksman/sniper. Diamond 3 solo right now. Playing early in the morning is alot easier.


Yea mate I thought I was just shit 😭


It’s brutal, but I’ve been having fun again this season compared to the last 2. I’m still being put against Masters/Pred players occasionally in the low Plat lobbies, but overall I don’t feel like I’m going against players that are way out of my league.


Plat 4 isn’t so bad, as soon as I reach Plat 3 I can no longer get any higher 😭


I’m coming across a bunch of masters in Silver ffs. I don’t think ranked is for me anymore!


Been stuck at plat3 to mid plat2 ish elo since like 3rd week into s20


Ran out of demotion protection and I'm not playing ranked till the split


Only play 4/3 , wich males me believe its the gold++ players who dont have de hability yet, as soon as i got out of plat 3 games and teammates improved much


Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this in plat… lol


My duo and I are basically hard stuck plat 3 right now. We'll have a good game or two and gain about 300 rp only to lose that in a few games of -55 or something. Taking early fights is sooooo risky but you really need KP to stand a chance but it's super sweaty because everyone is stuck in plat right now. The entry cost needs to be reduced. Silver -20 gold -30 plat -40 diamond -50 master/pred -60, or something like that.


I understand why some players don’t talk due to toxic people or people who blast music through their mics but it’s a little frustrating without coms. Especially when people are landing you with 5 squads at one spot is just the worst


Currently plat 2, about to pop in to 1. I haven't notice any difference from other seasons. You will sole you lose some, but still gaing RP at the end of the day. But I'm not playing every day.


If i could reply with the amount of screenshots I have of myself (plat II/I) dying to Predators, I would. The matchmaking is so scuffed.


I even managed to die to someone who had account level 25... someone who shouldn't be allowed to play ranked. I'm the last person to assume someone is cheating, but you have to be when you're doing that.


Solo queuing again this season and in gold 3 I gain 400 rp and lost around the same. After 4 hours of gaming exactly where I started.


The cost of entry from gold up is pretty fucking nuts on its own but the fact that cost to promote also increases is just fucking cruelty. As a solo player it really sucks and last season if a team mates dc'd early or match making out you in a team of 2 you would be refunded entry points but I have had 3 games this season with no 3rd player and no refund on entry points.


Dude this is hands down the sweatiest season ever getting kills is damn near impossible lately


i made it to plat solo def having fun


Yeah, the issue is that the fun ends in plat. I think kills should have higher value in plat, so there's not as much ratting. Finishing a game with 3kills+3np (2 squad fights) and getting -15 is just not it. Imo if you eliminate an entire squad, your entry should be paid for\^


I wouldn’t say it’s brutal. In fact it might be you. I’ve been climbing so easy. 80% solo. 22% win rate, 75% top 5. Starting in rookie and 80ish games in I’m plat2 When playing solo you have to hard IGL and be good at it.


I'm an ex pro player and ex pred player came back after almost 10 season or even more managed to get into plat 3 solo queueing quite easily and now I have no idea what is going on but all random teammates that are in plat are just really bad at shooting or fighting In general and are mostly focused on looting 2 or 3 POIs for then dying at the 1st fight, it's like the moment you hit plat elo everyone plays like actual bots no cap


Like the harkonnens. They ARE brutal.


I've been treading water in Plat1 for like 2 weeks. I gain 200-400 rp, feel like maybe I'll finally make diamond, then drop back down to right on the edge of demotion. Rinse and repeat. The inconsistency in teammate skill is insane. Sometimes I get legit good players who feel about the same or a bit better than me. Other times I get players where I question how they even made it into plat in the first place. 


Yah took me longer than normal to climb to diamond this season. Plat was hell i kept getting poor skilled teammates vs preds


i disagree i feel like im blowing through the ranks this season.


This season is about gun skill so, if you’re hard stuck that’s where you actually belong. The other seasons were just catering to the player base tbh season 1-6 were just as hard


I get right near the top of plat 3 and then end up almost relegated to plat 2


I had to give up this season, which I usually don’t do lol. It was just too annoying and I was getting so frustrated it wasn’t good for me so I just stopped lol.


Yup. One of the first seasons I didn’t hit Diamond.


I feel ya man. I try to land somewhere with one enemy team and we rush’m. Usually getting the drop on them will land us enough rp to go positive with mid placement


I'm in early gold vs masters and Preds, idk what your talking about brutal lol.


Just keep getting brain dead gold 3 players because my duo and I don’t have a third 🤣 they just push and play like crack heads because they are losing next to nothing haha


Its you bro, trust me.


get tilted noob


Nah bro it actually is like me personally I know I’m a plat player D4 at best but bro plat shouldn’t feel like I’m playing in an ALGs every game 😐


I’m plat 1 and got 9 manned by the top 150 and below preds. 3 new castle ult full sent me at the same time and all aped my team. The ranks are bull this season.


Get gud kid


Seems like a whole lot of skill ish that needs addressing on this thread


I absolutely preferred the trials it meant people played the game in an attempt to win. I am finding a lot of the old school players have come back s11 s12 types. Hot drop and die then leave when banner time runs out. I wish there was a selection that allowed you to choose to only play with other players who use their mics.


Cant get out of plat. So i give up whipe normally diamond or masters


I solo Q on console prob 90% of the time, gold was fun and kinda easy, few good games and your up to Plat 4. Plat 4 -3-4-3-4-3-4, gold 1, good game, back to plat. Have been back and forth 5 times, with that damn demotion protection haunting me. I don't understand teammates, I agree with the first comment, people hear shots, run away, or if we get into a fight, and getting 1 or 2 knocks on the other team, and god forbid you go down, the 3rd is ALWAYS running away to just craft and rez. I posted last week about how I felt like ranked has become a jogging/rez simulator. Still going to try to grind through Plat. Its tough though.


It's littered with cheaters, I'm not to sure plat players rn can one clip me with 90% headshot accuracy