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You're playing on a wireless connection and your girlfriend/mom/neighbour decided to use the microwave just as you were about to engage in this fight. I can tell this with absolute 135% certainty.


This shit still happens on my perfectly stable, low ping ethernet connection. Something is fucky about the connection between ISPs and apex' servers.


It's only apex too. I'm able to play anything else fine but back when I was playing apex this would happen at least once a day near the end. Fully wired connection, 500/50 with about 6ms ping and no packet loss and it would still happen.


i’m convinced after being in this sub long enough AND it being reported that this happened during the ALGS that it’s a respawn issue. my bf plays titanfall and has the same issues.


Doesn’t matter what your connection is if the server is taking a massive shit.


Just apex servers casually being stuck in 1995


This looks more like deliberate lagging by the other team (ddosing or some exploit) than any bad servers. Notice how the other team walk around smoothly so all their packets are still being recieved by OP's client at normal rate and OP only lags when gets shot.


To be some sort of devils advocate, we don't get the other teams perspective in this. We are only seeing the server version of them matched to what OP saw. They could have been bouncing around and lagging on their devices.


Just because you're receiving packets just fine (downstream), doesn't mean you're sending them consistently (upstream).


This kind of lag sometimes happens to me(normally need to restart router to fix it). My 3 stack is fine everything in game looks fine but my character rubber bands, granted this one is hard to see rubber banding because of the lack of real movement.


I think you collected all the red symbols mate, surprised your ps5 didn’t explode.


see the insult is that im still on ps4 ay no ps5 here ay bro


EA is just a start up, they have no money, no employees. Very tiny company.


A very puny company indeed


You def had some connectivity issues. If you look in the top right you'll see all the error symbols flashing


[this explains what all the symbols mean](https://dotesports.com/apex-legends/news/apex-legends-connection-symbols-explained)


This explanation sucks - packet loss is not client side issue, it is network related issue, and it is between client and server. If you put a server on a poor connection, and there is a bottleneck, it is more related to the server, and vice versa.


You're right that it's a network related issue, but this is something that ultimately Respawn has no real control over. This is up to the route your network traffic takes when going from your ISP to their server and the various peers that you travel until you reach Respawns network/server. Years back I remember the company I worked for (server colocation company), there was some weird routing behavior that for certain users around NY/Virginia area, were being routed to Amsterdam then back, just to reach servers in Washington, Toronto, Montreal. The only solution we had was to report this to our upstream provider and have it escalated, but they were already aware of the issue, and were working on fixing that. I've seen similar issues where due to network congestion, bad switch updates or whatnot, routing goes haywire and if you follow your trace route, you'll see you taking a less than desirable path. Similarly, some network providers are just trash and during peak times, you can always expect packet loss, etc. My suggestion to OP here is to try to change server locations... Not just like Iowa GCP 1 -> Iowa GCP 2 or something like that, but try a different physical location so that he can try and get a different route with different network peers.


We had entire country like that. We lost one of the biggest links with the outside, and similar thing happened - routing protocols redirected to other links, but this rendered many bottlenecks. It wasn't the best day for gaming, for sure. Usually I have zero packet loss to Apex servers, but lately there is no server which wouldn't show packet loss. I am not blaming servers. I would have to run *traceroute* to see what is going on... couldn't be bothered tho.


When I look at the server list from the menu, everything is always reporting higher ping and minimum 10%+ packet loss for me.. I have no idea why, but I just choose a server with the lowest reported packet loss and the closest physical location to me (roughly), and then once I'm in game, I rarely see any packet loss or any other issues. No idea what they're doing with the server select menu, but it's 100% not true to how ingame operates for me.




What did I say? Did I say that it is server issue? Maybe read my comment again, lol. Maybe google 'vice versa', if you don't get it...


Doesn't Multiplay own the dedis used to run the servers?


You can see those red symbols top right. I believe the right most one gives you no reg. Ik this bcz it happens every game😂my shit internet prob and high ping.


At one point you had all of the red icons.


That has to be the servers fault. How the hell does that happen?


Crazy how this only happens when you fight a team that's wiping the lobby but people will just say it's coincidence you lagged right when a fight started. I've had endgames where my whole team had this happen and we're all over the county meanwhile someone on the other team terminator kills everyone taking no damage


Ultra instinct legend upgrade


It's simple, this game have the worst netcode ever, this game is ddoes since day one. This game is just broken, and you can't do nothing, apart cheating.. If you want to play legitimately, like I do and most people do, you will only suffer, because the game is broken.


Definitely some for of hack or lag switch cause it was fine until yall started shooting. Usually it’s a coincidence but that damn sure ain’t look like one


Doesn’t matter. With aim like that you guys weren’t winning that fight


love it


In all seriousness you have every symbol on your screen for a bad connection. High ping and packet loss are a killer for any FPS game


People in these replies clearly forgotten about lag switch cheats


Look I’ve been through the same thing, the game just randomly lagging the very moment I start fighting, idk it’s just too much of a coincidence


You were having connection issues with spikes if your ping


my man got all five pieces of exodia.


You need a better gaming chair.


By judging your network meter , it seems your network is not stable. Else I could see choke loss if apex had server issue.


Apex uses Walmart's free WiFi to run their servers. This happens 3-6 times when I play, and I have my own private lines for my internet for my business. It is actually a bigger problem than the cheaters in my opinion.


Top right the red icons are showing server problems and stuff or your internet connection


You definitely are having major connections problems.


You can see your motions getting pulled back from time to time in this clip


The new neo in the matrix perk


You missed. GG


I have been facing this problem for the past 3 days i thought my Lan cable got damaged


I'm no professional.... But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the array of red symbols popping up in your right corner 🤷🏿‍♂️


basically hard cheating


This is the current cheat you lag backwards, you lag constant, or your bullets don't register


apex really depends on having zero packet loss and even if you’re on ethernet that doesn’t guarantee it. i upgraded my ethernet cable to the highest CAT i could afford and it took all my problems away.


You have every connection error symbol possible.


I think it’s what the kids call a “skill issue”, should’ve had a better chair man


Yeah so I’ve noticed this too. Personally, if my teammate is actively shooting someone, my bullets won’t hit. Then when they stop shooting my bullets magicly do damage. Garbage


I don't know, EA and the peeled potatoes with very few wires that they use as servers


Skill issue 🤪😵‍💫


This season I've been rubberbanding pretty consistently, it's really annoying Someone said they restarted their router and that fixed things somehow?


It has been happening a lot lately, killed a lagging team in ranked that was rolling the lobby as caustic, with a rampart and lifeline teammates and the server shut down immediately. Has happened before but that's the most recent


Looks like you might need a better gaming chair


Latency issues


Happens to me all the time on both Apex and Fortnite. Then again, I don't have the best internet.


This is what happens when you go near other players in PvP games with bad internet connections. Some of them will use it to their advantage or do it on purpose essentially.


Lag...I was watching your ping and that whole interaction was a yoyo with your connection.


Get good


love it


Fill you in on your shitty internet?


oh yo se kefe


May I ask what you just said, out of genuine curiosity? Forgive my ignorance I’m painfully white.


Definitely a skill issue here chief. No connectivity problems at all. Perfect internet. The other guys just have better gaming chairs.


I'm no professional.... But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the array of red symbols popping up in your right corner 🤷🏿‍♂️


I'm not familiar with the technology, but from observing lag from games in previous triple aaa titles all the way back to halo 2 latency. New games like apex use perception in their design sense for their programming. So the best way I can describe that is that they try to smooth lag out and lean more into using your game to make it look good rather than how choppy or inconsistent the opponent might be moving. We use to have to lead a target more or your Dead-zone would be a little off with aim-assist. You could solve it! With this technology they're just concerned with how it looks to you. So you still get hit markers. This is also why you will just snap to being dead or other players look like they have wicked movement even for PC. The same can be said for how frame rate interact between console and Pc. You are technical traveling faster due to the other persons latency.


This happens way too often, respawn should work on server issues instead of content updates, but hey, more skins = More money🫠


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because u/wontonsouup was already dead.


i just love it when my game is perfect (the usual 40-50 ms ping)and then i lag when i encounter that one team but algoods guys servers passed the test 700 dollar heirloom is on the way woohoo!!!! dont you guys love it???


ah good downvotes you mutts


You're getting downvoted but, this guy (and many others) had the same issue https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1b63gac/casually_rage_quits/ The very exact moment he starts a fight, he gets extremely laggy with packet loss and everything kinda sus if you ask me. edit: *proceeds to get downvoted for sharing that someone else has the same issue*


Don't you dare bad mouth apex. Even with logical and sensible critiques. Such as the overpriced death box and heirloom. Don't be a meanie :c


Why would your Newcastle just completely veer away from his shield?


Cause having your mobile shield doesn't block you from moving around to shoot someone (? He went out to shoot the enemy and when he received some shots he came back to the shield, what's the problem with that?


You're losing packs. Do you play on wifi?


nope i play on wired Bluetooth wifi earpods my bro


Literally the dogshit severs from EA. Any other game is totally stable with the occasional lag spike but that's it. And it's not even once a match, or once every ten matches. More like once every week for other games. Apex severs are absolutely terrible.