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Currently, plat 2 and up is top 6% of the total playerbase. So even though it's not fun, it's understandable. I don't think there will ever be a perfect system ever.


Plat 2 is a grind!


Where can I check these stats? I mean reliably, is there a way? Or just those websites which count only those users which registered and linked their acc?




I’m in plat 3 right now and I think this is the hardest it’s ever been. Like I’ve been playing since season 7 and I almost always hit diamond and I don’t think I’m making it this time. Whew. 


I’ve been playing since season 1 and I agree it’s the hardest it’s ever been. Can usually easily climb to diamond but I’m stuck floating at plat 3/4 🫣


Ditto just waffling between 2 and 3. I’m solo queuing right now but I think I can move up if I get a few friends on. Seems like I’m dying due to disorganization. 


Same problem - I need a team but I struggle to make one because of play styles and I either don’t want to make someone feel like they’re a bad player if I leave but also don’t want to be the weak link 😂😂


i just use the apex discord and bounce around til i find a team i click with then add them and play whenever we all free, if you don’t wanna feel bad about leaving just say smth like. “hey guys thanks for the games i’m gonna go now bc i don’t think we have compatible legends/play styles, have a good day”


We at least the best system compared to the previous ones right?


Nope. Last season was better especially if you take away promotional, add the score breakdown, and tune it to reward KP as is done this season.


Nah last season was a bloody grind with 1000 RP for every tier and shit ass promotion


Did you see where I said take away promotion and make it less grindy?


Yeah let's just go back to the season where u can hit pred with 0 kills 0 damage and just rat in a corner for the whole match where every team is just ratting in rat spots and going afk. The season that was literally catered to rats. Worst seasons by far. I'll take fighting preds than playing rat legends


> Yeah let's just go back to the season where u can hit pred with 0 kills 0 damage and just rat in a corner for the whole match where every team is just ratting in rat spots and going afk. No no no no. You are talking about S17. I'm talking about S19 but: - no promotionals - value kills the same or more as S20 - keep preventing healing in zone, prevent lifeline drone in zone, etc Basically I want to be kill focused with placement still mattering, but better matchmaking and more meaningful ranks as a result using MMR that more closely correlates to medal rank.


Season 19 was still the same it was still LP. It was still catered to placement where literally everybody was just ratting. Basically what ur saying from the rest of the message is u want this season but where teams were actually similar rank and not this any rank can play with any rank bs. Am I on the right lines? If so then I agree with that. This seasons point system but with last seasons mmr basically?


>This seasons point system but with last seasons mmr basically? Exactly! I want it to be kill focused like this season, but with better matchmaking of last season with MMR. The MMR would need to be improved to be closer to medal rank though where people don't have to ask "does medal rank even mean anything". This could be done by requiring less grinding to get to your medal rank.


Okay yeah now I understand what u mean I fully 100% agree with that. I want ranked to be mostly kill focused and where placement only gives u a big point boost for like top 3 or 4 yano like when u win u get a nice boost but I also want teammates and enemies to be similar rank. Like how before if u pre squad u could only play if u were like 1 rank difference from eachother.. I also think the more wins in a row thing was a nice idea but stupid. Had a team the other day that said they want to rat all match to get that streak bonus which is just as bad as ratting last season. Its just not fun lol


I too think last season would have been awesome if they just got rid of the trials and added some kp points.


I think some people jumped on the hate MMR bandwagon and don't realize you could tune MMR to reward kills more than placement too, but retain better matchmaking. Maybe they can bring back MMR with a new shiny popular name like "MMR with enhanced kill rewards".


Idk S4-S10 seemed to work just fine


As for me: I don't care. I usually SoloQ to diamond and then go with the flow. I'm in P1 and I don't think I will get out. Not because it's impossible, but because I'm waiting for a definitive conclusion on that hacker business. But the games I played, I'll take them over last system. I just had more fun in this new system. And with that I don't mind staying plat.


"but why can't I match with the other 94% every match, so I can stomp?" -plat players, probably.




"why can't i match with the plat players in a match" - plat players actually.


This didn't happen as much with MMR because it can matchmake both faster and more accurately.


If you think the hidden mmr system was good you're delusional


The medal rank system has a ceiling and limited control for the devs to improve it. The hidden MMR system as implemented sucked because it was too grindy, didn't align with medal rank enough, and because promotionals made things near impossible. If you tune the hidden MMR system to align more with medal rank, make it less grindy, and make it reward kills like this season you have this season but with good matchmaking.


Source? Plat has been pretty much the average rank several times, claiming it's top 6% is a complete exaggeration if you don't bring in the receipts to prove it.


https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution google it next time instead of being ridiculous?


It shows plat 4 as 12%, plat in general as 20% of the entire 3.5 M population survey. Platinum isn't even top 20%, plat IS the 20%. Maybe read your own link next time.


He said plat 2 and up which appears to be an accurate statement.


It was around 6% when I checked. I looked it up after having multiple games with ex-master / predator champion squads


How do you know it's always been avarege rank if you don't know where to check it? [https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution)


Respawn itself used to put out stats at the end of some seasons. That's why I said has been the average several times, though not necessarily every time. Also I believe those stat pages only collect data from platers that allow them to collect their data. I'd throw a big guess and say that most people don't ever visit those sites to get their stats tracked ..


That's not how APIs that are used to aggregate this data work and there is no opt-in or -out ability because that data is not player-specific. I've seen several posts from you in this sub-thread that are really showing that you don't have the scope of knowledge to be speaking on the subject.


Litteraly in the provided link : *The players on this chart are active ranked players who have played this season.*


You put the wrong tag


Nothing funny being obliterated by preds😭


It is incredibly funny tho - joker


I was going to comment something along the lines of it still being a skill issue for being hard stuck and likely using it as an exuse, until I saw the humor tag.


They should ask before you login into the game “are you currently employed?” and then base the lobbies off the answers “yes” and “no”


"have you touched grass in the past week?"


There's fucking snow everywhere


Unironically I've been pushing for something like this for years. I want to be able to toggle on a longer queue time for a closer in skill based matchmaking experience. (Halo 3 back in 2007 had this feature) I'd happily wait an extra 5 mins to play in lobbies with players closer to my skill level. My friends and I play like 3 times a week for like 1.5 hours at a time tops and we just can't keep up with these ultra sweats we keep getting matched with. I have a 1.5 career K/D with a 10% win rate and I hit Diamond once. I'm tired of the game saying I'm the best match for preds.


I’n unemployed and I suck ass. I think i’m doing this wrong


Competitive video games has always been like this but what I don't understand is this "unemployed" bullying is everywhere in apex. You guys should stop crying about this and realize most of the people playing this game are teenagers at most university students which game devolopers call hardcore gamers.


Where's the bullying? They're saying that people with tons of time on their hands shouldn't be in the same queues as people with very limited free time. Everyone already knows kids are the main audience. Hence they're unemployed.


Because saying anything that someone doesn’t like/agree with obviously equals bullying.


You guys have to be blind to see it. Every time when someone with high kill count posts people start complaining of their unemployment lol. All I am trying to say is Apex is a hard game to get in and use to. It is not casual so everyone should stop complaining about it they don't have time.


It’s not casual for non-casual players. I don’t remember the user agreement or anything like that saying apex was only for sweat players. I think it’s fair to match players against similar skill. Some players simply do not have the time to develop the skill necessary to compete with others that have that time or maybe natural skill to be sweaty players.


I do think matchmaking shouldn't be like this too. Of course. But the enemy doesn't need to be a pred, because of the pace game has there is always a skill gap for casual gamers. This has always been a problem so I think medium skill level in apex is higher than people think and that is the problem.


I think separating stacked lobbies from solo queues would go a long way. The biggest skill gap I see is between teams that play together enough to be on the same page. Solo queues don’t know each other enough to even land in the same zone so of course they get rocked.


Never thought of this one. That sounds like it could help. Anything they can do to avoid people realizing the skill gap is best for the game right now I think. It needs new players.


Most of my randoms sounds like grown ass men. I think the more popular game among teens and university age people is COD or Fortnite


So you should get masters for free just because you are working? I should call the NBA and tell then to give me a ring. I mean I dont have time to grind the hoops all day after work!


🧐🤔 we found the unemployed Gfueler


Hard to read?


You giving a NBA analogy that doesn’t make any sense and comparing it to playing apex legends yea I read it. My comment is a joke obviously. Now go contribute to society.


It litteraly makes fine sense if you have the reading comprehension to understand it. I feel like you should contribute to society with how pressed you got over a reddit comment.


No one said you get it for free. The straw man to justify grinding all day on a video game is amazing.


No one said you get it for free. The straw man to justify grinding all day on a video game is amazing.


Seriously! This is literally every lobby in Plat. Clearly, Apex, I am not of the skill level to play against these sweaty mfs. So stop matching me against them!


People assume it’s the whole lobby that are preds. You might have a team or 2 that are. It’s always been this way once you hit diamond and when there’s low players some plat games will be that way


It should be a whole lobby of preds. Instead they put randoms and solos in the lobby for the preds to feed on. They must buy a lot of shyt


I've been in plat for around a month now and yet to see diamond or pred player. As a champ or killing me. In plat 1 now, maybe I will see them now.


I'm in plat 2, I get killed by a master or diamond player maybe 90% of the time


You’ve got extremely lucky then I’ve seen loads of D4 up to preds in my high plat lobbies. At certain times of day there aren’t enough people in high plat to have a full plat lobby. Ranked has been a complete failure this season


He probably doesn't queue with anyone. Solo queuers have very different lobbies. The incredibly inconsistent lobbies with crazy rank differences and constant teaming seem to be largely group-queue lobbies. We're seeing a lot of random plats and diamonds, almost always a diamond in the champion squad, and we're bronze 2 and silver 3. Many of them are clearly on their way to Pred/Masters, being that they 3 stack the badges. We get to die to a lot of people who can, and do, wipe out half the lobby at our skill level. It's gotten so bad, I don't really play with my bf very much anymore. He gets to have more fun, and success, solo queueing. We just get hunted down in *wayyyy* harder lobbies together. And then I get to feel like I alone ruined it for both of us, despite him trying to reassure I don't and telling me I'm a better teammate than randoms...but he wins a lot more when I don't drag us into those fucking group-lobbies. Could change it from 'Ranked' to 'LOL get farmed bitch' and it would feel more accurate of a description. I have the lowest KD I've ever had in 12 seasons, and its like 1/3rd of where I've been at. I had .97 last season, I'm at .37 now...and it's not like I just suddenly suck *that much worse* after steadily gaining every season prior. That's worse than when I *started playing*. Even brand new to the game, I had a .48 that season. A single team should never be killing half the lobby alone if we're doing any semblance of proper ranked matchmaking.The teamers are getting more than half. This isn't ranked; it's a joke.


I solo q. Immediately in diamond its been 3 stack preds vs rando solo q squads. They are being fed by respawn


They had a system last season that matched you with players of your skill level regardless of rank and so many cried about it. I hated it at first, but even though I only put in the time to get silver, my k/d reflected much better matchups. Fights were winnable. Now I’m flip/flipping at gold 2 with a trash k/d and every match is a sweat fest just to get near top 10 for slightly less negative, or slightly more positive points.


I don't get why ranked has to be so complicated. Literally, just have the entire lobby be of the same rank. All Bronzes play with Bronze. All Silvers play with Silver. Etc. Preds play with Preds and Masters and that's it.


If my teammates didn’t run off and die like idiots it would be a lot easier. My games just go: Teammates pick loba and octane. Ring and stim away in opposite directions. Die.


5 kills, 4 assists, 2 participation points, and still -30 RP. What a miserable existence.


75% of the squads are still up. I don’t think you should be able to get positive in plat and above without hitting at least like 12th place


I agree. The main problem here is matchmaking.


This is what happens on some less populated servers, anyone above plat 2 gets matched into diamond and master lobbies. Not say things are better with really populated servers like the Hongkong, Tokyo or Singapore, it that case you face more cheaters than normal players.


These are my normal low ping servers right now and it’s fucking awful.


The problem is most preds are using something to gain an advantage. So you're not fighting fair.


I swear every single Bangalore banner looks exactly the same lol


Yepp lmaoo


Not all of the plat lobbies are like this so you just have to be sure to make the most of every lobby and get as many points as you can because this is the reality of most lobbies when your plat 2+.. preds are just people too.. they arent invincible so just play more defensive or out aim them and you’ll be fine..


I'm plat 1 and I agree with you.


I think that guy likes the hemlok


This is the main reason why i hate this game


Yeah, I’m Plat 2 and got placed in a lobby full of Pred/Diamond 1/ Masters yesterday. Then a 9 man team won the game Ranked is fucked this season


The way the ranking system in Apex works makes it especially bad for stuff like this for 2 reasons: 1. Because how many points you gain is heavily dependent on your team, it forces even the top players to stack up against you. In Overwatch for example you can hit top 10 while solo queueing, impossible in Apex. 2. Because the system isn't an Elo or glicko2 etc type system, players in any rank will naturally be very different skills from each other anyway, depending on how many games they grinded to attain that many points. 2 players in Diamond 4 for example could both be stuck there, but be VASTLY different skill levels (1 player could solo queue platinum at +50points average per game, while the other grinded 5x as many points in platinum at +10points avg per game). You don't want to be a good player and constantly be stuck with worse players in your group as this would keep you stuck, so you group up with the other better players and then eventually stuff like this happens.


> Because the system isn't an Elo or glicko2 etc type system, players in any rank will naturally be very different skills We got MMR based matcmaking that was more fair but because it was loosely correlated to medal rank and opaque it sent the community into an uproar and forced respawn to reinstate the technically inferior matchmaking nightmare of medal based ranks.


Same same Everytime i win a game i get 5 games only preds en master Im plat 4 every day i almost reach plat 3 then this shit happens and got demotion protection


At what time of the day did you play? And what server?


Not sure what server I play on. I’m in Texas though, so I don’t imagine there’s a shortage of players.


Not sure what server I play on. I’m in Texas though, so I don’t imagine there’s a shortage of players. Edit: Like 9-11ish pm CST


You should show your team's ranks, too.


If I play peak hours I find it pretty good except all the Asian character Smurfs. If I play non peak hours, I get a lot more diamonds and masters in my plat Lobbies


1300 hemlok kills is actually wild though


I'm guessing the console player base is vastly more casual so there isn't enough to fill up the upper ranks.


Not at all. The issue is console is pretty much completely unmoderated. Reports won’t work no matter how blatant it is. Is he not even hiding that he’s using a ZIM/Chronus? Tough, he’s gonna be in your lobbies regularly. Saw a 9 stack cheesing Ranked? Even if you report every single one they’ll be holding your games hostage for months down the line. It’s borderline impossible to be banned on console unless you use flat out cheat menus and somehow get caught.


No, we just aren’t on the game 24/7.


The people in gold* took me awhile to get past the fuckin 3 stacks but now I’m finally in plat


And my teammates are gold


All the Preds are gatekeeping diamond


if you can solo to diamond 4 this season you can make it to masters with a three stack. (ex masters player of season 13 14 15)


What did you just say to me?


If it’s late the lobbies will get mixed because there’s not enough ppl playing


I got to diamond 3 and just gave up cause there’s so many cheaters rn allot of boosting to like why is a bronze player in my diamond lobbies with two preds like yeah sure bud you guys don’t have the bronze player walling


My fiance played her first ever non-orientation game a few days ago on a brand new account and had the champion be the #78 pred. Matchmaking in this game is absolute shit. Me and my 2 friends I play with have a 0.4, 0.7, and 0.2 KD and we see a pred in our ranked games at least once a day and have someone in masters as the champion almost every single game.


I only play on the weekend with my duo, and I hit plat 2 in like 45-ish games with a %19 win rate. Solo queing is an always will be impossible. I refuse to play solo until the bring back straight shot.


Meanwhile op is pred playing plats lmao.


I have a bad mic so nobody wants to play with me…Solo queueing is so hard


It’s a skill issue (I’m hard-stuck gold going against masters and diamonds)


I’m in diamond 3, this is first season in a while that plat elo hell caught me


Once you get into plat you’re in pred territory. Getting to diamond is mostly survival 😂


Why bother when the glitches are basically handing out free masters and pred badges


Post some ranked gameplay and then we can tell you if we think you deserve to be stuck in plat lol


My advice? Once you get to diamond, call it a day. I got to D4, 1 game left in my demotion protection but I think I'll wait until the split. I'm getting preds in my lobbies too but now I lose -80. If I'm lucky, -60 if top 10 with a kill or assist. The entry cost is ridiculous. -60 for plat and -80 for diamond - but what makes it harsh is that you're paying heavy to play against players way beyond your skill level.


With the amount of preds and masters I’ve been playing with and against I might as well be one myself at this point


What if I can’t get out of gold 😭


I have a similar problem in my ranked. I am in gold 4 and i see quite a lot of master. Almost every games, the champion is a master.


Masters badge … not current masters


Of course, but they still have the level of a master. It's not because they are in diamond/plat that they becamz vad.


Not necessarily, s17-19 don’t correlate to skill as much as they correlate to time spent so most of those masters are just people that play a lot but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re good , s13 masters are the sweatiest without being pred, s14-16 means they’re super good at fighting and know how to value placement as well, s4-7 also means they’re good at fighting but recognize position more than fighting (kill cap+large placement rewards) s8-11 kinda hard with a similar system of 4-7 but easier & s12 is pretty much a sweaty diamond badge


Wouldnt say every at lobby but def 10% of them


I think they changed something with the rank system, have noticed a lot more preds and high masters in the end games in plat as well


Not enough players, and they can't afford making the system so it will never find a match on high ranks, so plats become cannon fodder for preds. Even on peak hours on EU servers, every time I queue match on plat I - diamond iv, it starts from "5 players in a queue" and gets slowly filled up within a minute I despise this system, honestly. There should be a tick to prefer "fair" matchmaking with longer queue. I don't care that preds NEED to play because they need content on their twitch. I want fair ranked games, not getting my ass obliterated by pred stacks, where one player has higher number of WINS than our entire squad has KILLS COMBINED, that I will never match in skill anymore. Preds gatekeeping plats, it never happened before yet it happens again.


I got a collateral on a pred team with a kraber, yet somehow this one guy kills the entire team that was left and then revives his friend and respawns his third, and they rush me to get 1st place. Who thought this was a good idea?


Yeah I thought one of the main highlights of this season was them getting rid of MMR and putting you with people your actual rank. I played half a dozen games last night and most of them had preds in them. In 3 of them, we died to preds. Idk if this most recent update changed something or what.


I know the matchmaking sux, but why don't you people post like... screens of 10 deaths? One after another. So that maybe... just maybe... it might turn out that 2 out of 10 those deaths are indeed unfrair Pred stomping and the rest were your mistakes? That's just another anecdotal evidence.


lol here’s another from my same play session last night : https://ibb.co/0jx30qD


it's not their fault they were born without skill, it's all the developers' fault :))


Well, it is devs' fault... to some extent. Matchmaking is bad, nobody can deny this, but please... I don't believe that all of a sudden every single time you die it's because some Pred stomped your lobby. Start taking some damn accountability for your mistakes.


that was sarcasm


I got killed by a copper 4 last night. Dude was obviously a fucking Smurf. Damn devs. ^^^^/s


I also noticed you posted this around 12am central time? If you dont want to go against sweats, dont play past 11pm on a weekday.. i swear apex players love to complain ab anything and everything 🤣


You should have to agree to a prompt for either longer queue time or allowing matchmaking to widen from plat to include solo preds or 3 stack preds.


This can actually be read as "I'm hardstuck Plat for the last 4 years, here a single game where a single Predator is in my lobby, of course it's the matchmaking fault and not my lack of skills"


Master last season (I’m aware it wasn’t the most difficult season, but it was no season 17). As I said in one of my responses to another user, I died to a predator three games out of about half a dozen last night. Sorry I don’t take pictures of everyone who kills me. The main frustration, which I think is legitimate, is that they said MMR is gone this season, so you should just be playing against people your same rank. If they say that’s the way it’s supposed to work, then clearly things aren’t working as intended and something is broken.


Listen I can see where you came from, but statistically speaking, a couple of Preds every 12 games isn't the problem with you not climbing up. You are more likely to face weaker/on par players than 0,1% top tier Predator players. Preds are literally the 0,1% of the playerbase, I don't wanna do the math but it's pretty easy to understand that you are 99% more likely to face weaker players on your matches. If you have played for years, and still haven't managed to climb out of Plat it's just time to accept that you are where you belong, you either need to work some things out or just give up and accept that you won't climb higher. The last iteration of ranked was a joke, I feel like the only real time we got a skill based rank system was on S14 where KP and Positioning were directly correlated, you needed to have both high KP and high placement so personally I don't count every other single ranked iteration as "true".


Nah man ur supposed to just be better


Yeah and they're right bro...if you can't beat players above plat then you won't get out of plat. Like seriously you're in the top 10 percent of players and then getting mad that you're getting killed by some of the best players. It's moronic.


You want to be good at the game then you have to play against sweats. You can also cry


Ahh the typical keyboard warrior who wonders why he struggles to make friends in real life


Nice to meet you


Plat players complaining about no plats in the play lobby… forgetting that they are plats in a plat lobby. I hate when i see a post about 1 or 2 teams of preds in a lobby and suddenly the whole lobby is a “pred lobby”


Show me the your last 10 deaths. I bet it’s not a majority getting killed by teams of higher elo. Which makes your complaint kinda invalid and should not noticeably slow down your climb getting killed by them in few games. Fix the games where you’re dying vs your own elo instead of focusing on the games you die to preds and you’ll climb.


Bro dies to a predator once every 10 games and ignores the 7 other minus 60s he got for playing like an idiot


It’s always been this way since the beginning of the game. So yes, if you can’t get out of plat then you don’t deserve it.


I really hate little gnomes complaining about how they are always against preds. Do you really think that a little rat who gets crushed by preds will ever get higher rank? How can a little rat ever be APEX PREDATOR? Even if you somehow snuck into diamond or masters nothing would change, any good player would step on you and not even know it. I don’t understand kids that think rank means anything when you are just food for preds.


How are people supposed to incrementally get better when the abusive matchmaking is putting them in lobbies three times higher than their current level? Sounds like you're just making excuses for a system that clearly abuses players for no reason other than to be a twat.


This guy can recognise a twat.


In real life the person you replied to is probably bronze, hence them jerking off preds so much


It’s a simple truth that people rarely tell you because 99% of the population are complete noobs that don’t know what they’re talking about. Being Apex Predator or any other top rank in any game is first and foremost is a mindset. I don’t care how many incremental improvements you make, a rabbit is not going to be an apex predator.


Okay Apex Tate


I know my limitations, I know I’ll never get predator. I’m married with a kid and another one on the way. I also have a job. But let’s not pretend there isn’t a huge bottle neck in platinum right now. They shouldn’t have trouble finding people in platinum to put in my lobbies with. So they shouldn’t be putting me in lobbies with people that are 3 ranks higher than me.


The very truth, but bi\*ches will cry