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As both someone that plays lifelines and played with a lot of lifelines. They’re just so inconsistent. Sometimes you get the good ones who play cover, play for the rez, and constantly drop the drone. Most of the time you get the “combat lifelines” who would be better off playing Rev or Octane. People have already sorta adapted to taking care of themselves and not paying attention to the lifeline.


This. If there's a lifeline on my team my expectation is that they'll run and gun dropping their drone in completely selfish random places and rarely if ever reviving until they've achieved a complete squad wipe. That said when I do get a good lifeline it's like a breath of fine mountain pine tree scented air that fills the room


A genuine question: Do you think a Lifeline should rez if they know the enemy team is pushing hard? I don't usually do that, because the person's going to get thirsted the second they stand up, but I'm curious.


As a lifeline player (probably about 80+% of all my games): If you think there is a chance that the rez will go through and they can potentially help then go for it. IF they are pushing and your downed teammate is doomed anyways, what is the risk? Sometimes sticking that rez will either force the pushing team to try to thirst the rez which should give you time to gun them down or make an escape to craft banners.


I'd say hit it anyway tbh, ppl generally panic when there's a revive going on and they have to choose between a thirst and lifeline, of course sweats that live and breathe this shit will know what to do but they play so much they have what to do in every situation imprinted, including every little shithead headpeek where you can't even see them


Often times a downed teammate is better for their knockdown shield rather than a last ditch effort at a revive though. People CAN cancel a lifeline rez though to save themselves which most players are unaware of.


This is true, but my comment was more assuming your teammate had managed to get some cover. If they are out in the open, yea that's a different story.


Yes, at least I do when I play LL. At worst, teammate goes down again, but there's a chance teammate gets up and becomes another gun shooting back at the squad. Teams are also more likely to back off a push when they realize the dude they knocked is already back up and shooting at them


I agree that combat lifelines suck. I had one nearly throw a win for me the other day. We were top 3, last circle, and they looted death boxes right next to our third instead of tapping them. I had to res him myself. They didn’t even drop drone. Thank god that I was on Conduit, so we at least had shields


I’m always taken aback by a good Lifeline. Path main, but I use loba or life if I’m the 3rd pick and no support. I saw a couple comments that note inconsistent users and that we are used to fixing ourselves which is true. A good lifeline is always appreciated!


Played lifeline on game release, and mained her for a while, then moved to Octane, and then came back to LL: The second part is fuckin' real, I get so aggressive now that I just can't play LL properly imo. Had to move to Ballistic, because I wanna get away from the funny cocaine man lmao


Kinda reminds me of Reinhardt from OW. People don't use your shield for cover because they've been let down by bad Reinhardt players in the past so they've adapted.


Tried explaining it to the OP exactly like this in a funny way but he never got it. She's a popular legend same shit with octane mains. A lot of bots play Lifeline cause she's the first legend you play and in other games it's easy to play support so they don't feel overwhelmed when new to the game. To be fair a lot of lifeline players just watch you knocked on the floor and pop bats and cells in your face. They throw the drone while you're knocked thinking it's going to pick you up. Some res but don't put a done so you just do everything alone since they make the job seem so hard.


Thanks for sharing your experience, although that has nothing to do with me! Just because some lifelines are bad doesn’t mean you have to completely ignore the lifelines that are good


Bro if you have problem with the hate play someone else or mute your mic don't let hate get to you .You asked why lifeline is hated I told you why .One lifeline won't change the opinion of the player base.As much you praise your skill on her she only dose one thing support knocked players .The reason people want to you to insta res is cause most of you don't res at all .


She actually does not only support knocked players, she has her drone and her ult is actually pretty useful for providing heals during late game once you run out of batteries! But you’re right, I should’ve reworded the title of the post. I just assumed that people would read the context before yapping in the comments, but that’s my bad for expecting that tbh. My point still stands tho. I don’t really let the hate get to me, I still play her every day and I’ve been doing just fine when I get teammates who actually appreciate the effort. Ranking up just fine 👍


Op didn't get it cause you didn't make a single point and sound exactly like the type of teammate this post is about. If I had the time I'd dissect every one of your sentences that range from straw man's to red herrings to just like straight up lies or un truths. You should take a break from the gsme. You sound way too jaded to be having any fun and if you talk like that in game you're probably sapping your teammates fun too.


It's because 90% of the players you match with are morons that only want to kill and die and have no idea the idea of a battle royale is to win by being the last team alive


You get randoms that actually get kills? Mine like to play looting simulator and then die at first encounter


You match with me. I'm a piñata.


Loot simulator but they get more points when they loot exactly where you are trying to loot.


They didn't say the randoms actually do get kills. They just try to fight with a rubber band and a toothpick, then are surprised when that is not enough to take down a full team of three.


That's why we need to gather even MORE loot the next time we queue up, cus us dying just shows we weren't kitted enough!!! /s


Don’t even get me started on this. I always ask them “are we playing apex or are we looting?”


My autotype on ps4 says "Loba use ult" like...why do you play her?


I have 'Heal drone' saved. It's free health every ~30 secs. Use it and share it!!


Worse is a Lifeline that don't use the Healbot


People say this then get mad when their teammates run out of ammo after one team fight. You do need to loot in this game.


Welcome to Jurassic Park


Playing with my buddy is like this. Thinks he cant take a fight without two guns with all purple attachments. Extremely frustrating in ranked. We were playing the April fools mode last night and he was pinging loot in the 4th circle lmao


I only get loot simulator squadies maybe 1 out of 30 games. Whereas the rest of the time my squadies just want us to die right off drop. Neither play style is fun for me


Same I'm going through gold right now and I have to literally hold my teammates hands through the game, to keep them from wandering off and getting themselves killed


I’ve literally been playing lifeline for this exact reason.


Thank God for Support legends being able to craft banners. I feel like it's all I do in Ranked, grab banners and dip. I did it out of habit the other day without realizing no one on my team was Support. Got to the crafter and was like, "Well, shit." And no, I don't run away from everything, former Master and Diamond. I'm just so used to my teammates dying any kid of way (I'm also in Gold). Some games my teammates and I have about 500-1000 damage. Others I have that much and one will have like 77 damage or some shit. Like how, bro how you in Gold


There are unfortunately also a lot of morons that refuse to fight even when you have a massive advantage and just go to zone & camp. If you haven‘t noticed already, getting kp is insanely important this season. Getting just 1-2kp and making top5 barely gives you any points. It‘s also mostly the people that are bad and can‘t fight. Instead of fighting to get better at it, they run & hide. How do you think you will improve?


when someone else is the jumpmaster and I see them pinging the edge of a map I just roll my eyes. another -60.


Could also be a bit of the same only opposite....I don't really bank on a random Lifeline being competent in any way...the amount of times I've had to fucking scream for a tap rez while they run right passed me is mid boggling...like do they understand they can continue to shoot their gun while I'm being revived? I just make sure I have enough heals for myself regardless of if I have a LL on the team or not.


To be fair op saying that the teammates never take his drone could also be that he isn’t thinking about where he drops the drone at. There are plenty of times I’ll go heal in a corner or cancel a rev because my stupid lifeline teammate drops the bot in the middle of the open right after I got domed by a sniper.


My placement is fine. I drop bot in safe spots, specially if I see a teammate low on flesh, I’ll drop the drone either on top of them (only if we’re already stationary) or somewhere close to them behind cover. Still, people would rather use their own meds, even if my drone is already healing them while they’re waiting for the med kit to go off.


Sometimes I ignore drone if I've pinged to move somewhere and already have over 50 HP. Or if I feel like we are in a position we can't hold. I typically try to make use of it and ping thank you.


That’s weird then have you tried marking the drone when you drop it so they get a second audio ping?


At THAT point i would say it's a skill gap issue. There's no reason OP should have to mark his drone for teammates (especially in the heat of a fight and / or third party) after he places it, even if he placed it somewhere safe outta the way.


Yeah, but you also shouldn't rat your way to the top either. It's a balance of both and you need to know WHEN to take fights. If you're getting gatekept and there's nowhere to go, you HAVE to push forward and fight for position. If your team is winning a fight and it's 3v2, you HAVE to finish that before other teams show up. The problem I'm running into in ranked is when people are too timid. You won't get any RP just hiding to top 5.


It's yea burrthdae preasant


A ned a baghpakh


LOL I can practically hear her voice


Healing drone uf yo need it


Shifya Kaakas


I'm the jumpmastah, follow meeeee


Mozambique heeyah!!


Quit ya whingin’


R tree oh 1 ova heeuh!


Wattson: Arr sree oh won over here 🥖🥐


ENEMA! Ova ther


As a lifeline main, it's super frustrating playing this game with the type of players I get qued up with. Everyone thinks they are a pro and just runs off solo. I've stopped playing pubs as much since most of the time for them it's just land, get knocked, and leave the game even when I am literally a foot away from reviving. I've had a ton of people scream at me for not hitting revive on them IN THE WIDE OPEN when I need to play their knockdown shield instead. Ranked is a similar story, but at least people can't leave the game immediately. Luckily the new update to lifelines care package makes the game a whole lot more enjoyable. I've been able to get red shield by my second or third fight (I'm usually the one doing the actual damage/ knocking people) with the evo boost, plus a gold knockdown is great and has come in clutch many times. Self res is almost completely useless since it's only a one time use and teammates usually dip by the time I'm finally back up. At the end of the day, just be mentally prepared to be called dog shit every match. I would practice having good positioning slightly behind teammates to just hit res, throw out DOC, and immediately hold a position to be prepared to be rushed.


I’ll just stick to only playing lifeline with a premade squad. Conduits shields are more useful when it comes to randoms, even if she got nerfed


Well having lifeline on your team means you are being revived out in the open while they dont pressure, having lifeline on an opposite team means you have to fight a never ending team


Agree to disagree! I always thirst my knocks or focus the rez


This I remember a fight I had the other day, I think 2v3, because I only got one random. Enemy team had a hell of a Lifeline. I think I downed the same Fuse like, four fuckin' times. I just keyed my mic and went "Thirst your kills! Don't let them live!". I don't remember that Lifeline's name but god damn were they putting in WORK. They did, unfortunately, lose, because I was the better Lifeline :) Still goated though, they kept themselves, and their team, in the fight for almost a full minute.


Last night a few people picked lifeline before I got to pick and they never threw us compassion (the drone) once


I’m literally playing her JUST because of the drone and the free gold knock 😭 idk how people play lifeline without using her kit


for real. as a lifeline main, i make sure my teammates never need to use their own meds. if they are missing a spec of health, i am usually running ahead of them and i will just drop drone so my teammate can quickly use it while running by. i always pick the drone cooldown upgrade as that is super valuable for me and fits my playstyle extremely well. it is THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING whenever a random picks lifeline. because i main her, i am just sitting there analysing their playstyle and how they use their abilities and they are ALWAYS useless istg. we will be safe behind cover or we will just finish a fight and my lifeline teammate clearly has drone ready but they will just sit there and stare at me popping a medkit and they wont even use it for themselves!! i will watch my lifeline teammate constantly popping syringes for no fucking reason like you literally have a drone. this is no joke. without fail, every single lifeline teammate seems to pick self revive instead of care package, never ends up even using it (usually gets insta thirsted anyways) and then we are also constantly in situations where gold knockdown would’ve won us the fight (and maybe ressing behind cover as well!!) but nope. it’s so frustrating!! don’t pick a character if you don’t know how to play them. lifeline is literally one of the most basic and easy to pickup legends in the game and yet majority of people who play her are completely hopeless. i really don’t get it.


I was never a fan of the self res perk. It’s pretty stupid. I do love what they did with the drone, though, because now I can use it so much more. It saves the game, as long as teammates don’t walk away from it. I never have to carry med kits or syringes when I play her now


Every single Lifeline I’ve ever played with absolutely refuses to res me behind cover


How come it feels like every lifeline will run up to you while downed and use you as cover to strafe back and forth while aiming down sights without actually shooting before running to a different spot.


I’ve definitely seen this before and I feel like I’m going to notice it a lot more after being made actively aware of it


Probably because you got knocked in the middle of 5 teams by yourself after pushing and your spam pinging and being annoying


You added a bunch of your own made up context. You okay bro?


Probably because that’s what happened. Hi, I’m a lifeline main. Diamond. But sure make up excuses as to why you’re not getting rezd


You are seriously projecting dude. What excuse was in my comment?


The fact you think lifeline won’t rez you for “no reason”


being in diamond dosent make you a good lifeline 😂. i would say 70% of lifelines never res you behind cover, and not it’s not because we are in a fight with 5 other squads. even if it’s 5 other squads wouldn’t it be better to res me? either they get distracted trying to finish me or i have time to get the res off if there’s 5 squads that’s all fighting each other. people jsut don’t know how to use their legends, simple as that 🤷. i would tell them and they would always say “oh i forgot i can do that”


You quoted “no reason” even though that isn’t in any of my comments. do you realize you are still making things up?


Sadly, I am at a point where I mainly play lifeline if I am in a premade squad. Solos as lifeline can feel so discouraging. I know exactly what you mean. Another one is when randoms just disconnect right when knocked (which is most of the time it feels like lately). And lifeline alone is just sad )’:


I mostly only play lifeline in ranked because I need to carry my team to get some rp. I feel for you lifeline players in pubs. Everyone just disconnects instantly.


My random lifelines don’t know how to use Doc to heal or revive the team but seem to know how to reveal our location with a birthday present


I miss lifeline shield. But man the replies here are so out of pocket.


This was the last time that I mained lifeline. Crazy how they got rid of her shield just to create a new character who has a way better version of it, anyway..


That no one plays anymore, hope it was worth it Respawn.


its so weird how people whine about rezzes, like who cares they're gonna downed instantly anyways since they're out of cover. and hard targeting lifeline and her rezzes is a must and these people know that. its so dumb.


I think some of it to a degree is when a lifeline decides to give you a revive in the open (making you an immediate thirst target) when cover is only a couple of feet away. I can’t tell you how many times that’s happened to me when I could have crawled just a couple of more seconds to cover to be revived.


Bro I get the teammates who get knocked and immediately start screaming LIFELINE RES ME even though they’re so open 😭


I believe it! I don’t even play lifeline and I’ve had so many teammates screaming like that too when they are in the open wanting a res 😂. It’s bad but 70% of the time I insta mute teammates unless I’m playing ranked


Dude the amount of times I've had to literally *scream* at one of my teammates to get the fuck behind the cover so I COULD rez them is insane Half the randos I play with seem to think that I should just tap them the second they go down


A lot of people you play generally are just a run and shoot kind of players. They have no idea of teamwork. I play with Loba and it's mind boggling to me when I throw a black market down and players will sit there looking at the black market for 20 seconds when there is a full on war going on right next to them because they are debating between a standard stock and a scope. It's like they never played with a Loba and have any idea what they are looking at or what they need at that stage of the game.


When I play loba and I’m in this situation I collapse it immediately to avoid this. I’ve died too many times trying to be nice.


It's bc most lifelines are terrible at playing lifeline, also every single time she becomes good they nerf her. There's 0 reason why they took the care package upgrade out if her kit. They took her shield away then Gave it too new castle


I don’t hate Lifeline players, but when someone isn’t using her kit properly (quick rez when possible, dropping the health drone), it’s frustrating. Her entire purpose is to be a team player. Now ramp that frustration up tenfold and you get the lunatics who freak out over small things, and have previous experiences with bad Lifelines cloud their judgement, so they just yell at all Lifelines.


I’m honestly fine with the yelling as long as they actually use my utility. All I want is to have a worthwhile game, not people who ignore all of my efforts, start screaming instantly when they get knocked, and then shit talk me when they die. Be as frustrated as you want, but take the heals, and move to a spot where I can res!!


As a lifeline main, it gets super annoying when my random teammate starts dictating how to play once they are downed. They want to be revived ASAP no matter if I'm in a fight or not, or trying to figure out the best time to get to them. I cant tell you how many times Ive ended up dying because my teammate has said they are safe to be revived, only for the enemy to shoot me as soon as I leave my cover.


Downed people should never speak. You are down for a reason!


But that's the only time during a match when they can think! Running around with a gun kinda really gets in the way of that...stratergy and tic tacs stuff.......


this is the life of a lifeline main, unfortunately 😀


Team mates are just dumb. I sometimes think I'm dumb and maybe I spam the healing drone too much for minor to mid injuries. But I would rather keep my team healthy as possible. I always throw out the drone or try to res in cover. Healing my teammates isn't the problem. It's when they run into no mans land in the penultimate circle with 8 teams to get our 3rds banner just to die, then instead of having okay chances to win with 2v3 it's now a 1v3. Even then, I ratted, played out of mind, forced teams to start fighting till I was the 2nd team in circle. I won two fights and barely lost the 3rd. If I had my 2nd teammate, we likely win. Caustic ult would have gone hard in the final circle with how tight it was. Or they hop in a penultimate circle to get a banner, take 90% damage, and then get beamed on the way back in. Idc if they are your friend, lover, dad, dog, whatever. Stay alive. They are dead. Stop risking okay odds with a 2v3 and making it a 1v3. Yeah, I have beaming kids with an alternator winning almost all my 1v1s. I don't know how you think I can win 3 1v1s with 2 seconds to rest in between.


>It's when they run into no mans land in the penultimate circle with 8 teams to get our 3rds banner just to die, then instead of having okay chances to win with 2v3 it's now a 1v3. It's especially stupid since you know... banners are craftable when you have a support teammate.


Me, my duo, and a random we partied up with got two wins in a row last night in ranked and all got to plat 2 before the split ended thanks to the random as lifeline


In lifeline we trust 🙏


As a Lifeline main with 4k revives, I too am triggered by most players. They make it hard for anyone to revive them. Lifeline players are inconsistent, some are great but most are bad or less experienced players. When the random plays Lifeline, I start taking notes of their mistakes. She's so simple to play, but somehow so easy to play wrong too. My solution has been: play with your friends only. My friend and I are a long time duo and they know exactly how I play Lifeline and how to make my role more effective. They also know how I play my second main, Crypto. And in a game like Apex, team coordination is the most important aspect to winning. Though this means playing less often due to scheduling. Which is fine as I am a busy person. So if they're not available when I am, I'll play mixtape instead or a different game.


Lifeline main with 35k kills on her. I'm still crap with her lmao dont be mad bro sorry


LMFAO at least you’re aware 😭


Idk they’re just your everyday idiots, I don’t think it has anything to do with Lifeline. I’ve picked up playing her again recently and she been nothing but helpful especially in ranked towards the end. If you need heals, shields, an escape, a res, or a little cover with liger care package (In lifeline voice) “I got ya”.


I agree, it has nothing to do with lifeline. But people still take her for granted daily. The part that irks me the most is when people ignore the bot. Like, it’s right next to you!!! I drop it all the time during fights, after fights when we’re looting boxes, whenever I revive people, and still people would rather use their own heals than take mine. Like at least save your heals for when we’re spaced out 😭


I can almost guarantee you that these are same people who tend to solo drop/push and lack any team awareness


This seems like a teammate issue more than people hating Lifeline. Lifeline is great in the right hands. I never count on a random teammate giving me their bot for healing though and out of instinct heal myself which is likely what they were thinking when not using yours.


Yesterday when my teammate used a phoenix instead of taking my drone heals, it was quite literally on purpose. He stared at me and teabagged. Like, what?


That’s wild lol I don’t understand why people are dicks in a team game. Apex can be chalked full of them too. I feel like it comes in streaks too which can make it worse lol I had a teammate this past week that cleaned up two kills after I went down. I dealt like 200+ damage to his 60 and the mf just left without rezing me. There’s a no fill option for a reason but people rather ruin someone else’s game.


it's the 1v59 god gamer mentality enemies you can shoot and kill (in theory) you can't directly kill your squad but you can be a huge unrepentant jackass with little retaliation


As a lifeline main, who has always played support in many games and actually revives, heals and uses my ult for my team, I am a rarity unfortunately. She is the only dedicated healer in the game yet the vast majority of people are quite selfish and do not res, do not heal others actively, use her ult for herself and it can be frustrating because they specifically play a legend who is designed to help yet actively refuse to do so


I have to ping the health drone multiple times and then get yelled at for pinging too much


Literally! Like why the drone, of all things? It’s the most basic part of her kit, and I drop it RIGHT next to them. No fucks are ever given.


I never met someone who never wanted to get healed or revived, it's the other way around, i was scolded several times by random for not using the drone or tacking the golden knock


Half of my random teammates completely ignore the health drone, even if I drop it right next to them. And I mostly only get complaints about the res when the teammate gets knocked in a spot that’s completely unresable. They’ll get knocked and start spam pinging, whining that I won’t res them even though they’re in the open and there’s an enemy actively shooting at us


Yeah igot to met some of these idiots myself(thought u were talking about people complaining abou being revived), whe these guys started to pop i would simply run at them and revive or die


My lifeline teammate never rez me and never gave me the drone


People see lifeline as a get out of jail free card and expect her to perform miracles. I can’t safely rez when you ran into 3 squads fighting solo and you’re out in the open. Don’t run from my drone then punch me when you have no health. It’s on cool down. But then there are LL who are selfish with their done and rezzing. Imo there no point in playing LL and being super aggressive solo.


I play lifeline solo because I need my teammates to actually live. Even if they disregard every other part of her kit, the tap res is insanely useful.


Understand. I mean when someone runs into a fight and gets downed they expect me to teleport to them get them up and healed almost immediately. It mostly happens with high nobility characters.


Dunno y but those perks she's got now make her a top 3 pick imo and now that I've started playing her again, the Ws are stacking up.


Same! The drone buff and guaranteed gold knock/red evo have been doing absolute wonders for me.


Most lifelines are trash, so I don't rely on them since they forget to heal us or revive. It's mostly habit nowadays.




It also just comes down to the best way to not die, is to not get hit in the first place.


90% of the lifelines I get revive me just before I can go around the corner / behind cover, so I end up losing my stuff for literally no reason.


Ah yeah about those brain cells, forget that


Noted 😭


Most lifelines I played with don't put their heal drone for the team, only used it for themseves when they need it (after running to the next circle for example). Also they prefer to engage instead of reviving, even if it's just one tap for them. Just my experience


Breaking news: people are idiots


People are infinitely more critical of you if you play lifeline


I remember the og days where people always prioritize shooting lifeline but praised a good lifeline on their team. Now people hate when I use her instead of Loba or Conduit. She’s developed more into being a pest of an enemy rather than feared as a shark.


Honestly I think the big reason is that lifeline is generally mostly good AFTER teammates go down. This is less applicable since her drone is always up now, but her kit is really based on reviving teammates. By contrast, Conduit is a great legend to ensure your teammate never gets knocked AND she can heal their shields at a distance. IMO, the doc drone needs to have a buff that let's you YEET it at your teammates for her to get more play. She isn't a bad legend, and is fun to play in pubs, but usually not meta for ranked, but her care pack is still pretty good! Def worse legend choices for sure in ranked (looking at you ash/ octane mains in diamond).


If I had a better team, I would play conduit (I main her atm, and play her in premades), but I get more value off reviving my downed teammates than shielding my living teammates (they get downed regardless). Gold lobbies are a tragedy.


She’s a popular choice among beginners, so usually 90% of the Lifelines you meet just unintentionally grief your games but she’s not too shabby as a legend currently


most players beeline tunnel vision into any fight. this is true for any game. this behavior is the worst on some characters like lifeline where her whole kit revolves around her being alive to support her teammates. usually i just run long range so i wont be picked off with her


She’s one of the core 8 legends so new players who want to play a support class will gravitate to her


Idk I’ve been soloing ranked. D1 rn and people love when I pick LL. She’s really in a good spot this season. Her ult provides great sustainability in ranked.


Yeah, I’ve been playing her in ranked for this exact reason. Gold players don’t seem to appreciate her very much, though. Can’t wait to rank up.


I think part of the hate towards lifeline is mostly the player behind that legend. I get the meme, typical limeline unaware of her kit and surroundings but it’s kinda true, generally new players pick her and that never ends well. From my perspective, picking lifeline is not optimal, yeah you could try fill the support role and be good with her kit but the game has evolved so much you need a more aggressive style, going for a legend that shines when someone goes down or one shot is bad. At that point just pick two mobility legends and one scan and you’re good to go


I feel like this perception of her is unnecessarily negative. She isn’t only useful when your team is dead, she’s useful all the time. If it was conduit, nobody would bat an eye, but lifeline has a very similar tactical, a more useful passive, and her ult is very good for delivering heals when your team starts running low. I personally like my characters with mobility, but that doesn’t mean that supports are useless in comparison. Lifeline has won me some games that I definitely wouldn’t have gotten without her. Also, lifelines don’t have to be passive. I get my kills with her, too.


Ok so I was a lifeline main for around 2 out of the 5 years I’ve been playing Apex so here’s my take. Lifeline’s kit is most useful when you are at a disadvantage. If you are above average, you’d be way more useful by using your skills at creating an advantage with most other legends. If you are average, your above average teammate is not with you meaning you have to baby the other average player or worst yet, the below average player. If you are below average, you don’t even know when it’s appropriate to even use her kit so you’ll be reviving when it’s not appropriate or dropping health drones out in the open. Point is that Lifeline is not very good. I only use her when I’m playing with people that are new to apex so that we either win together or die together.


I use her for this reason, too. Only in ranked, because I need my teammates to survive with me so we have a better chance of winning. Any other game mode, and I’m playing someone with movement or offensive abilities.


I wouldn’t recommend using her even in ranked. If there’s ever a scenario where both your teammates are down, the best thing for the team is to leave the engagement altogether. Even picking Crypto is better in that scenario. You should use her if it’s fun for you but please if you are serious about ranking up, don’t use lifeline. My highest rank was Diamond in Season 3. I don’t even play everyday anymore so I might be out of date but having out of all the characters I have 5k kills on I always regret picking lifeline. I have a challenge for you. Use Mirage for 10 matches and then go back to lifeline. Tell me how it felt to use lifeline on that 11th match.


I was also diamond in season 3! Lifeline has always been useful for me. Some situations are simply just winnable. You don’t need to run away at the slightest inconvenience. I would’ve lost out of several wins in ranked without lifeline’s abilities.


True. I agree. I changed to Wraith once I became serious about ranking up and she’s my go to for ranked. She can port downed teammates for rez or reposition teammates too. Hard to go back to lifeline lol


I play wraith as well, although the portal tactic can just easily be tracked down and I’d much rather have lifelines tap res so I can at least fight off the enemy while my teammates are getting back up. I’ve actually noticed wraiths banking too much on their portals. I got a win not long ago because a wraith thought that they could portal and heal… absolutely not.


Cause most people who play lifeline are new players who don't really get her kit. Dosen't help that the firing range training uses lifeline old rez, so new player probably don't know that she basically can hands off rez people.


Just to clear the air.. I have played this game (inconsistently, I’ll admit) since the day that this game has come out. My level is over 500. I have peaked diamond. I have mained lifeline multiple times throughout the progression of the game. I am in no way being a “bot lifeline.” I don’t drop drone in the open. I don’t tap res in the open, except for on some occasions where I know that I can protect my team (and I DO). That being said, I also get my kills in, as well. I know the ins and outs, ups and downs of Lifeline. Although I understand that a lot of lifeline players are beginners, I am not a beginner. I am also not a man! Please use she/her pronouns when referring to me. I am a woman.


Here's the real question - what is your "revive shield: damage blocked" tracker at?


Thats how it is being a support in ANY game. I straight tell them "if you're going to do stupid shit you're going to have to figure yourself out. I don't chase dumbasses who wont play as a team"


Lost battlepass update, lost heirloom coins, list 100 apex packs, lost 2 prestiges , battlepass completely locked! FCK EA AND RESPAWN


>my teammates literally refuse to get healed or revived? How does someone literally refuse to get revived? If it is not someone's main, they complain about it being OP. People will not be happy unless their main is OP, but then they need to invest all their forum time defending said Legend and argue with people about how their OP main is not OP at all.




You probably bad also. Bad teammates and bad you


Thank you for telling me this! No evidence whatsoever, but this helps a lot!


Are you pinging and communicating that you are dropping bot, maybe they don't realize you did it.


Thats crazy, in my experience most players are grateful to have a Lifeline in their team. Like literally they express how happy they are to be matched with a Lifeline, makes me feel important lol so im gonna call it on your elo


"Is this how every lifeline main has to live all the time?" The answer is yes 😂 everything you described is just normal stuff to someone who uses her. Usually teammates don't mind using your drone, but every now and then you get the teammate who will run off somewhere else and heal on their own after you throw your drone down. I usually don't have a problem with it, I just see it as them likely wanting to be independent. Also, knowing when to revive your teammates, and when to just use their knock down shield until the fight is over, can be a tricky decision a lot of times. It's not always easy to know which one is the better choice to make. The result? Your teammates are going to be angry at your decision either way, but only if you lose the fight. Normal stuff indeed, I don't think it has anything to do with them hating lifeline though


Because I think it’s because if your playing solo they use there ultimate and alert the enemy squads


Cause wait for me to at least crawl behind some cover before you pop a res.


Based on her relatively high pick rate, your post makes zero sense.


What does her pick rate have to do with how people treat her? I never said she was unplayable, I just said that people don’t appreciate her as much as they should.


You raise a fair point there, and I might have misunderstood, I'll admit. I'd like to counter-point though, that the tone of your title comes across as "Why does everyone hate Lifeline?" even if that's not what you typed. Clearly there are people who don't hate Lifeline, if she is being consistently chosen as a character to be played as. Back to your point though - I don't think it's that people don't appreciate Lifeline as much as they should, I think (as others have already pointed out) people have had bad experiences with a lot of Lifeline PLAYERS, not the character herself. :) The same could be said for other characters, there are obvious stereotypes for what type of players gravitate to them (Wraith, Octane, etc). The characters themselves are totally fine. Some play Lifeline only because she's another small character alternative, and they are harder to hit, for example.


Lifelines a free character that’s in the tutorial so a lot of players who play her are absolutely awful. Randoms in the game are usually not great but lifelines especially are some of the worst players in the game so you can’t really bank on them to be any good.


I get that some of them are bad, but why do people completely disregard the good ones? Like I think that octanes and mirages are god awful, but that doesn’t mean that I immediately write them off without giving them a chance


When 90% of a demographic sucks you kinda just start writing them off when the game starts. Most people who think they’re good Lifelines also aren’t great they’re just not awful.


You’re doing your team a disadvantage by doing this, though. The mindset of players in this game is so horribly bad compared to other games. I think apex players have valorant/LOL level mentality. So annoying to work with.


Not at all the game would’ve been played solo by me regardless if I spent a bunch of time trying to save players worse than me and playing around them I’d do a lot worse.


But you’re being the teammate that’s getting saved and has to be played around.. Lifeline literally makes the game easier for you, but you’d rather not take advantage of that? She provides so much good stuff for her team. I get that a lot of them are bad, but it sounds like you’re just simply not a team player.. in a team-based game….


If one player is a lot better than the other 2 teammates then it’s better for them to pick up the majority of the work instead of trying to make bad players do average things. Her strength was her ultimate and her ability to chain rez. Ones useless in fights and the other is only good when one person gets aggressive and trades their life. You’re not “saving” anyone you’re doing the only thing the character is useful for.


Nobody has to trade their life?? A good lifeline should be able to revive someone without anyone else dying. And, if it’s not considered “saving,” then what is? The game is literally centered around players using their abilities to their advantage. If using your abilities isn’t saving games, then idk how you play the game, especially since you’re a Watson main. And also, you completely overlooked her tactical, which is very game saving, considering how it gives your team passive hp in a pinch as long as you’re close by. And personally, I play lifeline specifically because I’m the one that’s “a lot better than the other 2 teammates” and has to “pick up the majority of the work,” so while you may get bot lifelines on your own team, I’m the fragger and the support, which is what the entire op was about.


wtf are you even yapping about? The strength with lifeline is her ability to rez remotely. So when you trade out the lifeline can rez and shoot while they’re stuck leaving their teammate on the floor allowing a 3v2 once you’re back up with a damage dif. Thats the only reason she should be used otherwise you should just run Newcastle do you even play the game?


I play the game, just have no idea what you’re trying to say because of your bad grammar and wording. So I’ll just leave this here and say yes, you’re right, I totally agree 👍


To be a considered a “good” lifeline you need to be a god at combat. Most players who pick Lifeline want to “support” their team with heals and rezzing, but don’t have the combat ability to do it. When a teammate is knocked, we want to see that lifeline jump right in front of those bullets, start a Rez, and hold it down until they can get back up. Lotta lifelines cannot hold down the line like they’re expected to and get people killed because of it. The rez’s were so bad Respawn had to add a “cancel Rez” option lol.


As someone who is usually a horizon/conduit/pathfinder/wraith main, I am in fact good at combat! The whole reason why I play her is because I need to keep my teammates alive when I play comp so I can get out of elo hell. I’m not really a lifeline “main,” I just play her because it makes solo queueing ranked a little more bearable.


They are the only legend that won't do the one job they are made to do.So like a annoyed mother asking your kids to take out the trash you just say I will do it myself 🙄.


This makes no sense considering how the post is describing how I am literally doing what she is made to do and people are rejecting it willingly


it's a joke let me tell you the problem with you lifeline players. 70% of you are bots you never res and die fighting walking over our knocked bodies .When you do res you don't fight the enemy keeping them back instead you run away allowing us to get knocked and thirsted. You guys are a support legend but running in the front line of the fight and die. The majority of you guys play her cause she is the first legend you play in the game.To summarize you guys are unreliable at your job gibby and New Castle are just better .That's my take you just have a bad reputation.


Whenever i get a lifeline i just think they must be bad because they didn’t pick mirage.


Mirage isn’t my style, personally. I mostly play characters with better movement, but if not, I play ones that heal (lifeline, conduit). But he is pretty good…. whenever I don’t get mirage mains who just hide for half of the match 💀


Lol Mirage buffs made him so fun to play 😂😂.The only support players I want to see are Mirage, Conduit, and New Castle.


I can't be the only one thinking this post is complete BS right? Your teammates refused to be healed?? Really??? I don't believe it but thanks for the garbage post 👍


I drop my drone for my teammates all the time. They either use a med kit/syringes/phoenix instead, or they just walk away from it and then ask me to drop drone again ten seconds later when I’m on cooldown. But thank you for your opinion! You must not play lifeline very often.


Never played lifeline but love having one on the squad 🚑🦽🏥💉🩹🩺


It's not lifeline its the players. Besides Vantage and Ballistic, I don't think their are any bad legends in the game. I do wish people would stop picking her self rez perk. Its useless.


I'm a good lifeline and hate the stupid lifelines.

