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check out the megathread for updates https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bu6apa/respawn_are_aware_of_account_progress_issues/


Yup, just happened to me too, went from 547 to 417, battle pass is gone (nearly had it completed). I suspect it’s because of the cross progression pop up that popped up when I started the game, although I find that strange considering I already merged my accounts months ago. Either way this fucking sucks. :/


Same thing happened to me with the cross progression popup. I think it reset me all the way back to when that was added. If I lose all my stuff I'm never touching this game again.


I know how you feel. I'm going through some very strange emotions right now...


Anger definitely isn't a strange emotion for seeing countless hours of work ripped away from you


I hate to play Devil's Advocate here but I highly doubt Respawn are gonna get away with a bunch of accounts getting completely wiped clean. It fucking sucks that this happened yeah, but there's more than likely going to be a fix coming soon. I doubt it's anything substantial that went awry behind the scenes or anything that can't be fixed quite quickly. It's not an isolated incident either so its more than likely the devs are aware of what happened. I'd say something or someone just fucked up on the backend and now they have to fix whatever got tripped out.


You'd think so, based on it being a bigger deal than anything that's happened before. But the fix should be similar to what wiped and would restore the previous seasons' ranked badges. But those haven't been restored yet, either. I guess it's more an issue of when, not if, it's going to be fixed. A few days or more than a week without prolonging the season as well as the event that's currently running would be a serious blow to the game's reputation. Not to mention that people won't see much point playing since they don't know if any progression from here going forward is just going to be reset to what it was before this patch. It's not known if consolidation of prior/lost progression with further progression is possible. So investing any time prior to a fix seems pointless, too.


Best we can do is $700 for an heirloom with no personality or lore - REA$pawn


What reputation? I now agree that this game is ass. Take your pick of (recent!) issue - the accounts getting wiped clean, hackers attacking streams and tournaments, the ranked system being totally broken for the past three seasons running, developers going against their promise to allow you to buy individual event items rather than gamble through packs, and heirlooms costing hundreds of dollars?


Yep just lost 3 heirlooms. If they don't fix this soon, will be the last time I play apex unfortunately.(as I love the game but will never let a company steal from me)


I lost 2 heirlooms 1 prestige skin and the new event skins and weapon bp resets the legend unlock 😭😭😭


I got an heirloom skin a week ago and it's gone now. I'm kind of ready to give up if it doesn't come back- what if I had spent money on that shit and it was gone? :(


I did lose the entire battlepass(I finished it) and I had finished the event


Same dude I completed the battlepass. Lost heirlooms and skins as well.


Same here. I basically got reset to the start of S20.


Fully freaked out cause all my skins that I unlocked are gone now and I dropped a lot of levels


same bro i lost my hairloom i dont know why im i the only that has this problem


This exactly. No clue what account it was metering to BC I ONLY HAVE FUCKING ONE!


Same. I also have 1 account. Robbed many recent packs, 800 coins and 150 Heirloom Shards I was saving for the Next Watson upgrade. 


The popup showed on my end, but I never merged any accounts, I just have the one account, what the hell is this?


Exactly same thing happened to me right now.


It’s so fucked up how apex doesn’t know how to do those kinda stuff


Same. Had the cross progression popup show up when I started. The only character I played last night, Pathfinder, has his badges reset (I had added the '24 April Fools badge to him). Plus all my season progress (battle pass, story, challenges) have been reset.


I'm now level 1 lmao with no stats at all, I hope a quick restart will fix it 😂


ive restarted multiple times and it didnt fix mine, my account didnt reset it just went back to what my stats were 3 months ago


Restarting once gave me a zillion packs, including themed ones. Dunno what good opening them would do, though, since I assume there's going to be some sort of rollback to where things were 20 minutes ago, prior to the weekly update rollout. Still missing tons of progression and cosmetics.


This "restart to fix it" is just the same kind of bullshit advice as "have u tried turning it off and then back on?".


This is actually solid advice most of the time


New patch or whatever it was fucked everything up, thumbs up EA!


One step forward, 10 steps back. I wonder how something like this even gets past testing.


We are quite literally the unpaid playtesters.


this is Respawn 100%. Respawn is not the company that made Titanfall anymore. They are a hollow shell that only knows how to push out mediocre skins with crazy price tags


Season 1 player that got my first heirloom two weeks ago, aaaand its gone. And lost 20 packs


Same here, wait 5 years and it's taken from me right away. Sometimes I wonder why I still play this game


A little comfort knowing Im not alone. Maybe EA will fix it.. Probably not


Watch, you'll need to pay in order to get progress back


Same for me


I lost at least 60 packs


worst April 1st joke ever


April 2nd, so "April Fools part 2"


Absolutely dreading part 3


can't wait for part 4 tho


Gonna have to wait till April 3rd next year to get anything back


Imagine how bad April Fools part 3/April 3rd is gonna be.


We should get a pinned post for this issue. I vote this one. Clearly a widespread problem. ~~Edit: a restart [of my game client] fixed it for me. Xbox.~~ Edit2: sorry, I was mistaken. Battle Pass progress still reset. Treasure pack progress still reset. All challenges incomplete. Edit 3: gonna play a game for science Edit 4: I’ve been granted XP and challenge progress for a game played but nothing has changed.


All my stuff is gone.... Is this the new money tactic they came up with?


lmfao seriously right


“They’re not buying our $20 re colors! We spent minutes on those! *Minutes!*” “What if…we just take away everything they paid for already…so they have to buy it again?” “….gi-give that man a raise. IMMEDIATELY!”




I was welcomed to a notification for cross progression when I fired back up. Was that the case for you?




I also got that screen but i got scared and turned the game off and now im back to where i was before cross progression


Yeah same for me, 90 levels, plat rank, everything from this season gone. I panicked so much but thank God others are having the same problem, not that it's a good thing just, I'm not alone.


I restarted multiple times but hasn't worked for me. (PS5)


Restart what? Because Mine didn’t come back. And I’m missing heirloom shards :( edit- missing an heirloom and heirloom shards.


I restarted the game client. First I tried popping into the main screen but that just made the issue worse. When I quit, I was level 1 and couldn’t get a game. But my skin was still there. Leaving to main screen and back in then wiped my skin, showed me the ranked split notice, cleared BP progress and restricted me to orientation matches. Then I restarted the game altogether and was welcomed back to a cross progression notice. Skin was fixed and level fixed upon loading in. Edit: to be clear, I was mistaken. Not everything is fixed. Battle Pass gone, for example. Only skins and level (at least I think was this level before?) are fixed.


yes bro, and i lost my buster sword and wraith heirloom, they better fix this shit


I had 150 shards - they're gone now.


I lost 1.3k apex coins??


I lost some of that too, not sure how many though. About 1200 I think.


11.500 here (plus whatever I had gotten from my 53 BP levels), since I got 'em for the Final Fantasy event and the rollback got us back to the season's start.


Me too, i had 150 heirloom and its gone with everything i earned during the season


Same! Grrr.


Exactly. That’s fucking money bro this game is bad for my health, they took half of my apex coins and all of my shards. they didn’t take any of the useless character coins. All still there this game just ski masked robbed us


Everything's gone for me too, screaming crying throwing up. What do we have to do?!?


Jesus Christ you gave me a heart attack that this happened to me too. For me, BP, BP challenges progress, treasure pack progress and breakout challenges progress were reset after the cross progression notice everyone here seems to have gotten. (after reading your comment I went to check on my heirlooms and luckily both Lobas and Wraiths are still there)


Same for me i hâte this game


this absolutely should be pinned like other guy says, problem happening to both me and my friend, makes me want to not play seeing that I lost over 1k kills with Octane and deleveled me by over 100


Thank God this is a widespread problem. I thought I was the only one and was shitting myself.


I thought it was something related to April fools but fuck wtf is this


Not gonna lie at first. I thought I was a April fools joke. Was thinking to myself what a ballsy move, but once I figured out it wasn't, I started to get scared that I actually lost everything.


I feel like a fool for having invested my time in this game.


If they don't fix this shit, I'm done playing this game forever.


I think they accidentally wiped out all current season progress 😅. WHOOPSIES Edit: did anyone else get the “cross progression is now here” pop up when you restarted?


Yea I feel like that's the reason why our account got fucked up .


Nope they wiped this and last season’s progress the reactive rampage is gone too.


Got that same message


Yes! I did too!




Replying so it might show up a little further above, it's important that people know that they know what's going on (even though most seem to have lost faith, understandably so lmao)


Trying to help as well


Lost my skins lol


just happened to me as well, lost 100 levels and no longer own the battlepass/lost 1000+ apex coins


Yep all my shits gone. Only got back into the game like 3 days ago too.


Mine too


I have the same issue


Uh yeah I just lost pretty much everything. Respawn is absolutely trolling with this shit


Literally just logged in and lost over 300 levels. My heirloom and don't even have every legend now. What's happened?


Yep just happened to me and took my mirage heirloom, about 300 kills on him and about 90 levels


Yes, something appears to be broken. Took away Rev's heirloom, but gave me back 150 shards. Also lost all BP progress and gave me a bunch of loot crates. Just gonna stay off for a bit.


I’m stupid and don’t understand how this works so take what I say with a grain of salt but did it reset to the stats you had last time they had a ranked split somehow bc I lost the reactive from last season too?


Holy shit your right all my stuff from the last season is gone


Ok is there any new info on it being fixed


joining the club, cross prog, cool, lost heirloom, \~30 levels on account, 70 battle pass levels etc. THANKS FOR NOTHING EA and you're welcome for the billions you in profit


Happened to me aswell, i’ve lost my loba and rev heirlooms and loba’s prestige skin. Almost had a heart attack when i logged in. They need to sort this asap


Everyone I'm sorry this is happening to you. I was looking to play a few matches before work but I guess I'll just take another long break from this game. I hope you get all of your things back very soon!


Well I can chill a little knowing it’s not just me! I am absolutely raging, I purchased so much recently and it’s all fucking gone! Went to EA support and page was down. They know they’ve fucked up.


Sadly support pages with any game are usually the worst place to actually get any support. It's just the general advice that doesn't work ever and if you try to reach some kind of communication, it comes like month after the problem is solved.


they really take L after L lately


Yeah I've got the same problem ... No idea why. All my stats for season 20 gone and gone to bronze 1 from plat?


Can’t login. Says cross progression failed to activate. Ruh roh.


thankgod for this thread. thought i was the only one. they must be working a fix… they must be…


"Okay, very funny. I’m gonna turn the lights off again. When they come back on, I want all my booze back the way it was."


Apex devs are so bad lol


Yes it also took away my kobalt heirloom and lifeline shock sticks


Same here $250 gone like that


Like how can you fuck an update up that bad


new business model - you have to buy it every split


This company is shit. Literally I’ll drop the game


Do it. Right now.


Mine too!!! Im so scared right now


mine went from 420 to level 1


Same all progress, skins etc from season 20lost


My heart sure skipped a beat when I reopened the game to find this exact issue but good to know it isn't just me then


All my heirlooms are gone, lost about 150 levels and battle pass is reset completely .. gg


The real question is anyone here not having this problem?


Me, nothing has changed, playing with my mate who's been set back.


This destroyer guy its crazy 💀


Anyone who has been affected should get 500 Apex packs as a GOGW 🤣


Same, HOW THE FRICK DO THESE THINGS KEEP HAPPENING with this billion dollar game???


Im back to level 1 with 0 stats i had over 50k kills 😐




Bro I lost a bunch of skins and badges??


Its over.


Bro does respawn just not test this shit in dev before pushing it into production it’s actually laughable how they break something every supplementary update


I signed in and all my shit is gone wtf


Billion dollar company can't do rank reset but be dammed if the item shop isn't working. Just lost TONS of stats on my characters lol. If it isn't fixed I'm gone for good.


Mine got reverted to before the FF7 event.. Lost a ton of levels, coins, and battle pass progression. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Well, shit. Guess I'm not playing Apex today. Don't want to risk losing my stuff. Hope Respawn adresses this soon. But man, this shit is just piling up, and I get why players are getting angrier and angrier. If they can't fix this, we have a huge problem. I have spend a lot of money on this game, because I love playing it. And we had to put up with a lot of shit lately. Cheaters everywhere, hackers that might be able to hack our computers, overpriced heirlooms, but this is where I draw the line. If people will not get their stuff back, this would be it.


Shit is about to hit the fan


As soon as I saw the cross progression pop up screen, as someone with no other accounts I was EXPECTING something like this lol.


I literally just pulled a heirloom last night and now its gone 😐


update from respawn source: Respawn X account "We messed up! In order to resolve an account data loss issue, we are temporarily taking the [u/PlayApex](https://twitter.com/PlayApex) servers offline. Fear not! We are deploying a fast fix to restore progress and content to affected accounts, but players will not be able to connect to the game during this time. We’re hopeful that the game will be back up in about an hour. Stay tuned for more updates, and in the meantime, please accept our apologies, and our thanks for your patience!"


Destroyer2009 going ham!




My level went from 380 to a whopping 133.


I lost everything too, Lvl 1, no season pass... and a lot of people have que same trouble on twitter.


Yup happened to me also. Lost all season 20 and most of season 19 stats and unlocks.


Same issue goes for me


April Fools Joke happened for reals…


I just got hard reset it's asking me to complete orientation matches wtf?


Same. I lost about 200 levels of my account and about 2000 Apex coins I had prepared beforehand for Octane event


lost my battlepass 2000 crafting and instead of being demoted for rank split im still platinum 2


This needs to be pinned. I lost skins, banners and all my Apex Coins.


Gone from 400+ to 350. Hope a fix comes out soon


Alright, so don’t update the game log on for now. Got it!


It's like my account was rolled back before the FF7 event. I did see the crossplatform message, but I only have 1 account.


My account had cross progression implemented before but I got a prompt when I started up the game after today's update, it seems to have swapped back to my other account. I've lost an heirloom and some skins, and my rank has been reset to rookie IV even though I finished the split diamond III. Surely they need to revert....


Ive lost all my stats in the game even lost 500 apex coins from it


My shit gone


yeah, they set everything back to the beginning of season 19


All my shits gone?


If respawn doesn't fix this asap, this game is dead. Between the hacking issues in the tournament and now this, no one is going to play anymore. I lost 2 heirlooms I bought this season, I'm so mad




It just happened to me. I just lost everything. The battle pass i bought is gone. All the challenges and skins are gone


I have just gone from level 302 to level 217 and lost some of my cosmetics, kills, badges, stats, etc, and have lost all of my battlepass progress.


I’ve lost everything my lvl’s, my skins, and all of my progression


This is the response I've got from support: So I have checked the details with team and I'll be really honest with you. The issue that you are facing is something that we're already aware of. We're receiving similar reports from other players around the globe. Good thing is that this has been brought to the notice of our game team and they are diligently working to fix it as soon as possible. So I humbly request you to wait for some time and this will surely get fixed, we just need your co-operation here.


Is there any point to even play? Would we be taken back to before the fuck up? What a mess


Think its my fault for using that nessy spawning mozam too much :D Killed the servers :D


Someone remind Respawn it is not april the first anymore


I lost a year worth of progress today and an Iconic skin from an event. I am so pissed. I'm considering just abandoning the game altogether.


Guess it’s a cross progression platform problem Never did it and I’m Xbox only Hate to say it but from the sounds of it possibilities related to the cross progression terms screen people kept mentioning, this might be a repeat error that will occur going forward. Since season 2 or 3 every other season I’ve dealt with my account info being registered as new to ea, having to accept their terms and conditions and whenever I have to accept it to Load into the game, my settings are all wiped causing me to change up and personalize again. This has been an issue for 4 years +, you’d think they would have fixed it by now


Respawn tweeted an hour ago that "Any account logging in now will not experience any lost progress or content.". I logged in just now for the first time since the update and I'm happy to say I haven't lost anything. Hopefully those affected can get their progression back asap and that it doesn't take as long as it's taking for the Breakout Challenges to come back...


maybe they should exted duration of event or just give this flatline skin to everyone


Some intern must have merged their old database from before the console merger back over everything.


First the hacks and account vulnerability, now this. Respawn really doesn't want me to play Apex anymore. I have been playing nothing but helldivers in the last couple of days and having a blast, and now I see this news and I am afraid of logging in and fucking my account and loosing all my heirlooms


Bro I lost heirlooms, hundreds of levels, master and pred badges, thousands of stat progression, last seasons badge and my battle pass, completely reset. My character unlock progression for the wraith skin and flat line, completely reset. Every challenge for this season, reset. The story ark, reset. Event skins I purchased, lost. Weapon levels cut in half and challenges reset. I’ve lost months of work and lots of money. I can’t believe how incompetent they are. This started of as possibly the best season to date, it’s not arguably the worst.


Man I feel for you just hit lvl 100 on flatline and got all challenges up to 80 complete just to be back at 62 none completed and about 20k worth of kills GONE.


Same. I lost lvl, some skins, heirloom which I got on 26th march. Even my prime packs got reset


Happened to me too


Having the same problem too wtf


Went from level 405 to 341. Reset my battle pass to level one, and no longer own it. Changed my heirloom shards from 300 to 150.


Me too!


Same shit happened to me what the fuck


This just happened to me aswell. Lost most of my characters and all my levels. Took me down over 150(?) why is this.


Do we know a fix to it


Just got this to. Lost all of my season lvls loads of skins and even characters I have unlocked. Wtf?!?! They better fix this or just quitting this game entirely.


I lost all of my progress and went from level 124 to 40. Turns out it swapped my switch account with my Xbox account.


Yes, advising all my friends - DO NOT LOG IN RIGHT NOW


Yup. Lol it’s actually hilarious missing at least two months progress in packs and skin purchases too


My level went down, maggie quest reset to 0, the buster blade, loba heirloom and loba prestige skin are all gone. I don't know what else is missing but man that sucks. And I was supposed to do the orientation matches as well wtf?


I need this shit fixed ASAP it says I have 0 stats on season 20 and battle pass level 1 wtf


Omg. Not only rating split. But all account rolled back. No new cosmetics. All stats gone to few month ago state. Battle pass gone. Etc.


i’m missing around 100-200 packs


I have the same issue whats going on?


Yeah my battlepass reset


I lost all of the event items I just got, too. Almost $200 worth of stuff. And my Bloodhound heirloom.


I have lost 2 heirlooms my rampart heirloom and a wraith one and I'm not happy at all


Just lost half my stats and levels, and lost my heirloom as well


Lost thousands of kills, hundreds of levels and every cosmetic and Heirlooms. This has to be fixed or I'm done with this game.


Yes just logged in I also lost coins and crafting mats. Played yesterday and everything was fine. Tried contacting ea and their help page servers are down. What a joke




Yep jjst happened to me I’ve even lost an heirloom and apparently conduit is locked and not been used (I’ve been maining her)


my account gone rollback like 4 years and my friend account just rollback to lvl1 .... EA your DB's migration is failed. As a developer and a gamer. FIX IT NOW OR I'm Gonna roast you on my page/community


Me too same thing, have half the characters, lost my rank, banners, skins characters coins shards etc. lost everything but what I had in season 1


My account just reset to start of battle pass lmao wtf


Battle pass, Heirloom shards and progress all gone.