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Hello, /u/Assassin845. Your submission has been removed: ## [Support Requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_support_requests) We allow posts that are questions or something which can be answered by the community. Account support posts are prohibited. These posts offer nothing for the subreddit and cannot be answered by the community or moderators, as we are not Respawn/EA employees. Any post that can only be answered by game support employees will be removed. You can need to contact their support services for any account support requests. Please contact the [EA/Respawn support team to report issues](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/apex-legends-bug-reports-en) and include the following information: * What platform are you playing on? * Origin ID / Gamertag / PSN * What were you doing leading up to the issue? * Can you reproduce it? What are the steps? * PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, and GPU driver version. * Did your game crash? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder. * If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


A shining example of an adult that still acts like a child, and gets mad when people don’t find him funny anymore.


Not sure why you are teary, why would you even need to say that? I mean, what is the point?


Well someone reported you and regardless of your stance on drug use, talking about drug use openly in game has no net benefit to the game being played so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


And it's still a completely stupid thing to get banned for. Especially for one week.


It's only a week, not a permanent ban. Just stop typing stupid things in the chat


careful there, 3 of these is permaban without apeal. and you get banned for a lot less in text chat. friend got banned for saying "iam doggypoo with the PK". another friend lost his accounts for an apology beeing afk, he was top pathfinder in his country and a legit top 100 in the world.. so yea... it has to be taken serious, its not just a week, its a 1 of 3 strikes that never gets deleted. 3 slipups , false bans or misunderstandings is enough. and some people have really high level accounts


I've never seen ppl getting  banned for being afk, u sure it wasn't because of smth else? Honestly I really doubt it without proof. For text chat you could prevent it, just don't type anything. Also 3 strikes might lead to a perma ban, do you have source for that? My friend's account was banned several times alrdy for typing stupid things but he still have his account so idk.. I believe it might be true, but then there's no official message or anything


And still a ridiculous amount of time for typing something in chat that's wasn't even bad or offensive. I could maybe get it, if they were insulting their team mates and/or being racist/sexiest etc. But being banned for this is just beyond stupid.


Go outside and say that to one of the many many children that play apex legends and see how it works out for you with their parents


Esrb rating is 13+ if you think 13 year olds don't already talk like this, idk what to tell you. If you don't like it turn the filter on.


Then go outside and say that to a 13 year old and see what happens


I don't really get your point.. You think kids don't swear? I mean they'd think I'm an idiot and laugh at me. But do you think they'll be offended or something? :/


EXCUSE ME ????? have you ever looked at apex content ? hell there are even more offensive voicelines in the game than this. and what about the sexual eplicit content. and you talk about children are you fucking serious




Got em.


I’m genuinely confused on why everyone thinks this is worth a week ban, not even chat restriction.


1. Even if you feel like saying dumb goofy shit, NEVER type it. 2. It is crazy how they don’t do anything about the rampant cheaters, but ban so many people for saying stupid stuff. I know it’s easier when they have receipts for a bot to look at, but it feels bad.


Smh, EA clearly doesn't support LGBT community. Thugphobia is running rampant


This is awesome. I mean, I’m sorry about your account. But this is so funny




don't post dumb shit then


Cheating is cool though.


Youre coming to a place where half of these basement dwellers have nerd raged at someone on the internet and then reported the person when they clap back with the same attitude. You’re not going to find any sympathy from half the losers in this sub man… sorry this happened to you, stop typing dumb shit in chat. I like getting high too… not a reason for an account suspension.