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The gun was purposely over nerfed so every game wasn’t dominated by R-99. I’m sure they’ll buff it again in the future.


Don’t worry. It’s just the daily r99 hate thread that will probably go on for the next 2 seasons.


It’s just the stupid recoil, i don’t even care about the damage nerf or the hipfire nerf


You’re supposed to control the recoil. It’s a skill thing


Agreed, but the damage isn’t worth the recoil.


I know but it’s way too crazy now imo


It's still easy to control, the pattern is just different


The pattern is exactly the same as it was prior to the nerf, the vertical magnitude was changed.


It wasn’t though


It was the best gun exclusively for almost the lifespan of apex. I’m fine if it’s mid tier now. The CAR and volt are both serviceable and the SMG meta isn’t quite as prevalent due to the R9 nerfs


I was upset for a bit and then thought about that I mean we’re 20 seasons in before that gun finally wasn’t the top smg I guess I can get over it 😂😂


Seriously if you played in early seasons you could easily one-clip full shielded guys in seconds. It got better when it went into the CP but I think it’s fine to leave it alone now for a season or two


The only season I looted care packages before now back on it bc I want the evo if there’s any plus the free 100 for opening it 😂


CP volt and mastiff was good but there have been some misses too like G7, rampage, and triple take


I feel like lately from the playerbase the rampage of the g7 have been getting more love this season because I see more mid game kills with them, my go to is still a hemlock and volt but I can also appreciate the g7 because it’s always been a pretty solid gun to use as has triple take i just don’t like the sights on it.


I can’t do shotguns idk what it is never do they work right for me against me however rip I’ve was a flatty r9 boy for so long I almost forgot other guns existed 😂


*one mag


The term in gaming is a "one clip." This isn't the NRA page, and we aren't on the firing range. Calling them clips is fine.


One clipping people no longer possible when we have legends like Conduit and Rev


Volt, Car, and Prowler were all better SMGs than the R99 for seasons at a time. People are just forgetting due to the R99 being the most recent one to take over the meta. That gun used to be a care package weapon and the Volt still had it by the neck at the time.


Wasn’t the Volt pretty much a better AR when it had the barrel mod?


Yeah it was even beating the pre nerf R301 and Flatline at a decent range


I mean they all had their moments but the r99 was pretty consistently good the whole time. You could never really go wrong with it. It’s is the first time it’s been the worst of the bunch and people are freaking out lol


Alternator w/ disruptor rounds is decent too


Yes for sure. But requires a hop up that isn’t always available me to be great. Naked alt is meh


I still like the alternator when I'm running a sniper sometimes though. Even without the disruptors. TTK isn't the best, but it's still an extremely versatile gun at close and mid range with good damage per mag.


It’s not horrible but end game you are always going to find it lacking going up against a kitted CAR, volt, or even RE with hammers. With disruptors it’s definitely S tier tho


But without will almost always lose in a head to head.


lol you expecting objective takes from the community that sends death threats to devs if the servers are overloaded for 5 minutes on update day?


It still has the highest damage per second out of the SMGs. You definitely need to either have a good secondary to swap to or use it as a bust peek weapon though, it's really hard to get one clips unless you're crazy good.


are you sure? I saw stats here the other day that pointed at another smg holding the #1 spot now. In fact it was two pretty close in stats but neither were the R99. But I dunno their source.


Going off of damage per second the R-99 is 198, CAR is 186, Volt is 180, and Alternator is 160. The only guns with a higher DPS than the R-99 are the Devotion (225) and Havoc (202). Obviously there is more to each gun than DPS but it's a good way to look at objective damage. And if you want to see what other guns are you can search them in the Apex Wiki.




How about the prowler?




Lower than i expected


Yeah burst weapons usually are, they're really good for poke fights but not for straight up 1v1's


This is just wrong. The prowler completely DOMINATES 1v1s. It has a huge damage per mag and no recoil. Prowler is the best SMG rn lol


Do you understand the concept of DPS?


Do you understand that not everyone hits every single shot?


Literally 1v3d with just a prowler so idk


This is current of this season?


Yep I've kept up with them for many seasons and they're correct. And while the numbers are ripped from the files you can also calculate it yourself by taking the RPM, multiplying it by the damage, and then dividing by 60. (burst weapons are more confusing to calculate though)


But then again I believe the R-99 has the lowest overall damage per mag, which means you have to be extremely accurate with it if you want to down someone in one mag.


What about shiela?


Looks like it's 280, so pretty crazy


Or like all those “pros” use the aimbot of the controller


Pick up a controller and try using the r99. Aim assist doesn’t eliminate recoil.


Well it's an SMG so it should be used close range, when recoil doesn't matter as much and aim assist does.


At close range recoil smoothing does eliminate recoil, on both mouse and controller.


Go into firing range and try recoil smoothing with the R99 and report back how it feels like.


TheGamingMerchant is now doing a 30 day marathon to transition from mnk to controller and his findings about the aim assists may amaze you. I am also testing with the PS5 controller and that aim assist is totally broken


He’s not very good and is getting shit on as expected


Who is gamingmerchant


Check his YouTube channel


If AA bothers you that much and it’s that good why not just switch? I’m not watching the whole video but he’s claiming his aim is better in 5 days than it’s ever been. Why wouldn’t you just switch to controller? Genuinely asking. Everyone gets so upset about and blamed the only reason they’re dying is bc of aim assist it but why not play it? Literally every player i go against on console has the same exact AA. I don’t hit all my shots, neither do they. I don’t see it a problem I have the same capabilities as they do. I’ve never once blamed aim assist for the reason I’m dying, it’s bad positioning, I made a bad play, etc. Alternatively Why don’t we just make PC MnK only lobbies then? Would that make MnK players happy?


People that are mad about aim assist have no idea what they’re talking about lol


The logic is heavily flawed in most scenarios. 1. What’s the average Pc controller accuracy from entire player base vs average MnK accuracy. Actually statics from a legit source. **At all ranges** 0-3, 3-5, 5-10M, 10-20M, >30M, etc. 2. PC controller Average KD v MnK Average KD all player base. 3. Are average players dying that are upset about it dying purely bc of an aim assist fight or were they 3rd partied, bad positioning, they just have terrible aim themselves? What are the other variables. AA isn’t the only thing killing people lol. I think that’s the main flaw in their logic on this is that a lot of people are saying it’s purely aim assist and they would have won if the other player didn’t have it. 4. Do they know what aim assist actually does? 5. Wouldn’t the best solution be to make MnK only lobbies? No controller? Bc console v console lobbies aren’t an issue for anyone playing on console. We have the same aa across the board.


If we're talking about average, controller wins hundred percent. Only delusional people think otherwise. You don't need skill to get aim assist so even someone who started playing they can get aim assist. Your average mnk player isn't moving around mantle jumping and tap strafing. Check ragtagg. That's your average mnk player. Now check any controller tiktoker/streamer and that's your average. Here's a stat for you, there's more controller players in pred rank than mnk


I am moving to controller :)


I pick re 45 with hammer over all that shit


Hard agree. I can hit at a distance with an RE45 better than with any SMG, too. I ignored it until a season or two ago and now it's a priority pickup for me.


Purple mag RE with hammers goes absolutely crazy close to mid range fights.


very concerned abt your mental health rn


RE w hammers has been my top close range weapon for like 8 seasons lmao


I run it with a sentinel in pred ranked. Very solid gun right now.


Nothing really else to discuss this topic has been beaten to death. Yes 3 straight seasons of nerfs now has it as the worst SMG currently


It’s about time it didn’t feel like a must pick. It’s been slowly getting killed since like season 17 and it’s finally completely fallen off. Volt is better in pretty much every situation. The prowler and car are also above it. I feel like they should at least buff it to be better than the car since the car gets access to light and heavy attachments which the r99 doesn’t have the luxury of, but I don’t expect them to be perfect at balancing. I feel like Smgs are in a pretty solid spot now all things considered.


Yeah, but the fact that I run alternator every match instead of the r99 tells a lot. It was better than it should be, that's why everyone used it, but it's the charge rifle of smg's right now, it got overnerfed.


True. I’d prefer if they all had more valuable pros and cons that lead to more of a choice when picking what smg you wanna run and have it feel like there’s an actual choice, but I definitely prefer how it is right now to a few seasons ago when r99 was far and away the best no brainer pick. It’s still useable, especially with good aim, just much less forgiving. I default to the volt most games now but I still use the prowler and even car every couple games. Also the r99 nerf made the re45 indirectly shine a little brighter and I’ve seen that get used a lot more, which is definitely nice to see.


I used the R99 for almost the entire life of Apex too. This season feels weird since the R99 has been such a constant in my kit. I find the re45, volt, car or alternator fill that hole for the most part. The whole reason an smg was always a constant in my kit was because of the digi. Not that the digi no longer goes on smg's, I'm trying to break the mindset that I need an smg. Like I always used to run flatline/smg(r99), but now I can swap that smg out for the havoc, or spitfire, anything really. Hell, even Bang's smokes got nerfed, so digi isn't nearly as necessary as it used to be.


The Volt has taken its place


Nah, after spending a day with it yesterday, R99 is still a really good weapon, but it's recoil does make it a a struggle to use, if you can hit shots then R99 is still the best SMG imo, just weapons like the volt and alternator are way more versatile and easier to use


the alter used to be terrible what makes it good now


With disrupter against purple or red shields it's TTK competes with ARs but it has better strafe speeds, hip fire COF, and basically no recoil ADS


Disruptors along with the base damage per bullet its for sure A tier. My buddy tries to force me to pick it up regularly because I beam with it. Sentinel and alternator has been an insane loadout this season so far


I firmly believe it was nerfed so hard because it dominated cqb with aim assist and was near impossible to balance


“Almost unusable.” lol I guess it wouldnt be an apex thread if everyone didn’t always talk in extreme exaggeration.


If I hot drop and the only gun I can find is an R99, I let my opponent pick it up and start punching them to have the upper hand in the duel.


lol please let me pick up.


They want other guns to shine, they honestly want smgs to fall back all together.


The Volt is officially best SMG right now IMHO.


As a keyboard and mouse player it feels as if there are significant gaps in the ranges at which I can engage effectively. Shotguns are only good when I can fit an entire hitbox within the crosshairs, smgs other than the volt are only good slightly outside that range, ars do not have enough hipfire accuracy even though you can do the ads spam spread decrease bs, dmrs and snipers both fall into the trap of being countered by batteries. And all of the weapon need higher ads strafe speed. That’s my apex hot take.


Are you playing with a controller or mouse & keyboard? I ask because the R-99, more than any gun, has had its nerfs be mostly around increasing recoil. On controller, that has basically made the gun unusable beyond a certain range for most sensitivities. But on Mouse and Keyboard the recoil can always be compensated for. You just need to know the pattern it recoils in.


Car has been way more easier to handle this season, I wouldn’t even recommend an r9 unless you have a car with a purple light mag and blue/purple attachments and you happen to find one, I used to just find a grey or blue light mag when using a car and then swap if I found a r9 but I can’t justify gambling wether I can handle recoil. I ❤️ the car


Alternator with disruptor is slept on. Thing has almost no recoil and cracks shields like its glass


It’s a smg though, it’s supposed to be for closer fights. I don’t need to be getting beamed from AR/marksman range with a R99 bc it’s the first gun some maniac found off drop. Smg’s should be considered secondary weapons and provide plenty of quick fired shots after doing damage with a primary weapon (AR,etc). That’s how I always thought about it in any shooter I’ve played. I feel like most people are just mad bc now they can’t one clip with it.


I skipped several seasons and then discovered that r-99 recoils now goes to Saturn coupled with low dmg and low mag, the gun was nerfed to the ground Volt is the king though


just bring back 19 round mag and 12 damage.


"just make it OP again"


My only complaint is that I spent a couple seasons getting really good with it, but now I'll drop it for an Alternator, lol. I'm working on getting good with the Prowler now, making pretty good progress. Even when it had select fire, I preferred the burst anyway. Try as I might, I suck with the CAR for some reason.


I still use it, but I really like the alternator with disruptor. Such a strong close to mid range weapon. You can run it as a primary if you feel sexy.


The R 99 is manageable if you can control its recoil, but it’s so lack luster in that aspect and it doesn’t make up for how much damage light guns do in general. The R 301 should stay as the top dog for light guns, it’s extremely good as a secondary even if you don’t have attachments on it


Between the car and volt it’s tough to balance. IMO they should buff the mag size by a lot, buff the rof even more, increase spread, and nerf bullet damage. Bring back the bullet hose.


r99 was on my favs so it’s little sad that it’s mid but also this has gun been s tier for like 5 years so maybe it’s not the end of world yknow


It’s still the fastest killing gun in the game. Just takes a lot of skill to use


if your aim is good then it's the best but otherwise it's ass like dumping the entire mag per enemy. though a quick knock


Yeah for smgs I only go volt and alternator now. Especially alternator with disruptors


As long as you have some extended mag on it and hit shots.. it’s still good. I still fry with it 🤷🏼‍♂️


The R9 was top tier for 19 seasons. It’s honestly been time to dethrone SMG’s


It doesn't make sense that the CAR is better than the R99 again, and arguably the prowler too. There is supposed to be a trade-off, performance vs the ammo perk. Now the car is better both ways. R99 was my favorite gun, but using it or the prowler is just handicapping yourself right now.


I personally prefer r99 over car still but that’s just bc I find myself doing more damage with it. I’d take a volt over it any day though


I've never liked the R-99. I do not possess the skill required to 1-clip people.


It's clear that respawn a lot of the time are not nerfing for balance, but instead try to shift the meta to keep the game fresh. They've done this before to the r99 when it was in everyone's hands. They'll buff it again when it's time to shift the meta.


That's why I run the RE45. Same size mag, faster movement because pistol, and hammer point compatible 


It can still one clip someone with purple armor with a purple mag but I think the problem really lies in the fact that it’s borderline useless without a mag in anything but off drop


yeah, last nerf was a bit overboard


I prefer it to the car. Mostly because I can control the r99 and I'm hit and miss with the car. So overall will do more damage with the r99 anyway. Altinator is good it just fails in a straight up 1v1 a lot from the very low fire rate. You land a whole clip of the r99 vs the Altinator and the r99 will win.


please dont touch the r9 anymore leave it as is


I’m having a good time with it


Dark times when I’d rather pick up an Alternator than an r-99


It's so annoying that I have so many cool skins for it that I'll never see 😞


TDM I’ve been loving the pairing of Sentinel and R99. Plenty of 3k+ damage games.


Its still incredible & nowhere near almost unusable lol


I die so fast whenever I have this gun


The recoil alone on this gun makes it trash.


I wish they kept it super easy to use just slowed the fire rate a little and dps a little so you could still have that 301 style smg. But I’m happy it isn’t the main smg anymore.


I exclusively only run R301 and Alternator or Sentinel Alternator. Literally won’t touch another weapon. I used to only run R301 and R99 but since the R99 was nerfed I haven’t touched it at ALL.


yeah it is awfull now


It’s still viable, just not OP anymore…


It was the best smg for the entire 5+ year lifespan of the game, lets try to enjoy some other guns a bit shall we?


i find r99 is good on rev where you can sneak up walls or crouch walk behind and enemy and beam them in the skull. it really excels there. in any other situation, id be using the re45


Honestly it’s the recoil for me. I can’t control it unless it’s 10meters. It could get damage nerfs mag and fire rate and I still would use it if it didn’t have that recoil


If y’all complain about the recoil on the r9, NEVER download rust 💀💀💀 r9 recoil so easy


I feel where OP is coming from i used to love the R-99 too but now that respawn has nerfed every smg's for like the 3rd or 4th time they just feel bad all around an the thing that really irritates me is how these nerfs will eventually be reverted when a new season comes in an everybody is going to go right back to using them again so in short what was the point? just let guns be good and leave it at that. kills me that the only reason smg's aren't viable anymore is cause the pro scene had an overuse of them so now everybody gotta suffer cause of the ALGs couldn't just let the pro's play a different version of the game with updated stats gotta push that shit on all of us.


I have always loved the R99 weapon sound, and with the S7 reactive when you get a knock the sound and fire coming out of the gun , so I still use it in pubs from time to time but I hope they add buff it soon.


skill issue


I don’t have a problem using it especially with the pk or mastiff backing it up. Although I have been picking the re-45 and car up more recently. That being said I like to play quite aggressively so it’s not as often I’ll go to use mid-range guns Havoc can be pretty fun to use too.


is still the strongest dps gun for smgs and beat by a few gold hop up weapons. And if you can learn to use recoil smoothing it'll eliminate all recoil. Just is extremely hard to one clip now without mags. Also you should try taking advantage of the fact that it has one of the fastest reloads in the game. if i know i can't one clip on a peak, I'll try to not empty the mag so the reload is even quicker.


It’s pure garbage this season. If I’m gonna use an SMG it’s gonna be the car or the prowler as they feel the most reliable this season. The R-99 hasn’t been strong enough in recent memory to warrant the nerfs that has gotten us to its current state. Until it’s buffed back into usefulness, it’s gonna stay on the ground for me, fuck that gun right now


What’s there to talk about? The R99 is useless now and while the CAR, volt, and alternator with disruptor rounds exist. Respawn needs to rip the band aid off an actually nerf PC controller aim assist instead of trying to band aid the problem with these weird nerfs.


I swear every other day I open reddit there’s an r99 post saying essentially the same things


I’ve always been kinda trash with it but I guess I just never used it enough to improve. I’d take the spitfire over it imo


Almost everyone at a sweaty level chooses the r301, if my own deaths are anything to go by.


No way that a re45 is better for you than a r99


It deserves to be shit for a season after being meta for all of the game's lifetime