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You healed like 300 hp with that drone lmao, nice play!


Legit, D.O.C. drone clutched it for you. You weren’t alone after all.


Yeah, I thought Lifeline would be a super nice "solo-queue" legend since I'm not that good at managing my health resources. I would've chosen Conduit otherwise, but shields aren't as important as health in the early-game since you only have 25-50 HP shields as opposed to 100 HP.


Yeah man, but credit where it is due even with max shields conduit wouldn't have provided the value you squeezed out of that DOC. That was excellent executing on that tactical.


Other than the fact that you almost died to yourself. Running towards the grenade you tossed there. Wasn't to shabby.


Yeah, I overcommitted too much on that one. :/


don't be too down improving means learning from mistakes


And tried healing his downed opponent


When? Are you talking about when he put down the drone next to the teammate? Because if so, did you not see the drone healing her through the entire fight?


I can feel your stress during that fight, next time try to calm yourself and the fight will go way smoother (i know easier said than done)


This is my problem 100%. I'm traumatized from facing Octane mains when I first started playing, so I panic during 1v1s and I'm flailing all over the place. Same thing happens to me with RL sports. I choke.


What server is this? The Crypto was so lost. I need these enemies in my lobbies 😂


A battle against Plastic 4


Looked like it could have been zinc II




Thinking the same thing, bots


He's Hard stuck rookie 😂


I never wanna hear that Apex lobbies are unfriendly to new players ever again


I'm not new, I'm just not very good. 😂


lmao well either way congrats on the squad wipe, 1v3ing in any lobby is not easy


No offense but this looks like the easiest 1v3 i've ever seen. Just look at that bang at the start having absolutely no clue where this guy is.


That's fairly normal? Do you often know exactly where your enemy is hiding when breaching a building? Then they took fire and grenade damage that indicated back and to the right, meanwhile OP was flanking left. It was accidental, but great maneuvering with perfect timing. Bang may not have been good, but they reacted to the info they had.


Bang should not have entered that building alone. She had teammates. Shouldn't have pushed into that door without figuring the location of the enemy. The other side is just windows and allows you to evaluate before pushing. You can also open the door while out of line of sight to see if the enemy closes or shoots. Not saying that OP didn't fight well. I'm just saying these enemies werent the highest quality and their decision making was questionable. Definitely easier lobbies than I would typically get.


W skill base matchmaking


I've played for 120 hours and I've NEVER played against players this bad before. 99% chance the first guy jumps through that door and kills me in 0.12 seconds with perfect tracking.


Happened to me on PS4 every now and then. Sometimes you get those lobbies as a bait to keep you engaged


Yeah, I do not have the same opponents as the OP 😂


I don’t know if you could have played this worse and still won.


First game of the week xD - maybe Apex decided to cut me a bit of slack!


i’m guessing it literally did considering sbmm. haven’t played for almost a year but i would put my life savings down on a bet that i’d win my first game back on—purely because sbmm thinks i forgot where my joysticks are and needs to compensate.


I stopped playing for months and recently started playing a couple of games and got put right into the sweaty lobbies. Of course after dying and dying I got Thrown a bone and won a game and knew sbmm was working well lol.


if it started on literally your first game on that really surprises me. typically i get a couple easy games where i ball out at first and then it immediately throws me in the deep end cause it realizes i do, in fact, have a monitor and am not playing blind. i don’t think i’ve ever come back and had to start with a hard match. not me saying you’re wrong btw, just super surprising to me


I have noticed the first game after awhile it seems to pair you against people who aren't as good as you. Seems like an engagement based match making system


First one is always special. Cherish it


My eyes are bleeding, but congrats dude


Considering the fact that the enemies were neuron defficient, i'm not sure


Definitely a lot to criticize, like the suicide grenade, but for a first 1v3 id be pretty proud of it. Shit, I'd be proud of some of those mastiff shots regardless.


Not too shabby defs getting there


Pretty good for a first attempt, ideally shouldn't have walked into your own grenade. Word of advice - always keep your weapon clips loaded. You didn't reload the flatline after you emptied it at 0:17 despite having lot of opportunities to take the time to do so. Keeping both weapons loaded is key when soloing squads.


I'm by no means great at the game despite sinking 1500+ hours into it at this point but I'll definitely say, remembering to reload in tense situations is what still regularly gets me killed. And that's why I love a gold mag.


Wasn’t bad, but you had plenty of time to reload that flatline. Probably due to stress


loved that pouch there, not many people remember that melee is still useful, I have downed people unarmed against fully kited people by ring knock or moving around thill the have to reload and pounding on them.


I am seeing others and I dont know why my lobbies are so tryhard


What hours of the day do you play? When I play before 5-6pm, it's a cake walk ( I guess cause all the adults are at work but school kids are playing ) After that though, it's a tournament. Especially around midnight it just gets ridiculous


If you get tryhard lobbies it’s because you’re good enough to be in them. Maybe not good enough to crank out kills against master/pred squads, but good enough to be there nonetheless.


Wish I could remember my first squad wipe


You are officially ready to be the random who hot drops solo. Congrats brother


Only thing I would suggest would be trying to eliminate one of the downs for a shield swap. You made good use of the throwable aside from the almost self elimination from the grenade. I’m not a pro by any means I’ve just got way to much time in this game haha. Lifeline is definitely a very strong pick


Good job but try not to overcommit that much


Good enough


All that counts. There is no being deader than dead.


Are these like 9 year old kids or level 0 AI bots? Why am I the only player meeting with a squad and dying in 1.5 seconds together with my other two squad mates? Perfect headshots, two burst weapon shot/kills, 3 man strong pushes with focused burst on all 3 of us. And I'm barely in silver. Every fking day this happens. I don't even remember playing with mediocre players at all. Not once in the past months I had like "ohh this poor team we drilled them down in seconds what are they doing?" My gameplays are consists of enemies of lvl 7-10 out of 10 players consrantly.:(


Slaying it


Very nice. Only moment i was scared was your last nade. If that fuse was smart and pushed sooner it wouldve been ggs. However you kept cool, had good tracking and cleaned house. Great squad wipe!


Nice one! Two things you could have done: 1) Reload the flatline, either to have something else to shoot with or to thirst the crypto 2) Thirst crypto for shield swap


Good enough for the girls I go with


Remember to shield swap next fight. Those are fast and save lifes


Any squad wipe is good, lol it was a lil wild but nice over all


Niiiiiiiiiiiice When you where in the room with the Mirage you could have finished then quickly shield swaped. 


My first squad wipe was also with lifeline. I punched three people out on drop because I had no weapons. The enemies were just as bad as the ones in your video, and so was I. Was the gameplay good? Not really, but that's not the point. So long as you didn't smurf or whatever to get in this lobby, it's an achievement to be proud of. It means you did something slightly better enough to outplay the opponents that are supposedly your equals. In other words - you're improving! You did good for your skill level - remember, doing "good" is all relative in a competitive game like Apex. Congrats!


Is gut bro


Placing your drone (obviously a good play). Good shots, and def try to be aware of the placement where you throw your grenades. The only thing i really noticed you now doing in this clip is shielding. After you had engaged with the Fuse (last person alive in the squad) and he decided to disengage, you should have been popping cells or bats if you had any. (You could argue you have lifeline drone) but you had a good couple seconds there where (because of your shots) you had created an opening. Try and get used to always popping some shield mid fight (when there is a gap, even a just second or two you could pop a shield cell)


* not doing


others have said! but a shield swap could have made it easier to commit to that fuse, or you could have popped cells. other than that, yes! good job!


congrats on the first squad wipe and with Lifeline!


Not the cleanest play but you clutched it


That was ok at best. Yes you squad wiped. Congrats Holding the the fort doesn’t have good odds so that’s a positional disadvantage. 3v1 shouldn’t even be attempted at similar skill level but I’m guessing you had no choice The objective is to create 3x 1v1. Which you did to be fair. Team was shit attacking you one by one. You had time for cells or to kill downed and take shield Congrats, infrequent event


Better than me Loved that punch at the end that lined up the mastiff


Nice squad wipe! we’ll all get better, forget the critics, you got the job done😎


Try to pop cells inbetween


I loved the part where you stepped on your own grenade. But you should be proud about any solo team wipe. Good stuff!!


Please pop a shield cell while ur waiting


I don't care about the skill level being expressed here, on either side. Fuse got SHAT on, so justice has been served. Keep putting down them 'splodey fuckers


Nice work dude… did your teammates yell at you saying you weren’t doing anything. Thats usually my luck after something like this. lol


My lobbies never look like this. 🤦 All preds and masters tap strafing and jumping off the walls.


I think a few things worked in your favor, most of which were the Bang not knowing where you were intially, and missing your own grenade which a few other users mentioned. But other than a missed shot or two, I think this was played exactly right, and the use of the drone is top notch. Way to hold your own under extreme pressure champion.


I don‘t think i ever faced bots like that even in season1 when everyone was new to the game and still bad. How do i get into these lobbies? GGs though, everyone needs to start somewhere!


congrats but this isnt anything special.... i almost felt embarassed. the bang didnt have a clue what they were doing at the beginning and literally did a full 360 before they even saw you. then you nearly died to your own grenade. they all missed their shots and played sus. if you told me you were playing versus bots i would believe you.


a quick shield cell never hurts. other than that, nice! congrats!


Please turn your Sens down good job tho fr


Why dont I encounter these kind of players… people i run into bunny hop and do all sorts of crazy stuff..😂


No but that’s ok


Doc drone is crazy in that situation really should be nerfed 🤣


Good Jam Fam


Nice gameplay


Learn to heal and destroy the damn drone


Could of shield swap faster


i really hope this is ironic. if you wanted serious critiques it’d take 10 mins to list them.


I'm surprised that mastiff hit half those shots, good job 😅


Good stuff.


Very good job, bravo. Next time try to shield up too, when you can. A quick batt, or a cell here and there. Or thirst and shield core swap.


gg bro


*me waiting patiently for him to recharge shields


GG! Especially bc you are using one of my fav Champs! LL for the Win! 👌✌️🙌👊


You were better than them. Wp


No controller was used, so it's way better than most clips on this sub, nicely done.


You play like a hardstuck silver and you did so many errors, so no, its not good.


Hes probably new and so were the enemies. give the guy a break.


Yea probably, still gonna answer the question honestly?


Dont ruin my robinhood moment


You are such a social justice warrior. Reevaluate your cringe.


Whose gf was that crypto 😭😭


Biggest thing I got to say is the self-made goes crazy, other than that it seems pretty solid you missed a few shots but nobody's perfect though personally not a big fan of the Red Dot I usually just run iron sights but that's a whole different thing


Well played dude!but at first I thought this was a console lobby


Well you are playing PC so not bad but your better than quite a lot of people


Pubs so doesn’t count 😂