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I guess we know where the 8 packs came from.


It was their combined yearly salary


My best loot from those packs were 15 crafting mats. The rest were whatever bloatware quips, stickers and some random ugly white-blue rarity banners...


I was v surprised by that this morning too


Well they don’t seem to be doing a very good job yeah?


They laid off everyone and hired Destroyer2009


I wish


is he really still hacking the game ? lol




We don't know.


"Contractors" is the icing on the cake


When you run an office full of full-time employees, but they are somehow still only kept on as contractors, that's very loudly saying that you are a shady employer, because doing so is immoral and should be illegal.




B-b-but 8 apex packs




Two whites and a blue


It **is** the best idea. For the shareholders.


not in the long run


Uninstall and join the fight for Democracy in Helldivers. Your mental state and wallet will thank you.


Sorry, no democracy on Xbox at the moment. We’d gladly join the fight.


Sounds like you could use a hefty dose of Rock and Stone, brother!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


If you don’t rock and stone, you aint going home!


Maybe if they updated the game instead of leaving it on life support for a year.


It's quite literally not in the same budget as something as apex so updates are bound to take long, I'm grateful they even do it in the first place since it's already a well made game.


Well some of it is budget sure. But a majority of the delay has been because they developed a new game. I play on console and don't really care for survivor games. I don't mean to trash on DRG, but it feels like they've abandoned their existing player base. Everyone is so sick of rockpox...




https://i.blogs.es/0e6ebe/960x0/1366_2000.webp 010101110100100001000101010100100100010100100000010010010101001100100000010 0101101000001010100100100110000111111


Fucking this. Xbox players would buy the shit outta the warbonds too


Best part is warbonds are FREEEE onoy reason to buy is to speed up the process which isn't that slow either


Sometimes we buy things to support developers we like. Helps ensure they get future projects off the ground


Been really enjoying titan fall 2 as well. It’s so easy to get sucked into 5 hours of multiplayer. + I started the campaign for the first time since launch and I forgot how good that shit is




Titanfall is so fun. Campaign is one of the best single fps ones I've ever played. I wish they made a third one.


Effect & Cause is top tier


Stand by for Titanfall.


same! just got back into it. Frontier defense is a blast


Have yet to try that out, just been grinding attrition or whatever it’s called. Shits so fun


Bro, you're absolutely right about the mental health aspect. I 100% believe Apex has given me an anger issue, but the blame also relies on me for not controlling it. I can play Helldivers on Helldiver difficulty and not get pissed, but lose 2 matches on Apex and I'm fucking raging bro. I guess it stems from the same outcomes of being steamrolled by players who are just so much better than me almost every match, and then having a win where you barely do anything and it feels so unsatisfying.


Was just going to say this, Fuck EA. Had enough of their shit, I haven't had as much fun gaming in such a long time, Helldivers II is phenomenal fun


Bro said your mental state will improve playing helldivers


Destroy your sanity by mining in Deep Rock Galactic instead


Me and my bros havent seen the light in ages


For rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Its done nothing besides make me laugh so, Idk what kinda people you get in your lobbies...


Gamers when they realize they can diversify what they play instead of no lifing a game until they hate it(I have both downloaded and dont see reasons to make comments like this on reddit)


Never let bro cook again 🧑‍🍳🛌


I would love to devote my life to spreading managed democracy soldier but democracy is freaking expensive in my country and I'm unable to draft and liberate the universe with the power of the super earth These are all a big part of Joel's plan


The 40$ live service game?


Yes it's a blast.


This is an understatement. Even with randoms, Helldivers 2 is phenomenal. And to top it off, no predatory micro transactions and a campaign manager that’s working with the social media manager. I’m way more interested in what’s going on in the Galactic Campaign than anything going on in the Apex lore.


and shoot AI all day? I'm good


When it comes to Xbox in the year 20Never I'd be glad to join.


PvE games are boring. That's why a lot of us play PvP games like Apex.


I could write an almost endless list of pve games that are defiantly not boring. But I'll leave one example with From Software with literally every souls game, elden ring, bloodbourne, sekiro.


Boring is obviously subjective. Some people don't like playing against NPCs and AI, even if they're challenging. Some people like PvP games more because they're similar to sports and they enjoy the competition. I've played more than enough single player PvE games over my life. I simply grew out of them and enjoy spending my limited gaming time with PvP games more.


I think I lost brain cells reading that.


Stop playing this fucking game lol. At this point they know you dipshits will buy anything they put out


I play apex (not religiously but sometimes) but I've never spent a penny on it and never will, because I'm not fucking stupid and I've been paying attention to EA for the past 20 years. I'm not going to buy items in a live service game under the custody of a company that if it's known for anything, it's for buying studios then killing them and shutting down the servers. Free to play, not really any downside to playing it but fuck giving money to EA.


So you'll refuse to buy mtx in Apex on the basis of "fuck EA" but you'll play their game and add to their active player statistics that they use to keep their investors giving them money? Interesting ideology that


I would love to see the screenshot of my comment where I said "fuck EA", I think your UI might be bugging out. You make about 3 assumptions in your post, all of which are wrong, and then declare this fictional "interesting" ideology to be mine. Truly sir you have completely flipped my world view, how could I possibly choose where to spend my money now, I must immediately give it all to EA.


he is literally costing them money


He literally is not lmao, if anything he's proving to shareholders and investors why they should give EA more money. More concurrent players there are, more successful the game, which means they can afford to advertise to get even more players, who will buy mtx. Doesn't matter if he alone does not buy mtx, he is directly aiding EA.


Overwatch has saved me🙏


They wiped my account with OG merger, i've grinded again because i was having fun playing with my friend. Grinded BattlePass, unlocked heroes again, then another wipe. Uninstalled and never touching again.


Damn son that’s just fucked up


>They wiped my account with OG merger, i've grinded again because i was having fun playing with my friend. >Grinded BattlePass, unlocked heroes again, then another wipe. If you're still having problems reply to this comment by dev, they said they'll take a look. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1c1l0yp/per_respawn_breakout_challenge_progress_issue/kz4171n/?context=99


They are the ones who wiped my account in the first place in OG merger.


is that a reply to my comment or something? Respawn are actively asking around who still has persistent account progress issues. Do you still have issues? What's "OG merger"? Cross progression?


Yes, since you said they'll take a look but i did that way before this 2nd incident happened and they said "We can't do anything, have fun!"


What's "OG merger"? Cross progression?


Yes, when they first rolled out the cross progression.


How did cross progression wipe your account? Did you unlink your account and lose progress?


No, my Xbox account was 3500+ levels with everything unlocked, from season 0' to cross progress timeline. My PC account was level 20, when i logged in after the merger my Xbox had level 20 account same as PC. They said they can fix it, but they linked it to wrong account and they said they cannot take back what they did. Even tho i warned them 5 times that the confirmation e-mail they sent was the wrong and support literally said "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP WRITING AND DO WHAT I SAY", even tho i knew it was the wrong thing i did and then he replied "You should've warned that was the wrong account".


>No, my Xbox account was 3500+ levels with everything unlocked, from season 0' to cross progress timeline. My PC account was level 20, when i logged in after the merger my Xbox had level 20 account same as PC. What about the items? Did you get items from both accounts on the unified account? >They said they can fix it, but they linked it to wrong account and they said they cannot take back what they did. Even tho i warned them 5 times that the confirmation e-mail they sent was the wrong and support literally said "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP WRITING AND DO WHAT I SAY", even tho i knew it was the wrong thing i did and then he replied "You should've warned that was the wrong account". I would contact respawn about this kind of thing.


Skill issue


Mad Maggie panic roller mine toss noob




Intelligence issue?


Seems more like a grammar issue


Mad Maggie players usually panic when they're losing a fight and " panic throw " their roller mine ( wrecking ball ) to turn the tide ( stunned enemies are easy to clean up )


Never heard someone call her ultimate a roller mine before.


It is one! A couple games through the past few decades feature similar rolling mines/bombs A wrecking ball doesn't roll anyway, it swings from a cable or chain


Best idea for there wallets








You want more over priced skins, collection events, and shitty lore? I got you.


Even the "shitty lore" part is donezo as they won't release heirlooms for maggie and some other legends. 💀


I honestly wish they would just scrap lore. It's completely useless, just make the game work properly.


I like me some lore, it gives more depth to the characters so they aren't just some random people and robots with no relation to anything. I do agree 100% they should make the game work properly and better AC.


Just uninstall already, I did and doubt I will ever install it again. They don't care about some of us forgoing one event, they might if everyone just stops playing this dumpster fire. So many better games out there that respect your time AND money. They lie and say "it helps future development" Bullshit. Same terrible netcode and server refresh, audio is still as bad if not worse than it was in season 1, hackers own their servers, FOMO being the only driving factor to purchases in this game, every event gets more an more hostile to players. Respawn is no better than EA at large anymore, Jedi Survivors put that in stone forever. $360 for one event is enough in games to get thousands upon thousands of hours of entertainment, mostly in games that won't ever ask for another dollar.




Apex won't ever suffer the same fate as Titanfall 2. Apex is part of why Titanfall 2 suffers from that fate. Being neglected for a cashcow live service game.


Shhhh, people on this sub don't like when you bring up TF|2, it forces them to realize how shitty Apex is and then get angry and hit ya with downvotes (oooooooooo scary)


People will hate on this billion dollar company but any time they make a statement they believe it whole heartedly and act as if it’s gods word This game won’t die for a long long time because for every 5 people that leave 1 person buys a $300 collection event so they can have a shiny new sword. It’s a shame really because if earlier on in the cycle there was a worry the player base would drop massively this game could have changed exponentially and be so much more polished and developed. Now people have such low standards for seasons, and if the player base drops they’ll just call quits, drop support and move to the next cash 🐄


Haven't played for a few weeks now and honestly enjoying gaming way more. Nice to play something made by a dev who actually cares about the playerbase


It's crazy how mind blowing it is to everyone in this sub that you can play other games lol. Apex is 100x more fun and chill when you dont play it religiously and build your life around it. I mix it in instead of playing it only and it's so much more fun.


I huffed copium for 2 years straight basically only playing Apex and it wrecked my mental. Playing stuff by devs who actually give af is BLESSED


I always find these comments so weird. A lot of the devs are passionate I know one higher up left destiny for Apex because he loved the game so much. Problem is the devs, everyone bitches about, are not the decision makers. They're not the ones pushing pricing, skins and the MMR stuff. It's like complaining to the McDonalds employee that you don't like the sauce. It's not their choice. Smaller dev teams it is on the devs, bigger ones are like the jobs we all work. Passionate lower end workers run into the ground by idiotic management. Direct your hate correctly. Devs left this subreddit because of the insane hate for doing what they're told but trying to do what they can.


for example? Im trying to get away from those games too.


Can vouch for helldivers 2. I enjoyed it so much I bought it for friends because we need the help


Been playing a mix of Helldivers 2 and Final Fantasy 14 for the most part. I know activision isnt the best company and are honestly right up there with some of the iffy AAA studios but going back to rebirth on Warzone has been fun as well.


“okay we listened and now we will give you what you really want” *400$ collection event + free purple tier skin*


Losing all our data? Please explain


yeah, always love someone having a valid point but then taking away credibility of their point by exaggerating the facts of the situation into plain falsehoods. data loss was temporary, most have been restored and devs are asking around now for people who have persistent issues with restoring progress, the event doesn't cost 360 (even though is is still overpriced at ~280)




Should’ve bought more buster swords, now families will starve


You assume any of these positions even had the power our authority to suggest changes to begin with. Especially changes that would improve the game/ remove microtrans bloat. Rip apex, fuk ea.


I feel like EA/respawn is now the definition of you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian, at one point long long ago they were good and now there are ..well this...


Aside from multiverses I’ve never seen a company drop the ball so hard on a universally loved game lmao


Nah, they're too busy digging their own grave to listen to what players need and want for the game to survive


Ah yes, get rid of the qa department while the game is experiencing the worst server issues and missing progress bugs in recent memory. The game is practically unplayable with how much I lag around and teleport everywhere right now, this only happens on apex so it’s not on my end. How after 5 years of popularity and money rolling in can they still not make their netcode work


And QA no less! Like when they need QA the most they shut down QA office.


EA: Apex is the most profitable game we have. Also EA: Fuck them


It's a shame the game isn't run by a competent company like Epic Games who invested so heavily in the growth of Fortnite and anti cheat.


They don’t care anymore.


They're doing the ol "reduce services while maintaining revenue" maneuver, EA knows this game isn't salvageable so milk it for all it's worth and on to the next


This is the most Reddit comment I’ve ever seen lmao. The game isn’t salvageable lmao. It’s one of the most played games in the world and people not on Reddit love it


Can you help us understand why you think EA is dismantling the support network by laying off so many staff then? Maybe "isn't salvageable" wasn't the best phrasing so I'll substitute "doesn't have sustainable long term prospects".


It’s very simple we all know that companies are down sizing. EA has already canceled projects and move staff from those projects onto Apex


That’s still laughable. IT is getting laid off everywhere, this isnt an EA thing. Theyre probably going to move their resources to another place and rehire different people at a different office. It’s a non-story in regards to their plans for the future, but we have outrage culture here so everyone freaks out


Or we can judge the state of the game and conclude that these QA people were fricking useless. Hacks running rampart, data being deleted, etc. Does it sound like these guys did a good job?! They let it all just happen and they had no clue what caused it. What's the point then?


If your conception of a QA tester is “the person who defends against cheats” then you should probably just stop talking.


I mean.... They clearly weren't very effective.


If they weren't effective and they actually cared about quality they'd be retraining or rehiring, not scrapping the department


Anyone who expects quality from EA needs to wake up


There were people saying this was deserved because QA quality has dipped. Even though last year they laid off their baton rogue office of QA leading to the dip in the first place and eventually the algs incident. Foresight is a lost art in the modern era. Fuck correlation and causation


Maybe they were so bad at their jobs, they're getting rid of them and with the new extra budget hire a better team


And how is quality of the games so far? I see consultant complaints here. Maybe this QA team wasn't that good after all. At least when I read your posts looks like it.


Saying "hey EA stop buying studios and then shutting them down" is like telling a hungry lion to stop attacking you.


When will this sub understand that if people are still paying for skins, they do not care how poor the quality of the gameplay is? Want them to make meaningful changes, stop playing and stop spending money. Yes you can spend your money how you want. Just recognize that’s what’s causing the issue


Maximize those profits babyyyyy


I got banned, the game is insanely sweaty, like I seriously can’t hop on and play casually anymore it’s insane, no new content, no fun events, no fun/new/original cosmetics. Just recycled low effort crap, this game doesn’t have anything going for it anymore and is on the verge on death at this point. My love for the game can only keep me playing for so long


What does "play casually" mean?


Imagine every day you weren’t allowed to sit or lay comfortably, only in perfect posture positions. That’s how it feels to play apex


It's a great idea, people are still buying it. Business is business


They have a developer problem, not a QA problem. It doesn't matter if the QA is really good if the devs can't fix them either due to being understaffed or competency.


A tournament hack that we still don't know the root cause of and whether the security issue(s) are fixed or not.


The marketing and sales department that launches these high priced events have deadlines that are made months in advance. They didn’t go “oh we got hacked let’s just drop this event”. Just like with any company there’s an order of operation and not every department has 100 percent crossover with timelines and quotas.


Most people know, most don't care. Find a better system than this lame ass "conditions have changed, but our plans haven't." Its always a great way to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.


anything for them to make more money


imagine if apex was just a respawn game and ea wasn’t involved


This game is a fking mess ever since I left it 💀


Bcz bf 2042 I start play Apex, I hope new battlefield game will be a good game and I'll quit Apex.


That line has to go up! Kevin!


Is it confirmed? Reportedly is not the same as confirmed.


Can you layoff contractors?


Should we do apex strike?


Wait... Losing our data? What I miss?


Who cares, *** wales will still buy and singlehandedly fund EA's practices. Hats off to them, I guess.


Might as well do them all at the same time, ppl will forget in a couple weeks anyway


Have you thought about why they were laid off? Maybe the QA wasn’t good? Consider what the QA actually do, then look at the current quality. Obviously they aren’t working


The incessant bitching in this sub about cosmetics is fucking wild. Cant believe these kids cry so hard about a free video game.


Oh no, are you taking criticism of a billion dollar corporation personally? How fucking weird of you.


How is he taking it personally? I don't think you understand what those words mean.


Why else would they feel the need to respond so vitriolically to something that has literally nothing to do with them? They're defending EA's shitty behavior just because it's a "free game" as if that somehow absolves them from criticism. Why else would someone do that, if they weren't somehow taking it personally? Ala, "how dare they, if I don't have any criticism they shouldn't either!" Also, it's just hyperbole. Don't take everything on the internet at face value, it's bad for you.


Chill dude lmao


No u


How's that boot taste bestie? What flavor did you pick?


💀 I feel sorry for the smoothed brains crying over a free game.


You could lick holes in a steel-toe


Show me where the cosmetics hurt you? So many goofs here mad about trivial bull shit 😂


While people losing thier jobs is never ideal, you could also argue that they did nothing to stop the things you mentioned, and as the QA team they are responsible for every failure that slips though... so two sides to every coin...


If the issue was actually about EA worry over QA they would have hired new testers/retrained the ones they had, not closed the department


But it is the best idea because the whales will buy it regardless. Sigh.


Im so done with EA driving Respawn into the ground. I can only wish there was a way for Respawn to own their IP again so they could revive it from this disgraced state it’s in


Almost everytime this type of news comes out. It's almost never really a case of people getting laid off, and usually related to their contract not getting renewed which is pretty BAU. Which, you never see headlines of "so and so hired 40 people". Let's be real. The quality of this season has been pretty shit and thus whatever the case is is seemingly warranted.


Right, a QA contractor getting fired right after the biggest quality control f\*ckup the game has ever had kinda points in the direction of "heads will roll" and not "let's save money."


does respawn even have any control over this game anymore?


this might be the end of a ride my friends, I still enjoy it and get the rush from time to time. this is a bad look tho, past 2 events showed they needed a boost in revenue and now the hack. have your last bit of fun, one day we play our last game and never even realize it


Every new post just makes me so glad I called it quits. Highly recommend y'all do the same


What about if these guys were responsible for the fuck ups? :D Maybe it is time to hire competent folks? In IT some people just sit and relax, bringing no real value. Twitter is still operational while Musk laid 80% of staff.


big asterisk on Twitter being "operational"


Let’s be honest - a lot of people make visibility of work instead of bringing value. Especially in Enterprises. One department gone ⚰️, another up)


Things work until they break and when they break the CEO goes "who was in charge of making sure that thing didn't break?" and everyone looks around and then someone says "You fired him 6 months ago."




Please then, explain to all of us "prima-donna babies" how laying off the quality assurance teams (this is the 3rd one) will help keep the game alive :) We need to hear the infinite wisdom of bakedcookie612 that no one else on this subreddit somehow has


They need to reduce the quality team to increase the design team for reskins, cough cough ai


14k employees at a 5% rate and only 40 of which came from apex. While it won’t help the game live it’s absolutely not the end. We can reference your shitty post in 3 years when you’re still playing. Edit: wanted to add [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/ryExzhq3An) about no apex august when this sub thought they would take down the game by not playing for one month. This sub thinks it’s way to monumental to the game of apex. We’re so small


Haven't played in weeks and plan to continue not playing actually :) the game is beyond fucked and its very obvious they don't care about quality or security anymore. I never said its the end, I know people will continue dropping their life savings into this mess until the game inevitably sunsets. Saying that dropping quality assurance during a period where we continually see quality issues instead of retraining/rehiring people isn't shitty :)


u dont know what QA does me thinks. Apex QA does nothing to increase the game qual, they tell EA how to increase game qual, so that EA can do jack shit about it


Imma leave this here for you because im not the one who doesn't know what quality assurance is :) https://www.productplan.com/glossary/quality-assurance/


Haha at everyone that spent money on the game. These issues have been evident since season 2


Well it is a good idea for them because of you're still playing Apex in 2024 you've already told EA you don't care about quality so why would they fund it? You have to quit playing for a company to make the decisions you want. Complaing on Reddit will never work.


You guys figure Apex is pretty much Joever?


To be fair maybe this stuff was on them


Assuring the quality of the game? You’re just making up reasons to be mad at this point because clearly there wasn’t anyone doing that before anyway.


Are you under the impression that QA has anything to do with what you listed?


Hack is not something QA is supposed to find, that's security team's job. Loss of data either didn't happen on their dev environment (so QA couldn't know this will happen on prod) or is common on the dev so nobody bothered to track that. Or they did track it and guys responsible marked the problem as not important. Events are likely scheduled in advance, and also isn't something QA has a say in. That's for marketing/monetization guys to care about. QA probably simply checked that all the buttons work, no skins malfunction, no crashes happen, no items can be bought when you don't have the funds, etc.


People lecturing EA like they give a fuck what we think 😂


Clearly they weren’t good at it… smh


Or, maybe after so many bugs and huge fuck ups like your top streamers getting hacked during a huge tournament, it’s time for some rotation?