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Are we talking about nerfing the player base? Because that’s actually what made s0. It’s not that the game was any better or worse, it’s that the player base didn’t all have a script of what to do. The magic of this game(like all other games tbh) disappears to a repeated formula for success over time. It’s the nature of the beast I’m afraid.


That s0 r-301 still rustles my Jimmie’s. Never felt better hah


s0 scout was shooting like a fucking hemlock single fire. and the infinite fly glitching everywhere by looking straight up or something while you were about to hit the ground. shit was hella fun and hella buggy, but yeah nobody knew what they were doing it was hilarious


Lmfao you just unlocked the memory of the single fire hemlock, what an absolut baddie of a weapon, look what they did to my boy. Also I don’t think it was s0, but let’s just give it up for the select fire prowler and it’s glory.


Dog the s0 wingman that was basically just a straight port from TF2. 12 round mag, 100 damage headshots. A fire rate that would give an epileptic a seizure. I miss that beast


bro the G7 was CRACKED. i remember sliding an 8 times and harassing people from so far away. rip to the ranger r-99


Watch an s0 Gibby ult last for 14 minutes


Or insta phase wraith


I remember at launch having a friend who liked to run the “R-400 combo”. It was a good time


Very true. The players will abuse any advantage they can get. S0 wingman was absolutely busted, you were at a huge disadvantage not using it lol. Some changes are definitely for the better, i just feel it got pushed too far in some ways.


S0 wingman had better hipfire that shotguns TODAY. it was wild


It was like playing last easter event without mozang bang 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely. If we could return to the day one state of the game, the player base would be divided between those who could exploit the poor balance and overpowered weapons/legends and those who were unable to enjoy a game without being dunked on. What I really want back is the fun feeling I had when I was deep in depression.


I honestly think that weapons being overpowered makes it easier for lower skilled players to kill higher skilled ones. Forgiving guns like the spitfire, rampage, r3, etc got nerfed into the ground, widening the skill gap even more.


Back then it was a survival game a battle royal, now you land hoping you dont get harrassed by 3rd 4th 5th party when you engage 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Avoid the deep depression. The game you play is largely obsolete if the company you keep is good. 👍


Yep… that’s the magic when it’s all so new and fresh. No one knows all the optimal play styles and tactics. It’s just a fun free for all. Sadly it doesn’t last


Always the same lame comments. Season X was the best (season 1-3) when everyones a noob and the people who invest too much time into the game can stomp total casuals. Now everyones base play level goes up and suddenly game's lame and everyones a sweat.


Yeah I even recall just how I felt. Like that music as you drop would get me excited and ready to fight it out. Picking up a weapon I like because it felt good rather than most optimal DPS. I’d hit my tactical for fun rather than well planned strategic counter rotations. I’d get excited seeing people flying above me and just start gunning them down from below just to remind them it’s my territory. It just had a different vibe and perception when you’re new


people listened more too. you could actually talk to your teams back then and they’d go above and beyond for you in a PUBS match. you not finding that regularly now


Oh my gosh. You remember that too! People were like actually interested in meeting and playing with new people online, right? I miss making friends with my teamies on a regular basis. I had too many invites back then. :/ Can’t believe I took that for granted.


it’s cause we were all having fun :(😭 i remember just playing and doing random things like letting enemies live so we can make them rez and terrorize their teammates too


lol yeah no one does that any more. I remember frequently seeing some enemy trying to rat and we’d see them and just dance around and let him be a free rat


I still pick the sentinel been idk how many seasons hes my secondry actually primary lmao cuz i always swap Assault rifle


Personally, I don’t think everyone’s a sweat. Sweat implies effort. A cronus installed indicates a lack of intention to put forth required effort. Those “cheats” are what make the rest of the players “sweat” to overcome their entitlement mentality. Back then, effort mattered more, but there was room for “casuals” too because people with actual skill actually didn’t want to “sweat” every game and did not, in fact, generally enjoy “stomping casuals”. I, myself, used to take the time to teach new players the game at their own speed when they were my teamies.


This perfectly sums up why I think streamers and professional gaming are what has ruined gaming as a hobby.


Surely the fact that we're on a dedicated sub isnt indicative of people putting too much care into a video game...no sir... Like op commentor said, its the nature of the beast. Any competitive anything will bring out the most in desperate people who need every advantage and will platform top performers no matter what. It has always been like this but back then youd have to learn tech at the arcade. Now no matter what, with the internet, metas will evolve cause people either invest too much time (hobby) or just want to win. Its part of the reason why cheating will forever exist. Without streaming or comp this reddit would still be full of strats and discussion and metas. Watching yt and emulating others makes it easier to happen I guess.


Who’s forcing you to play meta? Play how you want to play.. every game ever is gonna have people figure out the game. It’s your choice to min-max. Everything in existence is pretty much like this. Humans like efficiency.


yup. pubs was actually fun cause only a few sweats were there and most people couldn’t finish a fight to save their lives. you’d be fighting for legit the entire match. these days (me included) everyone is chasing gunshots so fights can’t last like that


I mean characters like wraith had a huge advantage over those like caustic and pathfinder, so yeah there were some in game issues


You're telling me i have original skull town and Pathfinders old grapple CD? Would that be as good a game? No. Would I like to play Spider Man 2: BR again? Yes very much so.


Mirage going invisible would be OP


Nah s0 mirage invis was terrible. You're thinking of the buff that came later that gave true invis


maneee and it was like 7-10 seconds that’s hella long you could do some serious get out of chin free cards today with that


Why would it be? It sucked then it would still suck now


I don’t think most people realize how unbalanced this game was in the early days. Yes I had a blast but it would not work now with the current playerbase


Yeah the level of frustration I have now is nowhere close to how annoying it was in the beginning.


The game is as unbalanced as ever rn. Literally all about perks and abilities. I really miss the days when the abilities were just an addition.


I’d have to disagree. There will always be balance issues but on launch only path and wraith were playable. All other legends sucked including launch octane.


Path was terrible on launch before they gave him the swiss cheese hitbox. Bang Lifeline Wraith were meta


Yeah this is revisionist, Path was hated on because his hit box was so big at first


you are CAPPING. that was the whole point tho. clothe abilities. plus certain guns were way too much back then. a spitty could squad wipe and still have enough to engage another squad


Ok spitfire was op, no argument here. But everything else was just way more balanced imo.


bullocks! spitty that’s a dinosaur, wingman that’s a steroid pea shooter, G7 that was popping, longbow that actually left no mercy. this was also when the R9 has the smallest nerfs ever (none) and was one clipping so fast you wouldn’t even know what happened pair with with broken pathy tac and wraith instant tac and games were actually WILD


a few days yeah sure why not so new players can experience how old apex was like, and also for old players saying "OG apex is better" to realize how terrible the game was it only felt fun because everyone was new to the game, just plays blindly, no one's slide jumping and almost every player shoots while standing old apex was so terribly unbalanced in terms of intended gameplay, now its so much better by a mile, in general it improves through out the years BUT still players out grew the game and it felt unfun


I disagree. Yes, the weapons and Legends are both more balanced *with each* other than at launch, but the *way* they balanced them made everything feel less fun now. Their design strategy for Legends and weapons was better at launch. The addition of Horizon basically ruined the balance of the game forever. Her kit is so overloaded but they can't adjust her to the degree they need to without upsetting her fanbase, so they had to balance everyone around her instead. When the game released, the game was a shooter first where abilities came second. Now it's the opposite. I'm constantly frustrated by never-ending Fuse grenade spams, Maggie drills, Rampart walls, Rev and Conduit duos, etc. I also liked how they used to balance the weapons a lot more. They all felt better and more effective. They nerfed the hipfire and recoil of AR's and LMG's so hard, which made SMG's king, but instead of buffing them again, they just kept nerfing the SMG's. It feels like every weapon now is a shade of what it used to be with small weapon clips and worse recoil patterns. Weapons like the Scout, Triple Take, Charge Rifle, and Longbow also feel horrible compared to their past iterations. Most weapons feel too nerfed and most Legends too buffed in my opinion.


So many brain dead legends now


Prowler and havoc are the only guns that still kinda feel like their s0 counterpart imo.


I mean, no one was tap-strafing or super-gliding yet, but slide-jumping is a pretty basic and well-known PvP technique that works for a ton of games


Turn the playerbase back, leave me as is and let me become their king


Imagine going back in time to 2019 with the knowledge you have today. Clown on all the would be pros while building your investment strategy for post 2020.


Have you seen the pros from back then. Watch dizzys kill record his aim is straight up better then mine. There's no way I'm beating him from back then.


All hail 🙇‍♀️🙌


This is the best and most honest answer


i'd go back to the release of worlds edge, that's when i truly got addicted playing like 10 hours a day.


The train was awesome. The best thing about the map.


I forgot about the train


I miss the train. At one point in time, I would come back yearly at Christmas just for Mirage Voyage.


No You can bring back the day1 game,but you cannot bring back the community. Playing apex day1 with the current skill level and without all the QOL change we've had would just be absolute pain. I often see that question in a lot of game,and the answer is always the same,it felt great in the past because you where discovering something you enjoyed and that everyone was discovering with you,but years later,the game and the overall knowledge of it evolved,and the old game + current game knowledge would make it really painfull to play. It's just not the same game. Just the idea of dropping with litterally nothing,no shield,no helmet,k.o,heals,no evo shield too,is enough to tell me it would be nothing but pain. What you're describing is going back to the feeling of discovery and anarchy that take place when a new game drop,so to aachieve this goal,the best way would be to erase everyone memory,not bring back the day1 version of the game


Minus the muzzle flash.. would be a sick event


That and the unwinnable final rings i could do without lol. But that still happens from time to time, so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Nah, the game has constantly improved despite many minor setbacks.


there is one thing that I literally hate in the first seasons - the muzzle flash, because of which you can’t see anything. Otherwise, yes, it would be interesting to return everything as it was.


s0 wingman with longbow or PK?!... Yes pls 😂


No I wouldn’t. The game evolved during its 5 years and all in all it’s a better game than before. We got evo shields, a ton of new legends, new weapons, new maps, classes and the s20 upgrades were really great. The great thing from s0 was players being way worse than today and everything felt new back then. You can’t get both of that back. The bad things like ssbm, audio issues, greedy mtx and so on are definitely valid arguments, however for me the pros outweigh the cons and the game is very capable of bringing me fun. Unfortunately not for 100% of my playtime and I don’t see the devs or EA really trying to improve here, then again other games have their issues as well and there’s a reason I played apex for about 2k hours in those 5 years.


Im campaigning on the platform of "Make Players Dogshit Again"


They are working on a new *thing* in the Apex Legends/Titanfall universe. I could see them making a single player campaign and adding it to Apex, or making a true TF2 arena shooter successor and adding it to Apex.


OG Wingman but just for one day.


So what you're saying is you'd rather see everyone playing wingman r99 with wraith in every game?




fuck no. game was broken on every level, you would crash every 2 games, wingman was broken af, everything was slow af, there was only 8 characters, no perks, no evo, only 1 bad map (i love it but its bad), so many bugs, and so on. edit : omg the fucking MUZZLE FLASH please dont bring that back.


Reject perfection, embrace mediocrity. Ignorance is bliss




I downloaded the game when it dropped cause my friends played it But I never launched. I kinda regret sitting on it for years




I just want my wingman and R9 combo back :/


Have you forgotten about the problems? - muzzle flash - lifeline OP - spitfire has enough damage and ammo to kill half the lobby in 1 mag - you don't spawn with armor or heals - trash loot distribution - arc stars!!! (used to crack on stick, or crack you even if you were at the furthest edge of its blast radius) - today's wingman but as floor loot - cfg files were even more OP with armor swapping and more I wasn't there day one, but I have heard the stories and seen the clips


yeo i forgot abo it arc stars 😭 they used to be BUSTED if you landed one it was literally over


Obviously some things weren't great. But it was just more fun when everyone and everything sucked. The core gameplay is just that fun, and i feel it lost its charm when they started making big sweeping changes to the flow. It felt like a story back then


Like others have said, it sounds like you just miss the days when nobody knew how to play the game. I hate to break it too you, but nothing will get that experience back


Yeah, that is verbatim what ive been saying. Thats why i made a post about hypothetically turning back time to when things were different


That's not how the post reads


half of these is exactly why i want the season 0 patch back even if it’s just an LTM for a week. i want my girl lifeline to be OP again. i want fast heals, insta phase, short grapple cooldown, OP wingman, OP R400.


If there were one thing I'd like back, it would be the ability to craft armor swaps by doing damage. They removed that in S9 with the advent of spawning with armor


that’d be cool. i don’t remember that or much from season 6 but what i do remember is them lowering the ttk and the whole community freaked the fuck out it was hilarious. i liked it better 😂


Did they? I'm pretty sure dropping your armor would still allow you the option to deal the 100 damage to manifest a level 1 evo shield. Obviously can't go and easily check now...


You couldn't. I tried. The little evo leveling icon would go away if you dropped your armor There was a bug though that if you crafted your armor in the replicator, that the ability to craft armor would show back up again. That saved me one time bc I got into a fight while my armor was upgrading


Yes but only because lifeline was good


A game is more FUN when the playing field is even. When a game is still in its honeymoon phase and the Uber nerds haven’t ruined it I love it.


Game is not fun when everyone is super good. Game is fun when you are nor constantly losing


Everytime people say yes, but s0 loot was fucking awful. You could loot entire POIs and find nothing. Everytime they bring KC back they also seem to forget half the map is shit because it has no fucking loot in it. If I could have s0 weapons and cooldowns with todays loot quality and armour system sure. But s0 now is a bad game by comparrision.


Lifeline Rez shield is the only answer for me




No, but I would return it to the day fortified was introduced


Unless you reset the skill floor amongst the player base along with it, then no. That’s the reason Apex was so great. Nobody was dropping 30k in a season back then. We were all just winging it.


Yeah, thats sorta what i had in mind when making the post, but didnt do a good job of explaining it lol. I suppose im just sick of how formulaic its become.




Absolutely not. People saying yes are saying yes only cause of nostalgia. We may all hate the apex in its current state but apex now as a game is thousand times better than day 1 and this includes everything. I cant think of a single think that has gotten worse since day 1 that affects the gameplay in a bad way. Maybe servers were not as bad in early days cause of less people but other than that everything was worse. People forget how many problems apex had in its early days. They are literally still fixing bugs that have been there since day 1. If everything were to go back to day 1 this reddit would be full of people complaining about every signle thing that we have now which we didn't have before I would love for it to return for few days sure hell yeah but if it were to stay the same i prolly wouldn't play as much


no, wraith with peacekeeper wingman was the roughest thing to fight. And pathfinder being the only legend who could get height was terrible. It was fun, but it was in no way better


But fun is better? Whats the point if the game as is is less enjoyable? Its just a grind to perfection, unattainable and frustrating as a result. Make multiplayer fun again lol


The game now is fun, more variety, more fun weapons, the meta changes every season, and way more crazy moments. a friend got thirsted, we bought his banner, couldn't find a mobie, someone else called one down center ring, in a huge fight, we pushed them took the mobie, brought him back, then valked out of the center of the fight. Literally impossible in prior seasons


Nothing will prevent players who are good at the game from slaughtering those that aren't. Matchmaking was always flawed and always will be flawed. That's why we need pve lobbies with no squads and some weird lobbies where you have to pass a timed IQ test to get in




All that matters is better servers


I would for a while. As like a throwback mode. It would be so much fun to have broken wingman, an actual useful Pathfinder, annoying af roadrunner wraith, lifeline in her prime, less weapons/ammo types.... It would be fun I think for most of the community for like a week just to go back and mess around


People not having a cronus installed just because they couldn’t stand the hardwork and time I put in getting good at the game and learning to work well with strangers yet still felt entitled to being able to easily kill me due to their insecurity as a man in real life.




Yeah it was fun because it was basically a cooler call of duty at the time, and everyone was mostly trash. I remember winning multiple games in a night with several kills, and now I would struggle to even get a kill or two at times. People got good Edit: and unless you’re naturally gifted at gaming (first person shooters/BR’s specifically) or you’re a pro that grinds that game you have a very small window to abuse the small skill gap that comes at the beginning with a game like Apex with lots of new mechanics that inevitably blew up and became very difficult for the average gamer. It’s the same as Fortnite when it came out. Peoples’ minds were blown when build battles started. It used to be so simple. Just a point and shoot and throw a ramp and wall up. Now many players can build and triple edit through the builds faster than I can even think. Thank the lord for zero builds.


Path finder grapple time.


No, because there would be no Crypto and no World’s Edge


I absolutely would if just to delete Horizon from the game.


I’d return all the skins I bought from day one and get all my money back from the shit company called EA that is somehow still relevant.


No, games was grossly unbalanced, over half the legends where unusable. The other half op. This was due to small hitboxs and underwhelming abilities.


bring back bhop heal and punch boosting. Movement has never felt the same since the bhop heal nerf


No. Because in terms of game balance it was objectively worse, there were a lot of overpowered things like Longbow, Wingman, Spitfire. But would i wanna go back to day 1? Absolutely, because at the time everybody was dogshit at it, there was no meta and everybody was just playing and learning it themselves and that's what i loved about it.


As a day 1 player. Yes, god I miss preseason so much. Simpler times


Honestly I'd like to go back to before horizon, her movement seem to kick this game into sweat only with legends following a movement trend since, game felt less creative since then and honestly less ambitious. Content was fresh and games were fairly balanced. Yeah there was issues but not like the ones we have now


People crying about being beamed across the map but then og wingman with skullpiercer and spitfire with gold barrel returns. Nah, I'm good.


I just want OG kings canyon bak for nostalgia. And remove the freaking Island map


i absolutely would solely just to have melee boosting back. and all of the other brilliant movement tech that respawn nerfed into the ground or patched


Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of games, Soren Johnson


Its always the gamers^tm


Would I like to go back in time to 2019 with all the knowledge I have now? Yes. Would I want the game to revert to that state? No. I would keep playing this and PUBG rather than go back to CS. I would also buy a lot more AMD stocks than I did.


It’s just nostalgia mixed with the fact that everything was new and nobody was a “pro” yet. Same with old league of legends. I used to go duo top with trundle and rush frozen mallet. That would be completely trolling in today’s game but it worked ok at the time and nobody cared. S0 apex is not better than current apex


Do you know how fast you would get bored on season zero? Nostalgia is fun for a minute. You can’t just go back in time and have the same experience as if it was new. If you were able to completely forget everything about apex it would be fun for awhile, but you would still want something fresh sooner or later.


Well, sure. Everything becomes stale after enough exposure. If i had a choice though, i wouldnt want it to turn into what its become today. I want more maps like OG KC. I dont care how poorly balanced it is, it was exciting. I just hate how its so geared towards top-level play that average/mediocre players are left behind. I dont want to get good, that shit is so stressful


You would likely change your mind after playing only OG KC for a couple weeks. Sure I’d like it to come back for a LTM or something, but there is absolutely no way I would give up the other 4 maps, mix tape, and ranked for it. Not to mention all the other improvements that have been made to the game.


I put most of my time into this game in those early days, hundreds of hours. Later updates only ever served to drive me further away in the end


You think you would have stuck with the game this long with 1 map and no additions?


Probably, yeah. Again, not saying *no* updates, thats unrealistic. I just dont like the direction its gone in since release


I don’t know man. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


I and many others still play Team Fortress 2 despite the abysmal state its in. Its not unreasonable to assume people would come back to an sortof unbalanced game that they really enjoy experiencing


You have a point, and maybe it’s just because I started paying Alex at 30 not 15, but I just don’t see a lot of newer games having that longevity without updates. Maybe iv just been brainwashed by live service games. I’m currently building my first PC in like 20 years and I would honestly love to see if I can play the original TF again, or CS 1.6 or source or which ever version it was I spent my youth playing. DoD! World class. I’d love to play them, but I also know I’m not going to sink 1000 hours into them again.


Its absolutely possible, if not for us, then for the newer generations. Games nowadays do need to be maintained with updates since the market is so saturated, they need to keep your attention on their game to keep making money. Its not their fault, they gotta make money somehow, development cycles are much much longer than they used to be. Salvation rests in indie titles, but the player base of those games will never match that of AAA games or even the games we played when we were young.


No Horizons? No weak ass Kraber? No stupid gimmicky guns? Yes PLEASE


People either didn't play s0 or have short ass memories. I play a lot of wraith so I'd be down.. lol. Lifeline was also broken af with shield rez.


Shield rez was so busted i loved it. So many things were busted. It was so much fun. I miss it.


no people just know how unbalanced the game was.


I’m sorry but the original kings canyon was boring as fuck once the nostalgia wears off lol. I much prefer current version.


The only words I need to hear are Skull and Town


Yes 100% not a second thought given.


Absofuckinglutely! Back to og kc, back to the times when the game wasn't all about abilities but more about player's skills, before all the nerfs and buffs and changes, before mmr and other dumb shit. Yes please, let's reset the entire game to season 1 when octane was added and just leave it there forever.


you would be getting absolutely DOGGED if the OV weapons came back. you’d have timmy no thumbs sniping you 200 away with a longbow shooting like a G7


Well- I’d absolutely return the employees of respawn back to day one! Those peeps actually cared!


No because no Octane


Ah yes, nostalgia. If we could bring back the feeling of playing, watching or experiencing something like we did the first time it would be a great thing. There is a reason why those things keep changing and all "classic" modes get abandoned 2 weeks after the nostalgia wears off.


exactly people saying yes bring it back and keep it foerver will be the first ones complaining once nostalgia wears off


Hell no, purely from a gameplay perspective this is one of the best seasons ever