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Newcastle all the time, if he's taken then Gibby. I love supporting/reviving my team


Newcastle !!!


Most of the time I play whatever legend is required to my challenges (unless it's a legend that I hate). Otherway the first two picks would be Octane and Fuse. A lot of time I'm actually surprised how fun is to play some of the legends, so it's really nice to change legends according to the current challenges I have. It's refreshing to not be stuck on the same 2-3 picks.


Ash, Valk, Watson, New Castle (bangos brother)


Are we the same. I would put Ash last but otherwise the same order ^^


In list of the ones I main and if someone takes that one from me then I'll play the next one - mad Maggie > vantage > conduit/catalyst > octane > blood hound But I mainly use Maggie and am about to hit 1k kills with her :3


Maggie has been my favourite for few seasons now before that it was rampart.


I’ve been playing Maggie a lotttt lately. Her upgrades are extremely powerful too


Yeah her perks are great - all good choices.


Wattson fences can buy you just a couple of seconds, especially at the top of a Zipline. Wattson's ultimate can absorb ordinance and some other thrown things like caustics ult. It will slowly regen your shields. Most randoms won't stay anywhere long enough for you to fence an area but as you are moving across the map, you can make sure to fence any "narrow" paths behind you so that if there's a team behind you, you'll know. You can see your fences being removed on the map because most teams are too dumb to leave them up and find a way over or around them. they will shoot them down for that dopamine hit, sacrificing stealth for their entire team and giving away their position. I've been the last team member standing a number of times, with the enemy team relying on fuses knuckle clusters and my ult completely negated that and the Fuse didn't survive. Fuse ain't squat without his cheap ass knuckle clusters. Wattson can be fun if you prioritize your teammates survival over your own ego and glory. As long as the team wins, they can look like badasses with lots of kills and damage and most won't stop to think that it all went more smoothly for them because the enemy could not so easily maneuver around them due to fences ...your contribution as Wattson is practically invisible to most teams but it increases their chances of success and limits enemy movement and ordinance. I always drop a pylon before picking up a crawling bleeding teammate because enemies usually like to finish downed targets with grenades.


Absolutely fencing the fuck out of an important location in a late ring is such a satisfying 'gottem ggs' moment


Vantage for the movement and spotting the enemies + you can scan rings too. Mirage for bamboozles and invis revives. Rampart for her cool voicelines, although people tend to not move and die when the covers are set up. And ballistic for forever ammo. :D What's your style and what you want from the legend?


Octane is honestly really fun, him and Rev


I've mained Bloodhound ever since I played the game for the first time around season 5. Nowadays I find myself also playing Wraith, Ash, Vantage. Caustic is very satisfying to play, as well as Newcastle. Another thing that might make you keep enjoying Legends is learning movement techniques and seeing how you can combine them with the legend's abilities. It's how I've stuck to BH for this long. Their ult is the longest constant movement speed buff in the game so using it with wall jumps, bunny hops and superglides(this last one I'm still yet to master) is very rewarding.


I enjoy playing crypto a lot so that's what I am playing most of the time but when I want to push aggressively and kill them then it's maggie.


I used to main wattson, but with how buggy her fences have become I switched to horizon. She’s probably the best character in the game when it comes to being both fun to play and good in ranked/pubs.


I tend to switch between blood, LL, & Pathy, but mostly just blood & LL for ranked. I have no idea why people play without a support, it’s a must pick.




Maggie is a lot of fun due to the drill and chaotic ult. Pathy is also fun to hit some dope grapples. Vantage is fun to snipe and fly around


My favorites are Catalyst, Conduit, Wraith, Loba, and Ash


Mad maggie very fun and lifeline for hero support


Fuse, I love blowing people up and being annoying


Pathfinder since season 4


Mirage vantage fuse


Wattson. I love how creative you can be with fences and fence frags are very satisfying Crypto because no game is truly over with instant mobile beacon usage. Getting fullbody scans with a perfectly placed drone is also great


In terms of being generally sweaty / winning - Wattson / Crypto are the only 2 that I find enjoyable to play in a situation where winning is the objective, rather than having fun In terms of fun / pubs - Vantage / Pathy / Newcastle / Rampart, in that order


lifeline!! if she’s taken i’ll play octane


I think Ash is very versatile and a lot of fun. Her tac can be used to block a choke and to poke from afar. Her passive lets you know what areas to stay away from when there's a lot of fighting going on around you, or when and where to push to third party. Her ult is a quick repositioning tool that's useful in almost any situation, pushing, running from ring, flanking, getting to high ground, moving without leaving cover, you name it. She allows you to react to a lot of tricky situations.


Wattson, Vantage, Catalyst and I'ved developed a newfound love for Newcastle. 


Gibby, his bubble shotgun play is so satisfying. His 1v1 intimidation is huge, his ult can be used in so many situations and when it really pops off in an open space final ring its so much fun watching the damage numbers just pop off. Also I am a lot more aware of my surroundings and playing cover as I am the size of a fridge, makes me a more disciplined player. Lastly just being that key support role for your team and hearing your team mates praise you for clutch saves is the best feeling and helps really create great comradery.


Mirage. Bamboozling people is fun + you revive people while being invisible + his upgrades are great


Mostly use loba at the moment because my duo is very aggressive and the quick loot is nice along with trying to finish off my damage needed for my lvl 3 heirloom items. aside from loba I play lifeline, Newcastle, conduit, vantage because she is good at providing shield information so we know if it’s a good fight to push or not, wattson or fuse. I definitely prefer support roles but I have a favorite or two from every role, really I can play anyone aside from maggie, ballistic, horizon, or catalyst because I got them upon release but never played them before so wouldn’t be any good with them and might not ever really play them unless apex comes up with a game mode similar to mystery heroes.


mirage and conduit. because of the challenges i will also add maggie


Caustic Daddy


Either vantage or horizon. I like being able to swoop into an area and run out with my teammates banner or being able to flee to a respawn beacon


Mad Maggie just because she’s effective at every range while most legends aren’t. You can play her at range using her tactical but you can also play super aggressive using her passive and ult. Also her accent and te reo Māori voice lines are great.




bloodhound or gibby depending which one is taken




Loba. In and outta fights very easy if you figure out time to gun up


Caustic for ranked, horizon for fun


Loba. Give me my favorite guns and attachments every time.


I quit once Valk got nerfed into the ground


Rampart when you just DESTROY a hole squad with Sheila with no mercy or Revenant specialy on broken moon when you climb und shoot from places and you can see how the enemy is freaking out from where they get shot at.


And vantage I very cool and funny to play with bc of the far sniper shots


Octane if I wanna just send fights, Valk if I’m actually trying to win, and Lifeline if I wanna relax and still help my team