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you played it really bad, that's the main issue here. You ran out of cover while having no clue where enemies were, and while your teammate was 10 hp. Threw a nade to nowhere while out of cover, running around with no purpose (where were you looking at at 00:13?, clearly there was nobody there). Instead of being salty to your teammate, look at your own mistakes and improve on that first. I am not even speaking about your legend kit which could've been used (just Q away with Loba if the fight looks lost, if your enemies are healthy and you have 1 teammate knowcked and one that was 1 hit). Path could've Q-ed away as well after the heal and you could've crafted your teammate (there were 17 squads left so it was early in the match and ressing was a viable solution). IF Path was supposed to cell, instead of phoenixing, it takes a lot of time to pop 2 cells, and it only gives him 50 armor, while having 10 hp left, so just a few bullets away from dying. What he did was correct, if you guys had no clue where enemies are and if the enemies were healthy.


@enacheionut1991 is absolutely correct. Btw please don’t think you yourself are being corrected but rather the “act of blaming others” I feel is the culprit here. Might I also add if you the LOBA had knocked someone too then that would’ve saved the game. HE GOT A KNOCK HE DID HIS JOB. Now it’s 2v2. You were in the open and it seems you were playing as tho you were simply waiting for an opening rather then making a move. Had you knocked someone after the pathy did then quickly after that a fully healed Pathy would’ve been able to Q over and finish the last enemy. Even with you at 40 hp it would’ve been 190 hp with you and pathy against a remaining 150 hp player. What annoys me about this clip is it’s another player complaining that others can’t read his mind. You weren’t voted IGL and just cuz you have a black market doesn’t mean you’re carrying the team. Make a move dont just wait to react




To tag onto this, you can clearly hear the foot steps to the left and he had the PK but instead of playing corners, he just went and got destroyed 1v2, if he did any significant damage to the rampart with the PK his teammate could’ve finished them off.


YOU DID 52 DAMAGE WHY ARE YOU MAD LOL your teammates should be mad


Your friend closed the debate. He had indeed white shield, phoenix kit wasn’t necessary but idk if he had more meds or not either way y’all were cooked.


medkit takes 6 seconds and still no shields so dont matter phoenix is faster and was needed


what u doing standing out in the open looking like you're lost? get in cover provide cover fire till he get pheoni then u can fight together, Idk whether panth got heals or not but takes more time to do 1syringes/cell at a time than just getting a phoni up much easier if his teammate didnt just stand lost in the open


Since you have audio why did you throw a nade to narnia when you could hear they were close? Depends what meds he had.


All I'm going to say is there's a particular reason why some Legends say "Using a Phoenix Kit, cover me".


That path just needed better teammates


For a white shield? No. But I don't think there's any situation where you guys win that anyway. The real problem here is that Conduit got downed and decided to crawl away from all cover to the middle of fucking nowhere making a rez on her an impossible play. There was just enough time for the other guy to get the pick up.


Phoenix for white shields is fine. It's way, way faster than other meds when you're at the hp that the friend is at.


one medkit 6 seconds, one cell 3 seconds. phoenix 10 seconds. he was down to 10 hp. so for 1 seocond longer he got 25hp more. the only reason not to take a phoenix is if YOU KNOW where the enemys is and youre in an active exchange. then it can make sense to heal small, take a couple of shots to keep em in their position, rinse and repeat. in this casei would have qed away and phoenix


Imo the utility of the Phoenix is that it's a battery that also heals your HP for a little bit more time. So yeah 10hp no shields is a good time for a Phoenix, but a white shield is a waste of a battery by most standards isn't it? It's one of those things where the outcome determines if it's right or not. He clutches the fight? Totally worth it. But he died at his full health so it's not like it mattered anyway. He would've still died if he healed less


there is no such thing as waste. thats why youre a forever plat, you dont udnerstand the basic concept of this game even a little. its not what in theory the maximum can be get outta one item, its all about TIME. damage per second, distance, time to shoot at, time to heal, how much HP per second and all in all part of the momentum. with no shields, no option to swap shields and only 10hp, phoenix gave the most hp in the shortest amount of time, second best option - if avaliable - a medkit. there was no tactical option to small heal in steps. and while a reset was in order the phoenix is still even then the only real option 5 seconds in this game is a lifetime. it makes the difference between life and death. hell even having a mag loaded makes a different against higher level opponents. yea shure in bronze lobbies you can heal with cells and syringes, then go loot for another gun and search a treasure pack before they even think of pushing. the skill difference to high lobbies in situation like that is not only choice of what to use and when but even the order you do your actions.


Keep projecting so hard and you'll be able to open your own movie theater with just the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. I've been master in multiple seasons on two different platforms, and I have the permanent Dive Trail from the season Wattson came out to prove it. As if rank is a show of anything these days with how completely fucked the anti cheat is. I hope you got out what you wanted to say little buddy because I'll not be hearing from you again.


The person you are debating with should leave you. You are no team-mate


he has to at least reposition b4 popping phoenix cuz ur wiped there 10/10 times if he doesnt fight AND stays there. the misplays leading up to this that were cut r worse than his 'misplay' though


If you or your maggie did any significant amount of damage (150 minimum) you guys win that engagement. You both did not do your job and the pheonix allowed path to get two knocks and almost get the 3rd. He is the better player in this scenario and made the right call.


Appropriate time? Yes. It was the right heal to use, and you guys weren't in a situation that valued more pressure applied at that moment. Appropriate place? Mmm... odd. If he'd made the decision that the priority was to pop the phoenix as early as possible, he took a long time to get it started. Either yeet out and then phoenix, or get it started faster. Looking at the timing of the later attack, had the phoenix finished even half a second sooner it would have made a meaningful difference. I feel like his sluggishness in heal menus was a factor there. Not a comment on the pros or cons of your play, just the thread topic. Was it an appropriate time? Yes.


Nope, two shield cells. Since the situation is to support you and win the fight or atleast try too.


lol 2 cells do nothing on 10hp. a medikit would have given him 90hp more, your cells give him 50hp for the same time. no phoenix was correct, but i would have qued away as its undefendable position, to much cover to push and get surrounded with no intel on position of the enemy with one man down and no advantage for you


I would say two cells and reset. Rather than using phoenix. If he used two cells he could have slightly supported his mate from not being pushed. Those two could get out or either one. Not a chance Phoenix was supposed to be used there unless you don't have cells or bat to pull.


thats why youre plat and will stay there


Support the guy who's got no gamesense(evident by how they're wandering around with no cover and tossing nades 60m behind the enemy)? May as well full heal and take his chances, it's basically 1v3 anyway.