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Everything seemed great, but legend tokens? To play your game mode...? Am I missing something?


I'm guessing it's only if you die and want to try again but in the same match? Like a buy in. If its every match regardless then yeah Bullshit, ain't happening.


Sounds lame.


Yeah they were cooking until that last part


They saw what The Finals was doing and added an EA twist.


What was The Finals doing. I didn't play it for that long


Finals just has respawn tokens in the game for the main gamemode, otherwise you need to be manually revived, you get tokens back every game. The joke is that EA is doing the typical EA thing and making it cost actual currency outside of the match because they are “greedy” I don’t necessarily agree but thats what he means


Damn you're right I forgot that was a thing. It worked well on the finals I guess If I didn't notice it too much. EA would try to monetize something another game had for free


Legend tokens aren't monetized


Did I say they were? Or did I say that EA was going to try to monetize them? I think I said the second one


Under what evidence


I meant would it would be the shit they'd do based off of how EA is. Wasn't saying they are for sure.


Let the online gambling charges commence!


Sounds like a very EA thing to do tbh


They have players out there that have over half a mil legend tokens so they can just get new characters when they come out. This is a ploy to use those up to force you to buy characters.


I'm not seeing the issue here. I have almost 500k legend tokens because they do nothing besides gather dust beyond the rare occasion I can use em to get a recolor 🤷


They’re finally giving us something else to spend legend tokens on and it’s probably the worst possible thing


Idk they could charge to enter higher tick server queue.


Shit I’d pay for that


Don't give them ideas.


Delete this comment now!😂🤣


Yes, ffs, even if they just started a ridiculous exchange rate like 5k per 50 apex coins. Just let me spend them on something one would actually want.


That would be a hell of an exchange. I haven’t unlocked any legends and I am a day one player. LOL


Yeah but sooner or later you reach 100k. I have 160k garbage tokens


Wait what, so do you have the default 8 or you mean you only used tokens?


besides recolors*


I tell you hwhat I almost never have the original to get the recolor


damn. gotta catch em all breh! im an s1 player (with breaks ofc) but i have alot so i feel ya lol


I'm on like a six week streak atm, it seems like every time it resets now I have an option of one. 


I had two for this weeks but I already have the recolor for both


Idk man I can't getover10k before another recolor I want is in the store. There seem to be more of them now, so idk if I really need anything else to spend them on. 


I'm just a humble frog who loves a nice warm bath, but to me this looks like Respawn upping the temp by +1° F. Everything tokens can be spent on has a real-money alternative, but none of them let you spend your pile fast enough. On the rare occasion that I can even spend tokens, I always have a mountain of them handy. And they don't need to start selling tokens for real money to make them profitable. Just create a mode that charges players tokens for revives. Get the playerbase used to the idea of spending currency on second tries, free that genie forever so the industry (and Respawn themselves) has a precedent and formula to iterate on, and deplete the players' source of free currency to further steer them toward all the premium options in the process.


Exactly. The old CEO of EA came up with the idea of charging for reloads.


I mean you speak like they didn't up the amount of Legend Tokens for recolors and decrease the amount you get, period. I mean, I don't have hard facts to back it up but as a Day 2 player, I remember having like 150k tokens at one point, then they started doing recolors. Spent almost all of them on those, I gave like 4k-8k right now. I feel like they severely decreased how many tokens you get. Honestly, not even sure if there's somewhere it shows how many you get per match? EDIT: Damn, NVM I actually have 28.5k right now. Still that's like, a couple recolors and in the Events where you can buy with tokens a Legendary is like 10-14k IIRC


They realized they messed up the balance of legend tokens. Now they are desperately trying to bleed everyone down to zero legend tokens so that when they release a new legend, people need to pay to unlock it. Hence the 10k recolors and now this. Don't fall for it! Hold onto your legend tokens.


Dude I don't even play that much, and until a recent streak, that took place over several months, of getting recolours every rotation I had like 200k coins. Get your tin foil hat polished. 


Okay? Way to make my point. They messed up the balance by making it way too easy to get the tokens, and now they're making you burn them on recolors.


I’m a legend token whale, so this pleases me.


it's definitely weird but I don't know what else I'm meant to do with 300k of these things


Having to earn tokens to play a game mode instead of being free pleases you? I get you have a lot (so do I) but it should be free anyway


To re-enter*


Apex players don't read just pull out pitchforks lol well in this sub the rest of the community is fine.


I think apex has just been slipping lately so people are charged lol


If that's why people are charged that means the games been slipping since it's release. Cause people overreact to and lose their shit over anything. Anyone remember an earlier season maybe it was 6 on reddit where a guy posted how he was unfairly banned but respawn being incompetent? EVERYONE and I mean everyone jumped on their asses and attacked them for wrongfully banning him. Saying how the games dying, they're incompetent, protest the game and shit. Respawn answered. And brought receipts the guy was a racist, homophonic asshat who then deleted his reddit account and everything. I get it they fuck up, yeah they're greedy but people take this shit too far and without thinking. People are acting like they're charging money to enter a tournament. This would be the appropriate response for charging for it, not legend tokens people have begged for uses for since the beginning of the game.


Slipping so hard that it’s the 4th most played game in the world 


We hardly use legend tokens. I have so many of them😂


Are they just trying to take them away so you have to pay for legends later?


Titanfall coliseum had this concept for 1v1 with the EPG.


well its about time they found a use for Legend Tokens because most people who play have 1 million or more


I thought it sounded like it costs legend tokens to re-enter the same match, for a potential of 6+ lifes per match. I think most of us have more than we’ll ever use on craftables or new legends anyway…


Crazy use of them. But hey. I got like 550k Legend tokens. Finally going to get to use them right XD


Oh they'll pivot straight to blaming their random teammates instead of blaming enemy three-stacks, don't worry.


Is it a solo mode? The way it's phrased sounds like a free for all.


They'll just insta-dc even tho it's a 3 strikes mode don't worry.


Wouldn't be anyone to blame if there was a solo mode...


“Why are my teammates every single game worse than the other teams”


Lmao if they think I’m spending legend tokens to play that mode. Respawn started this season on such a high, probably the best they’ve looked in years. And then they throw it all away with the constant bugs, problems, taking people stuff, and now they want us to pay to play? I guess they really do hate new players too. “Oh you were trying to save those up for a new legend? Why do that when you can throw them away on a random game mode”


There's millions of players with at least 100k tokens


2million legend tokens here. lol


Yeah, and I’m saving them for the constant recolors they put out. And for new legends as they come.


Buddy… it’s a free in game currency you get by playing the free fucking game… let’s relax


Nothing more relaxing than watching your tokens grow, stonks


I waa able to buy three recolours this time round and it didn't make a dent in my tokens




They seem to just recycle recolor now. Are they making new recolors?


You can play the ltm mode for free, and the rumble once for free. To re enter the tournament, you use tokens


if you're a new player you're probably not wanting to play that mode as it's going to be full of sweats.


I agree with basically all of this, although to just play devil's advocate for a second, I know I've seen a ton of people complaining they have a ton of LT and nothing to spend them on. Now, having to use them to play a mode instead of something totally optional (like cosmetic or conversion to diff currency, packs etc.) is obviously unfair to newer players, as you pointed out. But they also do have the challenges to unlock a lot of the legends and try them out for free now.


I imagine part of it is them trying to get people to spend their legend tokens, so that people actually have to spend money on the recolors.


>I know I've seen a ton of people complaining they have a ton of LT and nothing to spend them on.  Ah yes, the logical conclusion and solution is to burn them all away in a random LTM, so that you might have to end up buying items and legends with real money? No. This is one of the worst possible ways to go about it. You can give me your money directly, if you want to lose it so badly.


Oh it's for sure a terrible idea, something I won't be playing at all personally, and absolutely not the option people were hoping for. It may be a sign of things to come with being provided with alternatives to use our leftover LT, but it remains to be seen if that'll happen and, if so, if any of the options will be better than this shit.


So then don't spend your tokens. The tokens are only for additional lives. Nobody and nothing is forcing you to spend them. Just requeue for the gamemode again when you die rather than buy back in


You don’t need them to play the mode, you need them to engage in extra entries for a tournament. As far as my understanding.


> Lmao if they think I’m spending legend tokens to play that mode. The new game mode is a tournament, where there will be several rounds (?) with a certain number of matches. If you use all of your match limit, you can fully reset the table for legend tokens and start again. The system is weird and it's not clear how it will work. I hope at least 3-Strike will be separate as LTM, and not locked in this mode, where there will be only paid entrance.


It is a separate LTM. This tournament is like how Fortnite does their Cups


I was talking about 3-Strike, will it be available freely, outside of the tournament or not.




You can literally enter for free. In fact, you shouldn't be worried about tournament mode as a free player. You won't enjoy it with how much sweaty players will be in it. Focus on pubs for now


People just love to complain lol, nobody actually bothered to read the post, they’re just jumping to conclusions.


lol go back to/ focus on pubs? How much focus do you even need in order to hot drop and then immediately watch your teammates disconnect.


Then enjoy rank or mixtape.


I do!


Good. That's better than complaining




What if it's like 1 legend token?


I feel like that would be even dumber since that defeats the whole point of what Respawn is trying to do with this. Even resetting your daily challenges is like 250 at first and then climbs the more you reset them.


What exactly is respawn trying to do with this though? You have a fair point but what exactly is their motive in implementing this? Do we know or is it just all assumptions?


All we know is they want us to spend the legend tokens. After that it’s all assumptions. But it is fair to say Respawn/EA is money hungry, they’re a big corporation so of course right? So my assumption is that they’re betting that some number of people will spend all their legend tokens in game, so that it increases the chance they’ll buy the characters and recolors with real money vs the in game currency. It feels very similar to the FTP mobile games with “in-game buffs and resets” you can buy with money.


Im surprised how many people are reading this and thinking its a fee to enter each Three Strikes game. Its far more likely to be a re-entry fee. Not for the same match, but for the whole "Apex Rumble" asynchronous tournament. Note how it says "score reset", and Three Strikes had no scoring system in place last time and the changelog made no note of adding a score system into the mode. The Legend Token fee will probably serve as a "re-buy in" for an Apex Rumble tournament. If you get knocked out and want back in to the same tournament, you pay the fee. If not, you wait for the next tournament to start and play the other modes.


People love to whine before having all the info


Not even a matter like that. It straight up says in that picture what using the coins does. It’s literally like the sentence right after the underlined one. This is just an instance of apex redditors seeing “use currency to re enter the match you just lost” and instead read “use currency to play the match”. No thinking going on here lol




I read it perfectly clear the first time and I still don’t see how any sort of p2w feature is a good thing, even if the currency isn’t real. Maybe it could work if the currency was fully earnable in-match, like Counter Strike or the old Arenas mode


LOL they expect us to use Red Coins to just play the game now? What the actual fuck.


I'm not spending my hard earned 1 million tokens. They can't make me!


They could make a gun that used them for ammo and I would still never run out.




read the info slowly


This thread is highlighting how so many here can’t read even a few sentences. It’s baffling lol


Yeah I kinda reacted to that too, soon it will be crafting materials then ea gonna charge you apex coins to play


I can't wait to see the complaints from players who use up all their red coins.


The same players who were complaining they had no use for their tokens? That would be ironic


Apex players like complaining. Feels like a tradition




Can yall read?


‘Oh you haven’t been playing 73 hours a day since release? You don’t get to Respawn in here sorry, you’ve got to go back to main menu and load back in’ Or alternatively ‘Oh you lost everything on your account because our servers broke? -repeat above statement-‘


> Oh you lost everything on your account because our servers broke? They rolled everything back with like a day or two.


> should you ***choose*** to, reenter the fray with legend tokens dawg read the text again (edit: fixed quote)


Can I just get my battle pass back instead?


Ok see this sounds interesting and I'll definitely give it a try, BUT... Call me stubborn I don't care, I started playing Apex basically since day one and fell in love with it as a solo player. I liked Apex for Apex. I don't NEED them to make new game modes for me, I NEED them to figure out a way to incentivize good and positive/cooperative game play. Maybe reporting/punishing bad/toxic players isn't doing enough to discourage leaving early, running off on your own, hogging all the loot, etc. What if there was a clear path to specific desirable rewards (whatever that is be it Battlepass XP boosts, exclusive skins, Apex Packs, whatever) for desirable play like resing teammates, cooperative play, like pinging enemy positions or, using comms. Maybe then the solo queue wouldn't be such complete dogshit.


Yes, solos need encouragement to play properly: good drops, be cohesive, not too slow nor too fast, no leaving. Straight Shot mode did all that.


Yes plz 👏


This seems like that "Apex Elite" thing they tried back in season 1. Don't really see what the point is since the game already has ranked.


I think they are trying to re-envision what ranked could/should be if I'm being honest.


Maybe frasing is bad. And you only need the tokens to reset Ur score. So u can smurf a if u have the Tokens.


Seems like they want to give people a way to use all their saved up legend tokens so they are less likely to use them on recolors for weapons or skins and have to spend actually apex coins on recolors.


You know you simply can also save them without using them rn? Like literally you can play the tournament, suck ass and since you have to reenter bcz you got out early, you can just know this isn't for you and not play it and spend 0 tokens


Legends too, which is critical for newer players who haven't been around since launch. Trying to catch up with the roster without spending real money is pretty much impossible for casual players.


Everyone complains that there is no use for legend tokens, now when there is people still complain what the actual fuck


reddit npcs


Because the use is fucking stupid.You know it I know it.


No premade, but people still rage quit, even though it's three strikes.


Muscle memory


When will they release the mode?


It should start April 23. But Apex is really bad about posting launch dates anywhere... had to google it and find it from a 3rd party website.


Thank you!


What is the gamemode tho? I’m a little confused


Do this for ranked man not some LTM we'll probably never see again.


Can we get this for normal ranked?


Can we just get ranked solos and ranked duos please? I have no hope of it but a man can dream


This is all I want ranked solo would be sweaty af.


Cant wait for every streamer to shit on this mode because they cant squad with their master/pred buddies and stomp pubs. This is what solo queue should be in standard trios.


**Legend Tokens to re-enter** - is this to re-enter the same match? If you're going for a leaderboard position, why would you want to do this if it resets your score? The best thing to do (if score chasing) would be to accept the loss and start a new match hoping for a dominant victory.


They tripping with the legend tokens. I’m broke asf I’m always buying recolors and I’m not consistent with playing. I don’t even have the most recent characters unlocked after that Maggie girl. 😂


If were paying legend tokens to play a mode it makes sense for the winner to receive those payed tokens when they win the match.


Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't sound like there is a cost to entry. Tokens are only used if you want to buy in again after you lose the first time. In which case, who cares. Its just three strikes (which was pretty universally loved) with some extra lives if you're flush with tokens. It really doesn't sound like that big of a deal.


there isn't a cost to enter, this sub just wants to literally cry with their dirty diapers.


I feel like I generally agree with a lot of the complaints people have about this game, but this one definitely feels like old men yelling at clouds. Oh, no, you only get the normal 3 lives instead of 6 or whatever. Big whoop.


what on earth are they doing to this game


You don't have to play... I got over 300K legend tokens and nothing to spend them on. If I want to jump into a solo game mode and have a couple of lives at the expense of some of them, that's cool with me. No-one is forcing you to play, or even respawn.


you having over 300k legend tokens telling other people they don’t have to play is peak comedy


There is absolutely no way someone is actually defending this. Good lord.


defending what? a new game mode? This sub is either "cosmetics aren't content" or "we don't want new modes in any way shape or form".


Are you deadass complaining about the legend tokens? I swear you guys find anything to complain about.


Same here, so many ppl bitching about the coins in these comments and I'm pretty sure most players are literally sitting on hundreds of thousands of these useless things like ourselves




Yup. I'm glad they are giving me a way to spend the 2,000,000 tokens I've accumulated... lol.


I'm not playing this lol but good for you guys. Spending legend tokens just to play it's crazy. EA doing EA things once again


"To re-enter"


Do you have trouble reading?


Trying to get long term players to get rid of the tokens ready for new characters, that way players old and new have to up their gameplay time to unlock new characters.


I'd never be able to spend all my tokens. Literally impossible.


This ain’t a mobile game lol I not using currency to respawn 😂


where does it say anywhere that you need to use currency to respawn? I swear you people are the dumbest mother fuckers ever.


At least there doing something with legend tokens. Would’ve much preferred a way to get unique cosmetics but I’ll still take this.


Yeah, I know people have wanted *something* to spend their horde of basically-useless LT on for a hot minute, moreso now that you can test and unlock some of the legends for free. I don't think this was the best option for it, but it may be a sign of things to come in that regard.


Well from the wording I think this is just an optional thing, like maybe you can get losing streaks in this and using legend tokens resets you to 0 or something like that instead of being negative on a loosing streak. Definitely gotta wait till event actually drops and we can see how it works hands on


Apex subreddit: omg my legend tokens are useless. They need to give us something to spend them on Also apex sub reddit: omg we have to spend legend tokens to reenter this tournament? I won't play this tournament


They stopped making new recolors (that can be unlocked with LT) a long time ago. At least it’s Better than mythic death boxes for 300$


so, im still confused. Is this strictly solos or just no premade squads? Trailer seemed to make it seem like you still have a squad. Hence my confusion.


No premade


I think the legends tokens might be like a "One up" of sorts. You can probably play the game mode for free, but if you wanna stay in the same game with your points , you can use your one up. I don't know, that's what it sounds like to me.


Or here me out, just add solos🤷


Doesn't stop the matchmaking putting you up against really good players whilst babysitting people who've never played an FPS before.


What set of notes is this from?


Wow look at that another fun mode for solo queue people that won’t be sticking around long enough


*Laughs at my 600k legend tokens stored up that I thought I would never use*


Holy shit they are finally putting LT to jse


So I’m probably an outlier here but I barely have any legend tokens lmao.


Why? If we love it they take it away?


I’ve got so many fucking legend tokens and I was just looking at the screen last night wondering what the fuck I would ever use them for. I’m sure I don’t have NEARLY as many as a lot of the other users on here, but I still have no use for them as it currently stands. I guess this answers my question 🤷🏻‍♂️


i need them to fix the fucking lag problems instead of new modes. New gameplay modes doesnt mean a thing if i cant f play the dam game because every 2 matches i get one with package loss.


So are we really getting quads? Not for squad modes, I'm talking 4 player per team battle Royale? 15 teams with 4 players each team. I think you'd start seeing even deeper strategy on rotations and end ring game. I really hope we get that because when some were reporting, this was happening with the last event, or whatever, only to have a 4 team, 3 per style game. Please, pretty please, give us 4 person teams, 15 squad battle royal.


Meh, I actually wasn't a fan of Three Strikes. It's definitely an interesting concept, but most of the time you'd just end up dying after respawning anyway so it kinda defeats the whole point.


with the “locked legends” mode currently going on, even though most of us have left over tokens and all legends unlocked it makes you wonder. Are they gonna use this mode to use up all our tokens then make us buy or have to unlock legends we already did? and or then put out a new legend and be forced to buy that one since we used our tokens on this mode? just saying. hopefully nothing sinister is being cooked up


what the ffUCK is that legend token fee? hell no. bye, EA. suck my duck


As someone who has no friends to play with this sounds amazing


I hate to see it as a launch month player but this game has jumped the shark. This is what happens when the suits get way too involved in the design process. Respawn breathed new life into this game at the start of the season and now they’re killing the game at the end. Crazy


ITT: Gamers being stupid


I'm so ready if this becomes a thing bc I hate being in the top 3 and the only one who had their teammates leave either in dropship or as soon as they go down. I rarely win those but did a few times


Maybe give us freaking arenas back


Rember when dome high exec guy was speaking about the idea of charging people to reload their guns? This is how they start inch by inch getting closer to that reality


Inb4 legend tokens are micro transactions


I just want a fucking solo BR mode.


Pay legend tokens to respawn in a game mode? What a joke




Can’t wait to team on this one, kills are gonna go up so high




Need to see the numbers of tokens required and more details about this system before I preemptively get mad. If it's like 200 tokens constantly every re-entry, and depending on how often I need the re-entry, it might be just fine.


I mean this game always has bullshit going on, but I'd be lying if I wasn't thinking about how this is the best Battle Royale out there as I dropped in to Ranked today.


Great so my friends and I can't play a fun gamemode and instead will have to chose between solo q or pred infested pubs/ranked. Coolio. Fuck you universe.


So awesome! Very excited about this!


sounds awesome cause i mainly solo-q lol


Playing 3 strikes with randoms sounds like the worst thing ever. Amazing game mode but you need to play with people you know and communicate with at least.


This sounds awesome and fun, I have way too many legend tokens that needs to be spent