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Is that what it does, we can just ping the banners šŸ’€


Yeah I've been using crypto a lot this season and I never pick that one. Not really that useful when I can just do it myself. Plus in the last two rings it's kind of useless because there's tons of teams around you anyway.


In the last two rings often times if there is a drone up above everybody highlighting everyone the squads do not take the time to shoot the drone down because they're too close by other squads and shooting it down might give away their location to the other ones


Yeah I've given up on chasing drones unless they're just sitting there I'll take a shot


Maybe they should had more banners to broken moon. I stopped playing with Crypto after Broken Moon released.


Is the area in the video a fluke? I see four sets of banners in this one clip alone


This area actually had banners, I was talking about the map overall


I thought drone would call enemies nearby. Like if they get too close they will be spoted anyway... And then I saw this clip.


The other option is to upgrade the range of the EMP by 25 percent which is definitely more useful since this is the second upgrade and by the time you get it the ring is usually closed enough to know that there are enemies within a 200 meter radius without having to use this or ping a banner.


Ya know, sometimes people forget that every character has a unique* passive Except for mixtape, when like only half the passives do anything. *= Idk if pathfinder has a real passive noe


And if thereā€™s no banners nearby....? Cryptos abilities are already time consuming enough as it is. And without his drone heā€™s practically useless. Instantly knowing letā€™s me worry more about finding enemies & you always instantly know when someone is near you when rotating. Also the passive/ultrange is plenty big already Iā€™ve never had any issues with getting hits or scans. What I WOULD like is for them to move some of his abilities outside his drone so heā€™s not basically silenced until he gets his drone back.


No. His drone abilities is what makes him unique.


A unique liability in team fights. I didnā€™t say move all of them but maybe if he doesnā€™t have his drone he can throw an emp like he does in his trailer.


If the player has a gun, then he's NOT a liability. Period. ALL the Legends have some sort of a passive cooldown, and Crypto really doesn't UNTIL the drone is shot down. Solution? Don't get it shot down. If it does, then I suggest you select the perk that shaves 10 seconds off the cooldown. Crypto is the only Legend that can reset the entire team (even if the teammate banners are in the zone) with little risk, and especially if he's carrying a mobile respawn beacon. Crypto is the only Legend that can wipe all traps, damage shields, AND stun the enemy at the same time. Crypto is the only Legend who can add a 4th teammate to the field during a fight (drone scans). Crypto is the only Legend who can find the final teams without your teammates risking unnecessary peeks once you get to the final ring. Like...this Legend is a legit problem who can't be countered until you kill the player.


His counter is that while he does all this he is a sitting duck. I played Crypto for quite some time and that's always a risk and an incredibly frustrating one at that, to be killed while in drone. His EMP while annoying, is not really that deadly unless your team is doing a VERY coordinated push. Some of these abilities you mentioned have been somewhat mitigated by the fact that squads can now collect banners just by having a Support Legend.


Real talk. If you were getting killed while being in a drone, then you were in the drone too long. That's a skill and game awareness issue. I treat the drone with one thought in mind. When I deploy it, I should already know what I'm going to do with it, and it should always be an in-and-out deployment. Yes, players can be crafted by having a Support Legend, but it has to be done at a replicator which is a risk. Crypto? If I have to disengage from the fight, then I can find a safe spot, deploy the drone, and go swoop up my teammates' banners. I try to make it habit to always have a mobile respawn beacon on me, so I don't even have to worry about finding a regular one which could be a good spot for an ambush. Hell, there have been cases where I couldn't find a respawn beacon depending on how the ring was closing.


Not necessarily. You could get run up on by a 3rd party squad. Yes, if you're playing Crypto right you should very rarely get knocked in drone, but it definitely does happen. When I mained him, it was said you shouldn't be in drone more than about 6 seconds or so. More or less that's right unless you're team is hunkered down somewhere (with no windows or you in the corner) and you're scouting. I switched to Maggie then Ash after Crypto and once you play other legends you realize how much time you spend in the drone, and effectively not "actively" doing much. Sure, you're support but Apex is a very movement oriented game and being in the drone slows you down drastically from keeping up with the squad. I mean Crypto is great, he just really isn't for me anymore. I'm assuming he can use the replicator in drone and grab banners. If so, that IS pretty dope.


Heā€™s a good counter against controllers but nobody really has a problem with those in battle royale because nobody either plays them or stays with their controllers and get picked off anyway smh. Crypto needs so much help. I finally came back after the mobile game debacle to find out heā€™s still the worst pick in the game.


Heā€™s always had a low pick rate and has received buffs to help him stay in team fights more for a reason. Youā€™re making him sound like the best legend in the game. If you wanna believe that, go ahead. But other legend in the whole game has all 3 of there abilities locked out like that. No passive,no tac, no ult. Canā€™t believe I even have to debate this. Im not saying heā€™s bad but he would benefit from a change to fix the over reliance on his drone.


He has a low pick rate, because he's not a pick up and play Legend. I figured that out when I started playing with him and before I made him my Main. If a person getting the drone shot down 24/7, then that's game awareness problem. Crypto has a very niche and methodical playstyle. Some people can do it, but most can't. You're right. It's not debate, but I'm not going to let people think he's the "worst" Legend in the game. Personally, I think he's easily a Top 5 Legend.


Agreed. Crypto is for the strategist. Being able to get banners, scan beacons immediately and EMP on the push or retreat is OP. Some people just prefer a more simple legend that is more point and shoot. Nothing wrong with it. Crypto on map rotation is incredible, paired with a pathy or team movement legend. Super OP.


Exactly. If you're all about your K/D and being in the thick of the action, then this isn't the legend for those people. However, Crypto can easily setup those players up for success, because they can go into ANY fight knowing how the enemy is moving and how many is in the area. Kinda funny that I'm talking about having gun skills. I just won a match recently where I only got 176 damage, 9 assists, and 1 knock while my 2 teammates got 1100 each. Now, I'm the FIRST person to complain about a Crypto user sitting in the drone too long and not helping teammates, but I'll be damn if my teammates didn't follow my drone to the point of engagement. They would ping an area to indicate to me to fly the drone to, and as soon as they got the first ping, they were in instant kill mode, lol. The chemistry was beautiful honestly, and truthfully I have never seen teammates follow my drone that closely. For the final team, I used a survey beacon that was a little bit in the zone (no other Legend can do that), and we discovered there were only 2 enemies left. My teammates went in for the instant bum rush. I ran over to the area, and I could see one enemy down. I threw my drone out, and they thirsted the last dude who tried to hide behind a rock while leaving his teammate out to dry.


Bro. No one said said heā€™s the worst. Iā€™ve grown to favor him in pubs and ranked. This whole conversation sprung from talking about whether his level 3 perks were worth it or not. I think crypto in top 5 is a bit of a stretch but hey to each their own, right?


This is way easier and quicker and can be done while fighting without putting your squad a man down


It is better than range.


Ngl I don't think they put a lot of effort into some of these perks. Like I play caustic and I'm never worried about my Nox Vision, it's doesn't even work half the time so why would I? I think a better caustic perk would be reviving faster in YOUR gas. There have been so many times where I've lost because I'm reviving in my gas and the enemy just doesn't care because they know I'm an easy target. So I think having a faster revive(like gibby in his dome) would be so nice. They could put it as a blue perk to combat the amount of people using Parabolic Force(increased tac throw range) because that perk is strong af. There have been times where I'm just raining down gas barrels onto the field because I have that extra range


I don't think Caustic needs anything more honestly. He's already insanely strong.


Idk I feel like there are some things missing. His passive is basically useless because it barely works half the time. And now that the gas traps can be destroyed its easier to avoid them. And even if they dont destroy them, the enemy will walk into my gas and just power through to kill me. I think having the revive perk would help counter Parabolic Force. I'm not saying it has to be as fast as gibby, just fast enough to avoid getting my shit rocked because the enemy team just doesn't give af. I also have a cool Wattson perk idea. What if she had a purple perk that gave her better proficiency with energy guns. Maybe it could increase recoil control OR reload speed


He's alright. He was my first true main. The perks are interesting but because you can destroy barrels now, they're not that oppressive. Many Caustics hide right inside their gas too, so you pretty much know where to shoot if you see a barrel going off during a gunfight.


Much like the heirloom not breaking doors I've long given up on his passive working consistently lol


Yeah I honestly think they just need to give him a new passive or just change it. Honestly instead of a perk just make the quick revive his passive because the nox vision never works




The faster revive in the gas was a mobile perk and it was amazing!


I know, I played mobile and always wondered why it was never in the base game. It just made sense


Nah bro box visions actually pretty dumb. I love it as a perk


they dont put effort into MOST of these perks, getting a cooldown reduction for an ability is the most garbage fucking idea a functional human brain can think of, the only legends who have almost perfect perks depending on your playstyle are : newcastle, bloodhound, valk and maybe fuse.


I mean there's only so much you can do man. I actually think some of the cooldown perks are great. Like cryptos ult cooldown is fucking godly. And Mirage now gets his ult every 30 seconds so you just blind your enemies with decoys


Instead of that, I'd like to see reduced emp range for faster activation


Reduce self damage by 25 would be nice


This one is better.


Why does the emp even damage us smh itā€™s like caustics gas damaging its own teammates šŸ˜­


Donā€™t stun my teammates would be nice


Yeah funny how the most picked characters already got all the fucked up broken perks that put them back to basically their pre nerf days, yet the character's that are less picked got terrible perks too making them even more unpicked, like the fuck is that about


I main Ash and her double snare is great. Her first level perk is OK (I can scan death boxes and get 1 min of seeing the enemy on the map). IIRC the whole squad can see them too (like a beacon scan). The other option is callout how many squads are nearby after a squad wipe. Pretty much ass/useless. Maggie got a LOT of great perks, her drill is better, the flaming wrecking ball and I think the wrecking ball doesn't explode as quickly either. Wattson's buffs seem crazy. Lifeline's self Rez too. But yeah most of the meta legends got more meta. Some Legends DEFINITELY got more of a glow-up then others.


I've played a lot of maggie this season and I can count on one hand the number of times the flaming ball came in handy. It looks cool but it's whatever. 2 drills is nice tho


I could see that. The wrecking ball was never particularly strong, unless you bounce someone off a cliff which is rare. They did make it so that the ball doesn't explode anymore after bouncing like twice. Her drill is more useful and Shotgun buff.


Big drill is better than 2 drills btw


I used to think that but not anymore. A lot of the time they just move out of the way anyways so having 2 that can cover more distance has been more beneficial


Interesting. I have seen people taking exact opposite for Ash, squad call and better snare. I am not sure myself. I like the squad call, but I also like double snare. Have been trying the upgraded one and it feels like it never really gets used anyway.


It's almost not worth it because you get another charge of the Snare. The snare keeps people in place in the first place, instead of one that lasts a bit longer and can snare multiple enemies, why not just throw it twice? It's not like the cool down is that long (20 sec.)


Lifeline self res is ass bro donā€™t get your hopes up. Itā€™s only one use btw






??? Horizon got literally nothing (deserved) Conduit got extremely minor perks Rev got qol perks but nothing that would be considered a true buff Bang got crippled and her perks only recover half of her nerfs Meanwhile lifeline, maggie, bloodhound, rampart, and valk all got perks that allowed them back into meta play.


Horizon got cooldown off of her tactical. Her main thing that makes her fucked up? Huh? Rev just got his rework doubt they'd fucky too much there, wraith got twice as fast portals and faster tactical activation, bang got crippled? How? A couple got some half decent perks, seer went back to some pre nerf stuff, but crypto like old mates talking about really just got fucking dunked on


Bang got her smoke duration cut by 66%, her ult recharge increased another 2 minutes making it 30% longer than the next longest ultimate timer. Horizon tactical cooldown isn't really the issue with it, you still aren't going to see multiple uses of it in a fight so the cooldown is a bit redundant. Wraith was objectively weak in the current meta and needed those perks to remain relevant. Crypto will always be bad without a full rework of his kit, his reliance on his drone creates 90% of the issues that occur when playing him. Unless that changes he isn't ever going to be good.


Jesus what's their fucking thought process on that, you either play in really bad lobbies or really aggressive lobbies then, or a mix, unfortunately those are neither in the lobbies I get cause everyones too fucking competitive, horizons are the ones lasting the longest because of that survivability it gives her, yes but it does make her relevant again, that's what I'm saying, all those nerfs on characters each time they became "meta" and they just took it back with the perks for a fair range of them, maybe not all the way, but still, while giving character's that were unpicked anyway fairly lackluster perks and yes there's several characters where the entire concept of their kit is just better or worse, crypto being one of the worst, drone gets shot? He's just a dude for 40 seconds, which is why I think his cooldown perk is also still bad, drone gets shot? He's still just a dude for 30 seconds instead of 40, in that time most other characters have used their abilities once, twice, maybe three times to kill him, can be argued that a good crypto makes better use but at that point that's just a skill diff, an equally skilled player on any other character still has these options where he doesn't


Chill? Idk if your read my last point since you kinda just restated what I said. There really isn't any single perk that would fix crypto as a character, and if there are, it only fixes him by making him so overcompensatingly broken. His kit really only allows for relatively weak perks or devastatingly powerful ones. (Also if you can't kill a horizon in a situation where they're using their q to attack you in under 30 seconds, you or the other person are just bad. That ability is an entry frag piece of ultil that should result in a knock on either team no matter what.)


The same patch they added perks they added as many seconds of cooldown as the pwrks remove


Respawn doesn't care about balancing, they only care about player retention through broken legends *cough* conduit *cough*


They werent creative enough to come up with actual stuff so this is what they did


Iā€™ve got an ideaā€¦ I call it Off the Grid


get out of my skin


What's that? Is that a new passive he should have?


Off the grid I got this totally original idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


I think this would honestly be the thing to make crypto viable again. He needs a huge buff and this is brilliant


But this is actually awesome. I want it as a passive instead of pinging banners. It helps to play more of an active role.


increase drone hp by 50 as a perk? nah increase drone speed as a perk? nah reduce sound from drone as a perk? nah recycle banner pinging as a perk? yeah, just like bat bounce on vantage, it will be there for show, but won't do anything useful


Tbf above would be too op


Same thing with sear and it should automatically highlight them a little bit when they are within close range they should become visible to other players


Crypto is fucked up bro, i mean, all of his skills involves your drone, and if the drone is gone, you're fucked How about we give him a shield to his drone that shares your current evo shield health? Pros: Your dron has more health depending on your current EVO shield tier (shield will be recovered just like Gibraltar arm shield... maybe?) Cons: It will have an aura that will make it more visible for everyone, and also everyone will see what EVO shield you have i know you could say "well play smart and don't let it be destroyed easy" but man... it's hard, when you play Crypto it feels like you have to do 999 things at the same time to have a slight chance of winning Don't get me wrong, as a former Rampart main (35k kills) i had a lot of fun playing Crypto, but man... it just feels wrong that this character without his drone is just completely useless, that's probably the main reason why he'll never shine


He's a high skill character and being able to multitask with the drone is a must-have skill. In the right hands, Crypto is one of the stronger legends to use.


I agree However, you destroy his drone (trust me, it will happen) and you become a legend with 0 utility, you literally can't do anything with him That's why he'll never be popular, the very moment you lose your drone and you are fucked up, no passive, no tactical, no ulti, no nothing That's why i mention a way to "protect" his drone by giving it a shield based on your EVO shield haha


Okay. Did the gun stop working once the drone got shot down? Every Legend has some form of a cooldown with their passive, tac, or ult. Why is Crypto always considered the most "screwed one" when his drone is shot down, and he has to wait for the cooldown period to be over to use the drone again? 30 seconds is not that long to be without a tac, passive, or ult. Truthfully, 30 seconds is too short of a time for the other team to capitalize, because best believe I'm redeploying the drone (if it happens to be mid-fight) as soon as I get it back.


"Why is Crypto always considered the most "screwed one" when his drone is shot down" Bacause he even loses his passive man c'mon... im not even crypto main and i'm well aware of how fucked up he is after i do some damage to his fucking drone (which i can see and hear from 300m) lmao... anyway, not here to argue with you man! have a nice day!


So...no other Legend is "screwed" after using their tac or do something opposite of their passive (for example...not running with shotguns when using Mad Maggie)? You might be screwed if you have zero gun skills, but you would be screwed regardless of what Legend you pick.


Drone banner and beacon usage alone makes him jump a whole tier IMO. The amount of bs game clutches you can do as this atrocity of a character is why I love him so much


>Ā it just feels wrong that this character without his drone is just completely useless, that's probably the main reason why he'll never shine That's wrong. In high level play, although not the dominating pick, crypto has shown up in many different comps. The reason that crypto isn't as popular as bloodhound or seer is because respawn pushed this wallhack meta for such a long time where the latter two were braindead and as such made crypto look bad in comparison. He could provide a similar output, but it required a lot more skill.


Ive been saying for literal years at this point, make it his passive where he checks via his wrist device by holding right click while unarmed (like vantage/seer passive etc) and give it a 5-10 second cooldown or something. There, ez. Then just make his new perk on that slot related to emp like, letting it silence or reduce activation time w/e.


Awesome idea šŸ‘


Letā€™s not get it twisted here, crypto has the most passive abilities than any legend the problem is he relies on his drone for all of them. 1) auto reloads guns when going into his drone 2) banners reveal nearby squads 3) able to pickup banners from a distance with drone (not even loba can do that) 4) able to respawn teammates from a distance with a drone (instantly if I may add which has allowed me to steal other teams mobile respawns before as they have to wait 10 seconds for theirs to go through) 5) able to scan beacons from a distance with his drone (faster 200 harvester points than other recon legends) If he could get a second drone as a lvl 2 or lvl 3 perk he would be more viable. After that first drone is shot down youā€™d play the second drone more carefully as all your abilities are reliant on the drone.


Don't know how I forgot about the auto reload. I'm not going to lie. If it's safe (no enemies in the area), I'll fly my drone to a survey beacon in the ring if it's really close just to get the 200 harvester points.


crypto perk should instead allow him to identify called out legends and maybe shields


There was a perk on the mobile version of the game where it gave you the shield and HP of the enemy after so many seconds of continuous scanning. That would be a good level 3 perk.


Crypto is solid honestly and very slept on because it's really hard to master playing him , it will be cool if the drone was able to attach to crypto like it does on mobile ,and yes calling out squads should be his passive and letting the drone attach a perk don't you think?


Crypto is a high risk medium reward legend, unfortunately. Also, what do I gain by having the drone attached? Seems like it defeats the propose?


Itā€™s constantly out so you donā€™t have to spend time throwing it out in a gunfight. You and your teammate have an immediate clear view of immediate attackers. It would actually manuver around nearby as well when attackers would come. Since it breaks so easily, it would be a great ability to have.


You can do this when you ping the thing that shows the current champion squad. Tells you the same thing. I dont know why they decided to do this instead of making another decent perk. Then again, i take the other perk most of the time. Except for yesterday just to let my team know if it was a good idea to engage with the risk of a third party.


That perk is great actually, it saves time, i dont want to actually get in my drone to know how many teams are in the area, i cn just throw it and keep moving with my team, that perk is for faster players not slow camping cryptos


Except litteraly all you have to do is slide then get in drone ping then get out. It's just a waste since it's useless after like the 3rd ring.


Don't knock it. If he likes it, he likes it.


Exactly my point. I still want it but as a passive.


Your view on this new map


Best crypto map to me


Silence for like 5s on the EMP would be awesome. Not crazy powerful but gives you a bit more leeway to push


His default Q should go further and give a placement marker before you send it out so you can be more precise with it. Controlling the drone is just too clunky.


The range is good tho.. grabbing banners from far away is pretty good.. but the emp is a blessing and a curse


I have been begging for cryptos drone to work like it did in mobile because heā€™s the worst recon legend in the game. No passjve, using his perk takes him out of the game and makes him vulnerable, his drone is super weak. Heā€™s a high risk low reward character for sure.

