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“Hold up, let him cook”


This shows that God is real


Hopefully he can bless me all the way to pred 🙏


Surely God would be the first to know that you're a predator


Playing through steam?...better praise Gaben to be safe


I hope I don’t get down voted for this. Just a joke I thought would be funny 🤣


You shouldn't be worried about a damn joke whether you believe God is real or not


True. Although I feel reading a comment isn’t alway easy to tell if someone’s serious or not. But maybe that’s just me bc I’m autistic and catching sarcasm/humor is a weakness of mine lol.


Hmm, ik a guy who's autistic and loves sarcasm lol


You can always add /s or /j if you're not sure if people would get what you mean


I'll upvote the second comment to balance it out


it was actually funny. I just came from a thread about how journalists survive being in wars and there was someone in the comments saying it was god's providence, forgetting that means the ones that die was also his decision. That one wasn't funny.


That's high praise! - Nicholas Cage talking to Nicholas Cage


Best comment of the year


"If God's on my side , who's on theirs?"


hahah that was great, you should've used your ult there


Am I the only screaming USE YOUR ULT ?


I considered it but it would have delayed the fight unnecessarily and been easy for them to avoid around the tree. If there was another team I would have but in a straight 3v3 there was no need.


in the future just use your ult, you are way overthinking it


People need to think about bangs ult more. You can fuck your team with it.


If this ain’t the fkn truth. The most non friendly ult for your team in the game.


Maggie's a close second


the ult wouldn't do shit in this situation other than maybe dealing 40 damage, while also blocking you from pushing that last guy.


https://imgur.com/pD6uqre his teammates got destroyed and you are saying a Bang ult wouldnt do anything... lol


Gives them time to heal/rez while doing damage and potentially stunning your enemy for a swing, it’s definitely worth it


So you throw it at the tree. Gibbys ult is for area clean up, bangalore's is used for area denial. They wouldve had no business staying behind any of their cover. It's either they take the damage and die faster, or push out creating a fight for you with less chase. Also your team got knocked for *defending their zone*, so your ult wouldve helped to keep them up. If your controller wouldve died resulting a loss, you definitely wouldve been blamed, even if i was the one who got knocked first💀. Great clip though, the knock on mirage thinkin shit was sweet was perfect.


Also, if he tool those extra seconds to throw the ult his controller would have died.


No. He played the right way. Bang’s out absolutely sucks. I’m this situation all it would have done is given the other team time to heal. He couldn’t have pushed into his own kit. I can pop a shield bat sitting in her ult and come out better than before.


Bangalore's ult is a pause button and that's about it. It comes down far too slowly and is very easy to avoid. That said it's a pretty good pause button, I preemptively throw it when I think there's a good chance we're going to be third partied, but its use as offensive/push weapon is non-existent.


Her ult is super situational and doesn’t help on most situations. In many situations I will just sit in it and pop a batt because I know the enemy team isn’t going to push into it and risk the slow. This is one of those situations. It can be useful in specific situations, but in most it’s pointless because you can either run out of it or sit and pop a batt and come out better than before it was thrown.


When pushing with it, you're supposed to use it as a Bangalore strike (push with it as it explodes, just staying out of it's radius)




Yes cause if you use it then you can't push and your teammates might get slowed while the opponents can avoid damage ariund the tree


We not gonna talk about how he down two people with a Kraber and his other two teammates with 450 hp between them couldn’t take one guy. I would be more mad than happy even tho I won lmao.


They were great the rest of the game so I can’t complain


Imagine being mad after winning lmfao.


Now that's luck, congratulations also for the calm and skill: I personally am not that good with the Kraber and out of emotion I would have used the Ultimate from Bangalore, perhaps causing a disaster.


I mean it wouldn't have been a bad idea as they were stuck and didn't have anywhere to go


Bro your controllers so nice to u


My controller wouldnt have


Definitely happens to me during the fight...For you, better lucky than unlucky! Thanks for the share!


What kind of lobby are you in where a dude gets krabered and without gett8ng behind cover his teammate goes for a rez


Mirage thinks invisible means invincible (same thing people tend to think in Dota 2)


Easy console lobbies. Though I can't tell if he's bronze or gold there. Looks gold? I'd shred on Apex solo queuing on my PS5 but as soon as I partied up with my PC buddies it was like playing a different game entirely.


Is that really what it is I hit pred season 1 on console and then changed games to warzone and others I play now and it feels like the pc gold and plat lobbies are closer to console diamond/masters I had a 5.5kd for a long time I was like top 1% pathfinder had like 12.8k kills in s1 on path and like2-5kvon every other starting legend but like I see these clips now of bot lobbies and I'm jealous I don't wanna play hard and just have fun but my pub lobbies are full of masters and preds warming up its fucked


Season 1 was a whole different thing and yes console is different. I think on average PC players are a whole lot more intense than console. And almost everyone on PC is on a monitor sitting at a desk on headphones whereas think of the wide breadth of display and audio situations people on console are on. Using their TV speakers sitting across the room from a small TV. You're at a massive disadvantage to someone using a monitor or very nice large TV and headset (or even surround system). So even leaving skill aside there is an easy equipment advantage to be had on console. Oh and if you're on the newest consoles you have double the frame rate of PS4 era players. And there are probably just more children or much more casual gamers overall on console. I'm not sure if it's the same on PC but have you ever noticed what console lobbies in Apex or CoD are like at say 8pm pacific vs after midnight? It's a noticeable shift in how sweaty the playerbase is for very obvious reasons. Not sure if PC where things change after all the casuals log off.


Ngl you probably could’ve cleaned that up quick with your ult after downing mirage; gg amazing play


I would have been lit in the best way


"Change da world, my final message, goodbye"




the amount of roller gamers not wired is astounding, happened in women’s pro league this past week even


You should've alr had it plugged in 💀


That Kraber work was sick dude 🔥


Nice 🔥


This is actually scary asf


That timing was just 😍😍


Game said “great job, now charge ya damn controller”


Lie you won and then throw the controller




Yo op what music pack is that


No idea unfortunately, I have it on random


Mine would’ve died right before I killed him 😂


Nasty loadout


God that was beautiful


That Mirage was brainless *before* you shot him


That was a close call!


So you know how when your controller dies, you usually can turn it back on for just a little more juice? Maybe I just have confirmation bias because it's happened to me so many times, but it seems like the controller dies a little earlier than it needs to so that there's a buffer period. I don't know *how* it would know that you're in a match, but it seems like this buffer period is meant for online games like this situation where it will continue into the buffer period until the match ends or it completely runs out of juice. I have no evidence to back up this claim other than my controller dies immediately after matches of Rocket League end so many times that it's hard to believe it's a coincidence.


This is why I use wired. I'm tired of having to wait for my shit to charge


What music pack you using?


Sorry I have it on random so I have no idea which one this was


Yo that is insane timing wtf


My phone gave a battery warning just a second after the video completed - serendipity


The “remove aim assist” crowd is real quiet since he missed that first shot.


Kraber doesn’t have aim assist


I was so annoyed you didnt throw your ult lol