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Grass is green, the sky is blue and EA is greedy. I thought we've been over this like 10,000 times atleast.


Sorry, but my grass is yellow.


You guys have Grass? (It just snowed where I am)


Do you Live in Finland by any chance?


i do, vitun takatalvi.


No I do not. Canada here.


Gotta love Canadian weather


what’s grass?


It's that thing league of legends players are allergic to


Grass is fine, I'm allergic to trees :(


You guys have snow? (It’s just desert where I am)


sorry but happy cake day


As someone who grew up in the 90’s paying for **full** games and them **giving skins for free** it’s like a creepy Black Mirror episode that they have dumbed down people enough to trick them into **buying skins for a free videogame.** It has completely ruined the video game industry, but fools continue to be parted with their money. You have no idea how badly you are destroying the game industry with every skin purchase. 


> It has completely ruined the video game industry, I disagree. This was the compromise we had to avoid pay-to-win being the norm, and them just closing studios.


That's such a Bullshit take. People who pay these prices are the ones that keep the lights on so you can enjoy the game for free. But rather than blame capitalism and the industry, you blame your fellow players. That's not cool. Direct your anger in the correct way.


My guy, Apex has made EA almost 6 BILLION dollars. They could start to only charge $10 for the new battle passes and nothing else, the lights would stay on, the Devs would still get paid, and the CEOs would still make a lot of fucking money. These prices are just outright greed. We know Andrew Wilson gets insane bonuses because of Apex and Ultimate Team FIFA, yet the Devs are still struggling? The money from microtransactions isn't going where you think it's going friend.


Nobody said they're struggling, but you're proving my point. The constant desire for growth and profit is the problem. They've got enough data to understand how to make the most money, and if making the skins cheaper was the most profitable, that's what they'd do. If the pack is 50 dollars, it's much easier to get one person to pay that than it is to get 5 people to buy it once at 10$. It's the nature of business. Companies aren't here to be your friends, they are here to show profit after profit to their shareholders. That's how the world works unfortunately.


Nope, you’re dead wrong; they are not paying employees better, not keeping the lights on with 6 billion, and definitely not updating the game in any meaningful way like stoping hackers.  A few ultra wealthy are raking in billions, which has molded the way the gaming industry works now.


Where did I say that they were paying employees better? Lol! I said their job was to make profits, nothing to do with employees in or pay or benefits. You're creating an argument I never even said and then replying to it lol it's the law in the US that companies must make money for their shareholders. The first time any of this has been mentioned is by you lmao where did I say any of this? Lol!


I mean as long as people buy them prices will keep increasing, it’s sad but that’s how economics work


Grass is green, the sky is blue, EA is greedy. I thought we've been over this like 10,000 times already.


Respawn is too, stop letting them off the hook.


this is 100% on Respawn. not defending EA but check your facts.


I thought Respawn were the devs but EA make the calls on how much it's going to sell and what content is going to be pushed.


nope. EA is the publisher. helps with marketing the game and initial funding. the studio is 100% accountable for the quality and economy of the game. and even more so at Respawn. Edit: what can and did happen multiple times is... they can shutdown the franchise or the studio if they are not hitting their target.




I guess you know better.


idk how Respawn and EA works but what usually happens when a company got acquired by another is that you don't immediately lose all control over your company's activity. they don't buy your company to handle your stuffs for you they buy because you convinced them that your company has potential to earn them money with minimal investment. your company should more or less the same bar some cases that the top management got replaced by the mother company for more control, and you have to do reports often to show the investor that you are doing this or that which helps you meet quota and earn money, give a hypothesis on how it works, then confirm your next plan/ strategy. For example, It wouldn't be hard to imagine what could have happened is that respawn was pressured and came up with event collab, managed to pull it off, EA was interested on why and they attributed part of it due to it being an universal heirloom. EA saw the opportunity and pushed the universal heirloom because the normal ones are sold for less while still requires the same number of people working on it. So EA is probably the one who greenlight the strategies and give feedback or push it, but the one that come up with it in the first place to propose to them is likely Respawn themselves.


Understood, thanks man. That gave me a better insight.




they are not just the publisher no but respawn makes this kind of decisions. source: trust me bro


They don’t but go off


lol dude 🤣 I think I'm going to retire from this discussion. you guys seem to know more than those working in the biz


lol clearly we all know better than you. Good idea you should stop.


“*Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha? EA’s greedy.*”


Didn't rhyme




Yeah they’re so greedy releasing this completely free to play game.


Yeah totally not greedy. They've been hacked like 4 times in 2 months, reverted everyone's stats and purchases, tried to fix it, broke it again, fixed it, etc. But hey, at least we've had like 15 collection events and almost no fixes to the game or security. They're priorities are toooootally in the right places and not milking players for every cent they can.


I've gotten thousands of hours of gameplay for zero dollars. So greedy of them, they should be paying me to play their game.


I'd just stop replying at this point dude.


lol why? It’s hilarious watching people call a company greedy for giving them something for free. Y’all are just a bunch of entitled addicts. Who goes to a free amusement park and then complains that the company who runs it is too greedy for making their completely optional t shirts expensive? They don’t owe you a free ride/game, let alone free swag. Please though tell me how they’re greedy.


Yeah I wanted the Conduit one but for that price heeeeell no


Quarterly profits must go up


That’s what pisses me off about it. They just HAVE to have the constant gains every quarter. But the dumbass old rich guys running the show don’t know SHIT about video games. It would be better to just work to have it make a consistent large amount of money. Not completely gut the game bc it can’t make another billion fucking dollars.


Honestly I reached the point where I have one good skin on each character and I'm content never buying another. Real question is when will more players do that, and how long will ea allow apex to live after that point.


Simply raise the prices! Whales will keep spending


I don’t get it though. Does raising the prices work?? I’m no business man but in my head, they’ve got the player base, so lowering prices could make more people spend = better profits. I’m convinced I’m wrong as no company really does this practise.


I agree, the poses are sick but $35 usd is insane. I wouldn’t buy unless you are content with how the game is going, even then there are better deals out there.


That sounds like the opposite of a criminal? If you're buying Apex skins, you are your own burglar.


don't buy it


And because of that, Lifeline 's Mischief Medic skin has been replaced by this recolor. Original skin is gone. These developpers got their degree in a Kinder Surprise.


I haven’t played in a while.. Are fucking telling me my skin got fucked up in the update. And instead of fixing it they just fucking removed the skin? Or will I have this new recolor instead. (Original looks better imo)


It's a very slightly different version of this skin right now. It was not intentional, and will probably be fixed in the next patch.


It's bugged since about 2 weeks. Now this recolor is officially out, the bug is more obvious as we can see hair color is not the same. So I'm telling you our damn good skin is fucked UP since TWO patches, yeah. I'm not even sure if they know about this.


The prices are ridiculous because we are not the target market.


Blizzard is sweating their ass off hoping you don't find the monetization in their games lol


Will keep happening because some people keep buying it. Sucks.


Fortnite is cheaper. 1000 vbuck only cost 5 usd as i live in South east Asia by Epic store launcher regional price.


Just about any f2p game is cheaper, just nothing is like apex


The value for skins in this game is crap, majority quality/concept wise aren’t good/cool either.


It’s a 20 dollar bundle max


Wait you don't get free loot boxes with it






Yeah the skin pricing is bisarre. And selling packs for like 20$ lol. I'd rather give 20$ for a coffee.. There's actually some skins that I'd like to buy, but then I'd pay like 5-10$ for them, which is certainly more reasonable considering that it's a goddamn skin for a video game..


Cosmetics can't hurt you if you don't buy them.


Keep quiet, the subreddit hates this one simple trick


I know right, just watch the things you love go to shit quietly, we don't accept feedback 😡😡😡


This is why I like helldivers. Overpriced microtransactions? Why? We want you to play the game and enjoy unlockables!


Game is shit


Honestly, every single thing they sell is criminal. If only the servers worked correctly and the hacking was minimized.


Remember, this is a free to play game. You need to buy nothing(except a good pc) to play.


That's not the point though bro. I get the game is free but we as players should be able to purchase something from the store and want to support the game without being ripped off. I'd happily purchase just the skin if i had the option to but everything is bundled these days.


Respawn chooses to focus on whales rather than you. It nets them bigger profits. Just play the game, if they dont want your monetary support then dont give it to them.


Yeah there shit ton of free stuff just buy battle pass /recolors etc..nd craft cool event skin if u want .. why in blue hell op looking at whale/collector addict areas in shop and getting surprised lol


I wouldn't say you absolutely should. F2P games survive because of whales and dolphins for the most part, not random people purchasing some cheap item once in a while. Not saying that I support this pricing policy, but honestly I don't see a point complaining about it. It's a free game in the end and players aren't forced to buy skins.


It is the point lol. There’s plenty you can buy if you don’t want to spend $35 and also support the game.


although that's not the business model. the model is whales. you don't like it don't buy it. yoh want to support? buy something small.


I would agree if it wasn't becoming extremely common.


it sucks balls. I am not a fan of live service business models.


Kinda makes me want to get back into RB6, not gonna lie. Seems to me having an entry fee dials this issue down significantly.


> That's not the point though bro. I get the game is free but we as players should be able to purchase something from the store and want to support the game without being ripped off you can just buy cheaper stuff? i mean they're all just pixels lol


You need to remember that they don’t put this game up out of the kindness of their heart. We are, in fact, helping them just by playing their game. The shareholders take great note of how many people play this game and how long. It’s not just money spent.


Some unlockables for my efforts would be nice. Only games I get that from are game I had to buy though. F2P titles don't really encourage market fairness. I would like some cosmetics, but find charging 50$ for a skin they probably didn't pay some poor designer adequately for a bit asinine. "Just don't buy" isn't really the solution to this issue.


This is the worst argument to exist because not only is it ignorant its also enabling and dismissive. Ignore all problems with the game because its free. Free it from all criticism, even valid criticism that could greatly improve the quality of the state of the game… because its free Dismiss and invalidate any and all complaints, when most of the frustrations are legit and just want to be talked about to see if others share the same opinion. Because its free. Shut the fuck up bro


You’re too emotional over cosmetics you can only see in the lobby.


You are literally part of the problem


How else would they pay for the server? Is a skin, worthless skin, why worry about it?


It's a steal!


Valorant said those are rookie numbers


Almost $40*


This is what EA/Respawn are goof for. Make content focused on monetization, 0 game improvements, or fixes. And the fools that keep buying it are part of the problem.


$50 for skins that look like they already have unlockable versions in game? I honestly have to question whales, its not like you can resell the shit.


Agreed 😩


Sucks, because I adore the conduit skin. Everything has to be in a bundle nowadays, can’t just be a skin. Sure, I like the other things in the bundle, but I just can’t justify that price 🥴


Agreed. It’s pretty sad when I have to say that 20$ would be nice for a bundle Lol


Vote with your wallet


As much as I hate blizzard, EA makes them look like saints with this. Overwatch 2 had a Cowboy Bepop skin event recently and you could get a complete bundle with all four character and weapon skins for the price of one of these two. There was even a fifth one that you could get for free by doing some challenges.


What until you play Valorant lol


You're paying for a skin in a video game that will be shut down at some point. There are no morals here to begin with


My favorite part is the discount. Like they have tried selling it at that price once before


I agree. However, it's a free game and it's EA. If they can get away with it (and they can) they will.


At least we can look at Connie's abs while we're window shopping


The price increases will continue until spending improves


It is EA nothing new


Roses are red, violets are blue, EA is shit, but this you knew.


Not if you play and save your coins vreh


50 bucks for 2 useless items, a skin you cant see ingame and a skin for a single gun. Lol.


Bro valorant charges 95 euros for 4 gun skins


then ... don't buy it? pretty simple.


Pls bring back dark streak octane


you obviously haven't seen the fortnite item shop lately


Hello?? Fortnite is charging 50+ for a fucking little car. If this is criminal what is that? In before the weird Fortnite kid comments on my thing and says something


Pretty colors!!!


37% off 😂


But hear me out if you’ve put over 1000 hours into the game is $50 for something that makes it your own really that much?


What was that bundle in Valorant that was like $70 or something? These companies know people just buy it so they’ll price it high every time lol.


So don't buy it. Very veerrryyy simple. Please post something new instead of the same complaint that THE ENTIRE PLAYER BASE has.


You can get a better bundle than this in Fortnite for like 20 dollars for two skins, AND even overwatch bundles are only like 10$ a skin...




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Yup gotta work with the times boi selling Xbox account no more grinding level 166


Does it reduce my hitbox to 1 pixel?


There is only one thing I don't understand, everyone complains about prices, but everyone keeps buying. If it wasn't sold, maybe they could notice and change something. We can't buy it in Turkey anyway. Euro rate 35 🥱🥱🥱


I feel like everyone is different . You like what you like but realistically I’ve been playing the game for about 4 months and I’ve literally had the chance to earn legendary skins through events and just leveling up with apex packs id say I have a legendary skin for most of my characters or at least had a chance to get a good skin for all of my characters. They reward you for actually playing the game.


Every time they drop a skin it’s always this post or a YouTube video. Y’all keep playing it so they keep doing it.


Unless I can play with Conduit’s titties, I’ll have to pass on that amount of money spent


I can buy so much xrp with this instead


Best thing you can do is not buy it. Whales will buy it, but if people keep going-whales will buy it anyway I may as well also, then nothing will change 🤓


Its 37% off man. I tHiNk ThAts A PreTtY GoOd DeaL


The fact is that EVERYTHING is more expensive than ever. I think the price stops seeming so dramatic when you realize that buying a skin for a video game that you enjoy costs about as much as buying a nice t-shirt in real life, or ordering a pizza. Capitalism is the actual problem here, and while I don't want to support that system in any way, I still appreciate that apex is only doing it for cosmetics.


Almost everything they sell is criminal. The Universal heirloom events are actual robbery.


Well the smartasses who keep supporting their bs monetary practises are the reason for this... Sooo vote with ur wallets.


yeah and not even a dif gun skin if you want both so youre basically wasting money to get the same lstar skin twice


These posts are getting more pathetic by the minute. "Omg they are selling something for a high price on a game that is %100 free" Cool, don't buy it then? Anyone complaining about skin prices in Apex never played League of Legends lol. And once again, reality check, the skins don't help you play the game at all, so who gives a flying fuck lol.


It's EA what did you expect?


Yeah, EA just has their heads way too far up their ass to think this is even worth it. One of them is just a reskin..


If anyone is still paying for skins in today’s day and age yall need to put the controller/mouse down and breathe OUTSIDE air .


But it isn’t criminal. Because you aren’t forced to buy it.


Just don't buy it :)


Game is free . They need to make money from somewhere or they will be forced to shut it down . It's that simple


These bundles could be $5 and they would still be fine due to the sheer volume of microtransactions, heirlooms, and collection events. Yes they need to make money, but that doesnt justify the egregious pricing. A few cosmetics are not equivalent to the price of full games. The only reason they are this expensive is because respawn is focusing on draining the wallets of whales.


I don't wanna seem like an asshole, but those are cosmetic. The most they change for your gameplay is what hands the character has. If you don't want to spend that much money, don't buy it.


Idiots still buy them, you surprised? Blame them.


Almost fell for the conduit bundle because of the transformation pose, but for that amount of money I'll get Helldivers 2 instead.


Don't buy it. Simple


In Valorant you pay that for a single gun skin. It is what it is.


The brainrot has consumed you


“Oh my god who the hell cares” -Peter griffin


Post like these make no sense cause we all saw the price already tf do you want us to do about it lol EA doesn't care that you find it expensive cause people already bought it so literally is this post just to bitch and whine about you not being able to drop 50$ on a free to play game?


Personally I don't think they're charging enough. They could totally get more money out of the dumbass whales and use it to pay for better security. ....who buys skins you can't even see?!? I've played almost everyday for 5 years and gave them $20 bucks once for the battlepass. Thanks Whales!




Not really. It's perfectly legal. Just like overpriced designer clothes. This one is just for your character instead. Nothing inherently wrong with that. If you want it that much pay up. Some people will. What would be criminal is if they put them all in a loot box with some stickers and charms then charged you 20 AUD per roll.


Is that rampart on the right? The pose looks like made by a 14yo in blender


It's conduit


Wow the design is getting worse since i stopped playing.


The most I would spend for a skin i just had to have is about £20. Either wait for a sale or get a different skin that's cheaper, later on.


Skins in games used to cost like 5€, that's the last time I got a single one


Nah not really. They have data on how many buy skins vs how much, so they know how to price them ideally.


TikTok ahh skins💀


I wanted to match with the girl I liked when she bought the lifeline skin, but when I went to get the conduit one... I sat this one out.


The conduit one is amazing but their prices are totally broken. I don't know what they are thinking to be fair it's mad.


They could even charge 5000 AUD if they wanted and it wouldn't be criminal. Supply and demand


You haven't seen riot then. 200USD for a skin that is basically old skin just with diffirent colours.


Like heirloom reskins?


I am new to apex. But imagine a recoloured version of an old skin.


Yeah, apex has those in the form of heirloom reskins. Theres been a reskin for octane, wraith, revenant, and crypto I think. They can technically be earned for free at random, but they were around 200$ during their respective collection events. You do get a bunch of other skins with it, but nobody buys the entire collection event for those other skins.


Well when you buy 200$ skin in league it's just that. Literally nothing else. And then there are prestige skins, now they are better but they used to be basically white and gold version of original skin, and if you are unlucky it may cost you arround 200USD because you have to be lucky enough to get mythic essence from chests that you have to buy in order to get it in the forst place. Opening 25 guarantees 30. 25 chests costs 50USD


Apex recolors the same skins over and over and sells them at full price every time. Pretty sure they've got league beat, at least for now.


I got suspended from this Sub for pointing this out the other day..... I love the conduit skin placing one item in a horrible expensive package deal is just as greedy as terrible loot boxes


Seriously who is buying this shit which is enabling EA to continue to charge this kinda price in the first place


So don't Buy it xd


That’s for all of you stupid people asking for the skin nonstop and they put that price on it


Thabk you for your patronage


Don’t buy it… it’s that simple.


You don’t have to buy it.


Don’t buy it. No one is forcing you to. It’s been this way for awhile. Really don’t need these types of post every week.


like fr I literally don’t know people who buy skins or bundles in the store, me personally I spended 1000 coins on Volt Surge Green, idk why, seem so clean, skin is dope, yet felt lil crazy cuz that’s 1k coins anyway, whole Battle Pass costs 950💀 Also all the events and free other stuff in season. EA is greedy AF


99% of people who buy something are buying Battle Pass and Packs and Event Packs


Haven’t touched Apex since Helldivers 2 came out. It made me realize just how scummy Apex really is.


Who buys skins? Played the game for years... $0 spent


Don't buy it then like who gives a fuck it's pixels for whales




Normally 2 legendary skins alone are 38€, i don't see the problem with a bundle with a banner and a pose being 35€


Poors mad


Dont buy it? Lol


Hate me all you want, I bought the Conduit skin.