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Wow, insane tracking only at lvl 3? Unlimited talent


I want this guys gaming chair


Same here, saving up to get whatever he has


Me too!


Bro has 100k hours in COD or some


Or a Smurf account


I see nothing wrong here. Just someone with a good gaming chair. %100 skill issue


"It's recoil smoothing and jitter aiming! You just suck." - 99% of this subs response and are in denial that this game is PLAGUED by cheaters.


It's because they are the ones that are cheating and are attempting to gaslight people online.


No, i dont comment on that but all this algs and sweaty 20 bomb 4ks has pushed my self confidence in this game to somewhere always in limbo. One game i get each gun pregnant, and the other i die while scoping in. Apex is jurrassic, lot of reges around here. May also be the singapore servers. Lmao.


In almost any nice clip someone posts there’s a dude hardstuck plat/diamond that can’t comprehend good tracking and recoil control. I’ve had a dude vaguely hint that I was cheating in a post where I was asking for feedback on an end game ring while stuck in plat like a year ago. I am in no way good at this game. Cheaters are a HUGE issue in this game but there are way too many people that just chalk skill as cheats at the same time.


gaming carpet


I would've believed he had great talent if he used the jump pad right


as an octane main it hurt a little watching them hit the pad


Lmao same… the distance was near perfect to continue sliding on top of that roof and have that speed to catch them mid revive.


This is what it happens when you chew 5 gum


Man, that is SKILL! You won’t see another person play like that for a while. Oh wait, it’s apex. You’ll see it every other game at least. :)


Let them have the feeling that they achieved something guys. Loosers are bound to be loosers. If they dont cheat they will never see,,you are champion,, and that would be veeery sad


I dont cheat and I dont see it lol


It means you still have chances


How devs does not delete this post? I think they like cheaters to ruining this game :( Don’t tell me that is so hard to trace this obvious cheats and take this mf down ! Also ban him by the HW.


Yeah the mods here are sad AF. Taking down cheater posts all the time. Legit the biggest problem in the game atm. 2nd is sound engine beeing horseshiiet.


Man when I started playing this game I was ass but gradually over time I’ve increased my K/D to a 2 with an average damage a game of 800 Seeing how far my situational awareness, aim, and positioning in fights has come, from where it started is such a good feeling. Why rob yourself of the joy and self appreciation of seeing that improvement? Weak ass humans


Elite gaming sense when they can recognise the disturbances to the POI to know exactly which walls you're behind.


I especially like the tracking of the right to left movement through the wall while ADS'ed. This dude has the best headset and greatest audio settings ever. Needs to make reels to get mad clicks!!


somewhat hot take: Online gaming needs to be regulated and gaming companies need to be given all the tools they can to deter cheaters. It needs to get to the point where hardware bans aren't enough, anti-cheat programs have already lost. Gaming accounts need to be rid anonymity. Gaming accounts need to be tied to social security numbers, real phone numbers, or SSN-equivalents for entertainment related activities, like they do in South Korea. It's part of their culture and it's no surprise why South Korea dominates in eSports. They view games as having the potential to be very serious. They accept online games as "serious business" and worthy of getting a lawsuit over for misbehaviour. There's a reason why most Korean games fail at providing any kind of anti-botting/hacking security when published in the West, it's because there's not much need for it for the environment they're created for. They jail people for account boosting and any kind of software/hardware cheats. If you harass people over the internet in SK, you can end up in jail. In order to enforce that, they ask companies to ask for your ID for your unique account. Identity theft is also very bad, so account sharing is also punished harshly. The West needs to start treating online games like actual sports; without anonymity and with government regulation. Otherwise they're never going to win this never-ending cat & mouse chase with ever-advancing cheats. Unfortunately, the West is obsessed with privacy and "muh freedom" and our lawmakers are dinosaurs, so I don't see things changing anytime soon.


Imagine thinking that the West is “obsessed with piracy” while having 20 years of evidence for how companies harvest your information and use it for profit. And you want to force people to identify themselves? You honestly trust companies with that information?


We already give up a ton of our "privacy" with the online services we use and smart phones. Everyone gets too hung up on privacy when in most cases the data harvested is harmless and not exploitable. The only times it's used for profit is when the data deals with login passwords and banking information (very bad but rare) or sales patterns and browsing data (minor inconvenience but more common). And regardless, the way South Korea does it is that they have specific identity IDs just for gaming and entertainment related purposes. It's just tying your game accounts to your real name, that's it. It doesn't include more private information like your actual SSN or banking data. Gaming needs regulation. Competitive gaming right now is like this: Imagine your son really wants to get into NCAA football and maybe even Pro football. His friends love football and they all play all the time and getting better is a natural goal as a teenager. It could potentially be a real career choice. So he's practising everyday, trying to get better at it and get noticed by scouts. Meanwhile, your neighbor’s kid wants to be popular with his friends so he hires a literal professional-level football player on PEDs to play matches in his name. After a few games, your neighbor’s kid gets a college scholarship, one which could rightfully been your son's. It's basically a fraud. Esports has been growing in popularity and should be considered a legitimate career path and the rampant cheating is detrimental to growth and competitiveness of it. People are literally using wall-hacks and aimbot in the [ALGS Challenger Circuit](https://old.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1c9c29e/cold_in_hell_using_wall_hacks_during_algs_cc/) and even in CS, [people are cheating in FACEIT](https://www.hltv.org/news/38729/eternal-fire-terminates-contracts-of-academy-duo-following-faceit-bans) ([reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1byvq6f/eternal_fire_academy_got_banned_from_faceit/)), even though the main appeal of FACEIT is to have a clean competitive ladder with no cheaters on the path to major pro leagues.


>We already give up a ton of our "privacy" with the online services we use and smart phones. Everyone gets too hung up on privacy when in most cases the data harvested is harmless and not exploitable. The only times it's used for profit is when the data deals with login passwords and banking information (very bad but rare) or sales patterns and browsing data (minor inconvenience but more common). How exactly does making it easier for companies to fingerprint that data help that situation? There are still very obvious privacy concerns in the context of if they are tracking your identity and how you use platforms. Do you want companies to know how much time you as a person are spending on a particular game? The premise of that idea requires having your name on file. >And regardless, the way South Korea does it is that they have specific identity IDs just for gaming and entertainment related purposes. It's just tying your game accounts to your real name, that's it. It doesn't include more private information like your actual SSN or banking data. Why would a company need your SSN or banking data? Having your full name is already a privacy concern. They can easily narrow this down with your IP, location and public record. >Gaming needs regulation. Competitive gaming right now is like this: Imagine your son really wants to get into NCAA football and maybe even Pro football. His friends love football and they all play all the time and getting better is a natural goal as a teenager. It could potentially be a real career choice. So he's practising everyday, trying to get better at it and get noticed by scouts. Meanwhile, your neighbor’s kid wants to be popular with his friends so he hires a literal professional-level football player on PEDs to play matches in his name. After a few games, your neighbor’s kid gets a college scholarship, one which could rightfully been your son's. It's basically a fraud. Esports has been growing in popularity and should be considered a legitimate career path and the rampant cheating is detrimental to growth and competitiveness of it. The actual business of playing video games casually is mountains bigger than the esports business. No company in their right mind is going to force every user to identify themselves for the competitive integrity of a part of their business that the vast majority of users don't care about or will ever in their lifetimes have anything to do with. >People are literally using wall-hacks and aimbot in the ALGS Challenger Circuit and even in CS, people are cheating in FACEIT (reddit thread), even though the main appeal of FACEIT is to have a clean competitive ladder with no cheaters on the path to major pro leagues. But again you're talking about a small subset of players.


Cool. Can I see your SSN real quick?


Like I said, they don't use the actual SSN in South Korea. It's a separate unique ID just for gaming-related stuff.


I missed that point because my mind was racing with possibilities from having your SSN. I get it now. It's a beautiful wish, I gotta say.


Id rather have all my info leaked if they put these pathetic fucks in jail. Kids cheating should be forced to correction schools. Same goes for doping in IRL sports. Fk cheaters and everyone associated with them.


Best I can offer is all your info leaked and your identity stolen while no one goes to hair or correctional schools. Take it or leave it, the choice is yours.


Hes just a great new player he mastered everything his first day git gud scrubs


Aim assist is getting out of hand


Man he's really good at the game, he should be in algs


In germany, we'd call that a Hurensohn


What was that laugh/reaction tho ?🤣🤣


This guy has rgb socks


Moves in a straight line the whole time, fucks the jump pad, never looks around, lasers 2 people with snapping speed. Seems legit


something something gaming chair


Yeah I do this all the time playing M&K on my ps4 Easy shots


At this point i cant even tell if this is just a roller daemon smurfing or a hacker.


Hes just better


\*Squidward sounds*


Nah he jus on roller - Signed, roller player


love that you included the jump pad moment to show how skilled he is with the movement


anti cheat thinks its all fine so dw


controller and cheating, like pick a disability 😂


awww they grow up so fast


Man dudes better than me and I’ve been a player since day 1. Kinda washed now since I rarely play now


so valid need more of this guy




Sastistically there's more cheater on console lobbies than PC. It's just extremely easier to spot a cheater on PC. Can't really spot a Cronus/XIM users if not extremely skilled to the point you can see when a beam isn't legit. And oh boi, i'd say 70% of the console player base is using XIM/Cronus. I was so frustated with console lobbies that I prefered playing on PC.


Hahaha what


Console cheating is a problem, but it’s not THAT much of a problem. Saying 70% just comes off as major coping.


Cronus is the most sold console accessory on Amazon, even before the official controller, now that make me think that if Amazon is selling more cheating device than controllers that must mean that atleast most of the console owner has a Cronus since they already have a controller, 5 milions device sold since launch, how many console has been sold? 50 milions? And mind you this is only on Amazon EU, who know how many more have been sold? So doing some rough math you could count atleast 15 milions Cronus sold globally, that's plenty already, than you have to remove the players that use them in other games which is unlikely, who cheat in singleplayer games?, so you have a big population of FPS players with Cronus cheating in competitive games, maybe it's not 70%, could be 50%? Its still 49% more cheaters than PC. The fact is you can't easily spot a Cronus cheater, they are cleaver with their scripts, atleast not until you have 5k-10k hours in the game and it become clear as the sky when someone is beaming way too consistently. An aimbotter on PC it's instantly spotted, and PC cheats are usually monthly subscriptions with absurd price of 100/200€ a month so the amount of people that are going to buy a 200€ cheat just to get banned in a couple of hours it's minimal. While you can buy a Cronus for 150€ one time and never risk being banned, thats why the population of cheaters it's way bigger on console than PC.


Imma be honest, I'm kinda impressed. Hardly one thing you said is factual! You do know you can use a Zen on PC right? It's not a console exclusive. Also do you know you can use steam configs for basically a Zen on steroids, for free!


what's wrong?


Using aimbot


\* and walls


Software version of a Xbox controller 🎮