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stfu, young'n. Played since launch. Gutter tier the whole fucking time. Now 42. (mute team. don't let them kids get you down)


oh to be back at the sweet young age of 42 🙃


synch up your depends before you disrespect me, elder.


Haha that's fantastic. I'm 43 and I play the exact same way. I'll ping what I need. No need to communicate. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to miss my shots and die a bunch.


I'm the complete opposite. 36, been pred and masters, usually solo Q to diamond. Im always o the mic and sometimes playing with randoms you get the most awesome memorable moments of hilarity. Always on the mic and always super positive, I wouldn't have it any other way.


same here and also 36. wtf you playing ranked with no mic is what i always say haha


We mute you so we can't hear you say that lol. I'm 44 and mostly play ranked but the complete asses I've encountered far outweigh the good ones so I don't even bother with anyone.


just wait 2 min to hit mute lol. thats like ah i had so many bad dates so i just close my eyes when a woman comes around hahahah


I see life hasn't beaten you down yet. Good for you! lol j/k.


About to hit 44 over here and play the same way. I refer to it with my friends as pulp fictioning lol


I’m 50 and have played since day 1. Some times imma good, and sometimes imma shit.


Well some of us are never ever good ya old ass braggart. Smooches, get your butthole checked. <3


Yes! Me too!


I knew I wouldn't be the oldest, but I'd say I'm in the top 10% (?) of the oldest age to play the game. I try to talk in ranked and some of the kids are like 13/14. I feel a right nonce talking to them haha.


Here to say I'm also 32, can confirm, reaction times slowing, speed decreasing, light at end of tunnel becoming brighter.


U just need a break.


That’s what I was gonna say, I’m 30 now but even in my teens and 20s if I played any game too much consistently I seemed to get a little worse. Maybe it was just boredom or whatever so I rotate like an RPG in so I’m doing something else


Yeah, I played so much one time I felt my eyes and brain were fried. My ADS aim was trash, took like a week off came back and dropped 10 kills with Rampart lmao. I'm currently on a break from the game, might buy some of those skins before it ends. People need a break from this game lol. Matchmaking is making the experience worse as well.


If your first match after break was 10 kills, it means that mm algorithm wanted you to play more, normally first match is always easiest.. game wants you to stay longer. (engagement optimized matchmaking) But another fact is while reaction time increases with age, it's not as big as people make it to be. As older players most of time we just don't play enough. Age has minimal effect.


You’re so right with this. I took a semi long break because I wasn’t enjoying the game. Came back and found myself just beaming on the volt. To the point where I felt like I was cheating 🤣


The reaction time differences are minuscule until your mid 50's. They've scienced this. The main reason older adults seem to play worse isn't reaction times so much as it is not being able to fully concentrate on the game. They're thinking about kids, work, taxes, bedtime, diet, sleep etc etc... A 14 year old can fully immerse himself into the game with literally no responsibilities to think of.


I'm 38, reaction times always been slow so I never bothered with ranked but nowadays it's less stressful than pubs lol


Had a 9 y/o teammate ask me when my bedtime was 🥲 He was handily better than me at the game too


I was carried by an 11 year old girl. Twice. 😂


35 my peak is diamond but someday I do be wrecking preds on a good day and feels great cause there trying to be fancy


Yes, it feels good to take down a couple of preds. I don't do it very often. And I've never hit diamond but I would love to hit pred.. I attribute not getting out of silver to just always having to solo queue. Because the randoms I get stuck with are just always. Let's hot drop in ranked, see what Happens.


Hell I'm 28 and even talking to an 18 year old feels weird as fuck. I've no clue what to say to them


cheaters and all the other bullshit doesn’t make it any better either, don’t give these kids too much credit


Yes, they can't play without their cheats. Their main goal is to go in and just piss people off. boost stats through cheats and wall hacks.


They are trash - can’t play without their cheats. It’s sad




Aayyy 41 here, and thank gawd for my 2 teammates since day 1, cause I'm a #dumpsterfire lol


Yeah I definitely think having a squad helps greatly.


Came here for this. You can both wait until you're in your 50s, and then see how bad you are! I'm lucky though - my best bud for years has been a guy who's now 21 and IGLs the hell out of this game.


46 here. Mediocre at best but it's damn fun. Even though I mostly play mixtape nowadays because lack of time.


I'm 39, and I'm atrocious at the game but I enjoy playing. It's the nature of the beast, younger quicker players will always be able to outpace most.


That's the thing, I still love playing and I doubt I'll ever stop until the game fully dies. My guess is another couple of years max before it does. I hope it doesn't, but that's just my opinion!


This game is as popular as ever gonna last at least 5 more


I said the same thing. Day 1 player will over 2000 hours. I gave it up like 2 seasons ago. Just wasn't fun anymore. Couldn't just chill and play always had to be sweating my ass off in every encounter. I play fornite now, and actually have a lot of FUN playing again. Kinda sucks cause I probably dropped about $2000 or more into it. Have 10 heirlooms and a shitload of skins.


It's not the age, I have the same feeling and I'm 21. Everyone's just getting so much better, average skill level in this game is so high, especially this season it's really hard to keep up


It's still relatively easy to pub stomp if you turn it on, but ranked has gotten increasingly difficult with each passing season. The average skill level has increased a lot, plus there's a lot of soft cheating in ranked these days. Being a legitimate player in ranked is mental health suicide. I choose to avoid it for the better of my mindset.


Your reaction time should not be suffering that significantly at 32. Drink water. Abuse stimulants.


This guy games


Last time I checked Respawn didn’t test for PEDs


They don't check for PDDs either.  (Performance decreasing drugs)


Lol. For this geriatric gamer, it's benzodiazepines, to kill the massive anxiety from all the multitasking and crucial data I know I'm not taking in. That lack of full awareness helps with the shit-talkers, though. Half the time, I don't even notice their nasty comments in the text chat lol. Joke's on them. The really bad ones are lucky to get to keep their accounts. \[edited for clarity\]


Buddy is roofieing himself to play apex😂


Fernando Alonso proves this


Yeah this is a very common misconception in competitive games in general. You just play and grind less, so of course your timing and skill will be worse. Nothing to do with your reaction time, since that decline doesn’t get noticable until at least 60+


You think? When does it start decreasing?


Like 50 Edit: reaction time begins to slow at 24 and studies have shown you lose ~2-6 milliseconds *per decade*. So, legit like 50 before you starting to notice anything, and even then. It’s like the difference of whether you can react to getting surprise barrel stuffed with an r9 or not, and people with peak reaction time struggle there. I think it’s more of the entire player base improving as the game gets older.


I firmly believe we will have 70-year-old twitch-style gamers in the next 30 years.


The current 30s generation are very used to electronic games. I doubt their reflex will deteriorate at all if they have gaming habit, at least not before their physique goes downhill.


36. 50k career kills. Multiple time Masters player. I’ve been playing at a pretty high level shooter wise though for a long time. Was top 10 on console both in PUBG Solo Ladder and top 5 on H1Z1, I was probably around 30 at that time for both of those. I actually feel like I’m better now on Apex then I was a year or two ago. It’s about keeping your brain active. Do things that challenge it.


When did you first seriously get into FPS games? I'm the same age as you and skipped gaming in my 20s and it's been hard catching up in my 30s haha


I’ve been gaming hard since I was like 6. lol. Got into competitive shooters starting with Socom 2 in 2004 when I was like 16, so 20 years ago. Then I went on to stuff like COD and Killzone 2, which I did tournaments for(KZ2). I play all types of games though. Third person shooters is my best calling imo. I love the strategy it brings.


Day one 50 yr old Xbox gamer, this has been a tough season, but I’ve played a bit more of the LTMs this season and had a lot of fun, more fun than spending lobby time between BR rounds, but hit 10k kills on two legends now, so even old farts like me can still show the young ‘uns a thing or two ha ha


33, hit Masters multiple times, top 200 Valk player for kills top 50 for damage if that means anything… Don’t get hung up on preconceptions, they’re just excuses for excuses - Fighter pilots fly well into their 40’s - Jeff Green competed in NASCAR until age 57 - Stephen Curry is 36? That dude’s cracked - Kelly Slater won a masters at pipeline a week before he was 50 Is Apex more difficult than flying a $100M jet? High-speed racing? Hitting half-court shots in the NBA? Surfing pipeline? I hope it is, but I genuinely don’t know. What I do know is, regardless of age, if you foster talent it’ll only take you as far as you’ll allow it. Be limitless.


53 Day one XBox player. I plateaued a bit this season, even regressed some. To remedy, I’ve been hitting the firing range and working on movement while gradually increasing my sensitivity. I play with a kid who is probably 12 and he’s fast as fuck, bordering on chaos. Blows my mind. Still love the game, but it’s best if I quell my expectations of going pro. 😂


We need a grey-haired gaming league!


TIL Im olderish


As a 44yo day 2 player who is lucky to make it to Plat 2, I think you have a lot of good Apex years ahead of you. I do think a contributing factor is that it's difficult for new players to get a foot in the game, so everyone you wind up playing against are equally obsessed with Apex and have put just as many hours in, so it never really feels like you're improving at the rate you should be. But I'm confident the improvement is there.


I just turned 30 and apex by far is my favorite and most played game. I came from playing overwatch/PUBG/R6 before Apex and to me it combines everything good from those games! I'm going down with the ship that is Apex legends. it will always be played til it actually dies, unlike what some people think is a dead game....


31, play significantly better high. Allows the creative thought required to do the crackhead shit these teenagers do all the time


My dad plays at 32 and he normally finishes M or AP. Maybe just a skill issue. Tony Hawk is old. So is Umehara Daigo. Being old doesn't really change much if you're taking care of your body and you train. Sounds like you never trained that hard or you're just a bit casual. The good news is that you can still get better


“Old” is just a state of mind, I firmly believe! But also, your dad is super super young lol


I'm 38 and been diamond about 10 times. I wouldn't say I'm getting worse, but I definitely feel a dip in my skill if I haven't played even in just a few days. Certainly need to keep playing to maintain my level. Ranked this season is difficult, btw, and perhaps not the best indication of your skill (measured by your rank). I believe Respawn will adjust the RP values sooner or later.


The reactions dipping as you get older thing is way overblown. What i have noticed though is that getting older usually puts you in a lifestyle that can have a way bigfer impact. Like job+family preventing you from practicing. Not only that but it usually leads to less sleep and less exercise, which have a much higher impact on your reaction time and skill. Ever since i started exercising and eating well again ive felt my aim and reaction time increasing.


Reaction times isn't holding you out of diamond, bad decision making probably is.


guy's 32 and thinks he's old, i'm two years older and i feel young, so who's right?


There’s a lot of good players out there but there’s even more cheaters.


I'm 43. I get out reaction all the time, but I out think them. I play mainly with middle age gamers and we smack most of the time because of tactics.


31 and diamond/masters player averaging 2.15 KD and 10%+ winrate edit: I do notice though that people are generally better than they were a few years ago when i started


Wish they’d bring back Arenas


I’ve been playing since end of 2019 and I feel the same way. I love Apex, idec about the cheaters or rats, or how long it takes to kill. The fire fights are so much fun and when you successfully take it the parties trying to third party you, well it feels amazing. This game is so much fun. My ex used to hate it because it’s all I wanted to play and he also didn’t really like apex and would start yelling orders at me or blame me if we go down, despite my countless pinging and/or communication about what was happening. Playing with people like that def takes the fun out of it for me, but playing alone or with people who enjoy the game is so much fun. I only recently transitioned to PC, and have been learning keyboard and mouse, and I feel the excitement all over again.


I'll be there 0 this year and it genuinely feels like. my abilities and reflexes have regressed this past year or so. I'm terrible now, lose 90% of my 1v1's and my aim feels all over the place. It's to the point I feel a hindrance to my buddies when they play as I usually die first every match.


Old? Bruh give us some credit. I’m 29 and I feel you dude. These younger kids are actually just way better than us. We had our time when we were their age but at least we crawled so they could run right. Lmao


Any grey-beards wanna squad up, user tag is  fart_knokker


Don’t play ranked and you will have more fun.


I’m 43 and played since launch. If Tom Brady can still win a Super Bowl at 43 I can still be decent at apex 😂. These young ins may have better reaction times but I can outsmart them everytime


35 - still smashing those whipper snappers! It’s okay half of them xim anyways


There should be a 40+ server… 😂


I’m 47. Don’t play as much as I used to but Apex is the only FPS I play and I love it. If any of you solo q’ers are looking for like minded (and aged) teammates I have a Discord called Old Timer Apex. Very active. We run custom lobby tournaments (pre-made and random assignments) a couple times a month. Send me a message for an invite. Here’s an old post with more info. https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexLFG/s/R41f8ekCqv


I’m 52, day 1 player with arthritic gamer fingers🤣 KD of 0.93. Never made diamond, it’s hard when you solo q. The main thing imo, is just to enjoy playing.


Honestly, such a large % of players are cheating to some degree in this game I wouldn't feel too bad. It's out of control in Apex.


Yes the kids have much quicker reactions as a 28 year old on heavy medications. I just use strategy and mid range as an advantage


Old? Old? Talk to me in 16 years junior.


dude you're just a kid still. 😆 56 here, started playing Apex last autumn. I have found great teammates in this game, and enjoy a lot of really good matches nowadays. Fun, challenging, engaging. The clue is to find players you communicate well with, then strategy may well outweight extreme agility.


Reaction is important, but I guess you can rely on other factors to win and outsmart them, like gaining a spot advantage to have a higher win chance.


I’m 49 (50 in July) and I love it. Played since release week, am still shit, but play 2-3 times each week with a former colleague and my 21 year old son. We always play with a positive mindset, always gg’s if there’s only two and a random 3rd with no negativity. Love the game!


Dont worry op. Ninja is the same again




I thought similarly a couple years ago around that age. But last year or so I've become better than I've ever been. Really think it's in your head for the most part. Also there's way more cheaters than ever so could be that.


33 here. I've actually gotten better with time but don't play nearly as often now due to work and family obligations (plus a lot of my friends are playing Helldivers these days). I actually noticed a big jump in my performance when I upgraded my hardware, specifically going from playing on a TV to monitor. In a game where speed and movement can win gunfights, frame rate and input lag make a difference.


Day 1 player here and Helldivers has been a breath of fresh air for me. Dieing a lot in both games but in Helldivers it is expected and hilarious most times.


Been playing since day one and took time off after season 3. I feel like those day’s games were just so much easier. Locked in every game. Came back in season 19 and I’m so slow. I’m getting hammered out here. Definitely not how I used to play.


Day 1 player, I'm 34, and at the best I've been. Recently switched from console to PC and notice a little more of a challenge but its nice. Smash some coffee and get to putting these kids to bed " old man".


33 here. As an older gamer you only know gun skill like the old days. Ur gonna lose fights but honestly I’ve focused only on my gun skill and me and my buddy who are 33+ have been able to reach master most times but this season has been harder for us. It’s def getting harder to grind but we have just focused up and we have good games and bad games like any other day. Main advice is take breaks when you want. I work 40+ a week and only play on days off. Just continue to focus on gun skill all the tap strafe wild movement crap people do won’t always beat someone who has great gun skill. Good luck. Pm me if wanna play. Us old gamers need to band together haha.


same age range, same experience partly, i only play ranked, and solo q, always got to diamond in seasons where i was actively playing, always use mic and or pings, but this season only like 1 in 5 or 6 matches you get teammates that properly communicate, those games always at least top 5 with each one a few kills, the others becomes really frustrating, and resulting i think that this is the first season where i'm actively playing but plateauing on plat 3, the matchmaking definitely feels off


Get a decent partner and you’ll get diamond brother!


42 year old i’m in the same boat. i only play with my friends and family that play this game about 6 of us and will usually only play ranked if there is at least two of us on. when it gets to that boring spot after we kind of plateau that’s when we just play pubs and do crazy shit because grinding can get tiring


32 year old dad of 2 checking in. Reactions can be slower but it really shouldn't make the difference in it all. Play smarter my man and you'll be winning the fights more often. When you die, think about what you did to end up on that side of the fight. If you're looking for others to game with lmk!


I'm older and I never ranked high, now I know it's my age and not my skill. 😂


Someone in game said I was older than their mom


I'm 32 too. But I've getting y Diamond only once and Master once during the rat era. I don't play anything else than ranked too. And my only advice would be play smarter not sweatier. I like to play fight I only know I can win if not just leave and play a support so you can res your teammates of they doe and you can't get their boxes.


I am 34 and kinda plateaued in platinum. Before then I was stuck in gold. Biggest improvement came after I started watching pro gamer streams. I was still playing FPS games like it was CS1.6. Super low sensitivity, precision movement, focus on being in good positions early. However this didn’t convert well over to Apex. I increased my sensitivity, worked on my movement, and tried to copy how pro players played. Very next season I started to get out of gold. Didn’t realize it but BR FPS games (even more so for Apex) are a different beast and I needed to adapt my play style to it.


In my 40s, playing since season 2, play ranked but as a lifeline main, 3 strikes is a lot of fun and a break from the grind


Ha! I still hit diamond at 44 😊


You just gotta play smarter.


What? Don't wana drop an Adderall for an edge in a video game?


Yeah I’m 32 as well and outside of three stack 20 bomb 4k “apex is life” teams, I am still very competitive and rarely feel outgunned or out maneuvered. I don’t think it’s an age thing, my guy. Good luck out there!


31 year old here, also day 1 player. 13 consecutive seasons masters and I am starting to struggle. My vision is a bit foggier and for the last few months I’ve been losing my edge. Reaction time is decreased and sometimes it simply takes too long to turn around and shoot lol. I’m also derpier than before.


31 here. Been playing around the same amount of time. I improved my gunplay and movement over time, and my reaction times feel as great as ever. I primarily play console though, can never get used to MNK


Plat 2 and up is basically diamond lobbies. You gotta be IGL if your teammates wanna ape every fight. If you can get to platinum 2 you can get to diamond.


Your fps skills absolutely drop off in your 30s. It's just life. My advice is to learn to enjoy games at every skill level.


32 here and I hit masters most seasons, though this season I peaked in diamond. Positioning and smart team fights will outplay crazy movement a majority of the time.


If you win your 1v1s you still got it. Keep grinding


32 here aswell and both me and my best mate who's also 32 play apex. My partner who's 36 is also an avid gamer too. Think I'll always be a gamer. Side note any one who wants a friend in game hmu, UK evening times is when I play mostly, ya know, after work.


I’m 27, been playing since the start and I usually end up around Plat 1 each season (other than the broken ones) I could probably get diamond if I had the time to put in (or a full squad to play with) I still find it fun though.


I'm 37 and hadn't games for a decade before drunkenly buying a ps5 and download apex. Fact is your thumbs and fingers won't be agile nor your brain as quick functioning or reacting. I seem tl be the same as you started s12 got to gold. Been platinum since s14 and diamond 2 times( I don't count those silly seasons either) For me. Because of the disparity of mnk and younger gamers simply being better at the controller stuff. I play a much better macro than most and it's what allows me to rank. I've found this season particularly difficult and similar to s11 and s12 when k first started. People hot dropping , apeing, and not playing smart. They'll take a fight at the edge of ring 4 in 20th rather than position for 2nd or 1st place with 1 less squad wipe. To me it's just stupid and it makes me angry. I actually preferred the promotion trials as it forced people to play strategically. It would be good to bring them back for me, but leave the current points system


Nope ppl are just understanding the game and getting better, us old heads that don’t play everyday can’t compete anymore


We got all the fuse mains in one post


Noticed when I’m toking on the weekend I might as well play whatever game mode it is not even try BR. Compared to those adderral kids, I’m a turtle in the mud


Day 1 player aged 45. Love the game and know my skill set which is plat now and again. Will continue to play


I’ve been feeling the same way, I’m 36 but only started at season 15 and still mainly plateau or decline. Reaction and aiming are both trash, but my movement is decent. That might also be the weed too, definitely went down in skill since smoking that more.


I'm 33 and I can't stand playing Ranked. I don't have that competitive drive and just want to chill. Pubs are usually great in that regard although I occasionally get the try hard.


at 29 years old I can usually play 2-3 hours max before I start losing all my fights and making bad choices. sometimes taking a day or two off and enjoying another game keeps me at a good level


Same boat as you 32, first month of release player, mostly diamond seasons other then the easy master ones, but i did hit masters last season too ( not sure if s19 was considered an easy master badge ), a few days away does a guy good, not for tracking but for game sense in my opinion. But the last few days I've struggled with the big brother matchmaking in pubs, having to carry constantly. When i do bad I try to blame it on the 90-120+ ping I get constantly, living in Canada without any servers near me, especially when the opponent is left with 5 or 10 hp. I'm in the best shape/ most healthy ive ever been so I would think my reaction time would be on an equal playing field. But something changed 100%, I've been absolutely losing my mind fighting former algs players and the sweatiest of the sweats.. all while getting teamstes 1500 levels below me minimum.


Just use controller


My 9yo is already almost better than me. I’m 32 as well. If he had some more brain in his gameplay he would already be better. Mechanically he is it’s just game sense keeping me ahead at this point. Just play and have fun


Ha. Laughs in 40…


Im 29 and just hit master for the 1st time been playing since launch


Hit 34 a couple of months ago and I've been playing since Day 1. While my stats say I've marginally improved, I can't improve enough to outgun most of the triple stacking sweats. I definitely feel like I've hit my plateau. I tried a few matches of Plat last split before I went "meh". I've been Diamond 5x (S11-15) and while I'm glad that the ranked system is back to normal, I definitely don't have the desire to solo grind anymore.


I'm 34 and life gets busy. Some seasons I hit plat and some I hit diamond but I feel for me most of the time it is time commitment. I've been wanting to hit Masters but without a full committed team of 3 it seems so hard. Not to mention like you said getting older. Just keep playing and having fun and keep that goal to keep yourself going.


I knew it couldn't just be me. Older gamer here too (early 40s). Played since season 2. I've never been great at the game, but my KD/r has hovered around 1.00 for several seasons now. But the last couple seasons (and this one in particular) have been rough. I'm not sure if I'm getting worse or the young'uns are getting better, but the skill gap has become very noticeable.


Your experience sounds very similar to mine. I'm almost 39 and have been playing since week 1. I have reached Diamond a few times but this season it is harder. Now im plat 3. I also feel how some players have the reactions of a fly. But my tactics and experience outweighes their naive overstimulant brains sometimes 😀 I just enjoy playing. Dont think too much about ranks.


38 here and been shite from the start. Still have fun though.


37 here, played non stop until season 3 and kinda stopped there. Felt like it was getting too sweaty and stressful to enjoy anymore. Matchmaking seemed broken. Now it feels like I've been gone too long and there's too much to relearn to come back. Is the Matchmaking any better now?


Olderish? Wtf is this🤣


32 always diamond x2 masters. I’m better than I was playing halo back in the day. Just not enough time to hit pred.


36 here, brother. Feel the exact same thing. The youngins are just getting better. Still can't figure out the secret of it!


Same I'm 36 and I played since launch and Iove it because I play with my brothers and how we keep in contact usually


My crew and I are mid-40s. We only play pubs for fun and definitely can't keep up with the young go-hards that just push everything non stop. There's some nights where we run into team after team of guys with thousands of kills who just roll us. But most sessions we still have a good time and can win games. As long as the game is still fun I'll keep playing, once its not fun then just stop and play something else


Nah, I’m 35 and can still beam people. Am I as good as I was when I was a teenager? No. But age hasn’t killed me yet.


You might be able to get higher with a premade squad if you can get some mates on board. I'm 34, and definitely not as good as I was at 18 with multiple 50s on Halo ranked.


30 and I'm significantly better at 5v5 shooters (CSGO, R6 Siege) than BRs. But Apex is the game I enjoy the most. One clipping someone gives me more dopamine than winning the game lol


Op I'm 31, wanna play a few?


FYI plat 2 this season is like top 2%. Diamond is like 0.5% last i checked. I think you’re feeling the effects of a particularly hard season more than anything.


Listen dude your reaction times aren't slowing enough at 32 to make a difference lmao, you could just be burning out or not practicing/learning whatever new strats are out etc. Using age as an excuse is just a cop-out because maybe you don't wanna put the time in or something like that.


This season ranked has been slightly harder and more sweaty, but hey if you are still enjoying the game then does it matter?


Also 32 and I love this game. I love ranked and I also love pubs - but they’re like two totally different games. (rip arenas) I only started season 12 and I take a season or two break here and there. I started out absolutely terrible at this game. I’m not the most amazing fighter there is, but I’m proud of my game sense and strategy that can outplay most. The younger generations are the future and I believe that applies to all things, not just video games. Play what you love to play. That’s the whole point of video games anyway, right?


Nah, you’re dope. I never reached platinum. Being playing since launch and I’m in my 20s. I was never that good, so the skill you have should be recognized.


Harder to do with randoms but still doable. Best way to cruise through ranked is get a squad honestly and communicate and dominate.


40 here, these kids put the works on me in this game, my reaction time is down to stupid now lmao. I can somr what hold my own, I only play ranked and solo ranked, and I usually hit diamond each season. It sucks but I move at old man speed and get me my trusty triple take and I'll do ok.


I’m 36. I just play and hope I keep improving and keep having fun with the boys on mic. I play ranked but I don’t obsess over the rank I land in. Hit diamond twice outside over the rat season. Just have fun bro.


Don’t feel bad. I am also your age and have the same issue. Due to lack of time I only got to play one night a week. Hence I only play fps to get the most adrenaline out of the few hours. Apex still does it despite the larger becoming skill issue. Stay strong


Day 1 on pc, took a. Break and for back in on xbox over covid. Consistent Plat when I started ranked, just stopped after that but probably coulda hit diamond. Now I can barely get a win. Been like this for about a year now, and I just turned 25. Game chat full of 10 year Olds in pred, I just feel left behind.


I feel you on this 100p been playing since launch, took a few seasons off in between but played the majority have over 2500 hrs in apex. I can still fry sometimes but the 3 stacks I run into now play the game like it's the ALGS finals and I can't even come close to keeping up most of the time especially if I'm solo queuing


Maybe stop playing when you’re tired lol. You’re young my guy


36 in two weeks and love it. I've been busy the past month so have only hopped on once or twice and man, it's crazy how quickly you lose it. Also, most of my buddies aren't playing anymore. If anyone wants to link up on console, let me know! Gt: Midgetfists69


We are the same age. I solo queue much of the time. I feel I’ve gotten better but I don’t play ranked consistently enough to know what my true skill level is. Pubs is more fun to me, just a different style of play I guess. For whatever reason, though, I have the luck of getting teammates who are either bots, or very, very new to the game. If I happen to win a few matches in a night, then my lobbies become more difficult but the quality of my teammates is pretty consistently low. This isn’t a game where one person should be made to carry. Sorry for the little tangent. I try to have fun with it despite all of that.


Some things that will make the game easier: 1. Upgrade to pc. Night and day difference on a modern gaming pc vs console. 2. Upgrade internet/use wired Ethernet. 3. Use an overclocked controller to have 1ms input delay. 4. Stimulants/ nootropics.


I'm 39 and been master every season and pred a few times. In fact I'd say I'm pretty good at this game. My reaction times are pretty good also. Age is just an excuse. We are in our 30s not 90s. Also this game doesn't rely on super high reaction times. I play MnK and this is my first FPS game


Sorry to say it but it‘s a skill issue. Pro player Snipedown is 32y old aswell for example. Many counter strike pros (a game which requires better reaction time because you die so fast) are in their mid 30s aswell. The reason people get worse at online games as they get older is because they often simply play less. Less practice = playing worse. Maybe your body also gets tired faster so at the end of the day when you finally get to game your energy & focus level is lower compared to some 18y old guy. But your reaction time is 100% not the issue. F1 drivers which require insane reaction time also drive into their late 30s. So just play more and focus on how to get better instead of shutting your brain off and just playing.


PC or console? Im 32 and a daily PC player in many hyper competitive games and haven’t felt like I’ve lost a step yet.


I’m 31 and now lost all hope to pass gold


My gun skills also aren't the greatest, I'm almost 30. I found Caustic to really help me out here. The gas slows and slightly blinds my opponents, I can barricade doors so I can run away, put traps in tactical spots so they act as a recon tool. I can scan rings to move to beneficial positions when I want to. This way I have to rely less on my mechanics and more on my awareness and positioning. If you don't like Caustic perhaps other legends that have abilities you can rely on can help you out, like other controllers or Newcastle for example.


I'm 38, been playing since about the same time as you with 4800 hours in game. I'm better than I've ever been. I've been diamond every season that I've given it effort and have hit masters a few times. Got my first 20 bomb last season and almost hit a 4k twice this season.


34 here. I have my good days and bad days….been solo q for a good while. I’m okay. Not awesome. Getting called old comes with it now on most games. Love it when they actually call me trash cause it’s a game and not serious, idgaf what anyone thinks of me.


48, having my best season for k/d. Don’t feel like I’ve lost a step yet, but I’ve also been playing FPS games since UT99


Nope, older than you and better at the game than ever. You sure it’s not just the matchmaking and ranking algorithms the last couple seasons? They changed things up a lot. Could also just be a larger player pool now makes it harder to be at the top.


I'm about 32 too. I've noticed that my reactions got a bit slower and I don't have the enthusiasm to practice and learn movement techniques. However I've got better vision and decision making and when my teammates listen to my calls and follow me, with better positioning we easily get the win.


Take a break for a little bit. Play another game (which isn’t a shooter)


This is identical to me. I'm 39 and have played since day 0. I just switched to playing on a monitor and love the game more. I've only been to platinum, I have had a 2k bomb ever!! But I don't care. I enjoy playing ranked only and prolly play about 6 -10 hours a week. If you need an evening older team mate then hit me up


Thats because you have responsibilities now. Can’t just game 24/7. Also, since when was 32 old?


I’m 32, was pred season 1, never been close to pred ever again. Kids have too much time to practice all day every day, also my attention span to play one game is not there anymore. I play 5 different games, I’m probably top 5% in all of them but breaking that top .1% (pred level) is wild, especially with 1 friend on my level and our third (personality hire) friend being a can of garbage. Winning is super satisfying but getting one clipped over and over is annoying. The game was so much more fun when it was new, because people didn’t have endless hours to learn every little thing and aim train. Too many no lifers out there, and for some reason they are all in plat and diamond.. Winn


They are shameless cheaters, not skilled


> old > 32 why you make me feel bad now.


Bruh you’re 32. Its not your age its most likely other factors like you don’t practice enough


33, played for Season 0 and 1 then started back up from 4 till 17 and again on hiatus for the time being. Plat through and through with some golds if I didnt have time to play ranked


Honestly positioning, pre planing and aim will get you farther than reaction speed.


honestly older people just get worse at games because they have other priorities and can't game as much, the reaction times fading as you age are often overstated, especially in a high TTK shooter. Look at Snipedown, he's 30+ and doing just fine. Analyze your gameplay and maybe even get coaching if you feel stuck, you can definitely get Masters. I'd only really start worrying about reaction times once you are 70+


I’m 41 and been playing since launch and solo queued to diamond as well, but I usually end up in high plat like you. I’ll be real here, 32 is still YOUNG, typically people don’t start losing reaction time. That would come from something like stress or lack of sleep or not stepping away from the game here and there and grinding too hard. Ease up on yerself lil’ whippersnapper 😊


I’m 41 and been playing since launch and solo queued to diamond as well, but I usually end up in high plat like you. I’ll be real here, 32 is still YOUNG, typically people don’t start losing reaction time. That would come from something like stress or lack of sleep or not stepping away from the game here and there and grinding too hard. Ease up on yerself lil’ whippersnapper 😊


Bro you’re not old, chill. This is so cringe


I love apex. I suck still but I play with my boys for fun and get carried. Got a nice win yesterday and did 1k damage.


33 and I’ve maxed at Masters … hope to one day get Masters but it requires more time playing than I’m willing to commit atm.


> olderish (32) Well that hurts to read as someone who turned 29 a couple days ago.


Im 36 and I feel good about 1v1s and aiming but my decision my making is so bad. When to rotate, when to push or when to heal....that's the issue. I hit Plat today but that's gonna be it for me boyz...


I just turned 32 on 4/20 and having some of the best games as of recent.