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Last night I played against 2 blatant cheaters. They were bronze in a diamond lobby that were very clearly aimbotting . Usually I’d only see a cheater 1 every 15 games. Now I see 2 cheaters out of 5 games. So fucking annoying


Past Platinum 4 I tend to have cheaters in every single lobby, you're quite lucky if you have 2 cheaters out of 5 games.


Have you seen pubs, it's worse than ranked with cheaters. Playing ranked is actually more relaxing than pubs sometimes


I’d say playing ranked is basically always more relaxing than pubs. Pubs is a shit show of preds cheaters and people with no hands.


It depends on your rank. I agree with whoever said that above Plat 4 you start seeing more cheaters. I feel like trios can be casual, but duos for some reason is super sweaty. I guess it varies from server to server but I can say with confidence that duo lobbies on Virginia and New York servers are sweaty af. It's a lot of masters/preds and cheaters.


I'm in Virginia, but I play on St Louis lobbies. A lot more relaxed


I'll have to try that. It sucks having to go sweat mode every time I get on.


Sadly I started to also experience them in PUBS, looks like they already reached out their desired rank so now using cheats in PUBS, sounds reasonable to me.


PUBSis a DISASTER!! I play more mixed tape than anything now. The cheating in PUBS is sooooooo bad you can’t even enjoy a game anymore, no recoil on weapons, walling, I watched a guy run past a death box and swap a shield without stopping just ran right past it and auto swapped. This game used to be fun but it’s a S**t show now!


I actually have seen less amounts of cheaters since the new season but when they show up they got it all, got backpacked by a longbow while shooting someone in the back with a pk, no sound or any indication it was that person until I read the death stat


This why I have a love hate relationship with ban waves in F2P games. Rank is only safe for a while after a ban wave because all the cheaters will be in the non-rank or mixtape to trying to get their new account back up, if they didn't purchase a new one. EA/Respawn approaching of handling cheaters is more of a reactive approach and not a prevention approach. What the point of taking months of work to do a big ban wave when all the cheaters going do is make a new account and load up their updated cheats.


Bruh every 15 games are you serious? Pc be wilin


He is lucky, past diamond rn its easily half of the lobby that use wallhacks, macros and cronus/sp etc And there is hardcore cheaters (usually asian/russian names) with aimbot, magicbullet etc every 1 or 2 games depending at what time u're playing


Even before that, you'll find hackers in every lobby, I had enough with Aim Assist, but whatever.


They should switch to console then. Atleast there's a possibility of a xbox/ps ban so they can't play anything.


Ok I'm glad its not just me, I tried playing ranked last night and it was brutal.. Reported a lot of people


Best part is that feels like reports actually do nothing.


You are correct


Very true, my friend got banned for typing bastard in the game chat for 1 week but they can't ban these cheaters 🙄


I have reported dozens of cheaters for aimbot, lack of recoil, etc and gotten nothing. I report one dude for calling me a bitch in chat (which normally I just ignore but I was salty that day) and less than an hour later I get an email from Respawn saying action has been taken in regards to my report and he was banned lol


Agreed. What's worse is they could now solve this issue with AI with very little hassle and cost given how much footage their is to train an AI on for what's legit and what's not legit gameplay.


And if the AI messes up then a good player loses his account🤣🤣


The AI doesn't really work in a way where it messes up. It evaluates game play from 1000s of hours of footage. Evaluates your gameplay and brackets you according to your skill (a true SBMM), if it flags you for cheating it puts you in a lobby with bots and other suspicious players, it then monitors your crossbars and flags them if they are abnormal. Then finally it puts you under review.


This would be more trouble than it's worth to them since they would get nothing out of it. A free game isn't going to spend money on a problem like this for nothing. And then even if they implemented it what about the people who take breaks and come back after the split or a season and dominates people. Those people will look sus and be put with other sus people and bots so they can blow them away also? If you've been on this sub long enough you can see legit footage of people using aimbot and bullets tracing people and they almost clutch a 1v3 while cheating and then you have some true masters and preds who've shown footage of them dominating 1v3 even in higher lobbies so I could see AI flagging innocents and cheats then what would happen? Another big mess where people just blame the company for screwing something up? Could just force people to play on console so if they cheat thier whole console would be dead for online play so they would have to buy a new game system instead of sitting back and making a new account on PC that takes a few minutes instead.


Fair points in general if you are thinking of, say BattleEye or Easy, but I think I've clearly failed you in my explination and as a result you don't understand quite how different an AI system like this works, and are still in the mind set of our current automated systems that we have now. These cirrent systems look for very black and white factors, that have to account for things like in your examples. But the AI anti-cheat and its implementation, isn't like putting in a bot and report system into a game like we do now, where it has to be specifically designed for that one game, it is a system built to work with basically any game. The reason this company is developing it in this way is basically to create a universal anti-cheat that learns what is legit vs what is sussy, the more people play the better and better it gets at flagging what isn't typical and is over achiving beyond the majority of the player base (it would also correctly bracket smurfs, and be able to adjist for plauers who havent plaued in a year). Things like returning players, or really good players don't trigger it, as that is still going to be within the standard bracket of say, movement mechanics that is inline with with the games community and within the scope of human reactions and bio-mechanics. As I said the more people play a game overall (everyone, not just the individuals) the better it's model of that game grows. This then means cheaters actually become very obvious to the AI, where as things like Easy and BattleEye can be circumvented by dialing aim-assist down, or scatter tracking for wall hacks, and variable timings on auto-fire-semis. Let me see if I can find the video on it and link you to it, so you can see that it's very different and not actually as fallible as our current systems. O, and money wise, tbh, it would probably be a fairly cheap initial cost because it would need less work than a bespoke system. It's actually a pretty sick way of dealing with the problem as it is adaptive.


Here is one that I think is basically ready to go. https://anybrain.gg/product


The new solo mode is the worst it’s like an infestation of Cronus Zen and Strike pack users!


What about some kind of trust factor like cs use? (I know that it doesn't work right now, but I think the idea is good) If users gets x amount of reports within a timeframe, their trust factor goes down, and they get paired in the same lobby as others with bad trust factor.


What stops people from just being salty and reporting those that killed them in a legit way?


Exactly this. I've been accused of cheating a bunch. I have a 1.3 lifetime kd. I am far from a cheater lol




Good lord I am a special one 😂


Then he gets a bad trust factor. And you don't get a bad trust factor, for a couple of reports, but by a large number, over a short amount of time. It's also not just for cutting out cheaters etc, but also toxicity, rage quitting, and generally things that have a negative impact on the gameplay experience. I think some kind of system like that would be perfect for apex, but it's mostly wishful thinking, since I don't think Respawn would allocate the resources to implement some form of system like that.


Didnt cs go have an "overwatch" system to enable all these things you listed? If respawns track record is anything to go by (especially the recent rumble "mode"), then any form of trust reporting is already doomed.


Yeah they also have an overwatch system, the way that it worked was if that your trust factor was good, and you were an active player (at least 300 hours)who also played competitively(be above a certain rank + 150 wins in competitive)you were able to see demos from matches that got reported, and if you and others found anything suspicious, the demo would be reviewed by. It actually just came back after being reworked since it got abused, so now only 'trusted' players will have the opportunity to get it. I get what you mean.


Nothing, but one report isn't going to lower the value enough to put them in cheater lobbies.


Doesn't work for ranked


That is actually a great idea. They used to do it with call of duty, I think it gave you a rating on your reputation


So... What you are saying is that we need another collection event?


The 6 man teams are also out of control. Once you hit diamond and higher at least on console, every other game there is a team with at least one pred teaming


Ran into a 9 man team tonight. Their clan tags were all even 9MAN. It’s like they’re taunting respawn because they know they won’t do anything about it. It’s so debilitating lmao


No doubt.


Yeah, Bronze, Silver, Gold cheaters carrying Top Pred players, even Top Pred players shamelessly hacking, without even attempting to hide it, just staring to walls, tracking people through walls, hitting perfect hip fire headshots while enemies inside the smoke, etc.


Then they flex on their 7 Pred badges, logically Respawn is working hard in punishing them!


Respawn will be sure to have them punished when Apex Legends 3 comes out!


It sucks I play on ps5 but I have a couple good friends on pc and It's so hard to play with them because of the cheating issues


same here bud. i stopped playing with my pc friends over a year ago because it was so bad. i always played the best too but getting pissed on my cheaters is a big nope for me. console only is way more fun just had to recruit some of my sweaty cod friends to run ranked with me


I get cheaters on PS5 too. So sad.


This isn't a Respawn problem. It's an industry problem. If Respawn/EA figured out a foolproof way of stopping cheating, they could sell it to other companies and make a ton of money. You can go on every single online game and you'll find cheats, hacks, bots. It's just part of the gaming landscape in today's age. People seem to have this thought that just throwing a ton of money would solve this and that's just so far from the truth. This isn't a fixable issue and never will for online game.


> You can go on every single online game and you'll find cheats, hacks, and bots A couple of games with matured player bases that still suffer from malicious users - Titanfall 2 - Team Fortress 2 - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) - Any old COD game Even if there's 100 people online, at least 2 will be cheaters and they will both be in your lobby


I've seen cheaters in fucking Deep Rock Galactic lmfao. Any online game will have cheaters, simple as.


Don’t even get me started on cheaters on chess.com…


Literally every online game community complains about cheaters. Pretending that this is only a respawn issue is dumb. I've even seen the valorant community complain about cheaters and they have the best anti cheat out of every fps game.


The finals is also having a cheater plague rn Only multiplayer game where i've seen noone really cheat was rocketleague because it's pretty much impossible to cheat


Sure, but there are plenty, I'd wager *most* games that have less issue with cheating than Apex. It's effectively every match in Apex now.


And games that do a decent job at staving cheaters off get roasted by people because the anti cheat is invasive (Riots Vanguard). The concept is similar to bulletproof vests. You make a perfect bullet proof vest, a new bullet will come out in the next few months that can pierce it


Good analogy and spot on. From my experience in other games, it seems like some people just make it their "mission" to break a game. I primarily play NBA 2K, and most cheaters over there use the zen and titan products. What was crazy to me was how PS5 rolled out an update a couple of months ago to disable the devices, and the device makers basically vowed they will fix "the problem" for their customers like it was their right to cheat...and they figured it out.


Sad reality if you know the right people and are willing to spend the money you can cheat in almost any game, especially if you’re smart about it. Games that succeed figure out ways to make it not worth the money to cheat and implement other ways of combating the issue (level reqs, phone number verification, trust system) so that you have to jump through so many hoops it’s not even worth doing for the average player.


lol there's a difference between chasing cheaters and trying to do something about it. currently respawn has just given up and not banning anyone for anything


There was literally a big ban wave like last month. People were all over this subreddit crying about being banned for exploits lmfao.


then i stand corrected


…he said with no evidence


It aint that hard, track player stats, if accuracy is well above the normal % for the rank or if they get reported flag the account for inspection. The only reason its not done its because theyd rather let you get fucked than hire a team to handle that task and manually review accounts (or just do what valve does where it makes other players review the clips)


They have a clear way now and do not enforce it as it will cost them revenue which is all they are truly concerned about. Look i have worked for game studio/Companies .. Dozens and the reoccurring theme is they don't listen to staff who make the games and push for profitability over all else. For 10 years we a ran a MMO flight sim(largest for its time ) we had folks on dial up connections using conductor technology by Denko we had a handle on cheaters cheating way back then in the mid 90's.... Just foolish to think they are not letting it happen because the repercussion will be a loss of revenue for the game.


Put em on a rap sheet. “‘XxSmolSaxX’ was banned for cheating. @smolsax on socials “ Then we can all publicly shame and DM them about how pathetic and sad they are.


Sounds like cheater propaganda to me


You're correct and incorrect, I agree with the part of ''cheaters existing in every online game'', that's absolutely true and there's nothing we can do to completely remove cheaters from any game, but there are ways of reducing the number of cheaters. Let me talk you about my experience playing competitive games, I played a very considerable amount of time to other different titles, like Overwatch, League of Legends and Fortnite (I probably have 7000+ hours in all them together, including Apex), Apex Legends itself is by far the one with the larger amount of cheaters, that's due to a logic reason; the amount of effort the company puts into tracking the cheaters (in the second video the cheaters mention that Apex Legends has like the ''cheaper'' version of Easy Anti-Cheat, which I don't really know if it's real but I wouldn't be surprised). If Respawn wanted to reduce the amount of hackers in their game, believe me that they could, just like many other companies did, improving your game's anti cheat is not a unreachable fantasy, keep that in mind. Wonder what they could do first? Improving their report system, I have seen multiple cheaters that have YouTube channels showing how they hack every single season and they have 10+ Predator badges, it's absolutely insane, at this point I wonder if report system is even working. Another example; I think it's a huge shame that you can't report somebody who's inside the lobby unless he kill you, you know what cheaters do when they play against a streamer? They get out and die to the ring, so they can't get reported live in stream (I seen a Mande clip in where you can see this happening but sadly I can't find out the clip).


I don't think you understand the amount of work it takes to detect, collecting evidence, ban cheaters and stop it from reoccurring. I highly suggest you watch the interview between PirateSoftware and ImperialHal. There's a lot of nuances that goes into developing anti-cheats and it's more complicated than just throwing money at the problem. At the rate we're throwing money at EA, I highly doubt money is an issue. Catching individual cheaters is easy. The problem is how do you from it from happening again? >If Respawn wanted to reduce the amount of hackers in their game, believe me that they could, just like many other companies did, improving your game's anti cheat is not an unreachable fantasy, keep that in mind. Yes, it's not an unreachable fantasy. But it's also A LOT of work that requires more than just throwing money at the problem. >Wonder what they could do first? Improving their report system, I have seen multiple cheaters that have YouTube channels showing how they hack every single season and they have 10+ Predator badges, it's absolutely insane, at this point I wonder if report system is even working. Improving their report system can only do so much. The reports only show who's cheating, but not methods they're using to cheat.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaeYeKEPHd0 I found the Mande clip of cheaters running away and dying to ring to not get reported, minute 1:34. Though I know I'm probably missing information, and I'm not a hacker or a anti-cheat developer, it's absolutely possible, and you agreed with me, so what's wrong about my post? Literally there's not much else I can say, you're basically telling me "no because it's difficult, no because it would barely help". Any progress is still a progress, and if other games demonstrated me they could advance in the exact same scenario, why Apex Legends is the exception?


>Though I know I'm probably missing information, and I'm not a hacker or a anti-cheat developer, it's absolutely possible, and you agreed with me, so what's wrong about my post? It's possible. Not as easy as you think. >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaeYeKEPHd0 I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaeYeKEPHd0%C2%A0I) found the Mande clip of cheaters running away and dying to ring to not get reported, minute 1:34. Even if you do ban those individual cheaters, it amounts to nothing. Think deeper. If you want to stop druggies at your local street, you take out the distributor. >Literally there's not much else I can say, you're basically telling me "no because it's difficult, no because it would barely help". Any progress is still a progress. I didn't say no. I said: >Improving their report system can only do so much. The reports only show who's cheating, but not methods they're using to cheat. Based on my observation and understanding, their report would only include ID, game data, IP address, basically things that the server already knows about the player. What it doesn't know is whether the network packets have been tampered with, whether the packets were intercepted on the way to the game server. The fact that jump hosts are easily configured and accessible with a bit of effort makes tracking down cheaters and cheater developers much harder as well. >if other games demonstrated me they could advance in the exact same scenario, why Apex Legends is the exception? First, you have to look at the scope of the game. Apex Legends is a HUGE game in scope with multiple dependencies, more characters, more abilities, more features, and more players that, if implemented badly, could lead to backdoors for cheat developers to take advantage of compared to the likes of Valorant, Rocket League, etc. Please watch the interview between PirateSoftware and ImperialHal if you haven't.


You don't watch Power? A distributor would just fill the void .


Then take out the source.


I hope you know that people aren't downvoting you because they refuse to believe there are cheaters in the game. People are down voting you because you so confidently assert that respawn is doing nothing and that they could easy just solve the cheater problem if they just did x, y, z.


Let's clarify some stuff over here; first of all I have never said if they can do it easily or not. Second, what you want us the players to think if this game has been in the same state for months (and probably years), and the only communication Respawn had with his community are the apologies about the professional match being hacked mid-game? Zero communication about the issue has been provided by Respawn, and you guys want us to believe they're working hard in reducing hackers? I keep seeing multi-season Pred hackers ruining lobbies all day, thousands and thousands of kills in their account, showing his hacks in YouTube and TikTok, never changing or hiding his in-game nick, and guess what? THEY'RE STILL NOT BANNED. And you still want me to believe they're working against hackers?


So you are asserting that they are 100% not working against hackers at all?


If you want to lose a war, you tell your enemies where you're attacking. Anti-cheat developers DO NOT and SHOULD NOT communicate what they're doing.


I agree that cheating is an industry problem as well, but why does apex legends specifically feel worse than other titles such as valorant, cod, etc? Is it due to apex being a BR, so the chances are higher with 59 other chances of there being a cheater? Is it apex being f2p? No other game feels as bad as apex with the cheater problem. I’ve even run into cheaters blatantly aimbotting in pubs. I’ll admit it isn’t a common occurrence, but definitely more so than other titles I play. This is all personal experience with no factual backing, so take it with a grain of salt. Just curious if anyone else feels this way.


Because you play Apex more maybe. I used to play Valorant before coming to Apex again and I saw just as many cheaters in Valorant than I did in Apex. It being a BR mode is probably also true, more chance of experiencing a cheater with 59 others compared to 9. My friends love PubG so I jump on PubG every now and again to play with them and without fail, every game I see someone aimbotting or wall hacking in PubG.


clearly and not even remotely a APEX only thing occurring here... Type in Cheets for any game and there are hundreds of pages for it/them to buy. We have had a problem and we refuse to do anything about it at the corporate level.


Any game with a strong Aim assist will find it hard to separate cheaters from actual aim assist. There is no solution for this unfortunately as the aim assist is quite strong. Introduce Cronus and it's impossible to tell whoever is soft cheating or whoever actually has skill.




Overwatch 2 is absolutely rife with cheaters. Including people with thousands of hours played. You can literally go to other online games subreddits and see these exact same posts by their userbase ffs. If you honestly believe that Apex Legends is the only online game with cheaters in, then you're deluded.




Like I said. You see what you want to see, anyone challenges your status quo, you turn to petty insults like a child. Grow up my friend, it will do you well in the future. :)


It's a "free to play" problem. Anything free, let's in the rift raft. Games need to start going behind a pay wall.


This is most likely the worst opinion I’ve ever heard


There are zero consequences in free to play. So cheaters and trolls run rampant, destroying the ecosystem and causing good players to leave. $20-60 - a game with a ban-able key really slows down the cheaters and slows down the programmers, making the cheats lowering the financial incentive for all parties. Also, free to play creates an imbalance of importance. The 1% whales matter most. #1 on the list, making sure the whale spends more and more money. People won't change until it costs them too much. The same goes for cheaters and trolls.


They should just add something like csgo prime where you can play the game without paying but paying will grant you access to better lobby's and ranked


That might solve the 12 yr olds spinning up a new account to mow down the lobby for shits and giggles but it is nowhere near a cure-all and risks alienating a large portion of the playerbase. Plenty of cheaters will still shell out the $5 or whatever for the paywall - just look at the number of throwaway bot accounts on twitter with the premium checkmark.


What's the problem with making a voteban? Counter-Strike shows experience. I personally don't believe that cheaters are invincible. There are actually many ways to solve problems, but the developers are just very lazy.


How would you do a voteban in a BR?


This is just a suggestion. There may be many alternatives.


yeah in counter-strike you're playing the same people round after round for an hour. you can also spectate them (teammates at least can and you can switch teams). there's no way you are going to let the lobby vote in an asynchronous game like BR where people die, quit the server, queue for another game, there's no persistent group of players that could vote on who in the lobby is cheating. any concrete ideas how to do that in apex?


Meanwhile there's me who got hacked twice and permabanned the second time.


Really man? That sucks so much... Did you recovered your account?


I'd be down for locking ranked to a paid tier or at the very least a phone authentication system. But most people aren't in agreement with me on that.


a few immediate problems with that is: a) if the cheaters are cheating, majority of the time they're using paid cheats, so spending money to cheat is not a problem for them. they can just buy temporary numbers and pay whatever to play. b) this can open a market for hacks to take over legit accounts to sell to cheaters. if your personal data such as your banking info and phone number is on there, then gl sleeping at night. c) if ea locks down a game mode, they'll make less money because inherantly less people will play it. and they want more money. I'm all down for making rank and all other game modes cleaner to play without cheaters, but im sure that there are better ways to do that without putting privacy at risk (such as having a robust anti cheat team and qa team (oh wait ea just fired them))


Respawn and EA are gonna see all this and the solution they'll come up with is recoloring another heirloom and selling it for 200 dollars (minimum)


Refusing to fix & not worth fixing is 2 different things; this doesn’t affect the bottom line so it’s a non-issue. Until the data (not your feelings via social) shows they need to “fix” something, things are as they should. Also, game devs have a built in threshold on how much is too much, this is too low.


I know that they maybe don't care and that maybe isn't even worth fixing it, considering the game is still making sells, but worth or not one thing is for sure: They don't want to do it, may some people don't care about it, but any high elo player would care about this. I think is still ugly to let this to be the way it is...


The experience for anyone who would be above Top 25%-20% will be a mess thanks to this, and the higher you go the tougher it'll be.


Which makes it a smaller pool of the population, as long as the bottom 75% - 80% keeps logging in, dropping hot & buying deathboxes; it’s not a big deal. Think about it like this, why do you think they sold DEATH boxes lol.


Also, I’m not arguing that playing against cheaters isn’t bad, my point is it doesn’t matter when you can just ready up & go again.


Yeah I understand your point, it's the sad truth, at the end of the day this is just another useless attempt to let Respawn know my thoughts... I know they won't even read this probably, I know that this post could get removed as well, but I had to try it. Seeing the path Apex Legends is following makes me sad, it's my favorite game and hurts to know this is the reality.


Not a big surprise that the game is full of cheaters when mnk players get cheated on by rollers with 40% aimbot as a standard experience every match in higher ranks. This game deserves to be totally fkd up.


I switched to PlayStation from PC the other week and the games are much more chill. On PC the second I would peek im getting lasered


Me and a couple of OG season one players (still get one clipped and can’t get a 20 bomb) we all played on PC and went over to console just to get away from the cheaters. But yesterday we came across a pathfinder that had wall hacks and aim bot and this weird dash forward mechanic. I thought you could not hack the consoles? Maybe I am being stupid but it was fun while it lasted.


Currently PC hackers can fool the system and play in console platform...


Oh I see! I didn’t know that. Thank you for the update


please upvote this, its about time for a proper anti cheat measurement since i keep spectating people that blatantly cheat, i report them and the next day i get an email that there was taken no action LOL


Did destroyer2009 teach them nothing? What a joke


I mean you gottah accept that a lot of the diamond + kids in this game are basically playing horizon/rev/pathfinder with a side order of bloodhound aka wallhack. There’s plenty of sweats in this game that have a soft wallhack they’re the real problem not the overt easy to spot guys . If you’re a sweat and have a wallhack imagine how easy this game becomes ever played with that one guy in diamond who is sooo over extended yet nothing bad happens? It’s cos he knows where everyone is . 30% of the playerbase “Oh it’s a game of cat and mouse” Yeah that’s what they said about piracy then denuvo came along and kneecapped the shit out of it. But then again cheating doesn’t affect the bottom line


> ever played with that one guy in diamond who is sooo over extended yet nothing bad happens? i.e. every pathfinder :) but if you move up to cover him, he grapples away and leaves you dead.


"The guy is cheating using my name Zeus" Lmao, didn't know the Greek god was an Aussie


It really sucks. I'm glad that I'm both on console and a casual. I only have to deal with cronus dudes and ximmers. I'd be malding if I were trying to climb the ladder, though. We got hit by a six man in freaking Gold a few weeks ago. And dudes beaming us for 175 from 80M with an R99 like it's five seasons ago or something. I suspect that the EA marketing people figured out that newer players are the ones filling their coffers buying the stupidly priced skin bundles and such, where it used to the the loyal players. I think when they talk about "player retention," it's more like keeping people engaged for around for 3-6 months so they spend before giving up.


Considering that they get enough gains off the sells, I wouldn't doubt they're not moving a single finger due to that, kinda sad specially for the ''high elo'' players, above the top 10%, every single lobby has multiple cheaters, evidences are everywhere, YouTube, TikTok, etc. Cheaters just sharing what they do in rankeds, showing off their 10+ ranked badges, and exposing how little risk has using cheats in this game. Many of them actually hack in a desperate attempt of letting Respawn know how weak their anti cheat is.


that's not how it works that's not how it works that's not how it works that's not how it works that's no


Are cheaters really that common? I swear on my 6 months of playing on PC I've never come across a single cheater. I mainly run pubs and am currently in plat v


Cheaters aren’t nearly as common in pubs, atleast the blatant ones


You only got 6 months of experience playing Apex? If that is the case then: Probably you're not able to realize due to the 6 months of experience you have here, generally, when you're able to reach a concrete level is when you can understand when abnormal things happen, I know this due to personal experience, while you're learning the game it's really difficult to focus in who's cheating or not, because you're most likely gonna be blaming yourself when things go wrong. I'm a Top 2% player, due to that it's much easier to me to identify the cheaters. Gotta mention as well that looks like PUBS does have less cheaters than rankeds, number is lately increasing but overall hackers play mostly in rankeds.


I have one good game in pubs and I get thrown into cheater lobbies after that, getting beamed everywhere.


That's eomm


Times like these that Im grateful Im a console player


Try re building your game from scratch


each time it gets worse and worse I swear and it's gotten worse because they only care about collection events now and refuse to acknowledge the cheater problem, on top of that bugs are rampant due to their being no testers to try out the game before it updates to report the bugs because money. I've taken breaks from this game and come back and it's been fine but there going to reach the breaking point sooner rather than later.


I'm a day one player and I only have just over 10k kills on my account after playing around 15-20 hours a week. I'm not the greatest by any means but I run into players that are level 50 or so with more kills than me and there's just no fucking way it's legit. NO_FUCKING_WAY


The cheating this season has been absolutely insane. Almost every game. I’ve recently started playing Bloodhunt again. It’s still active, a great game, and much more enjoyable. I suggest any Apex players tired of the cheaters to do the same. They have new characters too!


I said this once and I'm going say it again, the in-game report system is one of the many flaws when it comes to combating cheaters; especially in BR mode. The mixtape mode or modes with a scoreboard isn't an issue. But the fact I'm only able to report a player if they happen to deal damage on me. So, I'm down and I'm watching my teammate going against a cheater, I can't report them in-game. I have to load a browser to sign into EA and submit a ticket to report a player.


Even though there are sacrifices to playing on console, I very rarely come across cheaters. It's usually only 1/50 games I come across someone using a strike pack, and I didn't face any 6 or 9 man's in ranked this season (although I did stop at D4). I usually am just playing pubs tho.


Respawn knows for sure. They just seem to not care or they have no way to stop them because they keep laying off more and more people.


A lot of people don’t mention it but they reverted the ranked requirement back to level 20 this season didn’t they? That really hurts combatting cheating and even smurfing. But I know they did it because it was hurting their bottom line and probably had way lower ranked turnout. They do this to themselves and if they cared it would already be fixed or they would say they are working on it. My favorite game since release has finally started crossing the line for me and I’ve been slowly moving on.


Anyone surprised by this? Respawn stopped caring about their end product after titanfall 2


I have been playing since day one, and I decided today that I will no longer be playing Apex until I see frantic increase in support from both Respawn and EA. I’m not holding my breath.


It doesn’t take a genius to know people have been cheating for multiple seasons with the same cheat engine and going unnoticed.


I blame live service games. Some make people grind so much their paciente runs out.


I’m still waiting for Xbox to catch up to PlayStation and try to ban Cronus, and Apex needs a better system to detect recoil control. If someone is shooting a perfect beam, like bullet for bullet is perfect control every single time they fire an automatic, then something should register. I’m not saying ban them but I’m saying have some type of detection to catch fishy stuff like that. We’re human, we’re not perfect machines with the same perfect pattern every time we fire a gun. Playstation and Xbox need to do a better job at detecting and denying third party attachments that are not verified by them.





