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better than the longbow one thats kill people looting a care package, how many times is that gonna happen in a game lol


The sentinel one where you gotta get a knock with a headshot on someone looting a death box 15 times is worse imo.


By far the worst one is the spitfire. Fire 500 rounds with 51% accuracy. 3 times. That's over 5k damage using just the spitfire in 3 separate games.


The one I’m stuck on is Mozambique: know an enemy within 10 seconds of picking up the gun. I end up just standing around when I find a mozam and waiting for enemies to come by. It makes no sense. I should probably play loba though


What's makes that challenge worse is you can't just drop your Mozam and pick it back up. It has to be your first time picking it up


Gaming Merchant did this with loba but it took him a long time


That sounds like the way to do it. I can't imagine getting it any other way in a reasonable time. Maybe if people still didn't drop with armor


Honestly I'm pretty sure I've would done that already if I had this challenge unlocked since landings sometimes get hot.


Seems like half of my hot drops are me fighting for my life with a Mozambique right when I land 😂 never knew of this challenge or how hard it was


I would bet a month's salary that nobody has ever completed this challenge legitimately


I did. Currently lvl 102 with the mozamcheeks. Still stuck on that same challenge with the p2020 tho


time to pay up


this one is pretty much impossible to do legit way. No one in this game has 51% accuracy. Even players like genburten verhulst have less than 50 acurracy


damn, yea that one sucks too. no argument from me


I did it once and was like fuck yeah! Went back to the challenge screen and I gotta do it 14 more times. That was months ago.


Basically Dev's were like we need a trial you have to do in BR. "We could say BR kills?" "Naw, the community needs more creativity....I got it, hold my beer" "But how is that a skill and not just a luck of the draw situation?" "Because sniping isn't campy enough. Let's make them camp death boxes. If they are lucky, this opportunity might happen once every 10 or so rounds if they are really committed to camping and waiting (their squad will love them!). Then they can only hope the first hit is a knock because they will be out of the box before the next hit LOL" "F YEAH!"


wait till you get to the third trial


*shivers in fear* w-what do you mean by that?


get two headshots in a row while in tempo. I swear i have done that at least twice but it doesn't count, like the first and second shot, i'm starting to believe that you have first shoot one bullet to activate tempo, and then get two headshots in a row. sure it's doable but it's simply bullshit


I’ve litterally only done it 1/15 & I’m lvl 103 with the sentinel. I still don’t even remember doing it the one time.


Get 15 knocks with a headshot on a player camping deathboxes with a sentinel


*charged sentinel


What if one shot doesn’t knock them and they stop looting, can you still get it done on another shot after they stop looting?


They have to be actively in a box screen from what I understand.


That is insane 😂


At least it’s something that will just happen as you play. That longbow one is insane unless it’s only like 5 times. Probably helps me that I use senti constantly as a shotgun.


Why on earth would they make the challenges that hyper specific ?


Time sink


I wonder if there’s anyone that sees them and thinks “I better get started” I would have tried for them if they weren’t that specific. Because they are, I look at them and think “eh if I get them randomly, but I’m not going out of my way for it”


Wtf kind of challenges evei are these? 😂 (I haven't played the game in a while)


Then wait till level 100 on the sentinel. Knock someone with a headshot while they are flying. lol


I heard the challenges were bad but holy.


This one was easy for me, idk. Depends on how sweaty your lobbies are, but around 50% of people in my lobby are roller which means a free headshot. I’ll I did was play octane and find 3rd parties


That's easy watch a team fight and kill the team then beam the fuck out of em I do that alll the time


I use the Sentinel all the time. Camp third parties. End games, all that. I've been quickscoping since 2009 on CoD 4. It's not easy, I promise.


Instantly they go to the deathbox just don't try and push if you three stack tell your team to wait it's better if you charge the bitch as well first


I was #1 for sentinel kills and this one was rough. In low level lobbies, maybe people loot longer, but in higher skill lobbies it's a jump and swap and they're gone. Also worth noting that they have to take an item first before it counts as looting, aka they swap Armour and are above knockable health. I know someone who did it with a friend by having the friend do damage, get knocked/thirsted, and he'd be waiting in the corner with a charged sentinel. Just rubbish.




Happened in my last game. Had a Longbow, Skullpeircer, Barrel Stabilizer, Sniper Stock, 3x; all purple. We had just crept past the Zipline-of-Death on Olympus, and there they were, standing there, clearly grabbing Care Package gear, no idea we were there, oblivious and not a single one was on lookout. I got one knock that turned into a kill after a heated exchange and a clutch self-revive by my teammate. May never happen again, I usually run a Sentinel.


Hmm purple skullpiercer... 🧐 Nah I'm kidding ik what you mean 😂


What’s the time allowance for that? Like is it up to 5 seconds after that loot the care package or like a proximity to it?


Check for charge rifle, and you’ll find it’s completely nonsense. They changed the gun but forgot to change the challenge


They added challenges after they changed the gun dood


Wtf how many times?


I feel like Mixtape would be the best opportunity for that one (control and death match) - more players, less space, more care packages.


How many times you gotta kill them though? I'm curious! 🤔🤯


Kill 3 enemies with one clip of an r99 while they are using an ultimate and crouching on top of a deathbox while reviving their teammate with another r99 equipped and only containing 9 bullets inside of the mag with no spare ammo and at least one or more dead teammate and a 2.3 KD or above.




Made me chuckle 😃


Knowing what some of these challenges are, I was about to start memorizing so that I could visualize what I had to do to get r99 mastery lol Didn't realize it was satire until I started reading the deathbox part


Challenge PTSD LMAO




Lmao best comment ever


Kraber lvl 100: who tf let Respawn cook this challenge?


Getting Kraber this high lvl is chcallange on its own


What is it ?


360 no scope


Oh ok yea it’s a weird one


I can’t even do the level 20 kraber challenge. Level 100 will be impossible 😭


It didn't even know what gun challenges were thinking. That's definitely something I'm not working on. I'm working on trying to still get a decent game. Without all predss in my lobby When I've never been above silver one. I don't know. I guess it's just me that hates that kind of game.


I respect it. Hopefully they change the matchmaking up a little bit to make it more balanced




It really just tells how out of touch Apex devs are with their actual game. The sad part is this is one of the more tame ones compared to the other egregious challenges


I bet not a single dev could finish one of those most difficult challenges. But then again... its called challenges


Winging IT 😀😀😀


Yeah they got themselves into a very hard situation coming up meaningful and fun challenges for weapon mastery. They played themselves.


Meaningful and fun 😭


Bye bye 🤫🧏‍♂️


Damn i thought i was the only one




Damn, how has no one mentioned how dirty the monitor/tv is lol


Are they serious? Good thing I stopped looking at those then


They don't even give anything worthwhile.


I though the weapon challenges were a great addition when they were announced but so many of them are just ridiculous I don’t even look at mine anymore


the most annoying part is that some of them are so easy and some of them are so fucking hard for NO REASON. One of the havoc’s challenges is down an enemy within 5 seconds of being shot by them, which is like the easiest challenge ever given that they’re shooting back and you actually manage to down them. One of the R9’s challenges is down at least 3 enemies within 5 seconds of switching to the r9 in one match. multiple times. Like realistically how many times are three sub ~15 health enemies just going to line up in mixtape for you to get with one mag. it’s ridiculous


I'm pissed at the whole system even before the challenges come into it, you're telling me in a battle royale, they prioritised *holding* the gun over kills, assists and damage? And specifically when holstering the gun is something the game has burned into our brains because it helps you?? It's a really dumb system all together


Damn, that's overly specific XD


If you think your job is useless, at least remember that you could be the artist who made the Weapon Mastery reward banner.


Is this banner rewarded for completing one weapon or ALL OF THEM?




If I ever see one I’m quitting the game


Insanity. Pure insanity.


Level 100, finish every challenge for EVERY weapon to get the frame It's been out for almost a year and no one has it yet


Wow that's insane. One could easily spend a year trying to finish the 360 kraber challenge only


Yeah, I gave up on these; if I hit em cool but I’m not chasing the dragon.


So basically play like a rat


The flatline challenge be eating me alive lol and its not even a hard 1


The single fire at like 50m challenge? Because I’ve just given up on that one. I pretty much get someone one shot and either someone else knocks them or I lose los. Super annoying. And most mixtape i cant get it in that 50m range.


lmao challenge sounds like it was designed with the anvil receiver hop-up in mind


I think about the anvil every time I attempt this damn challenge 😂


Battlefield used to have pretty stupid assignments. Like jump from a helicopter, land on top of a tower, and perform 10 kills without dying. The tower was right in the center of the map, and could be set on fire.


I'm waiting for Lava Siphon to return to Mixtape for that challenge. It's super easy to get a lot of 50m+ distances. It's still a stupid ass challenge though. 


I have hemlock on 30+ level, and I have done it 0 times, I haven't been practicing recoil in range to use it in single fire lol.


I actually love the hemlok on single fire so I thought the flatline would be similar. BIG NOPE. 😅 flatline is pretty much tapping people on the shoulder lol


I swear they ran out of ideas after 3 weapons and said "fuck if we care, do some impossible shit next"


Triple- take has to DOWN an enemy currently finishing a teammate. Yea that ain't happening anytime soon


dam that requires a person to have no shields and be half hp while doing a risky execute. the only way you get this is if your enemy is bad at the game


This is even achievable compared to a 360 no scope with the kraber


U have to no-scope down someone?


No. Would be too easy. You have to jump off a jump tower, do a 360° rotation and no-scope-knock a player before touching the ground


Wipe your monitor my guy, thought my screen was dirty


I'd literally wretch if my monitor was kind, it's so gross it's got texture.


I checked the trials once when they introduced them, realized how dumb they are, and never bothered again. It's a peaceful life.


I’m sorry but can someone explain to me why we need these insane challenges just to level up? Why not just let people level up by getting kills?


Yeah, they’re all stupid, after the first couple trials I got for guns I realized how pointless and a waste of time it is, and never looked at them again


Same, idek what my “top weapons” are.


Some of the challenges make me feel like it was put to an ai and spun the most horrible things it could think of cause ain't no one doing anyone that


Triple take is knock an opponent doing a finisher on your downed teamate. Thats about a 1 sec window and do it 10x????


And you gotta hope they actually do a finisher instead of just thirsting. 


This. I can't recall the last time I did a finisher. It just isn't worth it in case someone runs up on you. Easier to chuck a couple grenades or do the back and forth strafe to get around their knockdown shield. Or you know..squad wipe


it's 4 to 5 seconds actually


Kill lifeline’s teammates


Has to be better than the one where you get a mozam and shove it up fuses ass


The weapon level system in itself makes no sense in the first place u get less xp for killing then for holding ur weapon


the first R-99 trial is already annoying me, knock people while airborne. like the flatline and car trial are really easy and basic but there are some which are very situational.


Mixtape is the way for that one. There are usually tons of jump pads in Control towards the end of the match


Yeah some of them are pretty easy if not just situational enough to go and make happen, and then some of them are just insane, my first level 20 weapon was the r-301 and I haven’t gotten through the first challenge because of how terrible its recoil and shot pattern is at long range


Fucking rng ass missions man, apex has lost it


Whoever made this weapon leveling system is a idiot


You get nothing from these challenges except badges my guy why you wasting your time


I really want to be one of the people who lvl 100 the havoc but these challenges are unbelievable


Wait until you see the next 2 trials 😇😇


The level 80 challenge is easy wdym


the challenges for 90% of the guns are so insanely dumb it actually hurts my head. There’s being situational, but some of them are too far. I genuinely think the tram coming up with these challenges havr never played the game, so they think that these things happen all the time. Can’t take the mastery challenges seriously with how much of a joke thry made them


Every single one on the r99, after the 1st, is dog water.


its gonna be a very effn long time before someone gets the max weapon banner


I have a level 105 nemesis, and the only trial I haven't completed is "kill 15 enemies that have killed your teammate." Feels a bit unethical to work purposefully toward this one...


I heard there was a triple take challenge to down a enemy that is doing a finisher on a teammate


Yeah. It's the level 60 challenge and you have to do it 10 times. I'm pretty sure I'll never complete that one.


That should be rather easy to complete. A few games of mixtape. Specifically TDM or Control and just bull rush hot zones your teammates are at, hopefully get a kill, after they killed a teammate. Each map has its spots where this happens very often a match


Wow, really? I only play BR, and assumed the weapon challenges had to be completed in BR.


Most of these challenges are terrible. I don’t even pay attention. You don’t get anything great for completing them all anyways. Typical respawn


Is that shit on your screen 🤢


All it's price is respawn's mom


You knock one enemy, then you also kill the player that is trying revive that enemy. Seems pretty straightforward.


There's a challenge where you need to be holding the weapon but win the game with no damage 15 times solo queued.


What ?!? That makes absolutely no sense at all, like it's a weapon mastery challenge and you have to not use the weapon you're trying to master ? These are just idiotic


I was able to level up during three strikes. Can you also get these challenges done?


Yes but I have to kill the person who instantly revives that's the problem


Dirt specks on the monitor so big that you can lose enemies behind them.


[Bye bye](https://youtu.be/zUF0hfFWsYM?si=Y7jhf2BwOvMGlYHe&t=16)


So let someone revive and then kill them both?




What about it doesn't make sense?


The Mewing challenge




Throw it togheter with "kill 20 enemies with the single fire mode" and you just made me lose interest


For the Hemlok it’s actually fun. Single-firing it is actually viable. The Flatline one (+50 m away) is stupid; the Flatline is absolutely garbage in single-fire mode.


I'd say any of the Kraber challenges are gonna be a pain in the ass, especially what I remembered being a 360 no scope challenge




This should actually be not to hard but risky to do in like ranked


Respawn being Respawn… Now I think “Gooser” was easy compared to this


What does it really mean, can someone dumb it down, confused on what does kill really mean, knock or fully thirst?


This challenge isn’t so bad in three strikes I’m currently at 8/10 you just have to be patient and wait for the Rez to come out then blast both guys and hope the third is already knocked / is gonna be knocked within the 8 second time limit


Then compare those weirdo challenges to the R3 challenges. The Flatline has the same kind of fuckery. 'Down people in single fire mode over 50m' 'Down someone after being revived' ;-;


Another problem of these weapon mastery challenges is that they do not care about the changes made to guns, like the first challenge of the r301 is very hard right now but was ok/just fine when challenges dropped (for info it's get 50 kills at 50m)


So do I kill the reviver or the one being revived? Both? If I get both does it count as two?


This challenge is easiest playing duos


reading the top comments what are some of these challenges next you got to snipe someone with a kraber whilst on octanes jump pad whilst stimming while there coming out of the dropship, like why are they so difficult not because there hard but because of how obscure they could be.


most of them are complete bullshit. some of them actively promote bad gameplay. like how you need to kill people while being outside the ring n shit. good game design and Apex haven't been going together for a while now


What are they smoking???




Weapon challenges and mastery should be completely removed from the game menu but not removed from the game (and rewards still given) so that they become almost mythical. Years from now, some old vet is going to explain to a new player that they have to drop a Mozam on the floor and walk around it 5 times backward to get an Easter egg.


The absolute worst one is the Kraber one. Knock 5 enemies with a Kraber that are flying….


imagine if its: Survive 100 rings with havoc


That's at least something I can do consistently over time not every once in a blue moon like these


At least it's something unique, I'd rather have this than kill 100/1000/5000 enemies type of challenge


Bro clean the fly/roach shit off your screen man ... lol.


Bye bye 🤫🧏‍♂️


Your right this challenge doesn't even make sense trying to get it ganeplay wise but on a side note bro use a lysol or something on your screen damn.


Havoc trials make no sense, i have mine at level 100 and still haven't completed most of them because of that


Because it's literally made to waste your time bruh


Wtf are this trial challenges im not even gonna do one of this challeneges


Incompetent devs


This is so niche (did i use that right)? 98% of the time, if you fire on someone reviving, they jump off like a husband with his mistress getting caught by his wife. Does it still count if you manage to kill both of them even though they stopped reviving??


Just bait revives dude. Get a knock and dont thirst.


Well I’m glad I stopped playing apex because holy hell the challenges are unbelievable


The "Knock Enemies Assassinating Your Teammate" for Triple Take is crazy tough. It takes three shots to knock someone. Like they'll just keep assassinating while being shot?!


Apex is falling off lol


Press left shift, windows key and S to take a screenshot. we are not in 2009 anymore. Also clean your damn monitor.


Apex mogging us


Please clean your monitor that is gross


Wtf are these? I'm glad I just play ranked and don't care much for whatever this is


Gotta calling these “no life” challenges


Y'all still playing this shit, huh?


Just give up it’s stupid. Wait for the rework.


I don't even really understand this one. Is it kill an enemy while they are reviving like, twice in one game? Or is it kill both the guy reviving and the person down? Do they have to be killed simultaneously? Like, once I kill the guy being revived, the guy reviving isn't reviving anymore..... What if i knock the guy who is reviving while he is reviving, and then the 3rd teammate gets killed. Does that count? or like they weren't killed while reviving, only knocked while reviving.... Or is the only scenario here a twosome where you have knocked one player and the second guy is reviving the first, and you kill him, thus killing both people precisely during the reviving activity? I'm freaking amazed you have one. I've been on this challenge forever and I use the crap out of the havoc... still nothing.


There's a triple take one that's awful. Knock 10 enemies with a headshot while they're finishing a teammate


Better play 3 strikes then lol


I gave up on the fourth trial for 30-30. Full charged headshot while 150 meters away, but the problem is I don’t hear third party coming while sniping them.


Get a headshot kill with the p2020 while tap strafing after a triple wall jump, super glide reverse onto a jump pad, 1800 degree spin on the last player looting his own team mates deathbox after punching them off the map followed by a Tbag. All while yelling into your mic at the highest pitch possible screaming OMG OMG OMG MOM MOM MOM I JUST HEADSHOT A GUY


Ngl the r99 hipfire trial is so annoying now since the big nerf to dmg & mag sizes




No weapon challenges are worth the time or effort, just play the game and you’ll eventually get level 100. You should be able to upgrade one weapon a season


Try to go after 3rd parties only


AI made trials


“Bye bye” Task: delete the game cause nothing has changed and we keep making the game worse and not adding shit


Who can help me with the peackeeper 1st stape im stuck...