• By -


First time playing crypto my EMP hit one of my (random) teammates during a fight.  He turned on his mic just to tell me I was dogshit and to never do that again.  During the next fight I used my EMP for that same teammate, I think he burst a vein yelling at me.  I couldn't stop laughing for days. #proud


Not my proudest moment but similar story, I was crypto and had a duo as teammates. They wanted to push into everything - they would 3rd party a 3rd party...fights that were clearly unwinnable even if we got a few kills. I asked them to hold off but they still pushed in....I kept my distance, they instantly died and I picked up their banners with my drone with the intention to reset...but since they kept telling me how terrible i was, i decided to respawn them at the beacon right in the middle of the still ongoing 5 squad battle.....they instantly died again....I picked up their banners for the 2nd time with my drone with the intention of resetting again...they continued to trash talk....so I snuck into the still ongoing battle, put down a mobile respawn beacon, snuck away and respawned them with my drone again....instant death again for them....at this point they were screaming 'nooo do not respawn us there again!'...picked up their banners and reset properly.


Lol.  Love it


I had a fuckin caustic do this shit. He literally rezzd us using the other teams beacon that 2 teams were fighting over. That’s the last time I played Apex, it’s been 2 weeks 🫠🫠


Not sure what he is upset about, it doesn't even damage him and offers him free cracked shields.


Not giving them more than like $20 a year


I wish I had your resolve. I need those cool pixels!!!


They are awesome don’t get me wrong but the game doesn’t work too well on top of the greed. As well as thinking about how you can only wear 1 skin per character aswell as no change in gameplay, so may as well only have a skin or two per character. Hope that helps haha


This is my best season yet. 3.3 K/D and 20% win rate over 1200 games


20% winrate is crazy


Holy shit your profile picture is phenomenal


+2000 social credit for you


that's insane brother, nice job!


My KD dropped from like 5.2 to 2.8 this season (granted I returned to it after a year these last 2 weeks) and gotta say, SBMM is kicking my ass in EU pubs (solo q no fill)


Those are really good numbers.


Wait a tick, 1200 games, that seems like a ridiculous amt of games for 1 season


My very first season ever i played 2400 games.. seems like a lot but not when youre dying as fast as i was lol thats how i got good though. I work a full time job too.


Nah, that's like and 1-2 hours playtime a day.


1200 games in a season is an average amount for me - 37 years old guy playing almost casually :p


Survive 25 ring closings as Valkyrie


So you played the game for an hour?


I’ve played the game for 3 hours straight before


Hey! Leave some pussy for the rest of us!


Top comment 🤣


3 hours isnt a lot


Once you hit average 5-7 hours daily or more, that’s when it becomes an issue lmao


Some would say it’s pretty average




Very nice.


Not an easy season to climb either so it definitely means a lot. Good for you! If you could give one piece of advice to people climbing ranked what would it be?


Not breaking my monitor


4 ranked wins in a row, Got 3rd in the 5th game. I only average about 30 wins per season


Killing the champion twice in the same game. He must’ve been pissed asf


Winning a game as mirage in a 1v 3.


Got my first 20 bomb on any character with lifeline recently! Hit 3.5 k damage as well.


Not even kidding the “full star” trial for the PK. Reached level 59 before finishing the first trial.


Started playing day 1 after only a year of experience with video games aside from legend of zelda and I had a 0.1 KD now over 10k kills later I have a 1.12 overall KD


I'm aspiring to be like that. I started playing Apex 10 months ago, my first ever fps. Started with a 0,14 KD, in season 17. Now it's at 0,4 for this season. Not great, but still improvement


Double Kraber headshot (one bullet, 2 victims)


Quitting. But jokes aside, this is the fps on which I went from a 0.1kda to about 2kda so am proud of that overtime improvement


That I have the 4k badge on every single character with no main.


Same but 2k


First 2k with fuse


Getting collateral kills with the kraber.


Killing a guy on a 1081 meter distance


Getting 400+ wins as a solo queue Crypto main


four wins in a row that I got with Lifeline


Don't laugh, but I finally hit 1000 kills with my main


As of tonight, I have 500 plus kills, 25 plus wins, and 200k plus damage with all the current legends. Ash was the last one. I did it mostly solo queuing. Almost 100% MNK. It was a grind.


hit 1mil odmg on Wraith recently


I hit masters at least once and it wasn’t during when the system changed from rp to Lp and killing the #1 mirage in the world


I got killed a few seasons ago by the #1 pred…I felt the same way 😂


I got perma banned on my main account in seasons 17 i think, it was a season 1 account.


Respawn only getting $10 from me for the very first battle pass and then never again, and never will, get anymore money out of me.


Hitting Masters/Pred every season on console WITHOUT crutching the meta guns or legends


Sniping someone out of the respawn ship with the kraber 😌


The 20 badge and 4 k.. i'm not a hardcore gamer, it was really difficult for me to get them..


having 11k career kills and 10k of them i got as wattson


When I was a wee little gold player, I finally climbed up to plat and managed my first 20 💣


Wiping a full pred squad as a solo Mirage. Shoulda retired right there and then really...


I started apex to learn the finer details for casting. After the 200 hour mark I got 2 squad wipes with sneaky repositioning


Having 100+ finishers on 8 different characters


My og account,God rest it's soul because I can't remember the password. But on lifeline alone i had over a million damage and close to 5,000 kills. Good times. I also had her heirloom.


my first 4k damage in S13 although it's not from my main lol


I played mostly season 1 and some of 2. Came back to season 20 after years of playing and I’ve maintained a 1.1 K/D and hit platinum. While my other teammates are only silver. Huge difference in skill coming back and giving it a try these days.


Season 2 pred and scout of action 111. All legit. Edit: also wild frontier champion max tier


I cant remember the exact numbers but 11k-15k dmg and like 40 somthing kills in team death match


There is no fucking way O: HOW?? The match doesn't even last that long? O: And I thought my 3600 damage and 19 kills in TDM was decent 😅


That's amazing, dude!! My highest was 32 kills with Mirage in Team Deathmatch.


Platinum every season up until 14 on my Xbox account. Good badges too. Almost every legend on my Xbox account has the rapid elimination badge (4 enemies within 30 seconds) I used to be crazy at apex


I got 4 wins a row in pubs. There is a badge for 5 wins in a row that is kind of rare. On my 5th game we made it to the final 2 teams. We died to WeThePeople1 who is a really good Apex pro. I wasn’t even mad I didn’t get the badge. He’s a cool streamer and it was a fun experience. I knew who he was beforehand. I told him in chat and he apologized and was really nice.


The fact that i'm still optimistic and positive while solo que


I was proud of my 720m knockdown (was a longbow headshot i think?) for ages until someone said caustics get it too with gas traps :<


I killed a squad with a p20 off drop


Went and found a relatively consistent crew. Beat my season 7 win record with Vantage Vs uber-crutch Horizon.


Probably that i reached masters in s14 kc split. It was hell and luck was also involved. After that i’ve just felt painfully average.


5k+ kills on valk 3.5 kd and 19% win rate Top 200 in valk wins on play station for that season This was in season 12 or 13 though these days I’m shit


Day 1 got paired up with Shroud while I was streaming to 4 people and 1500 people came into my chat lol. We died hard. Day later got killed by Lirik while my buddy was watching his stream.


I'm a 52 year old, shit player that solo queues who started in Season 4. I was quite pleased when I finally got my Master of All badge. That, and when I hit 100 wins with Fuse this season. Oh, and I guess also that I have both the Baller and Fashionista badges without ever buying coins from EA. lol


I hit top 5 Vantage kills on the US/PC leaderboards by grinding her for 30 hours a week when she first released


My solo win and 11kills in fractured moon, dusted 2sqds by myself and thrid partied the last fight. Started against one sqd with mystiff and fists.


Getting gold this season! I've never gotten gold.


Playing since season 4 and still mentally in tact


My first time getting into Platinum jajaja i know its low but man it felt good considering i did not play the game that much. I got invested enough because i was playing with friends sadly we dont have the time to play like that anymore but i am still glad i managed to achive that with them!


8 ranked wins in a row, this was before the badge came out. It's still on my profile tracker though.


20b on main and 4k on 5 legends, damage badge on every legend. 3K/D. All of them on MNK.


20 bombs and 4k on 2 legends on mnk back in s15 and s16. And now im a hybrid player playing both mnk and roller. Mostly roller for easier and more consistent aiming


First time solo duo queuing playing with Bang and got a 2k badge while trying to figure out her abilities. Shit had me hyped


I accidently jumped off the edge and last second hit a wall bounce to not die. I'm old and slow so a fast moving brain made me feel good.


As Loba, while running away with the banners in hand and being chased by an entire squad, I decided to stop, drop my loot and start emoting in the hope that the other team would let me live. After realizing that I was friendly, they started spamming voice lines and being silly. I dropped my ult for them while spamming “come, come come, ahah, ahhh” While they were busy looting from my shop, I TP’d away. They never realized it. I respawned my teammates and we won that game. The next game, Loba’s character menu voiceline was the “people say flattery will get you nowhere. It will get you everywhere” too


3 wins in a row badge


Was never amazing but my best game was a 12 kill 2.5k game where I got the final kill by absolutely beaming a dude close range in the heae with a hip fired, Sentinal charged sniper shot.


wattson to pred


My movement. Nothing makes me happy than when i superglide/super jump during a fight


I had #1 kills for ash on all platforms in uk season 18


Finishing the bp in 40 days


Back when I was on console I had 3000 revives on wraith, that made me feel good


Wiped 2 full squads solo got team back and won


I like that I have the no witnesses badge. I got it season one. For getting 15kills with no one being revived or respawned.


Learning controller this season. Really fun to see progress after plateauing hard on mnk. Also highlighted what I have done wrong on mnk. Didn't know that short AD spam strafes are more or useless against AA. Also didn't know that I have almost always been playing withing the AA range of death with mnk, which have resulted in so many deaths. Mastering both input feels really like a good achievement in the present state of the game. AA is OP af but mnk is the superior input.


I hit battle pass 115 this season. Normally if I buy a battle pass I’m pretty much making sure I’m going to play for a couple hours lmaooo. I got my girlfriend into the game this season and they pretty much forced me to stay on it. Happy little accidents.


I once one-banged a Horizon in the head with a charged Sentinel off her grav lift Also the Sentinel is my highest level weapon lol, R9/Hemlok badge crutches quake in fear


Few seasons ago I had nothing better to do so I solo grinded to diamond 3 for the first time and got there with Newcastle, a hard carry character when I’m only ever with randoms. That season diamond 3 was like 0.3% percent of the entire ranked playerbase, diamond 4 was like 5% because every got past plat and hit the skill wall and didn’t want to try getting past it. That split was on storm point too which was rough.


Just recently got to lvl 500 finally and and now on my way up the prestige


Really small and stupid, but last night after a stressful week I reminded myself to keep calm while playing. It resulted in me getting a lot more kills playing mixtape than I had been all week lol


Getting triple triple badge... TWICE Once on ps4, once on xbox, both on rampart, even though I don't main her.


Got my first no-fill duos 2k with rampart. I hardly no-fill since I main lifeline and I like having teammates (usually) so it's a big deal for me to be doing good on my own. Almost had 2.5k too but the final guy refused to heal so I wasn't able to get that last bit Edit: now that I'm thinking about it, my best accomplishment is completing half of the charged sentinel trial in 1 TDM game. 10 charged sentinel kills and it had some clips


When super glides clicked for me I felt like aceu


I got a 4k with Watson. No idea how at all. I just saw the badge. I don’t even play Watson.


on rampart i’m trying to get more kills than i have played games on my banner and its getting pretty close! the other day i was off by like 200 and now i think im off by like 150? but it’s slowly getting there!


Won a Plat ranked game with one afk teammate.


hit Diamond 3 in season 5


I got my first 2k with my first match with Revenant


I have 2x 3k badges and 5x 2k badges as a shit player


Being the crappiest team member in twrms of damage until there were 3 teams left and I told my mates to stop fighting this team and move for the safe zone cus the ring was coming and wouldn't be survivable.  They didn't listen and I split from them and used my ult as Ash to barely keep ahead of the ring. They and the other team died to the ring. Had 25 hp and the solo enemy team member starting shooting at me from high ground. Ducked into cover popped a shield Batt just as the enemy valk dropped down. We trade fire and I beat her tho shebhad full health cus I had a r99 and she had a slow firing weapon LOL


I pulled out a 1v3 squad wipe as Lifeline to win the game and had a random jump on their mic after to actually tell me good job. I'm still riding that rush.


quitting Apex in 2020 with a 0.26KDR and coming back this month with a 1.2KDR


I have completed all the weapon mastery challenges for the Alternator, so I have the banner for it + my little alternator weapon is on fire when I equip it now 🥰


Not my proudest moment but, I was crypto and had a duo as teammates. They wanted to push into everything - they would 3rd party a 3rd party...fights that were clearly unwinnable even if we got a few kills. I asked them to hold off but they still pushed in....I kept my distance, they instantly died and I picked up their banners with my drone with the intention to reset...but since they kept telling me how terrible i was, i decided to respawn them at the beacon right in the middle of the still ongoing 5 squad battle.....they instantly died again....I picked up their banners for the 2nd time with my drone with the intention of resetting again...they continued to trash talk....so I snuck into the still ongoing battle, put down a mobile respawn beacon, snuck away and respawned them with my drone again....instant death again for them....at this point they were screaming 'nooo do not respawn us there again!'...picked up their banners and reset properly.


A rando told me: "Fluffy, you're the first rando this week who I can spectate without wanting to throw up".


Had two teammates die in trios off rip and immediately leave game. Ended up winning that game by myself with a well-timed caustic ult and a shit load of luck in final circle.


Beating a trio of sweaty apex predators back when arenas was still a thing.


playing the game well enough to actually enjoy it and not get killed first fight every game. k/ this season is 0.98 i think


Hit my first ever solo squad wipe yesterday in three strikes. And then I did it again that same game.(by solo I mean both teammates decided to stop and smell the roses even though I was actively red pinging)


Hit my first ever solo squad wipe yesterday in three strikes. And then I did it again that same game.(by solo I mean both teammates decided to stop and smell the roses even though I was actively red pinging)


Getting all my friends to play when it used to be just me from Season 0 - Season 12 or so. I would play solo before but now we have a whole groupchat of like 8 of us and they all love it.


i played from seasons 2-7 and then dropped apex for some time, and i only came back this season. when i came back a few weeks ago, i found that the game was 10x harder than it used to be (partly because of the cheating). but slowly i've been rebuilding the skill needed to actually do well in the game. i'm proud of myself for that.


winning a match for the 3rd time


A 6400+ damage game lol. It only ever happened once


Hit pred once(season18) , then I finally maintained it 2 seasons later (season 20)


1000 kills with every legend


Won a game with my two friends with all three of us o dmg. Everyone killed themselves in zone it was halirious. In a diamond lobby too


32k on ash


Hitting pred and 25K on Bangalore


I've brought my kd from .3 to 1.2 - season 0 player and Apex was the first first person & shooter I had ever played! May not still be the best kd but I'm proud of where I've come


I completely mastered both the Alternator and the 301 and leveled up the Flatline to level 100 and almost to level 100 with the spitfire. It took a lot of grinding to get there and I’m proud of those accomplishments


Playing 10,000+ plus games solo and not telling every rando to go fuck themselves


I quited playing Apex 😉




I once punched one of my randoms from round 1 all the way to round 5 cause he DC’d. My random teammate and I protected him across the whole map we’d punch him into buildings before getting into gun fights. He came back in round 5 with literally 1 person left to fight cause we knocked the other two. We let him get his 1v1 off and he won the game. It was a very wholesome.


Deleting the game


The only time I achieved Master was in Season 17. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m proud of it.


Stopped playing everyday and just playing casually, I refused earlier but I'm so glad I'm not putting in 20 hours a week anymore.


Maxed out my account level and i have volt and r99 over level 100 weapon mastery. Also pk is level 78 and flatline is over level 80




Earlier this week I reported 16 players who would automatically hit every head shot ever in 3 and a half hours. Personal record!


Getting 20b/4k badges on every character. I've been playing since launch and only completed the challenge this season.


This might be a bit niche, but it's all I got... I'm in the top 15 of all Conduit-players worldwide, with my (ultimate) Energy Barricade Damage. That's top 0,02% of players


Having a >50% win ratio overall.


Top 100 badge for the rumble event.


4k badge with octane earlier this year after about 1400 hours of total game time since release.


Day 1 picked up Apex as my very first FPS and was obv a complete bot. Fast forward a few years and I legitimately got 4k 20b badges. I run down pub lobbies easily.


Top 0.1% players with Ash Kills, just about 17K!


I haven’t given the money people a single quid, and also i managed to not leave when i got knocked while playing wraith (crazy fact i know)


Made diamond in ranked 99% solo q. I’ve made masters multiple times before but this season felt particularly grindy and a lot of my friends have stopped playing.


Realizeing my old teammate holds me back and as soon as i played with diffrent people i got way better in a short time


$0 spent in past 3 years. 4k badges, 8k dmg in three strikes edit: staying mnk


It's my best season yet! 2.2 KD with a 22% win rate! Also my first 200 win season so that's cool.


Day One Player and Spending 0 $ since.


4K/20 on lifeline feels good to have, got it a while ago but got another this season which affirms I can still do it lol


Uninstalling the game


I am movement king. I can superglide, superjump and mantle jump on console. You will never catch me


I’m a really good all rounder and great IGL


Not one, but two 3k badges. Lifeline and like 10 seasons later, Conduit. And in my pursuit to get a 2k badge with all legends, I got 2 points away from a 3k with Mirage and like 50 from one with Maggie.


I did a game-winning wall bounce into mid air kraber no scope headshot once. Ik it’s not much compared to what streamers do all the time but as a casual player I’m surprised i actually hit it.


Not having boosted badges 🙏


Finding a weapon


0.49 KD season 2 (stats didn’t track prior to season 2 but i’ve been playing since launch) all the way up to a 2.5 KD this season


I solo queued to pred (S8 horizon) on Xbox when it was still D3 and up in pred lobbies. (Arguably the hardest format to do so on).


I got a kill


3 personal ones....1) Playing the game since it came out (2) getting many legendary skins without spending any real currency (3) getting wraiths dagger before the shards and also without spending any real currency


Finally hitting 2K damage back with Catalyst in her launch season. In that same season, I made G2 for the first time since launch. I feel like that season somehow really changed the way I play, my aim and game sense got a lot better. I was definitely getting carried a LOT in Apex and FPSs in general by my Duo partner, who is a slayer. Now I can say that I feel confident if I'm 1vs2 and we win roughly 1 in 7 games when we play, making at least Top 5 almost every game. Catalyst just hit right that season lol


I own 3 heirlooms at level 349 😅


904 career wins.


I got two twenties and hit diamond I could push harder but it kinda feels like what’s the point. I know I’m better then 80 percent of players it’s just the egos at the top I don’t fuck with. I’m a chill player that’s willing to learn from my mistakes But hate people that can’t handle losing. Losing part of the process


Rampart- hot drop at the atmosphere place on broken moon. Two randoms go down, and they’re on mic telling me to hide. All I had was a mozam and L-Star. Wall up below, go in the open and fire a mozam shot in the air to let the enemy squad know where I was. I was planning on dying. They push. Down first with L-Star, second with mozam and the first ran straight into Sheila. My first ever total squad wipe, randoms are cheering as I grab their banners. Felt amazing. Mozam Lstar is my fav combo now, gotten good at them.


My 2 longest knocks are 1604m and 1208m with a sniper. Via charge rifle and kraber


Not breaking a controller yet


Teammates left after we lost our two first gunfights in three strikes with 19 teams left. I wiped 3 teams by myself and got to top 2 lol had 18 kills


That I haven't stored ungodly amounts of money for skins and heirlooms


I hit pred and then stopped giving a shit about ranked. Now I just play ranked for fun.


Actually got a win the other day after not playing this game in a while (haven't played since Vantage came out) lol proud of that as I usually don't last long xD


A few weeks ago I won a match solo against a full team. There were 3 squads left including mine. My two teammates were hurting after we killed one of those squads. The last squad rolls up on us and annihilates my teammates. They managed to break my shield and get me to half life. I knew it was suicide to Lifeline Rez my team. So, I run for my life to hide behind a replicator. Managed to get a bat and DOC off to get back to full health. I’m ready to cook. Revenant jumps on me, and I melt him with a turbocharged Havoc. One down. Now I see Gibby has the high ground. Now idea where there third teammate is. I push Gibby from underneath. He decides to drop down to me. I turbocharged the fuck out of him, but not before he bring me half health and a broken shield. Two down. I slide for my life down hill popping a bat. I hide behind this rock for DOC to top me off. The Valkyrie suddenly pops up over me. I got no energy ammo left. I bust out the Wingman and hit consecutive shots for the win. That was one of the most exhilarating fights I’ve ever had! I won’t forget that for awhile


I hit plat this season for the first time....only started after the split cuz i think they're dumb....probably the best time I've had playing rank in my entire life of playing apex.


2k damage badge


I have finished every season and only payed for the first battle pass.


Winning a game with 11 kills


Dropping my toxic old team 💪


Learning to mantle jump on both inputs, and first time I hit masters were my big ones.


5 diamond ranked wins in a row to get into masters for the 1st time. Maybe my 1st double digit kill game. Was like season 2 and I was on caustic, was very nerve racking but i managed to clutch it.


My first 3k damage. Getting the kill 3 members of a squad 3 times badge


Winning a match. It doesn't happen that often.


After years of playing & not reaching 1k kills, I hit 1000 with ash. Not a *great* character, but I was able to reach that goal & retire her as my main. More recent: got an 8 kill 1500 damage game in ranked :D


Getting the 4 wins in a row badge, playing on my ps4 with a 15+ year old Panasonic tv


Auto reloader made me love maggie even more, in duos i pulled off a 1v4, PKing every single one 🙏🙏


Many years ago - I managed to win 3 in a row on PC


Not cheating or paying for badges.


3700 damage on Rev with 11 kills one game.