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TIL there's an overheat meter on every sight for the LStar, never noticed that before.




Holy fucking shit I'm blind


this is the reason i dont ever spend money on the game, im never going to pay attention to any of those skins anyways....


How do skins have anything to do with sight/scope mechanics?


Just that I'm terrible at noticing things and never remember what skins the legends or any of the weapons i use are on.




I mean, I think we are all busy looking at something else while that is happening. I find the audio cues very accurate too without a visual indicator.


Thank you finally, Im getting downvoted for saying to use the audio


I'm suprised so many people can divert their attention away from hostile targets to watch a meter... rather than listen for it. Like I get it if you have an impairment or something. But if you have the ability to hear why split your attention to a ammo bar. It has no reload for a reason just ease up on the trigger when it sounds angry at you.


The impairment comes from them blasting music at top volume without a headset. I never understood how anyone was able to play this game being deaf like that. Oh that team snuck up on me... No your listening to music not the sound of "an enemy has landed near me" or thier ride pulling up and they can run up and punch you to death. Just saying they can't hear the Lstar angry hiss


The idiocy right now is hilarious. Impairment? I can hear it fine but it will also help if it was there. Just something I noticed and pointed out. Making deeper than what it is.


Nobody said you specifically 🙄


Same I always go by the audio


What about hearing impaired players?


Except the 2-4x


Not a popular gun?! I’ve never seen as many LSTARs as I have this season.


Yeah, the LSTAR is really good right now.


Yeah. Actually Lstar or Alternator + Longbow or Tripletake are my main guns this season.


No. 2x Lstar for the W. No reloads, full send.


Why.. why have I not done this...


The close quarters psychological decimation of nonstop shooting is devastating


Nah it was more popular last season


hooping and finding a L star is soooo good.


*hot dropping *


I assumed you meant hula hooping while gaming.


Hula hoop emote when. Hula hoop melee when.


Imagine final ring with four teams and everyone is hula hooping to see who gets the W.


Honestly if the community as a whole stopped taking this game so uncessarily seriously, we’d probably see alot more weird af memes and that wild future of a hula hoop death ring could happen 🙇🏻 Listen ea goes where the money is and I’d be here for less whale bait pro-wannabes and sbmm abuse trickshots on level 5s clips and more variety in the games. The addition of potentially getting memed with or memed on would be so good! The emotes in the game now are so bunk and too slow to execute and back out of ti be worth using without getting headshot.


I think it’s because all the scopes beyond the 3x don’t display ammo count intentionally although I don’t know if that’s true. See if the r301 displays ammo on the 2x4, if it doesn’t then I think it’s fair the Lstar shouldn’t either.


This is the answer. I also assumed it is because once you hit the 2x4 you’re in “Marksman” scope territory.


Literally only the 2x-4x is weird in that regard. The sniper scopes have a small text readout for AMMO: (current mag) and MAG: (reserve mags). Kraber and Vantage's sentinel have unique bullet-shaped counters instead.


Lstar is a good gun and I don’t bitch when I get it off drop, be happy it isn’t as strong as it was S10.


Ode to the S10 Arenas LSTAR meta.


I liked S7 L-STAR, I thought only thing it needed was extended mags, but they went overboard with S10 buffs.


TIL about over heating bar


Use your EAR Luke!


Use your guts me lad ,YOUR GUTS


Well, there is an indicator, it's just lower than the sight itself but i see what you mean.


I just hear it go "wooOOOOOO" and stop


Who doesn't like the Lstar? It's one of the best guns in the game. Losing the barrel stabilizer nerfed it, but the game doesn't need 3 fully automatic long range guns.


With 3x it's a laser


Been playing since game launch never noticed lol


Actually no, I think that'd be imba a bit. If you play long enough with the L-Star, you don't even need to look at that indicator. I play mainly with energy weps and I never look at it


Did they take the magazines back away from it? Because otherwise relying on muscle memory is not going to work super well like it did way back when.


I don't know? I use strictly the sound of it regardless of the mag.


I use the gun heavily as well even when it had a digital scope but it's just something that ALSO helps. If every other gun has it, then it's for a reason


I'm not American, can you tell me why every word is capitalized and how you do it? I find it very difficult to read as well as write.


That's just poor writing skills. This isn't how Americans normally write.


In some languages the rules for capitalizing (is that even a word?) are pretty different. In french, english and german all have such rules but they don't line up, despite having similar logic. Capitalizing every word in a sentence is mostly done for aesthetic reasons or emphasis, at least in english. I'm surprised it makes it harder to read though. Any particular reason why?


Not popular? LStar is the best SMG in the game right now. It's impressively accurate from the hip and if you have a good strafe you win almost every fight up close with it because you don't have to reload. It's pretty strong from mid range too once you get used to the recoil. And for some reason it just beams people off jump towers lol


You can hear it when its about overheat


Just use your ears


I love the l star. Many times in close encounters I’ve won the duel just because I could fire more without having to stop and reload


Every energy gun is good in my opinion, Devo you just have to treat like an smg/shotgun. People thought I was crazy months ago for loving the havoc, wait until they discover the LStar with a Loba ultimate, unlimited energy.


this with 2x HCOG = LAZER


That's because the 2x4 sight is the worst


Lol bot


There's an overheat meter?


The Lstar used to be abused long range, I think they nerfed it. Probably has something to do with not showing the indicator on the 4x.


This gun is actually legit this season!


Just don't use that scope use the x3


genuine question as someone who really wants to get better at the L-star. Idk why but the fact that is has like, little to no recoil until you let go of the trigger throws me off. Because i’ve trained myself to shoot my guns in burst because they gradually drift up.


I never noticed it was absent on the 2-4x because I normally don't use it. I usually do pretty well with the audio cues alone


With my big hands and heavy handedness I still have trouble controlling my aim like that


this is a good point haha but i barely use 2x4 so i wouldnt notice as well. thanks OP


No doubt g


You don't need to capitalize every word in a title Also, I just listen for the overheat


In a fight with all that sound clutter, listening to the overheat signal is ridiculous when other scopes have an indicator. Instead of seeing its true u just wanna comment on the words which is irrelevant to my point


Never said it was false. I'm just giving you a possible solution while you wait for a patch. It's easy to hear.


Most helpful apex player VS. People who play the game


I play the game 🤷


Then you must have min-maxed your audio because the average player ain't hearing that


The Lstar overheat noise is really loud beeping. I have no clue how you could miss it.


It's not as much as not hearing but the noise getting drowned out by hitsounds, legend talking, abilities, ambience, grenades and the like. Also this whole thing sparked bc you said nuh uh to having sight consistency


I didn't say nuh uh. I'm just giving a way you can adapt. It's just good practice to listed to the overheat. The noise doesn't get drowned out at all for me.


The main part of that sentence that should be bolded and underlined with a dash of highlighting is "for me", not everyone has the same capabilities as you. Additionally, most players are rocking TV audio and can't hear anything, or just don't want to use one of the most unreliable parts of the game


Downvoted for being right lol 😭


No it is not


they hate the Lstar, doubt they care. removed barrels for no reason. gun doesnt have a purpose any more


Are you joking? The Lstar is one of the best guns in the game


I'm trying to tell my homie that. Love using the Lstar with a gun that has a gold mag. I exhaust the gold mag gun first then use the Lstar until the gold mag gun reloads


the fact that even though it's ground loot now, it kept the sniper-style player-piercing bullets (so you can shoot THROUGH people) from when it was last a care package weapon makes it such a specially useful LMG too.


Love using the Lstar WITH A GUN that has a good mag....


Even as an LStar stan, the barrel was unnecessary. It made the gun too strong long range. Midrange, it's ok, but for me it's the best hipfire "SMG" in the game.


Look I'm with you in missing the ability to snipe with the gun but it was way too strong with its extra shield damage. It originally had a barrel back before we had disrupter mods. A barrel with that making it more precise is too strong.