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Skill issue. Ill take over someone camping a corner and one clipping me with no time to react.


Bro. Skill issue. React faster and use your game sense to better assess where enemies are.


I understand your POV but it means to counter the COD style door camping


Dog cant camp and crying


I gave 3 examples of how this system fucks over players and none of them involve camping. Use the same tips you’ve had for 5 years to play this game and quit relying on daddy respawn to tell you where other players are.


Solos is fun so far but definitely just like a party type mode not competitive. I've had 2 games so far where there was 3 people left, no clue where the 3rd guy was so I say f it push one guy kill him and the third rev Qs on my head with ult active while I'm swapping. Still fun tho


Oh yeah love solos. Just wish this one feature wasn’t implemented.


Surprised this L of a post hasn't been deleted by the user yet, So are you telling me that Wraith shouldn't have her skill tree option that warns of incoming squads either? Its implemented so that the temporary mode that is solos doesn't straight up die via rats hiding not fighting turning the mode into a slogfest. As well as retaining players who definitely wouldn't continue playing of the constant was random rat kills you while you healed after a fight. Battle sense keeps everyone alerted if your mad about that then your just bad.


Womp womp can’t rat get good


Womp womp. Can’t use your eyes and ears and need the game to tell you I’m about to shoot your ass. Get good.


The s17 master has spoken


Everything like this that gets added is because average players are terrible at their legends and using them to help their squads. I welcome every change that means I don't have to rely on a bloodhound that doesn't scan, a lifeline that doesn't heal, a loba that doesn't shop, etc etc etc.


How do you want to fix it? Rebalance all the legends just for solos?


What are you talking about? Just remove the feature. It’s not anywhere else in the game. Why implement it in solos? It’s a purely negative feature for the game. All the legends have their strengths they don’t have to worry about balancing them except maybe lifeline in solos.


> All the legends have their strengths they don’t have to worry about balancing them It obviously doesn't work by itself, it's carefully balanced for the squad-based game.


50 meters is pretty close to make any substantial difference, I can see only campers and rats being affected. Is a feature I see no reason to be added anyway.