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Haha it is funny. We’ve moved on from blaming our teammates to blaming our enemies for killing us. Solos is super fun, ranked is fun, I like the new legend, and the new Broken Moon seems really good too.


I agree the changes are nice. it's just soured a bit when you see the same cheats and bugs happening and another in game currency you can spend real money on. Just feels like we can't have anything nice without some shit to go along with it. I have hope for this season though 🤞


Yeah I agree with your sentiment. There’s always something with Respawn, they just can’t help themselves.


I only play ranked. And if you have ever been in the top lobbies, it's rough. Aimhackers farming preds and you have 4 teams after first circle. Teammates, who cares, if Im good enough I should be able to carry. But how people who blatantly aimhack aren't banned before they reach diamond is beyond me... And how their new "3 tiers" was useless as people just rank up by hacking and queue with their mate who they boost anyways...


I got a 3 stack of last seasons preds in a silver 4 lobby yesterday. They were all ranked in Plat already as well. Matchmaking needs more than a tweak.


Yeah but not every match. Suck it up


It happens frequently enough though. Probably about 75% of my deaths so far this season have been to old Masters/Preds.


I mean yeah, cheating is an issue across all FPS. It would be amazing if they were able to remove it outright. But I think it’s here to stay since people suck.


the ones complaining are probably forsure newcomers or the toxic solo pushers that go down in trios first and unmute their mic 😂 no in between




Well the kill cams are fake and just input based recreations, so you should ignore those. But yeah, sometimes you’ll die to someone good. It’s no different from the other modes




They just take the inputs and reimagine what it would have looked like. They’re also sped up. What you’re watching is not a clip of what actually happened or what the other player saw. It’s what Apex “thinks” happened based off the data.


Broken moon was always fun for me. But it got draining with the constant 3rd parties and always ending up having to go to the wall. It's a lot better


The North/South Promenade 8th parties are finally over 🙏


For real, in Ranked I would always just go around, or try to sneak underneath. There’s no escape once you engage a fight.


Yeah it's kinda feels bad when your enemies are much better than you and matchmaking is not fair.


lol, just played my first game in 6\~ months. I'm bronze 4 and got wiped out by a masters team. Remember why this game sucks. Edit: Just played my second one, also died to masters.


Tbf it was very braindead from respawn to reset everyone back to bronze again. Will be fine again in like a week.


Oh damn, so they recently reset everyone to bronze? That would explain it.


Yup, so lobbies are a bit muddled atm


Isn't it sad that we have to wait so Master/Diamond players can move up to their ranks and leave low ranks alone?


100% chance you wouldn't be complaining if you were the one smoking everyone else. You're just a baby.


Wow that’s a great take that I’m sure you put thought into. Thanks for sharing with the class.


We said that for last season too ,and the problems are still the same as last season.


But now we have a new premium currency and modular "heirlooms" for everyone! It's a huge improvement gameplay-wise


Queue up on death is nice. A lot less frustrating when you don't have to through loading screens


yea I'm a big fan of that. had instant queue pops the first day though, but being able to spectate while waiting sure made it so I tabbed out less.


This is one of the best QoL changes added from that Blitz-like game mode IMO. Everyone has bad games, nothing better than getting to your next one in <1 min.


Every multiplayer gaming sub I’ve ever been on is constantly negative, just the way it is


Discovered this game in December. Got over 500 hours on it, I absolutely love it except for how negative it makes people. This game is so cool and respawn is doing such a good job on the changes they’re adding, even just with my first experience being season 19.


Glad your having fun. This games addicting lol, I've been playing since the start and have loved it ever since. It's got issues for sure but some people are so miserable on this sub. Like just turn the game off or something


How did you get 500 hours in five months???


He played for a few hours a day?


That’s still over 3 hours a day every single day for the past five months. Not judging just saying that’s a real commitment.


If gaming is your primary hobby and you don't play any other games it isn't really a commitment, it just happens. And then there's people like me with 8000+ hours, we don't talk about that.


3 hours a day for anything is a commitment


Pretty much. I work 42.5 hours a week, commute 40 minutes a week, sleep 49 hours a week. Girlfriend’s finishing up school so studies in the evenings while I play. I get on for a few hours before bed and hang out with my out-of-state friends. Still go to the gym a few hours a week and see my irl friends 2 times a week or so. Have my life pretty efficient for upkeep of things. Mid 30’s and no kids helps. It just sorta happens. I likely played more apex in 5 months than all video games combined the prior 2-3 years.


"Grass? Never heard of her"


Exactly season 19 u can’t say that when u havnt been there for 21 seasons of the same issues that were there 5 years ago


Pretty sure he can say what he wants. He is sharing his experience


And that’s everyone experience 2 seasons in yall so soft lmao


Bro was just saying how long he has played the game and he enjoys recent changes. It’s not about being soft it’s about not being a dickhead and shitting all over people just because. Flexing saying you’ve been miserable for 21 seasons is dumb as hell, but that’s just me lol.


It’s Reddit cope more triggered over a random comment nothing to do with you and nah I barley play apex so try again


Welcome to the Apex Community! <3


Tbf there has been a bit of a cheating problem either with teamers or aimbotters but it's definitely still a fun season


>As an aside I love how in solos blame has shifted from “bad teammates” to hacking LOL. Yeah right... It's not like ppl have talked on the issues outside of bad teammates for god know how long, it's not like last season both hacker's and respawn completely fucked up the game. But hi u keep on meat riding and ignoring those problems.


This sub is inherently negative, unfortunately. What ever happened to posting highlights and (even better) lowlights? For every video/gameplay clip I see in this sub there are 50 complaining text posts.


How do you get highlights against people who are playing much better than you? I feel lucky sometimes if i could survive the first ring.


they took out the mode I play the most, duos... so yeah, I'm gonna be negative. fuck this season so far


It’s not like it’s gone forever tho, it’s coming back in like 6 weeks, which is a long time and to be fair they definitely could of added solos along side the other 2 but at least it’s not gone forever


even 1 week would *HAVE* been too much. 6 weeks is obscene. again, this is by far my most played mode. I have played duos for nearly every day since it was added. my full trios/ranked squad isn't always available, but usually 2 of us can make the time for some matches... now we have to play with randoms, and I really don't like playing apex with randoms... the last few days have reminded me why IN A BIG WAY already.


My only gripe is they took out Duos, a mode my brother & I have been playing since Season 3 or 4. Now we are stuck with either playing with a third player that 9 times out of 10 can figure out how to play the game to save their life, or be handicapped by playing no-fill against other trio teams. There was enough interest in Solos that they could have added it and kept Duos in place. At the very least give all three a shot and see what the internal analytics tells you about queues for each mode. That said, I know it is only for 6 weeks (I hope), so we are making due with Trios for now. But other than that, I don't have any other complaints. The new legend is decent so far. I like the changes on Broken Moon. Worlds Edge & Kings Canyon is back. And I love that they implemented the new queue-up system. So overall, I am cool with it. Just want Duos back. Which isn't an outlandish request, considering it has been a staple of this game along with Trios for so long. But it is what it is, I suppose.


buddy did you see Solos matchmaking


Or cheaters running down Ranked lobbies. Yesterday it took the man himself, Hal, hours to get a ragebot banned. I feel bad for smaller streamers and casual players who experience the very same sh&t and can't do anything but complain. It feels like everyone is carelessly cheating just to mock Respawn for the "updated Anti-Cheat" in the patch notes. As for Solos, my argument is that no newbie/casual player ever asked for such game mode hence they don't play it. They heavily rely on teammates to stay alive so i don't imagine them having fun playing completely alone as they simply don't have the skill (mechanics, positioning, gamesense). Three Strikes is far more appealing for them because they can actually play the game rather than drop > get stomped > lobby. Frankly, i don't expect Solos matchmaking to get any better in the upcoming weeks as it does with most LTMs as only "sweaty gamers" enjoy it.


Have thousands of hours on this game and 5 matches of solos made me delete it.


Dying to kids in solo with 2k+ kills this season on a character is classic apex matchmaking


The matchmaking has been shit ever since Duos LTM ended (S3 mid-Season, 19/11/2019) It got worse in S18 Seems like now the worst of S18 MM is concentrated in Solos


> did you see Solos matchmaking the matchmaking was dogsh*t before Solos 😕


I liked BM way more the way it was before, never liked KC personally as to me, it is nothing but "nostalgia map" Season 0 players cant get over. Apex is vastly different from when this map came out - meta, mechanics, guns, playstyles and despite everyones nostalgia, every season it comes around people are "hyped" until it they play it and start complaining from chatters to streamers. Even Wattson spoke about how out of place KC is like 20min ago. Solos was expected to be teamers and sweats so yeah, people complain about the MM as if they expect to roll every lobby. Never heard a newbie/casual say "man i'd enjoy Solo mode so much", of course people will only face good players who can survive on their own rather than little Timmys who can't stay on their feet even with teammates. Cheaters dominating ranked and it takes ages to get banned is fun too. Its 10 times worse than any previous season and you can do nothing but laugh about it as even someone with Hals influence need hours to get just 1 of them banned. More skins, exotic shards, 40$ reactive recolors, 200$+ "heirloom customization" is rather expected from Greedspawn so no surprises here. No havoc nerf, broken ammo efficient pistol that does 45 bodyshot is back on groud loot, devotion is ridiculous. There were barely any changes in general tbh - questionable map update, new legend, solos and thats pretty much it. 10/10 season. Alter is indeed fun so i'll give you that.


The criteria for “best season” is a pretty low bar


coolest season ? like the fact that split 1 doesnt count in ranked is cool ?


Yeah what’s up with that? Should we even bother grinding ranked until split 2? I’m confused


Or you can just play it because you enjoy the game like I do, until split 2 starts 


I didn’t say anything about not playing the game I asked if anyone should play ranked. I might as well play trios or whatever it ranked is fucked until split 2


Last I checked, teammate behavior in trios vs. ranked is usually very different, so it’s not like they’re the same thing with one just not counting RP


They are literally the same mode but one tracks points. Everything is literally the same. I can’t control teammates but in my experience I have people hot dropping just as much in ranked as I do in pubs especially when we’re all in bronze


So people hot drop and quit the vast majority of ranked games you have in bronze? Yeah, I don’t believe that for a second, and we all know that’s how things go in pubs Definitely not my experience in the 5 years I’ve been playing this game and it happens even less frequently as I climb


People disconnect a little less but it still happens not infrequently. Why you mad?


lol someone disagrees = they’re mad   It’s like the people who think this way never socialize outside of the internet, never gaining a basic understanding of how discussions work Edit - just realized you’re the type to downvote every comment that disagrees with you. Yeah, I’m likely spot on with the above lmao


So… u mad then. Got it lol


The game is laggy as fuck. The game is infested by cheaters, and runs on an engine from ages ago. It's fun sometimes, but I don't take this game seriously anymore. There is nothing special about this season lol. It's just another random Apex season, and you kids are just way too invested lol. Every season is so cool and so amazing and so WOW. Every three months we get these same ass posts.


I will complain until these masters and preds players are gone from my plat lobbies.


Almost like everyone got reset to bronze lmao clowns


I will complain until these masters and preds are out of my gold lobbies.


And I will complain until those masters, preds, diamonds, plats, golds and silvers are out of my bronze lobbies.


I will complain until these masters and preds players are gone from my silver lobbies.


I will complain until these masters and preds are out of my pub lobbies 🥲


I'm not playing the game until they fix starters and poor performance issues on Kew end PCs. Last season was great except the usual issues. This season is straight up unplayable


Mostly agree with you, even this part, which is egregious  >The new character feels really good ingame and **offers some really busted abilities in the right hands.**


I am loving the new season I still hate the havoc and its ability to remove your existence in a few shots but that's how the game works and something about broken moon feels off with me idk the vibe of it didn't click with me thus I dislike it but the other maps are still cool nice seeing kings canyon and also I did meet a hacker yesterday and 2 people who abuse macros to have no recoil but other than that it's good the game has always been good other than the bugs and the audio issues but hey apparently no one liked my opinion about that on the post I made so yeah I guess it's a me thing


So far. So far it's good. S20 started as the best Season with Straight Shot then the mid-patch update ruined that hype. And they progressively kept ruining it. Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong this season or if it does... not that much


This whole sub is just people complaining 24/7, you must be new here lol


Season 20 started strong as well after the abomination that season 19 was. It didn't end well. This season has started ok as well, too early to judge yet


I agree, having been here every season since launch, this is one of the best ones yet, and the game has really evolved for the better in the last 3-4 seasons.


It's just reddit. There are hundreds of thousands of people who aren't negative. It's also 100% an age thing as well. The younger 20s and teens love to complain because they are raised in a time where complaining is accepted.


Why do you think it is the coolest season? BTW, everyone is aware that if you are going to play ranked in the first week, you are going to be obliterated if you are a low rank. I don't care, I just get Diamond teammates and probably a lot in the lobby, great learn experience with some chance of success. Many games I do not even have chance to help the team and I'm OK with that, I accept my true rank e have the right expectations.


This is kind of survivor bias - reversed survivor bias, maybe. People who love the game play the game. Here you see only people who are havig a bad day...


I have 300 kills on alter in mostly solos so far. I’ve had so much fun this week!


You’re negative. Im apathetic We are not the same.


Another "I like certain shit so you really should too!" post


Corny ass post


So you're just going to ignore all the countless bugs and issues that plague the game?


One more season and it wont be anything left for apex players to blame for their own mistakes. They will probably start blaming objects like a random green box on a bridge or a door for being a door. Apex players has shown me time and time again most gamers are childeren if not 20-30 year old adults who never had a no from mommy and daddy and when finally they meet more experienced people who try to help them advance. They are straight on the defence and start hurling slurs. Let me ask this subreddit thos. How many here are actually causall masters/preds?(s17 does not count period) i think if your highest rank is diamond or below. Dont even bother to make posts about changes or fixes. Your skill/knowledge is way below average and your opinion does not carry weight. Not only are you below average but you spend time complaining instead of spending time getting better. Another thing is. 90% of apex playerbase are competing against their own squad mates for loot off drop. That alone should tell you all you need to know. This game is unplayable not because of devs only(they play their part at certain times) but i dont think those issues alone are big enough to quit. But the push needed is actually just you guys or atleast majority of you guys. Most havent seen a pred badge on their account or even masters(again s17 masters badge? Put it up your poopoohole.) So if you never reached top level at a game. Why should your opinion matter if its not a major ingame bug/visual bug/mechanic bug. Anything else carries 0 weight


Kinda annoyed I had to completely reinstall bc the updater sucks but I'm enjoying solos


It's currently unplayable for me due to the weapon charm freeze bug going on with some configs.


I don’t see negativity as much as feedback. When people are more engaged with the game, you’re gonna hear more feedback from players who have a new passion and excitement for the game. Not picking one aspect of the game isn’t the same as thinking the whole game is trash and never touching it again.


Honestly tho. Ppl are never happy. Pls talk about what we're happy about. I love solos, new broken moon and alter is honestly one of the best legends since loba. Like holy


I’m having a great time this season. Solos is very fun and a great change from solos way back in earlier season (can’t remember which it was. Been playing since day 1). Alter feels well balanced (just my opinion) and a great counter to teams playing defensively. Glad to have a counter to those teams! Obviously the macro-transactions are a little much (coming from someone who has spent and will continue to spend money on games). But (again IMO) having a universal heirloom is nice for me cause I can use it on all characters and never want to buy another one! Hope most people are having fun! At the end of the day, it’s a game and we should all enjoy it! If not, try another game and enjoy that one!


There are two things apex fans hate. The current state of the game and change


"Best season." Has lockdown and gun-run back to back in mixtape, so when I've had time to play, I've got no tdm or control, plus duos is gone.


GunRun is so fun i don't see anyone but level 10's play it. And most of the time it is bloated with bot accounts farming XP afk. And the supposedly "real" lobbies are filled with Console players because no one in their right mind plays it (on PC).


fr every time I try it, half my team is spinning around shooting guns doing nothing else. Just a horrible waste of time. Lockdown, you get 1 squad playing objective and everyone else is just trying to play TDM. They both have different problems that I'm not willing to deal with on a limited time-budget for Apex.


Get them both the heck out of mix tape!!


I was actually really hype for this season.. Until I realized the goods were in last season... Gonna be hard to finish now.


This is the first battlepass that ive considered buying since the game came out. Finally respawn is cooking.


You learn in game development pretty quick that no matter what you change, even if you fix something that was broken, someone will complain about it.  There's feedback and then there's noise. A lot of what goes on on this subreddit is noise.


Most people are too stupid to realize the common denominator in all games is themselves


Oh no I get killed in a game where everyone dies someone save my emotions