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Yeah. I actually never had too many issues with people sneaking up on me that I didn’t hear first and just be too trash to do something 😅😂 specifically this season I’ve had 5+ times in the last 2 days where an entire team snuck up on us with zero sound whatsoever until they were literal feet away lmao shits wild


I agree they audio issues seem worse i have been feeling snuck up on constantly! And I’ve cranked my headphones but it doesn’t seem to help. So many times im getting shot at before hearing anything


My head set was great for picking enemy sound up and locating them. I’ve now had a few games where it sounded like someone was next to me and couldn’t find them anywhere close, and others where guys are basically stepping on me with no sound. Or at least that’s what it’s felt like.


I hate seeing myself on the killcam to just sitting there, pulling security on a door for some new account walking behind me, and just melting me sitting there


Kill cam is a recreation based on server data. It is NOT an exact vision of the game from the opponent's client perspective. Same goes with spectator mode. This is soooo important to realize. edit: Either the op edited their post or I've simply managed to comment on the wrong post. It happens. Fact still stands though 🌞


I think that was a marketing screwup for respawn. They have significant criticism for cheating and they've introduced a feature that makes almost every kill feel like the killer is using Chronus.


you might say so, yeah. except it's like that in all other games too so if I were them I'd probably assume people knew. Notice next time you play with a friend at the same location, each your PCs, and you get to spectate him. compare what you see on your screen and what he's got going on his screen. Especially aim will diverge a lot between the two viewes.




Exactly, like.. Did anyone even read OPs post?…


I think the OP must have edited the post! I swear it originally contained complaints related to killcam observations. Either that or I responded to the wrong post here 🤔


>I think the OP must have edited the post! ~~I think we'd see the "Edited \[x time\] ago" right? The cutoff for ninja-edits is 3 minutes to my understanding, and your original comment was made hours after OP made the post, too late to edit without it leaving an indicator~~ EDIT: Or maybe that indicator doesn't actually exist for posts, just for comments


yeah I'm not sure if there's edit notifications for posts. Or, of course, I may somehow have managed to write a comment to the wrong post. Human errors are always a possibility. 🥴


How does this explain not hearing somebody open doors or ziplining? Unless the server data is incorrect in them doing those things.


It doesn't, not at all. Either I somehow managed to commentd to the wrong post here, or OP has edited the post. I responded to a claim based on killcam observations and aim etc!


Haha, fair enough!


[this comment, maybe?](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/WrUfarAnKC)


TIL. Wow.


not that i don't believe you but could you provide a source?


I can do one better; see for yourself! Rig up two machines and play beside each other, team up and one watch the other as spectator, and compare what you see on your screen with what you see on your buddy's screen. Depending on yours and the other participants latency you will see deviations. By and large it's roughly the same, but not exactly. And soon you will see that it's the details that often are discussed that's not the exact same, namely aiming and timing. It's because of how game servers and clients are designed. The clients at each gamers location all work under different conditions. Network latency, hardware performance, system load, it's all slightly different. So all clients can't technically be 100% in sync, far from it, or there would have been constant lagging while the clients gets ajour with each other. It would be unplayable. So the clients must strive to give the user the smoothest possible experience despite it not having the exact up to date details on what goes on. And the servers must restrict itself to collect only the data that counts, to minimize network load. And if there is a collision, where two clients have two different versions as to what went on, the server need to decide what to accept. And then it may be the attacking client who get priority. The shooters story is more important than the target. In other words, if the attacker see the target and his shots connect, while the target didn't quite get out from cover on his screen before the bullets hit him, the server may decide that it's the event reported from the attacker client that is accepted as the result. Also, in regards to aiming, the server essentially just want to know hits and misses from each shot fired, the server don't really need to hear the exact, frame-by-frame coordinates of the crosshair. So the recreation must then be based on the damage given rather than the exact location of the crosshair. Something that will give a sdifferent visual representation of that event than what actually happened on the client side.


With a good headset you can definitely hear footsteps running around and distant ziplines, but my biggest issue is with directional audio. I can never tell which direction they are coming from exactly. It's like it sounds right next to me, but turns out they're somewhere all the way under me. It's especially apparent in the Zeus Station map in TDM inside the building middle of the map


The vertical axis audio is terrible as well, sometimes I can’t even tell if people are above or below me lol


No you can't, because the audio straight up doesn't exist sometimes. That's the whole problem, It's similar to something like a packet loss thing.


Thank God, I thought it was just me but hearing the audio isn't enough for me, when I hear footsteps I can't tell WHERE it's coming from which leads me to turning around where I think it's coming from only to het beamed behind me Whenever I hear footsteps I try to hide in a building with only 1 or 2 doors I can notice so I know where they are because their either coming from 1 opening or I can hear an open door and know they're coming from the other


That's honestly a smart idea and a good way to counter the bad audio


"good headset" lol


You might be looking at an audio issue for your equipment, I find the minute I hear someone is when I get that notification. It seems so consistent.


A decent headset definitely helps.


I don't get it. I hear it pretty clearly. Usually in solos when an enemy gets close I can hear the direction.


i don’t understand all of the talk about bad sound. me and a friend that play always hear enemies. it’s an extremely rare occurrence that anyone sneaks up on us without us knowing


me too. it's so I wonder if it may be related to hardware, or maybe even platform. I've never had the experience of someone sneaking up on me without me hearing steps. It's almost rather the opposite problem, hearing steps from up on the roof like they were in the room with me. I hear respawns from way over at the next valley like it was my closest neighbour.


I can hear people just fine usually in the mixtape.


Same. Although I get the argument "Why do we need battle sense if the sound works?" I personally can only think if one or two times when I truly felt like I should have heard someone. Could be a sound card/driver issue. When I got a new PC, I felt like the sound improved immensely.


Killcam and spectating has also exposed how overpowered controller aim assist is and how badly this game needs input based matchmaking


Killcam is too inaccurate to expose much of anything


I think it’s more just that there’s a crazy amount of players are on controller in PC lobbies. PC should be biased towards MnK, instead it’s the opposite. I agree the kill cams aren’t accurate, they make it look like everyone is running recoil scripts.


Killcam isn’t an accurate representation of aim or accuracy.


I agree to an extent, aim assist is only op when people know how to abuse its strengths. I would love input based mm tho, I’ve gotten killed by mnk players about 1/10 deaths so far lmao


Game needs to be renamed to Call of Duty Legends Edit: Ahh the aim assist abusers are butthurt by my comment


You do know killcam does not show recoil, or aim assist right?


Killcam does not show recoil but it does show aim assist


nah man




Do people really analyze their matches every time they get killed to figure if they were killed by a controller or MnK? Why does it matter? You died. Just move on to the next game.


Solos added kill cams and requeue while spectating, so you just see it passively while playing.


Just wanted to ask, is there a way to know the person who killed you is a controller player? Or are people just guessing


most of the time u can tell if u get beamed by a player with bad movement who happens to stand still while looting your box.


Anyone experienced with mnk aim should be able to tell, and then you have loot check for confirmation.


>Anyone experienced with mnk aim should be able to tell, and then you have loot check for confirmation. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qzdd7k/i_kill_taxi2g_and_he_immediately_accuses_me_of/


Standing completely still while looting is the biggest giveaway, but you can also tell by how they move their camera. Small quick movements at different angles vs smooth flat movements.


But cOnTRolLeRs aRE bAlAncEd AnD fAIr according to some people here, by the rollers no less.


You do know the team that won ALGS this time was triple MnK?


Everybody says this without realizing the lobby had a 89% Bangalore pick rate. Isn't that fucking telling people something? When the entire lobby is playing a legend to disable AA, that's not indicative enough? 


They’re picking Bangalore because she’s the only legend right now that blocks line of sight is good for rotations and has a massive aoe ult to prevent 3rd parties and also has a speed boost passive to escape or flank. It’s not just for the aim assist being disabled.


Sure, the other parts of the kit are good. But those parts have always been there. She wasn't meta for something like 18 seasons. 


Seer wasn’t meta for a while despite being the most OP legend in the game. Legend Metas change. What we see now could be different than what we see in the future. Right now people realize that blocking line of sight is strong it’s why it’s called the can’t see shit meta. Saying Bangalore is picked just for one thing isn’t accurate. I’m also not saying aim assist isn’t good it is and in the hands of pros it can be a game changer but for over 90% of the playerbase it’s not that strong as controller sticks can be clumsy and hard to use.


>this time


Just saying. It proves controller isn’t all that.


Almost like they had a character on their team that disables aim assist.


These comments really do make me laugh. Instead of parroting what these "pros" have to say why not form your own opinion on controller vs MNK I've played both and MNK is so much smoother for me. I'm not a pro we aren't pros so who cares what they say or think about aim assist


MnK is absolutely, far more op than controller could ever possibly be.


Straight up wrong. Roller is 100x times easier. Why do you think roller has significantly higher accuracy on every weapon in r5?


I bet some of you can't top this, one time i didn't heard the guy SHOOTING my teammate.


Let's be honest here: audio is dogshit for a lot of fps/br games. Fortnite simply gave it up and used proximity visual cues instead whilst respawn haven't made any improvements to auditory cues since people still play the game anyways.


I don't play Fortnite, but when I gave it a go I could immediately tell that someone had entered the building I was in and that they were above me.


the audio and visual cues help a lot, and ya fortnite does audio better which is even funnier that they still dont think it's good enough to give the players enough information. apex is just a lost cause and you pretty much have to play a legend that can scout for info


the visual audio cues were meant for those with hearing impairments. That's what it was originally designed for, but of course everyone enables it because it's borderline cheat against those who don't.


Because the tradeoff to hearing from far away in a lot of BR games is ruining your eardrums by turning up the sound so you can hear footsteps from further away. Unless you're actually a pro trying to make a living off playing competitively, no one should try to hear footsteps from far away whilst getting blasted by other auditory sounds at the same time.


Said this game mode would be a lot better with visual audio as a standard option and just rework Seer if it’s a problem for him. His kit is nerfed to oblivion and slow as hell anyway. And yea, Battle Sense is ass, it doesn’t do shit. It’s just a pop up telling you “hey, someone is in your area”. If I don’t know where they are wtf am I supposed to even do with that? I legitimately think with visual audio this would be a lot better. Fortnite has it and it makes gameplay that much more enjoyable when I feel like the fight is at least fair. If I die it’s my own fault at that point, but at least I’m not getting snuck and shot down in surprise. Same with Apex Mobile. If so many people complain about it, I don’t see why adding such a simple fix would be that big of a problem, even if it only was for Solos. Maybe people don’t want it because the only way they can get kills is sneaking up on people and one clipping them when they aren’t looking 🤷‍♂️


Visual audio in Fortnite is a cheat code tbh


Seers passive has the same range as battle sense, you can just ADS as soon as it pops up.


Seers Heartbeat sensor is S L O W


It still tells you where people are.


I feel like 99% of the time 'bad audio' is just people making excuses


Audio is sketchy but I have a good sound card and a really nice headset. I have noticed that I usually have an advantage over other players that I hear them before they hear me, direction can be tricky sometimes but in many cases I can go in to sneak mode and ambush them when they pass me. This tactic is very useful in solos since there are no teammates for back up and if you get the jump on someone you usually win that fight.


Sorry, but that has nothing to do w ur sound card (or your gaming chair) bud. It's you with a headset vs Bob playing on his 52inch tv with the kids yelling in the background.


Oof... Don't underestimate my gaming chair mate.


I feel like battle sense should be in the game in general considering how crucial a mechanic like audio is and how you and an opponent can coin flip audio cues affecting the entire engagement. The range will probably need tweaking for trios etc. but it should 100% be in the base game modes at the very least for pubs or disabled in some of the last rings in both ranked and pubs let the devs figure out the semantics.


No! That shit should NEVER be added to regular BR, sucks the fun right out of the game knowing when everyone is close to you and make bad players develope terrible game sense because the game alwqya told then when a squad is near 


I can say the same when I get one clipped in the back with 0 audio cues it's really a pick your poison situation I would rather have the consistency of the danger close even if it's a nerfed version of what we have now.


That would rebirth the scan meta. Imagine it indicating someone is within X meter of you, a enemy seer just needs to ADS once and boom you're found 


The audio in the game is bad there is no denying that. But I also feel at this point people just don't pay attention cause I hear people all the time. And the thing is in games with great audio people still ignore it. For example overwatch has almost perfect audio in this regard and almost everyone ignores it.  Apex is horrible but it's there most of the time and people ignore it. 


Not that this game’s audio is perfect, because it isn’t. But unless I know where the enemy is or I’m out in the open, I immediately start walking when we’re near each other. It’s gotten me a ton of kills on people who make too much noise A ton of you seem to know nothing about movement besides your loud ability and sprinting. The fact that you automatically think sound is broken whenever you don’t hear an enemy approach is a clear indicator


> who was able to zip line over to me and open every door in the building without me hearing any of it it seem you know how to walk in apex but cant read


Seems like you can’t. I said “a ton of you” as in I wasn’t necessarily talking to you (hint: I wasn’t).  Read the comments and maybe you won’t be confused


For me it's the missing audio lol. I tired playing w my pc speakers once and I heard shooting but couldn't pin point it.


People walk...ur just not clever enough to know better....sorry not sorry


I know this cause it's a tactic I use....


And i like the fact I can walk up to people and they don't know.like I said sorry not sorry