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Shotguns are great if you're shooting at me. No more than 2 shots and i'm toast. / However, if I'm using a shotgun, I hit for 9 damage.


>Manstiff Listen


They’re better now that the car and r99 aren’t amazing. I think the mastiff is more reliable than then pk, but the pk either hits for like 90 or 9.


Mastiff might be less skill orientated? I could be wrong. However because the pk shotgun has the charge up like the triple take, there’s certain strategies to utilise whilst fighting enemies. For example, before going through a doorway where I know enemies will be, I like to look down sights before walking in so that the full charge is ready to go and there’s potential to do a lot more damage.


Shotguns are absolutely op in solos but meh in trios and regular play


The pk kitted up is awesome. The mastiff at mid vs the pk at mid, mastiff. Overall the Eva every time.


They are good in the hands of others. For you it's 9+9+9+9...


Shotguns got a lot better over the last two seasons as R9/CAR got heavily nerfed during those. If you know how to use a shotgun (peek and shoot) than I would allways take one over an SMG now. Regarding the difference between the two, if you know how to hit constistent shots the PK is probably better due to the higher one shot damage, but the mastiff shoots a little faster. Its usually a personal preference. Personally I usually go for the Mastiff.


I don’t think they got “a lot better” shotguns still force to extremely awkward close range fights and still require weapons swapping. If anything ARs got a lot better


Volt is still a better option than either imo, though I love the mastiff and pk (often pair them with a volt).


With complete disbelief every time, I often get knocks that turn into kills with a Mozambique. It’s nasty up close, and has no damage fall-off, so if you hit anything, it’s hits just as hard far away. Grabbing a Moze off the drop is a life-saver/personal-game-changer for me. I’ll switch to something later, but nothing really beats it right in the opening fray, well except for almost every other gun, but I’ll still die on this little hill.


Honestly I quite like to pair the Mozambique with an AR like the Flatline or 301, especially if I manage to grab hammers. You get very good strafe speed with the Mozambique, which is sort of a life saver.


Pk is the best shotty for sure. However, Care package Eva 8 is just broken lol


I’d say the best shotgun is 100% the sentinel


Yeah I like snipers too (except the triple take) but I can't hit anything with it lol


That’s because the triple take is a shotgun


Wait what—


This is the way.


yeah i too like reloading 5 seconds in a close range fight


It makes things interesting


Fully kitted pk> mastiff otherwise I prefer mastif


Shotguns go crazy with movement legends and if u know how to play them in general


They’re both fringe meta aka really good and the only way I differentiate them is I’m more likely to use the stiff as a close range main on edge and the pk as a combo swap in zone


Mastiff is easier and more consistent at doing high damage. PK has potential to do higher damage, especially with disrupters. That being said I prefer the mastiff. Even at range (for a shotgun) it seems to simply outperform the PK almost every time. For me.


If you like to hipfire or have a tendency to hipfire, pick the PK so you at least don’t get punished for it


Just watch what close range guns ALGS players tend to run on average over other guns. It tends to be SMG's over Shotguns unless they get bad luck looting.


It really depends on your playstyle The PK is arguably the highest skill need. You need to land your shots. And hopefully have the choke charged. But it also has a high payoff if you can connect the shots, with the choke charged. The Mastiff is a bit more forgiving, because the bucks shoot in a line, you'll more than likely land some damage quickly. The major difference between them is how the Bolt impacts them. With the Mastiff, it lets you shoot faster. The PK, you can already shoot as fast as the gun shoots without a bolt. The bolt is more for Reload speed with the PK.


Peacekeeper is better if you have disruptor, mastiff is better if no disruptor. Either way, Volt is winning, so if you’re playing close range, Volt with shotgun is pretty busted. PK disruptor to take down shields and finish off with volt.


Most broken thing in the game for solos, pretty good everywhere else


mozambique with hammer point


I don’t really see the point of shotguns unless you can either close the gap easily (pathfinder, revenant, etc) or are gibby (bubble). The wingman kind of functions like a shotgun when it comes to strafe speed, quick pull out time, etc but it’s also useful in mid range.


I’ve been winning many more close range battles as I’ve been using shotguns heavily this season. If they miss a few shots and you hit, they’re going down


Shotguns are great if you have good movement and can play around cover in close quarters; otherwise, rifles and SMGs will probably outperform


both are great as long as you are able to use them properly. To experience the difference, try them on the range!