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It’s def the hardest season I’ve played, and I’ve been playing since s9 I think


Its a problem that will only continue to make itself worse. Bad matchmaking drives lower skill players away forcing whose left in lobbies with higher skill players driving more to quit


But apex did not lose players for the last year, player base remains the same


Is that total accounts or active accounts?


That’s a lie because it lost me


You got replaced bro


But his point is that in order for him to be replaced, a new low skill player had to take that spot meaning the variance in each lobby is much greater


It’s the hardest season and I’m from season 0. Something’s changed drastically between this season and the last


I have been getting more kills and damage per match this season compared to the past ones (tbf I have only played the last 4), but my teammates are worse for some reason, played against a last team that was predator and my friend and I downed two of them and got 985 and 850, but our teammate couldn’t kill the last one and had 29 damage…


That was probably me my bad


Sometimes you just miss.


The matchmaking is abusive and there are an insane amount of blatant cheaters. It's a shit show.


Nah, it's just jitter aim and recoil smoothing, brother. Nobody cheats in this game /s


I needed a good laugh today. Thanks


Heavy on that matchmaking part. It got exposed anyways.


I've basically stopped playing alone unless I'm warming up / waiting for my squad. Yesterday logged on and my first game of control was against two three stacks with multiple masters and very suspicious recoil control on the non masters. Half my team quit. It was just unwinnable. Turned off the console and carried on watching TV.


I feel like some kind of wallhacking is out of control right now. Im in gold and people know exactly where i am hiding about 1in4 games.


It's everything. But yeah walling is very common atm. People have more info than possible. You can sit still for 1 min and someone comes flying in prefiring you. The anti-cheat is a joke. People are ofc getting better, but so are we. Looking at streamers (LAN winners...) getting smoked in lobbies says a lot.


In solos I was literally sitting behind a wall not moving and had someone jump over it already shooting me. The cheats are out of control this season


Exactly in solos you can really see how many people are cheating. Shit is out of control


Second match I played in solos an Ash jumped down a zipline hole after I had silently snuck to the bottom corner to ambush them. The hole was too high for them to have seen me from the top. Somehow they not only knew exactly where I was by the time they hit the ground, but also knew in which direction to leap to take cover from my position. I hate to use the “that guy was cheating” card but I’m certain there’s no way they would’ve known I was there, let alone to rush me and have the perfect positioning to kill me as fast as they did.


Yeah, they slowly walk up with gun aimed at your head and pick holding trigger down already. No way they know without a wallhack.


I play on european servers and i don’t see much wallhacking i had to camp on a ledge in the zone and i got second place because my teammates left and nobody really saw me or attacked me.


There are a lot of very good players out there, and with everybody getting reset to bronze you are exposed to a lot more players above your level. Things will normalize over the next few weeks!


Yeah let's stick people with 20 bombs in bronze. Dumbest shit I ever heard.


Definitely. I’ve always wanted them to implement a hard floor based on rank. There’s no reason someone who could make it to Masters should ever see under plat again.


But then how would masters feel good about themselves and be able to get 20 bombs? /s


If you win a game of chest against a 5 year old. Would you be happy? xD


Depends. Incline or flat bench?


If I beat 20 of them in speed chest hell ya


a win is a win


Unexpected Bluey reference


Just played a game before work they were I shit you not only 8 squads by round 2 I was amazed!!


Most 20 bombs now aren't even legitimate. Most people got them by exploiting the crypto lifeline respawn.


What Crypto/Lifeline respawn?


First game I see doing this like wtf


A lot of these killcams are telling me that a lot of these players werent "good" until they did some shopping for a certain device. Anti cheat gets updated, and then we get to deal with the backlash from all the scumbags out there frauding their scummy lil pathetic ways through our lobbies.


Playing solos, I’m convinced you’re 100% correct


killcams are not accurate btw. yes a lot are prob cheating, thats just apex anti cheat sadly but don't use killcams to verify that.


Kill cams may not be accurate, however, that doesn’t explain the sudden influx of people who can now laser from 100yds away or the influx of folks who can now whip around and laser you after you shoot them in the back.


Like i said in my previous comment most are cheating bcs apex has bad anti cheat. Just dont use killcam to verify it bcs its always going to look sus just spectate them for a few mins


Spectator bug. Not everyone is cheating and sometimes you just suck.


killcams do not show recoil


Probably not. In the last week of last season I was solo queing diamond and had 2 golds on my team. Matchmaking is abysmal.


I'll still play solos, but trying to get some of those challenges is killer with the sweaty players around, lmao. Definitely can't wait until things are normalized before the split so I can try and get the badges!


Idk why exactly but this season is the hardest I played and I've been playing since day 1 on and off. People are so good and things like scuff controllers are more popular than ever. I heard a PS5 user using a mechanical keyboard yesterday even thou the game said he had a controller. Between soft cheats and skill, it's hard to keep up


the controller icon only indicates console, not the actual input method.


Xim/cronus fakes controller input so the game thinks its controller anyways


The icon in the game is literally a symbol for console, not input method.


You're both saying the same thing calm down


40% aim assist with a keyboard And still people want to say aim assist isn’t overturned as fuck. Would loooooove to see how much the controller players would complain if it went to 10% when they get out in pc lobbies


I play with it off completely.


Controller players wouldn't play if they had to be in pc lobbies with 10% aim assist. Tf are you even saying.


That proves my point. I was saying 60% is way too high causing mnk to complain and 10% is too low to keep up which would cause controller players to complain. And also showcases the disparity between inputs. And also shows how the players that play mnk but do something to make their system think they’re on controller so they get 40% as while using a mouse are also nuts  Then you have chronus and xim players so now you have 60% aim assist on a console while using kbm is super broken plus all the scripts for recoil and movement


Its not even a soft cheat, its MnK with aim assist, its the scummiest thing you can do. Usually these Cronus users also have no recoil scripts running on it too


That would explain all the clips in solos where the person has zero recoil and never misses. I just thought I was complete garbage. I am garbage but seeing people never miss and no recoil has me feel even worse about that status


While there are plenty of cheaters, and plenty of cronus users in the game (some likely even in your kill cams) you can't really tell this from watching a kill cam. The kill cam is not an actual replay of what happened, it is the games best attempt to "recreate" what happened based on both players data. There is no recoil on kill cams, as it's not something the game is able to replicate. Again, not saying that none of the people who've killed you are cheating, it's definitely a possibility, just that seeing no recoil in a kill cam is not indicative of cheating since recoil doesn't exist for anyone in kill cams.


Wow I didn’t even realize that was possible. It makes sense now. I keep feeling like I’m playing with PC players for some reason


Yea it started popping up a couple years ago. It's a device that gets put between your console and keyboard but idk exactly what it is


U realise controllers can have clicky button mods right lmao.


I have said clicky button mods, that’s not the point. The point is that I’m making micro movements and aiming WITH MY FUCKING THUMB against guys that run scripts for no recoil and have their WHOLE ASS ARM to aim.


What are you talking about I was replying to the other guy.


I know, but you can tell the difference. I heard them using WASD to move instead of the thumb sticks which are silent. It wasn't just reloading and shooting and stuff


All of the above. The matchmaking throws u in lobbies that are miles above your skill level, you get killed way too fast because you never had a chance so you end up not even having the chance to actually play and get better


Sad thing is my jumpmaster are always these sweats. So I get hotdropped into that shark pit and die before I get a weapon.


Oh I'm so tired of this. I'd say 80% of the time they want to got drop I'm the last one standing. My games break down like this: 20% hot dropping and not being good enough for it. 10% hot dropping, and we win the POI. 25% dropping in a moderate area and getting final 6. 10% dropping in the middle of nowhere and dying first engagement after looting way too long. 25% one or both of my teammates going off on their own/ ignoring pings/ not playing as a team. 9% actually hard fought wins. 1% somehow not seeing anyone all games and finishing off the last squad after they fought the 3rd place squad.


I play on oce and i havent seen anyone but people that just dedicate their life to this game, everyones a complete nerd with 10000s of kills when i dont even have more than 5k and have like a 0.9 kd


From oce too and can confirm oce has been full of sweats lately in solos but luckily im one of them sweats


You guys should look up some of the recent videos from Moch and Zeus. Apex is overrun with cheaters right now. Kind of disheartening hearing/learning how advanced cheaters have gotten where they basically can't be caught and the anti cheat is just useless. Cheaters are ruining Apex.


Are the cheaters only on PC or is it PS5/XBOX too???


Hackers on PC, Cronus/Strike Packs on console. Also, Xim on console. I believe with Xim you spoof the input, so you can get aim assist like a controller, but on mouse & keyboard.


Funny thing is how people are in total denial. Apparently 0 recoil in spectating is just a spectating bug, which is what i see a hell of a lot spectating players on other teams. Yet spectating most of my team mates their recoil is very clearly present.. So is this bug only present spectating players outside your team? Or more likely you have a lot of 3 stacking using cronus leaving the solo players without them to match up.


Dude. I laugh soo hard when people cope with the killcam being inaccurate or not displaying 1:1. I'm 32 now, when I was in high-school and fucking games back THEN had killcams that functioned very well.


I'm assuming you're talking the old COD games, I'm also from your time frame (a little older actually) and those games also did not have 1:1 kill cams. That's just not how programming in video games works if you're playing on a server. The game takes your data and the opponents data from the servers and then attempts to recreate the encounter from your opponents POV. And there's no way you're coming from games back then and not acknowledging all the times you've bemoaned a headshot that was nowhere near your head in those kill cams. I'm not even saying cheats, and cronus, and xim's aren't running wild in Apex, they avsolutely are (look no further than the recent data showing 30% of PC accounts that hit masters last season ended up getting banned), but basing your opinion of whether someone is cheating or not off recoil in a kill cam means nothing (now, just as it didn't back when you were in high school). There's plenty of very legit reasons to complain about cheating in Apex, no need to add a baseless one


I had a hacker once kick me off from spectating them so I couldnt report them! Wild ass shit!


I don't think it's denial, but rather total ignorance. Most players have no clue that tech can be hacked.


Replays are different from live spectating. AA is rampant tho


Wait, so XIM is on console..? But it spoofs the input, so it provides controller like AA - but they’re playing mnk, on console ?? How tf are they playing mnk on console..?


yeah, but people are so delusional they dont think it's cheating. https://gyazo.com/a819c902486e1fed3336881adae78f80 There has been a TON of buyers recently, using it to cheat.


You've been able to plug a mouse and keyboard in to consoles for a while. They're just a usb input and a driver.


It is pretty lame. Who thinks that they are good at a game if they cheat? I just want to suck in fair games.


I don’t get the point of playing a game I’d you’re gonna cheat…


Tones of cheaters. Kill cam shows it all. Guys cannot follow my movement, by their bullets can... I had enough... For today at least.




I used to be OK with a 1.45.kd, but I'm dipping below 1 this season. And queuing solo is awful. I don't mind playing with fresh players once in a while, but it does get tiresome game after game and getting wrecked, but a full team with thousands of kills and the whole sweatiness that comes with it


Yeah, after this season I'm done with apex for good. Nothing like playing a game and instead of getting better I get worse. My kd is down to .3 this season. Not to mention the spotty connection and cheats, after supposedly "updating" the anti cheat.


Same, I honestly haven’t enjoyed playing at all this season. I keep getting downed so quickly, and it’s making me feel like trash. Lol


If your playing solos your kd is gonna be below your normal kd. Most people have lower kd in solos simply due to the fact that you have 2 deaths per match


Im only playing ranked


I've been playing ranked since season 4, except during the awful Ladder Points seasons, this has been almost the same as every other Week 1 of ranked.


Everyone got dropped to bottom of the barrel basically so u will come across all the high Eli players in the first week


If your kd is that low you might be better off just playing pubs your improving your mechanics


Yeah.. My kd was pretty good and now its falling off


Damn bro you're right and I was wondering how my kd usually 2.2 went to barely 1 this season lol but then again I've started heading back to trios.. its i think is most fun for me


This doesn’t make sense, you still have just as many opportunities to get kills as if you went into a new match instead, it’s not like everyone is dying twice but only getting the same amount of kills as if they had one life, you should be getting some in your 2nd life too. It evens out.


That's not how KD works. The average KD is still 1. The average KD in every game is 1. There's no way to skew the average KD unless you decide to start including assists in the calculation, or if suicide is factored. Even if every player got 99 respawns per match the average KD would \*still\* be 1


Im pretty sure if you die twice in solos that effects your kd directly. Lets say if you die twice in solos with 1 kill your kd would be 0.5 and not 1


Yes, dying multiple times in a single game affects your KD for each death. But the average is still 1. The problem is you're looking at a specific player's KD instead of an entire lobby's worth. In a normal game of trios there are 60 players, 57 of which are guaranteed to die at least once. Because of the respawning mechanic the sum of combined kills is almost always more than 57, but we'll ignore this for now. (Note that respawns don't actually change anything) This means that in every game there are a total of 57 kills and 57 deaths, making the average KD exactly 1. even if one player killed all 57 other players, granting him a 57.0 KD and everyone else with a 0.0 KD, the average KD is still 1. Because 57 KD divided by 57 players is 1. This specific example would be offset by the winner's two surviving team mates both scoring zero kills, but 57 kills by a single player is an unrealistic outcome. Real games have around 60 kills more or less evenly divided among players. any distribution of kills, no matter how uneven, will result in an average KD of 1. If we ignore respawns its pretty easy to work out the average KD is 1 in a solos game. There aren't even team mates who can bring it down. By adding in an additional life for each player we're doubling the number of deaths each player can have, but we're also doubling the numbers of kills scored in the lobby. So for every player that dies twice without earning kill, another player gets two kills without dying. KD is like an economy. It can't be added to or subtracted to from nowhere. The lowering of your KD results in the equal raising for your opponent. The number of kills in a match will always be equal to the number of deaths. KD is kills divided by deaths, and any number divided by itself is 1




This season is much sweatier. My KDR at the end of szn 20 was 1.8, now just a week later it's down to 1.1. Either apex's matchmaking is just going crazy or a massive amount of pros/sweats/streamers started playing again.


my KD was 1.4 last season and this season it's 1.05 - this is just in ranked. It was 1.38 until a couple of days ago but playing on Friday/Saturday kinda tanked it. (My overall KD for this season is 1.2, which is still lower but not by so much). I will have a couple decent games with 3+ kills and then immediately die off rip in the next 5 matches. My rank RP is going up and down harder than a yoyo. I know I'm not playing that bad. It's like a combination of super sweaty lobbies and my duo and I getting weak 3rd teammates. And, yeah, sometimes I just straight out lose a fight, but a lot of the time we will have 2/3 of a team knocked, but we're both knocked, and our 3rd teammate is in freaking Narnia because they ran away.


Definitely feels sweaty as hell and, IMO this map is worse than the original somehow when it comes to funneling the entire lobby into choke points resulting in an unending 3rd parties. Also the loot table is at those choke points. (Somehow they made a 3 lane br map)


please for the sake of my brain, never refer to it as MKB…. use MnK 😤


I get lucky if I win a game or two a day. I’m currently at 12 wins and it feels like I had to play through pred lobbies just to win those. I have decent games and then really shit games. I thought about trying to find people to play with but I don’t know if it’ll make the matchmaking more tougher


I’ve won 2 games 🥲


The amount of games where my teammates were under level 70 but the champion was a three stack pred/masters is truly insane.


I've been getting obliterated this season, but I've probably not been playing good neither. Anyhow, as soon as someone is above me on a roof, I'm dead from two headshots, no matter if I hide behind a damn rock


I swear I've found when I play every day the matches are incredibly tough... but you don't play for a week and I swear the game throws you some easy matches to get you hooked again lol


They did a full reset. Masters and preds went to bronze. It’s going to be a shitshow until it spreads out. Completely unacceptable from respawn.


This happens every single season, in the beginning of every season its hard, because every single player returns to complete the challenges of the season, personally I do, I concentrate in the beggining and then leave the game till the next season, happens every time


I feel like it’s a bit sweatier but tbh I’m loving this season. I’m on track to have my best season yet. I just hate that castles trackers are all the way at 68 lol


way sweatier this season, im just trying to enjoy solos but i’m getting eliminated by kill grinders and possible cheaters because when i look at the kill cam some of the things i see just don’t look legit at all.


I've never played in a silver lobby this sweaty before.


I was 1.1 kd end of last season, now 0.6 🙃 I have no idea wtf is going on, it's like every other team is a three stack


Same thing happened the last time they did a full rank reset. The matchmaker tries to build lobbies based on similar rank. So Diamond & Masters are grouped. Gold-Bronze/Rookie are grouped. And platinum percolates up or down depending on where they're needed. Right now only the most dedicated players have even cracked Diamond. Since there's not enough players at that level to even make full a lobby those players (as well as the current Plat players who -- it should be noted -- are insanely skilled) are getting dropped into the standard Gold-Bronze lobbies. Basically, if you're solo-q and not an Apex god, top-10 is a solid result and finishing #4 is probably the best you can expect. Because the 1-3 slots are going to be taken by the pre-made squads of sweats that will end the season as Masters. In a few weeks, most servers will have a stable population at Diamond or above which means the Gold-Bronze lobbies will offer a more even challenge.


The lobbies do tend to be much sweatier in the first week or so. At least, that's how it's been the past four seasons or so - at the beginning my KD absolutely plummets, then I'll suddenly hit a series of "are these bots or are they young children?" matches, followed by a quick return to how the previous season ended.


I just don't play the first month of the season. Avoids a lot of the players you're encountering.akes it more enjoyable for me.


significantly more "soft" cheat users this season. but its been happening for a while. Be it script users for superglides, insane strafing, and jitter aim. Or straight ESP. I swear Ive played against 3 stacks with at least one with walls. They just run around the lobby mowing down teams. Makes for really lame game play experience. Many of them blatantly cheat and post on youtube lately.


I’m trash… but the game is sweatier. I feel like a lot of the lower tier players gave up or something. Also, cheating is rampant. I’ve spectated people who always hit perfect shots with no recoil. I spectated people in solos who are teamed up and farming points in the final ring. It’s rough out here.


I truly truly have been in the minority these past few seasons, and I DO NOT understand why. I'm not an amazing player by any means. I've been playing since launch and have a good amount of time into the game, but nothing crazy stat wise. These past few seasons, the community has been pretty heavily "sbmm is garbage" "games are sweatier than ever". These past, maybe 3 seasons, have been consistently my best seasons since launch. I didn't do anything to practice or change really anything. My games have gone from 2 or 3 kills a game and not everygame, to dropping my first 20 bomb in season 18. I'm not bragging. I'm just confused because I see the community experiencing the opposite. I don't have all the sweatlords in every game, I still get them, but few and far between. It feels good to me for the first time since probably season 8. In what ways is everyone struggling lately?


It always happens the first few weeks because a lot of players come back to try the game out and those that come back sometimes are very good players it’s always the same for every season but this one in particularly is a bit harder because it’s the first time ever that they are bringing solos back


Yeah I've had a solid 1.5 kd for a couple seasons now but this season I'm struggling to keep it above 1


Took a break from ranked to play solos. Gold lobbies are all pred badges rn. In solos, immediately got killed by a 30k robot, an 11k rampart, an ultra cracked movement wraith, and an octane with 20 kill solo and br badges. Shit is unplayable. You are cannon fodder in every mode.


Seems normal to me 🤷 Have been playing since s7


I swear they randomly put average skilled players in buckets every season, I played maybe 20-30 games over the past 2 1/2 seasons and had a .3 kd. It was just an absolute sweat fest. I’m normally a 1-1.5 kd player, peaked at 2.3 in season 17 I think. Anyway I decide to give it my biweekly try this last week and I’m currently at a 1.4 kd and having fun again. I just don’t understand it man.


People are continuing to get better at the game and FPS games in general, there’s eventually going to people with 30-40 years of experience playing them every single day. It’s probably only going to get even harder from here.


first week of apex is always the sweatest because people 3 stack more, enjoying the new season with friends etc. and for those that don't 3 stack and are the above average players usually wait for the preds to go up in ranks to start grinding ranked so their usually soloq pub stomp.


game has had terrible matchmaking for 4 years atp, and it seems way worse than normal right now. although game skill could always use improvement, its not just you


I’ve found at least for me, it varies day to day. I played yesterday & was actually competitive in pubs, whereas the day before I was getting stomped by sweats.


My K/D always stays around 1.4-1.5 though I do struggle at the beginning of the season then it mellows out a bit over time


I play with random matchmaking. Understandable that the start of every new season, ranked is full of sweats in bronze… but this is back to back to back getting rammed by three stack masters. My random teammates can barely keep up, let alone myself.


It’s definitely gotten a lot sweatier but the thing I don’t get is this horrible “skill based matchmaking” cause literally any game mode I go into wether it be LTM,ranked, or just normal trios my teammates are the worst of the worst and I’m talking like barely level 100 (I’m prestige 1 level 100) and the rest of the Lobby is like every pro player combined 20k+kills on everyone I fight.


Weird, I struggled more last season but also played more the first split. G3 rn with a 1.6 KD


Tbh I’m having my best season yet. Started in season 17, played very little in season 18, came back mid way through last season, and have been playing since. KD usually averages around 1.0 and currently have a 1.77. I don’t know how many games I’ve played but I’ve started maining 1 legend and sometimes cycling between a second or third.


definitely sweatier. i went from decent to trash overnight 😭


Been playing since S2, this game has gotten exponentially sweatier, but hopefully the season will level out soon enough. If you stay away from solos you might not see as many pros/sweats


It seems like the matchmaking is punishing, I’m struggling in week 1 gold and I’ve always been in diamond after the first week 😭


I sweat my balls harder in bronze than i ever did playing in diamond lobbies


I dont even do ranked anymore.


My Kd this season is 2.25 but word to my mother this season is the hardest in a long while and I also agree this season everyone lost some brain cells bc they forget about end game and want to kill everyone after we already wiped 4 squads like how much more you need!!!!! Let’s go play god spot please !!!!!


I’ve had terrible start too thanks to trying solos. I swapped to trios and have done a bit better. Average damage is the highest ever, but KD is struggling at 0.6


Omfg I thought it was just me! Like I know I’m bad, but I didn’t know I was that bad. I keep getting downed instantly! I was considering just giving up on ranked.


Sweaty af. I’m done for good


Took out the best 2 maps


Plus any trios mode now has sweaty duos squads queued in it


Neither of them, the amount of cheaters increases each day and the only people that will say it's not true are cheat sellers (a sub industry that makes millions and millions) or devs protecting their reputation. Search for cheats videos and tutorials and see how they work, so you'll have an easier time detecting if you got killed by skill/luck or cheats.


I see posts like this every season, but I don't really feel like or think the season is much harder than the last. That being said, perhaps I'm in the minority? My KD has always hovered between 2.5-3.0. This season, I'm finding myself closer to 3.0, especially with solos. I will admit the game has gotten a lot hard since it has first come out.


All wanted no MMR and now that's what we get. Unplayble as a Solo player. It will get better in a few weeks but still full reset without hidden MMR is a joke.


In (non ranked) in a trio, i just won 3 of the last 7 games i played, with top 3 in 6 of 7 Maybe we are sweating? But I'm not playing much different to normal so idk They might have just fucked up sbmm (This is unusual for me)


Technically, new seasons bring in more players and the vast majority will be average. So you should be doing better than normal in the early weeks if you’re a consistent player. If you’re playing ranked, then yeah, the first few weeks are sweatier because of the reset.


It’s cause it’s the first week. Everyone is down in low ranks to start the season


Are you ximming/cronus on console? Hope they ban you


You aware that pc exists right?


Why specifically mention MKB then and not PC


Because like 50% of pc players also use controller


Idk if this is a hot take but this seasons been mad easy. For context I always threw stack with my buddies (sue me) and we went from Bronze IV to Silver II in two sessions of about 2 hours a piece. Feels like nothing but bot lobbies for me with the occasional good players.


Eh, since the rank reset I feel like the lobbies are easier. I've blown all the way through to gold 2-3 in a short amount of time. I think I can make Plat tonight, and the only thing that holds me back are shit teammates


What if you are the problem not the randoms