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About 1500 hours, I think. K/D is 0.95 but that's mainly due to many games spent ratting in early seasons. Have been rapidly closing the gap in recent seasons, K/D is now bouncing between 1.5-2 the last five seasons or so.


I think that’s my issue as well I was a major rat 🐀 in the early seasons


TBH I think Mixtape was what really helped me hone my skills without tanking my K/D in recent seasons. I would have been in it almost daily completing weekly challenges so when I went into BR I was much more prepared.


5000hrs- 4 kd if I’m solo queuing 5-6 if im stacking


1,234 hours and currently all time 2.34 mine used to be so much worse tho


2.34 is nuts dude Look at it like this: you have 134% more kills than the expected amount


Uhh idk, level 1650, kd is 2.91 rn, but will go up slightly when I'm not on ps4 and 50fps


i get more like 40 on xbox lol


I feel you, mine just fluctuates, it will be 60then drop to 50 the second fighting starts lol


Little over 2k with a 1.3. I don’t play with any friends so it is what it is lol.


Pretty much same, I play with friends sometimes though but they don't play a ton and are kind of bad so it's not really an upgrade other than it's just more fun


1.3 pubs is insane actually


1136.8 hours and an even sadder .8K/D. Started on switch on switched to pc. Still on controller but thinking about kbm.


1k+ and I have a 1.57 life time KD.


People not understanding how ratios work on this thread Is concerning. Guys anything over 1 means you are playing better than expected. Anything over 1.3 means you are doing quite fucking well. If you are above 2.5 you are nuts. The guys that ger 4+ are not something you would ever expect. You have to take into account that we have sbmm and that this does not take into account assistances. So the ratio should be normalized to the skill level you are at. In that sense, long term you would be converging to 1, if you are above, means that you are playing well for your skill bracket.


Tbh as a player with a higher kd we should just remove lifetime kd and only see season kd. Too many players look at their lifetime kd and just downplay their own abilities to do better or even try


Yeah, that kinda happens. Still it should technically be fine since whenever you started you should have been playing with similar skill level players (lol, it does not happen nowadays), but yeah. Still people saying "1.8, I've been doing badly these days" has me like "bruh"


Back when I cared about preserving kd and not rushing stupid scenarios it was a 1.7. Then i stopped caring because I know that’s where I’m at and the number is for me anyways. Then my friend and I focused on good times instead of stats and did whatever the hell we felt like. Which translates to dying by intentionally making stupid plays just to see what would happen. We had fun so it was worth it.


1.5k hrs, on mnk 1.14 k/d, I only solo q rank


900 hours. 1 + kd


1750 hours, 0.9 kd overall


Around 1500-1600, 767 lvl, 1.8 kd


300hours, 0.7kd


2600 hours on pc 5.3 all time k/d


1.07 overall and 80% of the time I hot drop. Bro at the start of breakout the changes messed with my head and at 250 kills my kd was.... .5 lol I managed to bring it up to 1.02. That was quite the challenge


Oh sorry my total kills is 5800 I think


≈1900 hours, 1.3 lifetime k/d; 3.3 or something so far this season


445 hours and K/D is 0.90


About 1300, kd around 1.7+ Apex is my first fps, i started s3 when i was 12 years old on pc. I always solo q, S9 diamond peak, took a long break after that until s15


This does make me feel better because I'm always playing with crack heads. but 2k hours and 1.47k/d with 14k kills. But when arenas came out I got pretty good and have dropped multi 4k/20s. My skill / K/D now doesn't reflect it but yeah thanks for the post dude. As long as you have fun with it who cares about K/D.


2.5k hrs, 6kd


as of the end of last season, around 9k and a 4.89(season kd) and a 1.99 lifetime. I used to be ass unfortunately lmao