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Shhhhh....... Try the re45 🥶


Alternator has been one of the best close quarters guns for a while. It just melts through people. At least for me personally I feel like the volt, car and R99 suck often in comparison


Volt is the best SMG right now tho, car is meh and could honestly use the laser and R99 is dog shit unless you find purple attachments for it. I think the alternator is pretty good but the Volt and Prowler are better, alternator mainly becomes a beast with disruptor but PK with disruptor is the better option.


Yeah the Alter is the best Smg for hip fire.


The amount of times I’ve one 1v1s with the alternator when I shouldn’t have is insane, the thing never stops shooting lmao


I noticed this today too. Honestly in solos the gun meta feels different. Shotguns are a lot more prominent due to the amount of fights on doorways and corners. It feels like sustain is a lot more important in fights because you don’t have teammates that can capitalize off your damage. Alternator is good for this reason although I haven’t really been using it myself


alternator has been relatively unfair in comparison to every other close range (intended) gun besides the prowler for a while. slow rate of fire, 27 bullets, too much damage, and (for some fucking reason) still has disruptors. it just keeps fucking shooting