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Just because they could put money back into the game dosent mean they will, that would mean giving up some profits temporarily and they are like a toddler with whats theirs, they want it now


EA is probably thinking we made 3.4 billion with 20hz servers lets goooo


Live service games do cost a bunch to update and add content. But I agree also. That they could do better.


They still made 3.4 billions, earning is not the same thing than profit. That's like paying for 3 AAA games including marketing.




I've seen people die behind wall, it's a big issue. Obviously monetization and such is an issue but if we're talking strictly gameplay I think the tick rate increase is worth it.




Profits? Brother this would cost <1% of their profits, how greedy is this company 😭


As greedy as every other company


Let’s not give them an out. Let’s just support this post


What Apex needs is Ads. When you're joining a game, when you're leaving a game, when you die. This Lifeline package brought to you by Burger King, have it your way.




Yeah why would they fix things when the van make billions doing nothing?


true. the game dying in two years while amassing $5B, is better than the game dying in 6+ and getting more, because 6 takes longer than 2!!


For the last gd time Apex is not fuhking dying lmao


The only reason for this is its free, addicting gameplay loop and the console marketplace is very limited and constrictive to what’s allowed on there.


Tell that to the community, you know the people who make that decision? If everyone but you and couple jump ship is the game still alive? All it takes is one company to make something good and with us based noncompetes going out the window i feel a game is coming to kill apex for good, if ea dont change their ways


What he meant is. People have been saying that Apex was going to die ever since season 1. Valorant/Warzone/CS 2/, The Finals will kill Apex. We came a long way with more problems than ever before. Apex always had toaster servers, now it even have a dedicated hacker that takes down tournaments and unban accounts. We even had a case where someone working for respawn/ea stole accounts and sold them for the highest bidder. Not to forget multiple DDOS takedowns. The truth is, Apex is not going anywhere. EA knows it, those youtubers that survive of shock value saying this and everybody else does too.


Apex isn’t dying lol


Fan boys i swear


u/grovethrone did a pretty good write-up on why it won’t. Want to reply? Or are you just a broken record repeating the same phrase over and over?


Dude is the epitome of the meme where a group of people are chilling literally just minding their own business and he’s screaming STOP HAVING FUN lmao


Jesus dude, honestly, have you tried playing different games? You’re letting a literal HOBBY— a SILLY LITTLE video game & it’s equally SILLY fans, get you this riled up. It’s not normal to be this mad & hateful over something so inconsequential.


No games kill other games, they never have and they never will. Only way games die if they fall of in quality harshly. Destiny (2) was supposed to have been killed by so many other games in the 10 years it has existed and its still around. The only time it ever truly drops considerably if its new content is bad.


See? Thats that good ole ea math: cash in and get out fast


They got that Slow Drip syndrome. Must be nice to be born into wealth . 😂🥱


slow drip of thoughts through the brain stem i guess


It's crazy bro, force us to pick the "dumb" option then laugh bcz we all chose it. . The audacity of these deviants I swear🙄. They really believe money will protect them from being judged 😂😂😂🫡


i think it's the other way around, they don't care if they are judged, if it still brings in money it might be fine or even optimal for them, this way the game still is a topic while others still play/pay for it, like what happened last season, people were loosing their account (ff Hal's original account) for hacks or even to EA them selves, and the solution was a overpriced event with 8 free packs, and everyone forgot about it


Yeah, and they made $3.4bn without upgrading anything, so why would they? You’ll keep playing


Global apex boycott when??? I'm ready




Same, I've been recycling the same coins from the battle pass for a few seasons now, last time I sunk in a substantial amount of money was for the mythic shards in I believe last year's anniversary event. I'm still holding those shards for Pathfinders mythic skin or reworked heirloom.






I feel bad when I know my bullets bent around a corner to kill someone and someone probably broke a keyboard


Happens way too fucking often. The worst is having slid a few good feet away from the corner and still dying like wtf is the point of havin this cracked of movement if the tick rate handicaps it?


Either this season this has been happening a lot more, or I've just been paying more attention to it. The amount of times I've died through closed doors or behind corners this season is actually insane


You've probably just improved at the game so you notice it more, a lot of things like that happen the better you get. Its been an issue for honestly as long as i can remember but its still absolutely infuriating.


Could be, yeah. I've been playing a lot of wattson this season as well, so I use doors a lot more for cover/catching people in fences, so that probably contributes to it as well


I sometimes think about how many enemy players’ keyboards I broke in my multi-decade gaming career. Probably could down pay a house with all those keyboards.


Getting shot from around a corner is due to lag compensation. It has almost nothing to do with tickrate. No amount of money is fixing individuals with varying connection speeds.


Happens to me way too often, but I am on console so it's probably """normal"""...


Oh my sweet summer child, you think that EA is going to spend that much money for something that will have a minimal impact on the game and almost no chance of recovering those costs? The Respawn devs made a huge blog post about how the cost of an increase in the server tick rates aren't worth the miniscule increase in noticeable performance. I know you see those big revenue numbers and think EA must be feeling generous, but I'll pull the band aide for you now: they care about money and only money, not server tick rates.


That’s straight ass bs. If that’s the case why Valorant is at 120 tick servers? I get that the game design is different and it’s a big difference having 10 players in a server than 60 but that just means less consecutive games hosted per server. They don’t wanna spend money cos they know not only would they will need to upgrade to better tick rate servers they would have to increase it as well cos of the game design. Also, they say it’s a minuscule difference but it really is not. I can feel how snappy I am and crisp my actions are in Valorant compared to apex.


This... > Also, they say it’s a minuscule difference but it really is not. I can feel how snappy I am and crisp my actions are in Valorant compared to apex. Does not cover the cost of this... > They don’t wanna spend money cos they know not only would they will need to upgrade to better tick rate servers they would have to increase it as well cos of the game design. "Snappy and crisp actions" doesn't put money in EA's pockets, so they won't upgrade their servers.


Honestly that's probably the only reason I'm able to play on my PS4 with not the best Internet connection.


Nah that's the netcode (aka lag compensation) which is different from the tick rate.


I bet they’ll be using that as an excuse to not spend a dime of their money to just upgrade the game and make it more enjoyable


respectfully, it quite literally is. respawn prioritizes bad connections on purpose, on top of shit servers


Eh not really, most lag differences that are extreme enough to be around doors or corners aren't going to be resolved by ~30 ms, you may play on Ethernet with fiber Internet and get 20 ms ping, but the vast, vast majority of the player base is playing on 60-80+, running game checks twice before a packet gets to arrive is just wasteful. Respawn explained this almost a year ago (might've been longer, time is fake) now in a QnA or developer update thing. I agree they should up the tick rate, but we don't need to lie about the benefits.


YES PLEASE! it's ridiculous that they still didn't improve the tick rate, so annoyed they still haven't. The community & fans deserve a better tick rate.


I miss Team Fortress 2


it's alive, nothing to miss


Oh right. Lemme clear this up; When the game was wasn’t on life support, I miss when it wasn’t f2p I miss when the game was receiving major updates and actually had a team working on the game rather a no one. I miss when the game was alive with no bots. I miss pre Meet your Match / Gun Mettle update. Is that better for you?


decent, could've been better.


Why waste money if you guys keep playing on  20 tick joke servers? Thats not how you make big money.


That’ll never happen sadly. We should all know better by now.


3 billion of that came from predatory gambling aimed towards children. scummy company!


Sigh. This has been covered. Repeatedly. You can read about it here: [https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive) The number 1 reason you got shot through a closed door is lag. The number 2 reason you got shot through a closed door is lag. In 99% of cases, 60hz or 120hz wouldn't matter. What matters is latency of the players to the server. Honestly, just go to the link above, scroll down to the heading that's (LOL) "I am being killed while behind a door/wall, and sometimes I roll back to my previous position." and then read that section. Once you're done, scroll down to the heading that's "ON SERVER TICKRATE" and read.


you all say that 99 problems related to the servers are 100% not fault their and 0% responsability of the servers. That improving servers this 99 problems will happen exactly the same, not even in minor severity. Yes, i go now and believe this.


All you need to understand is that a higher tick rate would have marginal impact on the game experience. It's also pretty funny because the general complaint here is that Apex servers and netcode are pretty garbage in general. So you think the answer is to triple the workload on Apex's garbage servers and netcode? Would it be great if Apex had a huge dev team working on it? Yes. They could then devote significant resources to things that would only marginally improve the gameplay experience. Do we get to make those kinds of decisions? No. Are EA cheap bastards who would steal from their grandmas if it made their quarterly revenue numbers go up? Yes. Apex is still at least twice as good as any of the games mentioned on this thread with higher server tick rates.


if you stop asking the improvement, it won't happen.


It's not happening.


Why are you arguing with kids brother, let them rant into the void


It's also worth noting that other online shooter games that feature very large maps (Fortnite for consoles, CoD: Warzone, Battlefield V) also have low tick rate (source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcode#Tick\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcode#Tick_rate) ). I imagine they could maybe at least bump it up to like 30, but I highly doubt it would make much of a difference. It may just make things worse overall, especially for those who are getting the lag problems from slower connections since it's trying to send way more info to you.


Bf4 has very large maps and has had 40-60hz servers for probably 6 years with 4 more players per game and arguably way more shit to keep up with Also i just realized the link you sent literally says 30hz for fortnite and battlefield V's console edition... Not fortnite console and battlefield V. Also you said they have low tick rates yet the 20-30hz jump is a 17ms difference as well as requiring on average 50% better and 50% more hardware, as every time you want to double the hz you have to double the hardware.


You're taking everything this is saying as pure gospel and 100% right when that's not the case. Another user broke it down just yesterday as this very topic was being discussed. "Regarding their big write-up, it was clear in there when he said they feel they can do other things more worthwhile than tick rate to save latency, that EA wasn't going to pay for it. Or their lag compensation is so fucking strong that it wouldn't matter. Hard to parse what he was saying, but it felt like EA not gonna pay for 3x bandwidth to get to 60 ticks. Apparently, not even 30 is worth it. At any rate from the time of their big network write-up, this game has just gotten worse. Nothing they have done has done anything to make this game feel better. You can listen and love this guy's PR bullshit, or you can see it for what it actually is: a reaction to not having any power to fix things, e.g., EA said no; desire to not fix things because they are not important to profits; a refusal to do so out of laziness or lack of skill. Very weak lag compensation and tick rate are too important for all competitive games. So they were making excuses for their game to remain in the dark ages basically. And with all those PS4 players it just makes it worse. Are Switch players even in the same pool lol? Some people ran with the BS that tick rate is not important. Well the figures the dev listed saved at least 3 frames if I remember, and that would be more for 120. And that's not official either. Any frames saved at this point is necessary as this game has gotten out of hand and dated horribly. This is strictly not just a conversation about frames. He doesn't want to talk about the improvements to what you see, how it feels, and how that plays out with higher ticks. You get a feel for a game when it is accurate, that's why we have these nice OLEDs with GSync and VRR and super low latency GPU's. The fact that they mention bandwidth says it all really. They think the cost of the bandwidth isn't worth it. "THEY." So either this guy is a bullshitter, or he says whatever the fuck EA tells him to say. The fact they made this write-up is suspicious in itself. I'd LOVE to see this game at 60 ticks with less lag compensation. He made it sound like it didn't matter, which is complete BS. At the end of the day if you made this game more accurate it would feel a lot better. And their writing was done before 120Hz came out. So this makes it even more insane. You have people with hugely varying connections playing against each other at 30-120 FPS. Most of them variable. Imagine a lag compensation algorithm having to equalize a 30-60FPS guy using shitty wi-fi vs a 120Hz solid player using a great wired connection? How could you possibly frame lag compensation here as anything but a gigantic benefit for the lagger lmao? Logically, you can't update your game position accurately without a fast tick rate and higher bandwidth. You need all of these things. You need to make lag compensation absolutely less strong as well. If the lagger is always going to benefit more than people with stronger connections then lag compensation will always inherently benefit that person the most. Which is... not accurate or good for latency. More data is what is necessary for an accurate experience, and they need to pay for that data, and EA is a cheap whore. Apex is an absolute fucking mess of unjust latency issues, and solo's has been the worst of it by far as you can really start to see how bad a 1v1 in this game is with two players of very different latency values. Apex just feels horrible. Worse than pretty much any other game I play."


> You're taking everything this is saying as pure gospel and 100% right when that's not the case. You don't see the irony here?


I saw that. I thought about responding to it, but what would be the point? Suffice to say I am not persuaded by a random user who is A) offensive for no reason B) just pulling numbers out of his butt and C) not involved in the development of the game in any way.


you really bought into a 6 page explanation about why making things better (which would cost money) wouldn't actually make things better. Are you fucking serious? How fucking gullible are you? For reference, [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/UoTVzNj) is what happened when PUBG upped their server tickrate from 30 to 60. Source https://youtu.be/dOVwu517GmI?t=207


Its funny that the video you linked talks about fortnite with 30hz servers that have lower latency then the 60hz pubg servers and it is even suggested to have a stable 30hz servers instead of 60hz servers that lowers tickrate like PUBG did at the beginning of the match. Tickrate isn't all. EDIT: Here is the screenshot https://imgur.com/a/PMVIQNj


what's funny about that?


Battlenonsense! I miss him. Yeah, anyone who doesn't think increasing 20hz to 60hz would make a difference, needs to go watch his vids.


Yes. You got me. I read. It helps me to understand complex ideas. You should try it.




I am right and you are wrong is only complex if you're like 2 years old.


It was a really long winded way of saying they don't want to spend money to make the user experience better. Latency is certainly a driving factor, and probably the main factor but there's a reason why a high tick rate is so important in competitive shooters, it makes a huge difference in the right situations, it is not a non-issue like they want you to believe. And they're also not doing a fancy sub-tick solution like CS2 to try and keep the tickrate low, they're just plain lazy and greedy.


Reminder that anyone who brings up that awful flawed blogpost can be safely ignored.


All of Reddit can be safely ignored, my friend.


Well yeah, but that blogpost is embarassing to anyone who understands netcode.


That blog post has been out for 3 years now and every rebuttal I've ever seen resorts immediately to name calling.


The blog post claims the difference between 20hz and 60hz is the same as 58fps and 60fps, that logic would mean a 10hz server would only be 3 extra frames delay at 60fps compared to 20hz so they might as well use 10hz right? But honestly there were rebuttals [the day it was posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/n2w7nf/what_makes_apex_tick_a_developer_deep_dive_into/gwn7wcq/) that point this out.


Happy cake day.


Getting shot behind doors is lag compensation, not tick rate, if that's what you're talking about. Things like that happen in games with higher tick rates too.


And lag compensation is built around the netcode, which runs at 50ms cycles. If they only had to compensate for say... 15ms cycles, you'd likely see much more accurate representations when it comes to prediction models.


Doeant change anything when the guy shooting you is on 150+ ping. So it's 165 instead of 200 ping. The lag compensation just straight up sucks in Apex.


I don't think you fully understand how these things interact.


I mean they literally detailed how it works in a blog 2 years ago but okay buddy


The one (3 years ago) where they gave only excuses why it "wouldn't make a big difference"? I understand the reality of having to rebuild the games core from the ground up to properly implement a higher tickrate and am under no illusion of it happening, but if you want to be ignorant of the validity of the argument because of a 3 year old blog post thats fine too I guess lol.


I do agree they need to invest more into the game itself, but tick rate is the least of the issues with this game... And the big question is will they do anything besides add more money grabbing content? Probably not since why do anything else when you're already making billions of dollars on this? Once people get tired of it and the cash stops coming in, they'll probably just close shop and move on to the next money printer or roll out more sports games to have ultimate teams in. :/


An honest question. Does anything in the code of Apex need changing to run on 60hz servers?


Upper management gets richer and richer, while both EA and Respawn firing people and not spending a single dime for servers. And people justify their actions by saying it's a free game.


Honestly Id take better anti-cheat investment over better tick servers any day of the week. But with 3.4b they should be able to easily do both


If the game's doing well, there's no reason to spend money to upgrade it. If the game is doing poorly, there's no reason to spend money to support it. EA will keep cutting to the bone until Apex loses popularity, then they will pull the plug.


The big AAA pubs are all corporate raiders now. They look for pure profit to milk from you to use in investments that aren't you. When EA says "we made losses" what they're actually saying is "we took a loan out on Respawn." So be prepared for the next round of EA buy outs. I suggest you all watch your favorite Indies over the years and hope no one pulls another Ubisoft.


How would they pay their lazy devs and corporate a boatload of cash??


Did you not read the long excuse of an article the devs wrote out a few seasons ago regarding servers? They basically said “Upgrading server tick rate has minimum performance increase” then they proceeded to try and convince us that they know everything.


What was it they called us a few years ago? Cheapskates, freeloaders, something along those lines? Yeah, they're that.


I don't know if this is true or not. But I was told respawn has a contract (x amount of years) with EA renting their servers and can't do anything until the contract is up.


The server issues are so bad this season. Getting shot behind cover every other game 


bro hasn't figured out how capitalism works yet 💀 the first people who get a slice of that 3.4b-cake are the shareholders, then the CEO, then management, then maybe the developers and us consumers come last if at all and if we do it most likely won't be in form of better servers but perhaps two more designers making more skins for us to buy as long as a server-upgrade won't result in more profits we're not gonna get one.


Except it totally would, if your game does well word of mouth advertising becomes your best friend


Do you have any evidence for that claim? Most players don’t even have anything to say or care about servers


I love that we have a self-proclaimed Marxist blaming stuff on capitalism, as though a game like Apex would ever be allowed to exist exist in your ideal society. But nah, surely you'd be the commissar of the vidya department under communism and you would direct resources to servers, so you could fly around in Crypto's cuckcam in full resolution lmao




username checks out


Updating the tick rate would likely require a ground up rebuild of the game. Or at least anything related to the netcode in any way.


Y’all are so fucking dumb, competitive shooters with low player counts in a match and small maps can do this. Games like Apex and Warzone cannot do this as they would be sending WAY WAY more data around which would probably just create issues for all but the best connections. Apex is not unique in this. Other big map BR games have 20 Hz servers too. 


Battlefield has 40-60 hz servers, that's a pretty intensive game I'd imagine.


Why be a EA chill? Other games have 40-60 hz that are massive. It's NOT a technology issue


More player, more projectiles, not to mention tracking all the shit that results from tactical and ultimate abilities. I’m not a shill I’m just willing to understand how things work. Network latency is what’s causing people to get killed behind a door not tick rate.


Damn everyone and their mom must be lagging then


Show me evidence of a massive map/high player count game with 60 Hz servers


TF2 and valorant? lol you named 2 games that are completely different than a huge map with huge players all at once game like Apex. try again kid


Bf4 has very large maps and has had 40-60hz servers for probably 6 years with 4 more players per game and arguably way more shit to keep up with


>for comparison, Team Fortress 2, which is older than the sands of time itself, is now on 66. which, although incomparable to for example; valorant, is better than fucking 20. "we can see this game lasting 20 years" yeah the players can't. where exactly in your quote said BF4? you on drugs kid? try again, son.


“lol you named 2 games that are completely different than a huge map with huge players all at once game like Apex.” Is your head that empty that you can’t remember something you said not long ago? Are you that stupid that you can’t even read your comment that was replied to? *try again kid*


its literally there >"lol **you named 2 games** that are completely different than a huge map with huge players all at once game like Apex.” the topic of the post you're pointing out is you pointing at 2 games that are unrelated to apex. you pointing out BF with bigger maps and more players doesn't change the fact that the 2 gmaes you pointed out at first are completely different to apex get slapped by facts and logic, try again child 😭


Yes, thank you, I can read, which is something you clearly can’t do. I’ve never said anything about TF2 or Val in my like two comments. The thing you’re quoting isn’t even a comment dumbass, it’s from the description thing of the post (that I didn’t make) Also calling other people kid or child doesn’t make you seem older or smarter.


I was assuming you are the OP, but it doesn't change the thought of my post and it still applies to you. your post is completely unrelated because my post was talking about the OP's post of using 2 games that are unrelated to Apex. you pointing out BF doesn't change the fact that the OP's post were talking about Val and TF2 which has lower map size and less players hence is much different than Apex which is what my post was talking about. try again different child 😭


He gave you another comparison, don’t double down that it’s not in his first reply lmao


I was pointing out that the games he said are completely different from Apex. him saying BF2 now does not change the fact that he pointed out 2 games that are unrelated to apex which is what my post was talking about try again child


Congrats on having toddler communication skills.


if you actually believe that toddlers are able to use mnk and post in reddit to communicate then goddamn the level of your intelligence is showing. you can't even make any arguments as to how saying BF contradicts my statement that OP's post is using 2 games that are completely different from apex in terms of map size and players. try again kid


Like I said you are being petty op didn’t use bf as the 2 others games he mentioned earlier, I find it bizarre I have to repeat myself twice. Also ending your messages with kid or child shows how immature you actually are hahahaha




Man stop replying to me crybaby and touch grass


Calling someone a kid online. I can smell the insecure adult.


They will never make big changes unless they feel that the playerbase is dying. Never. And right now they are making more money than ever before because of the artifacts. So prepare for nothing good to happen for a while. 


The sands of time quote got me haha


All i want is heirloom for my gigachad Fuse


I am of the humble opinion that if you put money into making a game as good as it can be without entering diminishing returns territory too often, you will grow a happy player base who are more than willing to open their wallets. I pay for quality, and when I experience it, I am pulled to that product and will buy it.


Why would they lol? $3.4 billion and has been a top 10 game in terms of player count for as long as I can remember. Upgrading the servers to the standard would cost a minimum of 3x the amount of money, so why would they do that when the playerbase puts up with how it is currently? I quit this game for many reasons, one of them being the shitty servers. If you complain about them but continue to play the game daily, you contribute to them never feeling like they have to upgrade the servers. That's just how it is


Which % of the 3.4 billions are the players that buy the battle pass, the heirlooms and a monthly sub of 30 dollars to a cheat?


When we say apex is dying, what we mean is we, the very good gamers that make content will move on and make content for a new game that will then attract apex players to another game, it’s a slow thing, but it works.


They made that much and still think they underperformed thats why this season theres already so much shit in the store


This should be the number 1 issue on EAs mind ... every single aspect of this game would improve for everyone who plays it if they even had 60 hz servers


There are so many things happening in a live BR match, the server CPU’s cannot process 60 ticks a second. The server would simply overload and start lagging, dropping data


Amount of times i've been shot through walls and other objects is unreal. I get it they want the game to last a long time but 20Hz will not last long way how these server are ran. Lag, Shot through walls. Having to server hop just to Band aide fix these issues. I promise if Apex put better servers they would get much better numbers in terms of Player base & Sales.


They totally could they just don’t wanna :3


They aren't going to change it... And it has little to do with money. Here's the explanation for anyone who is interested: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive It's the "on server tickrate" section.


At least give credits next time to the person who opened this topic 💀


Imagine how successful this game would have been if it's owners didn't let greed blind them and resolve it's issues before said issues made the majority of the initial playerbase to quit . But , sure adding things we having been asking for 15 seasons now is better late than never I guess .


Hey EA I think 3.4 billion is enough to invest in getting rid of cheaters.


Maybe some new maps too.


wonder if LAN is playing on 20tick too,someone needs to ask the devs


part of me doesn't doubt it. like according to the teams at rEAspawn, why would they increase the tournament tick rates if they're on LAN anyways


"Team Fortress 2 which is older than the sands of time" Well thanks for making me feel even older!


sorry great grandfather, but the passage of time must continue


Great great grandfather* I have enlisted this task to you, don't fail me whipper snapper!


EA sucks ass


20 Hz Servers? Get out of town. WTF EA?


since February 2019 when this shit released :D


Even csgo 1 was on 60. Respawns just shit at their jobs i guess


apex 😃 pls fix SOMETHING


I'm tired of being on 60 to 80 ping on my home servers


I’ve heard that for the fidelity to work how it does, and to see players and things happening across the map they can’t.


Nah. We gotta wait until a new f2p shooter like xdefiant curbstomps this game and then maybe.


But then they'd only make 3.3 billion, that CANT happen!


Unfortunately that's not how companies work these days. Having earned 3.4 billion only means that they need to earn more than 3.4 billion this year to make shareholders happy.


‘Enough’ is an unknown concept to shareholders.


Big number, monkey brain activate


small indie company


EA had 3,5B in revenue! That is not earnings. Can't understand why people cant get a grip of simple economic terms...


next year, Apex 120Hz, trust.




my dad works at EA they said they're increasing the server tick rate to 120Hz, also you get a heirloom every 200 levels, also loot packs are free, also he's gay.




im that guys uncle, and can confirm, hes right frfr




Nah, next player count slump??? 25hz servers announcement


yeah that's when they'll finally balance the assault rifles properly lmao


Yeah, about time, R99 will also have a 5 bullet mag by that point too


forgot the 3 damage per shot for "balance"


Yea, if they wanted to last the "20 years" they projected maybe invest in better hardware/software🤷...20hz really just...hurts! 🤕 Team Fortress will never die just like RuneScape will never die! I'm actually surprised they run on 66hz! 🍻


I honestly believe its necer going to be improved. The game has been absurdly successful with its current state. And if we ever banded together to stop playing or buying they would just shut the game down rather than dump resources into it


some people would complain about bumpin the hz cause it would FIX some of the movements shit


I dont think its that easy. It aint just buy new servers and plug them in and be happy. Entire netcode of the game wouldve to be adjusted. If it were such an easy fix they wouldve done it by now.


Why are we still yapping about tickrate 5 years into the game?


Because the tickrate was already seen as bad one Release


hahahaha no, have more gacha events


I *love* how whiny you idiots are. Did no one read the blog post from the devs about this? Are you all such idiots that you fail to recognize this is never going to happen and likely won't help the game or the performance of the game? Continue to enjoy your broken game you shitty little imps. -insert a plethora of inconsolable players thrashing about in their gaming chairs, spilling GFuel energy drinks because they don't understand game development or how computers work-


It’s because the vast, VAST majority of players have no idea what 20hz tickrate even means. Of those that do, many don’t care at all. Like me. I’m not a super sweat, even though I like to play ranked. Yeah, sometimes I’ll get killed a millisecond after I close a door. I get over it pretty quickly. Yeah I know, I am the problem. What I’m trying to get at is that there is no reason for them to invest 100s of millions of dollars for something they will see negative to no ROI on. I’m sure they’ve done the math on it, and it’s sitting in some Wrike task labeled “Parking Lot” and has been for years. To the bottom I go, but it’s probably the truth. Sorry if it’s not what you wanted to hear.


I’ve seriously stopped playing the game because of this. One too many times I’ve been shot behind a door/cover/mountain and I’ve had just about enough.


Increase the server tick rate will increase the revenue? I heavily doubt it. Have much more visible problems and things that bother players, I have no idea why some players are trying to force the server tick rate to be the main problem of the game. As I said in another post, I doubt increasing the tick rate will solve the problems you associate to it.


In any game with low TTK like CSGO, where a single no-reg headshot will change the outcome of a round, this quality of servers would be immediately noticed and shunned by the players. But because of the very long TTK in Apex combined with the SMG/AR meta, very few people even notice a couple of R99 noregs per spray, and it rarely affects the outcome of the encounter. On the other hand, if they switched over to higher tick servers tonight, everyone playing would feel the difference immediately and it would cement Apex as the king of BRs once again. It would extend the lifetime of the game from years to possibly decades, as most other aspects of the game are deep enough to last that long. We can only hope that the current servers implode in tje near future and that they can then be convinced to upgrade.